yourebeingsobrave · 5 months
After a long long break, I’m here with another one.
Loki x Male Reader (NSFW!)
Y/N had been Loki’s servant for a few months now. Things had been fine, Y/N had never really caused trouble for Loki… until today.
Today Y/N was late. Typically, he got up at the crack of dawn and always arrived with breakfast for the pretentious Prince of Asgard.
Oh but today? Today Y/N overslept. It was nearly 10am when he awoke to the sound of a familiar voice in his ear. It was Loki. “Now you’ve done it.” Loki said.
Loki was in nothing but his undergarments. His eyes were filled with entitlement and a need for control. Loki was right in Y/N’s face. A grin graced Loki’s lips as he pulled his servant up by his short fluffy hair.
Y/N was skinny and short, so it took Loki little to no effort to lift him with one hand.
Y/N winced at the pain pulsating from his scalp. As rough as Loki was to pick Y/N up, he was quite gentle in setting him down.
Once Y/N had caught his footing, the apologies came flowing from his mouth like a river. “Please master, forgive me.” Y/N dropped to his knees and pleased up at Loki with his doe eyes.
Loki always loved to see his subjects on their knees before him. But this… this was a little different. Something about this boys demeanor, his submission without question, it made Loki want to take advantage of that slutty little body of his.
But Loki brushed that feeling aside for a brief moment. He smirked as he looked down at Y/N.
“Get up.” Loki demanded. Without question, Y/N obeyed.
With a snap of his fingers, Loki used his magic to move the two of them from the run down room of Y/N, to the luxurious chambers that belonged to Loki.
For a moment, Loki let the two of them stand in silence. He wanted Y/N uncomfortable, for him to feel vulnerable.
“Get on your knees. That apology was not nearly good enough.” Loki spoke in a calm yet forceful manner, it was clear he was intent on getting his way.
Y/N obeyed, getting on his knees immediately. His fluffy hair was all out of place due to Loki’s strong grip on his head a few moments ago.
Y/N was always a shy and quiet boy. It didn’t take a lot for him to obey anyone really. But something about the way Loki ordered him around did something to him. It’s like he enjoyed Loki’s cruelty.
He had fantasized about his master before, but would dare not ever speak his wishes aloud. Y/N knew Loki like men and women both, but he thought himself too unworthy to have the pleasure of… pleasuring Loki.
He was wrong.
Y/N had been lost in his head for a moment, until he realized Loki no longer had his trousers on. His huge, throbbing cock was right in front of Y/N soft little face.
Loki bent over for a moment, lowering his face down to his servant. “You haven’t been good Y/N. But you’re going to make it up to me.” Loki said with a wide grin.
Before Y/N could protest… or rather- say ‘yes please’, Loki had already shoved his cock down Y/N’s throat. He gave no time to allow Y/N to adjust to the enormity of his girth. Loki had gone straight down his throat, letting out a low growl at the feeling.
Loki’s hand went to the back of Y/N’s head, grabbing on to his hair and ruining it even more… if that was even possible.
He began to thrust into Y/N’s throat, slow at first- but deep every time. Loki quickened his pace, letting out groans as he continued, getting louder. The sound of Y/N’s gagging and the tears pouring down his face made it all the more appealing.
As much as Loki wanted to lean his head back in pleasure, he refused to take his eyes off of his servant.
“You are such a slut.” Loki grinned as he looked down on the mess that was Y/N. He had to contain himself from finishing too soon. Y/N made it surprisingly hard.
Loki pulled out of his throat, and leaned over once ahead. He stared at Y/N for a moment, wiped the tears off his cheeks, and lifted the boy up aggressively by his chin.
“You’re not done yet.” Loki warned.
Y/N was thrown onto Loki’s bed, his face in the dark green sheets. Loki came up from behind Y/N, pulling down his pants and his yanking his ass into the air. He was able to feel Y/N’s tiny little cock as he did so.
“How cute.” Loki taunted. Within a fraction of a second, Loki had penetrated Y/N’s ass, with no regard to what pain that might cause him.
Loki’s groan was louder this time, he was so tight. It was hard to resist. He grabbed Y/N’s hair and yanked his head backwards so that he had no choice but to have his back arched as Loki fucked him from behind.
