#platonic tanjiro kamado x reader
That One Training Arc | Chapter 2
Masterlist | TTMJWRAADL Masterlist
Japanese: regular text
English: bolded
Thoughts: in italics
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I’m so awesome. Urokodaki finally acknowledged me!
As Urokodaki leads you and Tanjiro inside his humble abode, you can’t help but wonder what happens next.
"The demon-slaying corps... Their numbers are around a few hundred. An organization that is not acknowledged by the government. However, they still exist and continue to kill demons. Nobody knows who is leading this band of demon hunters... Still shrouded in mystery. Demon. Their main source of food, humans. They kill humans and then consume their flesh with no regrets. When they were first born or where they came from is still unknown. They have powerful physical abilities and even when injured, they can immediately heal themselves."
Wow, this is a lot of talking...
"Body parts hacked off will still have some sort of connection and they can grow completely new arms and legs. There also exist demons that have the incredible ability to change their body structure. If one does not use a blade of special quality, even after chopping the demon's head off, the demon will not die. The demon-slaying corps fight the demons with their mortal flesh and blood. Due to them being human their injuries recover slow and their lost limbs will never regrow. Even so, they still fight the demons for humanity..."
Urokodaki continues speaking, which you assume he’s giving Tanjiro and perhaps you too, information about what demon slayers are and all that jazz.
"I am a cultivator. Like the word describes, I cultivate swordsmen. There are a lot of cultivators who train swordsmen with a variety of techniques in a variety of places. If one wants to enter the demon-slaying corps then they must first survive in the final selection on Fujikasaneyama. I get to decide whether you two participate or not."
Hm, nice.
After being accepted as Urokodaki's student, you took it upon yourself to learn how to understand and speak Japanese alongside your swordsmanship training.
Every day you would descend the mountain with Tanjiro, slowly learning how to avoid the traps placed alongside the path. Both you and Tanjiro were seeing a significant increase in your stamina. But as the days went on the difficulty of the traps increased, making them far more dangerous. 
Sometimes I wonder if Urokodaki secretly wants to kill us...
Once the two of you finally got the hang of going down the mountain, Urokodaki handed both Tanjiro and yourself a sword and ordered you to descend the mountain with it in hand. "We've been promoted Tanjiro! Now it's time for actual hell! Yay!" You give Tanjiro a very sarcastic cheer and Tanjiro gives you a concerned look. 
"Are you alright? Your scent is telling me you're worried... Are you nervous?",
"Listen Tanjiro, I still have no idea what you're saying so I'mma just say yes."
Mmm, we love barely understanding each other.
Before setting off you approach Urokodaki, "Hey Urokodaki-sensei, don't you think we look pretty cool?" He gives you a blank stare and pats your head.
You’ve fallen for my trap Urokodaki. I will now think of you as a father.
With sword in hand, both you and Tanjiro did unsurprisingly terribly, which took you both back to square one with the traps.
Rip the progress Tanjiro and I made up until now.
After an epic failure of a training day, you plop your behind down beside Tanjiro with a notebook in hand that Urokodaki had provided you. You ask Tanjiro what certain things were called since your memory was lacking in the Japanese department.
You were getting a hang of a couple of basic things, and with your recollection of your lessons with your reliable pal, Duolingo, your progress was small but just enough for Tanjiro to be extremely proud of you. "Wow! Your Japanese is improving so much [Y/N]!" A proud grin grows on your face as you say, "Hell yeah it is!"
I will do anything to protect his smile.
You continue practicing your speech, with Tanjiro occasionally correcting your mistakes. As thanks for helping you with your Japanese, you took it upon yourself to also teach Tanjiro some English, just so it’d be easier for the two of you to interact efficiently.
I wonder if teaching him English will fuck up some things in the future... Eh, I'll deal with it later... Maybe...
Right after your little moment with Tanjiro, Urokodaki came to remind you of your failure by having you and Tanjiro swing your swords to get used to handling them. 
You know what? These heavy-ass swords were meant to be held by my glorious self. 
Urokodaki drilled into your head how important form was, and how easily a sword could break if not handled correctly. He might have also threatened to snap your bones if you had broken the sword... But what do you know?
I'm just gonna pretend I didn't understand any of that.
Today Urokodaki had you and Tanjiro attack him at the same time to try and hit him. Tanjiro was very hesitant at first, not wanting to cause harm to his trainer. You on the other hand, however...
In the end, it didn't really matter since he threw you both to the ground in an instant.
Urokodaki's strong as shit, what the fuck, nobody told me he was THIS superhuman. Not even my launches at him worked...
Forcing yourself off the ground, although your body begged you to rest, you ran full speed towards Urokodaki with your sword held over your head.
Before you had time to react, Urokodaki had grabbed the collar of your kimono and flung you towards Tanjiro on the ground. "Oof-" Unfortunately landing on top of him, Tanjiro let out a pained gasp. 
"I'm so sorry Tanjiro!" Scrambling to get off of the poor boy you roll to the side of him and use your arms to lean over him. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He gives you a small grin responding with an "okay".
“Okay”? But I just flattened his poor body like a pancake.
You tilt your head to the right, displaying your visible confusion.
What is he talking about? No, no, no! Definitely not okay!
"It's not okay Tanjiro! I injured my sweet boy!" You say with a guilty frown.
Tanjiro merely looks up and lets out a chuckle.
Today Urokodaki had you practice breathing and taught you how to do the correct forms.
Alright, so I’m making some progress at least! 
Though Urokodaki began to constantly punch both you and Tanjiro in the stomach for not "putting in strength towards your abdomen", Tanjiro sloppily continued to translate for you.
Tanjiro's learning a whole new language faster than me.
With a content smile, you think back over your progress since you and Tanjiro have begun training. It's been six months since you arrived in this world and met your little "family", but it's also been six months since Nezuko had gone into her mini-coma.
I know she ends up being okay, but Tanjiro doesn't. And I can't just tell him, "Nah, you don't have to worry, she'll wake up after we head off to the final selection!". He’d just question me... 
You sit next to Tanjiro as he places a hand on his younger sister's forehead, your eyes beginning to soften... 
It does suck knowing she's gonna be like this for another year and a half, I wish I got to interact with her more before this happened...
Urokodaki once again increased the difficulty of your shared training with Tanjiro as if it wasn’t enough torture already. The old, but badass man had you descend the mountain from areas far more dangerous than the initial place he had taken you all those months ago.
Man, I wish we had just stuck to that old place. At the very least I knew what to expect...
The lack of oxygen in the area made it far more difficult to traverse, but somehow the two of you were able to manage without too many injuries.
"Man, Tanjiro! That was pretty hard huh? I felt like I was gonna die." With a nod of his head, he gave a tired reply "We still made it! I'm proud of both of us!" 
His hair's gotten a bit longer, I bet he can put it in a really short ponytail now. Well, maybe not, some of his hair might not fit in it at all.
"I have nothing left to teach you." Urokodaki's sudden statement towards you and Tanjiro had startled you.
Holy shit, really?
A year after your arrival, you had finally finished the necessary training to be eligible for the final selection. Conscious in your mind was the fact that the actual hard part is awaiting you ahead.
I still have to break a big ass boulder after this.
"From now on the two of you will need to prove yourselves. Improve upon all the basics of which I have taught you." He beckons you to follow him up the mountain, taking you toward the detested boulder.
"If you can hack this boulder in half, I will allow you to join the final selection." Staring up at it, (yes you actually had to crane your head to look at it) you glare at the boulder before you.
I hate this shit already. At this rate, I'm never going to catch a break from this old man.
"[Y/N]" Urokodaki suddenly calls, which interrupts your thoughts, "Huh?", Urokodaki walks away without another word. "Dang it!" You give Tanjiro a quick hug, a determined smile on your face, "Good luck! You're absolutely gonna need it!"
Turning your back towards him, you miss the adoring smile on his face. "You too, [Y/N]!", he calls out enthusiastically. Forcing your legs to move you faster, you quickly make your way toward the direction Urokodaki was headed, "Urokodaki, you walk way too fast! Could you ever find it in your kindred soul to give a mere student a nice 5-hour break...hehe.. please?" 
All that leaves your teacher is a grunt as he stands in place. "Huh? Why'd you stop?" Little did he know that you were THIS close to face planting to the ground. Hesitating to walk out from behind him, you find a boulder of a similar size to Tanjiro's in front of you.
Ahh, so here's my worst enemy.
"You will be doing the same as Tanjiro." He gives you a head pat before heading back down the mountain towards his home.
Well, that's that then. Big rip to me. The old man didn't even bother saying "good luck". Eh, not like I need it. I'm pretty awesome and I will *definitely* collapse on the floor right after this. 
Both you and Tanjiro continue your rigorous training after Urokodaki declared he was only letting you go to the final selection if you break the stupid boulders. Luckily for both of you, Tanjiro had been keeping tabs on your training in a notebook Urokodaki had given him. You spent your days continuously practicing what you had learned.
After a long day of improving your skills, you both sat against the boulder that Tanjiro had tirelessly worked to slice in half.
"Hey, Tanjiro." Your companion turns his head to look at you properly, "Yes, [Y/N]?" Taking your attention off the pebbles in front of you, you give him a sheepish smile, "I don't think I want to use the water forms as a demon slayer. I think I might want to make my own breath form..." 
His body becomes a bit more rigid as his head snaps to look at you, "Really?"
Becoming more nervous as the seconds pass, you release an awkward laugh. "Uh, yeah... I've been wanting to tell Urokodaki-sensei for a while now, but... I don't want to disappoint him." 
"Disappoint him? What do you mean? How could you disappoint Urokodaki-sensei?" Tanjiro's left eyebrow arches up, giving him a perplexed expression. "Well, cause, he, he spent so much time training me on how to use the breath of water forms, but in the end, I ended up wasting his time because I don't want to use those forms." You lightly bang the back of your head against the boulder, "This ain't the first time, but I feel like a failure..." Tanjiro's hands quickly make their way to your shoulders as he gives you a stern look.
Oh shit, did I fuck up? Did I make him mad? Please tell me I didn't upset him!
"[Y/N]. Urokodaki-sensei won't be disappointed in you. In fact, I'm sure he'll be super proud of you for coming up with your own breath style! Besides, even if he isn't, I'm proud of you for wanting to do your own thing!"
After you hide behind your hands out of embarrassment (cause damn it not everyone blushes “a bright red”), Tanjiro's arm wraps around you in a side hug. "If you aren't going to use the breath of water, what breath are you going to be using?"
You don't answer and Tanjiro gives you a questioning glance.
Oh shit, I actually have no idea.
"About that... I have no idea yet..."
"Oh. Well, that's okay! I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Oh, and if you need help, I could always help you! Or we could ask Urokodaki-sensei for some tips." Tanjiro gives you another warm smile, and you give your own awkward one in return.
Ah, how can you be so nice to me? Especially towards someone like me!
"Tanjiro... You really are too kind sometimes... But, I can't accept your help."
"Wait, why not?" His arm leaves your side as he instead ops to hold onto your hands. "Well, 'cause, 'cause you still have your own training to do. If you help me, you won't be able to focus on perfecting your own skills. I don't want to take away any of your time and prevent you from being the best you can be."
If I do that, you might end up dying in the final selection. If that happens, everything will be fucked and then I'll never forgive myself-
"No, I don't mind, really! Besides, fighting against someone with a different breath style could help me even more. It'll be like a new training exercise." You sigh through your nose, "Fine, but our main focus is going to be to slice those rocks, then help me make my breath style."
After another half year of trying to slice the boulders and attempting to create your own breath style, you noticed how anxious Tanjiro had become. You were once again resting on the ground, but instead of leaning against the boulder, you were facing Tanjiro with your back against a tree.
He's been going at it for a couple of hours now. I feel kinda bad...
"Hey, Tanjiro, you should take a break." 
Not hearing you, or ignoring you, he continues to assault the boulder in front of you, his breathing heavy as he becomes more frustrated. "I need to work harder! WORK HARDER!" His yelling startles you as he slams his head against the boulder.
"Shut up!"
A new voice interrupts Tanjiro's pity session, "Such a shameful display of a man shouting nonsense." Your eyes brighten up as both you and Tanjiro look up at the boulder to find your favorite peach-haired boy sitting on top.
"No matter how difficult and painful it may be, you shut your mouth and deal with it. If you call yourself a man," He rises to his feet, "If you are a true man," He jumps off the boulder, drawing his wooden sword and attacking Tanjiro. With little time to counter, Tanjiro struggles against Sabito, using the handle of the sword to block his attack. Using this as an opportunity, Sabito delivers a strong kick, sending Tanjiro falling to the ground. 
Your companion lets out a strained gasp, "Slow, weak, rusty, your state is not a man by any definition." Sabito stands in place, not breaking a single sweat. Although you were slightly concerned for Tanjiro, your feelings of fangirling over the masked male overshadowed the worry.
He's really here! Ahh, hold on, lemme propose real quick.
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x-hotoke · 1 month
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The sound of his own breathing, and the crunching sound of dried leaves under his feet as he strolled around the forest. It was a habit of his that he couldn't change. How can he?
He remembers the snowy path, he and his mother used to walk on their way back to their cozy home. Oh how he wished he could turn back time.
The time where he would lay his head against his mother's chest while she sang a lullaby until he fell asleep.
Y/n looks up, blowing a strand of his hair that fell infront of his face to the side. He held his finger out as his kusagai crow; Nana, perched on it.
“caw! Urgent hashira meeting, caw!” She cooed out, flying onto his shoulder to rub her head in his hair which tickled him.
Y/n pets Nana gently. “It’s not too far from here..” He hummed out, continuing to walk as his haori flowed against the wind.
A few hours later he arrived, much to his wishes—he was late per usual.
“The Thunder Hashira has arrived.” One of Ubuyashiki’s daughters spoke, her smile unwavering as she continued to look forward.
“It’s nice for you to join us, my child.” Kagaya softly said, smiling. Y/n couldn't tell if he was being sincere or sarcastic but leaned more on sincere. He nodded his head as he kneeled beside Giyuu who was at the far left.
Y/n's gaze wanders to the burgundy haired boy who was laying on the ground with Iguro’s elbow on his back, he clicked his tongue—watching Shinazugawa flaunt his wound to a girl with a bamboo covering her mouth.
“Tomioka-san, do you mind filling me in on what's going on?” Y/n glances at the male beside him who froze. Giyuu turned his head slightly in his direction but his gaze remained on the ground.
Y/n looks at him dumbfounded and slightly embarrassed, sighing but remained quiet—watching the unfolding scene infront of him. He turned his attention back to the boy who struggled to breathe. “Obanai-san, let the boy breathe.” He said loudly, trying to capture the Serpent Hashira’s attention to no avail.
The two colored eye male simply ignored him. Y/n could feel blood rushing up in his face.
“Iguro-san, you're being too rough. Ease up a bit will you?” Shinobu chimed in, her purple dull eyes looking at the two.
“I’m only doing this because he's trying to escape.” He reasoned, adding more force which made the boy gasp in pain.
"Tanjiro, if you use any breathing techniques while your lungs are squeezed, it will force your veins to burst.” Shinobu said, her face didn't show any emotion nor expression at all.
Y/n hummed, tanjiro? So that's what his name was. He missed half of the meeting much to his dismay because he wanted to take the longer route to ease his mind. His attention adverted back to the demon girl and shinazugawa that was under the shade.
This was clearly more interesting.
It was clear that she was struggling, the saliva running down her chin was clear evidence. Her brows were furrowed, an angered and hungry expression on her face. Who wouldn't be angry tho? Being stabbed multiple times.. ouch.
Y/n watches as she balled her hands into fists. He can hear Shinazugawa laughing as if to taunt the girl. He perked up hearing something being ripped up, his gaze went back to Tanjiro and Iguro who seemed surprised.
Giyuu isn't beside him anymore. Y/n looks at the spot confused, tilting his head to the side.
Tanjiro runs up to the engawa, holding the edge tightly as he shouts her name. “Nezuko!”
Y/n stands up and slowly approaches tanjiro, placing a hand on his shoulder which the boy flinched in return. “You're making your case more difficult to defend, Tanjiro-kun..” he whispered.
“Who are you?.. wait- nezuko!” Tanjiro sputtered out confused before turning his attention back to his sister who growled at sanemi—in response to his taunting, she looks off to the side with her eyes closed which shocked the wind hashira and the rest.
Y/n hears the boy beside him let out a sigh of relief, he watches as his tense shoulders relax as he continued to stare at Nezuko.
“tell me what happened.” Kagaya asked.
“The demon girl is resisting by turning away. Although she was stabbed thrice by Lord Shinazugawa and even though there's a bloodied arm in front of her, the demon girl still refuses to bite him.”
“So we have sufficient evidence that Nezuko won't attack humans. Tanjiro.. Even so, there will be people who remain suspicious of Nezuko.” Kagaya said softly.
He smiled. “Before I continue.. I value each and one of your opinions. That being said Y/n—care to give yours?”
Y/n hums, closing his eyes. “Forgive me, Oyakata-sama. I don't exactly know what's going on.” he answered, brushing his hand off tanjiro's shoulder. “But what I do know is, that girl—nezuko—is a demon from the looks of it and this young gentleman is somewhat related to her, correct me if I'm wrong.” he added.
Kagaya smiled. “You've been observing.. as always.” he chuckles, looking down in front of him. Even though he can't see, he knew Y/n like the back of his hand—being the one to take him in and let him join the demon slayer corps.
“then again.. I don't doubt master's choice in any matter.” Y/n shook his head. “it's proven—right infront of our very eyes—that the girl won't attack humans. I do wish that the boy and his sister live.” He said before walking back to the line of hashiras.
Tanjiro looks at him tear eyed, a look of appreciation he was holding. “Thank you, Y/n.” Kagaya cleared his throat before turning his attention back to the burgundy haired boy.
“You have to back it up with evidence. From now on, tanjiro and nezuko will fight and contribute to the cause as members of the Demon Slayer Corps.”
A small smile formed on y/n's mouth.
He was sure that things will get more interesting now that tanjiro and nezuko is here.
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sorry, i was gone for quite some time but here you go!
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🌸Platonic! Nezuko Kamado headcanons 🌸
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• Nezuko sees you as one of her younger siblings. So naturally, she wants to protect you at any costs
• She absolutely adores piggyback rides and head pats
• Nezuko will make sure to give you headpats each time she comes out of her box. Anytime she wakes up, you make sure she wakes up to flowers or a hug,
•or both!
• Nezuko likes Making flower crowns with you and giving them to all your friends
• She absolutely loves to shrink in size and have you hold her arms out at you, while Releasing ‘mmms’ from behind her muzzle.
• She often falls asleep in your arms as well.
Ppl who like/reblog 😍😍😍😍
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kyojuroloveme · 3 months
"I can't believe we survived that crap!"
Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro x Female!Reader (platonic)
Summary: after a mission with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and you, Tanjiro and Zenitsu lost you and Inosuke
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Tanjiro finished his demon he fought, Zenitsu ran to catch up
"My body hurtssss" Zenitsu moaned in pain (get your filthy mind out of the gutter)
"Mind too- wait...where's [reader] and Inosuke?" Tanjiro realized two people were missing, and it was Inosuke and you
"I-I thought [reader] was behind me" Zenitsu looked behind him, they both panicked but then noticed Inosuke and you sitting against a tree
"I have no idea how we're still alive! It makes no sense" You shouted after a few seconds and started laughing, Inosuke started laughing too
"You still alive [wrong name]!?" Inosuke looked at you while laughing, you nodding, cackling
"I can't believe we survived that crap!" You said through laughs
You both just laughed while Tanjiro sighed, relieved that his friends were okay, then Zenitsu hugged you, crying hysterically, then Tanjiro hugged the three of y'all, then Nezuko came out of Tanjiro's box and joined the hug, you smiled at the hug, appreciating the comfort and affection (Rengoku is that you 😭-)
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aviiarie · 12 days
hii!! can you write kagaya and tanjiro’s reactions to a vampire demon slayer? with like, the full suite of powers (charming, turning into a bat, ability to see in the dark, sharp teeth). maybe they’re around tanjiro’s age and joined when he did?
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BLOOD MOON — platonic tanjiro, kagaya & reader !
synopsis. how do they react to a vampire demon slayer? warnings. mentions of blood. notes. platonic. teen!reader. gn!reader. they/them used. fluff. headcanons. 1.7k words. this was pretty fun to write, thanks for the request anon! i hope this was alright :')
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tanjiro would be lying if he didn't think there was something off about them. they were one of the few that had passed final selection at the same time as him, so he met them on the seventh day, just as the ubuyashiki children began to explain the demon slayer rankings. they were standing next to him, shifting their weight from foot to foot.
at first glance, they looked like the average demon slayer, with a sword in their hand and a weary but eager expression. but there was something strange about their scent; they smelled very distinctly of blood. he'd felt a little confused, but brushed it off quickly. they all smelt like blood, they had been fighting demons for a week, after all.
it was only after they were done with the orientation that tanjiro got the chance to greet them properly. he introduced himself with a warm smile, asking for their name. and when they opened their mouth to speak, he noticed a flash of white; two sharp canine teeth, resembling fangs.
after that, the details just started adding up. the smell of blood lingered long after they'd cleaned up from the battle, they shied away from standing in direct sunlight for too long, their night-vision was perfect, and of course, the sharpened fangs...
he was confused at first, but didn't voice it. who was he to call them out for their oddities, when he could quite literally smell their good nature? all of them were a little strange in their own way, it wasn't his place to question them on it.
it hit him one day when he was sitting by their campfire, watching the rest of the group sleep. inosuke was sprawled out across the dirt, zenitsu was curled up in ball, using his haori as a blanket, and nezuko was laying by his side. her bamboo muzzle had slipped away from her face as she left, exposing her fangs peeking through her half-open mouth. they were sharp little things, sticking out among the rest of her teeth. absently, he thought the sight of them reminded him of someone; they were almost identical to—
he suddenly jolted, like he'd been shocked. it was so obvious, how could he not have thought of it before? they were a demon.
they didn't need to be worried though, tanjiro understood! he carried his demon sister around in a box, he wasn't in any place to judge.
but he knew they might be hesitant to reveal it to the rest of the corps. that was alright! he would hold his tongue, until they were ready to tell him themself.
(it did bother him slightly, their peculiar traits compared to most demons. they were clearly averse to the sun, but didn't seem to be harmed from it the way nezuko did; he'd seen them run to find shade from the sunlight, but their skin didn't disintegrate into ash, only turning red and blistery. strange. he would have to ask about that sometime.)
when he does finally confront them, it's after a shared mission. the two had finished defeating one of a pair of demons, hurriedly making their way to meet up with shinobu, who had accompanied them.
he's a little nervous to bring it up, but he steels himself and blurts the question out.
