zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Another reminder that Aang failed his people and the world. He showed that he was not fit to be the Avatar and I find it sad that he’s held in such high regard when we see he put his own wants ahead of the worlds. The war might have ended but did he really do all that much? Or was it his friends and the White Lotus who took care of most of it.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Friendly reminder that Aang was a shitty friend to everyone on the show more than once and he showed abusive qualities with Katara. Don’t excuse him just because you think he’s cute.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
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get to know me meme | favorite tv shows (3/15)
the legend of korra (2012-2014); created by michael dante dimartino and bryan konietzko
admitting your fears is the first and the most difficult step in overcoming them.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
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Once Upon a Hug
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Why Aang is a bad character
Avatar Aang
The titular character in ATLA is one of the worst written characters on the show and as an actual character is not as good as a large part of the fandom likes to portray him. He is a character who remains stagnant throughout the show for the most part and who shows time and time again he is not above being selfish and doing what it takes to get what he wants. He is also shown being dismissive of his frineds.
The Southern Air Temple: In this episode we get two instances where Aang shows his true colors. The first is when we find out he used Katara and Sokka’s food to start their fire... How racist is that? Not to mention disrespectful of them. He should have at minimum asked them if he could use it but I truly believe he knew it was food and was telling them something and it’s not the first time we see him disrespect South Pole food. He does so later in the Bato episode. The second time we see this is when Sokka offers to play airball with Aang. Not only does Aang accept knowing Sokka has no way of being equal to him but he keeps hitting him and knocking him off time and time again and he never shows concern for his friend. A friend who has sacrificed his life at home to be there for him.
Jet: I will admit here that Katara dismissed Sokka’s concerns about Jet, but siblings are like that sometimes. But Aang should have trusted his friend over a stranger. He should have trusted the boy who left his home to help him learn how to be The Avatar, the boy who was there with him on this journey. But he also dismissed Sokka and didn’t believe him until it slapped him in the face.
Bato of the Water Tribe: This episode is another where we see Aang not be sunshine boi. He gets jealous when Katara and Sokka reuinite with someone they are close with, who they have not seen in more than two years. He acts like a petulant child and shows so much disrespect toward their culture and cuisine. Its disgusting and then, the most infamous scene of all, when he hides the letter from Sokka and Katara’s father. The father they have not seen in two years. And he does so until he gets found out. Which means he was never going to tell them about it.
By now you might bring up that this is early season stuff and not later in the show.
Bitter Work: We see Aang ignore the fact Sokka is wedged in the ground and cannot get out. He won’t get Toph who is the only person who can get the boy out and to make things worse he hangs out with Sokka and complains about the tough day he’s bad, while his friend is still stuck. Never once does he show actual concern fro the boy.
The Library/The Dessert: He blames Toph for losing Appa when she saved their lives AND tried to help Appa. But she was one girl, blind, who couldn’t see in the sand and still did her best. And what thanks does she get for it? None. What apology does she get after? None. Then in The Dessert we see Aang lash out at Katara. We see him snap at the person trying to keep everyone together and safe and he never apologizes to her either. He is also more than willing to kill creatures and other people (but is stopped by Katara before he can do the latter). This is the boy who claims he’s a pacifist monk who could never take another life.
The Western Air Temple: He refused to accept Zuko’s apology and welcome him in when he needed Zuko. He didn’t listen to Toph when she gave a valid reason why Zuko needed to be given a chance. This is someone who claims forgiveness but yet he doesn’t show it in this episode.
The Firebending Masters: Disguises an insult as a compliment to Zuko and does so like it’s nothing.
The Southern Raiders: He compares the loss of his pet to the loss of Katara’s mother. He tries to shame Katara. He calls her a murder with less words. He shoves his beliefs down her throat instead of supporting her. Then pats himself on the back when she comes back having spared the life of the man who killed her mother.
The Ember Island Players: We see more of Aang’s shittiness. Not only does he try to lay his claim on Katara by asking Zuko to move over, he kisses her without consent and never apologizes.Leading up to that he was mad at her and Zuko for things said in a play, that they had no influence over. This boy acted like they were already in a relationship and treated his friends like they were in the wrong, when they had no obligation to him if they were together or not (which they actually weren’t!).
