danmei-confessions · 16 hours
I don't care. I also would like to fuck jin guangyao. It's not makes me amoral or something something. I want him whimpering sweating at my bed. Feed him, hide him at my closet. I can listen hours of him talking boring poetry or calligraphy. The hell even politics, ill listen him. Why we don't talk about yao-zongzhu's bullshit lianfang-zun. I volunteer drink teas I never drink before. Im good listener I swear. Why can't he be real and shows at my door :(. I swear I'll treat him kindly I'll give him praises he never got from his daddy. Why not me
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danmei-confessions · 19 hours
One thing that really bothers me is when people try to make light of Shen Jiu's abuse of Luo Binghe, especially when they compare it to Liu Qingge beating his disciples. It's frustrating to me because it makes me feel like no one else has read the books, since I've never seen this brought up, but Liu Qingge’s disciples weren't *children*.
In book 2, after Shen Qingqiu emerges in his mushroom body, he runs into Yang Yixuan and describes him as a youth of 17 or 18 then observes, "the color of his robes confirmed that he really was from Bai Zhan Peak, but Shen Qingqiu could summon no memory of ever having seen such a young disciple before." (Page 152).
Now, I'm not saying this doesn't mean there are absolutely no young disciples there, but even still, Bai Zhan Peak is full of warriors. There's a difference between fighting with a disciple and tying a disciple up and beating them without giving them a chance to defend themselves.
This isn't Shen Jiu slander; he's actually my favorite character despite his behavior because I feel as though he has a lot of potential.
I understand that there were a lot of misunderstandings about his actions, such as killing Liu Qingge, but he was NOT a good person.
I don't mind when people write fics and "Jiu-mei"-ify him. I mean, some people want to write softer fics and characters, and honestly, if Luo Bingge--who his character mirrors--can become a softer version, so can he.
I just hate when people act as though it was canon that he wasn't that bad and was just a poor misunderstood boy who wanted love. He actively pushed people away and was a self-fullfilling prophecy. And he did, in fact, want Luo Binghe dead and was mad he was still alive.
If you're going to mischaracterize my favorite character, at least admit you didn't read the extras, or it's an au where he's softer. I do it all the time, any small change in his past could lead to him acting differently. Personality isn't set in stone and is most often dependent on the situation. But don't insist it's canon and take away what little agency Shen Jiu has. He knew exactly what he was doing and would hate his "fans" for implying otherwise.
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danmei-confessions · 22 hours
For Jiuyuan shippers/writers, could you pls use tags like bottom/top!SY, bottom/top!SJ. Cos some enjoys bottom!SJ in jiuyuan, but bcos majority of ppl ship bottom!SY and lack of bottom/top tag, we usually end up with reading fics we don't rly want to read. If you use those tags It'd be easy to filter out the fics.
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danmei-confessions · 23 hours
just saw jc slander and it was smth along the lines of 'he didn't protect anything but was called brave'
jc was like. 16-19 give or take and he was thrusted into a war with barely any support,as in his sect was literally decimated,his brother left to be the #1 most wanted man in the cultivation world and his sister went off to marry in another sect,meaning he had no support whatsoever.
Like imagine you were the one thrusted into a war when you were either a)a minor or b)barely an adult,what was he supposed to protect??
To protect something in that world,you needed to have power,smth that jc lacked bc he lost his entire sect,not to mention the thing that needed protection was wwx,literally #1 most wanted man in a bad way,what was he supposed to do,honestly. What could he do except keep his head down to avoid being usurped/questioned on his clan business,in order to hopefully,one day,rebuild his clan?
This might not make sense in a few places bc im like. A bit sick rn,but tl;dr,jc was called brave bc he literally had to rebuild his sect from the ground up,and the whole protection thing is bs bc u can't really protect anything if you don't have enough political/physical power to back yourself up,as if he had stepped up and vouched for wwx,he would be called an accomplice and became most wanted man #2,in a bad way
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danmei-confessions · 2 days
i know its probably wrong of me as a writer but i do love woobifying the svsss sqq's in some of my fanfics too. when i got comments like "finally a fic that doesnt ignore sy/sj's bad qualities!" on some of my works im like... dear reader i need to tell you something about my profile.
im certain more people want fics that look at their canon characters in an in-depth way, but i also dont like it when they put down other writers who arent interested in that while praising one of my fics in the same sentence. not to be that guy but can we cut writers some slack.
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danmei-confessions · 2 days
also its interesting to me how svsss fans have almost no new content for months/years at a time but theyre still crazy about this novel. i have to respect that.
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danmei-confessions · 2 days
jiang cheng looks irresistible when he's crying. makes me want to respectfully tie him up tight then fuck him with the handle of his own sword until he's sobbing in pleasure. full ugly-crying begging to come.
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danmei-confessions · 5 days
it irks me terribly when people call luo binghe as "lou" binghe. i mean, i get that there might be dyslexia and the likes into play, but proofread it once? atleast accept it when someone's pointing it out.
