zekromfan1-blog · 4 years
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Hello, Robcina shippers! It’s that time of year again - we’re pleased to announce that we will be holding our fourth annual Robcina Week! According to the poll we put out earlier, the majority of you voted to keep Robcina Week at the usual time. For the couple of people who voted for a later time, we encourage you to still participate even if you can’t make a submission until much later! Feel free to send us a message with a late submission and we will gladly accept it (even if that late submission is very late)! The rules are the same as the past three years, but we have brand new theme days.
During this time, we’d love it if you would submit your own Robcina-related works! These submissions can be anything from fanart, a short fanfiction, a personal headcanon, or really anything else you can think of as long as it generally coincides with each day’s particular theme. Here are the themes for each day that we’ve picked out:
April 14th (Tuesday) - Dancing
April 15th (Wednesday) - Picnic
April 16th (Thursday) - Children
April 17th (Friday) - The Future Past
April 18th (Saturday) - Three Houses
April 19th (Sunday) - Picture Book (see description for details)
April 20th (Monday) - Free Day
How to Submit: Very simple! All you have to do is post your artwork/stories like normal, but make sure to include the tag #robcina week. We’ll be browsing that tag and other related ones all week and whenever we see one of your posts, we’ll reblog it here! If we accidentally overlook your post or you’d like to send in a headcanon directly to us, just shoot us a message and let us know.
Other Important Things:
Late submissions are perfectly okay. We’ll stay on a general schedule, but if you miss a theme day by a few hours because you wanted to put the finishing touches on your submission or just had other important responsibilities to attend to, we completely understand. Again, just send us a message to let us know so we don’t miss your submission!
The Picture Book theme on Sunday is a unique one that differs slightly depending on whether you’re a writer or an artist: if you are a writer, write a short piece about one of your favorite pieces of Robcina fanart! We don’t mean a literary analysis of course - come up with a short story that matches the scene or contains the event in the piece of artwork. If you are an artist, illustrate a scene or event you particularly like from one of your favorite Robcina fanfictions! This is a chance to bring a writing piece you like to life! In this way, you’re essentially creating a “picture book”: writers add a story to go with an existing illustration, and artists create an illustration to go with their favorite story! We do ask that you link the relevant piece of work (the fanfiction or the artwork that you’re basing your submission on) in your submission description as well. If you have any questions about this theme or any of the other themes, just send us a message!
You don’t need to submit something for all seven days! Although we would love it if you could, feel free to choose any combination of days you want to submit something for
Both M!Robin and F!Robin content is welcome
Be sure to spread the word - we’ll remind you all again once the time grows near. We’re excited to see what you all come up with!
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
f!grima + having a crush
anon asked: “How would F!Grima react to falling in love with a mere human and how would she confess?”
a/n: i am literally so gay for f!grima like…. she can kill me Honestly!!!!!!!
it takes a special kind of person for her to fall in love with. most (like… 99.9%) of people she can’t stand. but once there’s someone who gets under her skin in a good way, well…
she denies it. hardcore. she can’t bring herself to accept the fact that she has any type of feeling (except hatred) for a mere worm. tries to avoid them, but it’s almost as if her body moves on its own, and she finds herself by [name]’s side more times than not.
will intimidate anyone who tries to get near her crush by threatening/belittling them. when [name] tells her to stop doing that, as those are her friends and she can’t keep being mean to them, grima falls in love a little bit more (though she doesn’t know what it is) because she’s not used to being confronted. she isn’t as violent towards their friends anymore, instead resigns herself to glaring daggers at them from across the room.
even so, she doesn’t realize what it is she’s feeling. she’s so frustrated with them that she marches into their room (in the middle of the night) banging on the door. thankfully, they’re up going over the battle plans, so she isn’t disrupting their sleep. 
she’s frazzled and looks a complete mess, as she grabs them by the shoulders and asks “what are you doing to me?”. her usual facade slips for a second, as she looks frantically at them, eyes lingering on their lips. dear gods, she wants to claim every inch of them–
they just laugh at her, and grima takes a step back, why were they laughing? did they know something she didn’t?     + “what is it, human?” grima spits, trying to remain calm.        “grima, i think that you’re in love with me!” they continue giggling, and grima stares blankly ahead, trying to deny it but… she can’t because she knows it’s true. grima knew what love felt like before, she wasn’t always damned, and now the feeling was returning once again.
“and what if i was, hm?” she crosses her arms, the aura around her lessening in size. “there’s no way a dragon could fall in love with a wo- with you.”  “and why not? if you have feelings for me and i feel the same about you, then… we could make it work!” grima huffs, no more excuses left. she steps closer, tilting up your chin and smiling devilishly down at you.     + “i never thought that… that a human could make me feel love again. i won’t repeat this ever again but thank you. nothing will ever come between us, i’ll make sure of it.”
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
m!grima & f!grima + fighting over the same crush
anon asked: “M grima and f grima fighting for the summoner? Plissss”
a/n: who y’all pulling for in the voting gauntlet? i chose alfonse but i had trouble chosing bw him, chrom & lucina but i decided to go w bulgefonse since he’s the only one that i could actually summon :’) –mod touko aka grimafricker2000
how did you end up in this situation? stuck in the crossfire between not one, but two fell dragons. you sigh, watching them glaring daggers at each other from either side of you.
you had made it your mission to get even the grumpiest of heroes to open up, and number one on your list was grima. it took a long while (mostly you enduring his insults and his constant denying that he felt anything towards you except hate). but once he had realized that you had somehow wormed your way into his heart and drove him crazy, he had to have you all to himself. however, before he could do anything about that, you had summoned his female counterpart.
she immediately took notice of how different m!grima acted towards you. she finds it… highly amusing and makes jabs at him relentlessly about it. m!grima just gives her a deadpan look and says “give it a week”. he’s being sarcastic, of course, you are his, but oh boy was he right.
it doesn’t take f!grima as long a time to start involuntarily following you around, and everyone makes sure to comment on the two fell dragons following you around like lovesick puppies (though, they’ll vehemently deny doing any such thing). 
after this, the two of them, who got along fine to start with start loathing each other. every time you take f!grima to the training tower, m!grima tags along and won’t leave no matter what you say. when m!grima reaches books on high shelves for you, f!grima levitates and gets a book on an even higher shelf. it’s like taking care of two very mean children fighting for the attention of their mother. 
f!grima is the one who comes to you first, asking why she can’t stay away from you. you laugh and tell her that she must be in love with you… or something. she crosses her arms, sighing, and tries to deny it, but m!grima interrupts and pushes her out of the way. no way was she stealing you away from him.
