yujaecha · 3 years
~New Game~
Part Two of my same-year-line series (Boy group edition). Going to start doing a few girl group/mixed videos soon as I realised through browsing how few there are in comparison to boy groups, so look forward to that <3
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yujaecha · 3 years
New Video! Same Year Line Kiss Marry Avoid Game (with idols born 1986-96) Part Two will be coming soon (within the next few days hopefully!
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yujaecha · 3 years
I made a Kpop Kiss Marry Avoid <3 
Please take a look <3 
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yujaecha · 3 years
Thank you to all of my new followers~
Just wanted to post this as a huge thank you to everyone who is now following this account!
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I'm so annoyed but I've suddenly got super busy with university work so I haven't been able to upload since my last post but I have the BTS swimming date imagine penciled into my diary and I hope to get that up soon!
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Any more submissions/requests would be amazing, as I love writing these and after uni is done I will need something to take up my time!
I accept both BTS and NCT <3
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yujaecha · 3 years
Hiii! glad you're back! Can you do a BTS scenario for going on a carnival date?
Or even a swimming date?
Indeedy I can~ In fact I can do both! I’ll post them as their own posts:
Carnival >HERE<
Swimming >HERE< (I’ll work a little more on this one, once I do, I’ll link it here) 
Thank you so much for requesting I had a lot of fun working on them~~
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yujaecha · 3 years
BTS at a Carnival Date | Scenario/Imagine
Info: fluff & tiny angst
Pairing: BTSxReader
Warnings: Alcohol, drunkenness, fainting
A/n: Loved doing this request! I loved the idea of a fun carnival vibe, though through writing, I don’t think I’ve ever been to an actual carnival! Can you believe that? Haha, I’m hoping my imagined idea is good enough! I’m picturing like brazil-carnival-colourfulness, like Rio carnival, which may be a little stereotypical, but I love the idea of this kind of energy!
NOTE: Y/F/N = Your friend's name and Y/F/BF = Your friend's boyfriend.
If you would like to make a request for a scenario, imagine, reaction, mtl, ship, or anything really take a look at my faq, and then drop me a request.
Song rec: Carnival B.A.P
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You and Jin had wandered around the carnival for a few hours; the crowd had spread to the side street parties after the main procession. There were so many people around still, drinking, eating, dancing, and generally having fun. It was even beginning to get dark, but the atmosphere was still so vibrant and lively.
“Should we head home soon?” Jin inquired, as you weaved in and out around people. You absolutely did not want the night to be over just yet.
“I’m kind of hungry actually, why don’t we get some food then head off?”
“Ooh, good idea,” he scanned the small and tightly packed street
“There’s a table over there. Let's grab it quick before it gets taken!”
“Good spot!” You said, rushing towards the space. Fortunately, you managed to get there before anyone else.
“We can’t leave this spot until we are ready to leave; it’ll get snatched up so quickly." He said, looking around at the crowd; it even seemed to be getting busier compared to before.
“Did you enjoy the carnival?” You asked him. You hadn’t been seeing each other for that long, a few weeks, really. You were still getting to know each other, so you didn’t know if your suggestion to go to the carnival was a good one.
“It was great Y/N, really!” He was all smiles, which made you smile too.
“Ah, I’m glad.” You took a sigh of relief hearing he had enjoyed the date.
“Remember that man in the procession, the one in all blue on the stilts?”
“Yeah! He was super impressive; I couldn’t dance wearing those!” You admit.
“I’d love to see you try!” You both laughed. You continued to talk about the carnival, and Jin, perhaps accidentally, suggested you should both go back the following year together.
“Together?” You repeated, you didn't mean to sound surprised, but deep down, you didn't expect for him to suggest it so confidently.
“Of course!” He says firmly, making you blush. You both ordered some food and continued to talk about everything and anything. The food arrived, and it was incredible! Street food is seriously the best.
Eventually, you were reaching the end of your meals, and Jin noticed your shift in mood.
“What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Oh, I just realised that once we’ve finished the food, we should probably leave. The thing is, I’m just having so much fun.” You admit.
“I suppose… We’ll have to get some dessert then?” He suggested with a smirk. He clearly didn’t want to leave either.
Jin left the table in your hands to get something sweet for the two of you, meanwhile you leant on the table, far more tired than you had realised. You were so zoned out, you didn't realise Jin had returned, only when you felt something pressed onto your nose, buttercream frosting! You wake up out of your daze in shock as Jin giggles.
“Wakey wakey!” He laughs uncontrollably.
