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Colored ink and watercolor
I really enjoyed experimenting with both colored ink and watercolor, two things I rarely use. The magenta ink worked so well with the warm watercolors and they look even better IRL.
I'll be doing more of this ✨
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Hide "coins" through the dream world instead of effects, then have the player cash them out at a capsule vending machine at the nexus for a random one every time
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Card deck effect
Challenge your dream denizens or other characters to a card battle
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Bad glasses effect
Glasses that makes you see less or blurry (bonus points if you give them an useful use)
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Upgradeable effect
Any kind of effect that gains new features as you find copies or upgrades of said effect (e.g: speed effect moving faster or jumping holes, light effect with bigger light area, nexus effect with new locations to teleport, weapon effect usable on more types of NPC)
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Snail effect
Player takes a snail appareance, moves as slow as you think it would
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time effect
an effect that changes the time to past, present and future, changing things around you depending on the time. For visual effect or puzzle solving
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Clone effect
An effect that makes you spawn a clone of yourself. Use it for puzzles, distracting chasers, reaching other places, etc
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Roulette effect
Make something happen at random every time you use it, play an animation, do something useful or even crash the game
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Bow effect
Like a knife effect, but ranged. Bonus points if you give it puzzle solving use
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Mech effect
Place the protagonist into a small mech robot
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chaser effect
now YOU be the chaser
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assisted playthrough effect
make a trail appear for the player to follow, making it easier to find effects, events or anything else neccesary to get the ending of the game
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map effect
show the player a map of the area
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Clown effect
Turn the player into a clown, make stepping sounds even more annoying and add any clownery of your liking
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Still no new ideas
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hey uh, i’ve run completely out of ideas again as well as motivation for using this blog, so dont expect new posts here anytime soon. if anyone wants this blog i’d be more than willing to give it to them or share it
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