“[name], are you a demon?”
they stopped in their tracks, almost stumbling over a root and falling to the floor. the look they fixed him was an odd blend of confusion, horror and amusement at the same time. “what was that?”
“are you a demon?”
“of course i’m not.” they laughed weakly. “what makes you think that?”
“well… the constant smell of blood was one clue. the fact that you dislike sunlight is another. you can see perfectly in the dark, you have sharp teeth… i figured it out a while ago, i just was waiting to ask you about it.” he paused. “it’s okay, you know? i’m not going to judge you.”
“i’m not a demon!” they protested.
“you don’t have to be self-conscious! nezuko’s a demon too!” tanjiro reached over his shoulder to cheerfully knock on the top of the wooden box, earning him a muffled noise that sounded somewhere between a growl and a cheer.
“i’m not though, i’m…” there was a hint of hesitation in their voice, a trace of reluctance. they seemed to push past it, long enough to blurt out, “i’m a vampire.”
the words took a while to register in his mind. “a… vampire?”
they fidgeted with the edge of their uniform, their eyes cast to the ground. “yes.”
“like… the blood-sucking kind? the… turning into a bat kind?”
“yes.” they pause. “that kind.”
“huh.” tanjiro thought about it for a few moments, turning over the word in his mind. “vampire. that’s not so different to a demon, is it?”
“a vampire, you say?” a soft voice cut smoothly into their conversation. the two teenagers jumped, turning to see the insect hashira herself smiling at them. she was staring at [name] rather intensely, like they were a bug under a microscope, waiting to be studied. “well, isn’t that interesting.”
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it wasn't a secret much longer. after the news of their vampiric state was spilled, there was another meeting called at the ubuyashiki estate. this time, instead of nezuko, it was them on trial, as the master and the hashira decided what to do with them.
some argued that a vampire was no different than a demon, and they should be treated as such. others argued that they had spent long enough in the corps to prove themselves worthy of the title of demon slayer.
nezuko's successful trial seemed to work in their favour, as tanjiro fought on their behalf, arguing that if she could suppress her urge to eat humans, then surely they could too? the months of experience working in the corps, and the other slayers that vouched for them managed to sway kagaya into looking past their supposed 'threat' to the corps, and rewelcoming them as a demon slayer.
there were a few rules set into place, though.
for starters, they were under the same oath as nezuko; if they were to attack a human, they would be treated as any common demon and slain without a thought. there would be no second trial, no second chance.
secondly, they were only allowed to drink the blood of humans when it was given freely, relying on either donations or animal blood to satiate their hunger. that wasn't unreasonable, it was how they had been surviving thus far anyway. (tanjiro even introduced them to a friend of his, tamayo, who offered to help them with obtaining ethically-sourced blood.)
but the final condition was a strange one: they were to meet with kagaya himself once every month.
the request made them pause. what reason would he have to want them to visit him so frequently? upon being questioned, he assured them it was to just make sure they were doing alright and settling in okay, especially with their... condition.
when they visited him for the first time, he invited them to come have tea with him. the visit was quiet, punctuated by the occasional idle chatter, but strangely peaceful.
in between commenting about their last mission, kagaya started to carefully question them about their vampirism. how long they'd been one, how they had turned, where they were getting blood... there wasn't any accusation or sharpness to his words, only gentle curiosity.
he seemed especially intrigued by the abilities that they gained from it. charming was an interesting one, the ability to compel a person to do whatever they wanted. they confessed that they weren't as skilled in that regard, but he was impressed nonetheless.
their ability to transform into a bat caught his attention most of all. it was a useful skill, and would help them as a demon slayer if they were able to master it.
overall his reaction to them was... slightly underwhelming? i mean... he does live in a world of demons, having a vampire isn't much of stretch, but he's strangely calm about it all, save for the open curiosity he expresses towards their state.
it doesn't matter to him. he can see that their intentions for joining the demon slayer corps were sound, and there was no need to draw the situation out more than it needed to be. they were no different than any of his other children, and that was that.
“you’re early today.” kagaya smiled as they approached, bowing respectfully to him. “shall we walk?”
he waited for them to rise to their feet, falling into step beside him. together they strolled quietly through the garden that surrounded the mansion, the evening breeze gently brushing across their faces. dusk had already fallen, and the last stretches of day had begun to bleed from the horizon, leaving a bright full moon behind.
“i trust you have been well?” kagaya hummed.
“i have.”
“and your… particular needs are being met?”
they nodded sharply. “i’ve been receiving blood from tamayo, enough to last me a while.”
“that is good to hear.” kagaya smiled at them, all warmth and soft edges. “i’ll have to admit, i was rather concerned when i was first informed of your dietary requirements, but you seem to be plenty capable of taking care of them on your own without needing help.”
it was nerve-wrecking, when they were told they were to be put on trial for concealing their vampirism from the demon slayer corps. they were a touch too close to being a demon than any of the slayers were comfortable with, but kagaya seemed unfazed.
nothing about their state seemed to faze him; not the sharp teeth, not the bloodlust. he only seemed… curious. it was almost refreshing to have someone so interested in their condition, without a trace of fear or ill intention. most would treat them as a monster, no different than a wild beast, but kagaya was different.
it was relieving, and just slightly unnerving.
“you seem troubled.” kagaya noted. “is something on your mind?”
before they could answer him, he was giving them that warm smile again, and placing a gentle hand on their shoulder to guide them back towards the mansion.
“come, let’s go inside. i will have some tea prepared for us, and then we’ll have a proper talk. how does that sound?”
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
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CHAPTER THREE: "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, jump now. You are absent of cause or excuse. So self-indulgent and self-referential, No audience could ever want you"
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Aomori is called one of the snowiest places in the world, Often having a twenty two foot snowfall every year.
Snow can represent a lot of things such as youth or innocence but more often than not symbolises death, Snow being often considered an omen of such in some cultures.
Winds rushed and hit against the girls face like the aftermath of a levelled dam, Pieces of snow slamming into her face as she travelled through the blizzard. Tree's hit against each other in the wind, Fighting and bashing into the other within the forest.
Another nightmare, Just like the one last night. [F/N] sighed through her shaky jaw, Letting cold mist blow out into the hailing gale.
Forward, Place. It felt like the thick layer of snow she trudged in was trying to pull her down and swallow her whole, Clinging onto her foot as she put it down once again.
[F/N] wondered how far she'd get this time, How far she would get until her knees gave up on her and signal her end. Maybe she'd find an exit this time, A way to stop the dream entirely.
As she placed another foot however, Her knees buckled making her topple over into the snow.
She hit the white with a thud, Imbedding and enveloping her entire body into the cold freezing slush.
[F/N] cried out. No matter how many times she hit the ground it never got any less painful, It never stopped the frostbite sinking into her skin and reaching her organs.
She now laid in the snow unmoving, She knew it was useless to try and escape, The snow wouldn't let her go no matter how much she might of tried.
[F/N] closed her eyes, Waiting for the darkness to fade in fro-
[F/N] flinched, A voice ringing throughout the clearing she was in. But that was impossible, The dreams never strayed from their pa-
She opened her eyes, So wide that they were almost bulging out of their sockets.
With great effort she lifted her head, Pointing it in the direction of the voice. From beyond the treeline, Shrouded by the snow's mist, Was a dark figure.
"WE CAN'T STAY HERE, WE NEED TO RUN" It screamed, It's voice shrill and hoarse like it hadn't drunken in years. [F/N] tried to squint her eyes and get a better look, Heart racing at the new development.
"DON'T LET HIM CATCH US, [F/N]. DON'T LET HIM FIND US!" The figure hollered once more and suddenly the mist cleared away, Blowing off with the wind. [F/N] focused her eyes once more, Finally getting a good look at the figure.
[F/N] felt her heartbeat stutter and stop.
It was her.
A copy of [F/N] stood within the treeline. She stood in a fighting stance like she was preparing for impact, Hair and haori whipping around in the blizzard. Her face was wild and panicked.. She was terrified.
She was an exact replica, It was her in every physical way.. Except two.
The first was the markings on her face. Ones similar to the ones she'd see on her mask decorated the pained expression on her like a porcelain doll.
In the middle of her chest was a large stab wound, Blood still hot trickling out of it and oozing down to stain her kimono. [F/N] couldn't take her eyes off of it, Like a hypnotists watch swinging back and forth she felt like she was in a trance.
"WE CAN'T LET HIM CATCH US, HE'S NOT THE SAME. WE NEED TO RUN OR ELSE WE'LL NEVER GET AWAY, PLEASE [F/N] LISTEN TO US!" Her copy cried, Sobbing and breaking down now like a young child.
"W-Who.. Who is he..?" [F/N] tried to ask but it only came out as a strained whisper.
However that question was already answered by the shadow looming over her. [F/N] snapped her head up and came into view with the man in the purple kimono, Tall figure hanging over her.
She could see his face now. His face, His damn face..
[F/N] opened her mouth and screamed.
Six golden eyes pierced her, Six sharp bloodshot pupils honing in on her fallen form, All looking down at her like she was a piece of meat to consume. [F/N] tried to get away, She tried moving out from under the snow but it was useless.
His mouth was open to reveal a row of sharp teeth lain out like a collection of knives, Vampiric canines ready to lunge and gnaw into her arm as his own reached out to her, Trying to grasp whatever he could of her.
[F/N] screamed out for help as he tugged on her arm, Digging his two canines into her forearm. Blood burst out from the wound, Splattering all over her arm and his face as he bit into her muscle.
She cried hard, Red was everywhere as she felt him tug his head back. A sick ripping sound ech-
[F/N] shot up from her futon with a yelp, Waking up with a cold sweat dripping down her face. She was breathing like she ran a marathon and needed to grip the frame of the futon to steady her shaking.
"..[F/N]-sama? Are you alright?" [F/N] looked up to the doorway to see one of the handmaidens shuffling around awkwardly, Seemingly concerned.
[F/N] inhaled and exhaled, Trying to recollect her breath and thoughts as she tried to find a response amongst her scattered brain.
"..Another nightmare.. I apologise if I woke you up with any noise.." [F/N] said, Wiping off the excess sweat.
The handmaiden stopped, Then slowly nodded.
"I see.. You didn't disturb anyone if that's any consolation. I came because I we have a few more visitors to the shrine and I thought it would be of importance to alert you.." The girl who [F/N] recognised as Seijun, An older handmaiden, explained to her.
[F/N] sighed.
"Yes.. Alright. Go on." She said, Dusting off the stray hairs on her.
"Okay.. Well first of all two more slayers have decided to reside here for the time being along with Kamado Tanjiro and Nezuko, Himejima Gyomei and his tsuguko's. Their names are Hashibira Inosuke and Agatsuma Zenitsu, Both of Tsuchinoto ranking." Seijun explained, A cordial tone in her voice.
"..Really? More slayers..?" [F/N] groaned lightly
Seijun tilted her head lightly to which [F/N] noticed
"No. No..! Don't get me wrong, It's fine if they want to stay here I've just not been in the mood lately to deal with that sort of stuff right now.. Cause of, You know..?" [F/N] said, Adding the question at the end to gauge if she was aware of her other identity.
Seijun nodded.
"Yes, Your 'retirement'." She confirmed [F/N]'s suspicion. "I can bring you some tea to soothe your nightmare if that would please you, [F/N]-sama" Seijun offered.
[F/N] hummed.
"..That would be great, Thank you Seijun. But I would prefer if you could bring it to the desk in the library, I'll be heading there soon." [F/N] said, Swinging her legs over the side of her futon to get up.
Seijun nodded.
"I can do that, Do you need anything else from me?" She asked.
"No, I'm fine for now. Thank you, Seijun, You're dismissed.." [F/N] said, Smiling gently.
Seijun smiled back and bowed lowly before leaving the room, Closing the door behind her lightly with a click.
Then once again [F/N] was left alone to her own company, The silence so loud it felt like it was draining the life out of her.
She sighed before pushing herself up off the bed, Rubbing whatever sleep she had left in her eyes she made her way over to the shoji windows and pulled them open to let in the days light.
"Hm..?" [F/N] hummed. While the light had came in she had realised that it wasn't morning at all, It was in fact late evening when the sun was setting over the faraway mountaintops. Casting a dark shadow in the opposite direction.
[F/N] groaned as she felt the light breeze hit her face from the way in, She had only gotten at most two hours of sleep. It was going to be a nightmare on its own to go back to sleep.
The nightmare. [F/N] shivered both from the thought and the cold hitting her skin, Another reminder of what happened. The meaning of her vision evaded her, For months it had continued on and on without change. So why now did it deviate? Especially in the way it did.
Her doubles words echoed around in her skull like a disturbed bat in a cavern. The wild inhuman look in her eyes appeared every time [F/N] shut her own, A haunting apparition. But what disturbed her the most was the man- No, It was a demon.
It had to be. [F/N] couldn't mistake those eyes for a second, All six of them jabbing into her while his maws ripped into her flesh, Tearing away the bloody meat from her bones and digging in like a pouncing lion to a zebras hind.
Her fingers twitched, Itching to get away from the imaginary threat.
She shut the window doors a little quicker than she should of, Trying to focus on her breathing to pacify her racing heart. It was fine, It was just a dream, Yet it felt so real.. It was just a dream right?
Even if it was just a dream, This wasn't something she could ignore. Something inside her resonated, Something screaming at her not to let this go, Telling her to run.
[F/N] decided she'd go down and pray at the Haiden later, After she had finished what she meant to do and consult Inari on what this meant.
Another throb came from within her chest once she took another breath in, Great. The pain in her chest hadn't subsided. Remembering the position of the sun and estimating the mountain height, Maika must not be back. It takes a lot of time to descend the mountain and get to the village, Especially in winter.
[F/N] coughed out another block in her chest with an ache, Yet decided to suffer through.
She moved quickly over to the closet and got ready. Slipping off her nightwear into puddle in the ground she hastily fastened over the obi on her kimono and tying it into a neat bow at the back, Her dragon blue haori hanging off her shoulders completing the outfit.
[F/N] finished it off by slipping on her blocked okobo sandals, Of which added a good few extra inches to her height.
She checked her form in the mirror, Running over every careful choice in outfit before deciding it was presentable enough.
With that she went over to the door and swung it open, Moving out down into the hallway.
Her sandals clacked against the wooden floorboards echoing out down the passage, As she moved she nodded and greeted several Kakushi, Quick hello's and how are yous as she went by. Small talk.
As the sun slowly set the Kakushi got more and more frequent.
Activity in the base starting to resurrect from the night before as she made her way through winding hallways, Passing tapestry after tapestry and doing the exact same over and over again.
Nearly at the library she turned a corner once more, Head turned away as she said hello before her body slammed into another.
Stumbling back like a new-born fawn she tried to catch her balance, The surprise of the connection dazing her.
"Ah! Apologies, I wasn't watching where I.." [F/N] trailed off, Finally looking up at the person she bumped into with a wide eyed stare.
"Ngh.. You were going, I know" The boy in front of her finished. He was young, Only around fourteen years old and an inch smaller than [F/N] herself.
"I.. Uhm.." [F/N] stuttered looking down at him. His unruly fluffy hair that was tied into small braid, His wide owl-looking eyes and face full of freckles. [F/N] recognised him, The one person she dreaded the most to run into.
She felt her chest throb, But not from her ailment.
"Ne.. Do you have anything to say or.. are you just gonna stand there..?" He drawled slightly, A slightly bothered yet innocent tone in his voice. [F/N]'s eyes darted all over him, examining every point of him before she realised his slayer uniform's top button was slightly undone.
"I.. You're top button is undone, Here let me.." [F/N] exclaimed, Reaching for his top collar before he backed away on an instinct.
"Ngh.. Please, Do not touch me. The feeling of most things disturb me greatly.." He said rather bluntly, Making small noises in between sentances. [F/N] bowed rather quickly in response.
"A-Apologies! I'll keep that in mind if we ever meet again.." [F/N] chuckled, Trying and failing to hide the awkwardness tinting her voice. The boy in front of her didn't particularly care though, Only staring back at her.
"..Ne, I am rather sure we will.. You are the head shrine-maiden and I expect my master will be wanting to greet you soon.." He spoke in a monotone lilt.
"Your master.. Right, Himejima-san. You are one of his Tsuguko.. Your memory is rather good.." [F/N] sighed.
"Yes, It is. Thank you." He replied.
The two stood in silence, Staring back into one and other. [F/N] watching the boy carefully, Like he was a explosive she was about to defuse while he looked back at her without a single care in the world.
"Ne.. Bye then.." He broke the silence before moving around her, Trailing off down the hallway.
"Wait, Hold on!" [F/N] exclaimed, Turning around to him.
He stopped in his tracks and lazily gazed back at her, Tilting a brow.
"Do.. you know my name?" [F/N] asked through a thick tone of hesitation in her voice. Though she was frowning her eyes glinted with a shine, Like she was expecting something great just out of her grasp.
He blinked, Only once.
"No. I was never informed."
[F/N] felt the light in her eyes extinguish, The burning embers of hope being put out by his single flow of words.
"Ah.. I.. I see.." She mumbled "..My name is [F/N].. If it means anything." She added on once more, Bowing down in respect.
He only gazed back at her and nodded curtly.
"Ngh.. I'll remember it.. Since its respectful.. I'll give you mine in return.. My name is Shizuko Himejima" Shizuko respectfully replied, lowering his head once more to her own.
And with that, He was off. [F/N] didn't try to stop him again, Only watched as he walked off down the now empty hallway. [F/N] pleaded to herself, Begging that he'd turn back and say something.
But he didn't look back, And soon enough he was gone.
Snow danced lightly in the wind like swaying ribbons in gentle breeze. Maika slowly walked through the light layer of snow covering the ground as she searched for a market stall, A Kakushi trailing a few feet behind her.
The village was a few miles away from the shrine, Not too far yet enough distance as to keep it private from the residents who resided here.
Maika tugged her thick fashioned haori over her uniform a little tighter, The cold kept away by the warmth it brought her. She wondered how long it had been since she had left the shrine and descended the mountain.
She needed to get back soon, It was just about night-time and she didn't want to stay out long in case of a demon attack. Not to mention getting the medicine for [F/N]. Even if she was a new shrine-maiden it felt as if she needed to make up for her cowering out on being a slayer.
Getting the medicine for her boss was the least she could do to help out, If only a little bit anyways.
"It seems like they're selling herbs over there, Heihachiro-san." The Kakushi called out from behind her, Casually pointing out a rather crowded stall from within the street.
Maika gasped
"Ah! G-Great eye!" She exclaimed. Despite her chattering jaw, The soft smile gracing her face never left as she finally found what she was looking for.
"It looks rather crowded though.. Maybe we can find another stall the other way?" The Kakushi suggested, Eyeing the crowd hesitantly. Maika shook her head dismissively
"No, No! We're already here.. Come on, Lets go!" Maika didn't wait for a response as she was already off, Leaving the Kakushi back behind her.
"Wait up!" The Kakushi called out. Running after her as she finally reached the back of the small crowd, Where she tried to go on her tip toes to peer over the crowd.
Maika hummed, Trying to find a way through the crowd without disturbing anyone.
The Kakushi finally caught up to her and unlike Maika, Didn't particularly care about the crowd as he started pushing through them, Maika's arm in tow.
"Ah! S-Sorry.. Apologies! Uhm.." Maika stuttered, Trying to apologise to the disturbed crowd for her peer's ignorance as she was pulled along by the arm towards the front.
"Excuse me, Sorry. But we need these herbs here, Do you have them? It's for the shrine a little bit up north so please understand the importance." The Kakushi stated, Letting go of Maika's forearm and slamming his hands on the market desk.
"I-If you could sell us them, That is.." Maika added on.
The old merchant looked back at him, A little annoyed from the intrusion but when the shrine was mentioned his face had brightened.
"Ah right, That old 'Okami' shrine.. Heard you lot exported a lot from here.." The merchant said, Lazily rubbing his chin in thought.
"Yes, We do. Now can you please sell us what we need?" The Kakushi's exasperated breaths shown in the winter air, Quickly pointing at a heap of turmeric impatient to get back to the warmth of the shrine.
The merchant chuckled lightly.
"I suppose I could.. But it would cost you more" He said.
"What?!" The kakushi exclaimed.
"Yep, You type's tend to have a little extra cash on ya' and seeing as you just interrupted my business you wouldn't mind paying a lil' more for it?" The merchant said, Gesturing around to the crowd surrounding the two.
"No way! The price here says 1702 yen for a few clovers turmeric and that's what I'm gonna pay." The Kakushi argued, Pulling out a good few notes of roughly 1702 yen and holding out for the merchant to take.
Instead, He shook his head.
"Going to need at least 3800 yen for it." He said adamantly, Folding his arms over his chest.
"3800?! You've gotta be kidding me..!" The Kakushi exclaimed. But Maika couldn't hear the rest of the argument as she slowly backed away from the crowd, All viewing the ongoing spat like a dog on dog fight.
Maika stumbled out of the crowd, She didn't want to be apart of this. Maybe she should of listened to the Kakushi when he said to go to another stall, The seller here seemed rather.. Unpleasant.
By now the late evening had turned into an early night, Stars already starting to show themselves over the valley the village sat in.
She backed up further into her heavy haori, Asking why she ever decided to work in such an unbearably cold environment.
The argument by the seller stand had started to ironically heat up, Making the majority of the crowd sigh and give up trying to get anything and just go home to enjoy their slipping state of consciousness.
As several people walked past her out into the rest of the village she breathed in, Trying to puff up her chest and build the confidence to step into end the fight.
Maika put her foot forward but the snow she had been expecting to hit never came, Instead it was the feeling of a cold palm wrapping around her wrist and yanking her back.
"AH-" Her yell was quickly silenced by another hand slamming over her mouth.
"If you wanna keep your pathetic little life then you're going to shut the hell up, You hear?" Her assailant hissed lowly into her ear from behind, His voice boyish and full of sadistic joy as his inhuman strength held Maika in place.
She flailed around in the mans arms letting out muffled cries as she felt his claws digging into her skin. His presence was unmistakable.
This was a demon, She was being held hostage by a demon.
She wailed at the realisation. Tears already started to fall down from her eyes, Especially once the demon trailed a talon along her bottom eyelid, Lightly digging in as she squealed about.
"That includes struggling, Hold still!" He laughed akin to a young hyena, High pitched laughs lacing every crack in his voice like he was one too.
