youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
what if,, ryan and philip getting caught. like. it's just a lil kiss but still. then they just do it more later to spite whichever parent caught them. we'll pretend for a sec that their parents don't know yet that they're soulmates. btw its ya lion sunni
At first, Francine was a bit shocked at what she'd walked in on- her son quickly scrambling away to the opposite end of the couch from the shorter boy she'd just recently met. She'd just smile at them and their little bits of PDA, knowing the two would never make her uncomfortable. Even if they weren't soul mates, Francine knew they made each other happy, and that's all she cared about.On the other note, Ryan's parents, were a little more than uncomfortable. It took them a very long time to get used to the fact their son was dating another male, one they presumably think isn't his soul mate. The small kisses they'd give each other were really starting to grow on Ryan's mom and she even started to make small comments about Philip to Ryan and asking how he'd been. His father still doesn't like his choice.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
The Great Thing About Short Hair
Ryan: *drags the brush through his hair once*
Ryan: Okay, let's go.
Philip: How the actual heck.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
Tumblr media
I got some fan art from my friend Evan and oh my gosh Philip looks so damn cute in a flower crown !!
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
Working on the Coffeeshop AU
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
emily + ashley's music tastes ?? (and philip + ryan's too if u want??) (also, this is matcha from pfq !)
;; i love how everyone's asking about EmiAsh i love itEmily had Ashley in her lap, arms wrapped around the black haired girl tightly with a phone in her hand. "We both like early 2000's pop," she answered. Philip on the other hand was trying to wrestle his phone away from Ryan, who despite the height difference, had been doing well keeping the cell away from him. Ryan looked through a few playlists and snickered, glancing back up at the younger brunette. "I didn't know that you were into classical music!" Philip whined and took the phone away, a blush pooling at his shoulders and crawling up his neck. "At least I'm not into that country crap!"
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
You Have a Pretty (Gay) Soul [Ch. 2]
It didn't take long for Philip's mom to come get them from the office. The first thing she did when she entered the room was grap Philip's face and ask if he was alright. What Ryan didn't expect, though, was hug from her as well and a quiet "Thank you," into his ear. Ryan didn't really know how but Francine (Philip's mother - she told him right before they all left) somehow got permission to bring Ryan home with them. (He had to feign pain, showing the nurse the bruises and bloody nose the jock had left him with. He also had to pretend to actually know Philip, who had meekly stated that Ryan was his best friend.) Now he was sitting with his hands in his lap in the backseat next to a basket of fresh laundry, staring at whatever passed by outside. It was a quiet and an easy, comfortable silence that drowned the sounds of the radio. "Your name's Ryan, right?" He flicked his eyes to Francine in the driver's seat, who looked at him through the mirror. He couldn't help but notice the similarity between Philip and her; the same dark skin, the chestnut wavy hair, hell, Philip even had her eyes (not that he spent too much time looking at them, he'd just noticed the midnight shade of blue they were). "Yes ma'am," he hummed out, occupying himself with the hem on his gloves. "You should probably give your parents a call when we get home, okay sweetie? I'll get you some ice for your eye." The rest of the drive was rode in silence, and he could've sworn he heard Philip's breathing deepen in the front seat. Was he sleeping? It felt like eternity he was in the car, just watching the overlooming trees covering backyards and sidewalks. Ryan saw a few younger kids playing in front of a house, playing with a bunch of jacks and a bouncy ball. When was the last time he's seen anyone play with those? When they entered the driveway, Philip had jolted awake in his sleep, groaning at the dull pain in his head from smacking it against the window. Ryan had to stiffle a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand. Everyone got out  at once, or tried, at least. Seems the back doors were baby proofed. Philip had to open the door for him, and when Ryan got out, his eyes drifted to his hair. It was still