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Masterlist | TTMJWRAADL Masterlist
Japanese: normal text
English: bolded
Thoughts: in italics
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"Wait, so, you're saying I can go to the final selection?"
"Even if I didn't slice that rock in half?"
"That is correct."
You stare at the older man dumbfounded. You found it oddly convenient how Urokodaki was willing to let you go to the final selection, especially after you failed to slice your own stupid boulder. "Are you sure? This isn't a prank or anything right?"
He nods his head, "If it weren't for the fact that Tanjiro had passed the final test, I would not have allowed you to go to Mount Fujikasane."
"I trust that the two of you will be able to protect one another and that you both will make it back home alive."
Nodding your head vigorously in agreement, you cast your gaze toward the only other person in the room. Tanjiro was currently focusing on cutting his hair in preparation for the final selection.
Goodbye long-hair Tanjiro
Shortly after, Urokodaki walks back into the room with two masks in hand. “I have prepared these masks for the two of you to wear. They are called the mask of disaster prevention, they should help keep the bad luck away from you both.”
Kinda surprised I got one too. Too bad I won’t have it for long. It’s pretty…
Taking the mask offered to you, you examine its design. Like Tanjiro’s, and you’re assuming Urokodaki’s many other students, it was a hand-carved fox mask with pastel-pink flowers decorating its forehead, cheeks, and ears. The part around the eyes and mouth was a pretty gold color, and its mouth was similar to Makomo’s smiling one.
Aw, this is such a cute mask.
Sending a thankful smile to Urokodaki, you place the mask over your face. It fit surprisingly well, not feeling constricting at all. “How do I look?” You ask your scarred companion. “It suits you well [Y/N],” Tanjiro responds with a smile. Urokodaki interrupts the shared moment between the two of you, two blue haori with a cloud pattern in hand.
So it’s finally time
The next morning came quickly, with Urokodaki waking both you and Tanjiro very early in the morning. The two of you rush to get dressed, putting on the haori that Urokodaki had given you the night before. 
After giving Nezuko a heartfelt goodbye, Tanjiro, Urokodaki, and you made your way outside of your shared home. Urokodaki was quick to reassure Tanjiro over his worry about leaving Nezuko for a week. The both of you share a determined nod before turning to leave. As you ran away from the cabin, you gave your goodbyes to the man who had been teaching you the past few years. “We’ll be going now, Urokodaki-sensei!” As you both continue running, the older man waves you off, “Say hello to Sabito and Makomo for us!” Urokodaki’s arm freezes mid-wave, “Tanjiro… [Y/N]... How do you… Know the names of those dead children?”
The sun had fully set by the time you and Tanjiro reached Mount Fujikasane. The two of you walked side by side, as you walked the path decorated with Wisteria trees. “Oh wow, Tanjiro! It looks so pretty! It’s almost like they’re glowing!” You exclaim your admiration for the beauty of the mountain. “Wisteria isn’t normally supposed to bloom this season,” he responds to you as he gently reaches toward the flowers.
Finally reaching your destination, the two of you are met with a massive group of people scattered around the meeting place. You quickly spotted Zenitsu and Kanao, the two sporting bright haori's as they stood separated from the other background characters people. It also wasn’t too hard to find Genya, his distinct mohawk helping him stand out from the rest.
“Greetings everyone,” the synced voices of the twins Oyakata-sama’s son and daughter called out to the group, catching everyone's attention. The black-haired child speaks first,  “Thank you all for joining the final selection tonight. There are a lot of demons held captive on this mountain brought back by demon-killing swordsmen. They are unable to leave.” His younger, white-haired sister quickly picks up where her brother left off, “Because from the mountain foot to halfway up, there are a lot of demon-repelling wisteria that bloom all year round.” They now speak together, “However, from here on out, there are no more wisteria. Only demons. If you can survive here for seven days, then you pass the final selection.” After a brief pause, they finish off with a sentence that spiked your anxiety, “Now let the final selection begin."
With your heart racing, you give a quick glance at Tanjiro as he takes your hand and rushes into the mountain. 
“Hey, hey, you go over there. I eat these two!” “Hell no, get out of here!” Two voices alert you to the incoming danger, two demons jumping into your view.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Demons! There are actual demons right in front of me!
As the two demons continue to argue over who got to kill you and Tanjiro, Tanjiro takes a stance, prepared to defend you both. “That’s my prey!” “Shut it!” They then turn to attack you both, “We’ll just decide it by whoever gets to them first!” 
The two demons rush to attack you both, fear overtaking your body as the reality of the situation sinks in. 
I’m going to die here.
“Haven’t tasted human flesh in such a long time!” You're frozen in fear. No matter how hard you try to move your body to defend yourself. Tanjiro gives you a glance of concern before taking a deep breath and quickly slashes the heads of both demons off. “[Y/N], are you alright?”
“I-” Your voice shakes as you struggle to swallow the lump in your throat, “I’m okay…” Tanjiro shuffles closer to you and puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay. You don’t have to force yourself to do anything. I’ll keep you safe.” A sense of shame floods your body,
I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I just stood there while Tanjiro did all the work. What if I get in his way and get us both killed? All of our training would have been for nothing if we die here…
“No, next time, I won’t let you do all the work. Next time, I’ll be the one protecting you, okay?”
His look of concern shifts into one of kindness, “I’ll be counting on you then [Y/N].” Tanjiro's expression shifts back into one of sorrow as he faces the bodies of the demons he decapitated. As you observe him, you can see he's holding back tears, thinking to himself. He gives them a final prayer as their bodies quickly disintegrate into nothingness, their unfortunate souls being sent to hell.
"Tanjiro," You call out to him softly. "I'm alright, I just-" Tanjiro interrupts himself, covering his nose with his hands, a disgusted expression settling over him. It only takes the scream of a quickly approaching wannabe slayer for the smell to hit you. 