   “they’re mine,” he growls, pulling you into him. it’s not like this is anything new, you just don’t like how they treat you like a toy. you look up at him, scowling, but he’s glaring daggers at f!grima.
   “no, you wretch, let them go, they belong to me!” she takes one of your arms, tugging at it desperately. it’s a good thing you’ve been working out, or that would’ve hurt a lot more. you pull away from the both of them, and surprisingly, they let go. both of them stare at you.
   “neither of you own me,” you cross your arms. “that’s not what love is. i’m not a prize to be won, okay? i have… feelings for one/both of you, and you have to accept that!”
if you chose m!grima, f!grima will try and make you two’s life hell. what once might have been love twists and becomes an obsession (one of those “if i can’t have you no one can” types). thankfully, you have breidablik and can control her with that. she’ll still follow you around and makes snide comments whenever m!grima gets hurt in battle or something. overall she’s just petty af. 
if you chose f!grima, m!grima goes back to how he was when he first met you, spiteful towards everyone. he’ll just throw insults your way if you try and talk to him and doesn’t really interact with anyone ever except to fight them/insult them. thankfully, f!grima is better at flaming than he is and she will protect your honor from his cheap shots with her dying breath.
if you can’t chose (who could?), the two of them will try to make it work. the thing about the grimas is that they are highly possessive and being in a poly relationship isn’t ideal for them. it can work if you can handle some bickering and fighting over you. (if u want poly hc’s for these two lemme know)
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
Why am I just seeing this now?
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Today is the only day you can reblog this 😔😔😔
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
@rufuruki Another late entry, sorry about that. I'll try to be on time with the next one.
Robcina Week 4/16/19: Winter “Planning for the Present.”
As the seasons change, so to do the emotions that surround society. And within the Shepherds there was a growing sense of joy for the coming holiday season, however they all knew that there was still a job to do. “Hmm…” Robin looked over a map while deep in concentration, “What if we… No that wouldn’t work… Damn…” He scratched his head since for the first time in quite a while he was stumped. “You doing alright?” Chrom asked walking into the tactician’s tent, Robin looked over and nodded at him before turning back to the map.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that I’m a bit stumped, after that last battle I don’t really know what to do…” He mumbled a bit at the end as he fell back into his mind. “Heh, that’s not like you.” Chrom chuckled now right next to him and looking at the same map. “What do you think we should do? Because both options we have seem to be equally as dangerous…” He rubbed his chin. “Well since they fled into the mountains, I think it would be unwise to head after them. There is a chance it’s a trap after all.” Chrom gave his input causing Robin to sigh in response. “That’s what I thought too, but at the same time I don’t know if that fear is really warranted in this situation. It could always just be that they fled in fear and hoped we wouldn’t follow, but either way we spin it I don’t think we should risk it. The rest of the group is pretty tired after all, plus it’s cold out and there is a high chance of snow up on those mountains.” Robin grumbled over being this stuck.
“Well it’s not as if we need to chase after them, besides it wouldn’t be wise of us to risk an avalanche, like you said everyone is pretty worn out and I don’t think we would really be able to survive a disaster of that scope.” He brought up a point that Robin hadn’t really thought of. Robin scratched his head a bit more before letting out a defeated sigh and rolling up the map, *skif* he placed it back in the crate that held all the rest of their maps. “You might be right, it would probably be best if we just let everyone rest and relax for a few days. Besides Christmas is coming up, and there is a town nearby so why not just have a bit of fun with it? I know it would boost moral, plus…” He mumbled something under his breath causing Chrom to raise an eyebrow. “Huh?” He questioned his friend who started to blush a bit before hiding his face in embarrassment.
Chrom chuckled before elbowing Robin, “I got you, so what do you have planned?” He asked Robin who was still blushing. “N-Nothing really.” He said turning his head to the side not wanting to make eye contact to a now very suspicious Chrom. “Are you sure it’s nothing? The great tactician Robin has nothing planned for Christmas??” He joked as Robin twiddled with his fingers. “Well… It’s not so much a plan, as it is a thought I had.” Robin mumbled a bit, “I was thinking of asking Lucina if she wanted to go out and eat something on Christmas Eve. I intended on getting her a dress and a coat for the season… Well to be more accurate I ordered the two of them in advance, and they are supposed to be done by Christmas.” He explained to a very impressed Chrom.
“Wow… When a tactician plans something, they really go all out. Don’t they.” He said with a big smile on his face. “Here…” Robin said fumbling through his robes for a few pieces of parchment. “This is the dress, and this is the coat. Or at least what they’re supposed to look like.” He handed the two to Chrom who looked over them. The dress was a long and flowing royal blue dress made of silk adorned with white and golden exalt symbols, the sleeves and bottom portions of the dress had double layers of frill to them, the inside layer being a lighter shade of blue. And the coat was another thing all together, it was a beautiful combination of blue and white accents, the inside being lined with the finest of white rabbit fur, the outside however was a navy blue fleece with a white exalt symbol on proud display on the front right breast area along with a larger symbol on the back adorned with azure blue butterflies flying around the symbol.
Chrom was stunned by the clothing he was shone, “Are these custom made?” He asked Robin who nodded in response. “Yeah… Do you think she’ll like them?” He asked Chrom an honest question, Chrom handed Robin back the parchmetens. “Like? Robin, I think she’ll love them. She’ll love them not only because they’re gorgeous, but because they’re a gift from you.” He gave Robin a straightforward response. “I hope so… It’s just been really tricky trying to figure out what kind of gift to get her since she doesn’t really like a whole lot of material things.” He admitted his fears to Chrom who sighed in return, “I know just how you feel, me and her mother have been trying for quite a while to get her whatever she wants. But Lucina’s been really stubborn about not wanting anything… But Robin, are you sure you wanted to get all of this? It looks really expensive, it kinda reminds me of something Emm would have wore…” Chrom spoke without thinking and caused the mood to grow a bit sour.
The two of them looked down in mourning, “I know it’s been hard on you guys… But if you ever need anything, especially in this time of year. Please don’t hesitate to ask me.” Robin patted Chrom’s shoulder. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that around this time of year I start to feel bad about what it is that Emm is missing out on… All because of my mistakes…” Chrom choked up at the end of his sentence. “You’re more than welcome to spend Christmas with us if you want to Chrom. Unless you have something planned with the queen that day.” Robin posed to Chrom who shook his head. “It’s alright, I’m going to have to pass on that. But thank you for the offer, besides I don’t think Lucina would be all too happy with us intruding on your date.” He chuckled while wiping a tear from his eye.
