youngandxuseless · 11 years
can't keep eyes open. going to sleeps. will do replies in the later hours. g'night loves <3
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
"I've got a few small ones myself." Ash's gaze left the woman in front of him and turned to his arm that held the most tattoos. Quickly he looked over them, smiling at a few of the small ones that decorated his arm. When she spoke again he turned his attention back to the brunette, trusty smile on his lips. "No, no that's gonna be my job, love." He chuckled deeply and grinned wide enough so that his dimples shown. It wasn't unusual for girls to come in and show him parts of their bodies that were intended to be covered and he was used to it by now..for the most part. There were still times where he caught himself smirking at an exceptionally beautiful woman, like he was doing now as he looked at where Jasmine wanted her tattoo. "I think it's a great idea and a perfect place for it." Ash nodded in agreement and motioned for her to follow him back to his station where he began setting up. "M'favorite would have to be this one here." The tattoo artist pointed to the ship on his arm that he'd gotten months ago.
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“That’s true- a lot of mine are small but I don’t know, I think it suits me.. the largest one i’ve got is..on my ribcage. That ones my favourite.” She smirked slightly, chuckling at his expression. “I get to call you Ash, will I be holding your… chest and feeling you up too? This is going to be a fun session.” She chuckled softly as she shook his hand. It’s lovely to meet you Ash- really..  what do you think of the gun thing? For my collection. Placement wise I’m thinking..” She lifted her shirt slightly exposing her side, and pointing to the spot next to her breast, still covered by her bra. “I feel like I should apologise for that. But yeah. Small gun-right there.”  She let her shirt fall down again, with a small bashful smile on her lips. “What..about your ink. Which ones your favourite?” 
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
Yes! Yes it is! Good job anon! :D
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
Ashton nodded as he looked over the visible tattoos and chuckled along with her. "You can never be decorated enough though." He pointed out with a nod and a smile. The smile quickly turned into a smirk when she mentioned where the tattoo would be going. "I guess I can call you Jaz then. I'm Ashton by the way, call me Ash though." He chuckled and offered her a hand to shake.
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“I’m not sure really, I mean I’m in the mood for more ink, and I’ve got  a few things in mind- I’m already pretty decorated so..” She chuckled softly. “I think I might want a gun..actually- oh- hello, I’m Jasmine. Jaz to my mates- and people who might see my boobs if I get this tattoo where I want it.”
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
phone call; open
Caroline: Why.. why would you want them? Wait.. no. Do not respond to that.
Caroline: I might send you one... if you help.
Caroline: I have tried pressing buttons, but.. it is not working. Will you search how to fix it? Please?
Ashton: No, no reason in particular..
Ashton: I'm holding you to that
Ashton: You've pressed the buttons with the arrows pointing up and down? Tried turning it off and on? Wait..how do I know you really don't enjoy watching these channels?
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
"You guess?" He asked and shook his head, clearly displeased with this answer. "No, no, I need a completely certain answer. So do you want to have fun or not?" Ash raised his brows once more and smirked while he waited for her answer.
She giggled smiling at him “sure I guess…” She blushed a bit darker looking at him
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
The tattoo artist chuckled and offered his most dazzling of smiles, one he knew could charm any woman. Ashton moved until he was beside the blonde and also staring up at the boards on the wall, picking out the art work that he had done. "It's alright, love." He chuckled and cast a sidelong glance her way, pearly whites visible as he grinned at her. That grin grew wider once she picked out a piece, one he'd drawn himself and had been wanting to tattoo onto someone for a while. "Great! Where d'you want it? Also, got an ID on you?" He questioned as he walked around the front counter and gathered the proper paperwork for her to fill out.
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Jill looked over to the male that approached her and smiled brightly at him. “Yeah! Yeah, I, uh.. I’m sorry if I’ve been dazed out just looking at this.” There had been a lot of possible tattoo choices, but one had caught her eye and held her attention the longest. “I really like this one.” She extended her finger out to a picture of branches coming from the very top with cherry blossoms that seemed to be falling from them.
