yuenthevoices · 7 days
Ok so I've gotten my hands on first contact au's and OH MY GOD I LOVE THEMMM
Just a bit of expanding on my little blurb/headcanon of tiny transformers with a little drabble, don't mind me :)
from transformers pov so i'm trying my best to use cybertronian terms?
Cuddly Human x Various Tiny!Transformers (First Contact i think?)
Optimus wasn't exactly sure what to think of his situation. He'd previously been stuck inside of some kind of container - presumably a human shipment container, as it had been moved once it was closed. After an undetermined time of moving, it had been stopped, and the noise from outside the container slowly became quieter, fading away as whatever human moved it seemed to move away. After assessing his situation once more, he pushed the lid of his container open, barely being able to peek over the edge of the container as he does, and is surprised to be met with sight of a human, staring right back at him, their optics wide with surprise. The human seems to speak to him, and while he can't understand the words they are saying, he can understand their tone, which is soft and gentle. Their movements match that tone as they slowly yet carefully lift the lid, placing it somewhere, before carefully reaching into the box and lifting him out as well. He's carefully placed down on the surface of a large desk - the same one the container he had been in currently rested on - and the human's servos moved away, with more soft sounds coming from the human. Optimus watches them, as they seemingly do the same - a shared moment of curiosity for one another - before the human's servos move towards him again, but with one one carefully extended towards him. Their movements slowed to a stop right before him, almost carefully keeping a short distance from him, before slowly moving even closer to him. Not sensing any ill will or any intent to harm him, he let their servo inch closer and closer to him, a mixture of curiosity and confusion freezing him in place. Soon, they were close enough to touch him, their servo moving to right above him as it finally struck Optimus what they were doing - them were petting him, The servo that rested on him now was careful, gentle and comforting in it's subtle movements, and caused him to relax. He had nearly forgotten that touch could be gentle - that touch could convey affection instead of animosity, that it could be soft and gentle instead of the brutal hits and punches he had become accustomed to from battle.
Bumblebee was actually quite enjoying his current situation. Having found himself in a human's residence, and soon being found by said human, after initially being unsure of each other, seeing that the human was friendly, Bumblebee let his curiosity take over - letting the human pick him up and seemingly show him around their residence, carrying him around the entire place before setting him onto a desktop tall enough for him to face them. He returned their gentle touches and pats the best he could, leaning into their servos and often holding onto one of their servos with his own.
Megatron hated the predicament he found himself in. After being stuck outside in the rain for Primus knows how long, he had been unceremoniously picked up by a human and taken to their residence, nearly being dropped onto a surface by them. Although that was mostly likely due to him trying to fight them off the entire time, scratching at the servos that clutched him, even going so far as to bite the servos closest to his intake in an attempt to release their grip. The human had rushed off somewhere after putting him down, before coming back moments later with coverings on their servos where he had bit and scratched. Since then, he had roamed the human residence, searching for some sort of escape, but the entire time the human would trail him - mostly from a distance - and occasionally try touching him, to which he attempt to scratch them once again. Finally, after a while, he gave up, returning to the surface he had originally been placed on and searching around it. As he searched the human approached once more, slowly moving a singular extended servo towards him. He slowly backed away as they moved closer and closer, his back soon meeting the wall the surface he was on was connected to, he brought back his servo, ready to swing for another scratch. Before he could, the human's outstretched servo reached him, and, much to his surprise, gently rested atop his helm, soft and careful. He was stunned, his previously wound back servos frozen as he stood surprised, before relaxing a little, realizing he was not truly in danger - not from this stupid human, who viewed him as a pet. This should feel demeaning, embarrassing even, to be treated like a pet - but why did it feel nice?
Transformers AU?
Okay so i don't really know too much about transformers (Bayverse being the last Trasnsformers media I clearly remember), but I recently saw a little tiktok series (by @/ramc_137) that I absolutely just LOVE the idea of.
Essentially - Humans being larger than Cybertronians. That's it.
I'm not talking about them being human height either, I'm talking like action figure size, we could pick them up with one hand.
Humans being humans of course, seeing smaller sentient creatures, would absolutely try picking them up, petting them, etc. (i would too lol)
Friendlier bots like Bumblebee(any verse really) or Mirage (ROTB) probably wouldn't mind, maybe even get a laugh out of it.
From the little I know of TFP, Starscream would bite. Or scratch. Or scream. All the above really.
With Optimus I'm not entirely sure? Depends on continuity of course but with Bayverse!Optimus, of course depending on how well you know him of course, would generally be polite about it. I think his reaction would range from cautiously yet politely declining to kinda awkwardly yet kinda wholesomely accepting headpats.
Yea anyways go checkout their tiktok cuz I really love their little series ok bye
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yuenthevoices · 7 days
Transformers AU?
Okay so i don't really know too much about transformers (Bayverse being the last Trasnsformers media I clearly remember), but I recently saw a little tiktok series (by @/ramc_137) that I absolutely just LOVE the idea of.