“Well if you’re sure about that. Anyway, I need to go find Lucina and check if she doesn’t mind going out with me on Christmas Eve.” Robin said as he made sure that the pages he pulled out were placed safely in his robe. Chrom waved Robin goodbye as he headed out of the tent in search of Lucina. Robin looked around the camp for a few minutes before finding her here she normally was. “Herrah!” Lucina shouted as she hit the training dummy, “Afternoon dear.” Robin greeted her as he made his way next to her. Lucina looked over her shoulder and smiled, “Afternoon to you too. So, what are you here for? Something important, or did you just come by to see me?” She asked Robin as she stuck her sword into the ground and leaned on it a bit.
“Well a bit of both actually.” He responded before taking a deep breath, “Lucina I-” He was interrupted when something cold hit his head. He looked up with a puzzled look on his face, ‘Snow? That was unexpected.’ He thought about it for a second, ‘Maybe it was a good idea not to head into the mountains…’ He sighed in relief before looking back at Lucina who was in shock with her sword in her hand now looking around frantically. “Are we under attack?!” She asked while preparing to attack whoever caused this. “No, this is just snow… You do know what snow is, right?” He asked her. “S-Snow? Really? I’ve never seen it before, I’ve heard stories of it before but never seen it with my own eyes.” She explained, “Really?” Robin questioned in shock.
“Well, yes… In the future, because Grima took over. The sky was always black, and while it was cold, it was never cold enough for snow.” She explained with a bit of a grim expression on her face. Robin looked at her and decided on his next move, *Sqish* he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug warming her up a bit and causing her to blush. “Th-Thanks Robin, but why now?” She asked him in surprise. Robin smiled at her, “Well, you looked like you could use one. Besides I kinda wanted to give you one myself.” He admitted. “Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me somewhere on Christmas Eve?” He asked her with a bit of nervousness in his voice. Lucina smiled at him, “Yes. I would love to Robin, although this will be my first time ever celebrating something relating to the holidays. I hope I’m not too much of a bother because of it.” She said worryingly. Robin chuckled, “Well it’ll be the first time for me too. And y’know there’s always a first time for everything, and I would love nothing more than to spend all of the holidays with you.” He gave her an honest answer that made the two of them blush and chuckle.
“Burr~” Lucina shivered as the cold air caught up to her, Robin smiled and took off his Robe, ‘That coat will definitely come in handy.’ He thought with a smile as he wrapped his robe around Lucina. “Come on dear, let’s head off to our tent. It’s getting a bit too cold to stay out here for now, besides we need to start planning our date.” He said while grabbing her hand that was deep inside of his oversized robe’s sleeve. Lucina pulled the robe around her, tightened it and giggled. “This robe’s a bit warm, don’t you think?” She asked him as the two of them walked off to their tent, “I would hope so. I kinda just hope it isn’t too big for you.” He said as it dragged a bit on the floor. “Isn’t it a bit big on you dear?” She asked him as she wrapped her arm around his, “Fair point.” He laughed as the snow fell heavily and their footprints embedded themselves in the ground.
Pages: 5
Characters: 9386
Characters without spaces: 7615
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
Robcina Week 4/16/19: Winter "Planning for the Present."
As the seasons change, so to do the emotions that surround society. And within the Shepherds there was a growing sense of joy for the coming holiday season, however they all knew that there was still a job to do. “Hmm…” Robin looked over a map while deep in concentration, “What if we… No that wouldn’t work… Damn…” He scratched his head since for the first time in quite a while he was stumped. “You doing alright?” Chrom asked walking into the tactician's tent, Robin looked over and nodded at him before turning back to the map.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that I’m a bit stumped, after that last battle I don’t really know what to do…” He mumbled a bit at the end as he fell back into his mind. “Heh, that’s not like you.” Chrom chuckled now right next to him and looking at the same map. “What do you think we should do? Because both options we have seem to be equally as dangerous…” He rubbed his chin. “Well since they fled into the mountains, I think it would be unwise to head after them. There is a chance it’s a trap after all.” Chrom gave his input causing Robin to sigh in response. “That’s what I thought too, but at the same time I don’t know if that fear is really warranted in this situation. It could always just be that they fled in fear and hoped we wouldn’t follow, but either way we spin it I don’t think we should risk it. The rest of the group is pretty tired after all, plus it’s cold out and there is a high chance of snow up on those mountains.” Robin grumbled over being this stuck.
“Well it's not as if we need to chase after them, besides it wouldn’t be wise of us to risk an avalanche, like you said everyone is pretty worn out and I don’t think we would really be able to survive a disaster of that scope.” He brought up a point that Robin hadn’t really thought of. Robin scratched his head a bit more before letting out a defeated sigh and rolling up the map, *skif* he placed it back in the crate that held all the rest of their maps. “You might be right, it would probably be best if we just let everyone rest and relax for a few days. Besides Christmas is coming up, and there is a town nearby so why not just have a bit of fun with it? I know it would boost moral, plus…” He mumbled something under his breath causing Chrom to raise an eyebrow. “Huh?” He questioned his friend who started to blush a bit before hiding his face in embarrassment.
Chrom chuckled before elbowing Robin, “I got you, so what do you have planned?” He asked Robin who was still blushing. “N-Nothing really.” He said turning his head to the side not wanting to make eye contact to a now very suspicious Chrom. “Are you sure it’s nothing? The great tactician Robin has nothing planned for Christmas??” He joked as Robin twiddled with his fingers. “Well… It’s not so much a plan, as it is a thought I had.” Robin mumbled a bit, “I was thinking of asking Lucina if she wanted to go out and eat something on Christmas Eve. I intended on getting her a dress and a coat for the season… Well to be more accurate I ordered the two of them in advance, and they are supposed to be done by Christmas.” He explained to a very impressed Chrom.