“Oh no, you didn’t!” You said, grabbing a small piece of cake and flicking it towards him. He stared in shock as it hits him in the cheek and a mischievous look appeared on his face in response. He flicked another piece towards you and you again back to him.
“Food fight!” you hear someone from the next table shout, and within no time, food is flying everywhere, and the whole of the street party is taking part in the madness!
Once everything had calmed down, you and Jin fell into each other’s arms, exhausted from the long day and then the food fight. You notice Jin staring at your lips.
He leans in “Oh. You have something there…” and picks off a small piece of cake frosting from the side of your mouth with his, rather teasingly. He smirked “got it.”
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Yoongi really was not vibing the atmosphere of the carnival. He was complaining a lot about anything and everything.
“It’s so loud.” He groaned.
“It’s just music and people having fun! Stop being so grumpy.” You replied; it was your idea to go to the carnival in the first place, and you didn’t appreciate his attitude.
“There are so many people, too many!” He added. You decided to just let him carry on and walk with him without. It was your idea to come to the carnival after all, so you weren’t going to let his sour mood ruin it.
You weaved about, walking slightly ahead of Yoongi. There were many food and trinket stalls dotted along the carnival route, slightly away from the main bulk of people. But you couldn't help but feel a little deflated; you were missing the main spectacle to keep him happy. You grabbed some food and stood at the side to eat as all the tables were taken. You attempted to make conversation, but you’re pretty annoyed with him yourself.
“This is so good!” He declared, the first positive he had said thing all day.
“Well, at least one of us is having a good time.” You joked sarcastically, not really paying attention, trying to see the floats over the crowd. Your tone caught his attention, and he finally noticed you looking longingly at the procession and understood what his constant comments had done.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.” He looked at you. “I was just hungry, and it's hot. I shouldn’t have complained so much…” he trailed off a little.
“Don’t worry,” you sigh, “It’s not really your sort of thing anyway, is it?”
“That shouldn’t matter. I should have tried more; you wanted to come here, so I should have tried harder, for you.” He said earnestly.
“Let’s try and squeeze our way through? See what's going on?” He suggested, finishing up the food quickly.
“Are you sure?” you asked, and he nodded enthusiastically in response, a complete mood 360; I guess the food gave him a boost of energy.
You both try weaving through the spectators, but it’s no good; the crowd lining the procession is way too dense. Defeated, you decide to give up, but Yoongi knew it was pretty much his fault you didn’t get a spot earlier.
“Ah! I have an idea!” He said as he looks around “Stay right here for a minute, don’t move an inch!”
You stand there for a while wondering what he has up his sleeve, until he returns with a wide smile.
“Follow me!” He said excitedly, grabbing your hand and leads you to a nearby café. Confused, you follow him inside and up to the upper floor. The large room was cool away from the sun, and two glass doors that opened to a balcony with a perfect view of the carnival below. “Much better, huh? I think this is the best view.” He said, leading you out to look down at the procession, putting his arms around you as you both lean on the balcony rail and watch, away from all the crowds and commotion.
“I guess this way it’s the best of both worlds.” You laugh, leaning back into his chest. He really is good at making up for any moodiness. “Remind me to make the most of post-hangry Yoongi again! He's far more romantic than normal!”
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Hobi would be so, so excited to be going on a date to the carnival; he’d literally be even more smiley and excitable than usual! He’d dress up pretty “loud,” if you get what I mean, and he would really embrace the day and overall vibes. It’s a place you can both fully immerse yourselves with music, dancing, and fun – his ideal date, really. I feel like he'd be the most likely one to plan this day solely by himself too.
The floats began to pass by gradually as the main part of the carnival began. You were both locked together, and he was pointing out anything and everything excitedly to you; it was such a rush to the senses.
“Ohh, look at that!” He said excitedly.
"How do they do that?" You said, staring at the float passing by.
“Look at that guy’s outfit!”
"He's so flashy!" You laugh together.
"I'd totally wear that." He said, leaning his head onto yours as you continue to look upon the brightly lit festivities.
"You'd look great too." You said matter-of-fact.
"You think so?" He asked excitedly.
"You look good in everything!" You replied, making him squeal cutely.
Suddenly, Hobi's expression changes, as the music, good music began to get louder and louder, more upbeat. You see his expression shift from joy, to curiosity, to a wide-eyed look nodding his head towards the road.