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
been incredibly busy and haven't had time to get online and im so so sorry! replies are being worked on right now!
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
my muse has left the building. hopefully it'll return later and ash will cooperate.
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
Ashton waved the man's apology away and tried to ignore the awkwardness radiating from the bloke. It was easy to see he was very uncomfortable and it would be all too easy for Ash to take advantage of that and poke some fun at him. "Sure, yeah." He nodded and motioned for the guy to show him the idea he'd mentioned. Normally Ash didn't like working from someone else's drawing but the shop was slow and he wanted something to do.
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       ”I uh— I’ve got my own idea but I was just sort of, uh, looking to see if I wanted to add onto it? I’m sorry, mate.” Rory was feeling a bit awkward now, he’d basically let himself get lost in thought while studying all the small pieces of art. “Would you look something over for me, you know—give me your honest opinion?”
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
"See anything you like?" Ashton asked as he approached the customer that had spent at least twenty minutes eyeing the board of artwork on the wall of the tattoo shop.
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
Ashton raised his brows and smirked once he noticed the pink blush that had crept onto her cheeks. "It seems to me you need to have a little fun now. I can help you with that."
Horizen turned to him blushing “ummm I just broke up with my boyfriend…” She sighed
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
"What is a lovely lady like you doing alone, hmm?"
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
"How'd you know I was with the bikers? The bald one with the super long gray beard and beer gut? That's my guy." Ashton turned on his stool and pointed out the guy and even went as far as to wink and blow a kiss to the unsuspecting biker. The man only stared in disbelief at the lanky boy with messy curls atop his head. He chuckled and waved the guy off as he turned to face the blonde again, a smug smile turning up the corners of his lips. Gratefully he took the glass and tipped it towards her in thanks before taking a drink of the strong whiskey. 
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"It’s nearly close to midnight on a Wednesday night and you’re saying you’re not here by yourself? Look, either you’re waiting for a cheap booty call who took a pitstop in the bathroom or  you’re into one of those biker guys over by the pool table." She spoke with a sassy air to her, a half-assed smile tugging at the corners of her frosted lips as she eased herself over to him; stopping dead center. "Jack Daniels it is." Reaching for the bottle behind the bar, Freya freed the cap in one swift motion before filling the glass to the brim. "Enjoy."
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
He led her out of the store with ease and even offered a wave to the security guards who awkwardly waved back. No doubt they were wondering what in the hell was wrong with the kid. Once they were safely away from the store Ash turned to face the girl, ever present smirk on his lips. "Show dog? I never said you were my show dog but if that's what you want to be then, that's your decision." He shrugged nonchalantly. Ash shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and continued strolling along as if he had a destination though in reality, he had know idea where he was headed. "Nope. I just saw your indecisiveness and decided to intervene." He admitted, lifting one shoulder up into another shrug. There really was nothing more to it than that, unless you counted her looks as a deciding factor.
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           Josie was suddenly confused, because the curly haired boy with the bright green eyes apparently had a sense of humor. That, or he had intent to mess with her. She was hoping for the former. “Maybe I don’t know how to play nice.” She countered, though she probably should’ve watched her tongue considering the fact that he could rat her out at any second. And much to her surprise, Josie followed him when he motioned for her to. Catching up to the boy, she cleared her throat. “Any particular reason you just made me into your show dog?” She asked, brow cocked in curiosity. “Let me guess, you’re some kind of martyr and you’re just dying to save the day.”
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youngandxuseless · 11 years
everything i owe is drafted and will be replied to when i wake up later as well as messages and starters. and i wanna say it's been pretty nice to have threads/messages/followers on the first night i have this blog (: night loves! 
0 notes
youngandxuseless · 11 years
phone call; open
Caroline: I.. need your help.
Caroline: How do I get rid of the... the sex channels on my television?
Caroline: I do not want this.
Ashton: Two questions, how did you manage to find those because I haven't and can I have a picture of your face when you stumbled upon them?
Ashton: Keep changing the channel until something else comes on?
Ashton: That's the only advice I have really...
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