zeldan7 · 10 months
nothing in the world makes me more evil than just being kind of annoyed
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zeldan7 · 1 year
Oops my mental health got bad and I disappeared again 🥲
Hey friends, I know not a lot of people are interested in my posts and fics and stuff, but I just wanted to send out a massive apology to those who do and those who have sent in requests 💔 I'm so so sorry for my seemingly random inactivity, but tldr is life got crazy. I got a job that drained me physically, mentally, emotionally, and was awful for my mental health. I then got let go for silly reasons which made things 10x worse and I wasn't doing too good mentally. More recently I lost my nan, and life has just been a bit too much for me recently, but I'm doing better now (although still job hunting 🙃) and I'm hoping to get back to writing ASAP. I have your requests to do, as well as finally starting to get back a few ideas of my own 💜
Once again, I'm just so so sorry to my followers for disappearing, I know it's not an excuse but I just wanted to explain and let you know I'm hoping to be back fully soon 💜
Thank you for listening friends 💜
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zeldan7 · 2 years
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Somewhere There’s a Light (I find it by your side)
A Judgement | Forgiveness One-Shot
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zeldan7 · 2 years
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Judgement | Forgiveness
Chapter 23: Epilogue
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zeldan7 · 2 years
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Judgement | Forgiveness
Chapter Twenty Two
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zeldan7 · 2 years
Random Mista HC: he ends all relationships before the 4 hear mark, until he meets you
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zeldan7 · 2 years
oh my god.. you mean to tell me that the reason why ME1LE looks so clunky is because they forgot to add dynamic lighting??
Anyway install MELLO in your next MELE run
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zeldan7 · 2 years
Hey friends, I know not a lot of people are interested in my posts and fics and stuff, but I just wanted to send out a massive apology to those who do and those who have sent in requests 💔 I'm so so sorry for my seemingly random inactivity, but tldr is life got crazy. I got a job that drained me physically, mentally, emotionally, and was awful for my mental health. I then got let go for silly reasons which made things 10x worse and I wasn't doing too good mentally. More recently I lost my nan, and life has just been a bit too much for me recently, but I'm doing better now (although still job hunting 🙃) and I'm hoping to get back to writing ASAP. I have your requests to do, as well as finally starting to get back a few ideas of my own 💜
Once again, I'm just so so sorry to my followers for disappearing, I know it's not an excuse but I just wanted to explain and let you know I'm hoping to be back fully soon 💜
Thank you for listening friends 💜
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zeldan7 · 2 years
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This Pokemas screencap I took has me howling because it looks like Guzma wants to tell Buzzwole a really bad joke and it’s just listening 😂
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zeldan7 · 2 years
Reblog if it's OK for other artists to draw your OCs
Sometimes I get too timid to send asks to ask. I want to see how many people are ok with artists drawing their OCs!
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zeldan7 · 2 years
bruh mc could be performing surgery on mammon and this fool would still be like
‘ Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) h-hey! just cuz i’m letting you unclog my blood vessels doesn’t mean i like u or anything!!…
just…..don’t be putting your hands in any other guy’s muscle tissue, okay?!!
…tch. you should be thankin’ me, giving’ ya free practice.
..whatever just, don’t forget, i’m ur first embolism. got it?’
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zeldan7 · 2 years
Overworked - Mammon Fluff (Mammon x GN! Reader)
For @jaered19 - I'm so sorry I've taken so long to write this! I got a new job and I've been so busy with it I've had very little free time! I hope it's worth the wait :)
Pairing: Mammon x GN! Reader
Warnings: Graphic/in-depth panic attack - please don't read if this will trigger you
Word Count: 897
You sat at your desk, a mountain of work surrounding you. Your D.D.D. sat in the centre on speakerphone, Lucifer barking at you through it.
“The test is tomorrow, Y/N. You’d better be prepared for it, because I haven’t seen you do anything.”
“Yes, Lucifer,” You sighed, desperately trying to keep it together. You were stressed enough as it was without Lucifer yelling at you.
“And you’re behind on work for all your classes! This isn’t a holiday, Y/N, you’re here as a student. If you continue to underperform Lord Diavolo will send you back to the human realm.”
Tears began to spill over your eyelids. “Yes, Lucifer,”
“Oh, also, I need you to write a report on your time and experiences in the Devildom by the end of the week.” He paused, clearly expecting a response. The lack of one infuriated him. “Y/N? Y/N, are you listening to me?!”
You smashed the button to hang up before collapsing on your desk, sobbing. Why was Lucifer being so unfair? Why give you more work when you were behind as it is? Your breath hitched and you realised you needed some air; now. Standing, you turned to the window, vision blurring. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing, and it was becoming harder to breathe. He couldn’t take you away from all the people you’d come to love, he couldn’t… Could he? You took a single step before pitching forwards, scattering your work across the room. You fell to the floor, ears roaring and vision darkening. You tried to remember your breathing exercises, but the thoughts became jumbled and you ended up hyperventilating harder. Curling into a ball, you thought you were going to faint. Through your racing mind, one thought was prominent. You need to call for help. Except your D.D.D. was too far away. You sobbed louder, throat burning and constricting all at once.
“Mammon,” You gasped.
You weren’t quite sure how, but suddenly the white-haired demon was kneeling in front of you.