“Wow… When a tactician plans something, they really go all out. Don’t they.” He said with a big smile on his face. “Here…” Robin said fumbling through his robes for a few pieces of parchment. “This is the dress, and this is the coat. Or at least what they’re supposed to look like.” He handed the two to Chrom who looked over them. The dress was a long and flowing royal blue dress made of silk adorned with white and golden exalt symbols, the sleeves and bottom portions of the dress had double layers of frill to them, the inside layer being a lighter shade of blue. And the coat was another thing all together, it was a beautiful combination of blue and white accents, the inside being lined with the finest of white rabbit fur, the outside however was a navy blue fleece with a white exalt symbol on proud display on the front right breast area along with a larger symbol on the back adorned with azure blue butterflies flying around the symbol.
Chrom was stunned by the clothing he was shone, “Are these custom made?” He asked Robin who nodded in response. “Yeah… Do you think she’ll like them?” He asked Chrom an honest question, Chrom handed Robin back the parchmetens. “Like? Robin, I think she’ll love them. She’ll love them not only because they’re gorgeous, but because they’re a gift from you.” He gave Robin a straightforward response. “I hope so… It’s just been really tricky trying to figure out what kind of gift to get her since she doesn’t really like a whole lot of material things.” He admitted his fears to Chrom who sighed in return, “I know just how you feel, me and her mother have been trying for quite a while to get her whatever she wants. But Lucina’s been really stubborn about not wanting anything… But Robin, are you sure you wanted to get all of this? It looks really expensive, it kinda reminds me of something Emm would have wore…” Chrom spoke without thinking and caused the mood to grow a bit sour.
The two of them looked down in mourning, “I know it’s been hard on you guys… But if you ever need anything, especially in this time of year. Please don’t hesitate to ask me.” Robin patted Chrom’s shoulder. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that around this time of year I start to feel bad about what it is that Emm is missing out on… All because of my mistakes…” Chrom choked up at the end of his sentence. “You’re more than welcome to spend Christmas with us if you want to Chrom. Unless you have something planned with the queen that day.” Robin posed to Chrom who shook his head. “It’s alright, I’m going to have to pass on that. But thank you for the offer, besides I don’t think Lucina would be all too happy with us intruding on your date.” He chuckled while wiping a tear from his eye.
“Well if you’re sure about that. Anyway, I need to go find Lucina and check if she doesn’t mind going out with me on Christmas Eve.” Robin said as he made sure that the pages he pulled out were placed safely in his robe. Chrom waved Robin goodbye as he headed out of the tent in search of Lucina. Robin looked around the camp for a few minutes before finding her here she normally was. “Herrah!” Lucina shouted as she hit the training dummy, “Afternoon dear.” Robin greeted her as he made his way next to her. Lucina looked over her shoulder and smiled, “Afternoon to you too. So, what are you here for? Something important, or did you just come by to see me?” She asked Robin as she stuck her sword into the ground and leaned on it a bit.
“Well a bit of both actually.” He responded before taking a deep breath, “Lucina I-” He was interrupted when something cold hit his head. He looked up with a puzzled look on his face, ‘Snow? That was unexpected.’ He thought about it for a second, ‘Maybe it was a good idea not to head into the mountains…’ He sighed in relief before looking back at Lucina who was in shock with her sword in her hand now looking around frantically. “Are we under attack?!” She asked while preparing to attack whoever caused this. “No, this is just snow… You do know what snow is, right?” He asked her. “S-Snow? Really? I’ve never seen it before, I’ve heard stories of it before but never seen it with my own eyes.” She explained, “Really?” Robin questioned in shock.
“Well, yes… In the future, because Grima took over. The sky was always black, and while it was cold, it was never cold enough for snow.” She explained with a bit of a grim expression on her face. Robin looked at her and decided on his next move, *Sqish* he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug warming her up a bit and causing her to blush. “Th-Thanks Robin, but why now?” She asked him in surprise. Robin smiled at her, “Well, you looked like you could use one. Besides I kinda wanted to give you one myself.” He admitted. “Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me somewhere on Christmas Eve?” He asked her with a bit of nervousness in his voice. Lucina smiled at him, “Yes. I would love to Robin, although this will be my first time ever celebrating something relating to the holidays. I hope I’m not too much of a bother because of it.” She said worryingly. Robin chuckled, “Well it’ll be the first time for me too. And y’know there’s always a first time for everything, and I would love nothing more than to spend all of the holidays with you.” He gave her an honest answer that made the two of them blush and chuckle.
“Burr~” Lucina shivered as the cold air caught up to her, Robin smiled and took off his Robe, ‘That coat will definitely come in handy.’ He thought with a smile as he wrapped his robe around Lucina. “Come on dear, let's head off to our tent. It’s getting a bit too cold to stay out here for now, besides we need to start planning our date.” He said while grabbing her hand that was deep inside of his oversized robe’s sleeve. Lucina pulled the robe around her, tightened it and giggled. “This robe’s a bit warm, don’t you think?” She asked him as the two of them walked off to their tent, “I would hope so. I kinda just hope it isn’t too big for you.” He said as it dragged a bit on the floor. “Isn’t it a bit big on you dear?” She asked him as she wrapped her arm around his, “Fair point.” He laughed as the snow fell heavily and their footprints embedded themselves in the ground.
Pages: 5
Characters: 9386
Characters without spaces: 7615
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
@rufuruki Sorry about the late submission, I was working and I had to make sure this was up to snuff before submitting. To be honest I had more planned for this, maybe before I finish the next submission I'll finish this one but idk. Anyway thanks again.
Robcina Week 04/14/19 Family
“Bonds of Strength and the Love that binds them”
“ARCFIRE!!” Robin shouted as his tome’s pages flipped quickly, *FWOOSH* a fireball flew through the air hitting the risen in front of him. “Hiyahh!” Lucina shouted while slashing at the risen with her blade slicing it in half. “GYARG!!” The risen howled in pain as both halves of its body turning to ash immediately as it landed on the floor. “Nice work.” Robin complimented his wife as the two of them walked further through the battle zone, “Heh.” She smiled as she followed him, “So what’s next?” She asked him. He looked around surveying the battle at hand, “Hmm… It doesn’t look like anyone needs any help, but it’s probably best if we don’t stray too far from the rest of the group.” He explained as he looked at the book in his hand. Lucina couldn’t help but look over to her father and mother, the two of them fighting side by side, she knew better than to worry about his well being all the time. He was capable of protecting and taking care of himself after all, she knew this… But no matter what, everytime they end up fighting her eyes wander to him and her mother.