Sozin’s Comet P1: Aang gets mad at all his friends for trying to help him. They tell him what he needs to do and he snaps at them because of it. He does this knowing he has to do what he has to do.
None of this sounds like the sweet innocent boy he claims to be, that the fandom claim him to be. This sounds like someone who is deeply possessive and selfish. 
But that’s not where it ends. We see Aang’s selfishness in his refusal to bend his beliefs. He will put them and his own wants before the needs of the world. He does so in the very last episode (counting Sozin’s comet as one episode).He runs away from his friends and goes through four past Avatar’s advice and dismisses it all. He doesn’t want to hear that he needs to put others before himself.
So Aang starts the show running away. He ran away and because of it his people were killed. He ran away because he was too immature to face the truth and in the end he was still immature to face the truth. This after all the times he goofed off and refused to take things seriously. He had so much to learn in one summer and he spent most of that time being silly and childish. He spent a large part of it doing what he wanted instead of what the world needed.
And even at the end of the show, the comics show he still hadn’t grown much if at all. He was willing to kill Zuko. He cut off his connection to Roku while having a tantrum. He showed was inconsiderate of Katara’s feelings when he met the Air Acolytes which yet again shows who and what he will put first. Katara has to change his mind more than once by pointing out how certain decisions will effect THEM, or more importantly, HIM. And he was unwilling to move with the times and accept change. To the point he wanted to end some very good things for the people.
Then you have Legend of Korra. Which shows what happens when the selfish person gets what they want. Their true colors show more and they favor one kid over the others. Aang didn’t just favor Tenzin because he was the youngest. He favored his precious little Air Nomad and didn’t pass along his beliefs and customs to his other kids despite all of them being part Air Nomad, They all had him as a father. It wasn’t their fault they were born without airbending.
How these creators could not see the flaws in writing a titular character who doesn’t grow and develop. The self insert is one thing. But they made a grossly unlikable character remain the same in the legacy of both shows. This character shows racist, abusive behavior. He is shown to be selfish. He is shown to be childish despite being needed. He is shown to have more respect for his own culture than the culture of others. And he claims to be pacifist when it is very clear when angry or when it works for him, he can toss the pacifism out for the hell of it.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Reminder to everyone that Korra is amazing.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Appreciate and love Korra. She deserves it.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Ugh. Aang stans get on my fucking nerves. Your fave isn’t some precious innocent sweetheart who spews puppies and peace. He’s a deeply annoying, abusive character who doesn’t treat people right. He shows a lack of respect for his friends and their beliefs and he runs away from things when they get tough. How is that any way appealing? God this stuff annoys me. I’m so tired of seeing a false idea of who he is. And I’m so tired of people attacking those of us who hate his character and think the show would be better without him OR if they had shown even the “hero” can be a dick and not someone who deserves a happy ending.
You have so many amazing characters to love but you ignore them:
Zuko Katara Korra Bolin
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Katara: Gives birth to Aang’s child (Bumi)
Aang: Walks out on them in disgust when he realizes his child isn’t an airbender
Katara: Moves on and has Kya
Aang: Realizes his very obvious mistake and comes grovelling back
Katara: For some reason accepts him back
Aang: Still hates not having an airbender            Forces Katara to have another kid            Still doesn’t like the other kids now that he has his airbender
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Appa deserved a better human than Aang.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Aang failed
That’s right, you read that.
Aang failed.
He failed at pretty much everything.
He was a shitty Avatar. He did not make the tough call. He went about things his own way despite the pain it caused and the problems it set up for Korra later on. He refused the advice of more experienced Avatar’s and disregarded what they said. He needed to make the tough call to be good and he didn’t, so he goes down as the Avatar who was the biggest failure and who did not earn his statue.
He failed as a friend. He wasn’t there for Katara when she needed him, he refused to listen to Toph about Zuko (and I blame him most of all because he needed Zuko and should have respected his master enough to listen to her), he failed to make Sokka feel supported and appreciated and enough (which was his job as the “leader”) and he made Zuko feel bad after that backhanded comment. He failed by running away from them multiple times throughout the show.
He failed as a person. He failed to grow into adulthood and he ended up being a bad father and treating 2/3 kids like crap.
