zenryverse · 2 years
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zenryverse moodboard → @bitchmilsky‘s mechanic!zack/florist!henry au
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zackmartin · 3 years
Hello everyone, I have a new AU I'm super excited about that I'll probably write three scenes of, complain about for a month, and then never touch it again
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zenryverse · 8 months
Whatever their age difference, I like the idea of Felix enjoying when BonBon comes into the flower shop because all of the flowers suddenly "get happy."
BonBon is the baby of the Thunderbolt kids. I presume you realized it but in case you didn't.
Okay I’m very sorry, tumblr isn’t giving me notifications both when I get an ask or when someone answers one of mine, and since I don’t use this blog often, I don’t typically check my notes over here but I’m glad I did eventually see this because 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you're so right, that definitely would happen
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zenryverse · 2 years
new year, new desktop theme ✌🏻
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zenryverse · 1 year
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This was originally going to be a blog for extra content for Danger on Deck and maybe updates, but as pretty much all of you are aware at this point, I have about a zillion ideas for other Zenry AUs as well as future kid OCs, so this just kinda became a dumping ground for all of that.
I try to tag the non-Danger on Deck related stuff as #nonDoD 
Danger on Deck masterlist | ao3 link | ff.net link
Bonus content (tag)
Zenry HCs (tag)
Previews for (potential) future fics
Also, I played this game on my main (@zackmartin) a while back where I had people send me AUs and I'd write out how I'd have it play out, so here's the tag for that!
For people that might find have found this blog through Ao3 or ff.net, Izzy, Felix (and soon to be, Zoey, but they're still in development) Hartin are basically two future kid OCs I came up with for Zack & Henry. I kinda consider my future-verse as it's own separate universe, mostly because Danger on Deck is always evolving, as is my future-verse (i mean, I added a whole third sibling two years after the fact lol) so I feel like eventually I'm gonna mess up the timeline somewhere and they might not exactly "match". (And I can't guarantee that the ending of DoD will align with my stuff that's set in the future). Even so, other people have been considering my future stuff as just being set like, after the events of Danger on Deck so it's really your call if you'd like to do that too.
Here's a little intro to Izzy!
And an intro to Felix!
(intro to Zoey to be posted later)
Izzy's HC tag
Felix's HC tag
Anyway, if you wanna submit comments, questions, mystica theories, Zenry HCs (either sending me your own or asking for them, I'll be excited by either), please feel free! I'll be ecstatic!
Anyway, I think that's it. Hope you enjoy your stay in this niche little crossover universe(s) of mine 💙
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zenryverse · 3 years
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“Thanks,” Kid Danger breathes, taking a few cautious steps forward towards the hooded figure who now has the assailant pinned to the ground, the dark clouds from the impending storm cast over the night sky making it particularly difficult to see. He stops dead in his tracks when the hooded figure suddenly turns on him, stepping between Kid Danger and the assailant.
“I don’t think so,” he growls, and Kid Danger’s brows snap together.
“What are you doing?”
A clap of thunder rings out, practically shaking the ground, followed by a sharp flash of lightning that illuminates the figure's face, and Henry’s chest gets hot, his breath getting caught in his throat for a second.
He thought he recognized that purple hoodie.
And he's realizing now that he’s definitely looked into those intense blue eyes before.
It’s the very same blue eyes from the school parking lot this morning.
