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When you have a chronic ailment, you hear all the time ā€œI could never.ā€
Oh, you cut out dairy/gluten/ect? I could never. Oh, you do self injections? I could never.
I could never deal with that much pain. I couldnā€™t live with all those doctor appointments. I could never stay in bed all day, Iā€™d just get so bored! I couldnā€™t do it, I couldnā€™t live like that, canā€™t couldnā€™t wouldnā€™tā€¦
Please stop implying to people with something chronic that youā€™d rather die than go through what theyā€™re going through, and take a minute to understand that their treatment isnā€™t a hobby. Itā€™s survival.
Yes, people with chronic ailments ARE incredibly strong. They ARE doing things you think you couldnā€™t ever do.
But theyā€™re the same things that they likely thought they couldnā€™t ever do until they had no other option.
Yes. Often, someone with a chronic issue sees a notable decline in their quality of life.
That doesnā€™t make it less worth living.
You could do it if you had to.
ā€œI could neverā€ is not the empathetic response you think it is.
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quick life tips that aren't worthy of a whole post
Your to-do lists are menus, not marching orders. I've gotten so much out of doing a weekly brain dump and then just selecting a few things out of it. Like "here are all the things I could do, not I'll pick a few that would improve my life in a meaningful way and a few that I just want to, the rest can chill". Unless you achieve enlightenment, we all die with unfinished business. It's chill. You're not a failure. It's just an option.
Create a capsule menu of shelf stable and long lasting fridge foods for when you don't feel like menu planning. Like a capsule wardrobe. Cooking oil is like your underwear, it's a base necessity. Then 3 sources of protein, 3 sources of fiber, 3 sources of volume. For us, proteins are canned chicken, eggs, and yogurt. Fiber is frozen vegetable mix, chia seeds, and legumes. Volume is rice, frozen bread, or oatmeal. Pick three spice mixes (Taco, Curry, and Cajun for us) and mix and match. Add some fun items like cheese, jam, and a condiment or two. Mix and match, throw something together. You can even roll on a dice table for it.
Morale items aren't pointless or wasteful. I spent entirely too much on coffeemonsterzco stickers recently. Guess who's updated their bullet journal and memory keeping calendar for several weeks now? Me. Guess who's already had it uncover and recontextualize medical issues? Also me. It's not pointless. Get the damn stickers.
Listing three good things everyday/gratitude is not overblown hype. It's not meant to dismiss negative feelings or even make you feel good - it helps you correct for you brain's negativity bias and create cognitive flexibility which in turn improves resilience and decision making. Way too many people get the wrong read on it. It's genuinely helped me lately even through some real unfun shit.
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girls when they get overstimulated in the grocery store
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i feel like iā€™ve seen so many people dunking on origins and itā€™s usually people who were introduced to da through inquisition. similarly there have been origin supremacists (me) saying inquisition is the worst game
that is to say, what dragon age game did you first play and which one is your favourite? i played da:o first and like it the best. (also play origins if you havenā€™t)
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Despite everything, it's still you. ā¤ļø
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I'm the darkspawn that makes the dingey, fucked up armor for all the other freshly birthed darkspawn. I also throw a couple of coins in there in case they wanna get a little treat later
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1 : Welcome to hell, we had an education reform last year
Next ->
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A typical day at Devildom. (It's not my job)
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My Siren By The Seashore šŸŒŠšŸš
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Some of the reasons why I like Solomon
- his personality, his looks, his demeanor
- accidentally makes himself immortal and his live reaction was 'oopise'
- got a restraining order from the ocean THE OCEAN
- fought the whole devildom by himself for several days
- make a whole damn reaper hate you with a PASSION
- casually destroy lives with his cooking and is unaware of it
- someone (asmodeus) finally told him how bad his cooking was, got depressed for a day and DECIDED to forget about it the next day
- his love for humanity itself
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why is there no blackwall fanart šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤
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Magician - 01
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my anhedonia is eating me alive so iā€™m making these mental illness memes to cope
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Happy pride month to her
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