Yes aelin yes
Fenrys: That woman is insane...
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hades isn’t a badass. hades named his three-headed-guard-of-the-underworld-dog spot. hades whispers to his flowers to make them grow. hades grows fruit. there’s no sun in the underworld.
hades isn’t a badass. stop saying this false thing
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Rowaelin was foreshadowed in Crown of Midnight.
I am candidly rereading the Throne of Glass series when today I came upon the biggest bombshell of my entire existance. In Chapter 15 of Crown of Midnight, Celaena is attending a dinner in honor of Hollin, Dorian’s evil little brother, When the singer comes on-stage, she sings a song that is actually an anciet Fae legend.
“She heard it now as if for the first time: the story of a Fae woman blessed with a horrible, profound power that was sought by kings and lords in every kingdom. While they used her to win wars and conquer nations, they all feared her–and kept their distance.”
The Fae woman in the song can easily be considered Celaena. Celaena’s power is being the greatest assassin the world has ever known. Arobynn first and later the King of Adarlan when he names her his Champion, make use of her power.
“Rena went on, spinning the ageless story of the years that the Fae woman served those kings and lords, and the loneliness that consumed her bit by bit. And then, one day, a knight came, seeking her power on behalf of his king. As they traveled to his kingdom, his fear turned to love–and he saw her not for the power she wielded, but for the woman beneath. Of all the kings and emperors who had come courting her with promises of wealth beyond imagining, it was the knight’s gift, of seeing her for who she was–not what she was–that won her heart.
IF THIS DOESN’T SCREAM ROWAELIN TO YOU, THEN I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT DOES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! (I’m sorry for the use of all caps, but my mind is completely fried). On a first read of this book, I thought this was a foreshadowing of the imminent Chaolena relationship–and later on I completely forgot about it tbh–but now I see it for what it really is. I think this part of the book was meant to be a foreshadowing of the future relationship between Rowan and Aelin.  In the last stages of Crown of Midnight when Celaena’s Fae heritage is revealed, Chaol isn’t able to look past his fear of what Aelin is and what she is able to do. It only becomes worse when he learns her true identity. When Rowan and Aelin first meet in Heir of Fire, he is looking for her on Maeve’s behalf, his queen. As they spend time together and he teaches her to wield her magic, their bickering turns to friendship, their friendship turns to love. Rowan is also the only one of Aelin’s love interest who is able to see Aelin for who she is and accept every single part of her. Sam is the one who got closer to that level of loving her, but there was a whole part of Celaena’s life that he was unaware of. Dorian and Chaol–while they did fall in love with her–never truly accepted every part of Celaena’s being. Both of them have trouble accepting the assassin part of her and in Chaol’s case it’s even worse because he doesn’t accept her being Fae either, unlike Dorian. Rowan is the only one who embraces ALL of Aelin’s baggage. He understands her struggles; he doesn’t judge her for being a killer because he’s done his fair share of killing himself; he’s not afraid of how powerful she is; he is not intimidated by her being a queen.
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“Nestled under layers of quilts and down blankets, Aelin rolled over in bed and stretched a hand across the mattress, reaching lazily for the warm male body beside hers. Cold, silken sheets slid against her fingers.” - Chapter 11
“He locked that knowledge up so tightly that it could escape only in his dreams, or when he woke reaching across a cold bed for a princess who was thousands of miles away.” - Chapter 29
“Queen of Shadows” by Sarah J. Maas
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“Do you still love her?” He didn’t know why he cared, why it was important. Chaol closed his eyes for a moment. “A part of me will always love her. But I had to get her out of this castle. Because it was too dangerous, and she was . . . what she was becoming . . .” “She was not becoming anything different from what she always was and always had the capacity to be. You just finally saw everything. And once you saw that other part of her . . . ,” Dorian said quietly. It had taken him until now, until Sorscha, to understand what that meant. “You cannot pick and choose what parts of her to love.” He pitied Chaol, he realized. His heart hurt for his friend, for all that Chaol had surely been realizing these past few months. “Just as you cannot pick which parts of me you accept.”
