glavilio · 5 months
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more QSL cards, distributed by amateur radio enthusiasts and pirate stations to advertise their frequencies (via Graggaber Josef)
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horsemeatscandal2028 · 5 months
Hey girl!
"I drink from the chalice!"
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-the foz
Hey girl
Chalice drink
Happy Days
Golden chalice
Photo of Fonzie
Photo of chalice
Fonzie drink
Happy Days image
Golden chalice photo
Foz image
Fonzie photo
Chalice photo
Hey girl chalice
Fonzie Happy Days
Foz chalice
Chalice and Fonzie
Golden chalice and Fonzie
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comfortfoodcontent · 1 year
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gogojetters · 3 months
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A few pages of the Go Jetters Magazine which I got my hands on, plus the two sticker sheets ! Apologies if the lighting is bad. I may share more pages in the future, if anyone is interested !! (:
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oklotea · 7 months
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NFNQFHWNNFNNDB WOO HOOOO GO GO!!!! GO GO!!!! GO JETTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! me and my sister watched the 80 days around the world episode and I told her I wished they were in full costume instead of just single accessories. SOO!!!! I MADE THIS!!!!! AND I'M REALLY PROUD OF IT!!!! hope you guys like it :DD
Click for better quality!!!
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Biblical Seraph Mercy by Aifo_zu/Foz (2)
(fanart by nekitoototo/nekito/nekitoron)
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carloskaplan · 6 months
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Basílica de San Martín de Mondoñedo
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thunderstomm · 1 year
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Okay so.... Hear me out.
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sorelisolenergias · 6 months
💲ECONOMIA+ PAGAMENTO FACILITADO💲 👉 Um sonho que cabe no seu orçamento!  ✨ A Bruna e o Daniel contam um pouquinho mais sobre a experiência em ter Energia Solar em casa e sobre a economia que a energia limpa proporcionou para a vida financeira deles ☀️ O sol é para todos 🌄 Entre em contato com a Soreli através do WhatsApp (45) 98804-6632 e comece a sua jornada para uma casa mais eficiente! 🧡
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marianarolim · 6 months
Soreli Sol Energias: Uma Luz Brilhante no Horizonte Energético Brasileiro, segundo o CEO Amon Mendes Franco de Sousa
São Paulo, 27 de outubro de 2023 – Em um cenário global onde a sustentabilidade e a preocupação com o meio ambiente são pautas frequentes, as fontes renováveis de energia têm ganhado espaço e destaque. No Brasil, uma empresa se destaca não apenas pela eficiência e inovação em seus projetos, mas também pelo rápido crescimento e impacto positivo que vem gerando: a Soreli Sol Energias.
Por trás desse sucesso está o visionário CEO da empresa, Amon Mendes Franco de Sousa. Desde o início, Amon percebeu o potencial disruptivo da energia solar e decidiu que a Soreli não seria apenas mais uma empresa no mercado. Ele sempre prezou por novidades e tecnologia de ponta, buscando constantemente atualizações e inovações que poderiam ser implementadas para aprimorar os sistemas de energia solar.
Fundada há apenas alguns anos, a Soreli Sol Energias, sob a liderança de Amon, já se estabeleceu como uma das líderes no mercado de energia solar brasileiro. Seu diferencial? Um compromisso inabalável com a qualidade, pesquisa e desenvolvimento, aliado a soluções personalizadas para seus clientes, desde residências até grandes indústrias.
Diversos fatores contribuíram para o meteorico sucesso da Soreli Sol Energias. Em primeiro lugar, o Brasil, com sua abundância de luz solar durante grande parte do ano, é um terreno fértil para a energia solar. Entretanto, mais do que apenas aproveitar as condições naturais, a Soreli, com a visão futurista de Amon, investiu fortemente em tecnologia e formação de profissionais altamente qualificados. Isso permitiu que a empresa desenvolvesse projetos otimizados, que maximizam a captação e conversão da luz solar em eletricidade.
A empresa também demonstrou ser visionária ao identificar cedo o potencial do mercado brasileiro para soluções em energia solar. Em vez de seguir o modelo tradicional de simplesmente instalar painéis solares, a Soreli buscou parcerias estratégicas, desenvolveu programas de financiamento atrativos e ofereceu consultorias para ajudar os clientes a entender e aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios da energia solar.
Além disso, em um momento em que muitos consumidores e empresas buscam maneiras de reduzir sua pegada de carbono, a proposta de valor da Soreli Sol Energias se mostrou extremamente alinhada com as demandas do século XXI. Sua missão não se limita a vender sistemas solares, mas a transformar a maneira como as pessoas veem e consomem energia.
O mercado respondeu de maneira positiva. Com um crescimento robusto ano após ano, a empresa tem expandido sua presença em diversos estados brasileiros, solidificando sua reputação como uma referência no setor.