Tag List: @rgtgt
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yourslashersfinalgirl · 7 months
╯‧⁚⁛⁙ ┉ self-aware!ghostface and the player headcanons | part 1/?
-> first things first, once danny breaks the fourth wall, good luck because bby that man will never leave you alone. he wants your attention on him and him alone. you either main him or risk getting your game glitched out til you do.
-> gets frustrated when you purposely let survivors go. this is not a charity party, this is a hunting trial. thinks you're going too soft and might honestly assume control of himself and take matters into his own hands if you keep it up.
-> depending on his mood, he might or might not care if you accidentally let some slip. it's okay hun everyone makes mistakes (but not 3 in a row). you're not like danny, a ruthless and cold-blooded murderer, so he understands. though if he keeps getting flashbanged he will take matters into his own hands again because he's trying not to go blind before his forties.
-> loves watching you scroll on your phone or eating when you're taking a break from matches. if you don't pay attention to him for long he'll start repeating his basic animations (stab stabby stab stab) until you look up and he can see those pretty eyes of yours again. ♡
-> absolutely despises when you switch to survivor. he doesn't get it. what do they have that he doesn't? what's the fun in being chased and hunted? he's so much more fun and entertaining- you can't just replace him like that.
->danny doesn't care about fashion or his appearance overall. his hair is often messy and with hits of dried blood here and there, and sometimes he forgets to wash himself after a kill but he loves when you buy him cosmetics. maybe it's the way your eyes lit up, or the small comments you make about how 'handsomely gorgeous he looks in red', and he craves that attention.
->believes you two are the match. no other killer or survivor could ever have what you and the ghostface have. his skills and your brains are the ultimate pair, any other could only dream of having a 'relationship' like the two of you have.
->snickers to himself as you make background commentary of how the trial is going, 'wow nea what was that?' 'damn are you just gonna leave your teammate die on first hook?' or his personal favourite... 'ace get your fucking ass off of the balcony right now'
->his dark, cold heart flutters in excitement as he hears you cheer after a 4k or after you get vengeance on some particular sassy survivors who think they can outsmart you. oh, how danny would love to see your hands covered in blood as you digged his blade into the corpses of-
->for now, danny will keep watching and testing his boundaries. his limits. watching you from behind a screen can only satisfy him for so long. he wants the real deal, he craves to feel you, your touch, the softness or roughness of your skin. he wants to show you that he's the only one good enough for you.
A/N: trying a new format of headcanons/stories hehehe
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Final Girl Masterlist
Main fic: 
FInal Girl (Part 1) 
FInal Girl (Part 2)
Final Girl (Part 3)
Final Girl (Part 4)
Final Girl (Part 5)
Final Girl (Part 6)
Final Girl (Part 7)
Separate drabbles/fics set in the Final Girl universe
*these fics can be read as stand alones, they just happen to be canon in the final girl universe/timeline (to request a fic in the final girl universe pls specify in your ask:))
First Impressions - how Billy and Stu decided that Y/n was going to be their final girl  
final girl asks with additional content can be found under the #finalgirlfic tag
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So trueee, wish there was more than every 3 fics being smut.
I wanna read an x reader where the reader snuggles with the big, scary, slasher, rather than be fucked by them ruthlessly, but their fanbase likes the latter better, oh well.
I'm kidding around, you can like what you like, I just want to see some diversity in my readings whenever I read x reader mainly because they're the same, exact, thing EVERY TIME. And also beacuse I'm ace, and not attracted to things like that.
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Hard agree with this! OC stuff tagged incorrectly actually annoys the hell out of me!!! 😭
Im gonna scream if I see another fic labeled "x reader" but then the description/summary says sumn like Ophelia Hart comes back to Hawkins for summe-like pls💀
That isnt a reader insert. My name isnt ophelia and I'm poc, definitely not white.
Like please for the love of-
I can't stress enough how much I dislike character x oc fics. Especially one's that arent tagged properly. Absolutely no one scrolling the x reader tag wants to know about sammy smith, or jessica thompson, or natalie byers. Please just tag your fics properly. I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoy reading oc inserts, for some fandoms I do. But please filter and tag your fics properly. Its frustrating and I feel so annoyed scrolling thru 1, 2-5, FIVE oc insert fics or fics of some other character before I even find an x reader.
Like I filter my tags, I do. But this one fic, wont say which, but this one fic had zero. ZERO, tags for anything oc related, even the pairing said x reader but I start reading? Suddenly my name is (insert name like Madison or Olive), Im apparently blonde and white. Like???🧍
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Happy New Year to all of my lovely followers and anyone that sees this post!
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Cleared my following list of all the porn bots <3
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Sample for New BNHA Story
CW/TW: Mentions of suicide
A/N: This has an abrupt ending (I didn't feel like continuing). This is something I've been thinking about for months so I decided to just write it. Not sure if this has been done before, so if it has... whoops?
Btw let me know if you wanna see more of this :D
You didn't know how to feel, or how to think at the moment. It was as if your whole body just shut down at the sight of your best friend, no, that wasn't your friend anymore was it, the villain in front of you.
He was laughing manically like someone had just told him the funniest joke he's ever heard. Normally his laugh would bring you comfort. His laugh would have brought so much warmth to your chest as you stared at his face with a grin of your own.
But this wasn't normal. Nothing about this was normal.
Right in front of you was your best friend who you thought was dead. Your mind flashed to the image of his broken body, sprawled across the cold concrete after he had jumped off your old middle school's rooftop. The image of his still alive body groaning in pain even after he hit the floor. Your screams of agony and loss as you tried to reach him, Bakugo and his "friends" holding you back, shock and fear-ridden across their faces.
No, he had to be dead. There was no way he was alive. He literally committed suicide right in front of your eyes. So why? Why is he here? Why is he with the villains? With All for One?
You felt Bakugo's arms wrap around you, preventing you from falling to the ground. You both stared in shock as Midoriya Izuku, your best friend, stood, alive and well, laughing at the expressions you both were making.
