#anti shen yuan
danmeiconfession · 3 months
This is just an opinion.
I’m sorry, but I can’t support a protagonist like Shen Yuan if he can’t respect the body of the person he’s taken over. The transmigration trope in many of these novels often leads to the erasure of the original soul, which makes me feel sad for them. While I understand why many fans like his character, I can’t root for him anymore. There’s a sort of horror in knowing that he and the rest of the readers pushed for such a bleak ending for Shen Jiu. An omnipotent being forces him to be a scum villain, and the person who condemned him has now taken over his body, his name, and married his abuser, his torturer. Imagine how horrified he’d be to learn he’s married to his own disciple—it’s disgusting. Someone who is just like all the men in his life takes away his autonomy and the name he earned; Shen Qingqiu is literally ripped away from him.
I remember someone mentioning that Shen Jiu follows the formula of MXTX's shou protagonists, and they’re right. The only difference is that he’s not allowed to gain a second chance. When Wei Wuxian tried to save the Wens, it cost him everything, similar to how Shen Jiu’s attempt to save his martial brother set off a domino effect of tragedy.
There’s a difference between Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan. Unlike Shen Yuan, whose path is clear and predictable, Shen Jiu’s very rare but kind actions often lead to dire consequences. Each time he tries to do something good, the world retaliates harshly. That’s why I like Shen Jiu more. I don’t mind a character’s misdeeds if they reveal something profound about them. Shen Jiu’s attempts to do good, even when they backfire, show his sincerity. Shen Yuan’s choices, on the other hand, seem easy and don’t require much moral struggle.
What saddens me is that a rich, lazy millennial is thrust into the body of a traumatized orphan and somehow gets the happy ending. Even if he didn’t ask for it, there’s a moral duty to respect the original character he's inhabited now because without Shen Jiu’s body, Shen Yuan would have no purpose is that even a lie because what goals or aspirations did he even have? We truly have nilch to go off what he's like without he's online persona but frankly he's a bad person to me if he harasses an author and makes no effort to even get himself to express his emotions especially his apathy like the fuck bro what going on here bro?? How do you just not give a shit about anything besides your beloved LBG like he's cuckoo up in the head like a few bolts and screws were lost in the making of his birth.
It actually made me mad, to be honest. I wish the author had never created Shen Jiu as a character because it spoiled my enjoyment of the book that I took as fun entertainment. SVSSS was the first transmigration story I read that gave the original soul such an important role. Other stories often use these bodies as self-insert devices, but knowing Shen Jiu is an actual character made me see him differently.
I also find it unsettling that Shen Yuan has to live as another person for the rest of his life. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. If the author isn’t going to do an identity reveal in an MXTX story, what does that say about Shen Yuan’s relationship with everyone else and the ML included? Wouldn’t everything fall apart? Doesn't that mean something is off lol???
This omission to me kinda undermines the foundation of his relationships, especially with the main love interest. Living a lie means that Shen Yuan’s connections are based on a false premise. If those around him, including the main love interest, don’t know who he truly is, their interactions and feelings might be based on their own misconceptions. In essence, the story hinges on Shen Jiu because his life and identity are the foundation upon which Shen Yuan builds his new existence and I find SY careless and disregard of that to be unappealing for a protagonist to follow .
I can see how the System's role in "SVSSS" can be interpreted as a form of horror, especially considering the implications for Shen Jiu. Here's an expanded take on your guys idea a theory of sorts:
The System's reasoning for booting Shen Jiu out and replacing him with Shen Yuan could be seen as a chillingly calculated move. Shen Jiu’s unwillingness to follow the predetermined outline and his resistance to the System's goals could have led to his removal. The System’s primary objective seems to be the satisfaction and happiness of Luo Binghe, the protagonist. Given the tragic nature of "PIDW" (Proud Immortal Demon Way), the System might have sought a more compliant individual to ensure a more favorable outcome for Luo Binghe.