damp but it wasn't dripping onto the collar of his jacket anymore. Ryan helped Philip into the house, refusing to let go of his hand when the brunette tried to steal his hand away, letting out an embarrassing girlish squeal. It had practically taken him to drag the boy up to the house with the slight limp that Philip was giving. Everyone was inside now, and Ryan felt a bit out of place while he was there in the entrance hallway, numbly walking behind Philip. His mother was ahead of them talking, but he didn't really pay attention. He silently wondered when Philip had started leading him through the corridor instead of Ryan, but he didn't mind. His hand was being pulled along, too, and he smiled slightly. Phiip was escorted to the bathroom by his mother, while Ryan sat on the couch with a small bag of ice wrapped in a dish towel pressed to his jaw. He took the momentary silence to call his mom, quietly glancing around the living room he was in. It took a bit of persuading and a lot of "Are you okay?'s" before he hung up the phone and leaned his sore head back to listen to faint noises of running water and loud off-key humming. The sound made Ryan smile and the forgotten pain in his hand returned. It was more numbing this time, and his the back of his hand felt wet. In all honesty, Ryan knew Philip was his soul mate from when he first seen the boy being held with his face in the toilet. He knew that something was off even before he stepped into the bathroom - the feeling was there: not in his hand, but in him. Ryan truly didn't want to believe that Philip was his because it was really uncommon to get a soul mate of the same sex. It wasn't as rare as he thought, though. Emily and Ashley were paired together and they seemed happy to be in each other's company. He was also scared. What would Philip's mom think? Or worse. What would Ryan's parents think? Ryan's mother and father weren't even paired together. It's not like it was illegal to marry outside of your soul mate, or mates, in some cases. It was just very taboo. The fact that they were both guys made him antsy, too. He racked his hand through his blond locks and hummed out a loud sigh. Did Philip even know they were soul mates? Ryan pressed the palm of his hand right above his breast, feeling their heartbeats together. He couldn't tell who's was who's, but someone was shockingly calm. Ryan wished he could say that was his - and maybe it was? Maybe the nerves he was feeling was actually Philip's, but he added a different reasoning behind them. The poor kid was almost drowned in the most unsanitary way possible. Before he realized, Philip was sitting in the recliner next to the couch, watching Ryan lean over and fantasize about everything that could and would probably go wrong, When Ryan did notice him, though, he took a long look over the boy. Philip sat with his legs underneath him, drawled into the chair. His hair was styled into a sloppy bun at the nape of his neck which looked oddly tame against the brigade of curls his bangs were. He was constantly pushing them out of his eyes. Oh, god, he really did have his mother's eyes. They shared the same tempting deep blue hue to them. Philip had a simple white tank top on and a thick pair of sweatpants on. He looked away when he realized that he was technically staring - and there it was: that drawled out silence that should've been deafening, but it was oddly comforting, and Ryan had to focus on silencing the pounding in his chest. "Mom's got your jacket in the washer," he said, breaking said silence. Ryan leaned his head up to look at him properly and replied, "yeah, thanks." "C-can we talk?" Philip had to pause to move himself into a more comfortable position, and with a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being watched, he continued. "I'd really like to get to know you better, if you wanna, too. You don't have to, I mean! I know it's.. Can we go to my room? It's privater, and I don't know if you," he stopped short, probably because Ryan was already starting to get up. Philip got up too and rubbed his wrist, turning away to lead the blond to his room. God-fucking-damnit. Ryan took for granted how short he actually was because Philip was actually almost towering over him. There was at least a four inch height difference (not that it mattered). Ryan felt like clinging to the back of Philip's tanktop like a lost puppy because, damn, was his house big. They had already gone down two completely seperate hallways before they even reached the stairs to the second floor. When the soul mates (finally) slid into the room and closed the door shut, this was not something Ryan was expecting. There