yourghost-host · 2 years
Completely unrelated note, if anyone needs me to calculate the height and weight of an anchor I now possess the ability to do so
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yourghost-host · 2 years
I’m a little nervous about posting this, ngl
This Madcom oc ref is basically a week overdue birthday gift for myself, and now I am making you all look it :)
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yourghost-host · 2 years
I just got the achievement for doing Story Mode on max difficulty!
Just three more achievements to go! The last slaughter rank achievement might be the toughest, but maybe I’m wrong, who knows!
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yourghost-host · 2 years
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Finished replaying madness project nexus so drew this fine lad
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yourghost-host · 2 years
How?? Do people draw plague doctor masks??
I’m working on a Crackpot design right now and it is so difficult to get the shape right smh
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yourghost-host · 2 years
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yourghost-host · 2 years
Well would you look at that! My first completed headcanon set! It’s pretty lengthy, so all of it will be beneath the cut
My apologies if it’s a bit ramble-y, I got a bit carried away! Anyways, presenting:
The Main Four playing DnD
Trouble is around every corner, and times of peace are few and far between. Unfortunately, when someone does stumble upon some free time away from their stressful missions, their usually at a loss for what to do with themselves. There aren’t exactly many fun things one can do in the middle of the apocalypse. All of that free time is usually wasted as an individual tries in vain to find something to throw their spare time at.
But, despite this, sometimes something truly interesting can be dug up in the wreckage of the world. And that was exactly the case when Deimos and Sanford returned to their base of operations with a somewhat damaged cardboard box. Within it were some odd little trinkets. There were some figurines, a few boards and even some paper and pencils amongst other items. But one thing in particular stuck out. It weighed the box down tremendously. It was an abnormally large rule book of some sorts. Neither had any clue what it’s contents eluded to thanks to the water damage that obscured the cover, but it was something to investigate with their new sudden abundance of free time.
Dungeons and Dragons, that was apparently the name of the game they dug up. Deimos didn’t have a clue what the game was or what it was about, but Sanford was able to recognize the name from before Nevadas fall. Despite the recognition, Sanford couldn’t really explain what the game was about on account of him never really being interested in it before.
“It’s like uh… a math game? I think- listen I don’t know. The only time I’ve heard it brought up was when people were making fun of it for being nerdy.” Said Sanford.
The two were at a loss, so they turned to the smartest person they knew. Surely he would have an idea of what these confusing rules and stats amounted to.
Needless to say Doc was very surprised to see Sanford and Deimos barging into his office with a copy of Dungeons and Dragons.
It took some lengthy explaining on the medics behalf, but the two eventually got the general idea of it. It’s a game where you play as a character you make and traverse a made up world made by some guy who has control over the story. Of course there were hundreds of rules to follow to keep things fair and balanced, but rules were only ever as important as the ‘Dungeon Master’ made them out to be.
After the explanation 2BDamned couldn’t help but ask how the two had gotten the games rule book and just why they decided to keep it anyways. At this Deimos shrugged and simply answered with, “it’s something to do, isn’t it?”
It wasn’t much longer before Sanford and Deimos were dragging Doc along to be their DM for their first campaign. Even Hank followed after the three to see what all the fuss was about.
While Doc didn’t like being dragged away from his work, he did quite like the idea of spending his break DM’ing. He had played quite a lot of DnD before the world was torn apart. The man thought back to those times in the not-so-distant past where he and some friends would relax after a metal concert with a few engaging hours of the tabletop game. It was… nice, the idea of being able to return to that. Granted, it was in a vastly different atmosphere with very different peers, but he would take the opportunity without complaint.
As a DM Doc is only as strict with rules as he needs to be to keep people in line. His stories are well told and so are his descriptions of events, albeit that some of his plot lines are a little bit predictable. It’s not surprising for one to find that his stories are almost always on the more serious side too.
He would have the occasional lighthearted oneshot if it wasn’t so hard to keep his three players from becoming murder hobos. Sanford and Deimos are a lot more easy to reel in. Once the two get comfortable with the game they both stray away from the endless attack spamming and actually get somewhat attached to not only the story, but their characters as well.
Deimos didn’t think he’d care, in all honesty. He never would have imagined that he’d get so caught up in the story and his own character, but there he was, theorizing what Docs next plot point would be and preparing ideas of his own for his characters story progression. He takes his characters stats oddly seriously and tries his best to find a good balance. He also likes trying vastly different builds to see what fits him best! When it comes to builds he typically prefers playing tanks, he’s oddly fond of halflings and orcs and switches up his class constantly with each new character. A lot of his characters tend to have some sort of tragic backstory and he definitely vents through them. He sees his character as just a tiny little extension of himself, and he plays as such.
Sanford was initially more interested in the game than Deimos, only to later find himself equally as invested. He loves making more silly characters, especially wizards. He has Fire Ball on every. Last. One. Spams the shit out of spells and has an absolute blast going through stories and doing silly stuff. Not great at making builds and organizing stats, he’s just there to have fun, really. Sanford really would like to have the chance to be the DM at some point. While he doesn’t want to learn all of the various class and race rules he does want to tell a story of his own. If he ever got the chance, his stories would be a lot more silly and over the top than Docs. But, they’d all be fun till the last second, would leave people in stitches from laughing, and would be heartfelt enough to have a bit of an emotional impact by the time it was over.
