zochi9-blog 8 years
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Roger 鈽猴笍
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zochi9-blog 8 years
Blood Test 馃拤
Today i got a phone call from the doctors. My blood test results were in and it turns out that i need to see a doctor to discuss my thyroid levels and b12. I know my thyroid isn鈥檛 going to be 100% since my body is healing and needs to rebalance my hormones. So regardless of what they tell me, i鈥檓 not taking any of their shit. You have to understand that a thyroid imbalance isn鈥檛 necessarily the problem; it鈥檚 merely a symptoms of the underlying problem, such as adrenal burn out or the pituitary gland. Doctors only aim to treat the symptoms, which only hurts your body even more. Why would you take synthetic hormones that only makes your body swing further out of balance? People look towards doctors as gods, when in fact they鈥檙e only human who have been educated on false information that identifies with sick care not health care. You have to take your health into your own hands and become completely in tune with your body. You didn鈥檛 develop a health problem overnight, it took many months and probably many years. And it鈥檒l take however long it needs to heal from it.聽
I believe that if you give your body the right environment, nourishment and love, it can heal from any disease. It just takes a lot of time and patience. It鈥檚 easy to get impatient and feel like giving up. But don鈥檛 give up because you don鈥檛 know just how close you are to positive change.聽
So regardless of the results, i鈥檓 continuing on to heal myself naturally. I know my body can do it.聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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zochi9-blog 8 years
The waiting game
So... i鈥檓 having a tough time dealing with how i feel. I鈥檝e been high carb聽vegan RT4 for nearly 10 months (yes i know i鈥檓 impatient) and i still feel uncomfortable in my own skin. This metabolic damage has my hormones in a mess, especially my thyroid and it鈥檚 taking forever to heal my body. I鈥檝e had enough... but i鈥檝e got to keep reminding myself to be patient. Stressing over it will only prolong my suffering. It鈥檚 so difficult to control since i鈥檓 feeling like this all the time. It sucks to constantly feel like this, but it is my fault, so i have to deal with the payback.聽
I鈥檓 not sure how long my body needs to heal. It does鈥檛 really matter since it鈥檚 going to take however long it needs to anyway and i鈥檓 still going to do the best i can to give my body enough care and nourishment聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
This is a very long story and i鈥檒l keep it short, without sparing the details.
For the last couple of years, i鈥檝e been in a bad place. I鈥檝e always struggled to find exactly what my purpose is and the more that time goes on, the worse i feel. I know that I need to bring about change and whatever happens, i need to be creative, because that鈥檚 who i am. I managed to find myself being pulled in the direction of creative advertising and i enjoyed the process of developing ideas to influence change and create impact. I want to open peoples minds and broaden their perspective, which is what advertising can do. Unfortunately, advertising is one of the worst tools used today, only used to manipulate people into buying shit they don鈥檛 need to impress people they don鈥檛 like etc. Why the hell would I want to fuel interest in something that not only destroying people, but also destroying the planet? There was no way i was ever going to create a campaign for crap like McDonalds. But if i learnt all of the techniques of advertising, i could use it for good and create great campaigns to bring change to our already severely damaged and brainwashed society.聽
So, i found myself being drawn into the world of advertising and was accepted onto one of (if not) the best advertising schools. A very intense year long course that would provide me with the tools, the knowledge and my own portfolio to start a career. Unfortunately, this was probably one of the worst time periods of my life. I was having battles in my head everyday because i felt like i was on the wrong track, but at the same time i felt i had no other option. I felt trapped. In hindsight, i should have just left and saved myself the devastation that i eventually became. I spent 13 months in a state of panic, depression and turmoil. I didn鈥檛 eat, drink, sleep or share much of the pain inside me. I can鈥檛 blame the course completely, because i put a lot of pressure on my self. But at the same time, everyone else at the school was under the same tremendous amount of pressure as well as the threats to produce great work all of the time. Looking back, my health should never have been sacrificed for putting up with that shit. Especially as i鈥檇聽eventually work for a corrupt agency that only cares about kissing the arse of corrupt brands. I could have saved myself the mental and physical torture if i had just listened to my instincts and left. Unfortunately i was in a place of fear and doing things out of fear only brings pain.聽
So after 13 months of this shit, i finally decided i鈥檇 had enough. My body and mind were dead. I was committed to bringing myself back to life and i didn鈥檛 care how long it would take me. I wasn鈥檛 going back.聽
My adrenals were burned out from lack of food, water, sleep and an immense amount of constant stress. My thyroid was out of whack and i was constantly tired. In the end my brain just couldn鈥檛 function. I felt like i couldn鈥檛 think about anything. I just wanted to stare into space.聽