Loki was relentless, unforgiving, completely selfish as he thrusted in and out of Y/N’s little asshole. Loki’s grip had Y/N nearly bent in half. It hurt Y/N, but it felt so good too.
His rise in pleasure felt similar to sitting on the throne of Asgard. He felt utterly in control of everything. Finally, Loki was ready to finish. He pulled out of Y/N at the perfect time, he wanted to see his cum all over Y/N ass.
Loki’s cocked throbbed as his cum splashed all over Y/N. Loki loved himself, every bit of himself, actually. Because of this, he ran his index finger across Y/N’s ass, collecting some of his cum, the put the finger on his tongue. He tasted delicious, as he predicted.
“Mmm.” That’s all Y/N got. That’s the reaction Loki gave him. No screams, no full moans. Just a mumble, as if he had finished his favorite meal.
“What a good toy you will be.” Loki smiled. “You’re forgiven. Now clean yourself up.” Loki said with a wave of his hand.
With that, Y/N threw on his pants and ran off, as if he were going to get in trouble for staying a second longer.
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yourebeingsobrave · 9 months
(She/Her Pronouns)
“Good morning Y/N, you’re always here before me, how did you sleep?” Tom smiled warmly at Y/N, he was always so cheerful.
They were on set for Tom’s next role- one of those apocalyptic romances. The truth is, Y/N hadn’t slept in days. The director was very particular with women in his scenes. Every strand of hair perfectly in place, not a single crack in the lips, skin glowing but not sweating, not a single glance too harsh.
Needless to say, Y/N scenes have been taken over and over again, she had pulled 3 all nighters not by her own choice. Although, she didn’t want to let Tom know about that. This was show business right? Work hard until you make it.
“I slept well.” Y/N lied with a charming smile, what a good actress she was. “And you?” She asked politely.
“Well.” Tom smiles. “You ate? It’s very important you’re well taken care of while filming you know.” Tom laughed gently, this was a joke between the two of them, Tom had said it their first two days of filming, because he had forgotten. Now he says it every morning as his greeting to Y/N.
“I know Tom, what is this… the 30th time you’ve told me?” Y/N laughed.
“Today would be the 34th.” Tom smiled charmingly at Y/N with confidence. She was shocked he was so precise with that number. Y/N was simply rounding by saying 30, because they had been filming for about a month. But Tom seemed to want it known how long they had both been there. Interesting.
After a few hours of filming, the two of them got to that classic ‘forced close quarters’ situation seen so often in apocalypse movies.
Tom and Y/N laid in the set bed, it wasn’t terribly comfy, but Y/N could not help but feel more and more sleepy the longer she laid there. She was meant to stay still as the focus was on Tom’s character, awake and deep in thought, laying in bed next to Y/N’s character.
They of course, had to redo the take multiple times due to the directors precision. It was easy for Y/N to “act” in this scene, she was just meant to lay there. Redoing cuts didn’t require Y/N to move at all. It was perhaps… too easy. Y/N was becoming extremely exhausted.
“Break for lunch!” The director finally said. Tom swung his feet over the side of the bed to get out of it, and notice Y/N did not do the same.
“Y/N, we’re done darling. C’mon, don’t be silly.” Tom laughed, thinking she was simply playing a prank on him, pretending to be asleep.
After a few moments of nothing but silence from Y/N, Tom walked over to her side of the bed to see her eyes shut, she didn’t seem to be faking- she would’ve laughed by now. Y/N had a difficult time holding in her giggles- Tom liked that, and so would the fans once they got their hands on the massive blooper reel.
Tom took a moment to study Y/N’s face. She was beautiful, that was not news to him, but he had never got to look at her face so closely before. Her dark lashes and smooth skin were nearly magical. A strand of hair hung over Y/N’s face, gracing her lips. Tom gently tucked the strand behind her ear before turning his attention to the director.
“She’s asleep? How early did she get here? When did she leave last night?” Tom asked politely. At first, he thought it was a simple mistake of Y/N not taking care of herself properly.
“What does that matter, the job is done. We’ll wake her when lunch is over.” The director answered coldly, almost attempting to scare Tom from asking any more questions, but it didn’t work.
“How long has she been here?” Tom asked again, the suspicion growing in his voice by the second.
“She’s been going for 3 days straight, all nighters.” Another actor finally piped in when the director wouldn’t.
