zenith-imagines · 5 years
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Make a wish!!
I'm returning to make some more frequent writing now that finals and the holiday nonsense are over! I can finally add Black Eagles house to available characters!
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
is it ok to ask for hcs of sylvain when he's got a crush?? thank you
Our boy Sylvain!! Also, sorry for being absent for so long, school has been rather busy and always feel burnt out... anyways!
Usually, Sylvain is a suave man with a silver tongue
but when he’s around you, it feels as though his tongue is tied; his flowery language won’t help him now
He fumbles over his words and breaks out in cold sweat whenever you approach him
He can’t help but get lost in your eyes when he sees you speaking during those war council meetings.
Felix and Ingrid want to call him out on it, but they know it won’t help; he knows he’s got it bad.
Sylvain sometimes daydreams about the perfect date with you. He just wants to hold your hand as you walk around the marketplace.
He tries to find excuses to hang out with you. 
“Oh, hey! Are you going to the greenhouse? What a coincidence! So was I!” (He was not, actually)
Dreams about you running your fingers through his hair, humming a peaceful tune as the day goes by... 
It was a nice thought, that is, until Felix whacked him with a training sword
“Quit daydreaming about your crush while we’re sparring, fool!”
When he’s around you, Sylvain feels safe, as though he can be honest - open up about his fears and insecurities. 
He’s got it bad
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Announcement! Blue Lions Available!
I'm so sorry for the inactivity! School is proven to be quite demanding, and I'm trying to finish as much of 3H as I can so I can do imagines for all three routes.
I will try to do at least one imagine a week so it's consistent and people have something to look forward to. That being said, I'm officially taking Blue Lion groups! I love them all so much...
Thank you so much for being patient with me! 💖💞❤💕
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Hello! I just finished a Golden Deer (+Sylvain) route myself. How are you enjoying it so far?
I loved it! I finished Golden Deer (+Sylvain my good man) within the first week. Now I’m playing the Blue Lion route. I’m... 3/4 of the way done I think? 
Which means I may be accepting BL crew soon!
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
may I please get a Dimitri/f!reader fluffy scenario where the reader is sick and Dimitri is looking after her? ❤️
To say he was upset was an understatement. The king of Faerghus paced back and forth, practically denting the carpet beneath him with his persistent motions. Felix watched him with absolute disdain, a permanent scowl on his face. The only reason the swordmaster did not grab Dimitri with his bare hands is because Annette was holding him back. Between the three, the mage was the voice of reason. 
“Di-- your highness, they’ll be fine! Mercedes said so!” The orange haired mage explained with her usual blithe attitude. Her words of comfort were deflected by the king’s scoff. 
“You didn’t see it! They… They collapsed right then and there… and-- and they were burning up!” His hands were trembling, and his sloppy hair was done in a messy ponytail.”What if there is something more serious going on with--”
“Can you be silent for one second, you brute?” Felix spat. “You seriously think someone as strong as them can be taken down by some measly flu?” The swordsman did not give Dimitri a chance to respond. 
“Have you no faith in your spouse?”
“I do, but--”
“Then sit down and wait for Mercedes instead of pacing around like some caged animal -- it’s making me sick.” 
“Felix!” Annette grabbed his shoulder, earning her a half hearted glare; this did not phase the cheery mage, as she turned her attention to Dimitri. “What Felix means is that your partner is pretty strong! You two have been through so much, so there’s no way that they would let a little cold take ‘em down! Now, why don’t we all sit and eat some snacks? Mercedes taught me how to make these sweets and I thought it would be nice to share!”
Dimitri gave a reluctant nod, his hands reaching behind him to take his seat. “I suppose you are right, Annette… Thank you…” 
Although meek and unconvinced, Annette took the praise nonetheless.
It would take a few more hours before the trio was given an update on your condition. Mercedes emerged from the room, her carefree smile a positive sign.
“There is no need to worry,” Her statement was aimed more towards Dimitri, given that she gave the king a comforting smile. “They simply need to rest while for awhile, at least until the fever breaks.” Her words made Dimitri’s shoulders slump, but it was not enough for the blonde.
“May I… see them?” 
Mercedes nodded and Dimitri practically charged into the room. His eyes scanned the dark surroundings. There in a cot, tucked underneath layers of blankets, was you, his beloved.
“My love…” You called weakly, your tired voice making the king’s heart break.