“Cina…” Robin’s voice spoke up from right next to her, “Lucina…?” Robin’s voice sounded worried as he looked at her. “Huh?” She questioned for a second as she came back to her senses. Robin sighed as she flushed, “I-I did it again… Didn’t I?” She asked him worryingly, Robin chuckled. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it. I must have been doing something wrong if I couldn’t hold your attention.” He joked as her face reddened. “N-Now now Robin, you know that would never happen.” She stammered a bit as she pushed a few bangs off of her face. Robin smiled grew wider as he looked at the embarrassed expression on his wife’s face, “Heh, just don’t go looking at any other guys besides me.” He joked as Lucina pouted. “You know I would never do that.” She said without any hesitation in her voice, and any traces of her prior embarrassment seemingly vanished in an instant. *Smooch* Robin acted swiftly landing the killing blow as he gave her a quick kiss. *Flush* her face became so red, to Robin she looked like a fresh picked strawberry. “W-What did you do that for! I thought we agreed not to do that during a battle..!” She quickly looked around making sure no one saw.
“Well, in my defence you’re insanely adorable when you pout like that.” He said with a smile, “But I will admit that now probably wasn’t the apt time to do that.” He sighed while scratching his cheek bone. “I do not pout…” Lucina mumbled under her breath while Robin chuckled. “Any way, I’m going to try and rework my strategy for this battle since it seems as if they anticipated our movements. Lucina, I want you to keep guard while I work. It shouldn’t take me too long, to work something out.” He asked her while flipping through his book and looking at his drawn out mini map of the battlefield.
“Alright.” She nodded in response, she looked around the battlefield once more. And again like clockwork, her eyes landed squarely on her father and mother as the two of them took on a pair of large risen. The two of them battled in such unison it was almost as if the two of them were dancing, which she found a bit funny since it was well known amongst The Shepherds that he had two left feet. It was mesmerizing the way the two of them fought, secretly she hoped that one day her and Robin would be able to fight the same way they do.
“GAAH!!” Robin howled in pain knocking Lucina out of her trance, she quickly turned to see a large sword protruding out of Robin’s stomach, and the risen that held the weapon that landed the blow. “YAAAH!!!” Lucina lunged at the risen, *SLASH SLASH SLASH SLASH!!!* She swung her blade faster than the eye could see, faster than the risen could react. Within an instant the risen was sliced to ribbons, *Huff huff* She regained her breath as she turned to Robin who laid on the ground. His eyes were half open as he held the open wound, *Guck* he coughed up blood as even more pooled around him. Lucina tossed her sword to the ground as she landed next to him in a hurry. “No, no, NO! Not again!!” She shouted as he fumbled through her pockets in search of any healing items.
“Heh… Heh…” Robin chuckled a bit as he looked at her, “You’re really cute when you’re like that.” He smiled at her. “Robin! I-I’m so sorry! I should have been paying more attention. I-” She held back tears as she looked around. Through the chaos of the moment she was able to see the ponytails of her aunt off in the distance. “AUNT LISSA!!!!” She shouted at the top of her lungs getting her attention. Lissa saw the look in her niece’s eyes and knew it was something serious, and within a moment she hurried over to the two of them.
“I… I don’t blame you… “ Robin muttered as more blood left his body, his face was seemingly growing noticably paler by the second.”*Huff Huff Huff* What seems to be the- OH MY GODS!!” Lissa shouted in horror as she quickly grabbed her staff and began to heal Robin the the best of her abilities
. ~A Few Hours Later After the Battle~
“GYAH!! *POW POW POW POW*” Lucina was striking a training dummy with as much force as possible, *POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW* Each hit seemingly getting stronger than the last until, *KLANG!!* The falchion flew out of her hand after slamming into the dummy hard enough to break the wooden rod holding it up. *Huff huff huff* “GRAGH!!” Seemingly without care she went back to striking the dummy, or at least what remained of it on the ground, with nothing but her fist. Each hit hurt like hell since this was a dummy made of wood, canvas, and whatever worn out armor they had lying around.
But to Lucinca this was nothing, she felt the pain… But she didn’t care, even as her own blood flew through the air with each punch. “HIYAAAH!!!” She sent her final punch flying, “Guh!” Her body jerked forwards a bit as someone caught her punch. *Huff huff huff* She looked at the ground in anger and frustration as tears fell down her face landing on the metal plates with a light pitter patter. “Lucina…” A worried voice said softly next to her, Lucina slowly turned to look at the large figure standing right next to her. “Are you going to be alright..?” Chrom asked his daughter, a clear look of concern in his eyes.
Lucina looked at him for a moment before looking down at the ground in defeat. Chrom smiled in sympathy as he helped her get up, “I know its hard right now… Its hard on all of us, but I know you probably hurt the most…” He said giving his daughter a hug. She hesitated for a moment before giving into the embrace and sobbing, he stroked her hair a bit as she cried. “Let it all out… Right now I’m here for you.” He smiled as she cried. “I… I failed him…” She sobbed, “He entrusted me with his life… He… I…” She couldn’t help but cry over what had happened. Chrom sighed and closed his eyes as he patted her back, “Lucina… I know he doesn’t blame you… You know that too…So please stop blaming yourself…” He tried to reason with her softly.
*Sniff* Lucina wiped away her tears as she stared at her father, “Blaming yourself won’t do anything for him now. Right now you need to be strong… If not for yourself… Then please do it for Morgan.” Chrom looked at her solemnly. Lucina’s eyes widened at the mention of her daughter’s name, she hadn’t thought about her at all within the hours after the incident. Within seconds she found a new reason to hate herself, “I’m a horrible mother…” She muttered under her breath. How could she have forgotten her, was she so distraught that any thoughts about others were simply cast aside? How could she have allowed her daughter to be alone during such a horrible time? Why was she being so selfish right now? A million of thoughts like these ran through her head and Chrom could see that she was beating herself up inside.
He gave her a big hug, one large and strong enough to knock her back into reality. “I didn’t mention her for you to start attacking yourself again…” He sighed sorrowfully seeing the pain in her eyes. “Lucina, right now your daughter is in the medical tent. She’s been in there for the last few hours helping Lissa and Maribelle tend to Robin. Right now she needs someone, she needs you. She needs you to be strong for her, for you… I need you to be strong, for me and her…” His voice cracked a bit as a few tears rolled down his face, right now Robin was undergoing medical procedures since the attack and no one knew what would happen next. His life was on the line, and it looked as if he might die any second if they weren’t careful.