were small magazine posters of aliens and weird japanese creatures littering every inch of his walls and Ryan couldn't help but notice the larger map above his bed that had multiple blue, yellow, and red thumb tacks stuck in the paper. A line of rocks were displayed across the top of the headboard of the bed. "So, I guess that means we're like," Philip sat down on the bed and hugged a knee to his chest. "soul mates, or something?" "I guess." There was a small weight lifted off Ryan's chest - he knew, and he was okay with it, or, at least, he's not freaking out. The way Philip moved was with an awkward kind of grace, and Ryan couldn't help but admire his curvy, feminine figure when he pulled on Ryan's  wrist to tug him onto the bed next to him. "We might be soul mates, but that doesn't mean that we have to act on it if one of us is uncomfortable." Ryan found his hand resting on the right side of Philip's chest. It was weird, feeling the two heartbeats in one body. That was his heartbeat. "I don't think we should. It'll just end up hurting one of us," Ryan said, trailing his hand and eyes up to the shirt collar and tugging it down lighting to see the small inking of a star. It was smaller than a dime, but it was the same color as his eyes; that deep blue that anyone could get lost in if they looked into them for too long. "My teacher told me awhile ago that if two partners try to force themselves away from each other, their hearts will stop. Literally. So, yeah, no. That's not an option," he hummed out. Ryan pressed his fingertips to the star, felt the younger boy shiver beneath him and trailed his hand up farther his neck until he was plucking the bobby pins from Philip's brown hair. It softly rolled out, just a bit shy from his shoulders. He was truly an attractive kid. When he pulled his hand away, Ryan heard a sigh escape. He wasn't sure who made the noise, though. Probably both of them. Almost as soft as Ryan was touching the boy in front of him, Philip's hands were grasping his cheeks, looking straight into his eyes. His thumbs rubbing into Ryan's temples gently and he couldn't help the purr that came from his throat. The hands trailed back into the short blond locks and dragged fingers through his scalp. It was an odd feeling, but he didn't mind it. He couldn't mind it, because soon Philip's hand was grabbing at Ryan's hand and he pressed a kiss to the back of his palm, sending a wave of emotion over Ryan. As soon as it was there, it was gone, and Ryan knew it was because of their shared fear of getting caught being so intimate with each other.
It didn't take too long for Francine to set up a futon in Philip's room. He'd been invited to stay that night for dinner, and since it was a Friday she also agreed to letting him stay over (which Philip asked). It was close to seven when they were both laying in Philip's bed, Ryan's hand gently brushing through Philip's curls. He could honestly do this for hours, he felt.  Philip's hand was busy drawing with a purple ink pen, detailing Ryan's arm in a jungle of flowers. He'd joked and asked if it was nontoxic, which Philip just replied to with an uncaring shrug and a gentle nuzzle to his head. As much as he hated that Philip was younger and taller than him, the way his arms held Ryan's waist was kind of endearing. His touch was gentle and ready to pull away at any sign of struggle or distress. The two high schoolers laid like this for awhile: Ryan's head pressed against Philip's chest and listening to the quiet badump of their heartbeats. His hands were at the brunette's waist by then, pressing gently into his skin with the pad of his thumb. Philip's hand was in Ryan's hair, raking through the short sun kissed blond locks while he hummed a quiet tune that was off-key in the best of ways.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
Your Pretty (Gay) Flower Boy
In all four years of working in the tattoo parlor, Ryan would have never guessed that his customer that Sunday morning would be the little flower boy from across the street. Philip Evans was a cashier boy that worked right across the street in a flower shop. From what Ryan could tell, he really liked his job, he got along well with the customers (for being as shy as he was), and he enjoyed taking care of the plants that grew there. Ryan had gone in once and ordered a few flowers for his friend's birthday and Philip didn't seem at all the kind of guy who'd be standing in front of the Inking's Tattoo Parlor's desk. The poor kid kept glancing to the side, fidgeting with the hem of his floral patterned apron with a blush that showed up more on his shoulders and ears than his cheeks.