"Ah, Kacchan! [Y/N]chan! It's really good to see you both! It's been a few months, hasn't it? You both go to UA now, right? That's great! I knew you could do it!"
Masterlist | BNHA Masterlist
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BNHA/MHA Masterlist
Full Masterlist
A/N: If titles have no links it means the story hasn't been published.
Sample for New BNHA Story | 12/10/22
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A lovely artist, please go follow them and consider commissioning them!
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message me here and don't be afraid to ask questions! I don't bite too hard!
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art things:
I have many different artstyles ranging from cartoon to semi-realistic! I like to experiment with my art so please don't be shy, I love a good challenge.
I am also now offering 10 dollar doodles! they're great 4 profile pictures and pet portraits <3
I have illustrated book covers, logos, comics, children's books, character sheets and sm more. I'm open to most all commission ideas and I offer discounts for returning commissioners ^-^
abt me :
I am currently in college and trying desperately to make ends meet! Any money from this would go toward living expenses for me, my bf, and my cat.
I'm hoping to make enough profit to be able to quit my day job, and focus on my schooling.
so if u can plz consider supporting me <3<3<3
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Hanging out with Eyeless Jack
A/N: Very self-indulgent headcanons for what I would think hanging out with EJ would be like.
Hearts and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Art credit: @IJWannaHaveFunn
We all know Jack isn't the type to talk much without reason so you would enjoy each other's company in relative silence.
Not to say it's awkward, but after about a month of the same silence, you both got comfortable with how quiet things got.
I'd go so far as to say Jack seeks you out just for the silence you both know comes with being in each other's presence.
Now, since Jack can't exactly go out in public without everyone giving him strange looks or even freaking out, you tend to hang out in each other's rooms or the infirmary.
With how sensitive his senses are, especially his hearing, you guys tend to just read or get work/chores done together.
Very domestic between you guys!
When you guys do talk, it would mainly be about what the others have been up to, whether it be Ben doing something stupid and getting yelled at by Masky or a mission you went on with Toby where you almost got caught because he can't control when his Tourettes acts up.
Sometimes, Jack brings you things from his victims to give to you whenever you see each other.
From things like a jewelry box and its accompanying jewelry, some books and comics he thinks you'd like to read, video games you can play, some sweets he finds in their cabinets and pantry, and he even occasionally brings clothes he thinks you might like.
There are times when you both decide that taking a stroll in the woods would be a nice way to spend time together.
Jack likes to chase you as you run through the forest like you're prey, you both think of it as survival training.
It's good endurance training for you as well, especially since Jack is fast as hell when he wants to be.
After the adrenaline rush, you guys go to a clearing not far from the house and spend some time stargazing.
It's so peaceful and you guys are just so happy to be in each other's company.
He wouldn't trade it for the world and neither would you.
Creepypasta Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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Saving this for later 😌
any creepypastas fanfictions recommendations?
Desolate - E.J x Reader [SLOW BURN]
Dance with the Dead [Masky x Hoodie x Toby x Reader][TW: GORE][SLOW BURN]
Bookworm (Eyeless Jack x Reader) [TW: GORE][SLOW BURN]
Stonewaller - Hoodie x Reader [TW: MEDICAL ABUSE/MALPRACTICE]
Carnivore (EJ x F! Reader)
Morana [Creepypasta x Reader ]
The Oddity [ ticci toby x Reader insert] [TW: MATURE CONTENT]
Bloody Knives in my Leftovers (Proxies x Reader)[TW: GORE]
Hunting Dogs (Proxies x Reader)[TW: MATURE CONTENT]
Playing Favorites (Ticci Toby x F! Reader)[TW: MATURE CONTENT]
Playing Favorites Book Two (Ticci Toby x F! Reader) [TW: MATURE CONTENT]
Two Dead Swans - Masky x Reader/Proxies x Reader [TW: MATURE CONTENT]
A Burning Past//Toby Rogers (X Reader) [TW: MATURE CONTENT]
The Butterfly Effect (Yandere EJ x Reader)[TW: MATURE CONTENT]
Lose my mind Tonight (Proxies x Reader)[TW: MATURE CONTENT][SLOW BURN]
Stray Souls (Hoodie x Female Reader)
Are you dead, yet? [Masky x F! Reader][TW: MATURE CONTENT]
Ticci Toby (x Reader): Hey Honey [TW: NSFW MENTIONS AND MATURE CONTENT]
Sand in the Hourglass (Ticci Toby x Reader)[TW: ABUSE]
Deja Vu (Ticci Toby x Reader)[TW: CULTS, MATURE CONTENT]
Something Amiss (Hoodie x Reader)[TW: MATURE CONTENT][SLOW BURN]
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Creepypasta Masterlist
A/N: If titles have no links it means the story hasn't been published yet
Full Masterlist
Hanging out with Eyeless Jack | 11/26/22
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Top 10 Fastest Anime Defeats | Chapter 4
Japanese: normal text
English: bolded
Thoughts: in italics
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It's nice out today.
That was your first thought of the morning as you stepped outside to begin your training. Although you and your scarred friend had planned to stay inside for the day due to the rain, Urokodaki had requested you both go out and adjust to the environmental change. "You must learn to fight in different conditions whether they are natural or not. Training in the same good weather will not give you nearly enough experience for your fights with the demons."
I guess that makes sense... Besides the rain isn't that bad, I actually like the rain.
As the rain continued to pour down, you made your way toward your desired area for training. You wouldn't be joining Tanjiro for your usual routine in favor of finally trying to come up with your desired breath style.
Standing in front of the boulder you spend the next few minutes staring at it.
Yeah... I have nothing...
"Damn it, this is so stupid!" You stomp your foot against the ground straight into a puddle of muddy water, dirtying your light blue hakama.
Ah fuck, Urokodaki is gonna kill me now.