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zenryverse · 2 years
Yes, I am obsessed with my own writing but especially this scene in particular
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zenryverse · 3 years
Izzy best friends to eventual lovers arc
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zenryverse · 2 years
dangerondeck --> zenryverse
since I haven’t been able to touch DoD in a while and this blog has basically become a dumping ground for all my zenryverse stuff, I just felt like a name change was in order 🤷🏻‍♀️
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zenryverse · 3 years
Whaddup, it’s your girl here with more Hartin Family HCs thought up by me at like 3 am (I also decided to type it up at 3 am so i apologize for mistakes and if feels incoherent/rambly). This post is definitely for Jesse (@angrypunchguy) and Jesse only cause he inspired me but literally. I can’t believe I’ve never given any member of the Hartin family a cat until now cause it’s SO them but anyway 
- it’s one of those really fluffy long-haired cats, all black 
- as a side note, I always wanted to give Char the exact same cat in this universe so she and Izzy definitely bond over the fact that their cats are twinsies
- It’s the pet Izzy gets after Steve is gone 
- Izzy kinda wants to name them Felix just to screw with her brother cause Felix the Cat; even though it’s technically Izzy’s cat, Felix wants to name her Salem because he has a whole collection of comic books that feature Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Izzy’s still mad about the Salem Witch Trials so she won’t allow it 
- They both finally settle on the name Eclipse 
- Eclipse definitely bonds with Henry first because he was the only one that didn’t really want her at first (not that he’s against cats specifically; actually he would’ve preferred a cat over any of the other animals they acquired over the years, but he didn’t really want any other pets because he’s the one that ends up having to take care of them)
- (Felix is better about sharing the responsibility than Izzy, but during those times when he’s nowhere to be found and it’s time to walk Daisy (felix’s golden retriever), Zack always conveniently has something else he totally forgot to do that needs to be done right away so the responsibility falls to Henry)(and Henry wouldn’t even ask Zack to help with anything involving Steve considering Zack can barely be in the same room) 
- (although, when their kids are old enough where they can be left alone for a few minutes, Zack will take Daisy for a walk but only if it becomes a couple’s activity and Henry goes with him)  
- (actually, Zack didn’t want another pet either but that’s entirely because he didn’t think he could handle another arachnid in the house, or anything that could be classified as a bug aldsjkf But, Izzy knows he can’t handle tears so she definitely used that to her advantage and once he learned she wanted a cat he was totally on board anyway and he helped convince Hen) (but this HC list is getting away from me alkdsjf)
- anyway, she bonds with Hen at first and she definitely talks to him. As long as he looks at her when he speaks, she’ll respond no matter what he says. She’ll talk to the others too, but only sometimes; Henry, all the time. 
- There’s definitely been more than one occasion when Zack’s walked in on them and just been like “are you having conversations with the cat again?” “........no.” 
- “sometimes I think you talk to that cat more then you talk to me” Henry, deadpan but entirely joking: “she’s a better conversationalist than you”
- and even though Henry didn’t really want her at first, she still gets toys at Christmas every year, they end up with one of those big cat trees in their living room, and he gets her one of those beds you can stick in the window 
- This is definitely Jesse’s idea, but Felix and Izzy get her a pink, sparkly collar with a little bell on it 
- Ofc she’s afraid of Daisy at first, but she warms up to her after a short while and it gets to the point where she uses Daisy as a bed on occasion 
- After a little begging from Izzy, Zack agrees to make Eclipse a bed that’s an exact replica of Izzy’s
- It becomes a part of Eclipse’s routine to curl up in it when Izzy retires for the night (but she’ll divide her time between her bed and sleeping with Izzy on Izzy’s bed)
- Izzy and Fe get her one those harnesses to try to train her to take walks 
- it does not end well
 - it becomes a family group project (taking place over several months because they can only afford so many supplies at a time alkdjf) to build her a little sanctuary/playpen type thing in the backyard; Izzy and Felix tell Henry what they want it to have, he turns it into something that’s actually conceivable asdaslkdf and gives it to Zack, where Zack does most of the actual building 
- It does turn into an opportunity for him to teach Izzy and Fe a thing or two though
- and Zack has to keep Henry from giving her the whole backyard instead of just half 
- also, this is sort of Jesse’s idea too, but she always lays on Izzy’s and Felix’s desks when they’re doing homework or Fe is playing a game. She’s messed up more than one of his games by laying directly on the controller or keyboard 
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zenryverse · 3 years
There’s no rhyme or reason to this list, I just couldn’t sleep last night so my mind came up with some random Zenry HCs at like 4 am so I felt like sharing
- Zenry is definitely that couple that could have full times jobs and a house and bills and kids that are now teenagers but Zack comes home in the middle of the day to find the table flipped on its side with Henry crouching behind it aiming a marshmallow shooter at him and telling him he has ten seconds to run before he starts shooting and ofc Zack has a bunch stashed in random places in the house for this exact purpose
