youridvlovesupply · 3 years
Hello!! Gosh it's been forever since I check up on this blog- a lot have happened and a lot have been left unread, for this, I'm sorry.
School have been hectic- that much I can say. But lately I've been haunting Tumblr again and perhaps I might open up this blog again? :>
Though I'm not invested in idv as much, I'd probably turn this blog into a multi-fandom x reader blog!
I'll be deleting the asks in the inbox -again, I'm so sorry. But do feel free to send some! I'll be open to 5 requests from idv before turning this blog into a multi-fandom one!
Thank you for reading this far! I do truly hope that you're doing well. And thank you for staying around!! I'll do my best!
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youridvlovesupply · 3 years
If you all wouldn’t mind… May I have a promo from you? It would be a honor- I cherish your writings a lot! Please take care and stay hydrated! qwq 💕💕💕
You have the right to ignore this small request! I won’t mind at all 🥺✨
@idvxreader, @imagine-the-fanverse, @idv-brainrot, @undobutton, @callmekvothe, @marmaligne, @idv-hc-center, @identityvanemoia, @idvlovblog, @paunutbutter, @lyracasstuff, @sakurayumeno, @margie-hours, @youridvlovesupply, @idvloveletters
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
Hello good day and good evening,, I hope you're doing well in this time of crisis. Stay safe and healthy (snacks and naps are an exception)
Thank you so much!! I appreciate the worries! Please take care of yourself as well!! Everyone please stay safe and healthy too in this time of crisis!
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
Hello there :D ? May I ask, what is the maximum characters per request? :)
I'll take up to 3 per request! Thank you for asking anon!!
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
Hello everyone! I would like to make a quick announcement!
Thank you for everyone who have requested in this blog! I haven't had the time to write and I don't really have the passion in Identity V as much as before, so I'll close the inbox within the next 12 hours!
Thank you for following and loving the content that I write in this blog!! I'll try my best to finish the requests in the inbox!!
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
can i request a fluff scenario with joseph? your blog is really nice, i hope you can keep up the good work!
Thank you anon!! I'll do my best!! Please enjoy this!! On a side note, I use Google Translate for some of the word, so please forgive me;;;;
Missed Calibration
Pairing: Joseph Desaulnier x Reader
Words: 779
You’re walking through the shopping district at Eversleeping Town. The dim light from the various street lamp somehow bring comfort and a warm feeling through your heart. As you shook your head you focused on the task at hand, “It’s not the time to feel like this! I need to find a cipher!”.
Coming across a cipher, you quickly start decoding it. While glancing every now and then at the camera nearby, in case the Photographer decided to jump at you.
The hunter was Joseph that day, but despite already taking a picture at the beginning of the match, he haven’t yet attack anyone.
“Maybe he’s going friendly..?”, as your thought wander off about the Photographer, his flawless hair and his shinning blue eyes, the way he walk, as well as the way words rolling off of his foreign tongue.
Your mind keeps wandering around the Photographer as you miss a calibration, making you retract a step away from the cipher machine.
At the same time, the photo world and the real world collides and Joseph appeared nearby your cipher.
“Oh no, he must’ve noticed me—“
Before you could run, he called out to you, stopping you right before you’re about to sprint away.
He stepped closer towards you, but you keep your guard up near him and keeping your distance. Sure he’s handsome even outside of the photo world, but still, he’s a hunter.
He noticed your uneasiness and his smile dropped a little, he put his sword behind his back and bowed a little at you, “Do not worry mon amour, I have decided to be friendly in this match”, he offered his hand.
You looked at his pale hand, long slender fingers with crack visible up into his sleeve. Your eyes trailed upwards at his cracked face, his smile seems to have turned up a little when he noticed you looking at back him, god his smile.
You slowly took his hand only to flinch away when it come to contact with his. You hissed as you turned your palm to check it, you noticed some light burns across your skin, must’ve been from earlier.
“Are you alright, (Y/N)?”, hearing his voice you looked back up at him, his smile now turned into a frown as he worried he might’ve hurt you in some way. Hearing him worries about you made your heart flutter a little as you shook your head and waved your hand.
“Ah, don’t worry about it! It’s just some burns from a calibration I missed earlier!”, you smiled a little at him as you feel your face heats up a little.
His frown still lingers on his face as he looked at your hand for a second before finally speaking, “May I?”, he offered his hands again, this time, his face seems gentler than before.
His words seem lost to you for a second before you noticed his lingering stare at your hands, “O-oh! Sure..”, you put your burnt palm onto his as you feel his cold skin finally making contact with your warm hand.