Aang is the worst Avatar and he did not deserve a happy ending.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Reminder for those who don’t like the truth: Avatar Korra was responsible for the world getting more airbenders. She is the person who found them all. She is the reason the world is no longer relying on one family line of airbenders. She did more for the airbenders than Aang ever did. Never forget that. Never forget it was Avatar Korra who brought back real balance to the world.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
People out here not loving and worshiping Korra make no sense to me. She is beautiful. she is brave, she is intelligent, she is perfect in every single way. That girl deserved better from her show writers and the fandom. My girl saved the world and got abused every season for people to shit on her.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
ATLA character rankings:
Katara + Zuko (Top tier and tied for me for best)
Ty Lee
Jeong Jeong
Earth King 
Gram Gram
The Boulder
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Korra is the most amazing character and Avatar and she deserves so much better from her creators, the fandom and even the people in her show.
Show Korra the love and respect she deserves
And stop putting her in Aang’s shadow
She’ll always outshine him
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
Are you REALLY saying that shipping Kataang is racist?!? It's a fictional ship. In a fictional cartoon. Set in a fictional universe. Are you unable to separate fiction from reality? Get help.
I’m saying Kataang shippers attacking POC, especially WOC, because we ship Zutara is racist.
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zutaraxkorrasami · 4 years
I'm sorry but I don't understand. Why would Kyoshi hate Aang? Can you explain please?
Sure can. So for this I am going into spoilers from the Kyoshi novels and if you don’t want those skip this.
Kyoshi, as we see her in ATLA, is shown to be a very decisive Avatar who is not afraid of ending some lives to save more. In her two appearances in the show she admits to killing Chin the Conqueror and does so proudly, showing no remorse, because she knows that killing him was the only way to bring peace to the world. In her interaction with Aang in the finale we see her be very clear with him that even though Chin could have saved himself she considers it to be at her hand he died. Immediately after their conversation is done Aang is not only dismissive of her advice, but of her. “I knew I shouldn’t have asked Kyoshi.” These are words right out of Aang’s mouth. How do we think Kyoshi felt about that? This little brat seeks her advice and then insults and invalidates her.
And directly after that he spares Ozai. Yes, he took Ozai’s bending but the man is still alive and while he is alive, we see that being a non-bender doesn’t mean you don’t pose a risk, even from a cell. So there were a lot of risks attached to sparing the man’s life. Not to mention Aang had no prior relationship to Ozai. They never even met before the finale.
Then you have Kyoshi. Kyoshi who loved and was friends with Yun, who admired him, who was devastated when she believed he was dead, but did not let tham stop her from ending his life when he posed a great risk to the world and to the people she loved. Imagine how hard that would have been for her. A girl who was orphaned twice over (because she lost Kelsang her adoptive father and really only consistent parent in her life). A girl who also lost one of her best friends. Who was treated like shit by the village around her. A girl who was hunted down (not unlike Aang) who went through so much shit in the first 16 years of her life to end up needing to end the life of someone she loved and cared about because it was for the greater good.
That kind of person would not like how Aang handled it and after the way he treated her, would not like him at all.
Then we have to consider she lived a long life--the longest life of any Avatar--and had garnered a lot of respect in the world. She was a powerful force and she knew it. She didn’t always want to use that power the way she eventually had to. She was like Aang, trying to forgive and move on, but she learned that sparing people doesn’t always work and Aang never gave that any real consideration.
It seems he never grew stronger or more forceful in his role which would have pissed her off as well. One thing we know is Kyoshi was not known to neglect her Avatar duties. So knowing Aang allowed so much shit to go down in Korra’s time, when she left an era of relative peace (not without her mistakes but hers were the least devastating) would have been another negative against him.
Kyoshi also loved an Air Nomad, and she was born to one, so imagine how devastated she was by their genocide and we all know she would have gone for revenge and justice had she been in Aang’s shoes, but not even that was enough for Aang to end Ozai’s life. Imagine what Kyoshi thought as she was watching on. This girl was shown kindness for the first time by Kelsang, an airbender who ended up raising her and giving her a home. She lived in an Air Temple for some time. She befriended airbenders. She respected them and their culture and they were wiped out. And the people who committed and supported the genocide were never brought to justice and Aang preached forgiveness like you could ever forgive something like that.
I believe all this would have pissed Kyoshi off. She probably gave him a shot for a while but eventually she would have grown to hate the person who was fucking up along the way and refused to grow when he had it so much better than she did.
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