yourbutcboyfriend · 29 days
Retrans/Retransition flag (my first post)
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Retransition, also known as retrans, refers to the process where an individual undergoes multiple gender transitions, alternating between presenting as male and female or transitioning from one gender identity to another and then back again. This pattern of transitioning can involve various social, medical, or legal changes to align with the individual's chosen gender expression or identity at each stage.
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yourbutcboyfriend · 1 month
introduction posts
You can call me buck and I use hy/it pronouns. I am a GNC Butch intersex Abinary Transfemmasc and a Lesboy who is Bi Sapphic-Achillean T4T.  this i my Coining/flag making blog before you think of following me I do support all good faith labels and I also believe in people reclaiming slurs used against queer people Like Dyke,Fag,Tranny etc… I'm also a mixed BIPOC jew I'm in support of Palestine and I am anti-zionist.
My DNI list
Anti-good faith labels
TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists)
SWERFs (Sex-Work Exclusionary Radical Feminists)
Aphobes (Prejudiced against asexual/aromantic people)
Disrespectful or hateful individuals
Anti-BLM rhetoric
Climate change deniers
Conspiracy theorists
QAnon supporters
Religious extremists/fundamentalists
Interact List
16. Queer artists and creators 17. Mental health advocates 18. Anarchist/anti-authoritarian thinkers 19. Indigenous rights activists 20. Environmentalists/eco-feminists 21. Harm reduction educators 22. Sex educators 23. Childfree/anti-natalist supporters
24. Polyamory community
25. Kink/BDSM practitioners
26. Gender non-conforming individuals
27. Transgender trailblazers
28. Butch/masculine lesbians
29. Bearish/masc queer men
30. Drag queens/kings
31. Ethical non-monogamists
32. Relationship anarchists
33. Feminist pornographers
34. Queer gamers/geeks
35. QTBIPOC community
Thin Ice List
11. Those questioning identities in bad faith
12. Allies who keep making the same mistakes 13. Willfully ignorant individuals 14. Concern trolls and sealioners
15. New acquaintances who seem potentially problematic
16. Aggressively centrist "rationale" thinkers
17. Edgelords taking things too far
18. Corporate brands with shady practices 19. Mainstream media outlets
20. Radical feminist gender critics
21. Religious apologists
22. Diet culture and fitness influencers
23. Pick-me/"cool girl" types 24. Conservative LGBTQ+ individuals
25. Men's rights activists (MRAs)
26. All Lives Matter supporters
27. Anti-Islam sentiments
28. Zionist apologists
29. Immigration restrictionists
30. Tradwife/feminine revivalists
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