If the protagonist, Luo Binghe, obsessively desires companionship and affection from Shen Qingqiu, and the original Shen Jiu isn't reciprocating, the System might decide to alter the course of the world. This new beginning involves replacing Shen Jiu with someone who not only understands the narrative but is also deeply invested in Luo Binghe's happiness—someone like Shen Yuan. As a form of punishment for Shen Jiu’s disobedience, the System forces him to take a backseat, helplessly watching as events unfold with Shen Yuan in control of his body.
This scenario adds a layer of horror, as it portrays the System as an omnipotent force capable of rewriting lives and fates to suit its goals. Shen Jiu’s autonomy is completely stripped away, and he’s forced to witness his own life being manipulated and his identity being overridden. By replacing Shen Jiu with Shen Yuan, the System ensures that Luo Binghe’s desires are met, but at the cost of Shen Jiu’s existence.
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danmei-confessions · 3 months
I interpret the ending of "Scum Villain's Self-Saving System" (SVSSS) as more of a horror story.
The protagonist is trapped in a lifelong relationship with Luo Binghe, who is so emotionally insecure that the relationship could potentially end in mutual destruction. Unlike the other main leads (MLS) in Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's (MXTX) works, where the foundations of their relationships are clear, Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu (SQQ) have a much more precarious dynamic.
It's evident that Binghe is infatuated with SQQ, whether it be Shen Jiu or Shen Yuan, it doesn't seem to matter. I see the fact that MXTX concealed the identity behind the mask as a literal loose cannon revealing it would have caused everything to fall apart. I don't ship Bingmei and Shen Yuan because their relationship is based on a facade. They are obsessed with an image, not the true person behind it. Claiming it's true love is laughable when they idolize and fall in love with a persona.
In reality, both Luo Binghe and Bingmei are in love with the crafted pretend image of the lofty immortal Shen Jiu created and his beauty. LBG is a stallion protagonist for a reason - he was mesmerized with his Shen Jiu looks. Let's be for real, would Bingge would have spared a glance at Shen Yuan without SQQ's identity? The OG stallion is not lacking in beauties? So what if Shen Yuan is funny and loves Binghe for who he is? He's not the only one.
It's almost as if Shen Yuan's denial of reality, his jokes, and dissociation prevent him from confronting the truth. As an internet troll, ending up with Bingmei seems like a punishment. The system purposely chose someone who obsesses over their idol Binghe, the opposite of Jiu, who despises him purposely almost as if the original wasn't satisfied with the ending. Shen Yuan will love Bingmei wholeheartedly, just like fans love their idols regardless of their faults.
Yes, Shen Yuan made sacrifices and helped Bingmei, but no one would react calmly in his situation. Bingmei, the most bipolar character ever, would obviously lose it if he realized the truth. He thought he finally gained approval from the Shizun he worshipped.
I theorize as long as Shen Yuan has the face and voice, Bingmei would still accept him, even though his world turned upside down. Why? Cause he's delusional, he'll accept anything of his Shizun regardless. I think if an identity reveal were to happen, LBH is selfish enough if SY didn't have a Face Reveal to be the 'not my problem' type. SY personality (if you can really call it that since everything he shows to everyone is different than what be thinks/innermonologues) + SJ face and LBH could live happily in his own delusion.
Just look at Bingge. He wanted the 'kind Shizun' because he believes it was an alternate SQQ, not a completely different person. I mean, who will believe with his 600 harem of 'Peerless Beauties' he would settle for SY true face? Oh no, sir/ma'am, he wanted the 'kind Shizun' cause it has SQQ looks, and that's the end of the story.
I don't see Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu as looking alike or being twins, unlike the popular au or fanfics I've seen personally. Shen Yuan feels like a parasite who can't stand alone and just attaches himself to OGShen Jiu's face, body, and everything he worked for. I headcanon his looks as a normal dude, not a peerless beauty from a book.
Like? Why do people who read the book are so surface level with it as if the Male lead's feelings isn't complex enough about OG? I do believe he was charmed by OG, but SY's SQQ feed onto those pre-existing feelings that were already there in the first place.