Before you know it, he had pulled you out into the procession, and he was shaking his hips like he’s part of the carnival from the beginning. Of course, he was encouraging you to dance too, you were just laughing at him and the situation. You had just been watching so peacefully, and now you were right in the middle of everything. At that point, what did you have to lose? You danced with him, and, for the most part, blended in with everyone else, but to the two of you, it was as if you are the only two there.
His eyes light up when he sees a nearby bloat with bright glittering lights, and you already know what he’s thinking.
“You can’t!” You said.
“Oh, I definitely can try!” He replied cheekily, giving you a mischievous smile. You couldn't help but cringe at his confidence; you really didn't understand how he did it. He disappeared behind the float, and you walked tentatively alongside, expecting him to come back disappointed, but next thing you know, he emerged atop the float, waving at you to come closer. You approached, so many people’s eyes are on the two of you now. He held out his hands.
“Come on! Get on with me!" And you did, because why the heck not? It was carnival after all, and you were there to have a good time! Somehow the two of you were receiving some of the most cheers from the crowd, or Hobi’s dance moves were at least!
“I can’t believe you!” You said, leaning towards him.
“You love it! Isn’t this way more fun than just watching?” He asked; you couldn't help but agree.
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You and Joonie had planned your whole vacation around this one day, you had never experienced a large-scale carnival like this, and you were both so excited. However, there was one issue, the traffic was mad!
You hadn’t really thought about the people, just the celebration. You both sat in the taxi, facing away from one another in silence for a while. You knew how irritated he could get when things didn’t go to plan, so you thought it was best to just remain quiet to avoid an argument.
“I’m sorry,” he finally piped up; you looked at him questioningly. “I should have thought of this; I didn’t think it would be this crazy.”
“It’s fine! We didn’t know.” You assure him. “It’s as much my fault, really don’t beat yourself up over it.” His expression didn’t shift. He began to talk with the taxi driver, seeing how easy it would be to turn around to head back to the hotel.
Defeated, you glanced out of the window and noticed other people abandoning their cars and approaching the carnival on foot. “Wait, don’t turn around!” You suddenly insisted, making both Namjoon and the taxi driver jump. “How long would it take to get there on foot?”
The driver explained it would take about a twenty-minutes to walk, if you were quick and told you a few shortcuts to take too.
“Come on!” You said, grabbing NamJoon’s hand. “If we run, we might make it for the big finale!”
“I don’t know, it’s quite far…” He said, looking in the direction of the carnival. He glanced at you and then his frown shifted to a smile “Do you know what? We’re on vacation! Why not?”
“Yes! Amazing, we’ll have to be quick, though!”
He flashes you a competitive look, a look you know well. “I’ll race you.” He said with a smirk.
“Oh, it’s on, Joonie!” You said back, “be prepared to lose.”
“Hah! We’ll see about that!” He said, grabbing the car door handle, making you do so also reflexively. You both exited the taxi (You paid the driver dw!) and began to run. NamJoon kept grabbing you from behind to sabotage you when you overtook him, and you could hardly run with the laughter between the two of you.
Fortunately, you managed to make it in time, and you managed to beat him too!
“I think looser has to buy drinks.” You insisted, out of breath.
“Hey, that wasn’t part of it.” He replied, also puffed out.
“Well, I’ve just decided that it is.” You said with a smirk and he nodded.
“Whatever you say, speedy.”
You wandered around for ages after the carnival was over, cooling down in the evening breeze. It was absolutely brilliant, more than you had imagined it to be, albeit a somewhat different experience.
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You had been stood now for a while, and you were cursing yourself for not buying that drink when you saw the seller just a while earlier. It was so hot, and you were feeling a little overwhelmed by all the people, colours, noise. It was a sensory overload.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jimin asked you once again, noticing your change of expression. You really didn’t want to let on that you were uncomfortable, so faked a bright smile.
“Sorry! I was just zoning out there.” You lied. He giggled at you before putting his arm around your shoulder affectionately. He returned his gaze to the floats and sways of people passing you by. Jimin would point out little details, but you couldn’t really focus and found yourself feeling very dizzy and lightheaded. He was so engrossed in the carnival procession, especially the dancing, and you were trying your best to be all smiles and play your part, but the sun shone down hot and heavy onto your head. Someone bumped into you both from behind, pushing you forward slightly.
“Woah, watch where you’re going!” You think you heard Jimin say, but that’s when the world started spinning, and your vision blacked out entirely.
You woke up away from the crowd a little, laying on your back. You weren't sure how long you had been out of it, but the atmosphere was still busy, and the air was still warm.