- on a related note, it’s a common occurrence for Izzy or Felix to come home and one asks the other where their parents are and the answer is “in the backyard throwing water balloons at each other” 
- the kids love it when they’re younger because they get to come home from school and make a huge mess and shoot stuff at their parents but when they become preteens/teenagers Izzy is always like “do you guys have to be so embarrassing all the time? 🙄" even though she still secretly loves it and always gets into it and Felix tries to hide how much he loves it because he doesn’t want his Cool Big Sister to think he’s lame 
- on another sort of related note, they definitely team up to embarrass the ever living shit of Izzy when she’s a teenager and when she complains and asks why they do this to her, they’re always like “it’s our job and we take it very seriously” 
- Zack randomly texts Henry after he gets home from work and is just like “come outside but be chill about it, don’t let the kids know” and Henry’s just like ???? but does it anyway and Zack gestures for him to get into the passenger seat and Zack’s clearly trying to be stealth so then Hen tries to be stealth, and once he’s in and the doors are locked, zack just pulls out a Styrofoam to-go container and two plastic forks and he hands one to Henry and when he opens the container there’s chocolate cake inside and he’s just like “there was a birthday at work, this was the last piece” and he doesn’t need to say anymore because henry knows he texted him to come out there so they could have a rare selfish moment and share it between each other because they both know if he had taken it inside, their kids would’ve sniffed it out and taken it before he was fully in the door
- (this is basically just a zack HC) but he definitely goes through a midlife crisis phase where he buys another motorcycle and wears leather jackets and ripped jeans and he starts a band that sometimes plays in his bar and his band is like semi-known in Swellview so Izzy and Fe’s friends kinda highkey think he’s really cool but Izzy and Felix are always just like 
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whenever their friends start talking about how cool they think he is because this is the same man that laughs so hard at his own unfunny dad jokes that he’s in tears and he also cried at the pet store the other day because there were one of those teacup puppies and she was “too damn small for her own good” and who says some of the cheesiest shit to Henry that it makes them physically nauseous (even though they both kinda think it’s sweet too; felix more than izzy) and they also witnessed him almost total his motorcycle and severely injure himself because he tried to pop a wheelie and failed miserably 
- Izzy, whenever they start acting all lovey-dovey: that’s disgusting. You’re not supposed to do that, you’re parents! Felix: I think it’s sweet they’re still in love even though they’re all old now :)
- also unfortunately I don’t think homophobia is going to completely disappear within the next 10-15 years so there’s that one mom in the PTA that comes up with BS reasons why her kids can’t hang around Izzy or Felix but it basically boils down to her being shitty but Hen and Zack are so used to being around their friends where Cody is the only token straight (and even then, that’s iffy) so they’re just,,,,completely oblivious at first and they’re trying to come up with reasons she might not like them: “is it because Zack drives a motorcycle?” “Is it because Zack works in a bar?” “Is it because he still wears that ridiculous leather jacket even though he’s in his mid 40s?” Zack: “why are these all aimed at me????” Henry: “I own a flower shop. i drive an electric car. my entire wardrobe is jeans and flannels buttoned all the way. no one outside this house has seen my bare arms or knees in over a decade”     - but finally Izzy just tells them that it’s basically because they’re married to each other and Zack’s just like “damn. out of the list of reasons why other people might find me a bad influence around their kids, being married to my soulmate is pretty far down there.” Henry: “no, it’s not even on that list. actually, you’re a great dad and a great husband, if anything, it should be a reason why you’re a good influence” and even though Zack’s super pissed (not even because it’s against them, but purely because she’s holding it against his kids) he still lives for compliments from Henry so he’s sitting there feeling 😡🥰 simultaneously
- once Hen and Zack find out which mom it is, they definitely gossip about her like two white suburban soccer moms. Zack: “Of course it’s that bitch Lauren. She always had some backhanded comment to give about my lemon squares at the PTA meetings. My lemon squares are delicious! well, actually they’re Cody’s, but you know!!!!” 
- when they’re both at the meetings, Zack has to keep Hen from starting an actual fight with her when she makes some snide comment aimed at Zack Zack: “baby, you can’t start a brawl at a PTA meeting” Henry: “but you heard what she said!!!!” Henry, to himself, under his breath while shooting daggers at Lauren: “you’re lucky my husband’s here.” 
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zenryverse · 3 years
Anyway I think Izzy and Chapa should be besties
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zenryverse · 4 years
What if I introduced Max Thunderman into the Izzy and Felix series? Like what if i just did that
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zenryverse · 3 years
Chapa teaching Izzy how to use her powers to jumpstart a car
The first time she tries it, it fries Zack’s engine but Chapa takes the fall because Zack’s low key super scared of her so even though he’s pissed he’s not willing to yell at her over it
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zenryverse · 4 years
hang on, I just thought about Zack making dad jokes 
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zenryverse · 3 years
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