zoerainier · 4 years
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zoerainier · 4 years
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JP election winner Nobubu bonus CG + Top 7 lords group CG
Nobu keeps on winning he don’t stop winning 
Nobu: Hideyoshi give me your hand Yasu: *judging stare* Can you not
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zoerainier · 4 years
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From Dengeki Girl's Style and Hakuoki Shinkai Twitter.
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zoerainier · 4 years
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 💚🏮
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zoerainier · 4 years
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Hakuouki: Demon Of The Fleeting Blossom: Okita & Saitou mobile wallpaper.
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zoerainier · 4 years
Hakuouki Tsukikage no Shou - Okita's Route Ending 3/3 (Spoiler Alert)
Note: Quick summary about the new CGs (excluding those from common route). I try to be as accurate as possible with my limited Japanese. Apologies in advance for any inaccuracy.
Part 1 | Part 2
October of Meiji 5th Year.
It had been 4 years since the last battle of the former Shogunate's army. Souji and Chizuru lived deep in the mountain, away from society, so they only heard intermittent news regarding the war.
One day, Souji was following Chizuru to go shopping at a nearby village, although usually she was the only one who went as she worried about his status, and also about his physical condition that required him to have more rest.
As she was checking with him again if it was really alright, Souji again insisted on coming along with her and saying that strangely, living in the Yukimura Village made him feel better. It was fine for him to occasionally go out with her, he then added that this might be the last time he could go out. Chizuru was stricken by his ominous words. Souji said he was only joking, but she said that she was being serious, and began to wonder how long would their life together last, could it be tomorrow, in a month, or maybe a few years. She was well aware that one day she had to say goodbye. Souji then quickly apologized for saying this kind of joke as he knew that he had made her sad. He asked if she would cry after he was gone, and if she would hate him. Chizuru said that she would never hate him no matter what he did, afterall, they had survived those difficult days only because they had been supporting each other.
They continued their way to the village where Chizuru usually shopped, and Souji commented that nothing much had changed there since the Tokugawa reign. She replied saying because they were in the countryside so there shouldn't be much changes although the name had changed from Shirakawa domain, it was now Fukushima Prefecture.
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Chizuru told him to still be careful just in case his face got recognized, but Souji laughingly said that the people who knew his face were all dead in the war. Moreover, he didn't think that the SatCho army would be present in a remote place like this. However, later on he mistook some people for being from the SatCho army.
On their way back, they passed by two men who were talking about the new Government's pardon, specifically they were saying that the Shinsengumi had also been pardoned. Both Souji and Chizuru continued to walk in thoughful silence, but afterwards Souji finally asked if she had also heard the two men earlier talking about the fate of the Shinsengumi. Realizing what he meant, Chizuru told him to wait there while she quickly went after the two men to ask for more information.
A little while later she returned, not knowing what to say to Souji. He offered a guess that Hijikata-san was dead. Chizuru was surprised that he had guessed correctly, but Souji said that he had known Hijikata-san for such a long time that he just knew it. At first glance, Souji appeared calm, but Chizuru knew that various thoughts and feelings were swirling inside him. Souji then said that he needed to think, and would it be alright with her if he wanted to be alone. Chizuru was worried about him, but couldn't refuse him when he requested again, so she made her way home alone.
Much later, Chizuru had finished making dinner, but there was no sign of Souji having returned home. Night had fallen and he still had yet to come back. She was worried but thought that he couldn't have just disappeared, and decided to go look for him. She found him not too far away from their home. He was looking up at the sky, his pale figure illuminated by the starry night sky, making him appear as if he wasn't a real person and that caused her to hesitate to call him.
Souji turned towards her and apologized for making her worry. Chizuru told him that it was fine as she knew that he had known Hijikata-san since he was a kid, and she still remembered how he had reacted towards Hijikata-san when Kondou-san died.
Souji asked Chizuru to tell him properly about everything that the two men had said to her earlier.
After they parted ways that night, when Souji confronted him regarding Kondou-san's death, Hijikata-san had led the soldiers to Hakodate to continue fighting. There, he fell victim to the enemy bullets. After the war, the former Shogunate military personnel and the Shinsengumi soldiers were severely punished. Among the former Shogunate army, the Aizu clan was one of the most being punished heavily.
