dapperappleton · 3 months
Humans are Space Orcs
I know this whole tag is probably old, but you know how the aliens all have the Human Guidebook thing? How about humans know this exists and had one of their own for aliens, but after realizing that every species of alien was different it just became a list of alien species, how much they knew about humans, and other basic information.
Thaltor walked into the communal sustenance bay to see all of the ship’s humans sitting next to each other chatting rather loudly and scribbling words down in notebooks. Human-Laura had a communication tablet in her hands and was asking the others to repeat their ideas.
“Is this some kind of human ritual or meeting?” Thaltor interrupted them.
Human-Al spoke up. “We’re updating the alien database. It’s a requirement for all humans on alien ships. If you can believe it, it’s longer than your human guide.”
“How do you know the length of the guidebook?” Thaltor was confused on many levels, but he had learned how to ignore his confusion. “I doubt that yours is longer than our guidebook is. Many species use it and it is constantly updated.”
Human-Laura held up the communication tablet and turned it to Thaltor. She silently scrolled through a page designated the “table of contents”. It was longer than the “Human Anatomy” section in the aliens’ guide book. Human-Laura continued to scroll quickly through the whole text. It took several quakes, or as the humans call them, minutes, to get through the entirety of the digital book.
“That’s only what we, as a group, have added after a week. The guidebook started three years ago.”
It was, in fact, longer than the Human Guidebook for aliens. Thaltor could only assume it’s because humans are hard to understand unless you are a human yourself.
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dapperappleton · 3 months
Hard truths about dating HQ characters part 2
A/N: Y'all LOVED the first part of this (like seriously, I don't think I've ever gotten that many notes in that little time) so I decided to make a second part. Enjoy and let me know if there are any more characters you want.
Part 1
Hoshiumi: pretty flaky because he just straight up forgets stuff all the time. This includes important dates and even anniversaries
Kiyoko: literally the only negative thing I could think of is she wouldn't like any pda. Like even holding hands or sitting close enough to touch
Yachi: her anxiety is so bad. She catastrophizes a lot but at least it's better than it was in high school
Fukunaga: comes up with jokes but doesn't say them out loud every time so it seems like he's laughing at his partner sometimes
Inuoka: unconsciously puts things so high up that his partner can't reach. He apologises but won't stop doing it
Lev: jokingly makes fun of his partner but doesn't always realise if he takes it too far
Yahaba: acts like he doesn't care about his partner around others and almost ignores them when hanging out with friends
Kunimi: constantly reschedules dates because he decides he's just not in the mood to go out anymore
Kindaichi: holds grudges for too long and they start to pile up
Kyotani: would be legitimately mean to his partner and not care if they were hurt. Thinks he's right all the time and won't admit when he knows he's wrong
Kamasaki: constantly gets into fights and arguments with his partner and just people in general
Moniwa: tends to be pretty insecure and thinks his partner is way out of his league
Aone: 1 on 1 conversations with him can be hard since he rarely talks. He will talk when necessary but day to day conversations are one sided
Koganegawa: makes promises he doesn't keep. He apologises and seems sincere but continues to break promises
Washio: severe RBF so it's hard to tell what he's feeling. Just looks scary and mad all the time
Terushima: never takes anything seriously, including arguments or legitimate problems, which gets very irritating
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dapperappleton · 3 months
Hard truths about dating the HQ boys
Aka their weaknesses in relationships (I still love them anyway)
Warnings: maybe slightly angsty ig? Timeskip!haikyuu characters
Part 2
Osamu: spends too much time at work and gets super jealous easily
Atsumu: complete fuckboy who flirts with everyone while ignoring his partner
Sakusa: puts very little effort into relationships and freaks out if his partner gets touchy with him
Oikawa: still flirts with every fan even while dating someone. Doesn't understand why that would upset his partner
Ushijima: canonically has zero common sense (thought that people in Brazil had to hold onto the Earth so they didn't fall into space) so dating him means constantly teaching how to do everything
Tendou: shuts his partner out because he's so insecure
Futakuchi: accidentally says upsetting or mean things as a result of his snarky nature
Bokuto: can be so childish and needy that it's draining
Akaashi: doesn't know how to express emotions so he just bottles everything up and eventually shuts down
Kuroo: puts his work before his partner too often
Yaku: lacks empathy sometimes. Thinks if he can do something why can't his partner? Will push them too much as a result
Yamamoto: gets so flustered that it's hard to have normal interactions sometimes
Kenma: lashes out when he's overwhelmed and even targets his partner's insecurities out of misplaced frustration
Asahi: doesn't have the courage to speak up for himself when something his partner does bothers him
Daichi: tries to parent and control his partner way more than necessary
Sugawara: is so tired after work and grading that he rarely has the time or energy to go out
Nishinoya: tends to not listen to people's boundaries and fawns over others in front of his partner
Tanaka: defends and spoils his partner so much that he basically suffocates them and doesn't let them be independent
Ennoshita: gets so in his head about not being good enough that he starts to withdraw himself from the relationship
Tsukishima: like Akaashi, he can't express his emotions properly and bottles it up except he gets snippy
Yamaguchi: catastrophizes the moment his partner brings up any issues and assumes they're going to break up with him
Kageyama: offers zero emotional support ever and doesn't know how to comfort his partner or resolve conflicts. Like Ushijima has zero common sense and needs his partner to help him with everything
Hinata: prioritises volleyball over his partner and doesn't understand if they're not as passionate about volleyball as he is
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dapperappleton · 9 months
To be known - Akaashi x reader - Soulmate AU - Alternate Version
As I mentioned, I struggled a bit with this one and this is the version that was the most advanced before I found what worked best.