"Life is going great!" You let out an exasperated sigh, not caring as you didn't have an audience,
"You really are a mess." A familiar voice cuts through your spiteful thoughts as you spin around to face the boy. Droplets of rain dripped down his mask as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest watching your pitiful state. "Why, hello to you too Sabito." You sigh after greeting the boy.
Do I dare sit on the ground? My clothes are already dirty so I'll have to wash them anyway...
"What's wrong with you? Your face is disturbing me." 
"Wh- Don't you dare talk about my face when you haven't even shown yours!" His only response to your statement was a light knock of his fist to your head. 
"You never answered my question."
"I asked what was wrong with you. You never answered." 
Staring down at your muddied feet in embarrassment, you avoid eye contact before answering, "I'm trying to come up with my own breath style."
He scoffs, "That's your problem?" He shakes his head as you absentmindedly play with the sleeve of your hakama as your temper begins to rise. "You try to come up with your own breath style! This shit ain't easy dude!"
"Then, if it's so hard for you on your own... I'll help you."
Another six months passed until the final day Tanjiro would face Sabito. You would have continued your training if it weren't for the fact you desperately wanted to see Sabito's face.
That moment you're only letting yourself take a break cause you want to see some dude's face.
Tanjiro and Sabito stood across from one another, stern expressions never wavering as they stared one another down. Tanjiro's hair had grown out, cascading down to his shoulders. To the side of them were the figures of two girls, Makomo standing in place, and you at her side sitting patiently.
Not like I'll be here for long... This fight is pretty quick in the anime so I don't have to worry about time too much.
The sword at Sabito's side was no longer the familiar wooden one he had appeared with all those months ago, instead it was a real Nichirin blade that shined as he pulled it from its sheath.
"After a year, you finally began to have the appearance of a man," Sabito comments on your burgundy-haired friend as he stood across from him with his own sword drawn.
"I will win today."
"Go Tanjiro! I know you can do it!" Obviously, you would cheer for Tanjiro. Sure, as much as you liked Sabito, you were not going to not show your support for the boy you've known for longer.
It was a pretty straightforward thing. To put it simply, the stronger and faster of the two would win.
Not another second passed before they both lunged forward, fully prepared to inflict some damage on the other. It was a quick fight, and the victor decided in an instant. Tanjiro's blade struck Sabito before the masked male had time to react.
A look of shock swept across Tanjiro's face as you leaned forward, Sabito's own face being revealed from beneath his split-open mask.
Woah... He's so fucking pretty? Pretty boy Sabito! If Sabito looks like this how pretty is Inosuke?
Both Sabito and Makomo smiled at Tanjiro's achievement. Fog began to pool around the area as a sense of mourning, joy, and peace began to fill your body. 
"You must win Tanjiro..." Makomo spoke up, although you didn't react to her voice, "Against that person too."
That person? The hand demon or Kibutsuji?
Finally returning to your senses, you look around only to realize Sabito and Makomo were nowhere to be found.
"So... Uh..." The sound of your voice seemed to surprise Tanjiro as he jolted from his thoughts. "Ah, [Y/N]!" You push yourself from the ground only to jump onto Tanjiro's back, forcing him to drop his katana in order to hold you up, "That's a nice rock you got there bud. Can I have the other half?" 
"Other half?" He looks back at the boulder only to realize he had somehow managed to slice it in half. "O-oh! I didn't even realize I cut it!" You raise an eyebrow at that remark, "Bro, really? Then... Do you mind helping me cut mine in half? I wanna be there with you at the final selection!" 
His grip on you falters, almost accidentally allowing you to choke him if it were for the fact you slid off on your own accord, "C'mon! Help me with my boulder too!" You race off toward the direction of your training spot only to accidentally run into your father Urokodaki himself. "Oof!" Before you could fall, he grabs your shoulders to steady you, "Ah, I'm sorry... And thanks for catching me." Urokodaki simply responds by giving you a head pat.
"The reason I didn't want either of you to go to the final selection, was because I didn't want to see children die of this anymore."
Ah, story progression...
He begins to approach Tanjiro, "But I didn't count on you being able to slice that rock..." He places his right hand on top of Tanjiro's head, "You did well." 
Tears begin to well up in Tanjiro's eyes as Urokodaki continues, "Tanjiro, you are an... impressive kid..." Finally allowing his tears to fall, the two embrace each other in what you would describe as a slightly awkward, but loving hug. "You must come back... Alive from the final selection. This old man and your sister will be waiting for you right here."
Well, I didn't need my emotions anyways.
Tag List: @rgtgt
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Masterlist | TTMJWRAADL Masterlist
Japanese: normal text
English: bolded
Thoughts: in italics
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After your far-fetched daydreams about proposing to Sabito, you watch as Tanjiro places his arms behind his lean body to prop himself up, "What do you want, jumping out like that all of a sudden!" Sweat dripped down Tanjiro's face as he yelled at Sabito.
Even when he’s yelling he still manages to make it look cute, what the fuck?
You quietly sat under a nearby tree's protective shade. "I should be the one asking that, what are you doing?” Sabito states plainly as Tanjiro gives him a perplexed look, "Doing? I'm training..."
 "How long are you going to sit there like that? Prepare yourself." Sabito's manly voice silences Tanjiro as he picks himself off the floor.
Damn Tanjiro, Sabito just called you out. 
"At least one of you is taking this seriously..."
Oh? Was he trying to call me out too?
As the two of them stand their ground in front of one another and the tension grows, your eyes wander around the area to see if Makomo was around.
Nope, don't see her… for now...
"Alright, bring it on." 
Oh shit, it's happening.
"But..." Tanjiro hesitates to attack, noticing a difference between himself and his opponent, "You're holding a wooden sword and I'm holding a real one."
Oh Tanjiro, honey, no. 
Sabito's posture relaxes as his laugh cuts through the tension in the air. The sweat on Tanjiro’s dumbfounded face now began to intensify. You slightly shift in your spot in anticipation of the upcoming fight. You already knew how it would end, Tanjiro being knocked unconscious, but that didn't stop you from silently cheering for him. 