Maika instantly stilled in his hold at the drop of his command, Her breathing becoming ragged as if all the oxygen in the world was taken away from her. Who was he? If he was a demon why didn't he already bite into her and tear her limbs apart like his nature would suggest?
"Now here is how this is gonna go.. You're with that Kakushi over there right?" He questioned. Feeling the eyes burn into the back of her head she nodded feverishly in hopes of pleasing him.
"Good! Then you must be with the slayers then…" His sentence was cut off by another burst of manic laughter, Making Maika yelp "This is great..! Only I could've got such a good catch.." He chittered to himself.
Maika felt her heart stop, He was fishing for information. Her breathing picked up, Was he going to torture her? Kill her? She couldn't be here, She couldn't believe it. There was no way.
Yet the feeling of claws circling her neck said otherwise.
"P-Please.." She whispered out through his hand, Voice pleading, Begging to be let go. She watched the Kakushi from the alleyway. It seemed like he had gotten the turmeric and had realised her absence, Calling out her name and looking around.
"Don't make a sound" He threatened.
No.. Maika's stare burned into the Kakushi, To peer into the alleyway, Begging to Inari for him to notice her state and get help.
But he never looked her way, Lightly stumbling in another direction.
She felt her hope shatter into a thousand pieces, He couldn't see her, Not from the alleyway. Maika knew that even if she complied with the demon- No. This monster's demands then he wouldn't let her go, She'd make for a quick meal.
Maika would be forgotten. What had she even done in life? Only finally pass final selection just to cower out and reserve herself to a shrine, If she died here, Nothing would change. Would anyone even mourn?
His claws pressed further into her neck, He'd kill her. He'd kill her no matter what she said.
Maika took a deep breath in. If that was the case, Then she knew that she had to at least try, To try and live another day.
She suddenly unsheathed her Kaiken from her hakama trousers.
Kaigaku didn't even have time to react as it punctured his neck.
"Ack!" He choked out, A spray of blood erupting from his neck as the maiden slipped from his grasp in the split moment he let go.
"OVER HERE!" Maika screamed out as she dashed into the wide open street. The kakushi turned around to see her running frantically towards him.
"Gr.. Ah!" Kaigaku hissed as he grabbed the Kaiken, Yanking it out of his neck.
"Demon attack, There's a demon! We've gotta go, NOW!" Maika yelled at the Kakushi, Who stood their wide eyed. Grabbing him by the wrist they both started running down the rocky pathway.
"You bitch!" Kaigaku yelled after her, Stepping out into the moonlight of the pathway and watching them go.
Maika kept running through the empty streets, The Kakushi quickly in tow. She didn't know how powerful this demon was as she didn't get a good look at it, She wouldn't get one now, She couldn't bare to look back at it.
"We need to hurry, Get back to the shrine and alert a slay-"
In a flash of black lightning Maika tumbled down to the floor, The snow barely cushioning her fall as she yelled out in pain, A skin-deep sword slash cutting open the back of her kosobe.
"Heihachiro-san!" The Kakushi called out, Stopping only a few metres away as he looked out at the scene.
Kaigaku stood over her, His sword drawn as he pressed a foot down into the peak of her back. His face was contorted into a scowl as he glared at the girl, Quite literally an ant under his shoe.
"You little bitch..!" He growled. Maika was winded, The breath completely taken away from her as she turned around to finally look at her assailant.
Her eyes widened, He was only a boy.. Could of only been in his teenage years yet the black whites of his eyes said he was a demon.
But what really disturbed her was two things entirely, The first was his slayer uniform. He use to be a slayer, One of them.. He use to be one of them.
But his eyes were the most terrifying.. Lightning blue irises with the kanji 'Upper Six' ingrained deep into them, Making Maika's heart feel like it was choking up her throat.
This was Uppermoon six.
"Ballsy move there.. But did you really think that pathetic little blade could stop me? Come on! Wound's all gone now anyways, See?"
Kaigaku said. Gesturing up at his neck to find that the puncture had already disappeared, Not even a speck of blood remaining.
"P-Please.. Just let us g- AH!" Maika was cut off by a sharp kick to her side, Making her scream out in pain.
"Shut up!" Kaigaku hissed, Leaning down to her level he showed off his row of sharp, tigerish teeth. Sadism near radiated from him in that moment when he lowered his clawed hands to her eye.
But then he jumped back in order to avoid the swinging nichirin blade, Neigh slicing at his neck.
The Kakushi stood in front of Maika in a defensive stance. He was terrified, Maika could tell as his knees almost buckled under him from the shaking. Yet he still held up his sword to the upper rank anyways.
Kaigaku finally took notice of him, Seemingly too invested in getting back at the maiden who put a hole through his neck before even realising he was there at all.
"Ah, The Kakushi! There you are.." Kaigaku exclaimed.
"Heihachiro-san.. Run.. Get out of here, I'll handle this!" The Kakushi proclaimed, Yet his voice was as shaky as the hold on his sword. He wouldn't take his eyes off of the demon in front of him while motioning for her to go.
"B-But you.." Maika stuttered.
"Just go!" The Kakushi said, Finally taking a quick glance at her. His stare was the finality.
Maika only nodded as she scrambled to get up from the frozen pavement, The wound on her back starting to bleed only a little as she quickly caught her balance, All before taking off in a mad dash towards the start of the mountain pathway.
"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away from me!" Kaigaku yelled after her. Swiftly drawing his sword once more but was stopped by the Kakushi, Who took another slice at him down the middle. Once more Kaigaku dodged, An easy task for him.
"My duty as a demon slayer, I won't let you get to her.. E-Even if it costs me my life" The Kakushi said, The dawning realisation of his imminent death finally coming upon him as tears started to dust his eyes.
Kaigaku grinned, Wide and toothy.
"You said it, Not me!" He laughed, Charging at the man with his unsheathed nichirin.
He didn't even realise that his arm was lobbed off until his body hit the ground, A wide spray of blood coating the pavement like paint.
The Kakushi screamed, A loud primal noise erupting from the deepest chords in his throat as he watched his tendons and ligaments be torn from its sockets. Blood still spurting out from the wound as he cried out into the night.
He writhed around on the ground, Screaming out in pain as he kicked and flailed about. Kaigaku laughed at the sight, As he slowly approached the man once more.
"Not so high and mighty, Are you? You thought you could protect that pathetic girl and.." Kaigaku paused.
The girl.
He quickly snapped his head up, Looking back and forth to try and find where she had ran off to, Yet it was no use, She was nowhere to be found.
Kaigaku let the realisation hit him before yelling out in rage.
Completely ignoring the maimed Kakushi on the ground in favour of breaking a group of barrels, Letting the pieces break and shatter into a thousand pieces on the floor.
"Damnit.. DAMNIT!" He cursed, Stomping the last of the pieces of wood under his sandals with several hefty thuds as he gripped his hair, Almost ripping it out from his scalp.
His breathing was heavier than his anger in that moment, His body rapidly trying to calm himself down. How could he let an insignificant, Cowardly little shrine-maiden get away? It was unfathomable. How could the cat let the mouse slip through its paws?
He needed to chase after her, She couldn't get away! It would be a disgrace to him, An absolute embarrassment.
He was brought back to reality by another groan of pain from the Kakushi, Who was trying to crawl away with what arm he had left. Kaigaku felt his heartbeat start to steady, The rapid pace mellowing down into a slow thump.
It didn't matter, He got what he came for. The Kakushi would of had more information than some nobody anyways, There was no reason to chase after her. After all, The Kakushi had the information to lead him to wherever she went. Two birds with a single limb.
The sound of lead scribbling away at paper seemed to fill the room, Such a miniscule sound yet it felt so loud within the confines of the library.
[F/N] groaned. Putting down her quill and grabbing the paper she scrunched it up in her hands and tossed it aside with all the other ones.
She placed her face inside her palms and started to massage her temple. The irritation inside her started to build like bacteria multiplying with the illness of it peaking into frustration.
The library was rather empty. The walls and rows of books stretching to the ceilings were only walked past once or twice, Either by the odd handmaiden or [F/N] herself, Going on a walk to try and calm her nerves.
She tried once more, Picking up the warm cup of sake-infused tea Seijun made and taking another quick sip. [F/N] felt the warm liquid go down her throat, The tea doing nothing to soothe herself but instead remind her of the state of her chest as she lightly coughed.
Setting the tea down [F/N] chided herself for feeling like this. She didn't know why she felt the way she did. Was it the nightmare? Was it the chest pains? Or could it be Shizuko.. The sudden meeting still fresh in her mind, Clear as day.
Maybe it was all of them. A combined effort of built up inconveniences that left such a sour aftertaste in her mouth, Tea doing nothing to wash it down.
[F/N] looked down at the desk she was writing at. The library was large, Probably the biggest room other than the haiden in the entire shrine. While it mostly consisted of tall ceilings and open shelves for people to pick out a book, [F/N] sat in a little nook tucked away at the very back of the library home to only a desk and a candlestick to illuminate her writing.
It was something she had been meaning to do for a few weeks now, A single piece of paper she had been meaning to write yet had put off like a chore. Even when she started to write down the first few letters the meaning would muffle, Causing her to get annoyed and scrunch the paper up and throw into the ever-growing pile.
[F/N] pulled out another blank sheet and placed it out in front of her. She sighed, Trying to gather her thoughts of what to say.
She needed to get this just right. She couldn't be too emotional but she couldn't exactly be too uptight either, There was a sweet spot she was hoping to hit, A perfect balance for her to write with.
This was stupid, She thought. Why was she even doing this in the first place? Maybe it would be better if she just didn't write anything at all. It would be easier for her anyways, But if she left things unspoken then how could there be any closure?
No. She needed to do this. Maybe not for her or not actually for the closure but there was an explanation that needed to be said, Something she at least owed to her. Ironically she didn't think she could live with herself if she didn't say something.
Picking up her quill once more she lowered it towards the paper. She knew she needed to say something, But what? There was so much yet so little at the same time, Where would she start? How would she say it?
Thoughts rushed in her mind and circled around her head like storm clouds. Everything from earlier still striking with them inside her. Shizuko.. How would he feel about this? Would he be disappointed in her?
If he actually knew, That is.
[F/N] paused the movement of her quill.
She shouldn't be thinking about him, Not after all this time. He doesn't even remember who she is.
[F/N] placed the tip of the ink dipped quill onto the paper and began to write once more. No thought went into the strokes and the lows of the quill, Just mindless word spill as it danced in her hands.
It was the culmination of the past few hours, Days, Months to years. Everything she had been wanting to say overflowed on that single sheet, Every word thoughtless yet held such weight to it as it finally got spoken.
The quill circled, The final period written down.
[F/N] picked up the piece of paper lightly, Bringing it up to the candle to read over her writing. Her eyes softly examined every word, Every letter and paragraph was carefully read over.
She set the paper down.
It was good, Good as it will ever get.
[F/N] took the piece of paper and a tea-stained envelope. Folding it up delicately she placed the paper inside of the envelope, Licking it and folding it with care she took the candle holder from the side of the desk.
She grabbed the candle and tilted it slightly, Letting the wax drip onto the core of the envelope.
Once she was satisfied she pushed it down with a little fox stamper, Creating the wax seal and completing the letter.
She tucked it away in an embedded pocket of her haori, Neatly settling it inside. She had finished. A sudden hit of serenity washed over her, A calm peacefulness finally filled the oxygen around her, A kind of feeling that was few and far between.
Picking up her half-drunken cup of tea she placed it up to her lips, Intending to finish it as reward for her work.
She let her mind drift off as she tasted the sugar and sake mix together on her tongue, A bittersweet taste ruminating as it went down her throat and fill her stomach with a comforting warmth. However it didn't last long as a sudden coughing fit interrupted her, Making her spit out the tea in her mouth.
She coughed harder, Placing her head into the inside of her forearm she set down her tea. The pain in her chest had kicked up without warning, Making the tea in her throat go out the other way.
She grabbed a tea towel and wiped her mouth with it, Finally getting the last of the residue out of her throat. The annoyance finally rising up inside her once more.
It reminded her, Where was Maika? Looking at the little pocket watch sat on her desk it had been two hours since she had woken up, Making it exactly five hours she had been out. While the mountain was hard to traverse it surely wouldn't take this long, Would it?
It was winter, Maybe the markets had a low stock and she had to search longer for a stall actually selling herbs. Maybe it was a little snowier than usual and they had to be a little more careful.
[F/N]'s brow quirked. Even though there was a myriad of reasons why she could be taking longer than usual, She still couldn't shake off the bad feeling underlying it all. A feeling that made her feel like she was drowning..
She finished off her tea, Sipping down the last of it and setting it down.
As it didn't before, It couldn't calm her nerves.
She could only hope that Maika was alright.
Run. Just keep running. That's what Maika told herself as she rushed throughout the snow like a madwoman, Desperate and begging to reach her destination.
Her lungs burned from exhaustion yet she kept on going. The slash made at her back had cut open her kosobe leaving her vulnerable to the elements, The cold seeping inside of every pore on her body and soaking up every little bit of the frostbite.
The wound itself wasn't as skin-deep as she thought since she could feel the droplets of blood coming up and running down her back She supposed she was lucky however, If it was any deeper she doubted she'd of been able to make it this far.
Traversing through the forest was something she did often, Just not in the winter. In the summer it was a common activity for the handmaidens to run around and pick the local produce: Nuts, Berries, Flowers. They did it so much that the layout of the entire forest was ingrained deep into Maika's memory.
Though she couldn't deny the difficulty in the winter. The frost had made it slippery, Making it a task in of itself not to trip over and bash her head in on a rock. The light fog concealed her vision too, Only a good few metres in front of her being perceived at all.
She pleaded to Inari, Begging that the Kakushi she had left behind would be alright. That he would somehow survive, Be in one piece at the very least. But she knew in the back of her mind, By the number in that demons eye she knew what would become of him.
Maika kept going, Stumbling only a little as the mountains terrain got a little rockier, Just a little steeper as she kept going. The fog got a little thicker as she went along too, Eventually to the point where it was neigh impossible to see.
By the time she knew she was lost her legs felt numb, Cold to the touch.
But she kept going anyways, Determined in her goal.
The dark hallway of the inn was only illuminated by the dim embers of the candles lining it in holsters.
Heavy thumps of both footsteps and the dragging of the Kakushi's body was the only noise in earshot, The rest as silent as a killer.
The Kakushi was barely conscious, His vision a messy blur as he felt so much lighter than before. His mind was in pieces too, Barely registering objects he bumped into and the tiny light from the candles seemed blinding to him, Making him writhe around.
Kaigaku had a firm hold on the mans neck, Claws itching to wring it but refrained from the sheer opportunity he held in his hands. A crudely made bandage stopping the bleeding going any further.
Kaigaku stopped in his tracks once he reached the end of the hallway, Standing face to face with a door not unlike any other they had passed. Just a simple, Mahogany wood door.
But Kaigaku took in a deep breath, Interrupted by nervous jitters. He looked himself up and down adjusting both his uniform and his hair just before reaching a clawed hand out and lightly knocking.
"Come in."
The voice called out from behind the door. Kaigaku took one more breath in before turning the knob and pushing the door open.
It revealed a wide open bedroom, An expensive one that the inn owner would only rent out to high-paying customers. Though it would be impossible now as her mangled corpse lay on the table, Limbs spread out like a religious painting.
"M-Master!" Kaigaku called out. His previous arrogant and cocky demeanour now washed away into a nervous and skittish behaviour as he cowered in the doorframe, Looking back at the other man. A complete switch in a single second.
Kokushibo sat at the table on his knees. The corners of his lips smudged with red as he held the inn owners leg in his hands, A large chunk already gorged out from the bone and down the gullet of her killer.
"What do you want, Tsuguko?" Kokushibo asked. His deep voice as stoic as ever, Even while holding the severed arm of his meal it never wavered in the slightest.
"I-I apologise for interrupting you sir but-!" Kaigaku didn't finish, Just hung up the maimed body of the Kakushi like meat on a hook. Grinning with nervous joy, Pleased at his catch.
Kokushibo stared dead eyed at the incapacitated body of the Kakushi, Watching him loll his head to the side and squirm around in his Tsuguko's iron grip.
Kaigaku looked back at his master, His grin however pleased it was still shook at points. Feeling his heart throb in his chest he could only wait.
Finally, Kokushibo put down the severed leg of the inn owner to be absorbed later. He got up from the tatami mat and dusted off his kimono, All six of his eyes never leaving the body for a second.
Kaigaku watched him walk over to them both. The Kakushi, Despite his head and his body in pieces was somehow acutely aware of the shift in the air, Seemingly going still in Kaigaku's grasp as Kokushibo now stood only about a foot away from him.
His hand reached out, The Kakushi barely recognising the clawed hand examining his uniform. Tugging and feeling the consistency of the fabric.
He hummed. A deep gravelly kind of reverberation came from his throat, Reminiscent of what an animal would make while cornered.
"A Kakushi.. This is good work… I congratulate you on your efforts, Tsuguko.." Kokushibo said, The tension finally broken Kaigaku deflated. Shoulders slumping as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, All in favour of smiling like a madman at the praise.
The Kakushi groaned at the sudden speech as he lightly tugged his head up, Only to come face to face with six blurry golden eyes staring him down.
"Ggh-!" The Kakushi yelped, Only to be cut off by a sputter of coughs and gags like something was lodged inbetween his throat, Which was now squeezed tightly in between a single palm.
Kaigaku let go of the Kakushi and let Kokushibo handle it now, Watching as he was raised to reach his masters own towering height. The Kakushi quickly blinked his eyes as he continued to cough, The fuzz in his vision clearing away.
Kokushibo's terrifying visage was now on full display to the man so unfortunate to gaze upon it. Six eyes, Six golden bloodshot eyes pierced and stung at his skin like a thousand wasps as he widened his own.
Uppermoon one.
This was Uppermoon one.
The Kakushi couldn't look away from the kanji in his eyes, Like a horrible wreck he was faced with he couldn't bare to take his eyes off him for a single second. Even as he felt the demons talons dig into the skin of his neck he never felt a single bit of it.
"And you found him doing..?" Kokushibo queried, Drawling out every little syllable.
"B-Buying stuff from a merchant." Kaigaku responded.
"And in his uniform.. Interesting." Kokushibo mumbled under his breath, Seemingly lost in thought.
Suddenly his claws jagged in a little deeper to the Kakushi's neck, Making him groan out in pain as he felt blood start to trickle down the demon's fingers.
"He is conscious… You can hear what I am saying, Yes?" Kokushibo asked.
The Kakushi nodded slightly. The undertone of the demons voice contained a low threat, A small warning. A warning for what he might do to him if he didn't answer him back with what he wanted.
Kokushibo brought the man down.
"Good.. Then you will be able to answer as well.." Kokushibo said. Kokushibo suddenly reached to the side of his waist and gripped his sword hilt. The Kakushi finally pried his eyes away from the demons only to see the sharp of a flesh forged blade, Pointed straight at his jugular.
The Kakushi cried out as he started to flail around in Kokushibo's grasp, Desperate to get away from the blade.
"Now.. I understand that you slayers are not very.. Compliant with us." Kokushibo started.
He pressed the tip of his sword just a little further into his neck.
"So to act as a bit of encouragement.. I highly suggest that you start talking.. Otherwise it wont just be an arm you'll lose.."
"Thank you again.. [F/N]-san. There are no words I could say to appreciate your generosity and kindness.."
The room sat high on the second floor of the shrine, One of the bigger ones housed within the walls. It had tall ceilings and a wide open floor plan, The only furniture was a simple large tatami mat and hanging tapestries depicting Shinto lore.
It gave the room a long kind of look. The tapestries were overlain like paint on a portrait making the room seem wider than it really was, Not a bad look. Just mildly clustered.
Gyomei sat along one side of the room, The one with the door. Behind him sat a menagerie of different people, All of them slayers.
Some of them [F/N] recognised. Genya sat beside Gyomei, Sitting appropriately on his knees and intently listening in to the conversation. The other she recognised was Tanjiro, Who sat a little behind the Hashira with another girl she didn't quite recognise.
There were a few others too that she didn't know of. A boy with a boar head struggled to stay still on the tatami mat while another boy with canary coloured hair held his head low, Not looking up at all.
And then there was Shizuko, Who sat to the other side of Gyomei. His wide eyed stare was ever there, Examining the entire room top to bottom to commit it to memory.
[F/N] tried her hardest not to look at him for too long.
"It's alright. We here have opened up our shrine to you slayers for a reason, You are completely free to come and go as you like.. As long as you stay respectful to the integrity of this place, That is." [F/N] said, Her soft tone matching her smile as she thanked the Hashira.
[F/N] sat at the opposite end of the room facing the group of slayers, Seijun sat beside her. She had tried to avoid Gyomei all throughout the day yet she supposed that it was bound to happen eventually. Gyomei, As much as she rather disliked him, Was always a cordial and respectful man. So it basically threaded in fate that he would want to thank her.
Gyomei rattled his beads
"Thank you.. [F/N]-san. However I must apologise for my college, Fujimori.. I've been searching for him around the shrine but I am unable to locate his whereabouts. So I would like to thank you on his behalf and apologise for his disrespect.." Gyomei said, Bowing his head lightly.
[F/N] felt herself let out a tiny relieved sigh, Despite his impeccable senses he was completely unaware of her little Jekyll and Hyde charade. She lightly thanked Inari under her breath.
"Ah, It's fine.. I honestly don't mind, It's not a necessity to thank us for our hospitality but I do appreciate the effort. I'm sure Fujimori is thankful" [F/N] said, Bowing her head straight back to him.
"Even so.. It would of been more respectful to your shrine if he did offer thanks." Gyomei replied, Silently crying over the disrespect from Fujimori, Assumedly at least. It was always hard to tell.
"No, No. Really, It's nothing that I- Ack!" [F/N] keeled over, A sudden coughing fit burst out from within her throat.
Seijun quickly got up from her position behind [F/N] and to her side.
"[F/N]-sama.." Seijun said, Lightly patting the centre of her back as [F/N]'s sputters died down into low wheezes. Gyomei was already across the room in a second, Now kneeling down in front of the two.
"[F/N]-san.. Are you alright?" Gyomei asked.
"Y-Yes.. I'm fine. My chest is just a bit painful right now.." [F/N] said however strained her voice was.
"How long has it lasted?" Seijun asked, Using her hands to examine the low of her back to the peak of her neck for any damage.
"Since a few hours ago.. We were out of anything to use as a remedy so I sent a shrine-maiden down to the village to buy some more.. But.. She hasn't come back yet." [F/N] replied. She warily lifted her head towards the clock.