After Chizuru finished relating this information to him, Souji replied that it was all over, everything. And Hijikata-san, he really died. Souji then sighed, adding that he thought even if Hijikata-san had survived the war, he wouldn't have survived the new government. Chizuru was quiet, so Souji continued that Hijikata-san would have wanted the kind of ending (death) that he had gotten as in the end, he continued fighting battle after battle, while carrying the Shinsengumi's name, their Makoto flag, and also Kondou-san's thoughts. Chizuru agreed that Hijikata-san, who carried all of the Shinsengumi, was trying to be a samurai until the very end.
Souji then wondered aloud about the fate of Saito and Nagakura, and he thought of Heisuke who had become a fury earlier than him would probably be dead already. He gazed at the stars, thinking about the past, then he closed his eyes. He said that he probably would be the next one to go join Kondou-san and the rest.
Chizuru couldn't bear to listen anymore and grabbed his hand, but Souji apologetically requested to have more time alone.
This time, without hesitation, Chizuru chose to refuse to leave him alone. She insisted that she wouldn't let him be alone at a time like this, and even for the rest of their lives, she wouldn't let him be alone. She would be there for him. No matter how much time passed and how quick the world changed, her feelings for him would never change. She had decided to always be by his side until the last moment.
Souji looked surprised upon hearing her admission. A short silence flowed between them before Souji finally said that being together until the last moment meant that she would see him die. Would she be prepared for that day?
Chizuru noted that it was a very cruel question. She shook her head and replied that she was not ready yet, and she couldn't do it. A breeze blew past them, and Souji patted her hair that was blowing in the wind. He apologized again for saying terrible things. It was because he loved her that he couldn't help but caused her trouble, and he thought about how she would live after he was gone.
He reached out to her, and she took his hand. She could feel what it was that he was seeking even though he didn't really say it.
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And they kissed. Chizuru had always felt happy during the five years she had spent with him. Their days had been peaceful, and she was afraid that the last day would finally be coming. The warmth of his touch, the sweetness of his kisses, would they someday become things that could not be recovered anymore?
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Tears trailed down her face. Even though she knew that she shouldn't cry, but she couldn't stop the tears from flowing. She felt happy everyday, so she really shouldn't cry. Still, this happiness wouldn't last forever.
Souji: Even after I die... I don't want to give you to someone else. I want you to be happy, but even then...
Chizuru: I can't be happy with anyone else other than Souji-san.
That was my true feelings. I don't think I'll ever be able to meet a man who can understand me like this. After losing both my father and twin brother, I only have Souji-san.
Moreover, I believe that Souji-san's illness would surely heal. I've heard that the British and French medicine is far more advanced. And also because it's a new world now, I'm sure there'll be better medicine. I know there's no basis to it, but it gives me comfort, and I want to believe it.
I will not give up on Souji-san's life until the very last moment.
Souji: That's true. You're right. I never thought there would be a time when a sword would not be needed. Maybe a miracle will happen.
Chizuru: Yes, surely.
I remember how Souji-san would describe himself as the Sword of the Shinsengumi, but in this new world, there would be no need for him to keep battling.
There may be miracles that will cure his illness in the future, so I will not give up living with him until the last moment.
Souji: I love you, Chizuru. I'm really glad to have met you.
Chizuru: I feel the same way too.
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Then, under the starry autumn night sky, our lips meet again.
P.S. Is it just me or does his hand look gigantic in these CGs? I miss the older illustrations, the newer ones feel different. Also, what is it with the bleak theme throughout Okita's whole route? Sigh...
Can I headcanon that afterwards they will pray for Hijikata-san's soul, along with Kondou-san's and their other fallen comrades' to rest in peace, and ask them to bless Souji and the other surviving members elsewhere with good health and longevity? No need to be in a hurry to reunite with their fallen comrades, they should take their time to find and fulfil a new goal/ way of life in the new world instead.
