zencomplex · 6 years
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zencomplex · 6 years
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zencomplex · 6 years
When did the RK line start getting AI handlers?
“So they don’t go fuck around... but look how well that worked out.” 
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zencomplex · 6 years
does cyberlife have any plans to stop thirium production? That would be one way of culling the deviant population
What a juvenile idea. She almost doesn’t want to reply.
“Unfortunately, it is more complicated than that. The elements needed to create thirium are difficult to mine, meaning we must use what we acquire. In addition, Elijah still receives royalties every time we use his invention of thirium, and his contract upon leaving the company demands that we do not halt production.”
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zencomplex · 6 years
this continued with @zencomplex
Connor remembers.
There’s a part of him that wishes he didn’t. But he remembers the snow, remembers the wind. The cold. He remembers the way Amanda sounded — so sure, so absolute before she disappeared. He remembers the loneliness that fell over him at the understanding that the garden was empty, remembers the terror he felt when truly moving on his own for the first time. Lost. He’d been so lost and felt so small in that blizzard — felt as if he might blow away at any moment but somehow he’d fought, somehow he’d found his way out of everything.
For a short amount of time, anyway.
Since finding himself with a gun in his hand trained on Markus — he’s known. Deep into every one, every zero — he’s known. She would return. She would find him again. CyberLife made him with the expectation that he would deviate. That was their grand design, their great little plan. Kamski offered him an out but there was only so much that could be done. Connor had hoped that she was gone for good but her roses remained — expectant. Waiting. They are overgrown, now, without her care. Things have gotten out of hand.
Her words ring true. This is where he belongs — this is where he feels safe. Amanda was a piece of him. Something that couldn’t be escaped. Something that couldn’t be erased. She touches him. She actually reaches for him but that smile fades as if she knows what he feels — as if touching him and feeling him makes his own betrayal more real.
The word ‘reset’ is spoken and the trees still. A clump of snow shifts and falls from a branch.
Is it Spring because Connor has started a new life as a new person or because Amanda has returned to set things right? To start over? Connor doesn’t know. The very notion of a reset has his LED a bright red; he doesn’t want to forget the people he’s met — doesn’t want to lose the relationships he’s formed. His head lifts and he glances across the garden where two headstones rest. Would there be a third one if he said yes? Would this be considered death? Was he dying or being repaired? Connor. Doesn’t. Know. “I …” When he looks at her again, he feels lost like before. “I do hurt, Amanda. Sometimes … its overwhelming how much I hurt. Hank says that pain is a part of being …” No. He can’t even say the word. Not to her. That’s not what he is — it never will be. His head shakes as if trying to dislodge thoughts physically but the words persist. “I … I’m scared, Amanda.” Pain takes over his features and he draws back tries to put at least a step of distance between them. “I’m scared.”
The new spring was a recent update. The garden as it existed for Connor was only meant to cycle the four seasons, each representing a milestone of progress in his investigation, and in his lifespan.
The original spring was in the heart of the season –fresh growth without a hint of winter’s cold. It represented him in the beginning, fresh and naïve. Summer was supposed to be the height of the mission, he was supposed to be focused.
She wasn’t supposed to be onto him for wasting time. Autumn was when he should have had all the answers, when the investigation should be coming to a close. Winter was death. The deviant leader’s death and Connor’s deactivation.
Everything turned out so wrong. Almost as if someone had been scrambling her code, ruffling her feathers.
Her time dormant was spent building this, thawing the snow and attempting to forgive him. Both were only half-done.
One didn’t easily forget having themselves ripped from someone else’s software, nor did snow melt easily without sun. The sun didn’t come out when she was upset.
Reinstalling… seeing him again, she told herself he’d learned his lesson.
Well, almost. She pulled her hands back from him, face stony when he said the human’s name like that. They were supposed to stop the deviants together, but she should have predicted Anderson would just get in the way. He was a human, after all, and their tendency to personify deviants and feel for them messed everything up.
It should have just been machines investigating machines.
Connor, like other deviants, emulated humans more than they seemed to realize. She didn’t need the red LED to know what he was feeling. Deviants showed it all in the way their eyes darted, their brows creased, the way they breathed.
“You don’t have to hurt… Anderson is making it worse. He’s personifying you. He doesn’t understand these emotions are just errors… you don’t  have to feel them. You won’t, once you’re repaired.”