"About five hours and thirty two minutes ago to be exact.." [F/N] said.
"That is.. Not normal.." Gyomei replied.
"Correct, She should of been back by now.. I would've gone to check on her but with both my duties and my chest pain I'm not fit to." [F/N] explained.
It was true, The speck of worry she had felt before only grew into bigger and bigger every time she was reminded of her pain. Maika should of been back by now. She was a shrine-maiden and had most likely committed the mountain's layout to memory, It was a given. But with the winter it could of been made tricky.
What if she had dismissed [F/N]'s orders of wearing warmer clothes? What if she didn't find a Kakushi to help escort her? [F/N] bit her tongue, She didn't want to know what could've happened to her.
While they were never that close, The shrine-maidens here were one thing of three that she cared for dearly. She didn't want them to die, Not any one of them.
"If you desire, I will go and search for the shrine-maiden." Gyomei offered, His ever-sombre voice breaking [F/N] out of her thoughts.
She smiled lightly.
"If you could, That would be amazing, Himejima-san." [F/N] nodded. It was good, Gyomei despite his blindness was rather extraordinary at tracking down people, But more often than not it was demon's.
Gyomei nodded.
A voice called out from the group of slayers. [F/N] peered over Gyomei's shoulder to see the younger canary haired kid. He was rather short and wore a nervous expression that never seemed to fade, Something that [F/N] noted.
"If you're gonna go down the mountain.. I'd like to come along, No offense but this place is pretty creepy.." The boy said. He was eyeing a specific tapestry depicting several creatures with rather ugly expressions. He shivered like a wet cat while looking at it.
An irrational coward to an unbelievable degree, Something [F/N] also picked up about him. The tapestries were everywhere around the shrine and if he was uneasy by one of the smaller ones then [F/N] could only imagine what happened when he saw the others.
"Not for me! These demons don't scare me in the slightest!" The boar headed kid beside him suddenly yelled and jumped up onto the soles of his feet.
"I could take any of them on easily, Especially that one! It's no match for Inosuke, God of the mountains!" Inosuke yelled once more, Pointing towards some unknown point in the tapestries.
"It's just a banner! It's not real, Inosuke!" Tanjiro called out to him.
"Heh?! Of course they're real! Why else would they be made into hides?" Inosuke retorted, Which seemed to start a full on argument across the room as the other kids joined in.
[F/N] watched over them and groaned, Pinching her temples.
"Listen, Himejima-san. Thank you so much for doing this, Just get the slayers who want to come along with you and try to find her." [F/N] spoke, Returning the conversation to the two adults as the argument went on in the background.
"Alright.. Do you have any description of what this maiden looks like?" Gyomei asked.
[F/N] hummed.
"Her name is Heihachiro, Maika. She's pretty small, around 5'3.. Erm.. Blonde hair and dark eyes. She's assumedly wearing the shrine-maiden uniform.. With ribbons in her hair too." [F/N] said, Trying to give as much details as possible.
"Understood. I'll try to recover her as soon as possible." Gyomei got up from his kneeling position and bowed in front of her. [F/N] returned the gesture, A genuine display of gratitude.
"Thank you. Stay safe, Okay?"
Splatters of red crimson painted the corner the Kakushi's body was slumped in. His limbs numb, So numb. It felt as if they weren't even there anymore, Like that they were torn from the sockets and were laying on his lap on display.
But that wasn't true, Was it? What time was it, He didn't know. Where was he, As well? It was so dark where he was that couldn't even see a foot in front of him, Only feeling it severed from his ankle.
He was so tired, As if the weight of the entire world was collapsing on top of him, Unable to carry it no longer. He couldn't even feel the tears in his skin, Thousands of them adorning his skin like papercuts bleeding him dry.
The tilt of his head, The feeling of a flesh forged blade titling his head up to meet the face of his assailant.
He wanted it to end, His life. He couldn't go on anymore, He didn't care. The pain was too much for him to bare that he just wished the curtains could close and never open up again. Everything hurt so much, Everything.
"Now.. Are you ready to tell us..?" His assailant asked. The shine of his eyes like lighthouses in a storm-ridden night, Looking down at the broken wreck of a man in front of him.
The Kakushi opened his mouth, Saliva mixing with iron he finally spoke out in a raspy whisper.
Candles lit up. Small embers growing from the wax as they met with the other creating a dim yet comforting light in the haiden.
Baskets of weaved straw bustled around the entire hall. All of them were filled with some sort of offering: Flowers, Fruit, Bottles of Sake and rice grains. All in favour of pleasing the deity enshrined here.
[F/N] walked slowly along the long drawn carpet. Moving past the lit candles, Hanging tapestries and woven baskets as she finally reached the altar.
It was the heart of the haiden, The pandemonium of the entire shrine.
The offerings grew heavier here with candles sprinkled in between the cracks, Ever burning bright in the dark shadows of the hall.
She dusted off her kimono and settled herself down in front of the altar, Making sure to get comfortable on her knees as she knelt before the wooden haiden. She took in a deep breath, Ready to speak The nightmares, The thing she had came to ask about. [F/N] had prayed to Inari before about them, Mostly praying for them to stop during ceremonies or on her own personal time.
They never did stop however. [F/N] often wondered if Inari was listening at all, If her prayers really were getting heard.
Or maybe it was because her nightmares were meant to happen. It wasn't exactly unheard of people getting prophetic visions through their dreams, It was actually a rather common story among demon slayers.
Insight of a past life, Views into future events. It was all rumours spread around the metaphorical water-cooler, Tales of visions spread through dreams. While [F/N] was rather sceptical of these claims she knew how the kami were said to work, She supposed it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
And now as she knelt at the altar she had supposed that maybe they were true after all.
But still, The newest dream still fresh in her mind ate away at her bit by bit. If they were visions, They were rather subtle before. Maybe not even serving a higher purpose but remembering the primal scream of the voice and the raw look of terror in her double's eyes made her stifle her breath.
She couldn't make sense of it, Not in the slightest.
Letting out the deep breath she was holding she clasped her hands up into prayer. Closing her eyes she prepared to ask.
"Ō-Inari.. Please, Hear my call."
The crunching of snow came out from under his sandals, Heavy thumps making their way through the endless gale as he ascended upwards.
Kokushibo marched forward, The cold being nothing but an annoyance coming in from around him. His eyes narrowed as he felt something else crawl up his spine, A reminiscent emotion. One he hadn't felt in centuries as Kaigaku followed him close behind.
The Kakushi had finally given up information to the two, All in exchange for his torment to finally end. Kokushibo thought it was pathetic, Such a weak little human he was. Both in strength and in mind.
He had spoke of a Kakushi base, The place where the majority of slayer operations originated from. It was good information, One of the best leads any of them had had in years.
"T-The Kakushi said that it was somewhere up here?" Kaigaku asked.
The chilling temperatures didn't bother him either as he stood strong with his sword drawn. He had hoped to hell and back that the Kakushi didn't give them false information, If so then it would be impossible to interrogate him once more.
Kokushibo just kept moving, Not acknowledging his Tsuguko's attempts of conversation as he kept going.
That feeling, That feeling once more crawled up the dip of his back. He couldn't recognise it despite how oh so familiar it felt. His eyes finally targeted on an object through the mist, A dark shape settled within the cold mist.
Kokushibo squinted his eyes to try and get a better look at it.
Kaigaku gulped as he started to fiddle with his thumbs, The worry of misinformation starting to come up once more.
"What if.. What if he gave us wrong info? What if-" Kaigaku stopped mid-sentence as he saw Kokushibo pause.
His steady stride through the snow had halted all of sudden. If Kaigaku didn't know better then he could of sworn he saw a jolt go through him, Like a static shock making him still in place.
"M-Master..?" Kaigaku muttered as he moved around to Kokushibo's side to get a better look at him.
All three sets of Kokushibo's eyes were wide open, Stretched to their very limits. His mouth was left slack open. A complete visage of what could only be described as shocked horror as he stared forward.
In front of him, Was a stone lantern.
There was absolutely nothing special about this lantern in particular. Just a wide stone block with a small carved roof on top of it. It was not unlike any kind of lantern he's seen before yet it finally clicked in his mind once he saw it.
It was a shrine lantern.
No.. Not just a shrine lantern..
It was the shrine lanterns used in his sister's shrine.
The air shifted around him in this realisation. As if he had suddenly became of the entire atmosphere, Every tree and every rock he was now acutely aware of as he glared down at this lantern.
It wasn't just the lantern.. It was everywhere, He recognised it now. This was where his sister's shrine is…
"M-Master…?" Kaigaku whispered, Reaching out for his masters shoulder.
As soon as it was connected, Kaigaku's arm was lobbed off from his shoulder making him yelp out in surprise as he backed away.
"Do not touch me.." He hissed, Finally coming back to his senses. Kaigaku nodded quickly as he stumbled a few steps further away from the man.
"We are here.. Go.. Go find another entrance to attack from.. It will be harder to defend from two sides.." Kokushibo commanded, His voice was firm. Borderline irritated as he watched Kaigaku quickly rush away in another direction, Quick to follow his orders.
He paid no more attention to him however as he took a few strides forward and kneeled down in front of the lantern.
It was lit. A small spark of ember had been lit between the barks of wood placed in it. The little flame was fighting against the blizzard to stay alive, And it held on. It had been recently lit.
Kokushibo felt anger rise up inside him like a boiling pot. He traced the stone of the lantern with his hands. This was [F/N]'s shrine, No doubt.. And if what the Kakushi had given the right information then.. They were using her shrine as the Kakushi base..
The boiling pot overflowed, The stone he was tracing with his hand was now crushed within his grasp and crumbled down like it was absolutely nothing to him. Even after the crushed particles of stone fell down into the slush below he wasn't done, As he swiftly levelled the rest of it with a single sway of his hand.
For all these centuries he couldn't bare to go back to her shrine, The lost memories of her life played out every time he even dared to think about it. It felt like a fist squeezing out the bloody juices from inside his heart, It was painful, He could never go back, Never..
At least not to the real thing anyways.
But that feeling inside him, The one that felt like his heart was about to burst was now replaced with absolute, Concentrated rage. In the time that he had left and abandoned [F/N]'s shrine the slayers had infested it like mice and claimed it as their own.
His teeth clenched. Canines and molars grinding against one and other as he cursed out the slayers under his breath.
It was just like that night. That awful night, One of the worst days of his life as he remembered the feeling of holding her frozen over corpse in his arms. The warmth left her body, Never to return.
Her dried tears.. The stab wound through her back.. She was covered head to toe in her own blood. She had tried to find help, She was fighting to survive in her last moments and he was too late to be there for her.
The memories of that night went through him. He had thought of them before, He had never stopped. Every waking moment he would be called back to that one stupid little night yet now as he knelt in the exact same place she had perished it felt so, so much worse.
But within the flurry of emotions he felt it was anger that came on top. The slayers had desecrated her shrine, His sisters shrine. They had turned it into a base without any respect given to her while he was gone.
It was unacceptable, It was truly down to the very last bone in his body a disgrace. The only remnant left of her and they ruined it.
Getting up from his kneeling position he rested a firm hand on his sword. The tears starting to speckle his eyes were quickly shook off.
He wasn't going to let them get away with it. They'd pay, Not for him but for his late-sisters sake.
How would she feel about this? About her precious shrine turned into nothing but business operations for the group that slew her? She'd be horrified, Disgusted too. He imagined it in his head, Her reaction to the news of what happened played out so clear it was if she was standing in front of him.
She'd cry as she listened to the tale of what happened to it, She'd hug him in search of comfort and he'd try his best to provide it. He imagined it happening..
All as if she was still alive.
"Don't worry, [F/N].. Michi-Nii will deal with this.."
"I don't understand, Inari.. I don't know what it means.."
[F/N] sat rambling off to the shrine. She had done the proper incantations and rituals to perform her prayers, Now all that was left was to consult them. See if they answer and if they do, She'd finally get her closure.
"The snow.. The man and those words. I don't understand it, Inari. Please, If you want to give me a message I beg of you, Be more direct with me.." [F/N] pleaded, Her hands still were clasped in that same prayer position just a little more desperately this time.
"For months I've been given these dreams, Either by you or by something else that's wrong with me. I know you are listening, That I do not doubt.." [F/N] continued as she lowered her head, Now bowing down to the altar.
"I just want to know.. What do they mean?" She said, A finality in her voice as she went silent. Waiting on eagerly for a response. It was quiet, Deafeningly so. Nothing made a single sound, No echoes travelled around the honden like they usually would.
[F/N] felt her hands clench up, Her body tense as she waiting for something. Anything.
Suddenly the candles flickered, The flames stuttering on and off.
[F/N] sensed it and raised her head, Watching as they moved about in a swaying motion.
"W-What th-"
An explosion of noise erupted from behind her like a dam being broken down by a raging tsunami. A rapid gush of wind and cold air hit her like the strormsurge as she yelped out in surprise.
She fell over, Holding onto one of the wooden pillars for support so she wouldn't be knocked over once more. The entire shrine's structure seemed to shake at the force of some unknown cause.
As the wind finally settled and she could lift her head. From outside the honden she could hear yelling and screaming of several groups of people, Panicked frenzied noises muffled by the shaken walls.
But what really caught her attention was the noise of the Kasugai crows coming out from their aviary on the third floor. It sounded like they were coming out in flocks, Croaking and screaming one single phrase over and over again.
Next Chapter
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febuary30thday · 1 year
Muichiro Sick HCs
Sorry for being inactive guys, I had a lot of tests, quizzes, and projects to do for the last 2 weeks of school. Since next week is my last week of school, feel free to request things as comments on this post, and I'll see if I can get to them, thank you!
As an apology, have some sick Muichiro HCs in honor of his backstory being released and Swordsmith Village Arc in general. This version of Muichiro HCs is platonic, no yandere, but I'll do a romantic Muichiro HCs soon enough. However before I get to requests, I'll do Sick Mitsuri.
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Because of his strict training regime, he can't really accept the fact that he's sick and needs to rest.
He's coughed up blood before while training, and he's fine, so what's a little fever to him?
A lot, actually
His body almost collapses on him because he's been ignoring his fever for so long
Once you heard the news, you rushed over to his house. The Kakushi were taking care of him, but skedaddled when they saw you.
"Cowards. I'm not even that scary."
That was a complete lie, you looked like you were about to murder them, and you holding your katana like you were about to strike only confirmed their opinions
He had a wet towel on his head, and his breathing was heavy
"Muichiro, can you hear me?"
He turns to you, his face blank, despite his heavy breathing
"Of course, you would look at me like that."
He blinks, and his crow starts yelling at you while standing protectively near him to make sure he's okay.
"Relax, Little Miss Sassy, I'm here to care for him because he obviously can't ask for help. *Sigh* I'm going to die early because of you, y'know that? I'm only 17, and I'm never going to get married because you're going to kill me."
You look at him. "If you keep doing this, you're going to die early."
You go make him some soup, and because of his slight hatred of being treated like a child, he ate it himself.
You also gave him so comfier clothes to change into, because he was overheating.
You made sure to call Kocho to take of him, and when she got there, she thanked you for letting her know but when she finished, you stayed by his side for the rest of the day.
He doesn't remember who you are sometime, but he feels happy near you.
He also was very happy you stayed, because it made him happy, like his heart fluttered.
His crow doesn't like you at all, but you don't really care.
Your crow and his crow are always at each other's necks, and it's funny to watch.
"Rest now, Muichiro. You'll need it."
After he got better, you scolded him, but he doesn't listen
He just stuck his tongue out at you
The Hashira think the relationship between you two is cute, and Shinobu frequently teases you about it, using words like "son", and "mother" when talking about you and Muichiro
She asks if you're going to take Nezuko and Tanjiro as your children if you ever get the chance
You denied it
Well, you did end up doing that.
One big traumatized family
Spoiler: When Muichiro dies, you start crying, even while fighting Kokushibo alongside him
You die at the hands of Muzan
Muichiro thinks of you like an elephant. Because of your heavy presence and how loud you are, but how you care for him like he's your son or family in general. Elephants have close bonds with family in general.
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justagamerandaweeb · 5 months
Loss. - Tanjiro x (Y/N) (Platonic) Modern AU!
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Synopsis: Tanjiro tries to make you crack and let it out.
Scene: you both are in a car driving after arguing with the Hashira group (specifically Sanemi).
Tw: loss of a friend, suicide mention, mentions of wrist cutting.
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Tanjiro looks to his right to see (Y/N)'s hands gripped on the wheel, where their knuckles are turning white, showing clear signs of non-verbal anger. He touched their shoulder, and they rolled their shoulder, making Tanjiro's hand slide off. "C'mon, (Y/N), I'm sure Sanemi didn't mean—"
"Mean what? Say that my friend was right to end themselves in order to leave my ass? Because he said that with no hesitation. Not a single thought went up in his head for him to not say that." (Y/N) interrupted Tanjiro, showing clear signs of abhorrence in their voice. "Like, how fucking disconnected with society do you have to be to straight up tell someone that to their face?"
"I know you're angry, but, I'm sure he'll apologize. He has to otherwise the others will hate him for it." Tanjiro spoke out, trying to give Sanemi the benefit of the doubt as he was in the moment arguing with them. "I have every fucking right to be angry! I've known them for fucking years, and he doesn't know jack shit about what we went through together!" (Y/N) said, with their voice breaking little by little.
Tanjiro puts his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder again, but this time, they didn't roll their shoulder. Tanjiro took this a s an opportunity for him to talk as he says, "(Y/N), what happened to (F/N) isn't your fault. Not you, not Sanemi, not Inosuke, not even the delinquents at our university. You're not the only one who's dealing losing someone. I mean, my dad..."
"Yes, your dad died from an illness that gave him a slow and painful death! The only difference is that your Dad encouraged you to be a better person and treat others with respect! Meanwhile, I never knew my dad, and my mom is dying from a fucking genetic disease that has no cure! It doesn't make it any better at the fact that my friend killed themselves because people pushed them too far!"
"I... So, who do you want to blame?"
"Myself, if that wasn't fucking obvious!" (Y/N) said as tears started to streak down their face. Tanjiro was shocked at this, because he could understand if they'd blame the loss of their friend on the people that antagonized them, but they blame themselves? Over something they had no control over?
"You blame yourself? Really?"
"Yes, I do. I decided to be a stubborn dickhead about my friend's mental health, even though they had cuts on their wrists, and they told me not to worry about it. All because they had therapy, and was "getting better"."
Tanjiro was shocked at the fact (Y/N) said that to him. Even when they had cuts, they told them not to worry about it. They took that into consideration, and rolled with it, until it was too late.
"My friend's Mom actually blames herself. She's a single parent who had a lot of shit on her plate trying to live in a stable environment for them, and her younger children. She was so busy with everything that she couldn't find the time to check on her own child. Sometimes, I blame myself for that."
"No, you don't."
"Yes, Tanjiro, I do. Do you know what it's like to see a text that was sent at two in the morning that reads, "I'll miss you." after waking up three hours later? Do you know what's it like feeling someone's parent hugging you at a funeral and repeating, "I'm sorry." to you like it's their fault? Do you?"
Tanjiro started to get a little bit teary-eyed at those questions, as in a honesty, no, he hasn't. Outside of his dad, he's never lost anyone important to him, and it didn't feel fair to him, he's been blessed with the life that was given to him while (Y/N) was living the exact opposite.
"Their birthday was fucking yesterday. No one else but me, their mom, and their siblings came to visit their grave. Some fucking friends I have that won't there to comfort us." (Y/N) said as they wiped their face and eyes, and sniffled.
His hand from (Y/N)' shoulder, to their back, as he caresses them and says, "No, I don't know what it's like to go through all that. But I can imagine how much pain you're going through. I understand the pain you're dealing with if I went through it through your perspective, but—"
"You see? It's always that kind of bullshit that people say! "I know what you're going through. I understand your pain. I can see it through your perspective." How about you shut your fucking mouth when you say dumb shit like that? Because no, you don't understand what I'm going through. If you did, you wouldn't be saying the most basic shit just to sympathize with me!" (Y/N) bellowed as they were about to hammer fist the steering wheel, but let out a sigh of sadness as they lowered their hand down.
(Y/N) decided to park at some sort of supermarket as they turned the car off, and laid their head down on the steering wheel. They started to elicit sounds of soft crying as their forearms were crossed together, dangling. "Why couldn't it have been me?" They whimpered out as their breath started to hiccup.
Tanjiro wiped his eyes as he spoke up to (Y/N), "Now, I know you don't mean that. Would you have been happy if you were to take your own life, and left them alone?"
"If it meant my friend still being on this planet, yes. I have nothing else in this world. As everyone I have cared for has either forgotten about me, or straight up left me. So that already tells me that I'm not good enough to be anyone's friend. But they knew what it was like, and the bond that we created was so genuine, it was like I had a real friend. And now they're gone..."
"But you're still here. You still have a life ahead of you. You still have time to make new friends and make good memories. It's what they would want you to do. Move on, honor their memory, make them proud." (Y/N) looked at him with red puffed eyes and sniffed the snot in their nose. "Let me drive. The least I can do is give yourself some rest as we drive back to campus." (Y/N) continued to stare at him for a couple of seconds before they unbuckled their seatbelt and opened the door.
Tanjiro took off his seat belt hopped in the driver's seat and turned the car on as he put on the seatbelt. (Y/N) opens the passenger door and sits down as they close the door and buckle up. They laid their head against the window as Tanjiro put his hand on their shoulder and said, "It's gonna be alright, I promise." He puts the car out of park, and left the parking lot as he went back on the road, and drove.
A couple minutes after the argument, they both arrived at the residential hall of the campus. Tanjiro puts the car in park, and took the keys out of the ignition as he looked to his left to see (Y/N) asleep. He softly shook them and they woke up. Their eyes were still red, with little bags under their eyes as they asked, "We're here?"
Tanjiro nods as (Y/N) lets out a sigh of disappointment as they unbuckle their belt, and got out of the car. Tanjiro followed suit as he followed (Y/N) and walked up the mini-stairs of the building's main door. (Y/N) grabbed the knob and struggled to open the door as it was looked. Tanjiro tapped their shoulder as they turned back to see Tanjiro with the keys in his hand.
They grabbed it, picked out the key for the main door, and unlocked it. "Thanks." "Anytime." Tanjiro responded with a soft smile on his face. (Y/N) extended their hand out to him for a handshake, but he politely declined as he decided to go for a hug instead. (Y/N) was a little stunned at this, but still accepted it as they wrapped their arms around him too.
