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My every day skin care routine. 1. I cleanse with the Bioré charcoal cleanser. And a cheap manual facial scrub brush I bought at a local drugstore. 2. After I cleanse with warm water I splash my face with cold water to close my pores. 3.pat dry 4. Tone, I used to tone with some random alcohol free toner I bought a SDM but I switched to thayers witch hazel recently. Will update how that goes for me. (Got it at a local health foods store.) 5.Moisturize, I use clean and clear duel action moisturizer idk know why I just bought it cuz I saw some girl in a video had it. For me it works really well. Once or twice a week 1.I exfoliate with S.T Ives apricot scrub. Careful not to push hard just massage gently or you could damage your skin. 2. I wear a face mask I normally pick out specific ones depending on the weather and state of my skin. Extras If I dont have time to wash my face or am too lazy I’ll just use a face wipe. The daily leave on mask or overnight acne gel is my favourite thing. Put on any acne you might have before bed if you have a pimple, repeat and after a few days it will likely be gone. Just try not to pick at it.
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Self care most of the shits I have
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