Tom took a deep breath in an attempt to maintain his composure. However, the cast could see the rage building in his eyes, and his face growing red.
“We’re taking the rest of the day off then, since you thought it would be a good idea to prioritize a faster shot movie than Y/N’s well being.” Tom’s voice was stern… and almost cold. This was nothing like anyone had seen from him before. He maintained professionalism- but it was clear he was very unhappy.
For the next few hours, Tom sat at the edge of the bed, watching over Y/N and shooing away anyone who tried to disturb her, almost like a guard dog. The way he looked at Y/N was so gentle and sweet, it was clear to the cast he was fond of her.
After it was already dark, Y/N finally awoke. She let out a small groan and stretched her arms out. When she got the chance to look around, she realized where she was.
“Oh god- I fell asleep.” Y/N paused before seeing Tom at the edge of her bed. If it were any other man, she would be frightened. Instead, she was comforted.
“Good evening Y/N, how are you feeling?” Tom spoke quietly, letting Y/N wake up slowly.
“I’m so sorry- I-“ Y/N began to apologize for falling asleep, but was quickly interrupted.
“Don’t apologize Y/N, the director should not have asked you to endure that- but please- be honest with me when I ask how you’ve slept or eaten. You are important to- it is important that you are healthy.” Tom had almost confessed how fondly he had grown of Y/N, and it did not go unnoticed by her.
“I haven’t eaten since yesterday.” Y/N confessed quickly. “It’s not on purpose, I don’t want you to worry, I was just too busy.” Y/N explained. She didn’t have trouble eating, she had just neglected her self care the past few days.
“Oh dear, let’s go get you some food then.” Tom wasn’t really asking, he was telling Y/N what they were doing. Yet his tone was sweeting, and Y/N was compelled to go along with what Tom wanted.
The two didn’t go out anywhere fancy for dinner, as Tom could tell Y/N was still tired. Instead, they drove through fast food place, and Tom took Y/N home right after. She was quieter than usual- and quite deep in thought.
Something about the way Tom took care of her made her feel so… secure. So safe. This was a rare feeling for Y/N, as for most women in today’s time. Men were rarely the defenders of women anymore- but Tom was different.
They finally made it to Y/N’s apartment. Before she could even collect herself to get out of the passenger seat, Tom had gotten out and opened the door for her himself.
“Is this level of class a British thing or a you thing?” Y/N questioned. She was begging to feel her cheeks grow red at Tom’s actions. Usually she would find someone so proper almost cheesy… but this made her feel warm.
“Neither, it’s a you thing.” Tom answered, implying he did not act like this for just anyone. He took Y/N’s hand as she got out of the car.
“Thank you Tom, for all of it today. I swear I’ll take good care of myself from now on so I don’t disrupt the set.” There Y/N went again, apologizing for things she didn’t need to.
“Y/N don’t apologize. The director was taking advantage of you.” Tom reminded. He rubbed Y/N’s hand with his thumb gently before letting it go. Suddenly he was feeling brave, no longer scared to show how smitten he had become of the woman. To him, she was stunning. Not only in looks but in her nature as well.
“Well yes but-“ Y/N didn’t get to finish her thought. She was interrupted by Tom’s finger to her mouth.
“Shhhh.” He said with a small smile on his face. Y/N’s eyes widened and darted around Tom’s face. She was in shock- it the most pleasant way possible, mind you.
Tom then lowered his finger from her lips. Her soft, candy like lips. They were practically begging to be kissed. So he listen.
Tom bent over ever so slightly to be at level with Y/N. He moved his hand to the back of her head, his thumb right in front of her ear on her cheek.
Y/N felt butterflies rushing through her. What was he doing? She wanted to ask him- but it was clear she had done enough talking.
Before Y/N had anymore time to think, she felt a warmth against her lips. Tom had closed the distance between them and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. It was short. It was sweet. It was enough to spread the warmth from Y/N’s lips throughout her entire body.
Then, Tom pulled away and acted like nothing had happened. “Have a good night Y/N.” He said sweetly.
Y/N still didn’t know what to say. Her cheeks were bright red and she couldn’t keep the smile from creeping on her lips. All she did was nod at her costar.
Y/N turned in for the night, but it was difficult for her to fall asleep. All she could think about was Tom’s lips on hers. There was one thing Y/N knew for sure… work was going to be a lot more interesting from now on.