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zoerainier · 4 years
Hakuouki Tsukikage no Shou - Okita's Route 2/3 (Spoiler Alert)
Note: Quick summary about the new CGs (excluding those from common route). I try to be as accurate as possible with my limited Japanese. Apologies in advance for any inaccuracy.
Part 1 | Part 3
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Okita and Chizuru were following Hijikata-san's track to Nikko. Along the way, Okita mistook the sound of wild dog and howling wind for enemies. He laughed and got upset at how dull his senses had become. Chizuru asked him to take a rest, and they laid down together under the stars, while holding hands and looking at the beautiful moon. Okita said he understood that Hijikata-san had his own circumstances, but felt guilty himself for not being able to save Kondou-san. He asked Chizuru not to stop him when they finally meet up with Hijikata-san. Chizuru was unsure about what he would do, but promised him anyway. She prayed that destiny would stop giving him more difficult tests.
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The two of them were on their journey to Yukimura Village when suddenly Chizuru felt unwell. Okita wanted her to rest, but she insisted on continuing even though she felt dizzy and nauseous, and her vision was getting distorted. After a while, she began to crave for blood: Okita's blood. She told him to leave her and to stay away from her, but he refused and embraced her instead. He assured her that it was fine with him even if she wanted to kill him and drink his blood. She directed her focus on his kind words and eventually managed to calm her bloodlust. Okita said he needed fury power so he drank the water of life, but Chizuru did not drink it out of her own free will. But she replied that she was glad to have drank it because now she could understand his pain and struggle. Okita was very touched and commented that unlike him, she was very strong as she could still think of others even when she was suffering through her bloodlust. She replied that she could go through it only because he was with her. Gradually, Chizuru felt better and noted internally that had she hurt Okita, she could never forgive herself.
(If the wrong answer was chosen: Chizuru insisted that she was fine, if Okita could endure the suffering, then she could too. But if she turned into a bloodthirsty monster, she wanted Okita to kill her, and as for the matter regarding her father and Kaoru... Okita cut her sentence off, saying that he could never do that. So before things could come to that stage, he would end it all now. And the screen went black.)
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zoerainier · 4 years
Hakuouki Tsukikage no Shou - Okita's Route 1/3 (Spoiler Alert)
Note: Quick summary about the new CGs (excluding those from common route). I try to be as accurate as possible with my limited Japanese. Apologies in advance for any inaccuracy.
Part 2 | Part 3
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Chizuru joined the first division on a patrol while worrying about Okita's injury from the Ikedaya incident. It was a hot day, and Okita asked Chizuru and his unit to stop for a rest while he was going to check out somewhere else. Chizuru insisted on following him because she was very worried about him, but it turned out that he went to buy a bag of konpeitou. He gave her one to "bribe" her into keeping it a secret as he was not supposed to go shopping while on duty.
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The Shinsengumi was getting new swords to replace those that were beyond repair after the Ikedaya incident. Okita found it difficult to find a new sword that he liked, but ultimately picked Yamatonokami Yasusada. Turned out that it was an expensive sword that was out of the Shinsengumi's budget. Hijikata-san demanded that he chose a different one, but Okita was adamant, saying that he would ask for Kondou-san's permission. Hijikata-san did not want to involve Kondou-san, so he relented and said that the cost of the sword would be taken out of Okita's pay.
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Inoue-san asked Chizuru to go with him to buy rice, but the shop mixed up their orders, while Inoue-san still had to send out a letter for Hijikata-san. So, Chizuru told him to run his errand while she waited at the shop. After Inoue-san left, Chizuru noticed Okita walking alone and decided to approach him. He was secretive about where he was going, but eventually Chizuru found out that he was buying medicine. He threatened asked her to keep it a secret, which she agreed. Later on they met Inoue-san who had returned from running his errand and was looking for Chizuru who wasn't in the rice shop. Okita lied saying that they were checking out someone who looked like Kodo-san, and offered to escort Chizuru back to headquarters afterwards.