“Drink this Y/N! You’re okay, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” You heard a familiar voice trying to comfort you from above, but you could hear the slight panic in his voice too.
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” you said, trying to sit up, but Jimin held you back.
“Not so fast! I don’t want you fainting again!” You complied, leaning back into his embrace. He leant forward, fanning your face with a pamphlet for the carnival.
“I’m sorry,” you said, defeated. “I really wanted you to enjoy the carnival, but there were so many people, and it was so hot and-“
“-It’s okay!” Jimin said, cutting you off. “Really, I’d much rather you were okay than anything.” You sighed in agreement, with a pang of disappointment through you.
“I’m really okay now. Let’s go back and watch the rest.” You insisted.
“Oh, no way! I asked some guy to go and find a medic. You’re not moving an inch until they get here.” You couldn’t help but love how protective he was. Just a short while before, he was engrossed in the carnival, but now it was like you were the only thing that mattered to him in the world, as you lay in his arms.
The medic came, gave you the all-clear after a while, noting it was probably heat exhaustion. Jimin promised to take better care of you from then on, and you hated how he seemed to blame himself for not taking more notice when you aren't as cheery as he had expected watching the carnival. You tried to insist on returning to catch the end of the procession, but he wouldn’t let you leave the seat they had found for you. You were all pouty and felt undeniably guilty for ruining the day.
“I won’t let you stand and watch, but I suppose I could carry you?” He said, turning around and holding his arms outstretched for a piggyback.
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It was your first date with TaeHyung, and you were really regretting your choice of location. You had only just arrived, but you were already struggling to hear each other or even walk next to each other it was so crowded.
“Why don’t we go over there? It looks a little quieter,” you queried.
“Sorry, what did you say?” he asked, leaning in towards you to hear you better.
“Oh, um, I said-“
“-Why don’t we go over there?” He interrupted, not hearing you. “It seems a bit less busy.”
You nodded in agreement and made your way towards a slightly more open space. It was no use, every time you tried to talk; something stopped the two of you from hearing each other; the band passing by, a child crying, two people stood near you laughing. You were beginning to worry it would ruin your chance with him altogether; a first date is enormously important after all.
“Are you hungry? Thirsty?” He asked you, shouting a little to be heard.
“I could have something,” you replied.
“Cotton candy?” he asked, pointing at a vendor.
You headed over together. He ordered one cotton candy and a bottle of water for each of you. You walked around the parameter of the carnival sharing the sweet treat; it was a little easier to hear each other there but still not good.
“Thank you for buying that. I’ll get the next thing,” you insisted, he laughed.
“It’s lively, isn't it? The carnival.”
“Yeah…” You looked around awkwardly. “I’m sorry.”
He stopped walking, turning towards you. “Why are you apologising? I don't mind it.”
“Because it’s such a bad choice for our first date, we can’t even speak.”
“Hmm, how can we fix this…” He thought hard, “Ah! I know,” He placed his arm around you swiftly, pulling you in close to him. “This is better right?” You panicked internally but tried hard not to let it show. You just nodded; after all, it was a lot easier to hear each other, if nothing else.
You continued, now far closer than before. As you walked, you spotted a group of kids dancing to the carnival band down a small side street away from the crowd. You giggle, looking at them having fun; Tae took note.
“Hey, you guys have some great moves!” He complimented them, approaching them “Do you think you could teach us how to dance like that?”
“Yeah! We’ll teach you!” The smallest one replied eagerly, pulling at his hand “you can be my partner.”
“Oh, I actually want to be Y/N’s partner, see she’s my date for today, and I wouldn't want her to be upset if I danced with someone else.”
“Ohhh, you’re on a date!” The kids replied in unison, eyeing the two of you.
"You’re really cute together!” The little one said with a wide grin. “That’s okay, I’ll dance with my brother, and we’ll show you, just copy us, okay?”
“That sounds great!” He replied to the kids, who had gotten very excited to teach two grown-ups their dance.
Tae took you by the hands, and sort of following your instructors, you danced together, laughing constantly.
“You two! Hurry up, the main float is coming!” A woman’s voice sounded behind you, the kid’s mother presumably.
“Ow, but we wanted to stay here!”
“No, come along now!” she insisted.
“I guess we have to go now.” The girl pouted.
“Well, thank you for teaching us your dance moves!” You said, leaning down to her “you’re a great teacher.” You held out both your hands for high fives, and she perked up slightly. Her brother high fived you too, and Taehyung held his hands to them too.