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yourebeingsobrave · 10 months
(They/Them Pronouns)
Robin shoots up in bed. Their alarm never went off. They were going to be late for shooting. Robin rushed as quickly as they could to change and head out the door.
Robin was recently cast in a new Disney+ Series called “Mobius”. A show following the events of the Loki series. Robin was cast as the next door neighbor- and Owen Wilson of course played Mobius.
They were a few weeks into filming at this point, but Robin was a new actor, they didn’t want to give off the impression of unprofessionalism. Robin definitely drove over the speed limit to to film set, but thankfully, they made it just in time. They looked flustered as they raced into the building, but they were greeted warmly by Owen.
“Well good morning, you look frazzled, sleep in?” Owen chucked light heartedly and put his hand on the small of Robin’s back to gently guide them to makeup.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Robin said sarcastically. They let Owen lead them along. Owen did the favor of stalling the director as well while they got ready in makeup.
Owen was a sweetheart, really. Robin had come to learn that about him over the past few weeks. They were even beginning to develop a soft spot for him. He never judged them, was never harsh, always funny, and a little bit silly at times.
Robin had to stop themself from going down that train of thought- they could feel their cheeks getting pink.
Owen and Robin spent about 6 hours filming. The retakes, cuts, and redos were driving them both crazy. Robin was exhausted.
“Let’s do that again, but Robin lift your chin up slightly.” The director spoke harshly, ensuring Robin would listen to him.
Robin went again, and lifted their chin up as directed. The director didn’t seem pleased. He shook his head.
“Cut! She’s just not getting it right!” The director waved his hand, completely uncaring that he had misgendered Robin.
“They.” Owen said, his tone suddenly cold. This was not something Robin had heard from Owen before.
“Excuse me?” The direct asked harshly, tilting his head.
“Robin is non binary, please be sure to refer to them as they. Thank you.” Owen shook his head.
“We’ve also been at this for 6 hours, I’m calling a lunch break, Robin deserves it, they have dealt with one too many retakes today.” Owen didn’t wait for the director answer, and he walked off set. But not before giving Robin a gently smile, signaling them to follow him.
Robin followed Owen, also ignoring the director- but not because they were trying to be disrespectful, only because they were timid. They did not want to make the director mad- their career was very important to them.
“Cmon Robin, let me take you to lunch.” Owen smiled gently, offering up his hand for Robin to take.
“Oh- uh- really?” Robin felt that pink on their cheeks again. Owen was truly a gentleman. Something stirred in Robin when they heard his defense of their pronouns.
Robin took Owen’s hand sheepishly, did he consider them as something more than friends? Owen led Robin down the block, hand in hand with them.
They arrived at a cute little diner. Owen took a moment to pull Robin’s chair out for them before sitting. They had a lovely meal together, and Robin’s nerves were beginning to clam. Owen cracked jokes as always, and Robin couldn’t help but stare into those baby blue eyes of his as he spoke. He was captivating to them. His smile sparked a joy in them that they had not felt in a long time.
On the walk back to the set, Robin could not keep their eyes off of Owen. As if Owen could read Robin’s thoughts, he spoke, answering all their questions with one sentence.
“I like you Robin, if you hadn’t caught on.” Owen smiled at stared at the sidewalk as he walked. He looked almost shy… yet not ashamed.
“Oh.” Robin giggled. They didn’t know what else to say. “Well I-I-“ Robin stuttered over their words. They of course had a thing for Owen as well… why was it so hard to spit out?
Owen stopped in his tracks, grabbing Robin’s wrist gently to stop them from walking too. He pulled them close to his own body, then moved his free hand to the back of her head.
“You are- incredible, Robin.” Owen smiled giddily. He then leaned his head down and placed a gentle kiss on their lips. It was warm, soft, and sweet. It sent a wave of warmth through Robin’s body.
Robins cheeks grew red… red. Owen chuckled and took their hand again. “I hope that was alright for me to do.” He said.
“It was more than alright.” Robin replied sheepishly. Filming was going to be a lot more fun from now on.
(For Robin, duh.)
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yourebeingsobrave · 10 months
(She/Her Pronouns)
The Asgardian sun shone warm and bright on Y/N’s face. Y/N awoke to the sun on her skin. Her bed was grand and cozy, fit for the royalty she was. The sheets were a dark green, her husbands favorite color. The bed frame was golden, which tied the room together perfectly.
