yourlittlesol · 1 month
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“Thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God's.’
- 2 Chronicles 20:15 (ESV)
What is it that you're wrestling with?
Maybe, a medical diagnosis that requires you to be dependent on certain medications, debt that skyrockets to the roof, a habit that strains your routine and relationships around you, or a bridge that needs to be burned but you don't have the strength to do so, etc. Name it. The list goes on.
You've probably tried what's proven and tested. Some days it may seem like you're making progress only to relapse into square one. It's hard when you know you're out of options. But would you believe me when I say that there's one thing that'll never fail? It's something that appears to be out of the ordinary, but really, it's not.
Go into a quiet place. Get on your knees. Say, “I cannot do this, Lord. I'm laying it all before you.” He's waiting for you, looking at you and probably thinking, “She doesn't have to do this on her own. I'm right here. This is my fight, and it's already been won.” God's not a religion nor just a name that seems out of reach. He's for you, and nothing can stand against you when you're walking with Him.
The same God who breathed creation into life is the same God who reaches out to you, who waits on you to finally place the battle into His hand and recognize that it has been won. All you have to do is accept the fact that He died on the cross for you. You're that precious. He became sin, who knew no sin – endured the piercing of the cross and lashes on his skin. All to redeem you and spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Go now. Let go of the labels. Chin up, straighten your back. You're a victor who's been saved and called into salvation. You're a victor who's unconditionally loved.
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yourlittlesol · 3 months
Happy april 1st! A lot of things happened these past months. Some pushed me to my limits, some made me smile until my cheeks hurt. I've learned a lot either way.
In a matter of days, I'm turning 25. I'm quite sure that's old, though for some it's still considered young. From this point forward, I'll be making more serious and wise decisions ahead, and be matured when going through circumstances.
Here's what I'm about to do: I'll trust God more. His ways are better than mine, which these days, I'm especially experiencing it's reality. I'm gonna smile bigger. And I'm gonna accept the fact that some things are meant to be left at 24, and some bonds are meant to be brought along.
I'll look straight ahead, where the road is already clear.
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yourlittlesol · 6 months
January 1, 2024: Day 1 of 366
Today marks the first day of a leap year. However, I find it odd to feel ambivalent looking back, thinking that I miss some things I used to do or the way circumstances roll away for the past months and/or year. Dealing with new things is not my best suit, but I got to move forward because things are not gonna be the same again nor am I gonna experience the same ones twice – it’ll always be different one way or the other.
Hoisting the sail, I’m going to map out some resolutions, stemming from the ropes I came unknotting across.
1. I’ll journal more – place the dates and time so that I’ll better remember instances when I read back at the end of the year.
2. Insta less during days off – take my phone off, soc med detox even for just a day when I'm away from work.
3. Eat proper meals at the proper time – stop skipping breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and snacks. HEALTHY snacks.
4. Life doesn’t end at 24, 25, 26 or 30 – I’m not that young anymore nor old. Kinda in the middle. Though I sort of feel like I have to figure everything out as soon as I turn 20, I’m coming to the realization that setting goals should not be a ticking time bomb to pressure myself to be big or be something else at a certain age. I should trust God’s timing more instead.
5. Smile more – while my everyday requires moving at a fast pace, it’s best to schedule a minute to slow down, laugh, and smile widely.
6. More time with family – I'm busy but my grandparents are getting older as well. Be on the loop of their meds and check ups. It’s not that hard, but if it becomes overwhelming, ask for help.
7. Ask for help - there’s nothing to be ashamed of seeking for one. Of course I gotta be on top of everything, be responsible and accountable.
8. Write well – poetries, prose, and blog. I’ve still got a lot of rough edges to polish. Writing should be more than just a habit, it’ll be best to improve with it as a part of my work.
9. Don’t kneecap words – I should be more straightforward. Gentle, firm, yet kind. When I need to say something. Speak up. Step forward.
10. Focus and prioritize God – my first strength should be with Him. Praying and reading the Word. My day should also end with Him. No matter how busy, happy, or sad I am.
11. Never cease to pray for something – God is never unjust to forget my hard work and prayers. All His promises are “yes and amen.” If things seem different than what I’ve been asking for, I have to remember that He knows my heart best.
12. Actions are not necessarily louder than words – the two should be intertwined as to prevent misinterpretation.
13. Never assume – remove presumptions (good or bad). As mentioned, words should accompany actions.Unless there is a clear confirmation, I should take any action as is.
14. Dream BIG – aim to follow God’s calling. Pray for it eagerly. Skillfully and joyfully obey.
15. Take lots of photos – as they say, “photos are memories in a captured momentum.”
16. Lastly (as of now), be more sensitive – if someone gets interrupted or left out in a conversation, include that person. Be the reason someone gets passionate and empowered about something.