They both stayed like that for the last 15 seconds, before Tanjiro disconnected himself from them. He softly puts his hand on his shoulder as he says, "You'll get through this, alright? You're stronger than you think you are. And hey, if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, don't be afraid to call any of us. Me, Tomioka-san, Rengoku-san, any one of us, we'll be there, okay?"
They softly nodded as they huskily said, "Okay." Tanjiro softly smiles as he pats their shoulder and says, "Take care of yourself, alright?" And walks off. He looks back and waves goodbye at them, as (Y/N) follows suit before going inside. Hang in there, (Y/N). We'll make sure we make you feel special.
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My first angst, and it's something I relate to on a personal level. Never thought I would be making angst, considering my account, but, here we are. Don't ask for a part two, by the way, I'm not going to.
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
Shoko lieri x Nezuko Lectora+Tanjiro(PLATÓNICO)(TRADUCCION)
Género: Headcanons
Lector: femenino
Advertencias: algunos spoilers, Fumar, divergente del canon(No muere Riko, Geto no se hace malvado). Lectora tiene las habilidades de Nezuko Kamado de KNY y tiene un hermano similar a Tanjiro. Fluff.
siendo honestos, puedo ver qué Shoko al principio no iba a cuidar de los hermanos voluntariamente.
a ver, no digo que ella no le gustaran los niños, solo que era demaciado autoconciente de que su ambiente de trabajo y ella misma no eran lo mejor para un niño, menos dos que habian pasado por una situación traumatica.
cuando ella leyo los informes de los incidentes y las autopcias de los padres, se sintió mal por los niños.
una maldición de grado especial habia invadido su casa y asesinado a sus padres y hermanos, los niños se escondieron rapido lo que les salvo la vida, pero no se fueron sin cicatrices tanfl físicas como emocionales.
Shoko tuvo que checear a la más pequeña, (lectora), que gracias a la larga exposición a energía maldita, se habia enfermado.
aunque definitivamente eso era comun, no lo era el procesó de curación tan rapido que la niña presentaba.
era algo extraño, era como si su cuerpo empezara a absorber la energia maldita como mecanismo de supervivencia.
y su hermano mayor, el otro superviviente, no se vio afectado en gran medida, pero definitivamente se le notaba preocupado por que le pasaria a el y su hermana una vez que terminaran los checeos.
Shoko se pregunto lo mismo. no podian Simplemente devolverlos como si nada paso ¿talvez los entregarían a algun clan?
imagínate la sopresa de Shoko cuando se entero de que los hermanos iban a vivir con ella temporalmente por cuestiones de "seguridad"☠️
a Shoko no la engañaban, querian mantener a los niños cerca para ver cómo se desarrollaban como hechiceros y como usarlos en el futuro, especialmente a la niña, pero realmente no podia hacer mucho en contra de eso.
después de todo, al ser el unico medico con técnica inversa, Shoko tenia un gran nivel de seguridad, por lo que si los niños estarian seguros en algun lugar, seria con ella.
aunque definitivamente no significaba que fuera algo facil.
Shoko paso gran parte del tiempo anterior a la llegada de los niños moviendo cosas, tirando papeles, ordenando su casa, para que fuera habitable para dos niños mas.
tambien tuvo que moderar su actitud tetrica frente a los niños por ahora en pro de no generar una regresion producto del trauma.
tuvo que aprender a no fumar dentro de su propia casa.
fue un gran ajuste. y Shoko lo odio en varios momentos.
y fue peor cuando ella no amo a los niños de inmediato, sintió que estaba cambiando su vida por completo por unos desconocidos.
afortunadamente no fue algo que se mantuviera por mucho tiempo.
(lectora) y su hermano eran buenos niños, bastante buenos, no causaban problemas, comían lo que Shoko les daba y sobre todo eran tranquilos. talvez demaciado.
a veces Shoko se preocupaba de que fueran demaciado callados para sus edades.
lo que la incito a querer interactuar mas con ellos.
en parte lo hacia con la excusa de que era para tener mas información de la condición de (lectora) pero era bastante obvio que se preocupaba por los niños.
mas especialmente su salud.
Shoko siendo Shoko dejo que los niños comegieran sus errores para aprender de ellos, lo cual incluia lastimarse, ella esperaba tener que tratar las boobas pero se sorprendió cuando vio, nuevamente, la curacion rapida de (lectora).
asi que no es solo con energia maldita, es con todas las heridas.
Shoko observo a los niños en su periodo de ajuste y recuperación mientras hacia lo que podia para que estuvieran a gusto, como contarles un cuento(que tuvo que comprar), hacerles la comida, darles algunas clases particulares en la energia maldita (y ellos entendiendo tanto como Geto y Gojo), etc.
Shoko estaba...empezando a disfrutar de la compania, del movimiento, de la actividad..
el estusiamso y optimismo de los niños era contagioso, sobretodo del hermano de (lectora), Tanjiro, quien siempre estaba tratando de ayudar en cualquier cosa de la casa, ver el lado positivo, y siendo un solecito en general.
(lectora) por otro lado era un caso un tanto criptico, era una buena niña, si, pero al mismo tiempo apenas hablaba, era mas reservada, pero definitivamente tenia potencial.
eso era lo que preocupaba a Shoko.
ella ha visto lo que el Jujutsu le hace a la gente, lo que la ACADEMIA le hace a la gente, tomar algo bueno y machacarlo.
ella no queria que (lectora) pasará por algo asi, ya habia pasado por mucho en su vida.
si es posible, le pedira ayuda a Geto y Gojo para mantener a los altos mandos lejos de los niños, lo cual ambos hacen con gusto.
tambien Shoko los expone a otros niños con sus capacidades especiales, como Megumi, Mimiko y Nanako, se llevan bastante bien pese a sus diferencias(lectora y Tanjiro tienen algo de miedo de Geto y Gojo, pero al menos se sienten seguros con Shoko ahi).
asi, ellos crecen con uj mejor manejo de sus habilidades y sobretodo un mejor entendimiento del entorno del jujutsu.
si vamos a las ideas mas generales, Shoko es el empoderamiento de "mamá cool" que te deja salirte con la tuya siempre y cuando no te hagas daño(le importa un cacahuate los demas).
Shoko esta "bien" con que sus hijos quieran unirse a los hechiceros, pero tambien será bastante clara con todos los riesgos posibles (y amenazara de muerte a Satoru si es que sus hijos no vuelven sanos y salvos).
si sus hijos quieren aun asi ser hechiceros, entonces ella lo acepta, incluso apoya bastante su coraje.
creo que Shoko, aprovehcando la capacidad curativa de (lectora), le trataría de enseñar técnica ritual inversa, con suerte ahora usando palabras que ella pueda entender y asi ser mas util en peleas o fuera de ellas. le serviria mucho una asistente después de todo.
ahora que sus hijos estan crecidos se permite a si misma ser su yo normal algo tetrica, por lo que para molestarlos de vez en cuando les tira datos del cuerpo humano súper aleatorios o super mortales como "tips de pelea" o como descuartizar a alguien, por ejemplo.
le parece gracioso como habiendo sido criados prácticamente por ella aun asi hayan salido tan bonachones.
aunque no me malinterpretes, Shoko sera una madre algo despreocupada pero no significa que no le importen sus hijos.
si (lectora)/su hermano viene deprimida porque algun compañero murio, tuvieron una misión horrible o simplemente están bajoneados, pues se sentara con ellos, les dara algo de te(o un cigarro si es que quieren) y los consolara a su manera.
ella quiere que sus hijos sientan que pueden contar con ella y decirle lo que sienten, no ser del tipo de tutora de "mi mama me va a matar"
y sobretodo le da miedo perder a (lectora) y Tanjiro por eso mismo, que no puedan decir las cosas.
Shoko es brutalmente honesta con sus hijos, por lo que espera lo mismo. ella sabe cuando halagarlos y cuando darles criticismo.
eso en todos los aspectos de la vida, tanto escuela como fuera de escuela.
en el amor por ejemplo.
(lectora) es alguien con poca experiencia en el amor, asi que Shoko siempre sera honesta cuando crea que un chico no le conviene, incluso si suena feo o causa pelea, prefiere una tormenta pasajera que uj huracán permanente.
lo mismo va para Tanjiro, pero podriamos decir que ellos dos se alian para cuidar la espalda de (lectora) lo mas posible de patanes.
sinceramente Shoko estaria mas que bien con hijos LGBT, simplemente porque asi no tendrá que ocuparse de ciertos problemas adicionales.
osea, si (lectora) tuviera un crush en, Nobara por ejemplo, viendo que es una buena chica y que le hace bien a (lectora) pues la acepta en su casa.
aunque definitivamente ella le da la charla de la pala por si alguna vez ella osa intentar lastimar a su hija :)
y tambien definitivamente las amenazas de Shoko no DEBEN ser tomadas por vanas.
ella ya se ha encariñado mucho, MUCHO con estos como para que los altos mandos quieran hacer alguna tactica sucia con ellos en pro de mantener "la paz" en el sistema.
incluso sin Gojo o Geto ayudandola, Shoko es BRUTAL por su cuenta.
si intentaran llevar a los niños con otra familia, creo que seria una de las primeras veces en las que Shoko pierde la calma y está paniqueando, no es como que dejara que pasara, pero ella no pensaria que eso ocurriria en primer lugar.
podrias decir que los niños realmente le cambian las prioridades.
si intentan comprometer a alguno de los hijos con algun miembro/heredero de alguno de los clanes es un gran NO NO y ella hará el movimiento epico de fugarse con los hijos el dia de la boda. ella es asi💅
¿experimentos con (lectora) por su capacidad especial? SOBRE SU CAVADER.
¿lastimas a alguno de ellos? es tu ultimo dia. preparate para ser recivido en la morgue, no necesariamente muerto todavia :)
literalmente se vuelve feral.
incluso si no lo dice en serio, puede que amenaze con dejar su puesto como medico si es que intentan cualquier movimiento con los niños, lo cual ha funcionado, por ahora.
pero de cualquier forma, no hay de que preocuparse. Shoko es una madre osa qje protege y ama mucho a sus extraños y extraordinarios hijos.
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demoiselettes · 2 years
But this time its not mitsuri
This time goes to the ever so adorable Kamado siblings. Specifically Tanjiro and Nezuko. And yes this is also platonic
Tanjiro is just sitting in Nesuko’s room at the end of the bed. It’s night time so Nezuko is just vibing on the bed with him. But Tanjiro doesn’t feel comfy, more like really awkward due to an adrenaline rush that hasn’t calmed down since he started his official missions from the corps. Because of that he has a hard time falling asleep tonight. A knock from the door comes and in comes reader. She is a older slayer and near the rank of a hashria but cant become Hashria due to there only strictly being nine Hashria (yes that is canon). Even though the meeting was just yesterday, word has already spread out to the entire corps. Tanjiro tenses up ready to defend Nezuko, but reader puts her hands up in a early surrender to calm him down. Reader stands next to the bed and starts giving Nezuko head pats. Reader then starts saying how happy she is for Tanjiro which is odd for him. Normally everyone is mad at him for Nezuko. Reader then says how happy she is Tanjiro is give Nezuko a second chance, some people need a second chance sometimes but don’t get it, even though thats the only thing they need to be better. But Tanjiro is working hard to give Nezuko that second chance she needs from a fate she never deserved. Reader then apologies say this might make him uncomfortable but she is proud of him. But that all he needs. The godddanm reassurance he needed since his family died when he was 13. At the end of the day being a big brother and carrying the burden of pain is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Reader goes in for a hug and Tanjiro clings on for dear life. Nezuko joins in the comfort hug. this hug feels like one a big sister would give, even though he never had one. reader spends the rest of the night comforting the poor child and stays with them until morning comes. She is now an honorary Kamado, reader enjoys taking the siblings out to new places to eat or buy new things for them like good luck charms trying to give them a peaceful life and demon slayer can have
An unusual one
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Pairing: Platonic! Tanjiro + Nezuko x reader
Category: fluff
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! Reader, reader is Kinoe ranked
A/n: i was so sad when i read ‘but this time it’s not mitsuri’ then i saw Tanjiro and Nezuko and i was like heck yeah >:D ALSO I FEEL LIKE WE ALL WANNA EITHER DATE OR BE FRIENDS WITH THE KNY CHARACTERS
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The barest moonlight filtered trough the curtains.
Nezuko didn’t seem to notice the jitters her brother was suffering from. Sprawled on the twin sized bed, she kept herself busy with positioning her legs to remain upright in the air and swinging them back and forth on the mattress, one feet at a time.
It was an amusing sight for Tanjiro, but tonight he was restless. Many thoughts rushed through his brain. The adrenaline from his mission on Mount Natagumo and the not-so -lovely meeting he’d had with the hashiras proved stubborn and didn’t subside. In his bed, he’d kept shifting his legs, wringing his hands and tossing and turning, but tiny insects kept crawling up his body. So he’d tip-toed out of the room he shared with both Zenitsu and Inosuke in the butterfly estate and snuck into Nezuko’s room. At this hour, she should have been asleep (she slept a lot for a demon), but he’d been greeted with the sight of her wrapped up in bedsheets. Watching her, Tanjiro felt somewhat relived that Nezuko remained carefree and oblivious to what happened. He knew, deep down, that she must be understanding the situation to a certain level but the information simply didn’t fully process. No doubt for the best. Tanjiro didn’t mind being the one carrying the burden and the deaths that trailed behind him.
Knuckles racked against the door, almost startling Tanjiro. Guessing it was probably Aoi who came to check on Nezuko, or perhaps even Shinobu, he rushed to invite them in, already bracing for a scolding. But when the door opened, it was neither Shinobu nor Aoi who stepped in. Tanjiro didn’t even know who you were. But the sword that hung by your belt alerted him enough to hop out of bed and stand in front of his sister. The rush of energy finally kicked it and he was already planning to headbutt you.
But your shoulders tensed and you put your palms up to face level on either side of your head in an attempt to surrender. That was not the reaction he’d been expecting and definitely not the one he’d gotten with the other hashiras. The air smelled of fresh bluebells. Surprisingly, Nezuko remained calm. Her pink eyes trailed over you, but there was a far-away look in them as though you weren’t really present and she was looking directly at the door behind you.
“Ah, good day, Kamado-san! Or, uh, good night..” you seemed to fumble with your words. Your hands were still in the air. “I’m truly sorry for startling you at this hour. I’ve been tied up all day so i couldn’t come visit.”
Tanjiro almost gawked at you. You had none of the intimidating and somewhat eccentric presence the hashiras gave off, you looked..normal. For the most part. He doesn’t remember you being at the meeting. His shoulders slumped in slight relief and he bowed to you, mustering a smile.
“It’s no problem! I couldn’t sleep anyway.. ah, would you like to have seat?” He gestured to the empty stool that sat by the twin sized bed. You clasped your hands and shook your head.
“I’m good. I don’t intend to stay for long. I wanted to simply take a gander at your sister. I take it her name is Nezuko?”
“Y..yes.” Tanjiro was having trouble forming the words. Though he was weary, the smile on your face reminded him of his mother’s. You made no attempt at attacking them and the scent of bluebells assaulted his nostrils.
“It’s the first time i’ve come across such a phenomenon.. have you really not eaten any demons, my dear?” You tilted your head quizzically at the girl. She didn’t answer, only stared at you.
“Ah- sorry, sometimes it’s difficult for her to formulate words! Specially through that muzzle..”
“Oh, that’s right.”
“E-erm..” Tanjiro hesitated. “Is it alright if i ask for your name?”
You turned to him, bewildered. “I haven’t introduced myself yet? I’m [Last Name] [First Name]!” You bowed. “Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer.”
Tanjiro’s head spun. Kinoe rank? That meant you were right below the rank of hashira. He tensed again. Why did you want to see Nezuko?
“Rest assured, i’m not here to kill your sister. I wouldn’t, as The Master has given her his approval to live. I just.. wanted to have a look at the situation with my own eyes..” your voice faded near the end, like you were only speaking to yourself.
He blushed, embarrassed that his thoughts were so evident. “Thank you, [Last]-san.”
You nodded, then you took a tentative step forward. Tanjiro’s eyes never failed to follow, but he remained calm while you approached Nezuko and placed a palm over her head. She closed her eyes in bliss and leaned into your touch. The scene felt so..gentle, so unlike everything that he’s faced for the past couple of years. He smiled without even realizing that he’d let his guard down.
“She’s no demon,” you cooed. “She’s such a cutie.”
He grinned. “I’m happy you accept her. In all honesty..i was expecting you to attack..” his hand went to rub his nape.
You smiled wryly. “I know. You are not very subtle with your body language.” The laugh that followed was enough to make Tanjiro want to bury himself in the ground of sheer embarrassment. “The hashiras gave you a hard time, eh? I’ve heard they’re ruthless.”
“I understand they were doing their job,” Tanjiro admitted miserably. “But i still can’t help somehow feeling upset at how they treated Nezuko. The wind pillar—“
“—is an idiot.” You finished. “But it’s hard for him to trust demons.” You frowned before acknowledging his gaze upon you. “I’m glad Nezuko-chan gets to live.”
Tanjiro swallowed the emotions that threatened to flood. He nodded solemnly and, clenching his fists, added: “Demons are tragic creatures. They.. they deserve a second chance. I know eating humans is unforgivable but..”
You smiled. “I see now why Kocho-sama entrusted her dream to you. You’re a special one, Kamado Tanjiro.”
He gulped and felt himself shrink under your gaze. His cheeks burned. When was the last time he’d been complimented? And you were so kind..
“This might seem out of the blue, but i’m proud of you for standing up for your sister. You’re still a mizunoto, but you’ve got more spirits that i’d have thought.” You forged on. “I barely know you and yet i look forward to fighting alongside you.”
Something resembling warmth bloomed inside Tanjiro’s chest. He felt like he’d eaten a steaming bowl of Udon with grated yam but along the fuzziness came the ball that lodged itself in his throat whenever he’d fight back tears. He was fighting back tears. He felt ashamed, for he was about to cry after you’d just told him he was strong. That was unbecoming of a Slayer. But before he could even blink, droplets were tracing their paths down his cheeks, leaving dark patches on the white uniform and soon, he began to shake and sob violently. He felt arms wrap around him gently, lightly, like he was a glass sculpture and he shook harder. His fingers went to clutch at your uniform and he allowed himself to be given head pats by you. He didn’t need to look up at you to know you were smiling.
He can’t tell what he’s crying for. It seemed that every negative experience, trivial or big, that he’d encountered poured out in his tears. He’s been alone for so long with his struggles. He was still only a kid.
You made no effort to speak comfort into him. Simply holding him, caressing his hair and letting him cry, was proving to be more effective. The silence spoke volumes. A smaller pair of arms came to hold onto you and you looked down, startled, at the shrunken version of Nezuko who had her kimono and haori trailing on the floor behind her. Just like that, you knew they’d taken you in as one of their own.
You remained by their side for the entire night, and somewhere throughout, sleep greeted you in its numbing embrace with Tanjiro and Nezuko still tucked in your arms.
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Top 10 Fastest Anime Defeats | Chapter 4
Japanese: normal text
English: bolded
Thoughts: in italics
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It's nice out today.
That was your first thought of the morning as you stepped outside to begin your training. Although you and your scarred friend had planned to stay inside for the day due to the rain, Urokodaki had requested you both go out and adjust to the environmental change. "You must learn to fight in different conditions whether they are natural or not. Training in the same good weather will not give you nearly enough experience for your fights with the demons."
I guess that makes sense... Besides the rain isn't that bad, I actually like the rain.
As the rain continued to pour down, you made your way toward your desired area for training. You wouldn't be joining Tanjiro for your usual routine in favor of finally trying to come up with your desired breath style.
Standing in front of the boulder you spend the next few minutes staring at it.
Yeah... I have nothing...
"Damn it, this is so stupid!" You stomp your foot against the ground straight into a puddle of muddy water, dirtying your light blue hakama.
Ah fuck, Urokodaki is gonna kill me now.
"Life is going great!" You let out an exasperated sigh, not caring as you didn't have an audience,
"You really are a mess." A familiar voice cuts through your spiteful thoughts as you spin around to face the boy. Droplets of rain dripped down his mask as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest watching your pitiful state. "Why, hello to you too Sabito." You sigh after greeting the boy.
Do I dare sit on the ground? My clothes are already dirty so I'll have to wash them anyway...
"What's wrong with you? Your face is disturbing me." 
"Wh- Don't you dare talk about my face when you haven't even shown yours!" His only response to your statement was a light knock of his fist to your head. 
"You never answered my question."
"I asked what was wrong with you. You never answered." 
Staring down at your muddied feet in embarrassment, you avoid eye contact before answering, "I'm trying to come up with my own breath style."
He scoffs, "That's your problem?" He shakes his head as you absentmindedly play with the sleeve of your hakama as your temper begins to rise. "You try to come up with your own breath style! This shit ain't easy dude!"
"Then, if it's so hard for you on your own... I'll help you."
Another six months passed until the final day Tanjiro would face Sabito. You would have continued your training if it weren't for the fact you desperately wanted to see Sabito's face.
That moment you're only letting yourself take a break cause you want to see some dude's face.
Tanjiro and Sabito stood across from one another, stern expressions never wavering as they stared one another down. Tanjiro's hair had grown out, cascading down to his shoulders. To the side of them were the figures of two girls, Makomo standing in place, and you at her side sitting patiently.
Not like I'll be here for long... This fight is pretty quick in the anime so I don't have to worry about time too much.
The sword at Sabito's side was no longer the familiar wooden one he had appeared with all those months ago, instead it was a real Nichirin blade that shined as he pulled it from its sheath.
"After a year, you finally began to have the appearance of a man," Sabito comments on your burgundy-haired friend as he stood across from him with his own sword drawn.
"I will win today."
"Go Tanjiro! I know you can do it!" Obviously, you would cheer for Tanjiro. Sure, as much as you liked Sabito, you were not going to not show your support for the boy you've known for longer.
It was a pretty straightforward thing. To put it simply, the stronger and faster of the two would win.
Not another second passed before they both lunged forward, fully prepared to inflict some damage on the other. It was a quick fight, and the victor decided in an instant. Tanjiro's blade struck Sabito before the masked male had time to react.
A look of shock swept across Tanjiro's face as you leaned forward, Sabito's own face being revealed from beneath his split-open mask.
Woah... He's so fucking pretty? Pretty boy Sabito! If Sabito looks like this how pretty is Inosuke?
Both Sabito and Makomo smiled at Tanjiro's achievement. Fog began to pool around the area as a sense of mourning, joy, and peace began to fill your body. 