Y/N slipped out of bed gracefully- Loki was not next to her… he usually slept in longer than she did. For being the king of Asgard, Loki sure slept a lot.
Y/N threw on a gorgeous green satin robe and left her quarters to try and find Loki. He was no where to be found in their private section of the palace. Y/N decided to get changed and search elsewhere. She preferred no one but Loki see her in her undergarments.
Once dressed, Y/N kept on her search for husband. She was not worried for him, simply curious. She finally found Loki in the throne room, talking with some of his warriors.
“Good morning, my love.” Loki spoke cheerfully, his face lit up as soon as he saw her. Loki walked up to Y/N quickly and bent over to kiss her hand. “You look stunning, as always.”
Y/N smiled and took a look at Loki. He was in his armor, helmet and all.
“Good morning, what is all this?” Y/N asked. She knew they would be an attack on the dark elves today, but Loki was not meant to join them.
“Well, Y/N, I thought it might be a good idea for me to lead this battle myself.” Loki spoke in a confident tone, but his eyes told another story. He looked nervous. He know Y/N did not support this.
“You thought it might be a good idea?” Y/N scoffed. “I ask so little of you. I do not care what you do, or where you go. Could you not respect the one single thing I begged you not to do?” Y/N spoke in a fiery anger. Her anger was simply a mask for her fear. After Loki’s last run in with the dark elves, Y/N thought him dead. She didn’t want him anywhere near them ever again.
“I’ll be fine, darling, I promise- it’s only-” Loki put his hand on Y/N’s face, a foolish attempt to comfort her.
“I told you I would not support you in this.” Y/N snapped, pushing his hand away from her face quickly. “What if something happens to you? I can’t loose you again. I cannot be alone again. I do not deserve to mourn your death yet again!” Y/N’s face turned white, tears began to stream down her cheeks.
“Please, Y/N, I have to do this. Let me go.” Loki’s eyes turned soft. He was begging for her permission.
“No.” Y/N turned her head away from her lover, she turned her gaze to the floor. After a moment of standing there in silence with her husband, she turned her back on him and left the throne room.
Y/N held great poise as she walked back to her chambers, the passerby would not be able to tell the queen was distraught.
Loki was equally upset. His heart was torn between respecting his wife’s wishes and being there for his warriors. He was trying so hard to become a good man, making these sorts of decisions was one of the hardest things for him.
After a moment of contemplation, Loki made his decision. Y/N was already upset. He could deal with her later, after the battle was over.
Y/N spent the rest of her day in her room, enraged and scared. She knew Loki well, he made poor decisions often. However, part of her wondered if this time- she was in the wrong. Who was she to ask the king of Asgard to stay at home? Was she being selfish? Was it… okay for her to be selfish- just this once? She didn’t know.
Eventually, much to Y/N’s relief, Loki made it back. But not without a few battle wounds. Y/N rushed to Loki’s side as soon as he entered the chambers.
“Loki. I’m so glad you’re okay, and I’m sorry I was so cold, I was just so worried. Please forgive me.” Y/N fell to the knees of her king and begged her forgiveness.
Loki didn’t like when Y/N kneeled to him. He viewed her as his equal. So, to even the playing field, he got down onto the floor with her.
“You need not apologize my love, it was within your right to fear for me. I am so sorry I scared you.” Loki spoke softly, taking her chin in his hand. His eyes were filled with compassion and love for his wife.
After a moment of holding each other, Y/N took care of his wounds. She knew a marriage with Loki would come with a lot of pain and a lot of scary moments. But she would not trade it for the world. The highs of her relationship with Loki outweighed the lows immensely. Y/N loved him.
(Inspired by @suprememelia’s TikTok)
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yourebeingsobrave · 10 months
NSFW!!!!! (She/Her Pronouns)
Y/N always enjoyed walking down the palace halls of Asgard. She had been dating Loki for a while now- long enough to spend many nights with him- but the palace was still amazing to her. It was so extravagant compared to her humble home in the town.
Y/N took her time, admiring the gold pillars and oriental floors. She always liked to explore when her partner was busy. Loki was busy with Odin now-with what- she did not know. However, Loki told her everything, so she would find out soon enough.