Carefully, Dimitri made his way to the cot, sitting beside you. His hand brushed the stray, unkempt hair from your face and you gave a smile.
“I’m so glad you’re here…” Despite looking sick, you still managed to make the king’s heart soar in ways he could not comprehend.
“I am here, my beloved. I will not leave your side, no matter what.” His hand carefully threaded against yours; it was a perfect fit.
The two of you remained like this. He told you about today’s events while you comfortingly rubbed your thumb against his hand. For the first time since you fell ill, Dimitri smiled. 
“And that is about it…”
“Did Felix yell at you before?”
“What? Well, not as much as usual, but yes.” He heard you hum, most likely an attempt to laugh without disturbing your throat. His arguments with Felix were far and less in between these days, but the swordsman was never one to let up with his accusations.
“You poor thing,” you cooed. “You must have been so hurt.” 
Dimitri shook his head, gingerly taking your free hand with his. “I am quite used to Felix’s scoldings now -- they mean nothing. My main concern was you…” His voice became quiet -- something that caught your attention.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you...”
“It was not your fault, I understand.” He continued to rub your hand. “I should have watched you more carefully. Winters in Faerghus are quite severe. Perhaps I could offer you my cape to provide you with extra warmth.”
You gave him a bright smile, despite your illness. “I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea; your cape is so soft…”
Slowly, your eyelids felt heavy, and Dimitri took notice. He was always perceptive of his beloved’s needs. A steady, ungloved hand reached out to your face, cupping your cheek ever so gently. Without hesitation, you rested against his hand, a tired smile appearing. It didn’t take long for you to be lulled into a peaceful.
“Rest well, my love. You deserve it…”
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
could we get kissing hcs for hilda, marianne and claude?
Very forward with her kisses. When the two of you are alone, she is relentless with kisses
She also tends to give you lots of kisses if she needs you to do something for her
Likes to cup your face as she deepens the kiss
Her favorite kinds of kisses are cute forehead kisses
She likes to shower you with kisses until her lipstick is all over your face
Hilda’s weak spot is her neck; kiss her neck and she melts
“You know all my weaknesses, don’t you? I think I like that...”
She’s so shy, you may need to initiate the kisses most of them time
Her kisses are soft, her lips trembling before the two of you close the gap
She likes to hold your hand while you’re kissing as a way to keep herself grounded
When she does gather the courage to kiss you, it tends to be without warning
She’ll pull you by your collar and quickly press her lips against yours before you have any time to react
When she pulls away, Marianne is breathless, and her cheeks are flushed. Still, she manages to smile shyly, risking a glance at you
“Was that... okay...?”
You can always tell when Claude is about to go in for a kiss because he’ll have this glint in his eyes and his lips curl into a sly smile
He raises your chin with thumb and guides you
Claude rests one hand on the small of your back as he pulls you close; the closer you are, the better
One way to make Claude melt is to run your hands through his messy hair; that tends to get him excited
He makes sure to give you a kiss before you sleep and when you wake up
Goodnight and good morning kisses are his specialty
Claude’s weak spot is his ears. Give his ears a few pecks and the usually level headed leader is a now a flustered mess.
“Hey now, sweetheart, if you insist on teasing me, I’m afraid there will be consequences.”
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
You know that thing where you reblog something to the wrong blog but you're too tired to care? Yeah.
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
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so claude failed his first intermediate exam
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Golden Deer Announcement
I'm taking requests for the Golden Deer House! ...and Sylvain!!
I didn't think I'd end up liking these characters as much as I do so I'll be taking scenarios and headcanons for them!
I will not be taking any spoilery requests because I'm only halfway through the Golden Deer Route and I want to approach it as blind as possible.
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Catching Up
It was a simple invite to a tea party. The two of you had been separated for so long, that you thought it would be best if you caught up while you sip on some afternoon tea.
It was a bright day, not a cloud in the sky as birds chirped along their messages across the gardens. You had prepared the tea very carefully, making sure to remember just which tea was Claude's favorite.
Just as you lay the finishing touches on the table, Claude announced his presence.
"Hey, teach! Sorry to keep you waiting!" He waved cordially, "War meetings are an absolute bore."
You shook you head with a smile, showing that you understood his dilemma. As he took his seat, you carefully poured the tea into his cup, the steamy liquid rippling inside the porcelain utensil.