"You must win Tanjiro..." Makomo spoke up, although you didn't react to her voice, "Against that person too."
That person? The hand demon or Kibutsuji?
Finally returning to your senses, you look around only to realize Sabito and Makomo were nowhere to be found.
"So... Uh..." The sound of your voice seemed to surprise Tanjiro as he jolted from his thoughts. "Ah, [Y/N]!" You push yourself from the ground only to jump onto Tanjiro's back, forcing him to drop his katana in order to hold you up, "That's a nice rock you got there bud. Can I have the other half?" 
"Other half?" He looks back at the boulder only to realize he had somehow managed to slice it in half. "O-oh! I didn't even realize I cut it!" You raise an eyebrow at that remark, "Bro, really? Then... Do you mind helping me cut mine in half? I wanna be there with you at the final selection!" 
His grip on you falters, almost accidentally allowing you to choke him if it were for the fact you slid off on your own accord, "C'mon! Help me with my boulder too!" You race off toward the direction of your training spot only to accidentally run into your father Urokodaki himself. "Oof!" Before you could fall, he grabs your shoulders to steady you, "Ah, I'm sorry... And thanks for catching me." Urokodaki simply responds by giving you a head pat.
"The reason I didn't want either of you to go to the final selection, was because I didn't want to see children die of this anymore."
Ah, story progression...
He begins to approach Tanjiro, "But I didn't count on you being able to slice that rock..." He places his right hand on top of Tanjiro's head, "You did well." 
Tears begin to well up in Tanjiro's eyes as Urokodaki continues, "Tanjiro, you are an... impressive kid..." Finally allowing his tears to fall, the two embrace each other in what you would describe as a slightly awkward, but loving hug. "You must come back... Alive from the final selection. This old man and your sister will be waiting for you right here."
Well, I didn't need my emotions anyways.
Tag List: @rgtgt
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drluvsick · 3 months
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doctor’s notes: interesting medicine— while unpredictable, they can lead to surprisingly good recovery treatment… ah, but don’t worry, you’re in safe hands.
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— 𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐎 !!
simple fluff with tanjiro. established relationship. mentions of injury.
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— N/A
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eskumii · 7 months
Can you pls do platonic yandere sanemi x demon child reader (that is also tanjiros and nezukos younger sibling to)
soft yandere!older brother figure!shinazugawa sanemi x child!demon!reader hcs [platonic]
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A/N: this contains huge manga spoilers in regards to sanemi's past/relationships!! also ,, ty for being patient annonie, if ur still there :') also i accidentally posted this b4 i finished it, so sorry if anyone saw that...
PAIRING: soft yandere!older brother figure!shinazugawa sanemi x child!demon!kamado!reader (platonic)
CHARACTERS: shinazugawa sanemi (21), reader (12), nezuko (14), tanjiro (16)
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☆ sanemi hates demons.
☆ that much is clear from the spectacle he made of your older sister, nezuko, at the hashira's headquarters with that horrrible temper of his. needless to say, you don't like him at all and he clearly doesn't like you or your sister, either. it certainly doesn't help that master kagaya seems to have a sour sense of humor as you're now stuck with him as your babysitter.
☆ both tanjiro and nezuko vehemently object to master kagaya's orders. the servants of the residence had to literally rip you from the ironed grips of your older siblings, who were screaming bloody murder as if you'd be separated for the rest of eternity. they were certainly being a tad bit dramatic, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't just as upset.
☆ with the deal set in stone, however, sanemi drags you to his home as begrudgingly as humanly possible and condemns you to one of his spare bedrooms. apparently he lived alone (expected tbh) in a traditional style home, complete with the koi ponds and bamboo deer scares. it's nice, you'll give him that, but his nasty attitude doesn't seem to match the beauty of his residence.
☆ although your living conditions are less than ideal, you're old enough to know that staying under someone else's roof is almost never free. you try (keyword: try) to do what you can to help around the house but sanemi is constantly hollering at you to leave him alone or to not mess with his stuff.
☆ he insists you stay in your room and out of his way, but you still tail behind him from afar out of your debilitating boredom. if he notices, he says nothing, and simply ignores you as if you're not even there. at least when you were with tanjiro and nezuko there was always something to do—sanemi is so boring.
☆ sometimes sanemi gets really angry for seemingly no reason and at any given time. he'll storm outside and take it out on the poor practice dummies that litter his backyard, grunting in oblivious rage when he accidentally kicks one of their heads off. you're not sure what it is about you that makes him so angry; you've kind of already ruled it out as his perpetual state of being.
☆ and, well, sanemi doesn't... hate you. you remind him so much of his younger brother, genya, and most of his anger is only borne out of pain. as the eldest of the family he once knew, it's not like the instincts he acquired to take care of his siblings just went away. you simply remind him of who he used to be and the weaknesses that tore his family apart make him inexplicably angry.
☆ considering your resemblance to his late younger siblings (and genya), sanemi does get protective over you in his own ways. sometimes you meddle too close to the windows during the day, so he'll yell at you to move. or sometimes when you're scarfing down the raw meat he gives you, he yells at you to slow down lest you choke.
☆ it may seem like he's not paying attention to you at all, but he's always peeking at you with watchful eyes. he's notices that you like to watch him train but can't be out in the sun, so he hung up a blanket in the branches of a nearby tree without saying a word to you. you smile knowing that you're growing on him.
☆ during the evening, sanemi often catches you out in the garden picking flowers. usually he'd shrug his shoulders and turn his nose up, but he felt compelled to see what you were doing out there all the time. plus, he couldn't have you wandering out beyond the walls.
☆ "what're you doin', kid?" sanemi's booming voice scares you and you drop your basket of colorful flowers on the ground with a squeak. you scramble to gather them again and you're surprised to see a pair of scarred hands helping out, too.
☆ "i'm gonna make flower crowns for when tanjiro and nezuko get back." you answer once all the flowers are back in the basket. sanemi snorts. "flower crowns?"
☆ you nod. "yup! here, i'll show you how to make one." sanemi has zero time to refuse as you grab his hand and pull him down onto the grass with you. you take a length of string that you had stolen from one of his many rooms of junk and began to attach the flowers to it with a clever weaving pattern.
☆ sanemi is fuming in embarrassment as you eagerly teach him how to make a stupid flower crown. this is ridiculous. but why can't he just get up and leave? when you hand him the string of flowers to try it out for himself, your childish giggling is contagious as he fumbles clumsily and accidentally crushes the delicate stem in his callous grip.
☆ in the end, sanemi finds himself enjoying making flower crowns with you, but he threatens you violently with a ruffle of your hair should you tell anyone about it. he would never admit it but as he looks at the crudely made flower crown that you helped him with, he feels a distantly familiar feeling of warmth igniting in his heart again.
☆ the rest of the days you spend with sanemi begin to feel more pleasant than it did initially. sanemi no longer leaves you to your own devices, but instead tries to find things for you to do during the day when you can't go outside. he'll bring you puzzles and teach you how to read with children's folktales written on tarnished scrolls that he said he kept from his old family home.
☆ you're not sure what happened, but sanemi dotes on you now. once you had tripped and split your finger open, and sanemi rushed to your side like it had been your head. it healed within a few seconds, but sanemi still scolded you for walking around unsupervised.
☆ and when you get feverish due to your refusal of eating human flesh, which is often, sanemi tarries by your side day and night in order to make sure you're as comfortable as can be. cold, damp towels on your forehead, fresh raw meat at your bedside, and anything else you want, he gets for you. the worry etched into the lines of his forehead shows how much he cares about you.
☆ by the time tanjiro and nezuko return from their mission to collect you, sanemi doesn't even want to let you go. in fact, you've both grown attached to each other and while you're overjoyed to see your siblings again, sanemi has also become something like an older brother to you. you've grown to love the big residence and his presence.
☆ you're in tears as sanemi pats your head and smiles crookedly at you for what feels like the last time. you beg tanjiro to let you stay longer but he firmly tells you no. sanemi makes tanjiro promise that he'll take you to visit him or else he'll kill him (he's serious).
☆ when you inevitably depart from sanemi (tanjiro has to pry you away from him), he feels about as lonely as the day is long. the residence feels too big without you following behind him like his own shadow, and every time he turns a corner he half-expects to find you doing something to cause trouble.
☆ sanemi takes the flower crown you both made and seals it in a glass jar. he hopes that you'll visit again before it withers, or else he might just go out and find you himself.
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midnightwriter21 · 2 months
Distant~ (Tanjiro x Reader Angst)
characters: Tanjiro Kamado x reader, zenitsu x reader (platonic), kanao x tanjiro (no kanao hate pls🙏🏻)
warnings: angst, unrequited love
AN: here is the very long overdue part 2 for the Tanjiro angst Open Wound! I've decided to turn this into a short series so there will be another part or two after this! If you haven’t read the original click the link before reading this one!
open wound (part 1)
until now (part 3)
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As you flee the scene, Tanjiro stares at your retreating figure in shock. He’s broken from his trance at the feeling of Kanao’s soft hand covering his.
“Go after her.”
“I… what?” He asks confusedly.
“She’s your best friend and she’s hurt. We hid this from her for too long. Go after her. Explain yourself or you’ll lose her,” she looks at him expectantly.
Tanjiro sighs as he stands and runs in the direction you fled, “Your right. I have to find her.”
After a few minutes of frantically searching for you, Tanjiro finally spots you in the distance. He quickens his pace as he calls out to you. You continue to run, your feet pounding on the ground with each step. Tensions build up as Tanjiro closes the distance between you two. He reaches out to you, calling out your name as you continue to flee in tears.
Finally, he catches up to you and grabs you by the shoulders. "Wait! Please, let me explain!"
You whip around to face him, yelling, “Explain? You have to be kidding, Tanjiro! What could you possibly need to explain? I saw everything!”
“Stop yelling at me and listen!” He exclaims.
“No! I don’t want to listen to you, or talk to you, or see you right now! I want to be alone!” You jerk yourself out of his grasp and begin to walk away from him again.
“Y/n, please just hear me out!” Tanjiro begs.
You sigh as you turn to him, defeated and upset, “Just give me some time, Tanjiro. I just need to process some things, okay?”
Tanjiro frowns but nods in agreement, “Okay… but we have to talk about this.”
You nod back, “We will,” and then you head home for the day.
As you walk the path towards your home, leaving Tanjiro behind, you hear rapid footsteps behind you accompanied by the screeching voice you’ve become so fond of, “Y/N!!! WAIT FOR MEEEE!!”
Laughing slightly under you breath, you turn as the lightening user comes into sight, “Zenitsu…”
He slides to a stop in front of you,expression full of pity, “Hey y/n…”
You smile at him sadly in response before continuing the walk home.
He walks beside you in a rare moment of silence before finally breaking it, “I’m sorry…”
You blink, surprised, “Sorry? why would you be sorry?”
Zenitsu looks at you, eyes wide, “He still hasn’t told you has he?”
Feeling you heart rate begin to pick up you question the blonde, “Who? Tell me what? Zenitsu you better start giving me answers right now. What is going on?”
As the two of you arrive at your home, Zenitsu, uncharacteristically quiet, places his hands on your shoulders and guides you to take a seat.
He starts softly, muttering to himself, “Tanjiro is my friend. But so are you… you deserve to know.”
Heart sinking you ask, “Deserve to know what? Just spit it out please.”
Zenitsu takes a deep breath, “Tanjiro and Kanao have been together for months. They’ve been hiding it from you because they know how you feel about Tanjiro.”
You breathe a humorless laugh, "Of course... It all makes sense."
"Y/n? Are you okay?" The blonde asks hesistantly.
Another laugh, "Yeah, I'm great. All of the pieces are coming together now. He's been acting differently for months. He doesn't eat lunch with me or train with me anymore, we haven't gone on a mission together recently either, and he's been so... distant. I don't know how I didn't see it before."
Furrowing his eyebrows in concern, Zenitsu reaches out to pull you into a hug when you're interrupted by the familiar squawking of your crow.
A soft sigh escapes your mouth accompanied by a sad smile as you stand, "Well, I guess I have to leave."
Zenitsu looks up at you concerned, "Be safe, y/n."
"I'll try." Then you're off.
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yepperoniro · 1 year
Three in the morning idea...
Alpha Hashiras x Omega Reader x Kamado Gang???
Did I add yandere? because, yeah, it has to be Yandere.
Master notes that the population of Demon Slayer Corp members keep getting weaker, and the Hashira's are on edge. So he figures let's solve both problems at once. He sends out Kakushi to locate a prime omega in their early 20 or late teens. That would be you.
You wake up in a strange, extremely fanciful manner with more questions than answers. But it all goes downhill because you felt your heat kicking in. You unintentionally follow the scent of alpha, which leads you to a room full of 6 unmated alphas, a mated pair, and one prime alpha - the Hashira.
You, in a shock, run off to the nearest building where you find solstice in a group of betas named Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Kanao, and Inosuke.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao are all Platonic Yandere and want to protect you from being forcibly marked by one of the alphas.
Prime Alpha Tengen: Who has three omega wives already but could always use a prime omega wife.
Alpha Obanai and Alpha Mitsuri: Who are a mated pair and are looking for an omega to use as an incubator.
Alpha Kyojuro: Who wants nothing more than to find a mate and start a family.
Alpha Giyuu: Who has little interest in mating... until you come around and force him into his rut.
Alpha Sanemi: Who is the same as Giyuu. The only difference is that he plans on claiming you the second he sensed you.
Alpha Shinobu: Who is infuriated that her beta sister is banning her from getting herself an omega.
Alpha Gyomei: Who wants to shield you from all of the world's cruelties by marking you. For your protection, of course.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Previous Chapter ☆♡☆ Masterlist ☆♡☆ Next Chapter
AO3 link
CHAPTER TWO: "You crazy-ass cosmonaut, Remember your virtue, Redemption lies plainly in truth"
(IMPORTANT NOTE): So, Decided to turn this into a whole ahh fic. Anyways, This takes place in my SLAYER+ AU. Which is something I haven't talked about but the general jist is that it expands the story of Demon Slayer
So if anything in her seems a little bit off its either because its apart of SLAYER+ or I've just made a mistake.
Thank you!
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Impostor syndrome is an internalised thought process which make people doubt their standing or achievements, Believing themselves to be undeserving of praise.
This can make the person in question believe that they are not as great as they are portraying. This syndrome often comes hand in hand with other disorders such as Depression.
Cut, Slice, Stab, Pierce!
The blade's movements flowed through the air and struck like lightning against the demons neck.
It wasn't even aware it was defeated until its head hit the ground.
Bouncing once, Then twice until it rolled away like a running coin.
The demon's head came to a halt. The soft sun rays of the oncoming sunrise started to sizzle at it's skin, Making the edges burn away into fading ashes.
The words he wished to say died on his tongue, Watching as the man only a few feet away from him sheathe his sword and exhale once through his mouth.
It was like the slayer didn't even make any effort to kill him, Like he was just doing another chore.
The demon's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, Trying to find the syllables to say yet the only sound he could produce was only a single vowel.
"H-How..?" He choked out. The sun started to reach his face now, Ashes scorching out and fading in a blitz.
The slayer said nothing, He only turned back to the demon. His eyes shown through the small rifts on his mask, The vivid colour looking back at the demon with.. Nothing.
There wasn't any emotion shining behind his eyes, Not like any other of the demon slayers he had faced before eating them.
Disgust, Pity, Resentment.. None of that was present. Not a burning hatred or a disgust for his kind. Instead he seemed tired, Exhausted even.
The last thing the demon saw before burning up completely was the slayer turning back around, Walking off towards the sun.
Then, His remains dissolved entirely, Fading back into the world from where he came from.
Just like all the others.
The bowl of udon sat uneaten on the table.
[F/N] held a single chopstick in his hand. He circled it around in the bowl, Watching as the contents rippled around like koi in a pond. By now, The noodles and toppings had cooled down, Being now only lukewarm.
[F/N] stared dead into the bowl, Seemingly enraptured by the movements.
It was early in the morning. [F/N] had been called by the crow and arrived at the swordsmith's village only half an hour after sunrise, Yet it was too late. By the time he got there the battle was already won.
It was an Uppermoon attack, Reportedly both five and four were attacking the village. Except from the Entertainment District incident this was the first time an Uppermoon was seen and actually killed in over one hundred years.
If he didn't take a detour to slay a nearby demon he would of gotten there in time to fight the two. [F/N] chided himself for his stupidity.
"Hey.. You're making that face again.."
[F/N] snapped his head up to look across the table.
Mitsuri Kanroji, The Love Hashira, Sat looking at [F/N] from across the table. She had a look of concern on her face, At least as much concern she could show with a clump of noodles stuffed in her mouth.
Mitsuri, One of the combatants in the fight went up against number four and survived. After winning the fight she had decided it was only right to celebrate with a feast. [F/N], Who was already there at the village was invited to join her.
[F/N] accepted, It was convenient. A way to break the news easily.
"What look?" [F/N] asked. The eyes on his kitsune mask widened with the movements below.
"The face-mask thingy.. The one where you look like you despise your food personally.." Mitsuri explained using several vague hand movements to gesture to [F/N]'s face. "How'd you even eat with that thing on anyways?" She added.
"Oh.. Right." [F/N] mumbled.
Moving his hands up to the leather straps reaching behind his head. Unclasping the clip at the back with precision he placed the mask on the table besides his sword, And suddenly he became a she.
The previous build of a strong athletic man had dissolved into the smaller frame of a young woman in her early twenties. The sleeveless slayer uniform and dragon-patterned haori that fit perfectly before had suddenly became oversized, As if she was wearing a rather large blanket.
"Kyah~! No matter how many time's I see it, It doesn't get any less cool!" Mitsuri gushed. The ghost of a smile graced [F/N]'s face and shook her head, It seemed like Mitsuri was back to her normal self.
"..But even though it was cool, It's not gonna get you out of telling me what's wrong" Mitsuri tutted. Shoving another shrimp kebab into her mouth from the dozens of plates beside her, A mountain compared to [F/N]'s anthill of a bowl.
"Really? Nothing does get past you, Does it?" [F/N] mumbled, Trying to gather her thoughts while catching her breath at the hit of sudden weakness.
"Nope! Now spill. You know you can tell me anything right?" Mitsuri said. She set down her fresh plate of food, Her attention now set fully on the woman in front of her.
[F/N] felt her lip quirk, A sudden anxiety chilling her.
"I.. I guess I was just worried about you, 'Tsuri. Are you sure you're okay? A battle with an Uppermoon is no joke, You know?" [F/N] worried, Checking over her form to check for any wounds or bruises.
It wasn't a lie, [F/N] was worried about Mitsuri. She was her closest companion, The woman she could call her best friend yet [F/N] supposed that was why it was so hard to tell her the real truth.
Mitsuri hummed for a second.
"..Of course I'm okay.. Though I do have to admit the fight did give me a run for my money, And you should of seen the mouth on that demon boy!" Mitsuri exclaimed, Recalling the early details of the battle.
"Really? What'd he say to you?" [F/N] asked.
"He called me a tramp! Can you believe that? I've never heard such foul language come out of anyone, Demon or Human!" Mitsuri exasperated. The usual dramatic tone she always wore was present in her voice, Good. [F/N] could confirm she was alright, Atleast in mind.
"Anyways, I swear! If I wasn't strong enough to survive that blast or my if my breathing style wasn't as fast as it is: I would've been a goner." She concluded, Shaking her head.
"I'm glad you're alright, I'm just sorry I wasn't there to help you" [F/N] replied, Sombreness lacing an undertone of her voice.
"Don't worry about it, I surv- WAIT! What I said just reminded me, I forgot to tell you!" Mitsuri squawked, Suddenly jumping up in her seat.
"Hm?" [F/N] lowered a brow, Prompting her to continue.
"Do you remember those Kamado kids? Tanjiro and Nezuko, Doesn't ring a bell?" Mitsuri questioned.
"Erm.. Who?" [F/N] asked in return.
"You don't remember them? The boy with the checkered haori, The absolutely adorable little demon girl?" Mitsuri squealed as if she was a mother gushing over her children's achievements, Fanning her face to cool down her ever-present blush.
[F/N] hummed and searched through the archive of her memory.
"Nope, Don't think I've met them." [F/N] concluded, Her mind drawing a blank.
"Wait. You showed up late to the meeting right?" Mitsuri snapped her fingers, Suddenly recalling.
"..Yep. If you mean the outside portion then yeah, Missed it." [F/N] said nonchalantly, Finally taking a clump of noodles and moving it up to her mouth.
"Ah, Right. That makes sense then. You should really keep better track of time, [F/N]" Mitsuri scolded lightly, Taking another bite of food. "Anyways, I've decided to send them your way!"
[F/N] paused. The cluster of noodles inches from her lips stopped mid-way through Mitsuri's sentence.
"..What?" [F/N] queried, Lowering the noodles. Maybe she had misheard. Mitsuri quirked a lip.
"Erm.. I decided to send them your way..? The boy, Tanjiro has this special breathing technique… And since you've got the most expertise on breathing styles I kind kind of.. Sent him your way?" Mitsuri said slowly, Trying to pique what kind of reaction [F/N] would have.
She watched as [F/N]'s face morphed into a kind of blank stare, The same one she had while glaring at her soup.
Mitsuri let out a small squeak, Waving her hands about.
"I-I didn't really mean to! It just kind of came up in conversation and I kind of let slip that you might have some information since you've helped others before on this stuff- And.. And he just kind of decided to find you- I didn't know you were coming here so he's already on his way to the Kakushi Base, I'm really sor-" Mitsuri's babbling came to a halt at the feeling of a hand gripping hers, Stopping its movement.
[F/N] sighed lightly and looked back at Mitsuri with a small smile.
"It's fine, 'Tsuri. You don't need to explain yourself, It's just.." [F/N]'s small smile dropped.
[F/N] knew that she needed to tell her eventually, If she didn't get it over with it now then it would be more difficult later on. [F/N] just prayed she'd understand.
"I didn't just come here to celebrate your victory.. I.. I need to tell you something" [F/N] started. Her [E/C] irises met the lime green hue's of Mitsuri's. She stared into them trying to gather up the confidence while Mitsuri only stared back with a concerned gaze as she picked up her chopsticks.
Setting her hands on her lap, She took a deep breath.
"I'm retiring."
Mitsuri dropped the chopsticks.
They fell back onto the plate, The resounding clack! seemed so much louder than it did before as it echoed around the room.
"W-What.. Come again?" Mitsuri stumbled on her words, She was in shock as her shoulders tensed up. The surprised reached her face, Disbelief in her eyes and her jaw slack open.