@misfit-megumi​ I post the second version for you
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No one really knows when it started and no one really how it works, but at a certain point your dreams become no longer your own.
They call it the edge of adolescence and for some, the night they first dream a stranger’s dream, is quite the shock. Other faces, other languages than you’re used to. And the only remedy is meeting the person whose dream you’re dreaming.
For others, there is no clear difference. It’s harder to find someone you’ve already been close to when you don’t even know that you have to start looking.
You’ve always been creative, your mind a whirlwind. 
Last night you dreamt your mother clapped her hands and you turned into a frog, tiny, green, and oh so content, sitting on the giant leaf of salad you’d been supposed to eat.
But tonight your dream is anything but that.
You’re in front of a huge net and you’re so close to panicking, you can taste your own heartbeat.
There’s a ball up in the air, a twirling mass of blue and yellow. It’s far too slow to be realistic, the time stretching thinner than chewing gum before you blow a bubble.
But the bubble never pops. The ball doesn’t drop, you’re just staring up at it, your mind reeling.
Who do you set it to? Should you do a feint? Will you even be able to touch it?
And then, when you’re ready to faint from tension alone, the dream shifts so fast you get motion sickness, saliva pooling in your mouth as you stand in front of a class of unfamiliar faces, the teacher asking you something but his voice is so low you can’t make out what he’s saying.
It starts a circle, a loop of you asking him to repeat it and his voice staying that low, low rumble you can’t understand while the class watches you with more eyes than there are students.
Someone coughs as if to hide a laugh, more noises follow and the classroom erupts, a cacophony of sound until your hands are pushed against your ears and you want to scream.
You wake up at that moment, clamber out of your room and, for the first time in a long time, slip into your mother’s bed.
You miss your dreams. You miss the comfort of the craziness, giggling with your friends the next morning as you tell them what outlandish story your head has produced.
You miss the calmness of sleep. 
You spend half a year afraid of falling asleep until your grades drop so low, your mother drags you to a doctor. 
There’s not much you can do because it’s not your anxiety. 
Sleeping pills make you hazy - and you still want to get to know your soulmate, no matter how horrible his dreams are - and plant-based medicine usually makes you throw up in the middle of the night.
When there are no other options than to break the bond or keep fighting, you take your fight to the world wide web.
By the time you graduate from Inarizaki high school, you’re an expert when it comes to all things anxiety.
You keep a journal with you, make sure to eat healthy, and do light exercise before bed.
But you also graduate with a job offer, a full-time assistant manager position for MSBY, and a deep longing for your soulmate.
You know so much about him now. 
How he misses his best friend Bokuto, memories of him often the only source of comfort in his anxiety-ridden dreams, and how much he cares for his team.
You’ve gotten into Volleyball because of him, wondering if you dream as much of the sport as he does.
No longer do you dread the dreams he shares with you, rather you see them as a way to comfort him, to take away the stress at least for the night.
In your fourth year at MSBY you get the news of a player getting drafted, the name Bokuto ringing several bells. You meet him over Atsumu threatening the newcomer.
A quick slap across the back of his head shuts the blonde up promptly.
“Bokuto-kun!” You smile at him in earnest. “It’s so nice to have you here! Don’t listen to Tsumu, he’s a menace but he’s all bark and no bite. Do you need any help settling in?”
