your-turn-to-kin · 5 years
hey hey its your friendly neighborhood sara who youve Totally never met before! c: (/j) couldja throw me some cool headcanons? thank you sm!!
Wow! Hello, Sara who is a complete stranger to me! :)
I will do my best!
Sara wins at Monopoly.
Sara is a cat person, but her favorite animals are marsupials.
Sara's favorite season is spring
You know those amazing strawberry hard candies that nice old ladies have endless supplies of but that you can never find in stores anywhere? Sara loves those
Sara's imaginary friends when she was little were animals
Sara likes to draw! She mostly sketches.
Sara's ice cream order is always something obscure, like fish food or moose tracks, with gummy worms. She's very adamant about this.
I hope those were okay! Let me know if that's not what you had in mind!
~Mod Sou
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your-turn-to-kin · 5 years
Heya Folks!
There’s a new kin blog on the block!
Yup, this is a kin request blog for Your Turn To Die, run by Mod Sou!
Mod apps are currently closed, but requests are super open! Hit up that inbox!
This is all given on the about page, but here’s some info about the blog:
I offer:
Icons (I typically default to 200x200, please specify if you’d like something else!)
Pride icons
Single-card tarot readings
Accessories (sort of a fashion/self-care mashup! I find the most “you” things I can, taking any specifications/parameters you supply into account, and provide you with pictures, links, and prices for each item I list!)
Also, please do not send requests involving Chapter 3! I have played through 2-2.
Speaking of which, I tag spoilers and death as #spoilers and #death! These two tags are automatically blacklisted by the blog theme (Accessible) so hopefully you’ll have to go out of your way to view posts tagged with those warnings.
I will do my absolute best to only use official art/sprites and my own art, but if I use anyone else’s art I will credit it (if I can’t credit it, I won’t use it. rip to art thieves but I’m different). If I have used your art and you want me to take it down regardless of the crediting, please please tell me and I will remove it ASAP!
So yeah, that’s my big promo! Thanks so much for reading, have a lovely day, etc. etc. Stop by the inbox sometime soon! 
~Mod Sou
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