2024’s not gonna be smooth sailing. I’m sure of that, but there will always be joy in it and stuff to learn and grow from. 366 days to row ahead!
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yourlittlesol · 11 months
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Short Hair & Tints
“Hi!” echoes different tones,
depending on the arch of your brows;
the flare of air from your nostrils;
the stomps from your flats;
the flicker of the hem of your dress;
the shade of your lipstick for the day;
or just by how others assumed otherwise;
presumed, because nobody dared to ask
you are quite misunderstood
vague, maybe
acquainted by a palette of eyeshadow,
mascara, brow pens, lip swatches,
small bags, and stilettos
bold hues are expected of you, they say
so you wore little
peaches and strawberries are your go-to
it suited you, dainty and light
doll shoes are soft and snug,
so you tread with it instead of a heel
flowing waist-length hair is appealing
so you cut your hair short
it’s beautiful either way, you shrug
you’re more than a palette and swatches
you are someone who’s cherished;
someone breathed into life with care;
looked after with love;
all by the one who bled on the cross,
risen on the third day;
because he said you are worthy of redemption
that’s not just any love,
that’s AGAPE
so don’t let the world fit you in their box
you’re a woman who surpass fleeting charms
you’re a woman who’s called beautiful
by the one who created the heaven and everything underneath
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yourlittlesol · 1 year
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What Dreams Are Made Of
"Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered." - Psalm 105:5
Every now and then, I have the tendency to get sentimental and let myself wander through the times that passed. It's not about wishing to go back, but it's more of an awe of how much a person undergoes change under different circumstances – favorite book, songs, series/movies, realizations, and dreams. Maybe it's the so-called, ✨one year effect✨ – where things turn either for the worse or better in the course of a year. 
June 23, 2022, I was both thrilled and scared of stepping out from university life. Of course finally receiving my college diploma is an answered prayer, and I am more than happy to hold it close, but I was also anxious of what will happen next. Probably it was because I was always that "small girl with big dreams". I wanted to become an internationally- renowned journalist who would travel to London and Germany with the idea of living there, write a book about her travels and brewing coffee despite not being fond of it, and/or becoming a lawyer who would fight for the rights of women in the corporate world. Those dreams scared me to bits because how could I ever start with all of these? I was terrified of failing. 
Then I joined the team ministry to sow a year of serving the Lord through dance, production, bible, and music studies. It was a big adjustment stage, something I didn't expect that would stretch me spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I've got to re-evaluate the purposes of my dreams and how God's "well done" is a hundred times better than to hear it from men. I've also been taught to unlearn things from the world and learn perspectives from the Bible. I was placed in a season of redirection, and I must say, God's ways are better than mine. 
I'm that "small girl with big dreams" for a reason. This time, it's to never settle for anything less but to work heartily for his glory. I'm a work in progress, and I'm glad to say that there's really growth in one year. 
🌻 Sol
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yourlittlesol · 1 year
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"At the end of the day, whether one returns to the past or travels to the future, the present does not change. So it raises the question, 'just what is the point of that chair?'
Time is of the essence with Toshikazu Kawaguchi's Before the Coffee Gets Cold. It is composed of four stories: a workaholic woman who wishes to confront her partner, a wife to relinquish her relationship with her husband as his memory persists on deteriorating, a free-spirited snackbar owner who wanted to see her sister one last time, and a mother who travels to the future to meet the daughter she never had the chance to caress. 
This is not only a book that delves into the possibility of time travel and its intricacies, it also shows how relationships shape a person's perception of the mundane and supernatural. Walking alongside every character made me realize how fragile life is – one decision can change our course either for the better or worse. With their reasons, it is important to keep a listening ear and a compassionate heart. People are facing battles unknown to most, may it be grief from losing someone due to sickness, break-up from irreconcilable differences, or the weighing regret of pride. The world and the expectations it bore is harsh enough, we need more of a shoulder to cry on. 
I was left with teary eyes at the end of every chapter – especially with my favorites, "the sisters" and "the mother and child". The way the author added bite-sized trivias about Japanese cicadas, the Tanabata Festival, and Picasso, made the stories more grounded and clear with me as a reader. Oh, the surprisingly vivid description of siphoning and hand-drip style brewing of coffee allowed me to get a sniff of their cafè's aroma  Spoiler alert: the name of the cafè is Funiculi Funicula – famous with its reputation as a time traveling cafè, odd rules alongside it, and cold ambiance once inside despite the season. Thus, long queues are formed everyday. 
Would I recommend it? 100/10 I do! It's a must-read. Kudos to you, Mr. Toshikazu Kawaguchi for writing such a great book. Looking forward to having my copy of its sequels. 
📷: Pinterest
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yourlittlesol · 1 year
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Proof of Life on a Rainy Monday
Today, I curled my hair, dolled up with a checkered maxi dress, swiped make-up on my face, and staged a plain brown scarf for a backdrop – all for a mini photoshoot.