Don't worry Tanjiro, you can do it!.. Eventually!
"Haha, you flatter me! Thank you for this care you've shown me! But do you really think you're able to injure me?"
Sabito rushes towards Tanjiro in a flash, forcing your friend to parry the young masked male's attack. "You don't have to worry at all, I'm much stronger than you! After all, I was able to slice that boulder in half!" Sabito mocks Tanjiro, and in a way you too, as your now panicked friend struggled against your favorite masked male. "You really haven't learned anything, have you? You haven't turned anything you were shown into your own skill!" Sabito overpowers Tanjiro, throwing him to the ground with a hard “thud". 
I'm starting to feel bad for him...
"Especially the breathing technique Urokodaki-sensei has taught. "Total concentration."
Realization flashes across Tanjiro's face, 
Oh yeah, it's all coming together now.
"You've only memorized the moves like some mere trivial facts. Your body hasn't experienced it at all." They both continue their attacks, and as time passes by, you realize Tanjiro was resorting to defense more than offense. In his eyes, you could see the determination after he realized Sabito made several points. "I'll make your flesh and blood remember it well," Their movements seemed to become blurrier as Tanjiro fought to keep up, "All of it, all of it, ALL OF IT! I'll make you NEVER forget the secret techniques Urokodaki has taught you! I'll implant them in your bone marrow." Sabito yells as his attacks continue to overwhelm Tanjiro more and more.
Sabito's so cool! Ahhh, I'm so going to praise him after this is over! After I check up on Tanjiro. 
"I am learning! I learn every day, I'm doing my best to learn with my life! But right now I don't know what to do at all... I can't move forward." Tanjiro's voice trails off, you note how disappointed he sounds in himself. "Keep moving forward if you wish to succeed if you really want to become stronger! You don't have any other choice except moving forward!" Blow after blow, Sabito continues to land hits onto Tanjiro, "Let me witness it, your power!" Tanjiro lets out a guttural yell before Sabito crouches down, landing a solid blow under Tanjiro's chin. The blow was so strong it ended up knocking your friend out cold, forcing his body to land harshly against the hard ground.
 A new figure appears at your side and you jump, startled by the girl now next to you.
"I'll leave it to you then," Sabito speaks to the small girl as you stare wide-eyed at the both of them. "So, uh..." Both figures looked down at you, one with a gentle smile on her adorable face and the other seemed annoyed, although you couldn't tell because of the mask.
"You were so cool just now!" Your voice was unintentionally loud, causing Makomo to giggle at your enthusiasm. Sabito says nothing as he walks into the mist, disappearing alongside it.
"It's nice to meet you," Makomo's airy voice cuts through the silence and you give her a welcoming smile, "It's nice to meet you too Ma- my friend." You cut yourself off almost accidentally saying her name.
She does not need to know I know who she and Sabito are.
"You speak English?." Moving from your spot under the tree in favor of getting near Tanjiro, you reply, "Uh, yeah." Her head tilts to the side cutely, "Are you a foreigner?" You nod your head in reply and she smiles, "That's really interesting. Oh, but I haven't introduced myself yet... I'm Makomo, the other boy just now is Sabito..." 
I can finally call them by their names now. That's good, I don't have to worry about acting like I don't know them, well, I still do, just not strangers.
"It's really nice to meet you Makomo! I'm [Y/N], and my knocked-out friend right here is Tanjiro." Introducing yourself and your partner in crime, you begin to play with his hair, running your hands through his hair.
Like a magic touch, Tanjiro begins to stir and slowly comes to. Both you and Makomo lean over his body as he finally opens his eyes, "Are you alright?" Brushing the question off, Tanjiro sits up swiftly and gets close to Makomo's face, "Did you see that move just now? That was an awesome strike! No hesitating or unnecessary movements at all! Very clean! I want to be like that too. I can do it, right? That move just now..." Tanjiro trails off, taking in the fact that a new face has shown up. Makomo takes his silence as an opportunity to speak up, "Of course you can. I'll be there to witness it." 
A faint blush spreads across Tanjiro's cheeks before questioning who Makomo was. She gives him the same introduction she had given you and you close your eyes.
Her voice is really nice to listen to.
After her introduction, she spent the next few minutes giving the two of you tips, pointing out the places where you were lacking, and correcting anything you were doing wrong. Both you and Tanjiro listened attentively, making sure to not miss any information that left her mouth. 
God, I'm dumb.
"Why are you helping us?" Tanjiro questions Makomo as she sits atop the boulder. She was currently working on a flower crown, weaving the stems together. Tanjiro's eyes never leave the girl and you shift uncomfortably as you both watch her work. "Where did you two come from?" Finishing the crown, she delicately places it on her head.
"We really love Urokodaki." 
A small frown adorns Tanjiro's face, confused as to why the small girl wouldn't answer the question. "Are you and Sabito siblings?" Although you already knew the answer to all of Tanjiro's questions, you pretended to be interested.
Makomo smiles down at you both and shakes her head, "Sabito and I aren't related. Urokodaki took us in and raised us because we were orphans."
Bro, she's speaking in past tense...
She jumps down from the boulder and lands in front of you both, a mist beginning to fill the space around you, "There are other children too. They're all around, watching you both."
Ayo, that's kinda creepy.
Tanjiro's head tilts to the side, expressing his visible confusion. "What do you mean?" 
Not elaborating, Makomo changes the topic back to training, "Total concentration breathing... Accelerates your blood flow and heartbeat. Your body's natural temperature also shoots up. You're still human, but you get strong like a demon. You expand your lungs... And bring lots of air into your blood. Your blood gets excited and your bones and muscles thrill. You get hot and strong!"
If I didn't know what that meant already, I'd be so confused right now.
You look beside you and see Tanjiro's puzzled expression,
Me too, Tanji.