Why do readers of "Scum Villain's Self-Saving System" (SVSSS) often take such a surface-level approach to the complexity of the male lead's feelings toward the original Shen Qingqiu (OG SQQ)? I believe Luo Binghe was charmed by the original Shen Qingqiu (Shen Jiu), and Shen Yuan's version of SQQ merely fed into those pre-existing feelings that were already there in the first place. In fact, I'll go as far as to say he fell in love with Shen Jiu - an unpopular opinion, but one I stand by.
This isn't about shipping them. It simply doesn't make sense that Luo Binghe fell in love with Shen Yuan's SQQ so easily unless the feelings were already there. This is why he spent his teenage years trying to gain Shen Qingqiu's acceptance and why he transitioned from worshipping the ground Shen Jiu walked on to absolutely hating him, despite not seeing him for years.
I don't think his feelings toward Shen Jiu changed during his time in the abyss; rather, his perspective did. Binghe concluded that the only way to get Shen Jiu's attention was to be cruel. No matter how strong or kind he became, Shen Jiu's disdain for him was an undeniable fact within the canon. Binghe convinced himself that Shen Qingqiu was incapable of love and a terrible human being to cope with the constant rejection.
In the book, Binghe's reaction to Shen Qingqiu's grief over Yue Qingyuan's death is telling. Despite going out of his way to kill the one person Shen Jiu loved most, Binghe is genuinely surprised by Shen Qingqiu's sadness. When he sees how broken Shen Qingqiu is, he doesn't mock or berate him as he thought he would. Instead, he walks away, uncomfortable, because he has to confront the reality that SQQ is capable of love, just not for him.
When Binghe meets Shen Yuan's SQQ, his worldview is further crushed. There exists a reality where SQQ adores him, but it's not the same SQQ. He can't even win SQQ's affection in competition with himself. I despise Binghe, but I feel for him because this must reinforce the idea that something is inherently wrong with him. This realization is so distressing that he starts crying, something he hasn't done since he was 14. Both versions of Binghe are obsessed because that's the only way they know how to love.
To be clear, Luo Binghe isn't bitter about the abuse. Well, maybe it's a part of it, but to me, he's bitter because he was rejected. Had Shen Jiu accepted his love, Binghe wouldn't have gone to the extremes to destroy him and honestly respect to him for rather going through torture than to succumb to a genocidal murder maniac of a yandere.
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yui-hibari · 2 months
If they weren't friends, wouldn't that make Shen Yuan hitting Shang Qinghua worse?
Because they are allies; there must be mutual respect between them.
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liquid-sunshines · 5 months
important (but belated) thing to note!
please do not tag any of my liujiu/bingjiu stuff with liushen/bingqiu. those are very different ships to me, which i am personally not a fan of since i don't really like sy as a character.
y'all can have your headcanons that sy and sj are the same person or whatever with your own content, but this is my blog and to me they are two different people; one is my darling baby angel meowmeow and the other is someone i can only tolerate as liujiu's son lmao.
please do respect the wishes of the artists you consume content of ^^
if you don't want to, you are free to block and move on. there are plenty of sy artists out there and you might as well support people whose interests align with yours :)
have a good day!
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Who wants to bet Peerless Cucumber has an entire fan base within the pidw’s fandom? Potentially even bringing in a portion of pidw’s readers who just want to enjoy shen yuan just loosing it in the comments.
Like sure, some of the fandom’s definitely there for the toxic masculinity and papapa, but I guarantee you there’s an entire section dedicated to gleefully watching the fandom sewer rat being feral.
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disgracefulthings · 6 days
Shen Yuan: Oh you're a hater?
Shen Yuan: Answer me this then. Have you ever hated something so much that it killed you?
Shen Yuan: That's what I fucking thought
Shen Yuan: Bitch
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You ever read s fanfic that was so divorced from canon that it wasn’t even enjoyable?
I just remembered a svsss fic where they made sy a terrible person, lbh was actually in love with sj and when sy revealed that he was a Transmigrator lbh killed him to bring back sj.
First of all sj HORRIFICALLY abused lbh
Second lbh fell in love with sqq after sy was transmigrated into him because he was kind to him
Third sy was justified in his dislike of sj because he was a fictional villain who in the original text was one dimensional and once again, horrifically abused his favorite character. There was no evidence in the text that he was anything but a monster.