Before Y/N could even make it to the end of the hall, she felt a strong hand on her wrist stop her from moving forward. Y/N whipped her head around, causing her hair to fly behind her.
It was Loki, her partner in crime, the god of mischief. He looked angry. Y/N tilted her head at her partner, she could read tones of anger and helplessness in his eyes.
“Y/N. I need you, now.” Loki pushed Y/N up against the wall and pinned her arms above her head with one hand. “Please.” Loki added gently.
Y/N could feel her heart racing. Loki always had a way of keeping her on her toes. He towered above her with his piercing blue eyes- Y/N felt a mixture of Loki’s warm skin pressed against the front of her, and the cold golden wall on her back.
“I need you, always.” Y/N replied. Her doe eyes stared up at Loki in a desperation. There was still a rage in Loki’s eyes. She was beginning to assume Odin had said something hurtful to Loki. Y/N knew her partner well, and he loved to feel in control in the bedroom after feeling out of control in his life.
“Let’s go.” Loki demanded. Although he seemed forceful, this was exactly what Y/N wanted too. She enjoyed Loki’s controlling nature. Loki took Azalea’s wrist and dragged her along like a kid holding a balloon. Before Y/N knew it, they were in Loki’s quarters.
Loki did not say a word, he simply pushed Y/N onto his grand bed and got on top of her. Loki’s typically slicked back black hair had a few lose strands hanging in front of his face. The hair of Loki and Y/N both were about to get so much worse.
Loki began kissing Y/N, first on the lips, then the neck, then her chest. He sucked at her skin roughly, surely to leave marks on her later. One hand kept Y/N’s arms above her, and the other traced her body with a hasty lust.
Y/N couldn’t help but let out a few small whimpers at the teasing of Loki’s touch. She was entirely at his will, a slave to his wishes. Every touch from him made her crave him more and more.
Loki’s hands moved from Y/N’s body to her dress. He had to get this thing off of her, now. Underneath her clothes was Y/N’s beautiful body. Although Loki had seen it many times before- he was still in awe of it every time.
Loki traced his fingers over Y/N’s stomach, although he loved to control her in bed, he liked to worship her as well. Just for a moment, Loki took in her body, kissing and licking her bare skin all over- Y/N’s body tingled. The longer Loki spent enjoying her body, the more she craved for him to be inside her.
“You’re mine.” Loki’s voice was strong and demanding, as if he was claiming his property by saying it. Y/N found it almost funny that he was so desperate to own her- because- of course she was his. But she understood Loki’s need to control something- at least one thing- in his life.
Y/N nodded obediently at Loki and looked up at him with an overwhelming amount of love and submission. She was ready for him.
“I need you to be good this time Y/N, I need you to be quiet. Can you do that for me?” Loki’s eyes wandered over Y/N’s body as he spoke to her. His voice teased her, he always knew exactly how to turn her on.
“Yes.” Y/N replied shakily. But this response wasn’t good enough for Loki.
“Yes, what?” He teased.
“Yes, my king.” Y/N replied. Loki was in fact- not a king of any sort- just a prince. However, Loki craved that power, and Y/N loved to give it to him. To her, he was her king.
A devilish smile grew on Loki’s face and he moved his hands down this his waist line. He removed his shirt and pants quickly- almost effortlessly- and tossed them to the floor as if the Asgardian leather meant nothing to him. All that mattered was Y/N now.
Now that his hands were free, Loki moved one of them up to Y/N’s neck. His grip was gentle enough so that she could still breathe- it was simply power play for him. Y/N smiled softly in anticipation, she wanted him, she needed him.
Finally, Loki slipped himself inside her. Although she had promised to stay quiet- Y/N couldn’t help but let out a gasp. He filled her so perfectly, like a puzzle.
Loki started his pace off slow, to get Y/N used to his member inside her- but that wouldn’t last long. Y/N let out small little moans as he thrust inside her. As Loki went faster, Y/N’s moaning got louder. Louder and louder- too loud.
“What did I tell you Y/N? Shut up.” Loki demanded. Y/N tried her best to close her mouth and keep quiet, but she couldn’t. He felt too good. From Loki’s hand on her neck, to his piercing gaze, to the feeling of him thrusting inside her. It was all too good. She felt amazing.
“Loki!” Y/N screamed out. The pleasure was too great. Suddenly, Loki’s tone changed. He was softer, more understanding of her lack of ability to control her noises.
