Has this been made?
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I was thinking about this a lot last night so of course I had to make it real
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This thot really married a dude name bArRy
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Arthur Morgan being confused by people (and animals) around him for 48seconds.
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Arthur be letting his nuts hang on all the Wild West 🐐
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How’s everyone day? ☀️ ☁️
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Dutch: Shit! Pinkertons found us we gotta find a new camp...
Miss Grimshaw and Pearson:
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John when Arthur pulled up to the camp with Mary:
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Arthur Morgan x Reader
Title: “Between you two” [part 6]
Words: 1,7k
Pairings: Arthur Morgan x female reader (x John Marston!!!)
Warnings: swearing (it’s wild west), kissing
Summary: You’re secretly in love with Arthur Morgan, but there are obstacles on your way to get to him.
You can find other parts in the tag(in case you wanted to read them): betweenyoutwostnw
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The last few weeks were heavenly. Arthur and you were doing just fine. You were spending together every free moment you had, enjoying your company like never before. You started to feel more and more emotionally attached to him. He was your first and you really hoped you’d be your last.
It was easy for everyone in the camp to accept the fact you and he were together. Well, almost. John didn’t take it well and you haven’t spoken to him since your last argument. It was too hard for you to watch him as you were with Arthur. His sight was fulfilled with anger and grief. You made your choice, you chose the one, but you still couldn’t let the thoughts of John go.
Arthur was happy, you could see that. He has won and somehow you felt like a prize for him. But you were trying not to think about it this way. You got what you wanted too. You got Arthur Morgan’s heart and devotion. What else could you possibly want?
But it was too idyllic to last long and soon you realized another trouble was coming your way and her name was Mary. Again. She was like a boomerang and ironically always hit you hard when you didn’t expect her at all.
And when you thought she’s long gone, Arthur got a letter.
“Another letter?” You asked angrily when Arthur showed you the piece of paper, he was holding.
“She just needs my help.” He scratched his head awkwardly trying to avoid your sight. “Just one last time.”
“Are you kidding me, Morgan?”
He didn’t say a word just came closer to you, embracing you at the waist and pulling you closer to him. You turned your head, not giving him a kiss. He chuckled under his breath, knowing you were teasing with him.
“We’re adults, Y/N. I’ve known her for half of my life and she really needs my help.” He pointed looking you in the eyes.
You rolled over your eyes and he used the moment of your vulnerability by stealing you a kiss. His lips felt so good, you couldn’t help but indulge them. His scent, his warmth, his touch made you crave for more when he suddenly stopped a kiss to take a breath. He knew exactly how he made you feel. Oh, and he surely enjoyed it.
“Don’t tease me, Arthur.” You groaned whilst your lips were barely touching.
“Oh, I’m not teasin’ you.” He said smirking and keeping his voice low.
“I don’t want you to go see her.” You said suddenly when he buried his head in your neck, leaving small kisses on your skin.
“Mhm.” He hummed making you feel like he was ignoring your words.
“Arthur.” You said firmly, stopping him from kissing you. “Look at me. I don’t want you to go and I mean it.”
“Y/N, I can’t leave her alone while she needs help.” He said looking in your eyes. “It will just take me a few hours and I’ll be back home. Do you believe me?”
You lowered your head, trying to stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. You couldn’t bear it anymore. You couldn’t understand why he didn’t ignore her letter. The thought of him seeing his old love again was unbearable, despite all of his assurances. He was doing it over again and you were just sick of him and his excuses when he Mary needed his help.
“I.. I do.” You managed to say with breaking voice. “But last time I checked you were saying you’re done with her. Can’t you just stop confusing good with simply being naive, Arthur?“
He was trying to grab your hand before you left your tent, but he didn’t. You went out quickly as you didn’t want him to see you crying. You walked past Hosea and Dutch, who exchanged their looks in confusion. Mary Beth was trying to stop you, but you ignored her. You were angry and full of grief. Why was Arthur doing this to you? Who the hell were you to him? Nobody more important than Mary from what you could see.
“Love…” Arthur said when you stopped as he was following you all the way from camp.
“Leave me alone.” You threw, leaning against the nearest tree. “I’ve heard enough.”
“I’ll be back in the evening, alright?” He said, trying to touch you, but you shook his hand from your arm. “Y/N, I could’ve not told you that, you know? You wouldn’t have known about a damn thing.”
“You know what, Arthur?” You turned to him so he could see your tearful eyes. “ Maybe that would’ve been a better option.”
Arthur huffed and walked away from you and didn’t even turn his back. You felt like he’s just ripped a heart out of your chest, but you let him go. In the end, it was his choice and he clearly chose what he really wanted.
