zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Arnaud Wetzel talking about Elixir and OTP
Arnaud Wetzel, is talking about Elixir, a language that transpiles to Erlang. Furthermore he demonstrates how OTP applications can be built with Elixir and what the advantages of doing so are.
Recorded at the new @rackspace offices in Zürich. The techup entry.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Benoît Chesnau talking Erlang OTP
Benoît Chesneau, is talking about Erlang OTP and it's advantages.
Specifically that you should let a process crash and let its parent care about how to deal with it.
Recorded at the new @rackspace offices in Zürich. Techup entry.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
AngularJS used in conjunction with a JSON API
Jonas Wagner, developer at local.ch is talking about AngularJS, a Javascript framework similar to Ember and Backbone. He shows in his demo how one can consume the JSON data delivered by the LocomotiveCMS API which was created by Thomas Preusse in his talk right before.
Recorded at a @webtuesday meetup hosted by @meetmila
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
LocomotiveCMS as a powerful Backend
Thomas Preusse, developer at local.ch is talking about LocomotiveCMS, a CMS built in Rails. He shows how data can be imported with Rake tasks and later be managed by non-tech editors. Also how the rendered output can be edited using templates.
This talk relies on the docker environment that has been set up in Eduard's talk.
Recorded at a @webtuesday meetup at @meetmila.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Setting up a Rails and MongoDB instance with Docker
Eduard Schäli, developer at local.ch is talking about docker, a wrapper around lxc-containers written in Go. He goes through an example of how to have a Rails and MongoDB instance running on a single server running Docker.
Recorded at a @webtuesday meetup at @meetmila.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
New Relic Techtalk by @chregu
Christian Stocker shows what New Relic can (and already did) offer to some of Liip's projects.
Recorded at the Liip Zürich office (@liip).
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Responsive Design by @shvi
Pierre founder of nelm.io is talking about what there is behind the term «responsive design» and how one can create mobile website quite easily if one adheres to a few simple rules. He then goes through some interesting demo examples and talks about the nuggets of wisdom he picked up while building websites for mobile.
Recorded at a @webtuesday meetup at @liip.
Thanks Pierre for letting me tape your talk.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Cloudfoundry on top of OpenStack - ICCLab
Christof Marti from the ICCLab is giving a talk on how to run Cloudfoundry the open source PaaS on top of an Openstack cloud.
Recorded by switch at the @OpenStackCH meetup hosted by switch
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Talk: Flash, Quicktime
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Openstack on Openstack at Rackspace
Paul Voccio from Rackspace is explaining to the Zurich Openstack crowd on how they test Openstack at Rackspace by running it on top of their first Openstack cloud like Matryoshka dolls.
Recorded by switch at the @OpenStackCH meetup hosted by switch.
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Talk: Flash, Quicktime
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
From websites to mobile apps - a journey @JSZurich
Martin Naumann is giving an overview of what websites used to be like and what they can be nowadays.
He is also presenting his own lungo-angular-bridge project which is one of the new building blocks when building mobile javascript applications.
Recorded at the @jszurich meetup hosted by @centralway.
Thanks to @AVGP and @centralway for publishing the talk.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Local.ch - The First Year on Rails
local.ch went live with Rails in March 2012. As with any new technology stack, handling high traffic, not everything went smoothly. Jeremy Seitz, lead engineer on the local.ch website, shares stories, experiences and lessons learned on bringing one of the most popular websites in Switzerland to Rails.
Recorded at the @webtuesday meetup @localch.
Thanks to Jeremy for letting me tape this talk.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Introduction to Puppet @webtuesday
David Gubler from Doodle gives a short introduction to the Server Orchestration Tool Puppet and shows how they use it at Doodle to keep their servers in order.
Recorded at the @webtuesday Meetup at @centralway.
Thanks to David for letting me tape his talk.
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Cloud Foundry Bootcamp @zhgeeks
[Alvaro Videla](http://twitter.com/old_sound) from [Cloud Foundry](http://cloudfoundry.org) gives an overview of what Cloud Foundry is and what it solves. Then shows some code for his super webscale Cloudstagram Project which he built using Node.js, Clojure and RabbitMQ. Recorded at a [@zhgeeks](https://twitter.com/zhgeeks) Meetup in Zürich, hosted by [Switch](http://www.switch.ch). Thanks to Alvaro for letting me tape his talk. **Links:** [Cloudstagram on Cloudfoundry](http://cloudstagram.cloudfoundry.com) - [Slides](http://www.slideshare.net/old_sound/cloud-foundry-bootcamp-15287899)
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zurichtechtalks · 11 years
Three.js @JSZurich
Right before Christmas [Dominique Sandoz](https://twitter.com/streunerlein) gave a talk about [three.js a JavaScript 3D library](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/) at the local [@JSZurich Meetup](https://twitter.com/JSZurich). In the talk he live codes an example and shows what's possible today in terms of animation and audio/video interoperability by just using a browser. Recorded at [@JSZurich](https://twitter.com/JSZurich) by [@Centralway](https://twitter.com/Centralway). The code used during the talk is on github [streunerlein/jsz-threejs](https://github.com/streunerlein/jsz-threejs).
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zurichtechtalks · 12 years
An introduction to Cloudera Impala - SQL on top of Hadoop
[James Kinley](https://twitter.com/jrkinley) gives an introduction to [Cloudera](http://www.cloudera.com/) Impala. Cloudera Impala provides fast, interactive SQL queries directly on your Apache Hadoop data stored in HDFS or HBase. In addition to using the same unified storage platform, Impala also uses the same metadata, SQL syntax (Hive SQL), ODBC driver and user interface (Hue Beeswax) as Apache Hive. This provides a familiar and unified platform for batch-oriented or real-time queries. Recorded at the fourth SwissBigData Usergroup Meetup in Zürich. Thanks to the [@SwissBigData](https://twitter.com/SwissBigData) organizers and James Kinley for letting me tape this talk.
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zurichtechtalks · 12 years
Automated conflict resolution enabling masterless data distribution
[Rune Skou Larsen](https://twitter.com/runeskoularsen) from [Trifork](http://www.trifork.com/) talks about Automated conflict resolution in large database applications to enable masterless data distribution at the third [SwissBigData Usergroup](http://www.bigdata-usergroup.ch/) Meetup in Zürich. Thanks to the [@SwissBigData](https://twitter.com/SwissBigData) organizers and Rune Skov Larsen for letting me tape this talk. Btw. I'm sorry for the poor audio quality it get's better at about a 60 seconds in.
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zurichtechtalks · 12 years
Vert.x an event-driven application framework for the JVM
[Alvaro](https://twitter.com/old_sound) is demoing [Vert.x](http://vertx.io/) to show when/why/how it can be the choice to power your next web application. Vert.x is currently working with Ruby, Java, Groovy, Javascript and Python. It understands concurrency and can fully utilize your multicore servers CPUs. Special Thanks to [Doodle](http://doodle.com/) for hosting [webtuesday](http://webtuesday.ch/meetings/20121009/) ([@webtuesday](https://twitter.com/webtuesday)) this time.
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