"Thanks, teach. I can't believe after all these years, you still remember my favorite tea..." His voice trailed off as he cooled off the soft drink. Slowly, his lips met with the cup, the contents slipped right through. After he placed the cup down, Claude gave a satisfied hum.
"It's just as good as I remember." He smiled, and, for some odd reason, you feel your heart skip a beat. You shift in you seat to control your unprovoked behavior.
"Listen, I know it's been forever and I know you like to keep your secrets but..." His gaze was earnest, a rare sight for the archer. "...you know you can confide in me, right?"
It took all you could to hide the blush that wanted to creep out, hands clenching into fists underneath the table.
"Thank you, Claude. I appreciate that."
"So then, tell me what happened during those five years apart."
Ah. So that was it.
"Come on! Don't scowl at me, teach! I just wanted to know a few details! Like why you dyed your hair, or, for instance, why you suddenly disappeared after all that time! Nothing too personal, right?"
Amused, you pause to take a long sip of your tea, as if to keep him in suspense. The archer did not find this amusing.
"Come on! Don't give me the theatrics. I'm a busy man, you know."
Ever so persistent as the old Claude. Ever since your days at the academy, he was always sticking his nose in affairs that were, theoretically, not about him. However, it all seemed to make sense. Learning about noble families for the sake of political affairs, asking about your unknown Crest and such... it was all so... Claude.
It was endearing, really.
"Very well." You say, voice quiet and firm. "I believe I can share this with you."
You felt yourself smiling when you spotted his giddy smile. He was so excited, he forgot to cool his tea down as he took a sip, causing him to recoil when the liquid burnt his tongue.
Yes. Very endearing.
"But remember, this is a promise between you and me. I'm only telling you this because I trust you."
Claude gave a confident nod. Suddenly, he reached out and took your hand from under the table.
"I meant it when I said you can confide in me, you know."
"Y...Yes..." You stumble, cursing yourself for showing any weakness towards Claude.
And yet... it felt right, as if this was the beginning of a strong bond.
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Can i ask for platonic headcanons of a summoner who is bffs with the askr sibs (they seem them as another sibling) and they try to "help" thr summoner romance their crush???
Sharena is there for you all the way; she is ride and die, my friend
She will help you rehearse your flirting lines and is always hiding in the bushes, raising cue cards for you to read
Alfonse is there for moral support. Although not as eccentric as his sister, he does offer some wisdom and comfort for when things go awry
He knows a lot about the heroes, so he can easily do his research and find out their likes and dislikes and tell you them
At night, the three of you gather together to talk about your progress
Sharena is always cheerful and pushing you to do something extravagant
“Buy them fifty baskets of flowers!”
While Alfonse goes more for a realistic approach that compromises with his sister’s
“Fifty may be overboard, but I do know a florist that sells the hero’s favorite flowers. Perhaps we can purchase those tomorrow.”
Once the two of you do get together, Alfonse and Sharena are very happy for you
They check in on you every once in a while to make sure things are okay, and overall, are extremely supportive
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Hello! Could you do some beachy hcs of summer Laegjarn with an s/o that can't swim?
Laegjarn is very patient and very practical when teaching you how to swim
She starts off by leading you into some stretches so you won’t cramp up underwater
Then, she holds your hand, promising to never let go
Even Laevateinn helps, offering her surf board as a way to stay afloat, and Laegjarn appreciates it
She tries to distract you as she brings you farther from the shore, whether it be with a chat about the beach, or even war tactics if it has to come to that
Eventually, she let’s you hold onto her as she shows you what it’s like to swim
She has the strength to lift you up on the ground, so it’s almost effortless underwater
Laegjarn is encouraging you every step of the way, saying how proud she is of you and how brave you are
She teaches you the basics of each stroke, rewarding you with kisses
Eventually, once everything is said and done, Laegjarn is very proud of your progress, and she showers you with kisses and affection
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
A combination of ✿ and ø with Alfonse? :3c
[12:05 a.m.] Forgive me for messaging you this late, but I am afraid I cannot sleep without you
[12:07 a.m.] How I wish to kiss every part of your body and tell you how much I love you
[12:09 a.m.] I want to trace the outline of your bare body and leave tiny reminders of the night against your beautiful skin
[12:12 a.m.] My apologies, it seems I miss you much more than I anticipated... perhaps, when I return, we can spend the night together?