What you didn’t expect was that he leaned down and pressed gentle kisses across your burned palm. Light-feather kisses that sent shiver along your spine.
“I’m no good with injuries like this.. but I hope this could help you a little mon ange”, he pulled away slightly as his smile spread across his cracked pale face, a happy, content smile.
You’re stunned, first his kisses on your palm, now his smile and the nickname he keeps giving you that he refuses to tell you what they means. Of course he noticed your stunned state and the red color that spreads across your face, making his gentle smile now turned into a mischief one.
He pulled your hand to his lips again, gently as to not hurt you, and continue giving kisses across your palm.
You feel like running away due to extreme embarrassment he makes you feel, but he snake an arm around your waist to keep you close to him, his kisses was soft and distracting that you didn’t even realize it.
He continue down your wrist until finally settles it on your knuckle, all while looking at your face with his dark eyes half-opened.
When he finished, his smile turned into a cheerful one as he finally let go of your hand to wrap his other arm around your waist, trapping you within the Photographer’s arms completely.
“I’m sorry for the teasing, (Y/N)”, he tilt his head to the side, observing your face, “I just couldn’t resist your flustered face, mon amour”, he gives you a peck on your warm cheek, “You’re just too adorable”.
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
could i request an imagine of luca confessing to the reader?? extra fluff please!! i already love your writing so much and can't wait to read more!
Thank you!! I'll write more in the future and I hope you'll enjoy this one too!! Also I legit bought Luca for this I'm--
"I love you!"
Pairing: Luca Balsa x Reader
Words: 553
Now, Luca is an inventor, a great inventor that is. He’s a world-reowned inventor, a determined one, an intelligent one, and a great one.
At least that’s what he always told himself.
His grin is permanent on his face as well as his confidence, especially when he’s around you. But with you, somehow it’s easy to lose his own balance, as in his behavior, or his standing posture.
He started to trip himself while talking to you, he started to stutter, he never stuttered, never. He might lose some part of his memory but he knows that he never stutter to anyone before.
So what makes his behavior changes around you? Simple, he has feelings for you, feelings that he never expected to have.
After overcoming his own insecurity and anxiety that grows when he’s around you, he’s ready to confess his love. The thing is, he is bad at timing, and apparently the situation which it always occurred is always terrible.
He tried once, when you were healing him, away from everyone and the hunter. It was at Leo’s Memory and he couldn’t help but get distracted by the snow that falls and rests on your hair.
He took a shaky breath, but before he could muster any words, a flash of black and red light appear near the cipher where you were healing him.
So the two of you booked it as he pushed you aside so that the hunter’s attention would be onto him, and not you.
He then planned the confession, when the two of you got a friendly Jack. But as he was about to confess, Jack decided to use his rose cane accessory and picked you up bridal style. Building up the jealousy within his heart that he couldn’t express as he sees your smiling face.
Confessing in matches seems to have proven to be difficult, so maybe he should confess outside of matches?
He try to get alone with you by the manor’s garden, Emily and Emma was there, asking if they could join the conversation right before he was about to confess.
He planned something where he would knock on your door at night but he doesn’t want to seem rude, since he knows you’re always tired after a day full of matches.
Then, he stopped planning. He planted a motivation where he will confess despite the situation you two might be in.
It was a match against Gamekeeper, you two were the one left in map with the other two already escaped through the gate. Luca had stayed hiding near your chair as he waits for the hunter to leave you for the other gate, after Bane had walked a safe distance away from your chair, he jumped out of his hiding spot and released you off of the rocket chair.
Just as you stand up, he grabbed your hand with his gloved one as he pulled you away to the already opened exit gate.
“Woah Luca, calm down—“
“Calm? Look behind you little snowball!”, as he said these words you look back only to notice Bane already chasing the two of you, as Luca’s grip on your hand tightened, he let out a maniacal laugh, looking back at you with a grin, he called out your name.
“I love you!”.
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
Could I request a scenario with reader who realizes she falled in love with Eli but feel guilty about it because she knows he had a fiance (I think I read something about it in his story), how would he react to hearing them talking about it with other survivor? TvT Luv your writing btw!! 💕
Aaa thank you anon!! ;w;) In this one I don't think I write enough interactions between reader and Eli;; so if you want a continue of this, just tell me okay? ^^ I hope you enjoy this regardless!
The Things about Him That You Loved
Pairing: Eli Clark x Reader
Words: 888 words
“I don’t understand.. why don’t you just tell him?”, the Geisha tilted hee head to the side as you heave a heavy sigh and sips the warm tea from your hand, your eyes not meeting her’s.