"How do we do that?"
"You must train so hard that you could die. There isn't anything else you can do."
Oh boy...
After Makomo's explanation, both you and Tanjiro continued pushing yourselves to the limits. Each day that passed, you both continuously swung your swords to the point it felt as if your arms would fall off. Even your lungs would scream at you to take a break as your heart would pound against your chest.
I feel like death. Please help meeeee!
Gasping for air, you let yourself ungracefully fall to the ground. The mist that had settled around the area caught your attention as Makomo appeared from behind the trees.
"H-hey Makomo..."  Rolling over to your side, you face the girl who had a content smile on her face. "Hello [Y/N], it's a lovely day isn't it?"
You give a slight nod and finally manage to sit up, your breathing finally becoming manageable, "I started training with Tanjiro as soon as I woke up. I really need to get strong enough so Urokodaki-sensei can let me go to the final selection."
She nods her head at your words, "You should take a break, you've been working really hard lately..." Makomo suggests, seeing just how exhausted your figure looked.
You sigh, wanting desperately to sleep the rest of the day, "I can't, I have to keep training... Even through all of this, I'm as successful at slicing this boulder as Tanjiro is at beating Sabito... No offense to him though."
Makomo smiles, "Speaking of those two, we should go see how they're doing... Maybe you could also ask Sabito to spar with you."
Spar with Sabito? I could get stronger that way... And I get to interact with him more.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Being pulled up by the hand Makomo offered you, you both made your way toward the area the boys were located. Tanjiro lay on the ground, sweat dripping down his face as his arm rested on his forehead.
"Hey guys, the cutest girls have arrived!" You exclaim, Makomo's hand in yours as you approach the boys. "[Y/N]! And Makomo too!"
The boys turn their attention towards you two, with Tanjiro's face expressing his joy at your arrival. "What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be training?" Sabito's displeasure is vocalized in his tone of voice.
"Aw don't be like that Sabito! Is it so bad that I wanted to see you?" You grin mischievously at the masked boy. The girl beside you giggles and nods her head, "[Y/N] is interested in sparring with you."
"Although if I'm being honest, sparring isn't the only thing I'm interested in when it comes to you."
Damn, I'm really going all out with flirting with Sabito... Jokingly of course.
"Ah, [Y/N]..." Tanjiro's cheeks had an embarrassed blush spread across them, although he still gave you and Makomo a gentle smile.
Precious boy! I'm going to protect you with my life.
"Don't worry Tanjiro! There's no way I could ever forget my partner in crime! The one person who I can't go a day without seeing a smile on their face." You coo at the younger boy, his blush growing brighter.
"Enough with the playing around, you came here to spar, yes? So get ready!"
"Oh, right."
Oh shit, we're actually doing this?
Without a second wasted, Sabito launches himself towards you, his wooden sword already raised above his head, ready to knock you out if you were hit hard enough on the head. Attempting to counter the blow with your own sword, you struggle beneath his strength.
Am I allowed to kick him? I kinda don't wanna hurt him though...
Noticing your hesitance, Sabito takes the opportunity to make a quick jab at your ribs forcing you to clutch your chest in pain. "Ow! Dude, what the fuck?" Sabito scoffs, much to your annoyance, "Don't let your guard down idiot,"
Wow, what a gentleman! He didn't even hesitate to hurt me. Fine, if that's how it's gonna be, two can play that game.
"Well, you shouldn't either!" You attempt to kick his right leg out from under him, but he shifts his weight to his left. He uses his sword to hit the back of your neck, making you stumble forward and faceplant into the ground. "Bruh."
Fastest defeat in the history of mankind... I would not last a second against Kibutsuji.
"[Y/N]! Are you alright?" Giving Tanjiro a thumbs-up in reassurance, you look back up at the peach-haired boy above you, "Never mind then, you're the best... Gosh, you really are amazing, Sabito!" Said boy offers you a hand and you eagerly take it.
"Look at us, already holding hands. Our relationship has reached a new level, next up is our wedding! And yes, that was a proposal."
Let's gooo, proposing to the homies! Who cares if he didn't understand!
As soon as you're on your feet, he quickly releases his hold on your hand and walks away. "Wha- Hey, where are you going?"
"Away from you, you're giving me a headache..."
Wow, I am offended!
"Don't say that! You know you love me!" He stops in his steps and looks back at you, although you can't see his expression, you assume he's giving you a look of annoyance or disappointment, maybe even both as he shakes his head. 
What you didn’t know was that instead of annoyance, was a smile beneath his mask.
Tag List: @rgtgt
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That One Training Arc | Chapter 2
Masterlist | TTMJWRAADL Masterlist
Japanese: regular text
English: bolded
Thoughts: in italics
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I’m so awesome. Urokodaki finally acknowledged me!
As Urokodaki leads you and Tanjiro inside his humble abode, you can’t help but wonder what happens next.
"The demon-slaying corps... Their numbers are around a few hundred. An organization that is not acknowledged by the government. However, they still exist and continue to kill demons. Nobody knows who is leading this band of demon hunters... Still shrouded in mystery. Demon. Their main source of food, humans. They kill humans and then consume their flesh with no regrets. When they were first born or where they came from is still unknown. They have powerful physical abilities and even when injured, they can immediately heal themselves."
Wow, this is a lot of talking...
"Body parts hacked off will still have some sort of connection and they can grow completely new arms and legs. There also exist demons that have the incredible ability to change their body structure. If one does not use a blade of special quality, even after chopping the demon's head off, the demon will not die. The demon-slaying corps fight the demons with their mortal flesh and blood. Due to them being human their injuries recover slow and their lost limbs will never regrow. Even so, they still fight the demons for humanity..."
Urokodaki continues speaking, which you assume he’s giving Tanjiro and perhaps you too, information about what demon slayers are and all that jazz.
