zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Archer pig? .... I like that better than trying to merge a centaur and a pig together, anyways.
if you fuse your chinese zodiac with your astrology sign you get ur ultimate fursona
virgin dog
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
You Are Going To Have So Much Success In 2018 (pass it on)
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
.................. Eeez Rat
What in the holy hell? ?? 
I just realised where Kylo got his name from:
Ky = sKYwalker
Lo = soLO
Ren = literally just his birth name with an R
which means that when he was choosing his super scary Dark Lord name, he just mashed up the surnames of the most positive figures in his life. poor sod can’t even evil right
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
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I’m a demon arcanist and I’m okay with that.
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Will y'all give Katherine Grace McNamara her damn due. She stole the episode. It’s okay….it’s alright to admit an actress gave her all in episode and you recognized it.
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
I’d be more confident in the map maker’s confidence if they had ST AUGUSTINE near JACKSONVILLE LIKE IT SUPPOSE TO BE instead of near TAMPA. O.o
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The Secret is a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. To set up the puzzle, Preiss traveled to 12 locations in North America to secretly bury a dozen ceramic casques. Each casque contained a small key that could be redeemed for one of 12 jewels Preiss kept in a safe deposit box in New York. The key to finding the casques was to match one of 12 paintings to one of 12 poetic verses, solve the resulting riddle, and start digging. Since 1982, only two of the 12 casques have been recovered.
Source/more info: [x]
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
I don’t understand anyone that is giving Alec flack over “not feeling” Jace being hurt -- like, have you never payed attention to how these types of bonds generally work in other fantasy media? I mean, I know we haven’t been given that much info about the inner workings of the Parabatai bond specifically but there usually is a commonality to these things.
The number one thing being: these type of bonds are controllable by the people that have them -- ESPECIALLY when said bond is voluntary. Parabatai within the Shadowhunters world have been around for centuries, I’m sure the Nephilim have this shit down already and know how to train two people that decide to go through such an honor.
So with how the bond works there would be a sliding scale of sorts between two Parabatai about how open each person has the bond from their side. In fact, instead of one sliding scale, I’m sure there are many -- one for emotional, one for pain, one for the actual benefits of a Parabatai bond (sharing strength, etc.), to name a few -- perhaps even more.
I’d imagine when both Parabatai are in a safe location --say, the institute-- that the bond would generally be fairly open while when they are both on a mission they would close down the emotional/pain sides of the bond quite a bit so that they could actually engage in combat.
So when Jace cut his hand to get Alec’s attention? Last Alec knew, Jace was safely in the institute just like he was and so the bond would have been pretty open from the both of them. Jace was banking on that, in fact. It’s also possible that when they need to, they both can send stronger signals to each other in cases similar to this one.
This is also how Jace can truthfully imply to Magnus that he couldn’t feel specific things from Alec when the two of them are being intimate. Not only would Alec (again mostly) shut down certain parts of the bond but even if Jace was picking up something, then he could have mostly shut down his side as well.
But when they both are gearing up for a mission, especially one where they know there is a high probability of combat? They’d close off certain aspects of their bond quite a bit -- not all the way though, perhaps 80-90%. It’s possible that Alec felt small echoes of Jace being stabbed and when S/J was dragging him with that chain around his neck but it wouldn’t be enough to cause him to flinch and he’d probably be able to ignore it.
Do y’all have any idea how debilitating a constantly and fully open bond would be, especially while in combat? Remember how Alec reacted and looked down at his hand? I mean, part of that was probably because it surprised him but having the bond being that open for when one or both of them are being cut or hit or whatever while fighting someone -- if it happened enough, it could have a negative impact on them both.
I doubt the benefits of the Parabatai bond would outweigh such a disadvantage if the bond itself wasn’t controllable. Especially since one of the main reasons people go through the Parabatai bond if because of how the benefits apply while the pair is in combat.
Also: I seriously doubt either of them ever shut down the bond 100% -- I think that would be quite painful for them both, if it’s even possible.
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
So can I say that we are all collectively happy that Max survived too or ... ? Would that be too much? *literally has not seen a single Max-related post in the almost 2 hrs since the episode on my dash*
Like, I’m loving all this Malec related content and holy hell, that was a great episode all around but damn people! 
Poor Max!
I really liked how each time S/J tried to get to Max again something interrupted him. I also liked how they incorporated Izzy being really central to the Max plot and the way they did it. Not that I’m a book fan, but it kind of harkens back to how things happened in the book.
I also liked watching Clary figuring S/J out. I don’t really get how yet --I’ll probably have to watch it again and actually pay attention to her scenes more being that I was like 90% focused on all the Malec flashbacks, myself-- but the fact that you could tell she had her suspicions when she looked him in the eyes and told him that she wouldn’t forgive him for what he’s done -- that was well done.
And all of the Malec flashbacks and the other Malec scenes were absolutely brilliant! I was really surprised that we got a peak at 1.06 and TWO flashbacks for 2.07. Like, damn that was a very well done way of enriching those episodes!
And the part where Magnus shows Alec his eyes, that was amazingly beautiful.
But back to Max. It’s interesting because he was obviously clever with his tracking skills but in the way that he allowed S/J to twist him away from the door spoke of his inexperience. Then the fact that he somehow got himself to Izzy’s room and away from where S/J would look for him to finish the job, that was stubbornness and perseverance to the ... well, max. I’m glad that they decided to not kill him off and I can’t wait to see him in the future! Now they just have to not kill Raphael and then I guess any future kids that Magnus and Alec have will just have to NOT BE NAMED AFTER DEAD PEOPLE!