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When the first division had to go for a night patrol, Chizuru was worried about the cold night air affecting Okita's health, but he insisted on doing his work. Chizuru was preparing for bed when she heard the sound of the first division returning from their patrol. She went out to greet them but Okita was not among them. Later on she found him alone at the courtyard, his white haori bloodied. She asked him if that was the blood from a ronin he cut down or if it was his own. Okita told her that there wasn't any problem at all, and she should just return to her room. Chizuru refused, and Okita finally confided that he was upset as he had dirtied the white uniform that Kondou-san ordered for them. Originally, the Shinsengumi only had one light blue haori during Serizawa-san's leadership. Chizuru told him to take off his haori so she could help him wash off the blood stain. She used white radish to get the difficult stain off, and it was revealed that the blood came from Okita when he coughed up blood.
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Chizuru was called into a meeting by Kondou-san and Hijikata-san, and when she entered the room, she noticed that Okita was there too. Turned out that both men were concerned about Okita's prolonged "cold". Chizuru kept the truth from them, and after Okita brought her out, she asked him if it was okay to lie to them. Okita said that he would explain it himself next time.
One day, Chizuru was sweeping when Okita approached her and offered to help. He reasoned that he needed to move his body and if he could not do his duties, then he would just help her clean. Chizuru agreed and passed him the broom, but he kept dropping it. After two attempts, Chizuru seemed to realize that Okita had no strength and quickly said that she was used to cleaning on her own. Later they heard the kids calling Okita to come play together, but he told her not to answer them. He reasoned that since he could not play with them anymore due to his illness, then he should just ignore them until they eventually forgot about him. Chizuru disagreed as it would make him unhappy, and before he could stop her, she rushed out to explain to the kids.
Afterwards, she returned to a sulky Okita and asked him to stretch out his hands. He did it moodily, and was touched upon receiving the well-wishes charms and origami from the kids. Chizuru asked him not to give up on his condition, and he agreed saying that he needed to get well soon so he would be able to play with the kids again.
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zoerainier · 4 years
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Otomate Winter City 2014-2015
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Otomate Summer City 2014
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zoerainier · 4 years
Bandai Japan Announces Demon Slayer Tamagotchi!
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Previously leaked last week, Bandai Japan has just made it official! Bandai Japan has just officially announced the Demon Slayer Tamagotchi collaboration! The device, based off of the Tamagotchi Nano platform is named “Kimetsu Tamagotchi”, which is all about raising your character, and training it to defeat the demons!
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The Kimetsu Tamagotchi will come in three shell colors, green which is based off of the character Tanjiro, brown which is based off of the character Nezuko Kamado, and lastly black which is based off the character Demon Corps.
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There are fifteen characters that you can earn based on care. Like most other Tamagotchi Nano’s there are limit capabilities, these include feeding, and playing three games to train your character to beat the demons!
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Lastly you’ll see that there are four demons that will attack your character, but you’ve got to stay strong by training your character and and not let them take over!
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This seems like a super cute Tamagotchi collaboration, and it has gotten a ton of attention from the Tamagotchi community! The device has an MSRP of ¥2,300 which is slightly under the Evangelion Tamagotchi Evatchi pricing. Preorders for the device are already posted, but to no ones surprised are no longer available. The device will officially launch in Japan this October,  but no exact date was given.
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zoerainier · 4 years
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zoerainier · 4 years
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【おやすみ】 おきちづ
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zoerainier · 4 years
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【好物 金平糖(沖田)/星が降る夜】 おきちづ
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zoerainier · 4 years
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zoerainier · 4 years
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イベント名:薄桜鬼シリーズ オンリーイベント『ゆきさくら 第二十二章』 開催日:2020 年 11 月 3 日(火) 会場名:東京流通センター(TRC) 主催名:スタジオ YOU様(http://youyou.co.jp)
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zoerainier · 4 years
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From B's Log Magazine, December 2019.
Rough translation:
One rainy day. The third division had been out on an afternoon patrol when they got caught in the rain, everyone, including Saito-san came back soaked.
There was a flurry of activities in the headquarters, like boiling hot water to use for warming up their bodies, and preparing dry clothes.
"Saito-san too, please dry yourself and warm up immediately."
"Thank you for your preparation. First of all, let's ask the soldiers to change first."
"What about Saito-san?"