Essentially - Humans being larger than Cybertronians. That's it.
I'm not talking about them being human height either, I'm talking like action figure size, we could pick them up with one hand.
Humans being humans of course, seeing smaller sentient creatures, would absolutely try picking them up, petting them, etc. (i would too lol)
Friendlier bots like Bumblebee(any verse really) or Mirage (ROTB) probably wouldn't mind, maybe even get a laugh out of it.
From the little I know of TFP, Starscream would bite. Or scratch. Or scream. All the above really.
With Optimus I'm not entirely sure? Depends on continuity of course but with Bayverse!Optimus, of course depending on how well you know him of course, would generally be polite about it. I think his reaction would range from cautiously yet politely declining to kinda awkwardly yet kinda wholesomely accepting headpats.
Yea anyways go checkout their tiktok cuz I really love their little series ok bye
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yuenthevoices · 18 days
Hanzo Shimada x (former) Servant!Reader
ok so- we all know the Shimada family was like, rich rich, right? imagine being a worker at shimada castle - just this average person working as a servant (probably with great pay ngl) when they were younger, and many years later seeing the heir of the family you used to work for being the hanamura equivalent of batman.
Tumblr media
Younger Hanzo would be both easier yet harder to interact with, given your position.
Physically, it wouldn't be much of a problem to find him. Working at Shimada Castle would make it much easier, that's for sure.
On the other hand, he'd be harder to reach emotionally. Both because of clan expectations he'd no doubt be constantly trying and training to live up to, as well as the fact that he isn't naturally a social person.
Easiest solution? Don't try to interact with him. At least, don't try too hard.
If you work at the castle for long enough, being a consistent enough presence to become simply a familiar part part of Shimada Castle, he'll grow more open to you. As open as he knows how to be, anyway.
Hanzo strikes me as the type to favor routines, or at least the familiarity that comes with it.
Say you were the one assigned to bring him tea every so often. Maybe you knew enough about tea to be able to recommend blends to his preference, or you simply were assigned the role.
Overtime, he'd subtly begin to open up - asking about the tea blend you've decided on this time, perhaps even complimenting your choice of tea to serve.
If you work for the Shimada Clan long enough, he'd probably even notice if you were gone for a day, asking you the next time you bring him his tea.
However, despite this familiarity, I'm not sure if he would ever consider you a friend T-T. He'd most likely still see you as a staff member, maybe an acquaintance? Perhaps unrealized crush as well.
If you ever did develop a crush on Hanzo while working for the Shimada Clan, fully expect Genji to find out, regardless of if you've ever even talked to him.
Genji would tease either you or Hanzo no matter if you had a crush or not - nudging Hanzo whenever you walked within eyesight and pointing you out to him as 'his favorite servant', or following you around asking you questions while you were just trying to do your job.
After the Shimada Clan falls however, that would be...interesting.
Years after leaving your job as a servant to the Shimada Clan, just trying to make your way home through the streets at night, you'd run into him again.
Your reunion could vary from watching him take out a bunch of thugs from a rooftop to meeting again at a teashop or cafe.
Regardless of how you meet, you two do meet again. I'd imagine for Hanzo it'd be a bit bittersweet - seeing someone from his past, from before he lost everything, yet who's also a familiar face who he felt at least somewhat comfortable with.
He wouldn't open up immediately of course, but it'd be a bit easier to connect with him before, now that there wasn't a social class dynamic-thing happening anymore.
You'd most likely be the one to have to work to maintain contact between the two of you. Being the first to ask him things, message him, etc.
If you take that time however, he'd certainly become closer than you. Perhaps even realizing his unrealized crush from his youth.
If he were to develop/redevelop a crush on you, he'd certainly have to go to either Genji or Kiriko, both of which would most likely give him some version of - 'wow, you just realized?' - as a response, before giving varying advice, but none of which he finds helpful.
I'm not quite sure if he'd ever have the courage to ask you out. If he did however, it'd either be the most romantic scene every, or on accident with pure comedic timing.
anyways this is all i've got for now, maybe i'll write a proper one shot with this scenario later!
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yuenthevoices · 18 days
guide thingy yay!!
hi! kinda new to posting on tumblr so cut me some slack if some posts look goofy lol
anyways, intro bit! i used to be a writer on wattpad/ao3 but stopped sometime during pandemic, and now i feel like writing again so here's where i plan to do that! i plan on mostly writing some oneshots, maybe some concepts that have been rattling around my head for a while. not sure yet if i'll do requests, but hey if you've got an idea you really wanna just throw out of your brain go for it!
i bounce around fandoms as much as a screensaver so odds are i'll be at least a little familiar with a fandom if you're nice enough to ask, but here are some fandoms i feel kinda confident writing about!
JJBA (parts 1-6)
Punch Out
as for what i won't write, since i don't have a solid set for what i will write:
nsfw (maybe check back later lol)
minor x anyone (get out of here kanye)
please remember this'll probably be updated every now and then so if you keep coming back to my writing please check!
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