Lucina may have been hit hard by this, but she was not alone. All of the Shepherds were like one big family. And Robin was no exception, to Lucina he was a husband, to Morgan he was a Father, to Chrom he was a best friend and son in law. Everyone had different connections to him, but no matter the connection it was all the same, everyone cared and worried about him. To everyone it was the same as losing a loved one, many took this in different ways. But everyone knew that they needed to be strong right now, because if they acted defeated not only would moral be low… But then they would have already accepted his death. And no one was willing to accept that, they were all fighting a war together. A war lead by Chrom and Robin, and a vision that Robin helped all of them see. And they were damn well going to fight for that vision, and fight for that future, their future, his future.
A future with everyone left standing. A future where everyone could live in peace, and that future just wouldn’t be the same without Robin. Lucina understood this, she loved the man after all, and may the gods be damned if she ever allowed him to die. She took a deep breath and strengthened her resolve once more, “You’re right! I-I’m sorry father.” She apologised to him. Chrom smiled at her wiping away the few tear drops that welled in his eyes.
“You’re strong Lucina. Now go and put that strength to use, Morgan could use that strength right now more than ever.” Chrom told her. Lucina nodded and headed off to the medical tent. Chrom looked down at the dummy after she left his sight. “…” He looked at the remains of it, and the blood that plastered the battered and broken armor. “Yeah… That girl of ours really is something huh…” He said turning to his wife. “Hah hah hah… I never knew you were such a softy.” She chuckled while walking over to Chrom. “Hey, I can be soft… Besides, right now she needed a shoulder to cry on. Like I told her, in times like these you need someone strong, and you need to be strong.” He said with resolve. “Strong huh? I remember a certain someone was acting anything but strong when Emmeryn died… Oh wait, that was supposed to be between just the two of us wasn’t it? My bad.” She chuckled while Chrom gained the same shade of red that Lucina had just earlier today. “Like father like daughter, huh?” She chuckled remembering the face she managed to catch a glimpse of during the battle earlier today.
“W-What do you mean by that?” Chrom stuttered a bit in embarrassment at her last remark. “Nothing.” She said all the while feigning ignorance since her husband seemingly didn’t notice the quick peck that Robin gave Lucina. She chuckled as she walked off, “Hey! Where are you going?” Chrom questioned her while catching up to her.
~At the Medical Tent~
*Huff huff huff* Lucina ran as fast as she could to be by her daughter’s side, “Mom?!” Morgan shouted in surprise, “What are you doing here? I thought you were… Er… Training?” She quickly came up with a word to call whatever it was that she saw Lucina doing to that poor dummy. “How’s Robin?” Lucina quickly asked Morgan who was still stunned by her sudden appearance. “Oh! Right, dad… Well great aunt Lissa and Maribelle just barely finished up with what they were doing and left a little bit ago to go grab some more supplies. But they told me that Dad should be fine, he was severely injured… But thanks to how quick they were able to work on him, he should make a full recovery within a few days. They told me to just let him rest for a bit, but he should be awake soon.” She explained the situation as best she could.
Lucina took notice of how puffy her eyes were, and could easily tell that she had been crying for some time. “How about you and I go for a bit of a stroll? You could use a bit of rest, and we could go and grab a small bite to eat from the mess hall. What do you say?” She asked her daughter who was about to answer but, *Growl* It appeared as if her stomach answered for her. “Sure. Heh heh…” She chuckled and smiled for the first time in a few hours at that response. “Dad would want us to relax wouldn’t he?” She questioned laughing a bit, “Besides, we could both use a bit of touching up. I’m sure you don’t want dad to wake up and see you all bloodied…” She motioned to Lucina’s sweat and blood covered body.
Lucina blushed a bit as she looked at her blood covered hand, “You make a good point dear…” She wiped a bit of dirt off of her face and smiled at her daughter. “Where do you want to go first?” She asked her, “Well, thinking tactically… We should probably go and clean ourselves first.” She said while rubbing her chin, Lucina started walking back to the center of camp with Morgan in tow. The two of them laughing along the way at a few jokes trying to lighten up the mood, a few Shepherds saw them walking and smiled seeing that they are managing through such a tough time pretty well all things considered.
5 Pages
2518 Words
13476 Characters
10971 Characters without spaces
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
Robcina Week 04/14/19 Family
"Bonds of Strength and the Love that binds them"
“ARCFIRE!!” Robin shouted as his tome’s pages flipped quickly, *FWOOSH* a fireball flew through the air hitting the risen in front of him. “Hiyahh!” Lucina shouted while slashing at the risen with her blade slicing it in half. “GYARG!!” The risen howled in pain as both halves of its body turning to ash immediately as it landed on the floor. “Nice work.” Robin complimented his wife as the two of them walked further through the battle zone, “Heh.” She smiled as she followed him, “So what’s next?” She asked him. He looked around surveying the battle at hand, “Hmm… It doesn’t look like anyone needs any help, but it's probably best if we don’t stray too far from the rest of the group.” He explained as he looked at the book in his hand. Lucina couldn’t help but look over to her father and mother, the two of them fighting side by side, she knew better than to worry about his well being all the time. He was capable of protecting and taking care of himself after all, she knew this… But no matter what, everytime they end up fighting her eyes wander to him and her mother.
“Cina…” Robin’s voice spoke up from right next to her, “Lucina…?” Robin’s voice sounded worried as he looked at her. “Huh?” She questioned for a second as she came back to her senses. Robin sighed as she flushed, “I-I did it again… Didn’t I?” She asked him worryingly, Robin chuckled. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it. I must have been doing something wrong if I couldn’t hold your attention.” He joked as her face reddened. “N-Now now Robin, you know that would never happen.” She stammered a bit as she pushed a few bangs off of her face. Robin smiled grew wider as he looked at the embarrassed expression on his wife’s face, “Heh, just don’t go looking at any other guys besides me.” He joked as Lucina pouted. “You know I would never do that.” She said without any hesitation in her voice, and any traces of her prior embarrassment seemingly vanished in an instant. *Smooch* Robin acted swiftly landing the killing blow as he gave her a quick kiss. *Flush* her face became so red, to Robin she looked like a fresh picked strawberry. “W-What did you do that for! I thought we agreed not to do that during a battle..!” She quickly looked around making sure no one saw.
