zect · 7 years
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Sugar and spice, and everything’s… ISELMYR, NO.
Pledge to the Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire crowdfunding - http://bit.ly/2lahA4s
Help them hit 3 mill for the Companion Relationships stretch goal.
Do it for more meaningful interactions with your companions.
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zect · 7 years
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LET’S GET IT TO 3 MILL - https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire
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zect · 7 years
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Introducing Serafen and Maia Rua!
Maia Rua is an island aumaua ranger whose animal companion, Ishiza, is a bird of prey that can scout outdoor environments both in and out of combat. Like Kana, her brother, she’s a loyal Rauataian of Huana ancestry.
Her boldness and dedication have earned her an enviable position as a ship captain, which in turn has brought her to Deadfire as part of her country’s mission to “civilize” the wild archipelago. Her duties find her working with Atsura, a courtier and representative of the ranganui, on an ambitious campaign to win the hearts and minds of the Huana people. But for all her skill as a soldier and captain, she has little experience with politics and espionage, and she must adapt to her new role quickly.
Serafen is an orlan cipher/barbarian and a member of the Príncipi sen Patrena, the dominant pirate organization in the region. He was born into slavery and put to work as a rigger and powder monkey since his small size made him ideal for scurrying around ships.
During those years, he discovered his talents as a cipher and used them to lure his masters’ ship into the path of the Príncipi. Impressed, the pirates offered him a position as one of their infamous"ship hunters,“ and he in turn found acceptance and freedom among his new comrades. He worries, however, that the growing schism in the Príncipi will destroy the community he has come to love.  
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zect · 7 years
god I don't even want to get into this again but it is fuckin wild that this post I made when the game came out like... two years ago is getting reblogged now.
for the record, i read seras actions as being that of an emotionally immature person who is dealing with someone she really likes but can't deal with certain aspects of their lifestyle because of her own personal issues. it's better for them to break up in the long run, though she handled it all incredibly poorly. it's shitty, but this post was less about excusing her behavior and more written in response to how the word abusive was still being used as a catch all word for "behavior i don't like." im not sure if it's still happening because i don't participate in the fandom, but it is still an attitude i disagree with.
as for the anders thing, i, once again, don't follow the fandom anymore, but it was more a commentary on how he can treat both hawke and the companions in a super shitty way but (at least at the time and environment I wrote this post in) was still a fandom fave. i would probably not classify his behavior as abusive, for the same reasons i would not classify sera's. his actions were shitty but not abusive.
im only clarifying this because ive seen this post reblogged a couple times recently and it feels weird to see kind of an angry reaction post of mine go around without any clarification on both my current position and why i made the post, which had more to do with a fandom attitude that was emerging at the time than any actual statement on either of the characters, despite how poorly I framed it. im not like.... mad at you for commenting or anything haha. that's the nature of this website.
but anyway, characters can be shitty and complicated without overusing the word abuse to decry their behavior and i think that's true for both sera and anders.
“seras romance is abusive” okkkk bbbbuuuutttttt hhhhaaaavvvveeee u met anderssssss… why is he forgiven when she isnt…….
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zect · 7 years
i think a big issue with aces wanting to be considered lgbt and thinking they’re entitled to include themselves amongst us is that their version of the lgbt community is so idealized they don’t understand it. they don’t understand that we can barely take care of ourselves, that kids still freeze in the streets because there aren’t enough room in lgbt centers (which are barely funded as it is), that trans women are being killed left and right, that gay kids are being kicked out of their homes, that lgbt people are killing themselves every day, that alcoholism and drug use is a huge problem in the community. they only see the pretty parts – the parades, the rainbow flags, the celebration of gay marriage, the culture, but they don’t understand that it’s not like that all the time. that most of the time we’re barely scraping by, that the resources, the beds, the scholarships run out so quickly, and there’s not even enough for us now
and honestly i’m gonna disregard all the fuckin discourse for a second about whether aces are even inherently lgbt and remind people that we honestly can’t support them. our resources, our shelters, our scholarships, our food were created for certain people and we don’t even have enough for ourselves, never mind them!