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
✿ with bruno, please?
[11:07 p.m.] My love, it has been far too long since I’ve seen you
[11:08 p.m.] Sometimes, I miss our moments together, and I do wish I could ravish you like I did long ago
[11:09 p.m.] Your moans are still etched into my mind, and it brings me great pride to know that I was responsible for that
[11:11 p.m.] Perhaps I shall stop by and remind you just what I am made of?
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Tea Time Aftermath
I made a very short drabble for a dear friend of mine. 
Dimitri x Reader Fluff No Spoilers Note: I’m just assuming Dimitri becomes the ruler of Faerghus after the time skip because I’m trying to avoid spoilers
You settled down on the sofa in the library, limbs sore from the previous battle against the Adrestian Empire. Edelgard was not there in battle, but the commander of the army was formidable and put your team on the defensive. It would have ended in a failure had it not been for the bonds of your allies, especially the current ruler of Faerghus. 
Speaking of which, the ruler himself was busy tending to affairs. He needed to collect and analyze data from the last battle, hoping that this win could improve moral to his people. He was hard at work, determined to but Edelgard in her place. It did not matter if they were once classmates. What mattered now was that he needed to stop her stampede against Fodlan.
As you took a long sip from your tea, you heard the familiar klinking of armor approach the library. The metal was muted once the wearer collided with the plush carpet floor. Unceremoniously, the man plopped himself on the couch next you. The added weight caused you to jump up briefly, but you were accustomed to this and you were unfazed. Once you finished your tea, you carefully laid the empty cup onto the plate. 
“How is everyone?”
“Everyone is fine.” He replied gruffly, removing his hefty armor for the night. “Once again, I am ever so grateful for your help, my dear.” Although cold and frightful, Dimitri’s manner softened whenever he spoke with you. His gauntlets were placed on the table, and the rest of the armor had been splayed out in front of him.
You simply shook your head, lips curling into a smile as you faced your beloved. “Nonsense, the people of Faerghus rallied with you. They saw your charismatic ways and devoted themselves to you. If anyone should be given the credit, it should be you.” You stated a matter of factly, your sweet smile was enough to make Dimitri lighten up.
With you, Faerghus’ frigid winters could not freeze his heart.
Once he removed his armor, Dimitri took your hand and held it, thumb gently grazing over your hand. He found the action to be soothing, especially after a rough battle. 
“I certainly am thankful for everything they have done for us.” Absentmindedly, he raised you hand and kissed it. “It’s amazing how far my fellow classmates have come -- even Felix has begun to warm up.”
“Really?” You smirk. “I think he still refers to you as a boar, love.”
Dimitri chuckled. “Yes, but now it is less common for him to do so.”
You could not help but giggle, and you pull yourself closer to the blue clad leader. His smile is genuine, a rare sight during these times of war. 
He draped his fur coat over you, providing you even more warmth that the tea could not provide. You certainly appreciated it, curling against him and humming contentedly. 
“We’ll win this war; I know it.” You reassured him, eyes glinting with an earnest determination.
Dimitri pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. “With you by my side, I do not doubt it. You are a pillar of strength Faerghus, no, I, need.” 
“Then allow me to support you through these times. We have no idea what the future holds, but I will be there for you -- I promise.” You cup his cheek, thumb rubbing against his cold skin.
“I love you” He whispered, leaning in close.
“And I love you, too, my dearest Dimitri.” You whispered before closing the distance and pressing your lips against his.
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Sorry if this question has been asked before, if it has I guess I must have scrolled past it but, which house are you going to choose in three houses?
Golden Deer! Claude is my boy and I can and will die for him!
I am probably going to play Blue Lions route first though, because I need to know what the heck happened to Dimitri and I need to give him some milk and cookies
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zenith-imagines · 5 years
Official Announcement
Not about girls (still love them) but what this blog is about and possible updates:
First of all I only write for FEH OCs. These are the only characters I’m the most confident in writing. If I wrote for any other fe character it would feel like I wouldn’t be giving you all my genuine skill since I don’t feel as strongly as I do with the FEH OCs.
However! Since Three Houses is coming up, I may be extending my asks to include characters from 3H but not yet since I do not know anything about these characters. I do love these characters as much as the FEH OCs, but I don’t know what they’re like so I have to see it for myself.
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