ynntpretty · 5 months
I wonder when did the "me" inside of me disappeared? When did she take her last breath, clutching onto the once shining star we held dear to our heart, as I desperately shoved my tears down my throat as to not spill over and tip the oceans bottled up within me, the same oceans and waves that once gently rocked my boat as she sailed through wide seas looking for a new horizon that would never come, as I tugged at my skin and face wishing for a new face, not the mold that my mother made and my father desperately broke, but one that society deemed pretty so I can finally look at me and see the love exuding from the cracks of my heart finally drip and wash over my whole body, One that didn't have so many divots and different spots, a dot below my left eye, which mirrored my mother's until she removed it, deeming it ugly, so I desperately clawed at mine till I resembled her once again, maybe then she'll love me again, But as I write this I remember of times that she may just think of as "tuesday" but I think of as the time I was so close to her yet so alone, pleading for air and mercy as she shot me a glare, like a shot through my heart, finally breaking the last bits of the boat that rocked on, plunging "me" into the dark trenches where I hid memories I don't even remember, was it the last bullet that broke me or was it my last line, finally snapped from the years of snapping all of the threads that wove my soul and colored the skies blue, breaking the thread that built the hug that once provided me comfort but now we sit apart and hold our own, we eat our own food, we don't even share the bowl that held our meal anymore, You've forgotten all of my favorite dishes and I've forgotten how to cook them myself, You've forgotten that I itch with the sour cream chips, with crabs and shrimps, but I eat them anyways because theyre the only meals we ever share, too expensive for one but not enough for you and me.
maybe it died as you watched him beat me senseless then you wailed upon the stairs of the church back at our hometown but I wailed at the same bed that we still sleep on begging for him to stop, even when he did the scars never did stop developing, his words were fists, heavy upon the child that was me, But your words are heavier even at a taller me, I am scared that when they cone they are as heavy, So I always hope you words stay as words and not fists, As I do not have the heart nor the will to hold my own anymore, I will just cower like the little boy you watched disappear until you despised the girl that lived with you today.
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ynntpretty · 6 months
"Wendelle, Come inside, It's starting to snow" Her companions called out to her, the warmth of the inn behind just barely enough to keep her back warm as a snowflake lands on the tip of her ears.
Wendy looked around trees and the barren plains slowly getting covered in shades of white with the whispers of blue, the gloom and cold slowly taking its throne for another winter.
She held her legs closer, and waited, patiently watching the surroundings turn pale, succumbing to the cold slumber. Wendy made a promise, the cold metal of her ring stinging her senses awake as the silver gleant of the metal sparks hope into her.
Perhaps it was their rowdy discussions, He would always drown the voices out for her, guiding her across the hills and valleys of the rough plains. Perhaps it was—
"Wendy," Another voice rang out from behind her "Stop wasting the heat, come huddle by the fire" Footsteps tapped the wooden floors as they approached.
Wendy waited.
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ynntpretty · 1 year
"What exactly separates you from the rest of them?"
June did not know how to respond, He shouldn't.
This is a part of the process, an experience needed for learning.
"Your looks aren't going to save you or make you, This is ballet, I want grace," thwack. "posture," thwack. "form."
"Yes sir"
"Your child star days are long over pretty boy, Your body is going to toughen up like a goddamn cattle and the next thing you know you're a fucking slob working nine to five at a maccas."
"Yes sir."
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ynntpretty · 1 year
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Reign laid awake in his bed, the lights of cars passing through his window once in a while.
ping! buzzed his phone beside his pillow. he was too lazy to check.
"Reign?" knock knock knock "..."
Reign picked up his phone to see messages flowing through every notif.
"Yo? You gay? can you come over and..."
"Ew dont sit with us at lunch pls."
"Are you ok?"
"Dont ever come home. Mom and Dad..."
99+ unread messages
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ynntpretty · 1 year
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At the end of the day when no one is looking,
Who are you?
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Ynn writes her shitty fics here, theyre all gay until further notice.
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