“You’re missing the point here Michiko.. he’s engaged to someone else”, your eyes turned to the garden before you two, “Someone else that is not me”.
“And?”, her question came out more simple and relaxed than your confused heart, you turned to her, eyebrows furrowed and your face turns into a pout, she noticed this and giggled as you heave another sigh, staring into your reflection on the tea cup.
“She obviously knows his more than I do, I mean, they’re engaged. He loved her. I don’t stand a chance”, your fingers fiddle with each other while holding the cup, your face looks sad, disappointed, and heartbroken to Michiko as her eyes soften, empathy was written all over her face.
She looked into her own reflection in her teacup, she have seen that expression before, the exact same expression plastered on her face. The sadness, knowing that the feeling she hold for the man she loved will never be accepted by society. She turned to your, her lips curled into a soft small.
“(Y/N), do you mind me asking you a question?”, you let out a quizzical expression as you nod anyway, hands fiddling with the handle of the teacup.
“Why do you love Mr. Clark?”, at her question, you nearly choked on air as you almost dropped your teacup, you looked up at her, face flushed as you try to think of an answer.
His face came up to your mind, especially his soft smile that he always gave you in or out of match. You may not be able to see his eyes, but every time he smile, you could feel his eyes would turn soft while his cheek scrunched up a little.
Imagining his smile, your face also turned into one as you finally give your first answer, “His soft smile”, she hummed.
His voice and kindness come next. He was always kind, even to those that seems to act rude towards him either a hunter, or a survivor.
Whenever he risked himself to save you or anyone, your heart would flutter. You are also reminded when he told you some part of the story about Brooke, his owl.
How he saved her and how she seems to have attached herself to him, you can’t blame her, if someone as kind as Eli saved you from the brink of death, you’ll attach yourself to him as well.
So you give your second answer, “His kind hearted spirit”, she hummed again taking a sip of her tea.
Lastly, you imagine his gentle touch. Whether it’d be a nudge to the side, his hand brushing against your skin as he healed you during match, or when he once hold your hand as the two of you ran away from the hunter.
His hands were always warm, with, or without his gloves. You instinctively putting the teacup aside to rub your palm, reimagining what it feels like when his warm hands were grasped around yours, “And his warm gentle touch”.
You went silent for a minute, his smile and voice now clouding your mind again, you let out a sad smile as you clutch your hand, tears threatening to fall off of your face, “I.. I love him.. everything about him..”.
Tears turns into sobs and sobs turn into silent crying as you hugged yourself. Michiko went to stand up and kneeled in front of you as she hugged you tightly while rubbing gentle and assuring pats on your back.
“Have you ever asked him, about how he feel about you?”, she whispered softly as your sobbing come to a halt, “He’s engaged, yes, but you told me yourself that you only overheard those words”, her hugs tightened a bit.
“You need to ask him, dear. You need to hear it from him yourself. You need him to confirm those, to you”, she pulled back, dark eyes staring softly into your now swollen eyes, she wiped the tears away, giving you another smile.
“Loving is hard, and sometimes it’s painful”, her eyes seems to saddened a little as she reminded herself of the man she used to love, “But it’s always, always worth fighting for”.
Hearing reassuring words from her was enough to stopped the tears falling off of your face, that’s right, you only overheard him talking about the engagement. You wiped away your own tears as you beamed a thankful smile towards the Geisha, “Thank you, Michiko”.
She’s right, if you do love Eli, you’ll have to fight to earn his love. Even though his answer might broke your heart into pieces, even though you might lose the fight. But just like what Michiko have told you,
Love is worth fighting for.
As you leave the garden, leaving the Geisha alone, she walked towards one of the tall bushes near where you two had talked, she peeked downwards only to see the seer, hugging his owl tightly, seemingly to prevent Brooke from hooting away their location earlier.
She might not be able to see it clearly, but she saw the hinted pink hiding under his blindfold, she smiled.
“I suppose you know what must do now, Mr. Clark”
“Yes, yes I do”, he looked up at her, possibly looking into her dark eyes, “Thank you, Miss Michiko”.
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
If you're open could you possibly do an andrew x shy reader? Thanks!
This took a little longer and ended up longer aswell than what I had anticipated ;w;) I hope you liked it anon!!
Pairing: Andrew Kress x Reader
Words: 1107
You were typing away the last cipher peacefully while most of your teammates kite the hunter away from you. As a decoder, you’re very grateful by the situation you are currently in.
As your fingers glide across the cipher machine, you noticed a figure tumbling their way to you, when they got closer, you noticed that it’s the Grave keeper himself.