For a long time before the advertising course, i wanted to become vegan and help the vegan community to grow. So in order to heal, i fuelled my body with as much fruit and veg as i could. I slept as much as i could and also rested throughout the day. I did do 30 mins of intense exercise a day, which i probably shouldn鈥檛 have done. I realised that i had really fucked my body up and it was going to take a very long time to heal. My hormones were completely out of balance and i had caused聽metabolic damage. After finally nourishing myself and giving my body the rest it needed, my stomach swelled to the point where i looked massively pregnant. Forget 9 months pregnant, i looked like i was 19 months pregnant! There was so much swelling, which was mainly fluid retention. It鈥檚 like punching your fist into a wall. The first thing your body does is swell in order to fix it. Apparently, depending on the amount of damage done, it can take months to years to heal.聽
So here i am healing myself from severe metabolic damage/hormone imbalance. The most importantly thing is nourishing your body with a high carb whole foods vegan diet. It鈥檚 really important to eat an unlimited amount - making sure you eat 2500-3000 + calories (for a female) in order to give your body the nourishment it needs to heal. It鈥檚 equally important to drink 2 litres + water everyday and get plenty of sleep and rest.聽
I鈥檝e been healing myself for nearly 10 months and i鈥檓 still swollen. I鈥檝e already broken down a number of times because i鈥檝e had enough and i want to be completely happy and healthy again. It gets a bit much when you鈥檙e sick of wearing oversized jumpers to hide the swelling. It鈥檚 a long road to recovery.聽
I can鈥檛 wait to heal. I鈥檓 doing everything i possibly can to help myself and i will never let anything destroy my health ever again. I don鈥檛 know what i鈥檓 going to do career wise but right now i couldn鈥檛 care less.聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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currently healing... i鈥檒l explain
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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zochi9-blog 8 years
Let鈥檚 get real
Ok, so i鈥檝e come to the conclusion that i鈥檓 done with holding back. Naturally i鈥檓 very reserved and won鈥檛 let a lot of people get close to me. I never give anything away and this has only caused me pain. I鈥檓 pretty much a closed book when it comes to sharing my personal views and feelings with anyone. I鈥檓 just all too aware that people in general are complete twats, so why would i ever share anything personal with them? Unfortunately, it gets to the point where you pretty much isolate yourself from everyone and eventually the whole world. There are good people out there, but if you don鈥檛 give them the chance, then you鈥檒l never know.聽
So i鈥檝e decided that this is the start of being open. This is where i鈥檒l share my inner most thoughts, feelings and moments of pain and happiness;聽as difficult as it may be.
If anyone finds this page, i hope it鈥檒l bring you some relief, escape or hope. Maybe it鈥檒l give you a different perspective. Maybe you鈥檙e like me and it鈥檒l give you some comfort, or maybe you鈥檙e the complete opposite and it鈥檒l give you some insight on the thoughts and feelings of a secretive mind.聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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Mint Nicecream 馃槏
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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Meet Roger.聽
This little one has decided that our house is now his new home. I admit that i might have encouraged this... but you can鈥檛 force a cat to do what they don鈥檛 want to do.聽
As long as he鈥檚 happy.聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
For the last 2 weeks i have been ridiculously sick. Not only have I been feeling like a big pile of shit, but i鈥檝e literally fallen a part. I feel like everything has crumbled. Life feels like a struggle and no matter how hard i try to fight to make things better, it feels hopeless. Giving up is never an option, but yesterday, i felt so close 馃様 I just don鈥檛 know what more i can do to make things go right. I鈥檓 trying to remain positive. I think getting sick on top of trying to heal myself has really got to me. I want to be ok. I want to be happy.聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
Life lessons
Ok, so the last couple of days have proved 2 things. And these 2 things are probably the most relevant in my life than anything else.聽
It gets worse before it gets better.
Right now i鈥檓 doing a lot of healing and it鈥檚 taking a long time. I鈥檓 really not surprised since not eating or drinking enough, high stress, overworking, no sleep and total mind and body fatigue for over a year has really screwed me up. I鈥檝e found that healing takes as long as it needs to and it鈥檚 a slow and steady process. During this process i鈥檝e realised聽it gets worse before it gets better. It鈥檚 a real challenge for me since i鈥檓 a really impatient person. Really impatient. I want to feel great immediately, which i know it鈥檚 purely irrational. So for me it鈥檚 a real聽challenge and i guess it鈥檚 a life lesson too. The body does what it needs to do, we just have to get out of its way.聽
Consistency is the key聽
Consistency is probably the most important thing when it comes to absolutely everything. if you want to be great at something, consistency. If you want to change your life, consistency. If you want to be an athlete, consistency. If you want to heal, consistency. Anything that is聽worth having, needs dedication, hard work and consistency. It needs to be worked on daily. The results are revealed over time. - and as an impatient person, this can be excruciating. So once again, i鈥檓 learning to become patient.聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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zochi9-blog 8 years
that would be great聽
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zochi9-blog 8 years
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zochi9-blog 8 years
Nothing more satisfying 馃榿
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