Last but not least: WHAT DID HE DO TO DOT! WHAT ABOUT DOT! IS SHE ALIVE? DEAD? IN LIMBO? AGAIN! I mean, jeez -- does Clary even know or did she just add her to the pile w/o knowing what happened after Jace pulled her into the portal? UGH!
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
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tvline: OBSESSED with our #SDCC portraits of the #Shadowhunters cast! 😍 
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Yay, so happy for Alisha Wainwright becoming a season regular! Definitely well deserved and it will be great to have three ladies as series regulars now! :)
That trailer of the last episodes was amazing -- so jam packed! Definitely got me at the edge of my seat now and wanting to bite my nails. What’s going to happen with the Downworlders? Where will we leave Malec? Who’s going to die?
I’m really intrigued to how they will balance -- if they CAN balance -- Shadowhunters and Downworlders being so separate during a time of war and have Magnus and Alec’s relationship still grow. 
Pet Peeve: “Your Highness” is how you address a PRINCESS; “Your Majesty” is how you address a QUEEN. Come on now, writers, etc., that shouldn’t have been overlooked -- it takes three seconds to Google!
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Netflix and chill: scorpio, pisces, libra, virgo, taurus, gemini
Netflix and aggressively pause the movie every time someone talks: aquarius, leo, sagittarius, aries, cancer, capricorn 
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
if you’re lgbt reblog with your orientation + sign + favorite color in the tags!
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Now for the blonde-haired nefarious one post, aka Sebastian.
I’m guessing that guy trapped in the closet was the real Sebastian? Interesting that they are keeping that part of the book!canon, although the fact that he’s still alive (supposedly, if that is him) is a nice twist.
I liked the bookending of Jace and Sebastian playing piano, nice touch.
Did Valentine really say something like “Do I know you?” or whatever? Like -- and, it wasn’t like he’d need to say that to maintain a cover of any kind with Sebastian? It was like he really didn’t recognize him! Hmmmm.
I wasn’t surprised that Sebastian was the mole --was anyone? lol-- but in taking a moment to figure out his reasons why, I’ve came up with two ideas:
1) This facilitates moving Valentine out the New York Institute. Either for one of two purposes -- one being hoping to break Valentine out during the transfer (which, with teleporting, might be near impossible? Especially since the co-INVENTOR OF THE PORTAL is the one doing the teleporting? Idk.) and the other being to move Valentine to Idris / Alicante like a chess piece so that the next part of the plan may happen.
I guess we’ll see. I’m not sure how he got himself on the security team for the cabinet meeting (volunteered? through Izzy?) but he definitely helped show his supposed competence to Alec with that whole shell game.
And now to the talk he had with Raphael -- I think that’s what makes him an excellent manipulator, you know? The fact that everything he said had a grain of truth about it, especially if he was trying to convince Raphael that he was saying that as a concerned friend.
Which, I hope he didn’t really convince Raphael of that, even though he did decide to distance himself from Izzy. Because his observation of Sebastian being a predator is right on the nose and I hope he doesn’t let that go.
I have a lot more thoughts about this character -- even about why he really asked Clary out and his interest in Izzy -- but this is already long enough. I get why so many people who’ve read the books have an aversion to him but I really am interested in where they decide to take his character now that they’ve pretty much thrown 85% of the books out of the window.
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Two weeks? Noooo, why?!
This was a good episode overall and on my first watch of it I can’t think of anything off the top of my head that felt either wrong or flat.
Loved Maryse in this episode and I can’t wait to see more of her character arc from this point forward. The moment with her and Izzy was wonderful. 
I think the Magnus and Alec moments were totally what were needed and the whole “Mr. Lightwood” and “Mr. Bane” part was too cute. It’s good to see their professional relationship develop.
I think Alec did well taking some first steps with the cabinet meeting and I was really glad that we heard them touching on finding a neutral place for any future meetings. As important as it was for Alec to invite them into the Institute like that, having these meetings in a different location (or cycling through locations ... at least until all 5 of them unanimously agree that Magnus’ place is the best and keep the meetings at his loft, hehe) will give everyone more equal footing. I hope that there is follow through on that, even with the interruption. 
I totally feel for Luke and why he tried to kill Valentine -- there probably aren’t that many people who had more reason to do so, individually anyways. Also does that mean that his sister is dead or ... ? Last we saw her she was taken away by Valentine so Idk if he killed her for betrayal or are we going to be given another off-screen death fake out? The one with Dot was pretty well done, after all.
Loved seeing Izzy going to Clary because of her heartache (break?) with Raphael and seeing that Clary needed her as well. Seems like they’ll be able to find solace with one another. Also, glad to see their amazing friendship is back on track.
I think --although there was obvious manipulation happening also-- that Raphael’s reasoning with Izzy wasn’t wrong. It sucks, because I definitely felt the chemistry between the two of them regardless if I would have really gotten into the pairing or not. Unfortunately, I really doubt that TPTB will go against the endgame pairings or I probably would have given the pairing a fair shot -- same with Maia and Jace! The chemistry for both pairings is there, but since I don’t expect them to go through with either couple, I don’t see the point in getting invested in them. At least, canon-wise.
Have some thoughts on the blonde-haired nefarious one, but I’ll keep that to a separate post.
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