Survivors were always a problem. In the past, two of Zodiac's victims managed to walk away after the initial attack. This time however, he made damn sure no one was getting back up.
Zodiac prodded the woman with his boot, watching her head roll at an awkward angle. Blood pooled the cement all around her, still gushing from stab wound after stab wound. A smile played across the killer's lips.
With a satisfied hum, Zodiac returned the knife to his pocket and began to stroll away from the scene, already thinking over what sort of letter he would send the police this time. Maybe he would even draw a picture this time.
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I still have room in my Castle, should you like to visit, Zodiac. -Holmes
Zodiac smiled slightly and rubbed the back of his head before scribbling out an answer and sending the message back.
Are the beds acid free this time? - Zodiac
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I still have room in my Castle, should you like to visit, Zodiac. -Holmes
Zodiac smiled slightly and rubbed the back of his head before scribbling out an answer and sending the message back.
Are the beds acid free this time? - Zodiac
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☠ WARNING: Enter with Caution. ☠
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