zenryverse · 4 months
Whatever their age difference, I like the idea of Felix enjoying when BonBon comes into the flower shop because all of the flowers suddenly "get happy."
BonBon is the baby of the Thunderbolt kids. I presume you realized it but in case you didn't.
Okay I’m very sorry, tumblr isn’t giving me notifications both when I get an ask or when someone answers one of mine, and since I don’t use this blog often, I don’t typically check my notes over here but I’m glad I did eventually see this because 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you're so right, that definitely would happen
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zenryverse · 5 months
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✯ zenry playlist ✯ » bad for you - midnight kids ft. 90s kids
we can make our own damn rules and baby we can break 'em too i'm living for your every move
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zenryverse · 7 months
Trick or Treat~! (Ilybitch♡)
(i ain't ever gonna stop loving you, bitch!) (gender-netural aldskfj altho if you'd prefer i didn't say that anymore, please let me know aldksj 💗) also, happy halloween! (again) 🎃💕
this is another scene from this time loop fic!
ask box trick-or-treating: fic writer edition!
“What made you want to invite me along this time?” Zack asked. Henry’s brows turned down, prompting Zack to continue. “I see you sneaking out of class a lot…” Henry blinked. “You see that?” He’d thought he’d perfected the art of fading into the background. He’s at a point now where, as long as he’s in class for attendance, his teachers rarely notice if he slips out before the end. “I guess that sounded weird. Not like, in a stalker way,” Zack amended, though Henry hadn’t taken it to mean that. He twisted his hand around the steering wheel, not taking his eyes off the road as he continued. “It’s just… it’s hard not to notice you.”
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zenryverse · 7 months
trick or treat !!!!!!! happy halloween, i love u sm <33333
sdlfkjds thank you, bestie, ilyyy!!! 🥺💕🥺💕 (and i know i already said it in your inbox but) happy halloween!!!!!!
idk how far i'll get with this fic because i only have like three half-scenes written and it's not really taking precedence right now but Henry gets stuck reliving Halloween so it felt appropriate anyway 😅 (also, forgive the messiness, it's still in very first draft mode)
ask box trick-or-treating: fic writer edition!
Warning for underage smoking:
“You good?” Zack’s voice sounded far away as it startled Henry from his spiral. He blinked, feeling like he was coming out of a daze as he turned to see Zack watching him intently, an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth while he held up a silver lighter he had yet to click to life. Henry didn’t respond. He wasn’t quite sure how. No, I’m not because I’m stuck in a time loop, and the smartest person I know can’t figure out how to break it, so I’m probably cursed to stay in it forever? He wasn’t really in the mood to have Zack stare at him as if he’s lost his mind. He watched a pile of dead leaves swirl across the sidewalk as Zack tried again, “Swellvie—” “Can I ask you a question?” Henry interrupted, whirling around so fast it made the other boy's eyes momentarily go wide before he quickly recovered. “You just did." Henry heard the familiar hiss and click of the lighter, the strong scent of cigarette smoke burning his nostrils as Zack added, “But go for it.”
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zenryverse · 7 months
Trick or treat!
thank you, bestie!! happy halloween!! 🎃😈👻
ask box trick-or-treating: fic writer edition!
it's probably a little unfair of me to post a snippet from a fic that will never be completed, but it was for Halloween, so I'm sticking with the theme 😅 (also, forgive me, everything I have is still in very first draft mode)
Before Henry could process what was happening, Zack’s fingers were lacing through his own as he dragged him down the street. He stumbled across the pavement as Zack expertly snaked them through the hoards of trick-or-treaters-turned-monsters, Jasper and Charlotte trailing hot on their heels. Henry stared at their intertwined hands, almost forgetting for a moment that they were collecting supplies to fight against real live monsters while they scrambled to figure out how to stop an evil curse before sunrise. He knows this isn't exactly the most ideal time for him to be practically swooning over the fact that he's holding Zack's hand.
(also, as a side note, swooning is probably not the word I would've used in the final draft, but it's the only one I could think of at the time of writing lmao so I just kept it with the plan of editing it out later)
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zenryverse · 8 months
Trick or Treat! I hope you have a super-duper wonderful Halloween! I love you too! 💜
ahh, thank you, bestie!!! I hope you're having a fun Halloween too!!! 💕💕
ask box trick-or-treating: fic writer edition!