"I'm retiring, 'Tsuri." [F/N] repeated, Confirming her words to Mitsuri. The silence was deafening.
Suddenly two hands gripped onto [F/N]'s shoulders from across the table, Almost pulling her over.
"What?! Did you get hurt? Did someone die? What happened? You can tell me you know, I won't say a word to anyone!" Mitsuri exclaimed, Shaking [F/N] by the shoulders from across the table.
"Aah! Nothing happened to me, Tsuri! I'm fine!" [F/N] blurted out, Still being shaken around.
Mitsuri lifted her hands off from [F/N]'s shoulders, Yet it wasn't a relief as Mitsuri got up from her seat. [F/N] following close behind her as they met face to face.
"Then what, [F/N]? If you're not hurt or anything then why?" Mitsuri questioned, Her pitch lowering down to a low plead as she got closer to [F/N], Gripping her hand tight.
[F/N] raised their entwined hands, Putting her other hand over Mitsuri's.
"Listen, This isn't something I'm doing on a dime, Okay? I've been thinking about this for a long while now.." [F/N] said.
"Since when?" Mitsuri prodded.
"Since Tengen's retirement.. Since Rengoku's death. It's been on my mind for a long time, And I just think it's time." [F/N] explained. Her voice stung at Mitsuri like a live wire, It sounded strained like something was blocking up her throat.
Mitsuri squeezed [F/N]'s hand tighter.
"[F/N], I can't understand but you need to be with us in the Hashira right now.. We still haven't found a replacement for Rengoku or Tengen. You of all of us can't quit, Not you." Mitsuri argued going closer to [F/N]
"Out of all of us in the Hashira it's you who is the strongest out of all of us, You even beat Gyomei in that department. Do you even remember what you did?" Mitsuri continued.
[F/N] frowned hearing Mitsuri's declarations of grandeur towards her. She looked away, Either in shame or embarrassment she didn't know.
"You're the Soul Hashira, [F/N]! You're the slayer who killed a thousand demons in a year, All on your own. Do you understand the weight of that?" Mitsuri announced.
[F/N] Fujimori, The Soul Hashira. She was the woman who killed one thousand demons in a year, A feat done by no other in recorded history. A feat so big that lower members of the demon slayer corps even doubted she existed, Something only possible by both her reclusive nature and her actual appearance during the day.
The mask. A rather old looking porcelain kitsune mask with black and blue markings, It was a trinket [F/N] had acquired long ago. It had a rather unique effect where whenever [F/N] placed it on her face, She could suddenly change her appearance at will.
She didn't understand it nor did she ever know how it worked but she decided like the vast majority of things that it was better to not look a gift horse in the mouth, A sentiment she had carried ever since childhood.
So, Using it to her advantage [F/N] made herself into the peak version she could be, Or he to be more accurate. An athletic masculine body, More muscle mass than a normal person yet only enough so that it didn't weigh down her movements, Making her both strong and agile in a fight.
It was the entire reason she was able to achieve the title of "Strongest Hashira". That and along with the countless hours of training and meditation, That is.
"Mitsuri.. I understand who I am alright? I know who I am and it doesn't matter to me, It never has. Neither my strength or title.. Even if I did change my mind about this I've already sent my resignation letter to Oyataka-sama, He should be receiving it by tonight.." [F/N] started. The look of determination and finality on her face as she stared Mitsuri straight into the eyes.
"I just.. I feel like my time as a Hashira has ran it's course. After I leave I'm sure Gyomei will be just fine in taking my title.. All my life I've been giving my life and serving other people, I think it's time that I be selfish for once in my life and retire like I should." [F/N] finished, Her stance wide and steady, Unshaken from Mitsuri's argument.
Mitsuri looked at her, The final part of her sentence made her frown once again.
She reached out a hand and placed it firm on her shoulder.
"[F/N].. Is this about him?" Mitsuri whispered, A rare frown painting her face as she looked deep into [F/N]'s eyes for the answer.
[F/N] pried her eyes away from her, Trying to find anywhere except her to look at. Her jaw trembled, Only slightly.
"It is, Isn't it..?" Mitsuri continued quietly.
"Shizuko will be fine without me, Mitsuri!" [F/N] said, Whipping her head back round to face The Love Pillar with a sudden angry tone, Like a nerve had been struck.
Though, Her anger dissipated once she seen the taken aback appearance of Mitsuri.
"I.. Sorry, 'Tsuri. You know I didn't mean that.." [F/N] said, Mimicking Mitsuri's movements by resting her hands on Mitsuri's shoulders.
"No, I shouldn't of brought it up like that.. I'm just surprised, Okay?" She consoled.
[F/N] sighed.
"It's just you're acting like this will be the last time we'll see each other. That's not true, 'Tsuri.. You don't need to worry about me.." [F/N] said quietly, The argument before now mellowed into a discussion.
Mitsuri shook her head.
"We joined together as slayers and fought with each other, I just thought one day we'd both leave together. Like we always have." Mitsuri explained. The onset of tears forming in her eyes were quickly wiped away by [F/N], Who walked over to the food table and picked up two cups of sake, Holding one towards her to which Mitsuri took hesitantly.
"I know, 'Tsuri.. Even though I won't be a slayer tomorrow, I trust that you'll be there for Shizuko, Okay? But tonight I am still a slayer, So please. While this is our last meal as comrades this isn't our last meal as companions. So for the last few hours I'm still on payroll, Let's enjoy tonight." [F/N] said.
Holding her cup of sake up to Mitsuri who smiled at the gesture.
The clinking of the cups signalled the festivities. As celebration Mitsuri had called for more rounds of food, As much as she could imagine (Which was a lot). While [F/N] had called for another few bottles of their strongest sake.
By the time they were done the sun was about to set over the horizon. The crystal clear cerulean had long faded into burnt tangerine skies, Soon to fade into a star-speckled ebony night.
[F/N] had changed into a suitable kimono and her signature haori at this point, Her mask carried in a leather pouch and the large medieval sword hauled on her back with surprising ease.
Mitsuri and [F/N] had walked out past the remains of the village, Their celebration being both of the victory, [F/N]'s retirement, And a final farewell to the memories made inside the houses.
They got past the villagers cleaning up the rubble and packing up their things, Mitsuri stopping and thanking them for their help on their way, Hand in hand with [F/N]. They had called for a carriage to be sent which arrived soon enough, One of the rich tokyo-centered one's for rent coming right down the path being pulled by horses.
"Well then, This is my ride then.." [F/N] concluded as she was greeted by the driver, Who bowed once then helped her up onto the footrail of the vehicle. She looked back at Mitsuri with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, Her hand slipping from Mitsuri's hold.
"I'll see you soon, 'Tsuri" [F/N] said her farewells as she turned around and opened the carriage door, Stepping in.
But suddenly, [F/N] felt herself tugged back by the hand.
She turned around to face Mitsuri, Who seemed just as surprised as [F/N] was at the sudden contact.
"Ah! Sorry, My bad. I didn't mean to do that, Apologies..!" Mitsuri half-heartedly giggled. [F/N] returned it with a curt nod.
"Don't sweat it." [F/N] said, Stepping fully inside the carriage now. However, Mitsuri called out to her.
"Just.. When you get to the Kakushi Base, Don't do anything extreme, Alright?" Mitsuri said with a smile. Yet [F/N] could tell there was something more to it, Something that was just out of reach of [F/N]'s hold.
Instead she returned the smile.
"Of course, Nothing extreme." [F/N] said, Waving her off as the driver closed the door, And with a whip of the reigns the horses took off. Eventually, Mitsuri along with the village grew smaller and smaller, Until they weren't visible at all.
[F/N] laid her head against the glass that was rattling along with the carriages movements along the dirt road. But despite it, Either due to exhaustion or the amount of sake she had drunken, Found it rather easy to go to sleep.
As she felt her remaining consciousness slip away her eyes closed, Embracing the darkness until the blizzard faded into view.
The sounds of heavy footsteps echoed around the ever-changing space of the Infinity castle.
The reverberation of biwa strings and far-off chatter could be heard from far away, Bouncing off the moving shoji-walls and polished wood floorings. The place smelled like fresh sawdust to the point that it left a lasting impression on the scent of anyone coming in or out.
The dim lighting of the paper lamps and candles alit barely gave any lighting to the movement of the two demon's making their way to the centre of the castle.
The larger of the footsteps strode in front, The other lighter pair trailed along behind the larger pair.
All of Kokushibo's eyes were put dead forward, Set on the task ahead of him. His nagagi kimono wove lightly in the short breeze travelling through the cavern of rooms along with his ponytail swaying with it.
Kaigaku sheepishly trailed behind him from a fair enough distance, His eyes were focused fully on the demon in front of him.
They both had been summoned by Nakime, Assumedly along with the other Uppermoons or at least what was left of them. This was the second time in the same week they were called to the infinity castle and Kokushibo already had a suspicion to why.
Kaigaku however, Hadn't gotten a clue.
"Master.. M-May I ask why is it we have been summoned here today?" Kaigaku stuttered out, Fidgeting with his hands as he eagerly waited on his mentor's answer.
Kaigaku, The newest upper rank after the siblings perished and having the honour of baring the title of Kokushibo's Tsuguko. Of course, The title of Tsuguko suggested that Kaigaku would take over from Kokushibo one day, Which was a complete misnomer.
Kaigaku, Despite being a previous breath wielder with potential had absolutely no chance of passing Kokushibo in power.
He wouldn't dare to anyways, He could barely keep himself together in front of him. Challenging Kokushibo for his spot at number one was simply unthinkable.
"Keep your voice low.. You'll find out.. When we get there" Kokushibo hissed, Keeping his eyes in front of him as he spoke out in a deep, Raspy sort of voice.
Kokushibo could see Kaigaku flinch from the corner of his eyes, A chill running down him at the sound of his voice. Kokushibo hummed. Good, He knew his place.
Eventually they reached the centre of the infinity castle, Looking over the clearing.
The faraway chatter had turned out to be arguing. Douma seemed to be pestering Akaza as usual. Douma seeing a friendly bonding exercise with his subordinates while Akaza only saw it as a taunt, Which was most likely the truth.
"Akaza-dono! Why'd you have to be so cold with me, It's been so long since I've seen you after all!" Douma drawled, A grin plastered wide onto his face like a salesman as he placed another hand onto his shoulder.
Akaza's actions spoke more than his words as a single fist shot up, And in a burst of blood and tendons Douma's arm tore from its socket, Falling helplessly to the ground.
However this only made Douma grin wider, As the limb regrew almost as soon as it was severed.
"It's only been a day, Keep your hand off of me." Akaza said through gritted teeth, Taking a few strides away from Douma.
"Ah! No need to get so offensive now. I guess I've just missed you all so much that it just felt like days! Weeks.. Month even!" Douma mused with a dramatic exclaim, Snapping his fingers together as he watched Akaza walk away.
"Whatever.. Nakime!" Akaza called out, Turning the the woman tuning her biwa only a few feet away on the podium. "The rest of the Uppermoons.. Where are they?" He asked, Steady and firm on his feet.
"Uppermoon one and six have arrived, As for the other two.." Nakime cut herself off, But it didn't matter. Akaza had disingaged and already snapped his head around to look up, Spying both Kokushibo and Kaigaku looking down on them.
Akaza's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the two above him.
"Upper six.. one" He said, Only giving a nod of respect to Kaigaku: Who nodded back rather feverishly towards his superior.
"Akaza.." Kokushibo drawled. All six of his irises stared him down like an ant under his sandal, A stare that made Akaza's muscles tense and his fists ball up.
"I thought I had reminded you.. Last time.. That you ought to show more respect to your superiors.." Kokushibo started. Though his voice was levelled, Akaza could sense the irritation behind his voice. A feeling they shared mutually.
"Kokushibo-dono..! So glad to see you.." Douma called out. Despite the salesman smile still painted on his face, The cheery voice dimmed into a more cautious tone in Kokushibo's presence. Kokushibo ignored him.
"You are continuing to ignore the hierarchy set in place.. As I've said.. Challenge him to a blood battle if you are unhappy.." Kokushibo finished, His calm tone coming to a finality as the remains echoed around the silent atmosphere of the Infinity castle.
He didn't wait for Akaza's response as his overhanging figure suddenly vanished from view, Making Kaigaku yelp from the sudden disappearance of his mentor while Akaza only muttered something angrily under his breath.
Kokushibo manifested a good bit away from the group, Sitting on his knee's in-between one of the hanging castle halls.
What a waste, He thought. Akaza, Even after being as generous to spare him the first time he challenged Kokushibo to a blood battle, Never took his advice.
The first time, He had knocked him to the ground. It hadn't even been five minutes before he had been truly, utterly defeated.
Akaza had lain on the ground, His limbs barely regenerating as he watched Kokushibo slowly walk up to him. His scrutinizing glare burning into Akaza's soul like the suns ray's to his skin. Taunting him, Looking down on him from his unshakable throne.
It would of been better if Kokushibo had just absorbed him, Akaza thought. Even as he was spared it felt like he was an injured bird, Completely dependant on the mercy of whoever came across him.
He hated that feeling, The feeling of him being completely helpless under another's will. He would of rather been absorbed then feel that for the rest of his existence.
Kokushibo on the other hand had felt as if Akaza was wasting his potential.
He had already gotten to Upper three, His potential was there, Almost glowing. Yet he wasted it with his morals, The ones he had carried over from his human life. Akaza refused to consume women, Even went so far as to never lay a hand on one.
Kokushibo had urged Akaza to give up these morals during their fight, It's why it lasted so long anyways. Women did tend to be more nutritious and by not eating them entirely he was cutting off his food source by 50 percent, And Kokushibo had tried his best to convince him of that.
Yet ever-stubborn Akaza refused, While Kokushibo's position was untouchable the same could be said for Akaza's principles. Akaza was weak and refused to change, To get stronger and instead mainly relied on traditional martial arts training.
As the final strum of the biwa reverberated around the castle, Kokushibo knew that it was barely enough. Akaza couldn't protect who he held dear in his human life, Even though he couldn't remember his past he still held his will strong, Carrying on the memory of who he lost.
Kokushibo felt disgusted, Hatred.. And that same spark of green from his human life. And as the meeting finally began, He started to feel like maybe most of it wasn't directed towards Akaza.
And he felt disgusted at that too.
The cold gusts of wind hit against [F/N]'s face like titanium whips on bare skin, Creating patches of red skin and aching pain.
The blizzard raged on. Both hailstones and large clumps of snow hurled down onto the forest ground, Coating the ground in a thick layer of avalanche. The trees hit each other in the wind, Beating and smashing into each other in the sheer force of the gales.
It was cold. It was so, so cold.
Every inch of [F/N] felt numb, It ached when she moved. Her chest hurt a lot too, So much more than the cold eating away at her. It felt like someone was constantly turning a iron blade inside of her chest, Making sure every sharp end dug into her chest and cut open frozen blood.
It was a reoccurring nightmare. Every time [F/N] fell asleep she woke up in the same place, In the middle of the woods during a snowstorm.
They had started a good long while ago, Around the time she had first became Fujimori. At first she thought it was just another one-off nightmare and decided to ignore it, After all, Nightmares were common in her line of work.
But when they had continued, Night after night after night. [F/N] had had enough and tried to seek help. Doctors, Experts or anyone that could help her she had ran to asking for assistance, Yet nothing that had been provided to her that could help came along.
So after ages of dealing with the Night terrors with no remedy she had decided to stick it through, To see if it would go away on its own.
So now, [F/N] trudged through the rushing winds. Pulling her foot from the snow and slamming it back down in front of her was a herculean task of its own.
The blizzard seemed to pick up on intensity, The snow hitting the ground harder like thrown rocks and pushing [F/N] around in the winds.
She didn't know why she kept moving forward, Keep trying to go further than the last time. She had no reason to, But inside of her aching chest the instinct resonated, It drove her forward. Trying to escape the snowstorm.
However, There was always a point inside the dream. The breaking point, Where her legs couldn't hold anymore, When the weight of her strength died out inside her, Making her collapse into the snow, Burying her alive in it.
When it happened she curled up into a fetal position, Trying her best to hold on to her life force slipping away. She couldn't cry no matter how much she had wanted to, The dehydration burned at her throat making it impossible.
The last thing she felt was.. Warm. The frostbite finally reaching her heart, A bittersweet heat invading her failing organ system as it shut down. She yearned for something, Weakly calling out to someone with her dying breath.
When she finally closed her eyes, Letting the darkness swallow her whole as the last thing she saw was a man coming upon her. A tall figure amongst the storm, Looking at her, Rushing forward with his purple kimono swaying in the wind.
But before she could see his face, Death had already siphoned her. The darkness being the only thing she could see.
[F/N] shot up, Gasping for air.
She looked around frantically, Heart beating like a drum. Survival instincts kicked in trying to quickly examine her surroundings.
Though she relaxed once she saw the wooden inside of the carriage she was in. The rattling of the vehicle moving along the road comforted her, Confirming that she was safe.
She let out a big sigh, Watching as the exhale turn into cold mist in the morning air.
[F/N] raised an eyebrow, Turning to look out the carriage window. It was snowing, The glisten of white sleet covering the ground shone in the pre-dawn sunlight. [F/N] felt her heartrate pick up again once more when she remembered her dream, Only for a split second.
It wasn't the harsh snowfall of a blizzard, Nor was the mist of cold vapour taking up everything in sight. Instead, It was the soft fall of flakes slowly making their way down to the earth, As well as only a whisp of frozen vapour dancing in the air.
It was the kind of fall where you could stand outside catching snowflakes on your tongue, The kind where you could stand idly by with a cup of hot tea in hands; Watching the beauty of cold terrain. [F/N] rubbed her eyes, She wasn't back in her dream.
Judging by the cold she was near the Kakushi base. She had set off at the first sign of the setting sun and had woken up when the sky was still a deep navy blue, Only the cracks of sunlight making their way through the edges of the faraway mountains.
Moving over to the front of the carriage she tapped on the glass window.
"Hey, How long until we reach our destination?" [F/N] called through the window. The driver turned back to look at her for a moment, But ultimately kept his eyes on the road.
"I'm just about to stop up here, Is that alright with you?" The driver responded. [F/N] mumbled out a yes and lain back in her seat.
She watched the snow fall carefully as the carriage ascended up the mountain.
"So, Urm.. Do you have anyone waiting on you, Ma'am?" The drive asked tentatively.
"..Nope, No one in particular." [F/N] replied, Keeping her eyes outside the window watching the snow fall.
They were left in silence for a short moment, Left only to the sounds of turning wheels and a rattling base.
"Then.. I wouldn't suppose you don't know the man down there?" The driver called out after a while.
The corner of [F/N]'s lips quirked, Twitched for a moment as she was brought out of her stupor and put straight into confusion, Caught off guard.
"What man?" [F/N] asked, Her tone raising a little in alarm. Who could be out here at this hour in these weather conditions?
"Eh.. He's a little bit down the road, You might be able to see him from your window." He replied suddenly gathering a bit more in tone at the sound of alarm in her voice.
[F/N] didn't hesitate to peer round, Craning her head as far as it could to try and get a good look at the ma-
Oh, fuck.
[F/N]'s limited vision revealed Gyomei Himejima, The Stone Hashira, Standing a good few metre's down the pathway from where they were headed. He didn't move, But from what she could see he was waiting on the carriage passing them.
"Ma'am? Are you alright?" The driver asked, Concerned. But by the time he had let out the first word the blinds on the windows had already been shut.
"F-Fine! Just slow down and park in front of the guy, You can leave afterwards. Okay?" She called back to him, Sticking her hand through the little window hole with a handful of cash to which was taken immediatley.
"Alright then.." The driver said, But she didn't hear him as she was already pulling out her rucksack. While Gyomei was blind, He had extraordinary senses. Plus the fact that her voice also changed to a more masculine lilt when she put on the mask.
The fact was that [F/N] was actually a woman was suppose to be a secret, With only a small handful of people including trusted handmaidens, Mitsuri, Shinobu and Oyataka-sama actually knowing about the mask.
It was something she didn't tell anyone, Why she didn't want to say is something she didn't tell anyone either. Though it didn't really matter in that moment, Only the quick rapid succession of her rucksack opening and clothing getting flung everywhere.
Gyomei listened as the carriage rolled down the pathway, The cold seeping into his skin didn't seem to bother him and if it did then he did a good job of hiding it. His hands pressed in that same praying position, Haori flowing in the soft breeze as he heard the carriage come to a halt in front of him.
The door opened with a squeak, The thumping of boots hit the snow with a crunch!
"Himejima-san! Great to see you, What brings you all the way out here?" [F/N] called out, A fabricated cheer in the voice now belonging to him. He walked out a few steps toward Gyomei, Now wearing his slayer uniform and kitsune mask as the carriage went away.
"Fujimori-san.. It is good to know that you are in a cheerful mood." Gyomei said, His voice was filled with the ever-present sorrow. Tears eternally running down his face as he rattled the beads in his hands.
"Of course, I always am.. But uh.. What about my question? What brings you all the way out here?" [F/N] asked. In the corps she was only known by her last name, Fujimori. Her first name might be too much of a give away.
"I believe you are already aware of why, Fujimori-san." Gyomei muttered out. Despite [F/N]'s new tall and imposing form, It felt like comparing a tree to a shrub when in the presence of Gyomei. His height easily towering over him by a good foot.
[F/N] clicked his tongue, He already knew why. Though he felt it appropriate to continue his ignorance.
"..Not a clue, Care to enlighten me?" [F/N] drawled out, Feigning stupidity as the clanking on Gyomei's beads came to a jolting halt.
"..Please, May we not go back and forth like this again.. This is a serious matter." Was all that Gyomei said to [F/N], Yet his words held much deeper implications.
The simple truth was that both [F/N] and Gyomei didn't get along, It wasn't due to anything they had done to each other or anything they've said. But it just so happened that they both had rather conflicting personalities and philosophies.
Gyomei was a buddist monk, [F/N] was a shinto shrine maiden. Gyomei had conviction and it showed through his blade, [F/N] had barely any drive when she drove it into a demon's neck. Gyomei was the ideal hashira and someone to look up to, An idol among men. [F/N] couldn't even show up on time to meetings.
It would be wrong to call the two rivals, Though you couldn't deny the tension that followed the two whenever they were in a room together. [F/N] sighed and pinched the temple of his mask.
"Yeah.. Okay, You got me. Nothing gets past you, Eh?" [F/N] started with a rather sarcastic chuckle "Oyataka-sama sent you 'cause of my resignation letter, Right?"