"I want to get," he hummed, looking over the laminated packet of designs. "the rose. On my upper arm, if you don't mind." Ryan couldn't help but cringe. "Are you sure you wanna get one of these? You don't seem like the kind of guy who'd want a tattoo." It's not like he wanted to lose buisness, but the nervous look in Philip's eyes made him take the packet away from him. "It'll hurt, you know." Philip's eyes glanced to the side, pushing himself up in the black leather chair. With him laying down, Ryan was almost eye level with him while he was sitting on the low rolling chair. A few moments passed without protest so Ryan took hold of his upper arm and started cleaning it with an alcohol pad. The sound of the music in the background was faint, but it still overweighed the aching silence that the both of them hated. Ryan slipped on a pair of black latex gloves before reaching toward to Philip's arm. He was as steady with him as any other patient albeit a tad gentler. He'd kept shushing him when he was sure Philip would start whimpering - and he did. By the end of it there were tear streaks marking the boy's cheeks. He was surprisingly cooperative, though. When he was at the couter to pay, Philip let out a long sigh. "I can cross that off my bucket list now, right?"
When Ryan came to work the next day, he passed by the flower shop and looked through the glass window to see Philip leaning over the counter on his elbow. He looked miserably bored. Ryan steeled himself and walked into the small shop, the fragrance of nature smacking him in the face like a brick. It was definetly better than the sweaty back room he was used to. "Philip, right? I didn't know if you would want this or not," Ryan set a small bottle of clear liquid on the counter. "It's the same brand I use to keep my tattoos cleaned." The brunette looked down at him and smiled softly in thanks. Ryan found out that he really liked that smile - it was a soft, barely visable smile, but it reached and shone in the midnight blue eyes that Philip had. It was an embarrassed smile, and he knew why. "You really didn't want that tattoo, did you?" "No, not really. I did it to get a few friends of mine off my back," he laughed bitterly. "A bunch of jerks. But you did a really good job on it, and it doesn't hurt as much, so, thanks." Philip was standing straight up then and he was so beautifully awkward that Ryan couldn't help but stutter and turn red when the boy tilted his chin into his shoulder with a blush and chuckle. Apparently, whenever Philip blushed it never made it to his cheeks (he guessed he just couldn't see it over Philip's darker skin tone). It just stopped at his shoulders and moved down his back and arms. God, he wanted to protect this kid with his life. When he got to the tattoo parlor, he was fifteen minutes late opening the doors. Monday was a really slow day. Ryan wished Tuesday was as slow as Monday, though. There were people coming in left and right, not all of them getting tattoos, either. A lot of them just came to browse through some of the art examples, and some chickened out, but at least he got to grasp delicately at some old guy's foot for twenty minute while drawing Mickey Mouse. Sad to say, that was the highlight of his day. When Wednesday came, he was a bit shocked to see a small Juniper bonsai sitting on the counter. Ryan plucked the tag off of it gently, unfolding the paper and holding it closer so he could read it. "I kinda lied on Monday, and I felt bad about it. I got the tattoo because I was too chicken to actually talk to you without needing an actual reason. So, accept this cute little tree as a thanks. Directions for it are on the back. Feel free to call if you need any help with it!" On the bottom was Philip's signature and a phone number. Yeah, Ryan was definitely going to keep a careful watch on his embarrassed little Flower Boy.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
For the soul mate AU: Hey, Ashley, does Emily ever embarrass you in public just to see your reaction?
Ashley had to stare at the moniter for a few moments, her brain going through a mental wrack of images. "There was one time she pushed me into a fountain, but that was on accident," she hummed."I don't think that she has an embarrassment kink."She twirled a strand of black hair, a small blush dusting her cheeks. "Though, she does like to admit that we're dating if she sees people outside of school. It's kind of endearing, in a way."
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
Throws AO3 @ YOU
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
I feel really bad for not including Emily and Ashley in more of my AU's. They're so sweet together, too. Maybe I'll start taking requests for them, too. But yeah, asks, submissions, messages (throw a brick at me too if you want) are always open. ✨ Questions ✨ Fan fiction (gasp) ✨ Fan art ( g a s p ) ✨ Skit / Short Story Requests ✨ New AU request (Which would be published on my AO3 as well) ✨ One shot ideas / requests ✨ Even if you just wanna talk or ask about my day! I need to make a oneshot book for all of them. I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS I CANT PUT IN THESE STORIES. KILL ME.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
for the soulmate au !! can you write a short story for ashley and emily ?? tyty !!