My fourth point is, you should not hold your fannon of a villain character over a canon mc. It simply is the most brainless thing you could ever post.
I get It! fannon sj is cool and really fun to read about and cannon sy can be a bit of an asshole sometimes but that doesn’t mean you can create such a garbage take as this.
sj is not you UwU soft baby who has never done anything wrong and sy is not the source of all evil.
It’s also a disservice to lbh he isn’t some loser yandere with a teacher kink. He is a complex character who is loyal to his loved ones and harsh to those who wronged him.
If you want to properly enjoy these characters then you have to explore their nuances and flaws. Mxtx put so much thought and effort into these characters and you reduce them into something that can barely be recognizable.
Fanfiction is an art. Something mad by fans for fans so that we can appreciate it together. I understand that sometimes bashing a character is cathartic and can help you enjoy it but why are you consuming a piece of work if you hate every aspect that makes it so good.
I admit that I haven’t really been active in the danmei community for a long time but it still hurts to remember these kinds of things.
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itscherryterry-again · 7 months
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anti art style ft. canon complaint-ish binghe
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undertheredhood · 8 months
if there’s one thing that i know for certain, it’s that shen jiu is heavily judging bingqiu/bingyuan with the energy of a kdrama mother who greatly disapproves of her son’s girlfriend that she tries to use money to chase away
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violetdisasterzone · 1 year
me standing at the podium: "Luo Binghe is not actually manipulative! Shen Qingqiu's love being transformative is the whole point of the book! Bingqiu canonically have good sex that makes sense for both them and the narrative themes! Shen Jiu is still an abuser even if it's a result of the horrible abuse he was put through! The extras are a vital part of the story and analysis of canon without including them is-"
* I am dragged from the room and beat up in the parking lot *
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lovefrombegonia · 9 months
I don't personally see PIDW Luo Binghe as being a happy person. At least, not when he is allowed to sit alone with his own thoughts. Not that I am saying a victim can't ever be happy. I just see this particular version of the character as never being content for long. He has so much, so many who love him, so many whom he adores...and yet he can't let go of the one who destroyed him, of the one who basically made who he is now. He hates that his identity is so fused with PIDW SQQ and he hates that a part of him still craves for him.
I like whump Luo Bingge content basically LOL
It's also why I don't particularly like Luo Bingge x Shen Yuan pairing. Nah. I need this version to be obsessed with only the shitty version of og SQQ. He needs to crave for Shen Jiu becoming kind to him. Not a completely different person. He might fall for a Shen Yuan for sometime, just like he fell for and adored his wives who were always kind to him, but he will always be obsessed with Shen Jiu. I like PIDW LBH to be fucked up mentally like that.
This is also why I personally dislike SVSSS LBH x Shen Jiu pairing. NO. NOT ON MY WATCH. That precious bingbing only deserves a kind and affectionate Shen Yuan. ONLY.
I know and accept that in canon, Binghe and Bingmei are essentially the different versions of the same character but I have always believed that most of who we are, are defined by our experiences and our choices rather than what was in-built in us. So, I do see them as different characters IN MY MIND.
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danmeiconfession · 1 year
I will say it:
If SY had transmigrated into baby SJ, similar like Airplane had done when he had transmigrated into SQH, he would have not survived SJ's slave days with the human traffickers where he had to fight for his survival on the streets and even less his time in the Qiu clan as QJL's slave where he got abused and tortured by his master.
And if he did survive and eventually made his way to CQM thanks to the help of the System, SY would have not come out as the same person after everything. He would be just as blackened as SJ and LBH were.
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danmei-confessions · 4 months
"SJ is an abuser," they said. "He abused LBH and 'many other talented disciples of his'" they said.
Then what about SY? The guy who pretty much used sharpened leaves on MF and other disciples, who were teenagers at that time AND his disciples? Those leaves could kill them if SY didn't aim them right. Want proof?
He readily plucked a leaf and inserted a bit of spiritual power. The first time, he used too much and the leaf couldn’t withstand the power and split apart. The second try succeeded and he held it gently between his fingers, breathing out, then throwing it. The leaf flew like a knife in Ming Fan’s direction!