This snippet is from the same halloween fic as this excerpt. I apologize, this is really long, but I liked it and I couldn't bring myself to cut it off 😅 (also, like i said before, please forgive the fact that this is kinda messy since it's still a first draft)
Henry shrugged and sank lower in his chair, absentmindedly picking at the peeling label of his root beer bottle. “Who knows? He started complaining about remakes and how they don’t do the originals justice, so I stopped listening.” Jasper snorted. “We could always do something else,” he suggested. “Like…?” “Party?” “You mean the parties we weren’t invited to?” Jasper rifled through the bowl of candy on the table. “Maybe you weren’t invited to,” he mumbled under his breath. Henry rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to argue but stopped himself when there was a knock at the front door. He was barely out of his seat before Piper came flying down the stairs, screeching, “IT’S FOR ME!” as she went. The three of them instinctively glanced toward the door as she pulled it open, Henry resisting the urge to flinch at her harsh, grating voice. He took a swig of his root beer, almost swallowing his tongue in the process, when he caught sight of who was standing on the other side of the threshold. Jasper whirled around to look at him at an almost neck-breaking speed, eyes wide, as Henry leaned across the table towards Charlotte. “Why is Zack Martin at my house?” he whispered. Charlotte peered at him, brows furrowed. “How should I know?” “Did you bring it? Did you bring it?!” Piper gushed, practically bouncing on her heels. Zack nodded as he stepped through the door, using his foot to nudge it shut after him. Henry tried to force himself to look anywhere but at Zack, but it was no use. His eyes always ended up traveling back in spite of himself. Zack was already in costume: a ’50s greaser-style outfit, complete with cuffed jeans, black Converse high-tops, and a leather jacket that made Henry’s heart rattle around his ribcage. “Hey, Swellview,” Zack chirped as he caught Henry’s gaze while following Piper to the counter. Henry’s pretty sure Zack also said hello to his friends, but he was too busy trying to remember what words were to really know for sure. He had to settle on giving Zack some awkward chin nod in lieu of a verbal greeting. “Here it is!” Zack announced, setting down the scroll-like object in his hand before he unfurled it across the countertop. Henry craned his neck to get a better view. “A map of all the best trick-or-treat spots, including all the places with full-size candy bars.” Piper stared down at it with a greedy smile, looking like a little kid who had just been let loose in a candy store with an unlimited budget (although Henry supposed that really wasn’t that far from the actual situation). Henry’s so focused on the fact that Zack Martin’s currently standing in his kitchen, smelling like stale cigarettes and cheap cologne and making his teenage hormones go absolutely haywire, that he forgets to ask how Piper even knew he had such a map.
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zenryverse · 8 months
Trick or treat
Ahh okay! I have one more halloween-themed snippet I can post, and this is the last message in my inbox, so thank you for this, it worked out so perfectly!! also, happy halloween! 🎃😈👻
ask box trick-or-treating: fic writer edition!
This is what happens literally right before this little excerpt (also in the same fic as this)
Zack snapped his fingers together, eyes going round. “Silver! Silver can be used against vampires.” “Isn’t that werewolves?” Jasper questioned, brows furrowed. Zack nodded. “Yeah, you use silver bullets to kill a werewolf, but it can also be used against vampires. As far as I know, it has a similar effect to holy water.” “It has to be pure silver, though,” Charlotte pointed out. “Where are we going to find pure silver?” The group went silent. Henry felt his heart sink for the second time in under a minute. Just when he thought they were finally making headway… Zack’s mouth inched into a grin. “I know exactly where we can get pure silver. C'mon!” he instructed, waving for them to follow.
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zenryverse · 8 months
actually, i'm still thinking about it, and like. henry's so funny in my halloween fic because zack literally offers to go with him to take his little sister trick-or-treating and he still doesn't get it
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zenryverse · 9 months
i should've never paired henry with zack. i really played myself on that one
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zenryverse · 9 months
alright i might be a little too obsessed with this thought
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zenryverse · 1 year
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This was originally going to be a blog for extra content for Danger on Deck and maybe updates, but as pretty much all of you are aware at this point, I have about a zillion ideas for other Zenry AUs as well as future kid OCs, so this just kinda became a dumping ground for all of that.
I try to tag the non-Danger on Deck related stuff as #nonDoD 
Danger on Deck masterlist | ao3 link | ff.net link
Bonus content (tag)
Zenry HCs (tag)
Previews for (potential) future fics
Also, I played this game on my main (@zackmartin) a while back where I had people send me AUs and I'd write out how I'd have it play out, so here's the tag for that!