“Shhhh.” Loki shushed Y/N softly and increased his pace even more. He moved his hand from her neck to her mouth- covering it. Her moans became muffled, but Loki could still hear them. He loved it.
Y/N could feel the pleasure building even more, the feeling felt like right before the biggest drop on a rollercoaster. The excitement, the suspense, it was thrilling. Loki lowered his head to Y/N’s ear, and she could feel his loose hair on her shoulder.
“You’re being so good Y/N. You take me so well.” Loki whispered in her ear. It was as if his words had broken a spell on Y/N- because right there, she came. Y/N let out a loud scream- yet it was muffled by Loki’s every lingering hand over her mouth.
Loki released at the same time, almost like magic- maybe it was. He came inside her- and Y/N could feel the warmth spread throughout her body. It was ecstasy.
Loki let his hand off of Y/N’s mouth so she could catch her breath. She took in a few heavy breaths and giggled. She always did that after a good time with Loki. He made her happy, giddy even.
Loki smiled, by now his need to be controlling has subsided. He looked at Y/N, and was reminded once again how much he loved her. She was perfect in his eyes.
“You are- so beautiful.” Loki stated. His tone was now warm and gentle. He was beaming at her. Loki laid down on the bed next to Y/N, and took her up into his arms. Their naked bodies against each other- it was so intimate.
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yourebeingsobrave · 10 months
(They/Them Pronouns)
Y/N had always had a problem with their self esteem. They were much like Loki in that way- but Loki was so much better at hiding it.
Odin’s face was cruel as he looked down on Y/N. They had miserably failed their mission. Their mistakes had even cost a few Asgardian lives.
“Do you understand the gravity in your lack of resourcefulness?” Odin scolded Y/N. They felt like a child all over again. Small.
“I did everything I could, my king. I-” Y/N was on the verge of tears, their face was pale, their eyes like a scared puppy. Their words were interrupted by Odin’s harsh words.
“You failed Y/N!” Odin’s voice boomed through the palace. Y/N could feel their heart sink in their chest. Their confidence shrinking as Odin’s words echoed.
“You are dismissed. Do not make such a mistake again. There will be consequences.” Odin spoke coldly and waved his hand for Y/N to go.
Y/N slugged themself away from the throne room and to their quarters. As soon as the door shut behind them, tears fell from their face.
Y/N moved themself against the wall, their mind filled with their failures. They sunk down to the floor and brought their knees up to their chest- a desperate attempt to soothe themself.
After a few minutes of spiraling bad thoughts, Y/N heard a faint knock on the door. “Is everything alright Y/N?”
It was Loki. Y/N recognized his voice anywhere. Y/N and Loki had been friends all their lives, they considered him almost like a brother. He understood them.
Loki did not hear any response but faint sniffles, so he let himself in. Y/N’s room was dark, only the golden sunset lit up the room. Loki saw Y/N curled up pitifully on the floor and he couldn’t help but smile. Y/N was sweet, even when they were upset.
“Y/N my dear, was Odin harsh with you?” Loki asked gently. He lowered himself down by Y/N, wrapping one arm around their shoulder. Finally, Y/N broke. Loki’s touch made them feel safe enough to be vulnerable.
Y/N moved their head from their knees to Loki’s chest. “Why can’t I be as good as Asgard needs me to be?” Y/N sounded pitiful- desperate. They wanted to be better, to be good. To serve the people of Asgard with honor.
“Y/N… Asgard is honored to have your protection. You are so smart, so strong, so brave. Everyone makes mistakes. Do not let one define you. Odin knows nothing.” Loki spoke gently, he began to stroke Y/N’s hair as he calmed them.
“Loki- your bias blinds you-” Y/N began to argue with Loki, but they were interrupted.
“Y/N- look at me.” Loki demanded, he took Y/N’s face in his hands and stared at them with an extreme intensity. Y/N had no choice but to listen to him.
“I have no bias. I see you clearly. You are so amazing, in every way possible. Your intelligence is unfathomable, your courage unmatched, your looks beyond belief. Y/N- I know you do not see it- but I pray to the gods you do someday. That you can see yourself the way I see you.” Loki did not let go of Y/N’s face the whole time he spoke, and Y/N felt a whole new set of tears steam from her face.