Hank is an absolute nightmare to deal with as a player. All of his characters stats are dump stats except for the points that go into areas that help do damage, he gives no backstory, refuses to roleplay or describe anything, will speed along non-combat sections to get to the fights and will absolutely obliterate any NPC in his way. Full on, murder hobo. He prefers to play Tieflings and outright refuses to play anything other than a rogue. It is because of this behavior that Hank has been booted from the table multiple times until his character finally died during combat. Doc didn’t give him the chance to make his next character, instead giving him a pre-made one that was almost the complete opposite of his last character. This new character was a tiny little fluffy grunt with a silly name that’s role was a healer. The new character had hardly any stats that made it a good fighter and was built purely from the ground up as support. Despite knowing this, Hank still tried to kill things anyway for a good while before finally giving up. He didn’t want to quit the game altogether, but it became clear that he wouldn’t be allowed a new character that he wanted until he tried to use this one properly. And so, he did. For the rest of that campaign he played as his silly little fluffy grunt and he healed Sanford and Deimos’ characters all the while. After some bribing, he even sprinkled in some very light descriptions and dialog. By the end, while he’d never admit it, he found himself attached to his character. Hank enjoyed the little support character for the entire duration of its life, before it too eventually died. While Hank did make a character almost identical to his first, his behavior had significantly improved past that first attempt. Like with this fluffy grunt, he now made the occasional description and would sometimes work with NPC’s instead of outright threatening them or killing them.
Doc doesn’t really play much, seeing as he’s the main DM when he doesn’t allow Sanford the occasional oneshot. When he does play however he usually just plays whatever class he’s feeling that day. Most commonly through, he’ll switch between a Warlock or a Paladin. He has a particular fondness for Aarakocra’s and Leonin. His play style is practically the same as his DM’ing style, very serious, save for the rare occasion where he gets caught up in the hilarity of a scenario thrown at him by Sanford. While his monotone voice might not help express it, he has a fun time playing both the roles of a DM and Player. It’s something he looks forward to, and this game helped bring him closer to his co-workers much more than he thought it would.
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yourghost-host · 2 years
Well, I’ve got two hours of free time while I guard my laundry. I think I might polish up a headcanon set I’ve had in the drafts
Maybe I’ll even put it out later today, who knows? Depends on how confident I am in it lmao
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yourghost-host · 2 years
Some Trickys! Good for fighting art block :]
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yourghost-host · 2 years
Blog Rules/Intro
This post contains some general info about this blog including how to make art/writing requests, who I am, what I'm comfortable/uncomfortable with and more!
All info is below the cut! It’s a bit lengthy, just as a heads up. Otherwise, enjoy your stay! :]
One would think that after all this time that live entertainment would be snuffed out for good. Especially through a medium as ancient as the radio. And yet, you hear it, a beckoning call coming through the speakers of a work radio that was meant to be used for emergency contact. Not only is the broadcast live, but the host also seeks to entertain the masses as though not a single thing had gone wrong in the world to begin with.
Oddly enough, the shows host sounds an awfully lot like another radio-based entertainer who many could have sworn had died years prior just as the apocalypse started. But that’s neither here nor there, it’s free entertainment during the end of the world. Who would turn that down? Hell, he’s even taking requests.
“Welcome to my little corner of the world, I’m your Ghost Host, coming in LIVE on air! Have a request? Feel free to send it in! Just make sure to follow the rules when doing so!”
General Info:
Just some general blog info before we get into the art and writing requests!
Feel free to contact me if you want me to use a specific tag to help with any tags you have blocked! I know stuff slips through all the time and the last thing I want is for anyone to see something their uncomfortable with!
If you sent in something and you think Tumblr ate it, feel free to ask me if it did!
This blog is themed around Madness Combat, and I'll do my best to keep it that way!
I take MadCom themed art and writing requests, I also dump my thoughts on the game and series here randomly in-between with some OC stuff occasionally sprinkled in. The OC you'll probably see the most is the Ghost Host themself, but I do keep those types of posts to a minimum
I swear, a lot, just as a warning
Proper warnings will be put on any post that needs one, if you want me to add one I haven't thought of let me know and I'll make it happen!
I go by they/he, feel free to use either interchangeably!
Art Request Rules:
I ask that you please only request characters that exist either in canon or fanon. (Ex: Hank, Wank, Skittles, Scrape Face, etc) I will not except OC's at this time, but that may change one day in the future.
Please keep the number of characters requested down to either one or two.
Art requests can either end up being doodles or full pieces, it really just depends on what I'm feeling at the time.
Please don't request NSFW, anything related to proship or anything related to hate speech or bigotry.
Shitpost-esk requests, prompts, x reader, anything meme-y is always welcomed, just adhere to the rules above and you're fine to send in anything lmao
Writing Request Rules: [Currently Closed]
This section will be updated once writing requests are opened! I just need to get a bit more comfortable with putting my writing out there first, apologies!
That is all for now. If I manage to accumulate enough art or writing for any particular characters I’ll make a masterlist and eventually stick it here at the end of this post. Thank you for reading!
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yourghost-host · 2 years
So I’ve just finished my first go around in arena mode
Every question that gets answered just makes two new unanswered questions pop up
I’d legit pay someone at this point to explain the lore of Madcom to me
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yourghost-host · 2 years
Me, booting up Madcom arena mode for the first time: oh neat! Randomly generated hirelings! I’m not going to get emotionally attached to them and draw them and make personality’s for them and write out fun dynamics between them and
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yourghost-host · 2 years
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A quick Phobos! 
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