You felt your heart skip a beat by the sight of him, his right hand clutching his long shovel as the other hold his abdomen. You ran towards him in return, as you get closer to him, he finally dropped down to the ground, clutching his head.
“I-I’m sorry..”, he muttered as you prepared yourself to heal him. You tilted your head to the side a little, unknown as to what you need to say,
But he did a good job at rescuing? Why is he saying sorry? Did something had gone wrong?
Many questions run through your head but none of them were able to escape as you just stare at him with your eyebrows slightly furrowed, when he noticed, he called out to your name.
At the sound of your name slipped through his lips, you were finally pulled back to reality only to realized that you’ve been staring at him creepily.
“A-ah, I uh, I’m sorry-“, your hands fiddle with the bandages in hand, trying unroll them, “I uh, I’ll just patch you up, you seems pretty worn out after the rescue-“, his face clearly dropped and of course due to close proximity, you noticed this and waved your hands dismissively.
“I-I mean! Your rescue was great! Norton is fine and he’s still kiting the hunter! So don’t worry about it! I’m sure that—“, you noticed that your rambling didn’t extract any emotion out of the man, you looked down, “I-I’m sorry, I’ll just patch you up right now”.
And you did so, gently, while your hand shaking every now and then due to the close distance between the two of you. Your fingers would constantly brushed against his warm skin and you would jump every time, and you’re sure that your face also heats up every time you muttered out an apology.
You don’t want to look weird in front of him, but you can’t really control your behavior around him either. So as each apology slips out of your lips, your face would keep heating up, and you mentally slapped yourself for acting like such a clown in front of Andrew.
Minutes passed, but you feel like you have spent eternity embarrassing yourself in front of him.
But alas, you have completely healed him and you were low key torn between feeling grateful that you don’t need to embarrass yourself more, or feeling disappointed because you won’t be able to feel the warmth of his skin brushed against yours any time soon since he wears his outfit like Eli, covered from the top to bottom.
But before you dismissed him, you noticed his pale bangs that covered his right eye were slightly tainted with blood, “A-Andrew.. is your eye okay?”.
He seems to have noticed it too since he slipped his hand under his long bangs, flinching when he touch a certain spot. You noticed the blood that were left on his gloved hand as you panicked a little inside,
He’s been hurt on the head! I-is he okay?
Quickly, but with care, you pulled aside his bangs to find his right temple have been bruised, at the sight, you let out a pained expression and quick to handled them with care. Wiping the blood away and applying some antibiotics before covering them.
When you’re done, you pulled away from him, only to notice that he’s been looking away from you, purposely averting your gaze. A slight pink dusted his cheek.
“A-Andrew..? Are you okay—“, but before you could finish your question you noticed what you’ve been doing to the poor Grave keeper.
You see his entire face.
Andrew never bothered to reveal the right side of his face, not that anyone was bothered by it, but you yourself have actually been wondering what he would looked like. And the answer lies before your very palm.
You hold his bangs aside, technically cupping his face with your small palm, you finally saw both of his eyes even though they’re not looking at yours, you saw the scars that plastered across his face, small and big, due to his pale skin all of them seemed very visible to the eye.
“You’re very handsome..”, his eyes widened as red hues finally met with yours, his face now flushed as your reaction came much later than his.
You quickly staggered away from the Grave Keeper, covering half of your face with your hand as you feel your own face heats up.
You furiously bowed your head as you quickly spammed apology at Andrew for acting in such a weird manner at such an inappropriate time.
Your little bowing session was stopped by a gloved hand that rested themselves on top of your head, stopping you mid bow.
“..Thank you”, his voice was quiet, but not as quiet that you can’t hear him. You may not be able to see him right now, but he himself are blushing and are averting his gaze away from your act that he consider to be adorable.
As you finally looked up at him, you heard a bell, notifying the two of you that one of the survivors have been incapacitated.
Andrew hastily pulled his gloved hand away from you, already missing the warmth, you finally stood straight, looking up at his white hair as he have his back faced towards you.
“I, uh, I’ll save him again, please decode and finish the last cipher”, he stammered out. Before he run towards the chaired survivor, you were suddenly hit by the urge from adrenaline and grabbed his outfit, stopping him as he turned towards you, your eyes focused on the dirt below.
You’re visible shaking, why did I do that? Now I’m just making everyone miserable, I shouldn’t have—
Your thought was cut off as Andrew’s gloved hand grasped your smaller one, gently squeezing it. As you look up, his eye soften, “Yes?”.
