zak-writes · 2 days
the most mortifying part about posting abt your ocs is posting about your ocs
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zak-writes · 5 days
personally i’m a fan of when a story is like. the love was there. unfortunately. this all could have actually gone a lot easier for everyone if the love hadn’t been there but here we are
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zak-writes · 8 days
more characters should be 30+ years old
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zak-writes · 8 days
4, 6, 12 and 16 for Ada, please! 💜
who wouldve GUESSED
4. What is the most dramatic bad thing that happened to them?
i mean, losing two of his limbs was pretty bad. but so was his apartment getting blown up. so take your pick
6. Whats their greatest fear?
dying alone probably
12. Do they have any self-destructive habits?
i feel like everything he does is self-destructive in some way
16. whats one song that makes you think of them?
uhhhhhhhh i guess shared trauma by ptv. that song is very much him and shamrock
trauma ask game
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zak-writes · 8 days
OC ✨trauma✨ Ask game
How are their parents? Are they good? Are they terrible? Are they dead?
Any interesting scars?
Have they died before?
What is the most dramatic bad thing that happened to them?
Have they killed anyone? If they have would they kill again? If not would they kill at all?
Whats their greatest fear?
How easy is it to make them cry?
Are they trusting or do they refuse to trust?
Are they looking for someone to save them or do they think they’re beyond saving?
How do their friends and family think of them?
Do they have a found family?
Do they have any self-destructive habits?
Are they queer?
Are they trans?
Are they nureodivergent?
Whats one song that makes you think of them?
Do they have any pets?
Are they easily scared?
Are they emotional or a stone wall?
Will they recover from their trauma or will it consume them?
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zak-writes · 11 days
samantha-amelia: i just think rhetorical questions are stupid. if you dont want an answer, why would you ask a question? its like when people ask me how my day was and then get annoyed when i don't elaborate. like, you should have asked me to elaborate!
elyxyr: here's a real question for you. did you parents ever get you tested for autism?
samantha-amelia: no.
elyxyr: i think maybe they should have
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zak-writes · 11 days
*crashes through the ceiling* I need to know everything about Elyxyr. Now.
heres what ive got so far considering i came up with them about two hours ago
Elyxyr is fifteen years old. their family kicked them out for being nonbinary right before the infection started getting really bad. Elyxyr survived by keeping the hell away from people and stealing food from an allotment. if they ever have to eat a carrot again, they might kill someone
elyxyr doesn't really have a plan, except for some vague notion about starting a farm so they can survive. they like Samantha-Amelia because she doesn't ask excessive questions about Elyxyr's gender and will let Elyxyr play whatever they want on the record player.
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zak-writes · 11 days
update on Samantha-Amelia: she has two new friends!
Elyxyr - a street-wise nonbinary teen who thinks what Samantha-Amelia does is kickass
Marcus - a priest in his 50s who is not a cult leader, promise
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zak-writes · 11 days
you should be able to call into work if you get a story idea. like i’m really sorry i can’t come in today im going to need 72 hours off to cope with my visions of This Guy
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zak-writes · 12 days
Samantha-Amelia will probably be my first canonically autistic character also
...I've had a book idea
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zak-writes · 12 days
New oc! Everyone say hello to Samantha-Amelia (last name tbd), the post apocalypse "pathologist" who lives alone in a run down lab
...I've had a book idea
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zak-writes · 13 days
Growing up on the internet has given me an obsession with characters having a friend they can't see but communicates with them anyway. Via radio or phone call or letters or whatever
This is about Ada, but it's also about an old story I wrote about a group of teenagers in a dystopia who travel across their country to find the guy who runs the rebel radio station
It's about trusting someone whose face you've never seen more than people in your real life
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zak-writes · 13 days
...I've had a book idea
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zak-writes · 13 days
why is your oc still alive? 
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zak-writes · 14 days
big big BIG fan of couples who are a package deal but in an evil way. ur not getting one without the other and that's a threat
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zak-writes · 15 days
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oc guy moodboard
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zak-writes · 17 days
May I be greedy and ask for 10 facts about Chris Doyle too? :3
chris is lowkey one of my favourite eldwell characters lets fuckin GO
Chris is one of the few people on the island with a degree - theirs is in Biomedical Science and they had to go to the mainland to do it.
Chris is one of the few people who has left to live on the mainland and has later come back to the island
Their grandmother, Agatha, is the oldest living person on the island. Chris is her only living grandchild
Chris lost their leg when they were shot on the outskirts of Eldwell forest. No one was ever charged with the shooting
Chris is the police forces "forensic scientist" because they are one of the few people on the island with a higher science qualification
Chris has a prosthetic leg, but they prefer to use his wheelchair unless they are going somewhere that is not wheelchair accessible. Most people on the island have tried to make buildings on the island more accessible to them (sometimes under threat of violence from Agatha)
Chris is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, but they honestly have bigger problems than trying to figure out anything further than that
Chris and Lorenzo are best friends and Chris is a godparent to all of Lorenzo's children
Chris hates riding the ferry between the island and the mainland because they get sea sick
Chris can juggle. he learned to do it while he was recovering from his amputation to entertain himself
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