No wonder they said that if a master makes his move, even a flower can hurt people. He shouldn’t have killed Ming Fan with that shot, right……
Numerous disciples listened to his command and piled forward. Shen Qingqiu unconsciously pulled out a bunch of leaves and sent them whizzing into the air. ~Fan translation—Chapter 4
Tho he immediately regretted—not for hurting the disciples! His thoughts are:
What am I doing? Luo Binghe is that excellent male protagonist, it’s not like he hasn’t been ganged up on before. Can he even be killed?!
Does he need you to fucking worry about him?! ~Fan translation—Chapter 4
SY can use leaves with qi as knives to hurt kids but not be labeled as an abuser but SJ, who only whipped LBH as a corporeal punishment is labeled as such?
Hypocrites, aren't ya?
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
The girls on the PIDW forums would definitely also hold PIDW slash ship tournaments and every single time bingjiu would appear in a round Peerless Cucumber would go 10000% campaigning propaganda against it
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tea-cat-arts · 12 days
Went down a bit of a rabbit hole (the jc antis were so insistent that "canon jc" was the only tag for them so I wanted to see of "jc critical" was a tag that was actively used) and what do you mean people are calling Jiang Cheng an incel???
Like, when in the books has he ever been hostile towards a woman because they've refused to have sex with him??? When in the books has he even tried to have sex with a woman? Like, if you want to argue that he has internalized misogyny because of his beauty standards thing, sure- I'll hear you out- but incel is a very specific brand of misogyny and it is pure headcanon if you want to call him that
And I kept seeing people bring up the getting black listed by matchmakers thing as proof he's an incel and like??? You know there's more possibilities for why he'd be undatable than just "being an incel," right? Like, maybe he's just loud and angry. Maybe he just jumps to conclusions during arguments. Maybe he just doesn't know how to drop grievances. Maybe he's just an equal opportunity asshole. Or maybe he's just an emotional constipated stick-in-the-mud. The possibilities are endless and acting like "he's an incel" is the canon answer is just clown behavior
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summonthebats · 2 years
PIDW Logic Pollen AU
Because sex pollen squicks me and solves nothing. Honesty pollen is good though.
But, Shen Qingqiu would take it deliberately. He would. He’s been avoiding the sex pollen flowers too hard to not know a fuck ton about botany and given that cultivators are mostly classism and hypocrisy they are avoiding the logic pollen plants as hard as possible. It probably causes qi deviations like nobodies’ business.
But Shen Qingqiu is smart enough to ask a lot of questions about why this one plant messes people up and has access to the kind of library that will answer those questions. Plus he has sod all self-worth, all the art therapy in the world can’t fix his depression and he damn well knows he’s an asshole.
Clear and logical assessment of his problems that might kill him? Sounds fun!
And Shen-Jiu-On-Logic-Pollen does the clear logical assessment and precedes to fake his death and nope out to wait out any resulting qi deviations away from the general population. Which is smart because he is going to have one.
Just not for the standard reasons. Because he has self-awareness, he just doesn’t have any helpful coping mechanisms to stop himself being a feral asshole. Logic pollen can only confirm that his premise is bullshit, but also points out that he is a horrible mess because at least 80% of his existence has been horrific. And while Shen Jiu isn’t dealing with anything constructively and should never, ever have been put in charge of kids and his response to dudes he could murder blindfolded is dumb those responses do reflect his life experiences. Logically Shen Jiu isn’t inherently bad, he just learned it from exposure. And could have been a hell of a lot worse.
It also tells him that Yue Qingyuan isn’t worth it and he has wasted several decades waiting on answers that aren’t worth anything at this point.
Because refusing to explain yourself in the face of obvious destress about the lack of an explanation shows at best serious disrespect about Shen Jiu’s ability to make informed decisions. And that’s before touching on Yue Qingyuan enabling Shen Jiu actual bad behaviour, assuming he has behaved badly regardless of facts and the man’s own generally terrible judgement.
Logically the only reason Shen Jiu sticks with Yue Qingyuan, despite every reason not too, is that he’s never had anyone else. And that knowledge will mess him up.
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