Dorian and Chaol, Heir of Fire, Sarah J. Maas
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"It ­wouldn’t have made a difference. Nehemia had orchestrated every step in her own destruction, and would have found another way. And she had only done it because Celaena refused to help—­refused to act. Having this glorious Fae body changed nothing." The moment Celeana, as she still hasn't embraced being Aelin, realizes that there was nothing she could have done to save Nehemia, that it was out of her control, is a moment of clarity and letting go. Of accepting. It's one of the starts of healing. Rowan, through his own ways and stubborn attitude that mirrors her own, broke open her shell and healed her.
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He didn’t back down. “See what you want, Aelin, and seize it. Don’t ask for it; don’t wish for it. Take it.”
Rowan Whitethorn, Heir of Fire, Sarah J. Maas
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But death was her curse and her gift, and death had been her good friend these long, long years.
Celeana Sardothien after Nehemia's assassination, Crown of Midnight, Sarah J. Maas
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“When you get angry,” she explained, “your eyes get this … cold look. Glazed.” "Dorian jerked awake at the sound of a clock chiming, and found himself sweating despite the fierce cold in his bedroom. It was odd enough that he’d fallen asleep, but the frigid temperature was what struck him as most unusual. His windows were all sealed, his door shut. And yet his shallow breaths clouded in front of him." "As he turned, he could have sworn he caught a glimpse of a faint ring of frost around where his body had lain on the couch." "Not a father to his son, but a king to his heir. Still, that icy rage was growing, and he kept seeing Celaena’s scars, her too-thin body the day they’d pulled her out of Endovier, her gaunt face and the hope and desperation mingling in her eyes. He heard Nehemia’s words: What she went through is a blessing compared to what most endure." "The rage dragged him down to the place where he’d felt that flicker of ancient power when Nehemia had touched his heart. " "He didn’t know where he was going, only that he felt freezing cold—a cold that fueled the calm, glittering rage." "....as he drew back his fist and punched the wall. The stone cracked under his hand. Not a small crack, but a spiderweb that kept growing and growing toward the window on the right, until— The window exploded, glass showering everywhere as Dorian dropped into a crouch and covered his head. Air rushed in, so cold his eyes blurred, but he just knelt there, fingers in his hair, breathing, breathing, breathing as the anger ebbed out of him." "The wall had splintered, but remained intact. The ancient window, however, had shattered completely. And around him, around where he had crouched … A perfect circle, clean of debris, as if the glass and wood had showered everything but him. It wasn’t possible. Because magic— Magic … Dorian dropped to his knees and was violently sick."
The Lead up to Dorian Discovering his Magic, Crown Of Midnight, Sarah J. Maas
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Bruh I love these two so much
I went with some friends to finally watch SS and I noticed that in the club scene after joker tells Harley she is his gift to him and she starts to flirt with him he seems to look kind of mad/jealous?
Alright it’s time to clear the air on what happened in this scene.