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danmei-confessions · 11 days
I can't help but be curious about why Jin Guangshan played with Meng Shi's emotions the way he did. Like what was the point of giving her the cheap pearl and making her care for/about him? Considering her occupation, he was paying to fuck with her, so it's not like he had to charm her so she'd have sex with him. So I'm just confused as to why he felt the need to be an asshole.
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danmei-confessions · 12 days
(there's something about making jiang cheng suffer that's just *chef's kiss*. and the most painful way of hurting him is by hurting jin ling.)
imagine jiang cheng on his knees screaming going insane as he clutches a dying jin ling against his chest. jc saw the assassin just a split second too late to push sect leader jin rulan out of the way, and now a-ling's coughing out his lifeblood while weakly whispering "i'm sorry, jiujiu" and "thank you" with the last of his breath to him.
or that donghua-only ending where jc goes into seclusion. it won't be long, jc swears to himself-- he just needs a week to gather himself, or a few days, or just. a day. just one day for him to breathe and get his bearings.
so he does this… and exits his seclusion to the news that young master jin had been poisoned by some jin elders while he was away. they say that young master jin's last words were him calling out for his uncle.
he'll never recover. he'll hate himself for the rest of his life.
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danmei-confessions · 12 days
I remember seeing someone say that they can't see SQH actually considering SY his friend at all or even liking him in any way. Because why would he like the guy who had done nothing but harass him to the point of being an indirect part of Airplane's cause of death and also having pushed him into ruining his own novel.
And honestly, I wanna see a fic with that take.
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danmei-confessions · 13 days
Hello! Reminder that we won't post confessions that are directly trying to defame, insult, or call out another user. That's not very cool of y'all.
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danmei-confessions · 13 days
It makes me really sad how people who are anti-JGY constantly make things up and accuse JGY fans of doing/saying. It's not enough that we have to see daily hate not just against the character, but us as fans, but saying we empathize with murdering sex workers and straight up making things that never happened up and say it's canon isn't cool.
Maybe don't tag hate against fans in the character tag, confession blog. We get enough hate personally as it is.
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danmei-confessions · 13 days
I don't like JGY but I think I would like him if his defenders weren't so annoying, weird, and aggressive. Your fav did some really horrible shit, get over it. The weird theories about how he's 'actually innocent' are what made me start to really hate him. I like all the other villains in MDZS but none of the other fans try to deny what their fav did.
Yes, JGY is undeniably a tragic figure who experienced terrible things that were both unfair and terrible, but I have a very XXC reaction to his tragic backstory "oh your pinky got run over? cool motive, still murder".
I have empathy for the real discrimination that JGY faced, I don't have empathy for him murdering sex workers. And with every "5 reasons that JGY is the REAL victim" post that I run into, my empathy dwindles. I do actually believe that to fight against extreme discrimination, extreme actions are required. But while I think murdering his father was absolutely justified, I don't think murdering the innocent sex workers was justified. Or NMJ for that matter. Or betraying LXC. Or murdering QS and JRS. Or the genocide he helped with. (also if I see one more post saying "oh i know he confessed to doing it but he was obviously lying" I might rip my hair out. No. It is not 'obvious' that he was lying. In the full context of the story, his characterization, the position he was in, and the other things he's said about them including the scene where he says that JRS death was inevitable, it's pretty obvious that he did indeed do it. I'm really tired of the copium. If you like JGY that's fine but the weird nonsensical theories that 'prove' he's innocent are ridiculous.)
All that to say I don't think that JGY is the 'worst' or the most 'evil villain'. He's a complex character with a genuinely sympathetic backstory and a tragically difficult position. Every character in MDZS has done some horrible stuff for morally nebulous reasons. His character is fascinating, well-written, and multi-faceted. He does some very good things for bad reasons, some very bad things for good reasons, good things for good reasons, and bad things for bad reasons. He's got depth to him. I don't think he sucks or he should be bashed or anything. I'm just tired of the "JGY did nothing wrong" squad. He did a lot of stuff wrong, guys.
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danmei-confessions · 13 days
In the trivia section of Nie Huaisang's wiki page, it says MXTX originally planned to give Nie Huaisang an accomplice in his plan of revenge but eventually decided the accomplice was unnecessary.
After reading that, I couldn't help but wonder if the accomplice would have been someone we know or if the character who would have been his accomplice was removed entirely from the story.
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danmei-confessions · 13 days
I'm a Jiujiu fetishist. I would like nothing more than for Sect Leader Jiang Wanyin to drag me into his torture room and whip me with Zidian until his arms give out. Sect Leader Jiang, if you're out of demonic cultivators to torture, I'm free every night for the rest of eternity, please Sect Leader Jiang, please
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danmei-confessions · 13 days
yaoyang is the best mxtx ship.
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