“Loki…” Y/N couldn’t speak. His words were so kind, nothing they hadn’t heard before- but this time- they almost believed him. “Thank you.” Y/N smiled. Tears still poured down their face, but they were tears of relief. Y/N was so incredibly hard on themself, and Loki was always there to pull them from the depths of their own brain.
“I will be here for you as long as there is breath in my lungs.” Loki smiled, almost casually. Y/N buried their head into Loki’s chest, and Loki wrapped his arms tighter around them.
To love and be loved.
(For @robin-402)
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yourebeingsobrave · 10 months
(She/Her Pronouns)
The Jotun are storming the planet. All Y/N can see is blue. All she can feel is cold. All she can hear is war. Fear fills her as the Jotun approach her family’s hiding place. The guards are slaughtered before Y/N’s eyes and tears well up in her face- she knows what happens next. Right before the moment the Jotun reaches Y/N’s parents- the dream stops.
Y/N sits up in bed with a gasp. Her face is sweaty, she can feel herself on the verge of a panic attack. Her hair falls in front of her face and is frazzled. Y/N tucks her hair behind her ear and gets out of bed.
Although she had lived here for years, Y/N was always amazed by how stunning Asgard was at night. The palace lit up under the stars of the nine realms in a beautiful glory. Y/N often had nightmares of the destruction of her home planet. Although it happened time and time again, she always woke up in a panic.
The palace garden was her favorite place to go in times like this. So that is where Y/N went tonight. The garden was stunning under the stars, the hues of blue and purple enchanted the garden. Y/N spent a while admiring the garden’s life. She then sought to relax on one of the many golden benches in the garden.
Y/N looked up at the sky. The stars had to be her favorite part of this planet. She continued to be in awe of them. Y/N admired the sky and did not notice Loki approaching her in the garden.
Once Loki got close enough, Y/N felt his presence. It wasn’t a threatening presence, Loki had always calmed her. Loki and Y/N had been friends for years now, and she had grown comfort in his presence.
“Loki, why are you awake?” Y/N asked softly. Her voice was sleepy.
“I couldn’t sleep.” Loki replied in a low voice. He sat down next to Y/N on the bench. He didn’t look at her, he just looked straight ahead- as if he was nervous. This didn’t make sense to Y/N, they had known each other for what felt like eternity.
“Is everything alright?” Y/N turned her attention to Loki and tilted her head at him. Her eyes filled with concern towards her friend. He was usually such a confident and charismatic god.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Loki still refused eye contact, but he reached for Y/N’s hand on the bench. He took it hesitantly- gently. Y/N was flustered by it. His touch was so soft. This was something she was not used to from him.
“Of course I’m okay… are you okay?” Y/N asked gently. His actions were concerning her. Loki was not the type to share his emotions like this- he kept them buried away for his reputations sake.
Loki had nightmares of his own tonight. Nightmares of Y/N’s death. When he had awoke- the depth of his love for her was made known to him. She was so much more than just a friend to her. He felt the overwhelming desire to protect her, to care for her.
“I love you, Y/N.” Loki finally looked at her, his eyes filled with fear of what she would say next.
“Well I love you too Loki, you’re such a good friend and” Y/N’s words were interrupted by Loki’s hand over her mouth.
“No. Y/N. I love you. I’m in love with you. I think I always have been.” Loki looked more confident now, there was a dominance in his eyes she had not seen directed to her before. Y/N liked it.
Suddenly, the words hit her. Loki loved her? Y/N loved him too of course. She had shut those feelings away for so long. Y/N feared the end of their friendship if she ever confessed her feelings. But these words… he loved her too?
Loki released his hand from Y/N’s mouth, and she finally had a chance to respond. But she had no words for him. No words that could match her actions.
Y/N threw herself into Loki’s lips- and they crashed together with the passion of a thousand suns. She felt Loki’s hands creep onto her waist- his touch was cold as ice, a perfect contrast to her warm skin. Despite her past with the Jotun race, Y/N loved every single bit of Loki. Even the part of him that was of Jotunheim. Y/N gripped Loki’s night shirt with intense desperation. This is a moment she had only dreamed of.
Loki only wanted more once he had finally gotten a taste of Y/N, her lips so soft, her skin so warm, her hair so soft. Her skin was glowing under the stars.
When the kiss broke, Y/N smiled and a small blush grew on her face. “I love you too.”
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