“Ah, you’re so nice!” 
Bokuto takes your hand and shakes it vigorously. “I am so glad you’re our manager! We did have cute managers at our College but they were never as nice as you!”
To say you’ve dreamt of this moment would be a lie - if you did, you hope that his friend caught the hints - but you prepared for his arrival. Too bad he’s four days early.
“Don’t bother flirting with her!” Atsumu tells him with a pout. “She’s waiting for her soulmate.”
You bite your tongue at his comment.
“You’re a bit early so your jersey isn’t in yet, but you’re welcome to join training as soon as you feel settled in. If you have any questions, you can come to me.”
“I told you that you should have waited four more days, Bokuto-san.”
His voice is smooth but it cuts through you like lightning. 
From somewhere behind Meian, a tall figure steps forward, a slender hand grasping Bokuto’s shoulder.
He sends you an apologizing smile and Atsumu elbows you in the side when you don’t speak, too stunned to process the reality of it.
He’s here. He’s here and you can see it now, the furrow of his brow, the little shiver of his lip.
Just as you think you’ve gathered your words, another person steps forward, hand grasping Bokuto’s other shoulder.
“Ah, the earlier the better, wouldn’t you agree?”
To your utter demise, Bokuto has two best friends and brought both of them with him.
Your heart stutters in your chest, realizing that you know so much about your soulmate but not enough. What’s his name? Did he ever dream about someone calling him by name? Did he ever dream about his own looks?
You can’t remember and anxiety is reaching for your heart. 
Now that you need it, all the knowledge comes in handy.
You take in a deep breath and focus on five things you can see. Bokuto’s blinding smile, his huge hands still holding yours. The way the light catches in the glasses of his pretty friend -
“You want to train?” Atsumu interrupts your exercise rudely, “We’ve got spare training jerseys.”
“Oh, can I?” Bokuto looks at you and you stutter out a nervous “Yes, of course.”
“Well, in that case, I’ll go over some stuff with Meian. Call me when you need me.” His taller friend, hair a wild mess and grin even wilder, waves at you as he turns around, reducing your group to two.
He’s pretty and calm, but you’ve met enough calm people to know that quiet waters run deep.
“How nice of you to accompany your friend.” You offer a compliment and he eyes you carefully for a second before taking a deep breath. You wonder if he’s anxious too, wonder if he knows you.
“Would you mind showing me around?” He asks, his eyes traveling over the people around you.
“Oh, sure. Follow me.”
Predictably, the weight on your chest eases when you step outside, a strong wind pushing the hair out of your face. You laugh softly until you turn to see him, Akaashi, as he had introduced himself, standing there, stiff as a board.
“Are you okay?” You ask and his eyes snap back to yours.
“What-” He clears his throat. “What did I dream tonight?”
You laugh again, louder this time, so much easier too, as if the tension can only leave you through laughter.
“How did you know?” You ask when you catch a breath, your hands already reaching for his.
A small smile forms on his lips and he takes your hands, slender fingers fitting just right around yours.
“You dream of yourself in third person.” He tells you what you’ve forgotten long ago. “I’ve seen you every night.”
“So you knew how I looked like but not who I was as a person?”
His smile grows bigger. “I have to disagree with that. Your dreams tell a lot about you as a person.”
“Why? What did I dream last night?”
He laughs now, his face changing with it. He looks so much younger when he laughs, at ease with himself and the world. 
“You rode a cow over the ocean.”
“Oh.” You can’t help giggling. “That does sound like me.”
Three years later Keiji has moved in with you. 
You’ve since learned that your dreams are your own when he sleeps by your side but if you fall asleep without him there, you’ll dream his dreams instead.
That wouldn’t be a problem if he had stopped dreaming about his worries.
Your phone alarm wakes you around midnight and you groggily move towards the kitchen, fully expecting him to either have a quick snack or go over his notes one last time before bed. 
Tonight he’s crouched over his phone, mumbling as he reads through something.
The sight is so familiar, his whole demeanor so well-known it’s soothing on it’s own.
You know what time of the month he comes home late and what food he likes to eat right before bed.
Most importantly, you know he’ll wake up in pain if he keeps up that posture.
You step up behind him, slinging your hands around his shoulders as you press into his back.
“Hey,” you mumble into his hair, “Straighten your back.”
He chuckles but it sounds terse and you rub his stomach comfortingly. 
“Don’t worry,” You tell him softly. “I am going to say yes.”
There’s a soft thud and you guess that he just dropped his phone.