“Well, in my defence you’re insanely adorable when you pout like that.” He said with a smile, “But I will admit that now probably wasn’t the apt time to do that.” He sighed while scratching his cheek bone. “I do not pout…” Lucina mumbled under her breath while Robin chuckled. “Any way, I’m going to try and rework my strategy for this battle since it seems as if they anticipated our movements. Lucina, I want you to keep guard while I work. It shouldn’t take me too long, to work something out.” He asked her while flipping through his book and looking at his drawn out mini map of the battlefield.
“Alright.” She nodded in response, she looked around the battlefield once more. And again like clockwork, her eyes landed squarely on her father and mother as the two of them took on a pair of large risen. The two of them battled in such unison it was almost as if the two of them were dancing, which she found a bit funny since it was well known amongst The Shepherds that he had two left feet. It was mesmerizing the way the two of them fought, secretly she hoped that one day her and Robin would be able to fight the same way they do.
“GAAH!!” Robin howled in pain knocking Lucina out of her trance, she quickly turned to see a large sword protruding out of Robin’s stomach, and the risen that held the weapon that landed the blow. “YAAAH!!!” Lucina lunged at the risen, *SLASH SLASH SLASH SLASH!!!* She swung her blade faster than the eye could see, faster than the risen could react. Within an instant the risen was sliced to ribbons, *Huff huff* She regained her breath as she turned to Robin who laid on the ground. His eyes were half open as he held the open wound, *Guck* he coughed up blood as even more pooled around him. Lucina tossed her sword to the ground as she landed next to him in a hurry. “No, no, NO! Not again!!” She shouted as he fumbled through her pockets in search of any healing items.
“Heh… Heh…” Robin chuckled a bit as he looked at her, “You’re really cute when you’re like that.” He smiled at her. “Robin! I-I’m so sorry! I should have been paying more attention. I-” She held back tears as she looked around. Through the chaos of the moment she was able to see the ponytails of her aunt off in the distance. “AUNT LISSA!!!!” She shouted at the top of her lungs getting her attention. Lissa saw the look in her niece’s eyes and knew it was something serious, and within a moment she hurried over to the two of them.
“I… I don’t blame you... “ Robin muttered as more blood left his body, his face was seemingly growing noticably paler by the second.”*Huff Huff Huff* What seems to be the- OH MY GODS!!” Lissa shouted in horror as she quickly grabbed her staff and began to heal Robin the the best of her abilities
. ~A Few Hours Later After the Battle~
“GYAH!! *POW POW POW POW*” Lucina was striking a training dummy with as much force as possible, *POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW POW* Each hit seemingly getting stronger than the last until, *KLANG!!* The falchion flew out of her hand after slamming into the dummy hard enough to break the wooden rod holding it up. *Huff huff huff* “GRAGH!!” Seemingly without care she went back to striking the dummy, or at least what remained of it on the ground, with nothing but her fist. Each hit hurt like hell since this was a dummy made of wood, canvas, and whatever worn out armor they had lying around.
But to Lucinca this was nothing, she felt the pain… But she didn’t care, even as her own blood flew through the air with each punch. “HIYAAAH!!!” She sent her final punch flying, “Guh!” Her body jerked forwards a bit as someone caught her punch. *Huff huff huff* She looked at the ground in anger and frustration as tears fell down her face landing on the metal plates with a light pitter patter. “Lucina…” A worried voice said softly next to her, Lucina slowly turned to look at the large figure standing right next to her. “Are you going to be alright..?” Chrom asked his daughter, a clear look of concern in his eyes.
Lucina looked at him for a moment before looking down at the ground in defeat. Chrom smiled in sympathy as he helped her get up, “I know its hard right now… Its hard on all of us, but I know you probably hurt the most…” He said giving his daughter a hug. She hesitated for a moment before giving into the embrace and sobbing, he stroked her hair a bit as she cried. “Let it all out… Right now I’m here for you.” He smiled as she cried. “I… I failed him…” She sobbed, “He entrusted me with his life… He… I…” She couldn’t help but cry over what had happened. Chrom sighed and closed his eyes as he patted her back, “Lucina… I know he doesn’t blame you… You know that too...So please stop blaming yourself…” He tried to reason with her softly.
*Sniff* Lucina wiped away her tears as she stared at her father, “Blaming yourself won’t do anything for him now. Right now you need to be strong… If not for yourself… Then please do it for Morgan.” Chrom looked at her solemnly. Lucina’s eyes widened at the mention of her daughter’s name, she hadn’t thought about her at all within the hours after the incident. Within seconds she found a new reason to hate herself, “I’m a horrible mother…” She muttered under her breath. How could she have forgotten her, was she so distraught that any thoughts about others were simply cast aside? How could she have allowed her daughter to be alone during such a horrible time? Why was she being so selfish right now? A million of thoughts like these ran through her head and Chrom could see that she was beating herself up inside.
He gave her a big hug, one large and strong enough to knock her back into reality. “I didn’t mention her for you to start attacking yourself again…” He sighed sorrowfully seeing the pain in her eyes. “Lucina, right now your daughter is in the medical tent. She’s been in there for the last few hours helping Lissa and Maribelle tend to Robin. Right now she needs someone, she needs you. She needs you to be strong for her, for you… I need you to be strong, for me and her…” His voice cracked a bit as a few tears rolled down his face, right now Robin was undergoing medical procedures since the attack and no one knew what would happen next. His life was on the line, and it looked as if he might die any second if they weren’t careful.
Lucina may have been hit hard by this, but she was not alone. All of the Shepherds were like one big family. And Robin was no exception, to Lucina he was a husband, to Morgan he was a Father, to Chrom he was a best friend and son in law. Everyone had different connections to him, but no matter the connection it was all the same, everyone cared and worried about him. To everyone it was the same as losing a loved one, many took this in different ways. But everyone knew that they needed to be strong right now, because if they acted defeated not only would moral be low… But then they would have already accepted his death. And no one was willing to accept that, they were all fighting a war together. A war lead by Chrom and Robin, and a vision that Robin helped all of them see. And they were damn well going to fight for that vision, and fight for that future, their future, his future.
A future with everyone left standing. A future where everyone could live in peace, and that future just wouldn’t be the same without Robin. Lucina understood this, she loved the man after all, and may the gods be damned if she ever allowed him to die. She took a deep breath and strengthened her resolve once more, “You’re right! I-I’m sorry father.” She apologised to him. Chrom smiled at her wiping away the few tear drops that welled in his eyes.