The kids left the side street leaving just Tae and yourself behind and suddenly the quiet between you seemed even louder than any noise from the whole day so far.
“We could stay here and dance some more?” Taehyung suggested, breaking the awkward space between you and stepped forward, holding his hands out to you again.
“I’d like that.” You admitted and took his hands once again. You began to dance, only he held you slightly closer this time…
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You and JungKook approach the carnival hand in hand; you were so excited. You noticed he seemed a little quiet, but it was the first time he was meeting your friend, one of your best friends from when you were kids too. You had arranged for him to meet her at the carnival; in theory, taking some of the awkwardness away. Plus, she was bringing her boyfriend too, so there was someone for Jungkook to get on with, and he wasn’t left out while the two of you caught up. You spotted them first and ran excitedly towards them. You had known your friend for years, and didn't mind her boyfriend, though you never really saw just what she saw in him.
“This is him then! Nice to meet you Jungkook, I’m Y/F/N” She said holding out her hand to shake, you instinctively laughed at her formality.
He shook it tentatively with a slight giggle. “Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot!”
“Good things,” you assured her, as your friend shot you a worried look. “Of course! Always good things.”
“So, this is the most recent addition to your long list of lovers then Y/N?” Your friend’s boyfriend joked, mocking your tragic lack of romance in the past, which he and your friend were all too aware of.
“Long list huh?” Jungkook asked surprised looking at you, you thought you saw a speck of jealousy but shrugged it off, he already knew your history, you had both been very open from the start.
“Ha! Yeah, as if!” You scoffed.
The four of you headed towards the carnival, where people are already gathering for the main procession along the main route. You all stood together, you and your friend reminiscing about old times. Jungkook listened to your old stories attentively, laughing along, while your friend's boyfriend wasn't really paying much interest. You looked towards Jungkook, who was staring at your friend's boyfriend as his girlfriend spoke, you could now tell for sure he was a little annoyed towards him.
“Are you okay?” You asked in a lowered voice, so the other two didn’t hear.
“You're not close with T/F/BF?”
“Not really, no. The three of us went to school together but I didn’t really know him much until they started dating.” You assured him. "Why?"
“He seems... uninterested.” He said, trailing off.
“He was just joking earlier, about my love life, I promise you.”
“No, no, I trust you, Y/N, really. I just didn’t appreciate the joke, nor his general attitude.” He admitted.
“Well, he’s just a bit of an overly confident guy; he doesn’t know when a joke is too much.”
You continued to watch the carnival together and decide to head away from the crowd for a drink.
“How much of a lightweight are you then, Jungkook?” Your friend’s boyfriend asked mockingly as you approached a pop-up bar. Oh dear! You look at Jungkook, who rolls his eyes.
“You want to see?” He asked him confidently, not breaking eye contact.
“Oh my gosh! Yes! Drinking game!” Your friend said excitedly, and you groan.
“Really, are we doing this?” You ask. Jungkook shoots you a look you recognise. He’s getting competitive.
Many, many rounds later, Jungkook slammed the glass down first. He had downed that one easy while Your friend’s boyfriend was struggling. Your friend was rubbing his back for encouragement, but it was no good; he turned to throw up.
“I guess I won?” Jungkook said, standing up with a wide grin, leaning towards you for a victory hug.
“Wow! I didn’t know you could drink so much!” You said, kind of impressed.
“Yeah, I really can’t. Please help me stand up straight,” he said with a low laugh; he was leaning on you heavily.
Your friend helped carry her boyfriend off, and they went to grab a taxi home. You left Jungkook on the road curb while you went to get him some water. When you returned, you dropped down to sit next to him. The carnival was coming to an end and the crowds dispersed. He rested his head on your shoulder and let out a big exhale.
“I think I’ll need some help standing up.” He admitted with a drunken chuckle. You sighed but agreed to look after him. It was hardly the way you had wanted the day to go, but you couldn’t help but be proud he put your friend’s boyfriend in his place and won, so you’d let him off this time.
*Not implying Jungkook os a drunk or anything just FYI!
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yujaecha · 3 years
K-Pop scenarios, imagines, reactions and MTLs
Okayyy, so I'm bored basically, and have decided to return to my roots and give fanfic etc another go! I'm starting from scratch so it would be amazing to get some support/requests etc!
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I'm going to start with just BTS and NCT but will expand further once I get a little more comfortable posting (it's been literal years since I have attempted this, and I am a much better writer now)!
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Check out my FAQ to see what I am comfortable writing >here< and send me a message in my >ask<
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