"I am a cultivator. Like the word describes, I cultivate swordsmen. There are a lot of cultivators who train swordsmen with a variety of techniques in a variety of places. If one wants to enter the demon-slaying corps then they must first survive in the final selection on Fujikasaneyama. I get to decide whether you two participate or not."
Hm, nice.
After being accepted as Urokodaki's student, you took it upon yourself to learn how to understand and speak Japanese alongside your swordsmanship training.
Every day you would descend the mountain with Tanjiro, slowly learning how to avoid the traps placed alongside the path. Both you and Tanjiro were seeing a significant increase in your stamina. But as the days went on the difficulty of the traps increased, making them far more dangerous. 
Sometimes I wonder if Urokodaki secretly wants to kill us...
Once the two of you finally got the hang of going down the mountain, Urokodaki handed both Tanjiro and yourself a sword and ordered you to descend the mountain with it in hand. "We've been promoted Tanjiro! Now it's time for actual hell! Yay!" You give Tanjiro a very sarcastic cheer and Tanjiro gives you a concerned look. 
"Are you alright? Your scent is telling me you're worried... Are you nervous?",
"Listen Tanjiro, I still have no idea what you're saying so I'mma just say yes."
Mmm, we love barely understanding each other.
Before setting off you approach Urokodaki, "Hey Urokodaki-sensei, don't you think we look pretty cool?" He gives you a blank stare and pats your head.
You’ve fallen for my trap Urokodaki. I will now think of you as a father.
With sword in hand, both you and Tanjiro did unsurprisingly terribly, which took you both back to square one with the traps.
Rip the progress Tanjiro and I made up until now.
After an epic failure of a training day, you plop your behind down beside Tanjiro with a notebook in hand that Urokodaki had provided you. You ask Tanjiro what certain things were called since your memory was lacking in the Japanese department.
You were getting a hang of a couple of basic things, and with your recollection of your lessons with your reliable pal, Duolingo, your progress was small but just enough for Tanjiro to be extremely proud of you. "Wow! Your Japanese is improving so much [Y/N]!" A proud grin grows on your face as you say, "Hell yeah it is!"
I will do anything to protect his smile.
You continue practicing your speech, with Tanjiro occasionally correcting your mistakes. As thanks for helping you with your Japanese, you took it upon yourself to also teach Tanjiro some English, just so it’d be easier for the two of you to interact efficiently.
I wonder if teaching him English will fuck up some things in the future... Eh, I'll deal with it later... Maybe...
Right after your little moment with Tanjiro, Urokodaki came to remind you of your failure by having you and Tanjiro swing your swords to get used to handling them. 
You know what? These heavy-ass swords were meant to be held by my glorious self. 
Urokodaki drilled into your head how important form was, and how easily a sword could break if not handled correctly. He might have also threatened to snap your bones if you had broken the sword... But what do you know?
I'm just gonna pretend I didn't understand any of that.
Today Urokodaki had you and Tanjiro attack him at the same time to try and hit him. Tanjiro was very hesitant at first, not wanting to cause harm to his trainer. You on the other hand, however...
In the end, it didn't really matter since he threw you both to the ground in an instant.
Urokodaki's strong as shit, what the fuck, nobody told me he was THIS superhuman. Not even my launches at him worked...
Forcing yourself off the ground, although your body begged you to rest, you ran full speed towards Urokodaki with your sword held over your head.
Before you had time to react, Urokodaki had grabbed the collar of your kimono and flung you towards Tanjiro on the ground. "Oof-" Unfortunately landing on top of him, Tanjiro let out a pained gasp. 
"I'm so sorry Tanjiro!" Scrambling to get off of the poor boy you roll to the side of him and use your arms to lean over him. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He gives you a small grin responding with an "okay".
“Okay”? But I just flattened his poor body like a pancake.
You tilt your head to the right, displaying your visible confusion.
What is he talking about? No, no, no! Definitely not okay!
"It's not okay Tanjiro! I injured my sweet boy!" You say with a guilty frown.
Tanjiro merely looks up and lets out a chuckle.
Today Urokodaki had you practice breathing and taught you how to do the correct forms.
Alright, so I’m making some progress at least! 
Though Urokodaki began to constantly punch both you and Tanjiro in the stomach for not "putting in strength towards your abdomen", Tanjiro sloppily continued to translate for you.
Tanjiro's learning a whole new language faster than me.
With a content smile, you think back over your progress since you and Tanjiro have begun training. It's been six months since you arrived in this world and met your little "family", but it's also been six months since Nezuko had gone into her mini-coma.
I know she ends up being okay, but Tanjiro doesn't. And I can't just tell him, "Nah, you don't have to worry, she'll wake up after we head off to the final selection!". He’d just question me... 
You sit next to Tanjiro as he places a hand on his younger sister's forehead, your eyes beginning to soften... 
It does suck knowing she's gonna be like this for another year and a half, I wish I got to interact with her more before this happened...
Urokodaki once again increased the difficulty of your shared training with Tanjiro as if it wasn’t enough torture already. The old, but badass man had you descend the mountain from areas far more dangerous than the initial place he had taken you all those months ago.
Man, I wish we had just stuck to that old place. At the very least I knew what to expect...
The lack of oxygen in the area made it far more difficult to traverse, but somehow the two of you were able to manage without too many injuries.
"Man, Tanjiro! That was pretty hard huh? I felt like I was gonna die." With a nod of his head, he gave a tired reply "We still made it! I'm proud of both of us!" 
His hair's gotten a bit longer, I bet he can put it in a really short ponytail now. Well, maybe not, some of his hair might not fit in it at all.
"I have nothing left to teach you." Urokodaki's sudden statement towards you and Tanjiro had startled you.
Holy shit, really?
A year after your arrival, you had finally finished the necessary training to be eligible for the final selection. Conscious in your mind was the fact that the actual hard part is awaiting you ahead.
I still have to break a big ass boulder after this.