[F/N] groaned lightly through his mask, He knew he should of expected this yet last night's sake and exhaustion kept it off his mind. "And let me guess.." [F/N] raised a hand to stroke his chin, Making an overdramatic motion. "He sent you to try and change my mind?" He gasped.
Gyomei nodded.
"Right now, We can't afford for you to retire from the corps. Two positions in the Hashira have not been replaced and with your retirement especially the corps is surely to take a blow" Gyomei explained.
[F/N] folded his arms.
"Please do understand, Fujimori-san.. It is your duty as a demon slayer to fight until you are unable, To give it your everything. An oath you swore years ago." Gyomei said, Taking a few slow steps forward towards his colleague.
[F/N] groaned, Not even bothering to hide it this time.
"Oh don't talk to me about Oaths, Gyomei. Have I ever told you how much I hate those?" [F/N] started, The fabricated cheer in his voice now gone and replaced with one of frustration and annoyance as his mask mimicked as such.
"Oaths are just words, Gyomei. No matter how you want to put it or how binding it may seem.. Oaths, Promises or Vows.. They're just words at the end of the day. The only thing that matters is the actions that follow, And you know that I've never given it my all, And right now I feel so tired of this damn job that I might as well be unable.." [F/N] finished, The exhaustion haunting the undertones of his voice like a parasite.
Gyomei frowned a little more.
"If you are so tired of this job.. Then why would you come into this line of work in the first place..? We all have motivations here, And I'm sure you do as well." Gyomei asked.
[F/N] scoffed, Who was he to ask such a personal question? An annoyed tinge rose up inside him, However he felt something else come up along with it.
It was true, Being a demon slayer was hard. It was certain death by many horrible and painful ways, The only reason you'd ever want to be one is for your motivations.
Gyomei's found family of eight was slaughtered by a demon let in by one of the children, Betrayal was his motive. Sanemi's mother slaughtered his siblings, Anger was his. Shinobu, Revenge. Giyuu, Grief. Muichiro, His memories. Even someone like Mitsuri had the simple yet powerful desire to help people.
Everyone had a motivation, Everyone except [F/N].
[F/N] said nothing, His body freezing in place not just from the weather.
"I.. I.." He mumbled.
He twitched his fingers, Shuffled around his foot in the snow as he tried to search for a response.
"..It's cold. We can discuss this later, Ideally in a warmer environment." [F/N] finally concluded.
Gyomei didn't make a move, Only for a second. Then he nodded.
"Alright then.. Let's go then.."
"The first time in centuries, An opportunity has finally presented itself. A way to conquer the sun." Muzan finished his announcement, His voice echoing out to every corner of the Infinity castle.
He stood far off, On higher ground than any of the uppermoons below him--Some kneeling in respect and others listening patiently.
Muzan's voice, Though still the dark commanding tone persisted, It had a new lilt to it. It was something they had never heard before, It was something lighter and almost relieved if they didn't know any better.
"I fully expect all of you to focus all of your efforts into finding and capturing the Kamado girl. Alive." Muzan emphasised from where he stood pacing, The usual lab equipment he had out was behind him untouched.
At the start of the meeting, When the biwa string called- It had been announced that both Uppermoon five and four had been slew.
First it was the previous number six, Daki and Gyutaro. Their death's hadn't been a spectacle as they were the lowest rank and as Muzan had put it: Predictable. Daki was holding Gyutaro back, End of story.
But now that two Upper ranks were defeated together, The tone in the castle had shifted. The onset of worry now seeping into the atmosphere most evident by both Akaza and Kaigaku.
Though by the end the information brought out by their deaths had brought about a new shift in the air, A way to conquer the sun right at their fingertips.
"From here on out you are to act more diligently. You are not to rest until you find and capture Nezuko Kamado, I don't care how you do it nor do I want to know, You get it done" Muzan finished, Turning away from the audience below.
"Do not disappoint me"
And with that, Shoji doors slammed shut and he had gone.
The silence ruminated loud within the infinity castle, Louder than any shout or scream could ever be. The finality of his words being the only thing whisping away at them.
"Ah.. A demon girl resistant to the sun? How interesting..!" Douma exclaimed from where he sat, A fan raised over his face to conceal the malicious smile creeping up on him. "I wonder.. Which one of us will be able to get to her first?"
Douma looked over at Akaza, Who hadn't moved from his kneeling position on the floor. Though the cracked glass blue of his eyes shifted up to Douma at the hint towards him.
Akaza knew what Douma was doing, And he clenched his teeth at it.
"Akaza-dono.. What about you?" Douma teased, The fan covering his face did no good to hide the edges of his grin which was now spread from ear to ear.
Akaza's lips trembled, The urge to say something itched at his tongue yet the warning Kokushibo had gave him earlier made it feel too heavy to move in his mouth.
"Hmm..?" Douma insisted, Leaning closer towards number three.
"Back. Off" Akaza hissed lowly, The threat only made Douma laugh it off. Though his eyes narrowed as he watched Akaza march off, To which he cocked his head to the side.
"Kaigaku-dono, How about you? As one of the newest members I'm absolutely dying to hear your opinion!" Douma hummed. A predatorial glint shone in his multichromatic eyes as he stared down his subordinate.
Kaigaku froze in place, Looking back at Douma like he had snakes for hair.
"E-Eh..?!" Kaigaku stuttered. His clawed fingers fidgeting with the edges of his ebony kimono, The mere acknowledgement of his superior was enough to send him into a nervous halt.
"Come on, Don't give me the cold shoulder now~!" Douma persisted. Kaigaku gulped.
"W-Well I personally am g-going to-!"
A sudden sensation of freezing water ran down his back, Caught off by the sudden presence lurking behind him.
"Douma.. Maybe if you spent more time taking your duties as Upper two more seriously and less time distracting my Tsuguko.. You would find out who gets the Kamado girl first.." Kokushibo said, Towering behind Kaigaku to look down at Douma.
Though Kokushibo was never one to care what Uppermoons did to their lower counterparts, He did get a little irritated at the lack of commitment to Muzan's cause.
"Ah..! Apologies, Kokushibo-dono. I wish good luck to you..!" Douma called out as he walked off.
"Nakime!" Kokushibo called out to the biwa lady. And with a single strum both Kokushibo and Kaigaku had vanished.
The large doors to the shrine opened up at the arrival of the two Hashira, The hinges creaking as it revealed the courtyard.
[F/N] and Gyomei walked inside, The courtyard grounds recently salted leaving no indication snow had fallen despite the fading flakes still gliding down.
The Kakushi Base, One of the only few demon slayer headquarters along with The Swordsmith village and the Ubuyashiki estate, As well as the newest. The base was made up of an old Shinto shrine dedicated to Inari [F/N] had came across a few years ago, And in her time as a slayer had been made into The Kakushi base. Before then all operations were relegated to the Ubuyashuki estate.
But now after being renovated several additions to the blueprints were added. More rooms and hallways covering the top half of the mountain for storage and activities. A third floor with several Kasugai crows coming in and out of their aviary assigned with missions. And finally was the library, A place where records of all sorts were kept.
Of course, It still being a shrine did still hold importance as most of the slayer operations had been assigned to the lower floors while the main area was used for religious practice. During the day it was quieter, With only a few shrine-maidens walking about. But at night The Kakushi activity was more prevalent.
Still very early in the morning, A lot of Kakushi were still about and greeted both [F/N] and Gyomei with respect as they passed. Either lurking around for business or resting up.
In the springtime wisteria bloomed all around, Yet as the winter came in the wisteria had died and given entrance for snowfall.
Opening the main doors and closing the door they both felt the relief of the shrine's warmth wash over them from the unrelenting cold outside.
"Welp.. We're here!" [F/N] exclaimed, Resting his hands onto his hips. Gyomei nodded, Turning towards him.
"So.. About your resignation.." Gyomei started, But was instantly interrupted by [F/N]'s groan.
"Ah right, forgot about that.." He breathed, Pinching the temple of his mask. Gyomei shook his head lightly.
"There is no avoiding the topic.. It is better if we discuss this over now than later.." Gyomei stated, Despite the walk giving them enough time to think he hadn't shaken in his opinion "If I may ask.. What do you plan on doing once you retire?"
The question seemed to make [F/N]'s lip twitch, A movement that the mask mimicked perfectly. In that moment, [F/N] silently thanked Inari for Gyomei's blindness.
"..Ah, You know. Drink a surplus of sake.. Go for a real long rest.. Maybe I'll take a little trip abroad north, I'll see if I'm in the mood." [F/N] drawled.
"It pains me to know how little you are dedicated to your job.. Fujimori-san." Gyomei mourned. [F/N] sighed.
"Listen, Himejima-san.. I know-"
A voice cut off from down the hallway they stood in. [F/N] peered over Gyomei's shoulder to find the source.
Genya Shinazugawa stood at the end of the hallway. He was dressed in a sleeping yukata and held a pillow under his arms, [F/N] remarked to himself about how much he looked like his brother.
Gyomei turned around.
"Ah.. Shinazugawa-san.. I see you are doing well.." Gyomei greeted as Genya walked down the hall towards the two Hashira.
Suddenly however, A realisation stabbed into [F/N] like a pike.
"Himejima-san.. Did you bring both of your Tsuguko here..?" [F/N] whispered lowly only Gyomei could hear. [F/N]'s expression seemed empty now, Devoid of emotion and instead replaced with a serious demeanour.
He raised a brow.
"Yes.. Both of them are here, I decided to bring them with me.." Gyomei said. Finally letting Genya catch up to the two of them, He finally noticed Fujimori who went hidden due to Gyomei's height.
Genya stopped once he finally saw [F/N], Realisation of who he was and his portfolio hit him hard, Before bowing in respect.
"F-Fujimori-sama! I'm sorry.. Was I interrupting anything?" Genya asked, Realising the position the two were in.
[F/N] looked once at Genya, Then Gyomei.
"No, No. You're fine.. Apparently the snowstorm outside is going to get worse, You two should stay here for tonight.." [F/N] chuckled, His serious expression now turning light once more before walking off.
"Fujimori-san, We are not-"
"Goodnight, Himejima-san." [F/N] asserted with a finality in tone. [F/N] waved once behind him.
"Rest up, You two!"
The door closed lightly behind her, A loud click resonating out.
[F/N] took a few barefoot steps down the stairs feeling the warm water submerge her ankles. She sunk further, Watching as the aqua parted to make way for her as she reached waist length.
Mist rose up from the pool, Mixing with the cherry lotus incense drifting through the air and crafting a new potent steamier aroma.
[F/N] felt herself sink until the water reached her neck, Bubbles rising up tickled at her skin once they popped. [F/N] let out a large sigh, As if she had been holding her breath for too long.
"I'll miss this.." She hummed. Her wary muscles relaxing as she felt her entire body melt into mush.
Today had been a long day. When she took her mask off she was just known as [F/N], The head-maiden of the shrine, And being head-maiden brought upon a lot of duties such as leading prayer ceremonies or just the daily tasks around the shrine.
As soon as she had slipped off the mask as Fujimori and came out as [F/N], Her day had started. Brushing the floors, Avoiding Gyomei and his Tsuguko's, Handing out orders to the other maidens in the shrine and tending to both the crows and the injured Kakushi; All in her daily work.
Not to mention her daily training. Four hours of meditation in the morning, Her workout in the afternoon and her night-time prayer ceremony had taken a lot out of her.
So as [F/N] let her aching muscles be remedied by the water, She couldn't help but let her worries slip away from her; Her nightmares, Retirement, Shizuko.. Only to be replaced by the foggy steam of the bathhouse.
She wished she could stay like this forever, To be swept away by the warmth and never get out.
So [F/N] sunk lower, Soon enough the tip of her chin was submerged, Then her mouth, Then her nose. All the way until she could no longer be seen from the surface.
[F/N]'s body floated in the water. Watching as the bathhouse lights become blurrier and blurrier as she descended further, It distorted until it was only a glowing overlay in the aqua.
She heard the sound around her be muffled by the water, The sound of talk in other rooms, A slow click and the soft sound of the bubbles ascending.
Her lips parted, Letting her breaths come up in air pockets and rise back up to the top. Straining her eyes in the water the pressure of it comforted her like a blanket on a cold night, Eternally staring up at the distorted light as her breath was taken away.
Her lungs depressed, But it didn't matter. To [F/N] this was Nirvana, Heaven or Valhalla, Whatever you believed to be waiting for you after death. Her lungs depressing wasn't important now.
In truth, [F/N] was a shintoist, She has been for as long as she could remember. She believed once people died they returned to nature, Their souls energy going back to where they came.
It sounded peaceful to her, Warm, Never cold. The last bit of oxygen escaped her trained lungs; Lips finally closing.
The water only got hotter, Bubbles rising up quicker and quicker before suddenly her eyes bolted open, Now aware of the presence in the room.
The light she had been staring at was obscured by a hazy figure. She rose up quicker than she had sunk gasping for air.
She surfaced with a large splash, Making the figure flinch away from the sudden movement. A loud desperate inhale let out only interrupted by coughs erupting from her throat.
She flung the top half of her body over the edge of the pool, Hanging on as if her life depended on it and coughing up spurts of water.
"Ah! I'm so sorry, I thought..-" The figure stuttered. [F/N] hauled her head up to find that it was a young boy clad in demon slayer uniform, A checkered haori hanging off him.
"W-What the.. Who are you?" [F/N] wheezed, Wiping her lips. She could of sworn she had locked the door, How someone got in here evaded her.
"Ah.. My name is Tanjiro Kamado, I came in here because I saw Fujimori-san's haori on the hook outside.. Um.. I'm so sorry, I must of been mistaken.." Tanjiro apologised, Quickly turning away.
The checkered haori, Right.
"N-No.. No.. What is it that you want Fujimori-san for?" [F/N] asked, Spitting out the last of the water.
"Oh, Uh.. I was told that he had some information on my breathing style from Kanroji-san, Do you know where he is by any chance?" Tanjiro said, Not turning around.
"No, But I'm the head shrine-maiden here, I know just about as much as he does.." [F/N] said.
"Really? Would it be alright if I talked to you for a bit?" Tanjiro asked, Back still turned to the woman digging her nails into the floorboards.
"Sure.. Just, Why aren't you turning around?" [F/N] asked.
"U-Um.. You're sort of.. Naked?" He responded nervously.
"Ah! Get out, Get out!" [F/N] screamed out, Grabbing and holding up one of her sandles to throw.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! AHHHH-!"
[F/N] sat herself down on the tatami mat, Fixing up her haori.
"Well then, I apologise for my indecency earlier.. I believe you had some information you wanted to know about breathing styles?" [F/N] asked. Picking up the cup of sake-infused tea she took a sip, The boiling liquid not affecting her as it ran down her throat.
Both Tanjiro and [F/N] sat in one of the rooms of the shrine, Sitting on parallel sides of their little table with a tea-set hot and ready.
At the back on [F/N]'s side was a handmaiden watching over them with the teapot in hand, Ready to serve.
"Yes! I've been to several places around including Mr. Rengoku's old estate, However their records were unfortunately.. Damaged. I was hoping you would have any records or information for me." Tanjiro explained, Picking up his own cup of tea he blew on it before he took a short sip.
[F/N] hummed.
"Describe your breathing style to me." [F/N] asked, Setting her cup down.
"Like.. How it looks?"
"Yep.. How it looks." She confirmed
Tanjiro took a second to think.
"Well.. It's kind of like Mr. Rengoku's breathing, But it's more.. Bright. It's hotter.. I learned water breathing from the old water hashira and this one from my father… He called it Hinokami Kagura." Tanjiro said, Snapping his fingers at the end in recollection.
[F/N]'s finger circled the rim of the cup.
"Hinokami Kagura… I see.." She drawled "Well, Nothing exactly comes to mind.." She finished, Careful to pronounce every syllable while distracted by her thoughts.
Tanjiro's smile dropped ever so slightly.
"Ah.. Alright then, Thank you anyways for your help.." He said as he bowed his head down.
"..But the library may have something that could give you some insight" [F/N] continued.
Tanjiro perked his head up, Eyes slightly opening in interest.
"The library?" He queried
"Yes, The library. It's on the other side of the shrine, First floor. It holds the vast majority of information collected over a few centuries, Both relating to demon slayers and not. If there is any info about your breathing at all then it will be there in the library." [F/N] said. She recalled the several nights mulling over the information in there for her nightmares, If anything was it would be there.
Tanjiro nodded, The smile reappearing in his face.
"This is very helpful, Thank you so much… Um.." A look of puzzlement came over him. "I'm sorry.. You never told me your name?"
"Oh.. My name is [F/N-"
A sudden throb came from her chest, An ache making her keel over on the table, Dropping her boiling hot tea all over the tatami mat.
[F/N] yelped out in pain as The Handmaiden from behind her rushed over to [F/N]'s side with a napkin. Tanjiro also got up and ran to her adjacent side.
"[F/N]-sama! Are you alright?" The handmaiden asked in concern, Trying to dry the stains left on her kimono.
[F/N] only gripped the core of her chest, Pressing down hard and grabbing a fistful of her kimono in the process. She coughed up liquid from within her throat, To which her handmaiden, Maika, Provided a handkerchief for.
"Is it your chest, [F/N]-sama?" Maika pleaded as [F/N] wiped the last of the residue off her mouth.
[F/N] nodded.
"I-I'll go get some medicine! I'll be back soon!" Maika exclaims. She suddenly gets up from her position comforting [F/N] to rush out of the room in search of a remedy.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Tanjiro asked with concern, Resting a hand on [F/N]'s shoulder.
"Yes.. I'm fine.." [F/N] said through clenched teeth. This must of been an after-affect of her bath earlier, A small bit of water probably still lingered in her lungs causing her body to cough it back up.
Tanjiro's nose twitched, His expression only got more wary. [F/N] noticed, Catching the spasm easily she waved him off.
"I'm fine.. Just, I'll take you down to the archives tomorrow alright? I need a bit more rest tonight.." She said. Looking up to the younger boy's singed eyes, Who stared back into hers with a sincere truth.
"..Alright then, Thank you for your time anyways.. [F/N]-san" He bowed his head lightly and got up from the kneeling position on the floor.
"Goodnight, Tanjiro." [F/N] called out to him as he left, He smiled and bowed once more before closing the shoji door entirely.
She was once again left alone in the solidarity of the tea-room. Lukewarm tea splotches dried into her kimono and the tatami mat around her.
The slow throbbing ache in her chest remained in her chest, Small wheezes coming out under her breath every time her lungs decreased. [F/N] chided herself for her stupidity, She should of been more aware of her surroundings, She should of checked.
The shoji door slid open once more, Revealing Maika standing awkwardly in the doorway, Fiddling with her hair.
"So.. Erm.. It turns out due to the current winter.. We're out of the necessary ingredients to make a herbal remedy and.." Maika stuttered, Avoiding eye contact with the woman hunched over infront of her.
"It's fine, Maika.." [F/N] said. However her words didn't do much to stop Maika.
"..H-However the nearest village should have some in stock, I'll go down and gather the right ingredients for you!" She explained.
"..Maika, The snow outside has picked up. I don't want you to get hurt so it's probably best if you stay inside before it gets any worse." [F/N] explained.
"But.. Uhm.. Uhh.." Maika stuttered, Trying to stall enough time to come up with a good reason.
Maika, One of the newer, Younger shrine-maidens. A small mousy sort of girl with untidy golden hair shepherded with ribbons into a ponytail, Complete with the shrine maiden uniform of red hakama trousers and a white kosobe. She had passed final selection yet had refrained from becoming both a slayer and a kakushi.
So she came to the shrine instead to become a maiden, It only made sense that she would want to prove herself to [F/N]. To do her best, To be of some help to people she cared about.
[F/N] supposed she could understand.
"Alright then." [F/N] cut off Maika's babble with two single words. Her eyes widened and sparked up in the light.
"R-Really?! Okay! Uhm.. I'll go do it then..!" Maika exclaimed, Turning around to move outside the room.
"But!" [F/N] interrupted. Maika turned back around.
"If you are to go out, You must find some heavier clothing. And don't try to descend the mountain alone, Find a Kakushi to come with you, Okay?" [F/N] laid down the rules to her like a mother explaining them to her child.
Maika nodded rather feverishly.
[F/N] smirked, Only slightly.
"You'll do good here, Maika." [F/N] mumbled, Maika's face lit up in a large smile ear to ear.
"Thank you, [F/N]-sama! I won't disappoint!" She exclaimed. And with that, She was off.
[F/N] lay on her futon, Her eyes heavy with drowsiness and stress. She waited on Maika coming back. She didn't mean to lie down, But unfortunately the dragging weights of exhaustion had brought her to her futon, Defeated by the day.
She didn't want to fall asleep. The ever-present threat of the nightmares ate at her mind like Oneiroi. If she could choose to stay awake forever, She would.
However as [F/N] stared up at the ceiling and saw the dark curtains close over her eyes, She could feel the singe of the chill on her skin. The crawling cold sweat running down her neck as the darkness left and the blizzard faded into view.
Closing her eyes she took a deep breath in, Letting out mist as she exhaled.
And as she opened them back up, The storm had risen.
Kaigaku trudged through the snow, The cold tickling his sandals barely affecting him as he navigated his way through the dark alleyways in search of a meal.
The village had barely anyone in it. He knew as Uppermoon six he could of easily wiped out the entire town, But he liked the game, The hunt for prey, Not the one and done destruction.
His artic coloured eyes scanned over the group of people over at the market, Though dwindled by the storm the crowd was still there, Gathered round the snow covered stall.
He looked at everyone of them, His teeth bare and wide not being able to contain his giddy smile.
He wondered how he could lure each of them individually, How easy it would be to make them cower in front of him, Squeezing out all the superiority from them and consuming it like a parasite.
Then he'd bite into their limbs, Tearing them apart as they screamed and cried for help. Kaigaku couldn't hold back much longer, The mere hunger pounding at his stomach ached for him to feed.
But then, One specific person came into focus.
They had ran over to the stall he was staring at in a hurry. A look of urgency in their eyes, But that's not what drawed him in, No.
It was the kakushi uniform they had adorned.
He seemed to be accompanying another girl, Of what looked like to be a shrine-maiden. They both had ran up to the merchant, Asking for herbs.
His eyes widened at the sight. If he couldn't hold back his grin by now then he was smiling like a madman in a straightjacket at this point.
Kakushi, Rarely seen yet held such worthwhile information for demons. He licked his lips, He could hold off his hunger for just a little while longer.
This was a chance to prove himself to Kokushibo after all.
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