“How- How did you know?”
“You’ve dreamt about it.” You remind him softly and kiss his ear. “And I know you.”
There’s a soft sigh and his body relaxes. 
“Will you let me propose properly?”
“Sure?” There’s a smile in your voice. “I’ll let you have all the moments you need. But don’t worry about it. I am going to say yes.”
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dapperappleton · 9 months
Haikyuu Masterlist
Hard truths about dating the HQ boys
Part 2
Bokuto Kōtaro
Random Bokuto HCs
Music Bokuto and Akaashi would listen to
Akaashi Keiji
Music Bokuto and Akaashi would listen to
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dapperappleton · 9 months
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Commission for @dapperappleton !!
Thank you for comming me !! Cannot believe this is my second haikyuu comm and I’ve never even seen the show
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dapperappleton · 10 months
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comms are open again ^^)//
dm me for inquries!!
check my carrd for more details
commission form: click here
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dapperappleton · 10 months
Random Bokuto HCs
He can't drive and probably shouldn't
In Japan you have to be 18 to drive so he couldn't drive in high school but after high school he always lived in places with public transportation so he never learned to drive
If he did, he would be an awful driver because there's too much to focus on so honestly it's better this way
He dyes his hair himself and it always ends up patchy, which is why the black shows through in random spots
Autism and adhd no I will not explain
Ok I take that back I'll explain
He obviously has adhd no one can deny that
But he's hyperverbal and hyperempathetic and he is a bit confused on social cues
He seems like he would have a lot of sensory issues and would genuinely just not notice when something is bothering him and keep unintentionally pushing through it until he's super overwhelmed
Has really good skin but doesn't do anything to it
If he has a partner that likes skincare he'd join them but outside of that he doesn't wash his face or use moisturiser
Yet somehow he rarely has acne and his skin doesn't get that dry either
The kind of friend/partner to buy random knickknacks or pick up random objects that reminds him of someone and gift it to them
Akaashi gets so many random things when Bokuto comes back from trips
Still believes random white lies his parents told him as a kid
Idk what you guys heard as kids but my parents always said it was illegal to drive with lights on inside the car just because they didn't want the lights on or they told me to eat the bread crust because it's more nutritious
That kind of stuff
His friends usually think he's joking when he says that stuff so no one corrects him
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dapperappleton · 10 months
Music Bokuto and Akaashi would listen to
A/N: If you have any ideas of what either of them would listen (especially Bokuto) to I genuinely would like to hear. Put it in the comments/reblogs or send an ask or something, I legitimately want to hear it.
I think he would listen to modern rock
I can't think of many bands in particular
Maybe he'd listen to some og like 70/80s rock but I don't think he'd listen to it frequently
He loves Fall Out Boy and stuff like that where's it's not quite pop punk but still close
I could also see him really liking 80s-90s Japanese pop
It's just kinda funny to think of him listening to that genre but canonically that's probably what he grew up listening to
When I look for playlists for him on spotify it's always rap and hip hop
Which makes sense I guess, like if he was an actual high schooler right now that's probably all he'd listen to
But I feel like canonically that doesn't seem like something he'd actively listen to
Hearing someone else play it or if it's on the radio? Yeah he likes it, it sounds fun
Does he ever listen to it other than that? Nope
He listens to music constantly. Like he listens to music while going literally anywhere or doing anything
If he knows someone well enough he listens to music while they're talking to each other because he can still focus, actually it helps him focus a lot
But if they're not one of his closer friends he won't because he doesn't want to seem rude
He's definitely been yelled at a lot for not even realising he was listening to music
At this point I'm just talking about how neurodivergent he is but whatever
I have a playlist for stuff I think he'd like
Here's the link
Also I feel like I should say this and I have no idea if it'll make sense
But every character playlist I see has the same kind of songs from the same bands and I feel like it's just the music that the playlist author likes, which isn't bad by any means like put whatever you want that reminds you of that character
But I specifically tried to put stuff that I think he would legitimately like, regardless of what I think of the music. It just kinda happened that I think he'd like some of those artists
I don't know what genre these technically fall under, I guess indie? More chill vibes for sure
But I think he'd listen to Arctic Monkeys, Rex Orange County (they suck but their music is good), Wallows, Cage the Elephant, that kind of thing
Maybe some Twenty One Pilots, JVKE, Fitz and the Tantrums
He absolutely lives for The Neighbourhood
I feel like he likes music a lot but he's not the kind of guy that is playing music 24/7, it's just when he's doing homework or working out or something
Is generally willing to listen to most music but is for sure pickier than Bokuto
Probably has a playlist that he listens to when he can't fall asleep
Sometimes it helps him sleep and sometimes it's just nice to listen to until he gets tired
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dapperappleton · 1 year
what Haikyuu characters smell like
…. because i’m sick of the sandalwood - vanilla bullshit, they’re all in high school, they all smell like Axe or sweat
Hinata Shouyou
doesn’t shower, but probably still has baby sweat so he doesn’t stink
Kageyama Tobio
smells like Nivea cream. Very clean, very nice but also big baby vibes
Tsukishima Kei
showers with what his mom packed him so probably some organic oat-scented shit
Yamaguchi Tadashi
actually cares about his products and smells nice for a teenager but nobody notices
Ennoshita Chikara
Axe. Because everyone is using it, not because he thinks it’s cool.