"From now on the two of you will need to prove yourselves. Improve upon all the basics of which I have taught you." He beckons you to follow him up the mountain, taking you toward the detested boulder.
"If you can hack this boulder in half, I will allow you to join the final selection." Staring up at it, (yes you actually had to crane your head to look at it) you glare at the boulder before you.
I hate this shit already. At this rate, I'm never going to catch a break from this old man.
"[Y/N]" Urokodaki suddenly calls, which interrupts your thoughts, "Huh?", Urokodaki walks away without another word. "Dang it!" You give Tanjiro a quick hug, a determined smile on your face, "Good luck! You're absolutely gonna need it!"
Turning your back towards him, you miss the adoring smile on his face. "You too, [Y/N]!", he calls out enthusiastically. Forcing your legs to move you faster, you quickly make your way toward the direction Urokodaki was headed, "Urokodaki, you walk way too fast! Could you ever find it in your kindred soul to give a mere student a nice 5-hour break...hehe.. please?" 
All that leaves your teacher is a grunt as he stands in place. "Huh? Why'd you stop?" Little did he know that you were THIS close to face planting to the ground. Hesitating to walk out from behind him, you find a boulder of a similar size to Tanjiro's in front of you.
Ahh, so here's my worst enemy.
"You will be doing the same as Tanjiro." He gives you a head pat before heading back down the mountain towards his home.
Well, that's that then. Big rip to me. The old man didn't even bother saying "good luck". Eh, not like I need it. I'm pretty awesome and I will *definitely* collapse on the floor right after this. 
Both you and Tanjiro continue your rigorous training after Urokodaki declared he was only letting you go to the final selection if you break the stupid boulders. Luckily for both of you, Tanjiro had been keeping tabs on your training in a notebook Urokodaki had given him. You spent your days continuously practicing what you had learned.
After a long day of improving your skills, you both sat against the boulder that Tanjiro had tirelessly worked to slice in half.
"Hey, Tanjiro." Your companion turns his head to look at you properly, "Yes, [Y/N]?" Taking your attention off the pebbles in front of you, you give him a sheepish smile, "I don't think I want to use the water forms as a demon slayer. I think I might want to make my own breath form..." 
His body becomes a bit more rigid as his head snaps to look at you, "Really?"
Becoming more nervous as the seconds pass, you release an awkward laugh. "Uh, yeah... I've been wanting to tell Urokodaki-sensei for a while now, but... I don't want to disappoint him." 
"Disappoint him? What do you mean? How could you disappoint Urokodaki-sensei?" Tanjiro's left eyebrow arches up, giving him a perplexed expression. "Well, cause, he, he spent so much time training me on how to use the breath of water forms, but in the end, I ended up wasting his time because I don't want to use those forms." You lightly bang the back of your head against the boulder, "This ain't the first time, but I feel like a failure..." Tanjiro's hands quickly make their way to your shoulders as he gives you a stern look.
Oh shit, did I fuck up? Did I make him mad? Please tell me I didn't upset him!
"[Y/N]. Urokodaki-sensei won't be disappointed in you. In fact, I'm sure he'll be super proud of you for coming up with your own breath style! Besides, even if he isn't, I'm proud of you for wanting to do your own thing!"
After you hide behind your hands out of embarrassment (cause damn it not everyone blushes “a bright red”), Tanjiro's arm wraps around you in a side hug. "If you aren't going to use the breath of water, what breath are you going to be using?"
You don't answer and Tanjiro gives you a questioning glance.
Oh shit, I actually have no idea.
"About that... I have no idea yet..."
"Oh. Well, that's okay! I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Oh, and if you need help, I could always help you! Or we could ask Urokodaki-sensei for some tips." Tanjiro gives you another warm smile, and you give your own awkward one in return.
Ah, how can you be so nice to me? Especially towards someone like me!
"Tanjiro... You really are too kind sometimes... But, I can't accept your help."
"Wait, why not?" His arm leaves your side as he instead ops to hold onto your hands. "Well, 'cause, 'cause you still have your own training to do. If you help me, you won't be able to focus on perfecting your own skills. I don't want to take away any of your time and prevent you from being the best you can be."
If I do that, you might end up dying in the final selection. If that happens, everything will be fucked and then I'll never forgive myself-
"No, I don't mind, really! Besides, fighting against someone with a different breath style could help me even more. It'll be like a new training exercise." You sigh through your nose, "Fine, but our main focus is going to be to slice those rocks, then help me make my breath style."
After another half year of trying to slice the boulders and attempting to create your own breath style, you noticed how anxious Tanjiro had become. You were once again resting on the ground, but instead of leaning against the boulder, you were facing Tanjiro with your back against a tree.
He's been going at it for a couple of hours now. I feel kinda bad...
"Hey, Tanjiro, you should take a break." 
Not hearing you, or ignoring you, he continues to assault the boulder in front of you, his breathing heavy as he becomes more frustrated. "I need to work harder! WORK HARDER!" His yelling startles you as he slams his head against the boulder.
"Shut up!"
A new voice interrupts Tanjiro's pity session, "Such a shameful display of a man shouting nonsense." Your eyes brighten up as both you and Tanjiro look up at the boulder to find your favorite peach-haired boy sitting on top.
"No matter how difficult and painful it may be, you shut your mouth and deal with it. If you call yourself a man," He rises to his feet, "If you are a true man," He jumps off the boulder, drawing his wooden sword and attacking Tanjiro. With little time to counter, Tanjiro struggles against Sabito, using the handle of the sword to block his attack. Using this as an opportunity, Sabito delivers a strong kick, sending Tanjiro falling to the ground. 
Your companion lets out a strained gasp, "Slow, weak, rusty, your state is not a man by any definition." Sabito stands in place, not breaking a single sweat. Although you were slightly concerned for Tanjiro, your feelings of fangirling over the masked male overshadowed the worry.
He's really here! Ahh, hold on, lemme propose real quick.
Tag List: @rgtgt
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