and to a degree, i can understand why aces might think the lgbt community is for them, because through their narrow view they only see the good parts, and they want to be a part of it, because they’re abnormal too, right? they’re not the norm either. but that view comes with a shitload of misunderstanding on their part and ignorance of our history. we didn’t come together as a “community” by chance. we were united by things like the aids crisis, like stonewall, and even now we’re just barely clinging on to each other when we’re not fighting amongst each other. they don’t understand that during the aids crisis our elders saw their friends dying around them and a government who ignored their existence, that they attended funerals every week, that they were barred from seeing their loved ones in the hospital because of who they were. they cannot understand, and they will never understand.
and i’ll say this: aces do deserve a community. they deserve support and resources too. but the lgbt community is not the one for them. we can barely take care of ourselves, and we are not the answer to their issues.
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zect · 7 years
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zect · 7 years
Guys, Direct Relief (directrelief.org) is one of the highest-rated charities with 99% of donated money going directly to their programs. As I’m sure you’ve heard, Aleppo is about to be completely destroyed. DO is assisting with the Syrian Refugee Crisis and can use all the help they can get. If you are in a position to donate, please do so.
Whether or not you can donate, please reblog.
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zect · 8 years
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shout out to this gr8 tyranny review thats only making me want to play the game EVEN MORE
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zect · 8 years
“There’s a hole in my soul I can’t fill it, I can’t fill it There’s a hole in my soul Can you fill it? Can you fill it?
You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve And I have always buried them deep beneath the ground.”
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zect · 8 years
Like the sea, I’m constantly changing from calm to ill. Madness fills my heart and soul, as if the great divide could swallow me whole. Oh, how I’m breaking down.
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zect · 8 years
I wish every white person at one of these protests would commit to doing one-on-one relational work with other whites to deal with their racism
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zect · 8 years
To the 5% of people in Arizona who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 11 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 3% of people in Florida who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 29 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 5.5% of people in Michigan who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 16 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 5% of people in New Hampshire who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 4 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 3.3% of people in Pennsylvania who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 20 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
To the 5.7% of people in Wisconsin who voted 3rd party- if you had voted for Hillary, that’s 10 electoral votes that would have gone to her.
Total, that is 90 electoral votes. As I type this, Hillary needs 61 to win.
Please just let that sink in for a second. 
Hillary would’ve been elected right now, at this very moment, if instead of you protesting your vote, had just voted for her. She would  EASILY be President. 
You KNEW 3rd party candidates didn’t stand a chance. You were told. But instead, you had to vote for them anyways, and guess what?
You screwed us over. Congratulations.
I hope that feeding your “both candidates are bad” superiority complex is worth a Trump presidency. 
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zect · 8 years
Go out tomorrow, find a cause. NARAL, ASPCA, Planned Parenthood, A New Way Forward, The Innocence Project, Oxfam, Greenpeace… find out about programs and groups that deal with human trafficking, with racism, with sexism, with women’s health, LGBTQA rights, with what you want to fucking change! Sign up, and fucking fight.
Intern at your local congressional office! Stuff envelops! Listen to citizen complaints! Help dig us out of this shitstorm!
Donate money! Donate time! Be a Big Brother or a Big Sister. Reach out and find what your community needs! Join a litter collecting squad or write cards for people at an elderly community or buy a family in need groceries.
There is. So. Much. You. Can. Still. Do.
Online activism is all well and good, but these groups need feet on the fucking pavement. Don’t confuse shouting at people online as activism! So put up, and let’s shut this racist, classist, misogynistic, rape apologist down.
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zect · 8 years
“Are you gonna let politics ruin a friendship?”
Yes tf I am
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zect · 8 years
Anyone here vote third party? Unfollow me
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zect · 8 years
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zect · 8 years
I’m not a person I’m just 3 mental illness stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat
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