Emily's never run so fast in her life. She could feel the double thumping deep inside her chest and she /knew/ that Ryan had been right. There was no doubt that the second heartbeat in her chest was none other than Ashley's, a short black haired girl who kept to herself. She stopped in front of the classroom door before swinging it open, ultimately disrupting the class that was in session. Emily's courage never wavered as she made her way to the back of the room, her brown hair bouncing with every step. She smacked her palms down on Ashley's desk (who was about as terrified as a dog who'd just been kicked, because Emily could feel their heartbeats sync together in terror). Emily looked down at her nervously, but still, she had an oddly determined look. The small black dove that rested against the dip in Ashley's collar was no doubt the match to the plain olive branch that Emily had, tucked away on her lower back. She could feel it burn with anticipation already, and Emily knew that Ashley could feel the same when she lifted a hand to her shoulder to give it a soft squeeze and winced. The two girls never broke eye contact. Tantalizingly blue eyes met brown ones. "Please go out with me!" The whole class was watching them by now, and Emily was sure she heard her glasses fall off the dip of her nose when she tilted her head down to the desk. "We belong together, y-you're my dove," she whimpered out. "And I'm your sturdy olive branch. I didn't realize what it meant at first but I think I do now." Her voice got quieter as she went on. The small noise of agreement that Ashley had made almost went unheard because the pounding in her chest was almost deafening. Ashley was holding her hands in her lap, staring up at Emily, frown turned into a soft, gentle smile. "I accept," she replied, gently lifting her hands to slide Emily's black framed glasses over her eyes. A small cheer ran through the class, someone nearby slapped Emily a little too hard on the back in congratulations, but she didn't mind. She couldn't. Emily was happy, and if the fluttering heartbeat in her chest was anything to go by, she knew that Ashley was as well.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
I currently finished the Tattoo + Florist Shop AU - I just have to wait until I have Wifi to upload it from my laptop. It's a bit shorter than what I'd hoped for, but it'll have to do. I might end up rewriting it (again). I also finished Ch. 2 of YHPGS (Soul Mate AU). I'm planning on finishing it up within the next chapter or two. I'm also taking one shot / scenario requests for these boys (and Emily + Ashley, I don't write as much of them as I want.) I'll also take any fan art with open arms because I made these characters to be loved by everyone!
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
A few HCs
✨ Philip is actually taller than Ryan, and likes to make jokes about how short he is. As much as he likes it, he always apologizes after with a kiss. ✨ Philip never curses. Ever. Unless he's out with Ryan, who brings it out of him. ✨Sometimes when staying over, Ryan likes to watch Philip sleep. In an endearing way.
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
List of Upcoming AU's for YP(G)
Band AU Coffeshop AU College AU Omegaverse AU (can someone help me understand this one please ,, ) Tattoo artist / Florist AU (because I seen some and I fell in l o v e) Skype / Social Media AU
Y'all can message me for more and I’ll check them out !! I’m also open to roleplays of (mostly) any kind. c:
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
Ryan: Mom this is my boyfriend Philip.
Philip: Wait when did this happen
Ryan: god fucking damnit I forgot to ask you out
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
Ryan: admiring Philip
Ryan: squints
Ryan: wait a minute
Ryan: he's taller than me but
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youre-pretty-gay · 7 years
for the skit thing! can you write out something for what philip and ryan think of each other?
Ryan: What do I think of Philip? Ryan: He’s a big klutz that needs to be loved and I should probably tape a brick to that thick ass hair of his so he STOPS GROWING.
Philip: What do I think of Ryan??Philip: I love him, of course! True, he’d jump off the back of a moving truck if someone asked, but.. I still love him. For some reason.
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