yung-and-bludy · 5 hours
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Remember to check your registration often! They're increasing their efforts to cheat and disenfranchise.
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yung-and-bludy · 7 hours
all prisoners on death row are political prisoners. capital punishment is part of both the afterlife and presentlife of lynchings and slavery. the myriad of issues including the permanence of death as punishment, how death sentences are deployed in an overtly discriminatory manner, how capital punishment does nothing to actually prevent crime, denies people any chance of restorative justice all of these are secondary to the simple fact that the state should not have the right to kill human beings. some of y'all keep missing the point and focusing on the dichotomies of guilt versus innocence when it comes to the liberation of prisoners on death row (and otherwise). regardless of whether or not an individual is "guilty" of the crime they have been charged with, the state should not be able to detain them indefinitely before murdering them. full stop. rest in power marcellus williams and may we, in the words of george jackson, "rage on aggressive and free" until no human being is murdered by the state again
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yung-and-bludy · 15 hours
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"The Haitian Bridge Alliance made the move after inaction by the local prosecutor, said their attorney, Subodh Chandra of the Cleveland-based Chandra Law Firm."
"Trump and Vance, a U.S. senator from Ohio, are charged with disrupting public services, making false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity. The filing asks the Clark County Municipal Court to affirm that there is probable cause and issue arrest warrants against Trump and Vance."
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yung-and-bludy · 17 hours
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yung-and-bludy · 19 hours
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"End Feudalism humanely, spray or neuter your landlord today"
Sticker seen in San Anselmo, California
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yung-and-bludy · 21 hours
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"Demand a Living Wage"
Stencil seen in Clapham, London
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yung-and-bludy · 22 hours
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yung-and-bludy · 2 days
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yung-and-bludy · 2 days
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June 6, 2023 at 10:20AM
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yung-and-bludy · 2 days
idk guys maybe we should try calling the amazon rain forest “sovereign indigenous lands” more often because i’m still seeing people talk about it like some sort of vast terra nullis where there are only animals–you know, like a colonialist
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yung-and-bludy · 2 days
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yung-and-bludy · 2 days
societal acceptance around apathy or outright aggression towards children should appall you
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yung-and-bludy · 3 days
James Gaddis had just returned home Saturday afternoon when he found a dismissal letter waiting on his Tallahassee townhouse’s doorstep.
The former two-year Florida Department of Environmental Protection employee told the Tampa Bay Times he was the one who leaked information about the state’s plans to build golf courses, 350-room hotels, pickleball courts and more at nine state parks, including two in the Tampa Bay area.
Now, the agency appears to be firing him, according to a copy of the letter shared with the Times.
Gaddis, 41, who was hired by the agency as a cartographer, said his actions weren’t political, and that there were two main reasons he chose to speak out: The rushed secrecy that was behind the park plans, and the vast environmental destruction that would be caused if they were to be completed.
“It was the absolute flagrant disregard for the critical, globally imperiled habitat in these parks,” Gaddis said in an interview Tuesday morning. Gaddis said he was tasked with making the proposed conceptual land use maps that depicted the golf courses and other developments. Two proposals were especially egregious in his eyes: The Jonathan Dickinson State Park golf course, and the 350-room hotel at Anastasia State Park.
“This was going to be a complete bulldozing of all of that habitat,” Gaddis said. He recalls his hand, hovering over a computer mouse, shaking with anger and frustration as he was told to rush his maps from senior leadership. “The secrecy was totally confusing and very frustrating. No state agency should be behaving like this.”
Gaddis said the directive was coming straight from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office, and that the governor’s deputy chief of staff, Cody Farrill, was the liaison between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection senior leadership and the governor’s office. Farrill and a DeSantis spokesperson have not responded to requests for comment.
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yung-and-bludy · 3 days
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yung-and-bludy · 3 days
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yung-and-bludy · 3 days
i really think one of the reasons the democrats don't really want to work on a ceasefire (and one of the reasons the israeli public is by a majority opposed to one) is that once the war ends, the extent of the damage becomes clear. you know the quote about how liberals are opposed to every war except the current one? once the war in gaza is hindsight, it will be impossible to deny the genocide. the war prevents international observers, it prevents foreign journalists, it prevents counting bodies under the rubble, it prevents saving lives and rebuilding hospitals, all under a security pretext. the 40,000 number will likely triple. the annexation of the west bank will be more noticeable. the obituaries will finally be written, the mass graves finally marked.
above all, the war prevents mourning. it prevents the world—the leadership of the world in particular—from humanizing palestinians. they are only humans when they are victims, and the war allows israel to maintain the illusion that this is a war with two sides, that these soldiers are fighting a symmetrical war with an opposing army, rather than a war of extermination against an entire people. you end the war, you end the illusion.
the idea that continuing the war will allow hamas to recoup or launch another attack is a joke—hamas don't need to. the damage israel will take once this is assessed in sober hindsight will be astounding. not just for the international community, but for israelis themselves. all those idf soldiers sniping babies in the head will have to go home and think about what they've done. and they'll talk about what they've done. they've filmed it, they've recorded it, but it will look very different when the war ends. this is also why israel continues to escalate. they are the only ones who benefit from a regional war. lebanon and iran know this well. so does the united states. politically and tactically, israel will not be the same once the war is over. this has always been true, and it has always been why it needed the occupation in the first place—it is a country that requires perpetual war to maintain itself. how can israelis live if they do not feel threatened? what is israel if it is not surrounded by enemies, but by victims and allies?
as the US knows, israel only switches from "high intensity war" to "low intensity war" with palestinians, but it has never actually chosen peace nor has it ever seriously engaged in a peace process. this choice has never been more obvious than it is today, but it will only become more obvious once the war ends.
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yung-and-bludy · 3 days
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This is not the first time this has happened either:
[Jul 16 2024] Berlin police is arresting children at pro-Palestinian demonstrations, in what activists say is a shocking escalation of already widespread police violence against pro-Palestinian voices. The most recent confirmed arrest of children involved the early June detention of a 7-year-old boy for allegedly hitting an officer’s helmet with his flag. In a witness statement shown to The New Arab (TNA), the boy's father said he had been carrying his son on his shoulders at a march when they suddenly found themselves surrounded by officers who lashed out at the crowd and then took the pair away to a police van. The police confirmed via email that a 7-year-old was arrested on suspicion of "assaulting" a police officer at the same protest in Berlin. Police told TNA that six children under the age of 16 were detained on June 8.   In a video posted on social media, the child can be seen screaming in a state of extreme distress while he and his father are surrounded and grabbed by 11 officers in riot gear. The father says the child now experiences anxiety and needs psychological treatment because of the incident. In another incident on the same day, a 13-year-old was handcuffed and dragged away by officers using a controversial "pain grip" after making a rude hand gesture to a police officer. Berlin police have confirmed that a 13-year-old was detained "on suspicion of insult," which is a criminal offence under German law. A few weeks earlier, on May 29, an incident was reported where two adolescents were punched in the face several times by police officers at a house entrance in Sonnenallee street in Berlin. This incident of police violence was condemned by Amnesty International Germany, and urged an investigation into allegations of unlawful police actions. 
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