For people that might find have found this blog through Ao3 or ff.net, Izzy, Felix (and soon to be, Zoey, but they're still in development) Hartin are basically two future kid OCs I came up with for Zack & Henry. I kinda consider my future-verse as it's own separate universe, mostly because Danger on Deck is always evolving, as is my future-verse (i mean, I added a whole third sibling two years after the fact lol) so I feel like eventually I'm gonna mess up the timeline somewhere and they might not exactly "match". (And I can't guarantee that the ending of DoD will align with my stuff that's set in the future). Even so, other people have been considering my future stuff as just being set like, after the events of Danger on Deck so it's really your call if you'd like to do that too.
Here's a little intro to Izzy!
And an intro to Felix!
(intro to Zoey to be posted later)
Izzy's HC tag
Felix's HC tag
Anyway, if you wanna submit comments, questions, mystica theories, Zenry HCs (either sending me your own or asking for them, I'll be excited by either), please feel free! I'll be ecstatic!
Anyway, I think that's it. Hope you enjoy your stay in this niche little crossover universe(s) of mine 💙
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zenryverse · 1 year
very intrigued by partners in crime 👀👀👀
Hi, I literally love you with my whole heart 💕💕💕💕 I'm super super excited you asked me about this because it's lit rally my favorite WIP of all time and it's the only one i have so far that I have mapped out in its entirety. The only issue is, there's something Very Big and Very Major that happens in like, the second chapter that pretty much "shifts" everything from that point forward, so it's kinda difficult to talk about it or even post snippets without potentially spoiling that Big Thing alsdkfj
with that said, I think there's at least some things I can say about it.
It takes place in Swellview. (in literally all of my WIPs that aren't DoD, I just kinda make it so the Tipton exists in Swellview, so everything takes place there)
With the outline i have right now, it's kinda like most of my other fics where Hen kinda hates Zack alskdjf (except, it's not like DoD where Zack's secretly into Henry, like Henry's basically nothing to him in the beginning. Like, he still calls him Swellview and he knows him, pretty much just because they attend the same school, but they aren't friends.) But, Zack and Max (like, Max from the og suite life series) are basically the star basketball players that helped Swellview High finally actually win some games for once laksdjf and since this is SportsTM in America, that made them kinda semi-popular, and Henry feels like he's pretty much the only one that isn't enchanted by the fact that Zack can throw a ball through a hoop (but, I've also contemplated making them exes just to explore a dynamic I haven't yet, it just depends on if I can incorporate that into my outline)
the red sports car from the suite life movie plays an integral part in the beginning
there's a few scenes that take place at the swellview sign
I actually did post a very brief snippet on zenryverse almost a year ago, and a couple more during another ask game
Also, it goes with this moodboard (although, the scene that's included underneath has been omitted)
I don't think there's much else I can say because I already feel like I'm dangerously close to spoiling things but. thank you, i luv u 🥺
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zenryverse · 1 year
Hi! I'm curious about the Zack and London one-shot plus Drive Me Crazy! 💜
Thank you for sending me something! I love you with my whole heart! Drive Me Crazy is my fake dating au. It was originally based on the 90s movie of the same name, but the plot has changed enough that it's basically just a working title at this point.
Since there's not much more to say, here's a really brief snippet! As a note, this is still in the very first draft mode, so there's a strong chance this scene will change drastically or may even be scrapped altogether:
“Apparently she doesn’t think I’m ‘boyfriend material’,” Zack scoffs using his fingers to make air quotes. “Whatever that means. Can you believe that?!”
Max swiftly ducks her head lower as she intensely focuses on tying her shoe that's already double knotted.
Zack’s eyes narrow. “You agree with her?!” he accuses, placing his hands on his hips.
Max exhales sharply, letting her foot slide off the bench, her sneaker thudding against the gym floor like a balloon filled with lead. “Sort of! I mean, you haven’t had a relationship that’s lasted longer than a week since freshman year.”
Zack goes slack-jawed.
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zenryverse · 1 year
izzy and felix get matching tattoos when they grow up. btw.
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zenryverse · 1 year
new year, new desktop theme ✌🏻
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zenryverse · 2 years
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zenryverse moodboard → @bitchmilsky‘s mechanic!zack/florist!henry au
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zenryverse · 2 years
tag the OC who is a sharpshooter
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