Rest of the day was terrible. Everybody knew something was wrong between you and Arthur, but you tried to act as if nothing happened. But they knew it was just a role you were playing. You felt so anxious thinking what Arthur was doing while he was away you could barely focus on doing anything else. Finally, the evening came so you could take a break from pretending everything was alright. The fire warmed your skin, letting you find a peace for a short while.
“Don’t worry, child.” You heard a women voice behind your back as you were sitting next to the campfire. It was Mrs. Grimshaw who was trying to comfort you. “Men always come back. ”
“Or they don’t.” John said maliciously, sitting in front of you. “Trouble in paradise, Y/N? Arthur left you for Mary? What an obedient dog he is.”
“What’s your point, Marston?” You asked wondering how easily you went from being friends to foes.
“I told you, he would leave you for her.” He laughed under his breath as if he enjoyed watching you suffer. “I’m wondering what they’re doing right now, huh? After he helped her? So many possibilities.”
His words cut you like a knife, but you decided not to respond to his taunts. You were more above this, but he was hitting your most vulnerable spot. Arthur.
“How does it feel to be a second option to someone, Y/N?”
And with these words, you’ve had enough. You immediately stood up and walked away from a campfire. This wasn’t your best day. It was even one of the worst days you’ve ever had in your life. Everything was falling apart and you didn’t know what to think anymore. You brushed your hair back from your forehead, trying to think rationally, but you knew it was pointless.
Suddenly you felt John’s hand grabbed yours then he took you a bit behind the camp so no one could see you and pushed your back to the tree you were standing next to. When he put his hands on both sides of your head you knew you couldn’t escape. But you didn’t want to escape. You felt broken and all you wanted was to ease your pain.
John leaned down to you. He was so close you could feel his breath on your skin and his heart beating so loud so you could hear it.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “For a minute I wanted you to feel like I do when I constantly look at you and Morgan.”
“It sucks, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah.” John sighed, turning his head away but you stopped him with your hand.
“Look at me, John.” You kept your voice down. “Don’t turn away from me.”
And as your eyes met, the tension between you two started to grow up rapidly and you were aware where it was going, but you didn’t stop it. You didn’t want it to stop.
He grabbed your chin and lifted it up gently as he was leaning to kiss you. The kiss you shared was so pure, so subtle, so needed for you both. You closed your eyes and focused on John. He was your distraction as you desperately wanted him to be one. Slowly the kiss was becoming more intense. You put your hands in his hair, pulling yourself even closer to him while his hands wandered to your waist.
“Fuck, beautiful.” His husky voice made you shivered. “I wish it was me who you kiss like that every goddamn day.”
“Just… please, remember the way I kissed you.” He kept his voice low. “Because I will never forget the way you kissed me even if you did it only to forget about him.”
“You love him, not me. You love a bastard who is looking after his ex.” John murmured after you didn’t say anything for a while. “While he has you.”
You remained silent as you couldn’t find words to say. John smirked when his hand touched your cheek realizing it was burning hot. You looked down trying to hide your embarrassment. Suddenly you felt bad you let him kiss you.
“It was a mistake, John.” You shook your head. “Moment of weakness.”
“I don’t doubt it, beautiful.” He chuckled giving you some more space. “But you enjoyed it, didn’t you? So maybe it wasn’t a mistake after all, huh?”
You got out of his grasp and let him walk you back to the camp. You didn’t talk just walk in awkward silence for a minute or two. What you did was wrong and you started to feel guilty. You had no idea what Arthur was doing when he was with Mary so you couldn’t say it was a payback. Or revenge.
You had to admit Arthur was your weakness and John knew that well. So when you were defenseless he used it to get what he really wanted. He wanted you and it was obvious. He wanted to mess in with your head and he succeeded. But what happened when you arrived back to the camp hit you like thunder.
Arthur came back, but he wasn’t alone. He brought Mary with him to the camp. And the only sentence he said was:
“It’s not what it looks like.”
But you knew what you saw and what it meant.
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[RQ] - Oh, Arthur! - Arthur x F!Reader
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Notes: GIRL! I love you but this broke my heart!! Hope you like it!!
Chapter 4 spoilers from the get-go! Arthur is kind of a bit of a dick so let’s pretend he’s Low Honor.
Word Count: 1219
Tagging: @strawberrymigraines obviously bcos she’s a doll & I love her <3 I hope this is good enough for you!!
One final point: No Mary bashing on this post please bcos I actually like her, so ty!
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Keep reading
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Me; first playing as Arthur: “Ew who is this musty, dusty looking cave man 🤢. Give me John Marston.”
Also Me ( In chapters 2-6):
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I n s i s t 😱
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arthur when the kids in saint denis stole his wallet
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Reblog if you’re dead
Wanna see how many people are dead
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Rdr2 as Vines (finale)
(Thanks for liking my posts 🥺 love you ❤️)
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Me @ the end of chapter 6 on RDR2
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