“W-would you like to, have- uh, h-have a tea with me?!”, you accidently raised your tone a bit as you keep looking at the ground. As seconds passed, tears started to weld up, this is it, you’ve messed up, now he won’t even—
“I’d love to”, as his sudden answer, you look up. His eye was softer than ever and he wasn’t frowning, he actually smiled at you.
God why does he have to be so handsome?
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
If requests are open could i please req a cute drabble of wu chang (both bois or one i dont mind) with an affectionate reader??
Aaa my first request! Thank you!! ;w;) I hope you enjoy this!!
Pairing: Wu Chang (Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu x Reader)
Words: 297
It was a quiet night at the manor. Most of the hunters and survivors have fallen asleep, including the white guard who are currently hugging you from the side as you keep flipping through the pages of a book.
You use one hand to hold the book, while the other tangled their way through Bi’an’s long hair. You noticed him nuzzling to your side more every time your hand leave his hair to flip the pages, it’s comforting, to say the least. His body is cold, but yours? Your body radiates the warmth of the living that he misses dearly.
As you try to flip another pages, a hand snatch the book away from your hand. You looked up, only to be greeted by Wujiu’s tired expression. The exact same expression that you saw on Bi’an‘s face when he arrived at your room first before the black guard.
He placed the book somewhere on the nightstand as he climbed onto the bed next to you, pulling you down. 
As you lay yourself between the guards, Bi’an’s long arm automatically wrapped themselves around your waist as he nuzzled himself closer to you, craving that comforting warmth.
Wujiu, on the other hand, pulls you closer to his chest as he rest his head on top of yours. On instinct, you wrapped your smaller arm around his torso, nuzzling your head onto his chest, but you hear no heartbeat. 
That’s right, they have both died a long time ago.
They’ve lost their soul, their heart, and their physical body, all the things that could make them ‘alive’. Having you right there and then with them, loving them, being their source of heat, have made them both to be able to feel alive again., you have made them to feel love again.
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
Special Letter
This is a little something that came up to me yesterday,,
Pairing: Victor Grantz x Reader
Words: 367
The air was cold, you were running through the map, trying to kite the hunter as best as you could. Vaulting through windows, pallets, and looping the hunter through the map. Unfortunate for you, your stamina seems to be draining by the seconds, this situation of course not being supported by the cold snow that keeps falling to your hair.
Fortunate for you though, you heard Wick’s bark from across the map. Hearing the dog, warmth spread through your body.
The name rang inside your head as you remember the postman, he sends a letter to you, he’s supporting you from afar.
Now, you know Victor’s main role is a support character, but knowing that the postman sends a letter to you still warms your heart. With the warmth that you have received only by knowing a letter from him is being delivered to you, you try your best to fight against the cold and continue kiting the hunter away from your teammates.
Mid kiting, you noticed Wick from afar as the dog jump above you and dropped the letter right onto your hand and quickly leave, “Thank you, Wick!”, you shout through the snow, receiving a consent bark from the dog.
You look behind you, Yidhra’s follower’s red light alarmingly close to you. As the shack come in view, you decided to risk it and vault inside through the window to create some distance from the follower, ripping the envelope with your teeth in hurry, you pulled the letter out with one hand while the other grabbing the window’s frame, supporting you to vault.
As you see the content inside the letter, your hand slipped and your footing slipped. You landed hard, inside the shack as the letter slipped off of your hand, you stayed there for a good second, trying to register what had happened while your face seems to have heat up.
Yidhra, who are slithering close by, decided to see the cause for your clumsiness, she stoop low, trying to see the content of the letter you had received.
It’s just a single heart drawn with red colored pen.
You are  definitely going to talk to Victor about this after the match.
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youridvlovesupply · 4 years
A little info about this blog
Hello! In this blog I will write self-insert or reader insert that resonates around the characters from IDV! I hope you enjoy the stuff that I will upload in the future. Note in mind that English isn’t my first language so if there are any grammar mistake, feel free to remind me! ^^
Here are the rules for requesting:
I don’t accept request for character x character.
I’m not comfortable to write any romantic relationships with: Kreacher, Freddy, Murro, Leo, Burke, and Robbie.
I’m fine with platonic, parental, or siblings relationship though (except for Kreacher and Freddy, I’m sorry)
I’m also not comfortable in writing NSFW themed. I might mention them in some story, but I will not write for specific or detailed NSFW.
I don’t mind AUs, essence, and the such. But if I’m not familiar with the AUs, the writing might turn out to be bad, if so, I’m sorry.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I’ll look forward to writing requests/submissions! ^^
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