“Y/N? Y/N, what’s wrong?” Panic flashed across his face as he saw you choking on your own breaths. “Let me get Lucifer,”
“No!” You cried, lunging towards Mammon.
You knocked his D.D.D. out of his hand by accident and winced as you heard it shatter on the floor. Mammon’s face went through a variety of emotions, starting with shock, then sadness, and finally settling on fury.
“What the fuck did ya do that for?!”
You scooted away from him, sobbing even harder. He’d never hurt you, he’d never hurt you, he’d never hurt you. In your panicked state, the thoughts wouldn’t quite get into your brain, and you found yourself feeling terrified. This had been a mistake. You’d pried Mammon away from whatever he was doing and you’d punished his concern for you by destroying hid D.D.D. Your gasps were quick and shallow, and you were certain you were going to pass out as darkness clouded your vision.
Suddenly, Mammon’s demeanour changed. “Hey, hey, Y/N,” his voice was soft, soothing. “Look at me, Y/N.”
Slowly, you brought your gaze up to look into his eyes, expecting wrath and hatred, but meeting only warmth and concern. The broken D.D.D. lay on the floor behind him, all but forgotten. Gently, he took your trembling hands into his own, circling the backs of yours with his thumbs.
“Breathe with me, Y/N.” He demanded, authoritative yet tender.
You complied, slowly feeling yourself begin to calm down.
After a fair few minutes had passed, Mammon took you by the hand, helping you up and leading you to the window. He opened it with one hand, keeping his other holding yours, and the cool night air washed over you. It felt good. Really good. As the refreshing breeze caressed your clammy skin you felt your nerves subside. Of course this big softie of a demon would never hurt you, how could you even think such a thing? Mammon glanced at you, clearly feeling the change in your presence.
“Wanna tell me what’s up?” He asked, thumb still tracing circles on your hand.
You let out a deep breath. “Lucifer – I – I’m just extremely overwhelmed.”
You explain how much work you have and how Lucifer keeps hounding you. To your surprise, Mammon just stands and listens silently.
When you finish, he doesn’t immediately respond, deep in thought.
“If ya let me…” he clears his throat, finally speaking up. “I’d really like to talk to Lucifer about this; get him to ease up on ya a little.”
You shake your head. “No… if he’s expecting me to do it then I should be able to.”
Mammon takes your face in his hands and you feel yourself melt – just a little. “Y/N, you’re too hard on yourself. Lucifer needs to know he’s given ya too much to handle.”
Begrudgingly, you nod. “Maybe you’re right – but it’s not like he’d listen.”
A huge grin appears on your demon’s face. “Leave that to The Great Mammon!”
You can’t help but smile as he pulls you in for a hug, kissing the top of your head.
“It’ll be okay, Y/N. I got ya,”
And even though you weren’t sure it would work, you couldn’t help but notice Lucifer was ever so slightly more lenient with your deadlines. Not that his pride would let him admit that The Great Mammon had persuaded him, but you had a feeling.
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zeldan7 · 2 years
lovely little domestic prompts
feel free to use! :)
running their love interest a bath after a long work day
covering the sharp part of the table when they pass so they don’t hit their hip
“your mom is coming over today.” “tell her to bring fried rice or she’s not invited.” “you tell her, she’s your mom.” “but she likes you more!”
deciding together how they want their house to look
painting their child’s room together
“i meant it when i said i wanted to start a family with you.”
baby-proofing everything not because they have a child or are planning for one but because one character is clumsy as hell and the other is a worried mess alllll the time because of it
“wake up and come get breakfast, love.” “…. now…….. when i said yes to this whole marriage thing i thought we were on the same page and you understood when i said i don’t wake up before 6pm.” “i made hashbrowns.” “i’ll be right there.”
one character covering the other with a blanket when they fall asleep watching a movie on the couch
making tea or coffee for their love interest before bed (and just the fact that they know exactly how they like their tea and coffee swooon)
cooking anything together honestly, not even needing to ask where the items are because they’re so in tune and used to each other
“where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”
long movie nights where one is in charge of the blanket and pillow fort and one is in charge of the snacks
them going on a short trip and one character nagging the other about bringing their allergy meds
nagging in general, frankly
“it’s your turn to do the dishes.” “let’s get a divorce.” “we aren’t married yet, my love.” “well we sure as hell aren’t getting married now.”
“i am one hundred percent content to stay with you on this couch until the end of time.” “that sounds pretty damn lovely to me.”
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zeldan7 · 2 years
So, unfortunately Billy Kametz lost his battle with cancer on June 9th. The donations are still up for those willing to donate for his celebration of life and funeral arrangements (link in reblog). Please send your thoughts and prayers to his friends and family, they could really use it right now. And share your memories of Billy in the notes. For those not aware, he is the voice of Maruki in Persona 5, as well as many other iconic characters in video games and anime. I met him early this year, and he was an amazing guy. He’ll forever be missed by so many. I pray that he’s being blessed in heaven as I’m typing this.
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zeldan7 · 2 years
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What a nice young man I wonder what he thinks of intricately detailed yellow wallpaper
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zeldan7 · 2 years
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zeldan7 · 2 years
I know they're named after him but for reasons I can't fully articulate it's hilarious that the guy who invented zeppelins was named Ferdinand von Zeppelin
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