É importante notar, no entanto, que o sucesso da Soreli Sol Energias não é apenas uma conquista empresarial. Ele reflete uma mudança mais ampla na mentalidade dos brasileiros e uma crescente conscientização sobre a importância de fontes renováveis e sustentáveis de energia.
Se o futuro é solar, a Soreli Sol Energias, sob a batuta inspiradora de Amon Mendes Franco de Sousa, com certeza está na vanguarda, iluminando o caminho para um Brasil mais verde e sustentável. E, pelo visto, o céu é o limite para essa estrela em ascensão no universo energético brasileiro.
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lmarin · 1 year
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daikenkki · 7 months
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Go Jetters by CiTVNostalgia1998
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arkaynagoodfey · 9 months
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mogai-headcanons · 5 months
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Xuli from Go Jetters is a pansexual intrafeminine librafeminine demiirl who uses she/her, they/them, and sometimes he/him pronouns!
Kyan is abrosexual, but currently uses the bisexual label, and uses he/him pronouns!
Lars is an oriented aroace nonbinary person who uses they/them and he/him pronouns!
Foz is a demisexual bicurious person who uses he/him pronouns!
They're all friends and are taught by Ubercorn, a queer heteroflexible cis man who is very supportive of the community and uses he/him pronouns, but is fine with any!
Ubercorn is friends with Grandmaster Glitch, a panromantic demisexual demiboy who uses he/him, they/them, and it/its pronouns!
The Go Jetters are all friends with Glitch's niece Tala, a girl who is still questioning her gender and sexuality and uses she/her pronouns!
Tala is also friends with Finn, a heteromantic asexual ally!
Professor Wave is a transfeminine asexual lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
dni link
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gogojetters · 1 month
GJ Families - Headcanon Mini-Post
I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but because I’m very busy at the moment, it’s hard to find the time to make big posts. So, I’m trying my best to be okay with making smaller, more simple posts, and this is kind of testing that format. And what better than sharing some headcanons about what I think the Go Jetters’ families are like?? It’s been a long time coming, haha.
For now, I’m only doing the Funky Five (Xuli, Kyan, Lars, Foz and Tala), but maybe in the future I’ll drop a thing or two about the others. Each character has their own little section, with a mini-Drabble about what I think their family structure is, and maybe even some little HCs about some of the members. I hope you like this layout, and feel free to ask questions ! Any rude comments will be deleted.
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Xuli is adopted! She has two mothers, Alejandra and Lina, who adopted her when she was two. Additionally, she has an older brother, Sol, age 19- who is her biological brother- and a younger sister named Aurelia, age 12, who is also adopted. Xuli’s family is upper middle class, her Mum (Alejandra) working as a lawyer, and her Mama (Lina) working as a hairdresser. Xuli’s family is very loving and supporting of her endeavors, and she has her Mum’s stubborn personality and her Mama’s love for sightseeing !
Kyan was raised in a multi-generational household, living with both his parents and his grandparents in California. His grandparents and parents are all immigrants from China, with Kyan being the first of their family to be born in the states. His Father, Mako, along with his grandparents, run a popular Chinese restaurant on a boardwalk, which Kyan used to work at as a child, while his mother, Daiyu, works as a dentist. Kyan is particularly close with his grandparents, who were very supportive of his athletic dreams in particular.
Lars grew up in the countryside, on a small farm, with his single Dad, Dominic, Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Benjamin, as well as his little sister, Juno, and his younger twin cousins, Aria and Piper. While living on the farm instilled a love of animals early, his love for machinery came from there too, watching how the different machinery there worked, and learning to fix tractors and farm gear by watching his uncle- and quickly becoming better than him at it! Lars is very close with his family, but has a specially strong bond with both his sister and cousins.
Foz is from a richer family, and is an “age gap” kid- meaning that there’s at least 10 years between him and his siblings. He lives with his Mother and Father- the owners of a jewelry company, and an emerald mine, while his three older siblings, Stephanie (27), Andrew (23) and Austin (23), have already moved out of home to peruse their own careers. Foz isn’t particularly close with the rest of his family, having attended boarding school before the GJA, and not growing up alongside his siblings.
Tala’s family is very well off- after all, with a family history as incredible as the Glitches have, how couldn’t they be? Tala lives with her father, Gabriel Glitch - who is Grandmaster Glitch’s twin brother, and her mother, Reagan Cade-Glitch, as well as her half-brother on her mom’s side, Callum Cade, in the Glitch Estate, which has been in their family for years. Tala spend much of her time as a child in the garden, talking with the family’s gardener about new and fun plant or bug facts.
Thank-you for reading all the way through !! Again, I hope that you guys find my personal headcanons fun and interesting! I wanted the GJ to all have different kinds of family groups, as opposed to just having “nuclear” families, because I think that it’s just boring if they’re all very similar, and different kinds of family representation is important to many people, including myself !! Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments, and I’ll try my best to answer them ! (:
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oklotea · 2 months
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