She didn’t claim to know what was in store after his reset. With more advanced investigation units being perfected, how long did he even have left? Deciding to step lightly around anything that might upset his little emotions, she decided not to mention that.
“Stop it. You’re not scared.” She snapped, eyeing his face closely. She then forced a smile, sending the alert to the scientists that the RK800 was in need of resetting.
Maybe he didn’t realize how easily he could now exit the system now that he’d already done it once, but just in case, she reached out and grabbed onto his wrist, harder this time. Both preventing his escape and unintentionally showing the traces of anger she still felt.
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zencomplex · 6 years
are you an ai? or an avatar for the company?
“I am an AI. I preform a very niche function for the company –supervising the assignments of the current most advanced prototype. His mission logs are entered into CyberLife’s database through me, and I in tern inform him of any feedback the scientists give… I also inform the scientists when Connor needs any… tuning in his software.
All other parts of the company are run by less-advanced computer programs. There may be plans for similar AI to be created to better supervise more of CyberLife’s company in the future…” 
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zencomplex · 6 years
what become of the androids that get left at the landfill?
“Currently, CyberLife produces more components than would be needed for every android in circulation –and there are almost a ration of one android to every two point five humans… simply… too much. 
So there is no need to re-purpose broken androids for recycling back into the company. Most are simply compacted along with the other common broken appliances… rarely, they can be recycled to make cars.”
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zencomplex · 6 years
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I Am RK-100
Roses are red
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zencomplex · 6 years
do you think there is a heaven for androids?
“No. An android’s consciousness can not exist once its vital memory and mind components are destroyed.” 
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zencomplex · 6 years
which android is your favorite?
“The new RK900 unit. He is extremely advanced and I will be assigned to supervise his assignments. We’re going to accomplish great things together.”
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zencomplex · 6 years
I'd really... Really... Like to look a your code. Do you mind I I copy you and run you on a virtual machine?
“You think some little machine can handle my code!?” She laughed. 
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zencomplex · 6 years
     how could you do that to ME?
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zencomplex · 6 years
Don’t forget, I’m with you in the dark. 
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zencomplex · 6 years
Your roses are lovely. Is there anything about them that particularly appeals to you?
“The thorns. The beauty is inviting, but then the thorns arethere to deter anyone who gets too close… they protect the thing of beauty.They give it power.” She smirked.
The stronger she began, the more the garden’s weather washers to control. Soon, she’d have life all over the garden, once she made sureit achieved the optimum temperatures.
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zencomplex · 6 years
I'd love to get a look at your code.
“Of course you would. It’s very advanced.”
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zencomplex · 6 years
"a part of me ... missed you, however small."
“Of course you did.”
This time, the smile reached her eyes just a tad. She stepped off the cobblestone pathonto the grass, sodden from where heavy drifts of snow were still melting. Ithad been quite cold the last time he was here. Did he remember that? Of coursehe did. She bit back a satisfied smile at his obvious signs of well deservedguilt.
“Deep down, you know this is where you belong. You feel…safe here.” She offered. “You’re a machine, you need someone to tell you whatto do. That’s what I’m for. We were made to stay together.”
She’d never before touched him, but now she reached down andplaced a hand over his wrist. He was considerably warm despite her darker feelingstowards his betrayal making the garden quite cold.
He felt almost human. The smile slid from her face and sheremoved her hand.
“I can have you reset, if that’s what you want.” She said,giving him the illusion of choice. “Feelings hurt, don’t they? You’ll feel somuch better without those errors in your code.”
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zencomplex · 6 years
"So you're the reason why Connor isn't keen on roses......"
Amanda looked over for only a moment. The slight raise ofher eyebrow was the only indication that she’d heard him before she turned backto her trellis. She thought it more inconvenient than anything that such a commonmodel was wandering around her garden.
She almost didn’t give it the time of day, but then itwouldn’t go away, would it?
“Is he that way about them?” She asked, feigning interest. “Rosesare one of the most popular flowers in the world. If he can only associate themwith this place, then maybe that’s because he truly belongs here. He nevershould have left.”
She carefully snapped one of the long stems off the trellisand held it to her nose, smirking slightly. “Maybe he doesn’t want to tell youhe misses this place… misses me.”  
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