I took lots of photos, most of it ended up in my gallery's recycle bin, but three of those shots surprisingly came out good. I must say, I was pleased seeing it posted on my ig feed. It was great to feel good about myself – which is rare because I am never confident with myself. "Our quirks are a mark of beauty, and we are beautiful in our own ways," is the slogan I see everywhere, and I believe that for everyone. Ironically, I find it hard to do so for myself. I wish I could always look in the mirror and smile at my reflection. Insecurities shouldn't creep in every time because I am wonderfully made.
These days, planning to include physical check-ups is a process I'm undergoing to take care of my health. It's not just about looking good, I also have to be in a tiptop shape. It may seem scary for me, but my body is the temple of the holy spirit as well. I've got to be a good steward of God's blessing.
Today, I took lots of photos and posted some of them on my soc med feed – and I must say, I like how pretty I look in every frame. This is progress. Soon, I won't be frowning at the mirror anymore, and I'll like the way I laugh and smile at things. Soon.
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yourlittlesol · 1 year
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Back on my pen at twenty four, twenty-twenty three.
It has almost been three years since I sat down in front of the computer screen to let my fingers bleed of words. The feeling’s thrilling but somehow vexing and taunting. Life’s been a tad buzz with twenty twenty one’s on-the-job-training course while witnessing a miracle-in-working healing of grandpa, heading back home in Tondo after being away for four months of health isolation, twenty twenty two’s completion of thesis and defense, shooting for our film finals, and finally walking down the PICC aisle on my black toga and white lace, on my grip was my diploma that reads “A Graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Communication''. Wait, it gets better. In July of the same year, I joined the Dream Team – a whole year of studying music and bible at church and helping out in production and ministry outreach. It was the most rigorous yet remarkable journey I’ve gone through in life so far, and I think it will always hold a special place in my heart for in it I’ve learned not only the intricacies of music theory, aural theory sight and ear, rhythm, and dance, but also to seek God diligently, communicate and listen well, be keen to details, and how to uphold a better version of myself every trimester, every week, every day with my soul anchored in faith and humility. As I near pass the finish line of my dream team year, I must say it is the pinnacle of my early twenties alongside stepping out of college.
I am a work in progress – we all are. However, looking closely at myself, I do tend to overthink a lot. By a lot, I mean a lot – with my brain working overtime in an overdrive. I guess it’s because I wanted to embody perfection even though it’s impossible. I’m twenty four, wow. I can’t believe I’m twenty four. It’s slowly sinking in as I re-kickstart my adulting journey by updating my CV. I was stuck at twenty, where I already knew I am old and supposed to be contributing to the finances of my family, an ever reliable ate that hands away W.O.W (words of wisdom) to everyone younger, and someone who behaves prim and proper – just like what the society expects in a fully-grown woman. I am not young anymore, technically but my grandparents often say that I’ve still got decades ahead of me to enjoy life without slacking my years away. That said, I’m old enough to make wise and mature decisions that’ll surely affect my latter years, and still young to be a worrywart about everything. Twenties is indeed a rollercoaster of learning – and this is not for the faint of heart. So to my fellow twenties warriors, we got this.
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Lastly, maybe this thought process has something to do with age as well but lately, I’ve found myself writing my future someone in my prayer list priorities – alongside career, calling, and dream house. Isn't it a little early for that? Better to be praying for him early than late and settle for less, right? I wonder how God reacts everytime I mention to him my “him list”, does he find it funny? The “him list” is not in any way demanding, just a couple of specified bullet points of what I want him to have, parted with negotiables and non-negotiables – e.g for negotiables; it will be great if he’s three years older than me (he doesn’t have to be exactly three years, it’s just my preference but younger? Uhmm, wouldn’t it be weird though? I think it’s weird); Someone who takes good pictures (for memories), and someone who loves to read and write because it’ll be great to be with someone I can mentally grow as well. For the non-negotiables, he should be a man who is gentle, kind, serves God in the ministry, and a man who cooks well because I eat a lot.
Wherever that future someone is, I am always praying he’s healthy and safe. As much as I expect him to be a number of things, I also have my me list so that I can truly be a helper suitable for him. I am praying for a great husband, so why wouldn’t I be a great wife for him? Whether we’ve already crossed paths or we’re still about to, I believe that our foundation should be God – because He loved us so that we can love the people around us, eventually, each other, best. So, no pressure for us. We’ll get to know each other in God’s perfect time.
To wrap up this life catch-up, I’m grateful that no matter how life keeps on throwing me lemons, God always provides for me a blender to make lemonades. I am flawed but not lost. My feet stands on level ground for His counsel gives me a straight-path direction despite the many turns I see. To speak life, to produce quality works, my soul should always stand close to the God who perfects me.
It’s great to write again.
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