This was a setup. I can almost guarantee that Harley and The Joker had been in this exact situation before and that this is almost a routine for them. He puts Harley’s body on display somehow, depending on where they are, and whoever he’s meeting with will make a comment towards her because she’s putting on a show and luring their attention. In this scene we see that exactly, she’s out in the open, dancing and grinding in a scantily clad dress. The Joker is not far to the side so him and his ‘client’ can see her clearly. When a comment is made about Harley being a ‘bad bitch’ you can see a sort of switch go off in the Joker and he goes on his little tangent about Harley being truly satisfying for him and calls her over. It’s at this point that the Joker knows 1000% that he’s going to blow this guys brains out because he not only looked at Harley, but he called her a ‘bad bitch’. That, and the Joker probably just wanted more of a reason to kill him so Harley was the perfect piece. So Harley comes over and the Joker gives his speech about ‘giving’ her to him, but it’s not that at all. Harley is in on this which is why she’s so quick to hop on this dude’s lap and flirt with him. Harley is pushing him by siting on his lap and flirting right in his face, and the Joker stands behind, letting his anger build up. They both want this guy to fuck up, to do something to Harley, because that would be the grain of salt over the edge of how disrespectful this guy is to the Joker and Harley, and how dumb he’d be to actually think he gave Harley to him. It’s all a twisted set up. When the Joker is breathing all heavy and looking at them, it’s not out of jealousy, no–it’s out of rage. He’s literally getting off on this guy fucking up. He’s absolutely infuriated, he’s containing all the anger he can as well as the sick pleasure of murder before Harley gets off of him and sits on the couch beside the Joker. He’s getting off on how he’s going to royally fuck this guy up. He’s not jealous because he knows that Harley doesn’t see this guy as more of a sack of shit that’s about to get it real bad–which is why she pushes so far by flirting on his lap–she knows he’s gonna get it. ‘You don’t want no beef–’ ‘Nah, that’s your girl, J’ – ‘that’s right’  There’s no jealousy here. The Joker knows Harley worships and loves only him, and Harley doesn’t want to do anything but please him. This is something they’ve done before, a total set up to murder this guy. They are master manipulators, and this scene perfectly shows that. They bounce off of each other, Harley is the physical and sexual manipulator, and the Joker is the mental manipulator. It’s pretty incredible that they can work together like that, but again, they’re so devoted to themselves and each other that fucking with one lunkhead doesn’t bother them in the slightest. It also shows how they can truly toy with people before they kill them–torture them with what they desire. They are an insanely intelligent duo, which is why they’re so iconic. So that’s what happens in this scene, folks.
Spread the word. 
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“You could rattle the stars,” she whispered. “You could do anything, if you only dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.”
Elena speaking to Celeana, Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas
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“ How long was I asleep?” she whispered. He didn’t respond. “How long was I asleep?” she asked again, and noticed a hint of red in his cheeks. “You were asleep, too?” “Until you began drooling on my shoulder.” “Such a self-righteous young man,” she cooed, and he poked her leg. “Pay attention.” Okay guys. Let's break out the TOG artists. I want the scene where Celeana and Chaol fall asleep on each other during the church ceremony to be drawn.
Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas
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Let me remind you of a quote from Queen of Shadows
‘Sometimes he’d mentioned it in veiled terms, Usually as a threat to keep her bound to him’
Aelin knows what abuse is, physical and emotional. She endured years of training with Arobynn who then tortured the only person she cared about and killed him. If Rowan was as abusive as everyone thinks, she would not allow him in her Court, she would not take their Bond and she would /not/ bring Rowan to see Sams grave and confess EVERYTHING she has been through to him. Rowan is not abusive, Rowan is what brought her back from the darkness.
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I'm Manon and Aelin
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Tag yourself YA edition feat. @phantomrin art I’m Aelin.
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"She had often wished for adventure, for old spells and wicked kings. But she hadn’t realized it would be like this—a fight for her freedom. And she’d always imagined that there’d be someone to help her—a loyal friend or a one-armed soldier or something. She hadn’t imagined she would be so . . . alone." Since book ONE of the series, Aelin has wished for a partner.. We thought, maybe Dorian, but soon realized he could be nothing more than a friend, then Chaol or Nehemiah, but no. Even with different peoples friendship, she was still alone. Alone in her struggles, her secrets, her battles, her past. No one has ever seen Aelin, for all she is, and not wanted to change something. Until Rowan Whitethorn. All these people that have issues with him, claim he's abusive(which he's not, and I can prove in another rant), look over the part time and time again where Aelin even says, multiple times, that Rowan is like her other half. He has seen all the ugly parts of her and still loves her, still will stand by her side and not judge her. After so long of her feeling alone, she finally has that partner she's always wanted.
Celeana Sardothien, Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas
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I was burning through books every day – stories about people and places I’d never heard of. They were perhaps the only thing that kept me from teetering into utter despair.
A Court of Mist and Fury, Sarah J. Maas (via switch-off-the-stars)
When Sarah is getting a little too real
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