“You’re strong Lucina. Now go and put that strength to use, Morgan could use that strength right now more than ever.” Chrom told her. Lucina nodded and headed off to the medical tent. Chrom looked down at the dummy after she left his sight. “...” He looked at the remains of it, and the blood that plastered the battered and broken armor. “Yeah… That girl of ours really is something huh…” He said turning to his wife. “Hah hah hah… I never knew you were such a softy.” She chuckled while walking over to Chrom. “Hey, I can be soft… Besides, right now she needed a shoulder to cry on. Like I told her, in times like these you need someone strong, and you need to be strong.” He said with resolve. “Strong huh? I remember a certain someone was acting anything but strong when Emmeryn died… Oh wait, that was supposed to be between just the two of us wasn’t it? My bad.” She chuckled while Chrom gained the same shade of red that Lucina had just earlier today. “Like father like daughter, huh?” She chuckled remembering the face she managed to catch a glimpse of during the battle earlier today.
“W-What do you mean by that?” Chrom stuttered a bit in embarrassment at her last remark. “Nothing.” She said all the while feigning ignorance since her husband seemingly didn’t notice the quick peck that Robin gave Lucina. She chuckled as she walked off, “Hey! Where are you going?” Chrom questioned her while catching up to her.
~At the Medical Tent~
*Huff huff huff* Lucina ran as fast as she could to be by her daughter’s side, “Mom?!” Morgan shouted in surprise, “What are you doing here? I thought you were… Er… Training?” She quickly came up with a word to call whatever it was that she saw Lucina doing to that poor dummy. “How’s Robin?” Lucina quickly asked Morgan who was still stunned by her sudden appearance. “Oh! Right, dad… Well great aunt Lissa and Maribelle just barely finished up with what they were doing and left a little bit ago to go grab some more supplies. But they told me that Dad should be fine, he was severely injured… But thanks to how quick they were able to work on him, he should make a full recovery within a few days. They told me to just let him rest for a bit, but he should be awake soon.” She explained the situation as best she could.
Lucina took notice of how puffy her eyes were, and could easily tell that she had been crying for some time. “How about you and I go for a bit of a stroll? You could use a bit of rest, and we could go and grab a small bite to eat from the mess hall. What do you say?” She asked her daughter who was about to answer but, *Growl* It appeared as if her stomach answered for her. “Sure. Heh heh…” She chuckled and smiled for the first time in a few hours at that response. “Dad would want us to relax wouldn’t he?” She questioned laughing a bit, “Besides, we could both use a bit of touching up. I’m sure you don’t want dad to wake up and see you all bloodied…” She motioned to Lucina’s sweat and blood covered body.
Lucina blushed a bit as she looked at her blood covered hand, “You make a good point dear…” She wiped a bit of dirt off of her face and smiled at her daughter. “Where do you want to go first?” She asked her, “Well, thinking tactically… We should probably go and clean ourselves first.” She said while rubbing her chin, Lucina started walking back to the center of camp with Morgan in tow. The two of them laughing along the way at a few jokes trying to lighten up the mood, a few Shepherds saw them walking and smiled seeing that they are managing through such a tough time pretty well all things considered.
5 Pages
2518 Words
13476 Characters
10971 Characters without spaces
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zekromfan1-blog · 5 years
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Hello, Robcina shippers! It’s that time of year again - we’re pleased to announce that we will be holding our third annual Robcina Week this April! The rules are the same as the past two years, but we have brand new theme days.
During this time, we’d love it if you would submit your own Robcina-related works! These submissions can be anything from fanart, a short fanfiction, a personal headcanon, or really anything else you can think of as long as it generally coincides with each day’s particular theme. Here are the themes for each day that we’ve picked out:
April 14th (Sunday) - Family (more description below)
April 15th (Monday) - AU (more description below)
April 16th (Tuesday) - Winter
April 17th (Wednesday) - Class Change!
April 18th (Thursday) - Super Smash Bros. / World of Light
April 19th (Friday) - Hobbies
April 20th (Saturday) - Lucina’s Birthday (Free Day)
How to Submit: Very simple! All you have to do is post your artwork/stories like normal, but make sure to include the tag #robcina-week. We’ll be browsing that tag and other related ones all week and whenever we see one of your posts, we’ll reblog it here! If we accidentally overlook your post or you’d like to send in a headcanon directly to us, just shoot us a message and let us know.
Other Important Things:
Late submissions are perfectly okay. We’ll stay on a general schedule, but if you miss a theme day by a few hours because you wanted to put the finishing touches on your submission or just had other important responsibilities to attend to, we completely understand. Again, just send us a message to let us know so we don’t miss your submission!
The AU (Alternate Universe) theme on Monday is an open-ended theme where you get the chance to place Robin and Lucina in a different world of your own design. Perhaps it could be their own with a few tweaks - maybe events didn’t play out quite like they did in Awakening. Or, maybe, they could find themselves in one of the Outrealms, or even in another FE game. Modern day, a second Smash Bros. themed submission, you name it! This is your chance to be a little creative and let loose some headcanons, even if they’re a bit farfetched! If you have any questions about this theme or any of the other themes, just send us a message!
Additionally, we would like to clarify that the Family theme on Sunday need not be confined to just Morgan. It can be if you wish, but feel free to include extended family as well (more kids, Chrom, Lucina’s mother/siblings, etc.)
You don’t need to submit something for all seven days! Although we would love it if you could, feel free to choose any combination of days you want to submit something for
Both M!Robin and F!Robin content is welcome
Be sure to spread the word - we’ll remind you all again once the time grows near. We’re excited to see what you all come up with!
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
Really nice mini series, would check out if you like things like this.
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hmm…what’s this? Next
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
How to put “wrote fan-fiction” on your résumé:
Leveraged an inventory of established fictional character and setting elements to generate a disruptive custom-curated narrative entertainment asset.
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
First of all, I love this artist. Second this is what got me on board with the ship.
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Welp. I ship it now.
…What have I done? XD
@funsexydragonball cause you can share my pain XD
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
hey you know these comics that always have the signature cropped out
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yea i found the original artist and
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1, these dudes have names 2, theyre happy now 3, the dude is still making these comics
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4, theres a shop
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so basically what im saying is buy me pon and zi merch thanks
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
Submission by @tko03isaneditor :
I’d like to congratulate you pad, your last night comic now has exactly 12,689,163 views
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also they didn’t even credit you in the description can we get some F’s in chat ————————
Hey! Yeah, i noticed that not so long ago …… i’m not crying :’^)   (thank you btw xD)
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zekromfan1-blog · 6 years
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