"I will first take care of my sword that has gotten wet in the rain, I don't mind changing later."
After that, the still wet Saito-san returned to his own room.
However, Saito-san did not show up for dinner later in the evening. I was worried, so I decided to see what was going on.
"Saito-san... Are you in your room?"
There was no reply, but there was an indication that someone was inside the room.
I wondered if it was Saito-san... I noticed the same sign that I used to observe at my father's clinic back home.
"... Excuse me! I'm coming in!"
Sure enough, the still wet from the rain Saito-san had collapsed while maintaining his sword.
"Sa, Saito-san! Wake up, please!"
"Futon... I need to lay out the futon now! Somebody! Somebody, please help!"
After a while ー
"... Sigh... My forehead... It feels good... Hmm? ... Where am I?"
"Saito-san, do you notice?"
"Um... Here is... Seems to be my room... But, why are you here...?"
"Saito-san, don't you realize? You have a cold and collapsed in your room."
"I...have a cold...?"
"You were maintaining your sword that had gotten wet in the rain... Your body got cold (because you hadn't dried yourself) so, of course you're having a cold now."
"Um... I see... So, that's what caused me to have a cold... I have inconvenienced you."
"No. Please wait a while. I will call the others now."
"... Wait, please."
Saito-san's hand grabbed mine and held on to it as he tried to get up.
"Saito-san? What is it?"
"I wonder... If you'll keep your hand on my forehead...?"
"... Yes. I'll wipe off your sweat, then put my hand there to measure your temperature..."
"As I thought... So, that's what it is... Your hand... I feel comfortable..."
Saito-san said with satisfaction, and he fell asleep again with a peaceful smile.
Much later, Saito-san who had recovered from the cold, did not seem to remember the events from that evening.
I felt a little lonely however.
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zoerainier · 4 years
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From B's Log Magazine, December 2019.
Rough translation:
It was a day when everything went wrong right from the start in the morning.
Breakfast was not well prepared, the cooked rice was hard, then during cleaning, the leaves that had been swept up were scattered by the wind, and the laundry that had been washed and dried fell on the ground and became muddy.
In the midst of it all, a worried Inoue-san told me that it was alright to go back to my room and take a rest.
Feeling depressed from the previous failures, I headed back to my room. But halfway through the corridor, my legs just stopped walking.
I was told that it was fine to take a rest, but I wonder if it was really alright for me to just rest like this... I think, it's actually better that I go back to help afterall...
However, on a day when everything went wrong like today, I couldn't help but feel like I was only going to be a bother if I went back.
But then again, at a time when everyone was working, I felt useless to only be resting in my room and not doing anything...
"Sigh... What should I do..."
I let out a small sigh when I could not decide whether to just return to my room or go back to find Inoue-san.
"... It is unusual for you to sigh. What happened?"
The voice that called out and approached me belonged to Okita-san.
"Ah... No, I'm fine."
I felt embarrassed for him to see my depressed face, so I hurriedly looked down.
"Hmm... Your face doesn't look fine though. Do you know that there is an effective charm that can cheer you up at such a time?"
"Pfft... I'll do it. Leave it to me."
Okita-san delightedly turned to walk behind me and untie my hair cord.
"Um, Okita-san... What are you doing!?"
"What are you saying, this is the charm to cheer you up."
And then he began to unravel my hair, brushing it carefully with his fingers.
"Please wait. For Okita-san to be doing something like this..."
"That's right. When I was little, Kondou-san would perform this charm when I was feeling bad because of the senior students."
"... Kondou-san?"
"Yes. It felt comfortable to have Kondou-san brush and tie up my hair. I was very happy that I began to think of it as my personal pick-me-up charm. So, I wonder if it will make you feel better too."
It was particularly daunting to have Okita-san do something like this, but... as he continued to pat my head, it felt so comfortable that I could feel my earlier gloom starting to fade away.
That must be because it wasn't just anyone else's hand. Perhaps, the reason was because it was Okita-san's hand. But...
Afterwardsー thanks to Okita-san's pick-me-up charm, I was able to go back to helping around the headquarters without having to return to my room.
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