Nishinoya Yuu
doesn’t shower. Also Axe.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
showers sometimes, but only when his sister says that he stinks. Axe.
Azumane Asahi
one of the only people that actually smell attractive. definitely had an Axe phase in middle school tho. 
Sugawara Koushi
the only one on the team with a fresh shirt every practice, smells like fresh laundry
Sawamura Daichi
dad smell, like 3 in 1 hair, body, face and working in the garage
Iwaizumi Hajime
responsible adult, has a nice cologne and doesn’t use too much of it, just enough. buys body wash in bulk because it’s cheaper and more convenient.
Oikawa Tooru
smells like everything. has a nice (in his opinion) perfume, strongly scented floral body wash, citrusy shampoo and coconut body butter. he is living his best life but everyone has to deal with his smell that enters the room before he does.
Matsukawa Issei & Hanamaki Takahiro
bought Axe and “manly man” body wash for shits and giggles and “ironically” use them. but in the end they still smell like Axe. also yes they bought one of each and share everything.
Yahaba Shigeru
easily impressed by Oikawa, also experiments with different smells but thankfully he’s more subtle with it
Kyoutani Kentarou
Terushima Yuuji
Aone Takanobu
nice, subtle scent, smells cozy.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
soap is soap, so also Axe.
Tendou Satori
either washes with just water or has a very specific and complicated hair care routine. there is no inbetween. smells like sandalwood and no one knows why.
Shirabu Kenjirou
Daishou Suguru
you would think he’s edgy and different, but deep down we all know he uses Axe.
Miya Atsumu
Axe. He is THE prime Axe user. if someone thinks it’s cool and manly it’s Miya Atsumu.
Miya Osamu
Axe. but one of the milder ones
Suna Rintarou
doesn’t care. Axe.
Haiba Lev
stole his dads fancy cologne, which would be nice and all if he didn’t shower with a chocolate-scented body wash.
Kozume Kenma
long haired gamer. doesn’t shower. probably borrows deodorant from someone on the team because he didn’t pack any and doesn’t care how he smells. so Axe.
Yamamoto Taketora
doesn’t shower. Axe.
Kuroo Tetsurou
token “manly highschooler smell”. overuses Calvin Klein cologne. but shower gel? Axe. ironically watches the alpha male self care routines but secretly notes the shit down.
Yaku Morisuke
buys his products in those mom shops, all his products smell nice like lavender, jasmine or cotton and are vegan, clean and non-gmo.
Akaashi Keiji
takes care of himself. uses basic products, but has a separate product for everything, doesn’t believe in the 3 in 1 (actually uses a conditioner and face wash). smells like he showers regularly so the rest of the team is greatly impressed.
Bokuto Koutarou
Axe. douses himself with the deodorant. definitely had a tutti frutti phase in the past 2 years.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
rubbing alcohol, uses only hypoallergenic, non-scented products.
Yachi Hitoka
bought a strawberry-scented soap because it looked really cute. doesn’t like the scent at all but still uses it because she is anxious to tell her mom to get her a new one.
Shimizu Kiyoko
smells very feminine, uses fancier brands with floral smells.
Ukai Keishin
cigarettes. bought cologne to impress women but rarely uses it.
Takeda Ittetsu
laundry detergent. always has clean clothes and changes often.
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dapperappleton · 1 year
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
<a/n>i somewhat explain why there's alot in my pin post
The letter room [richard alonzo muñoz]
MPHFPC [Alma peregrine][Enoch O'Connor]
encanto [the madrigals][camilo madrigal]
a series of unfortunate events [klaus baudelaire][violet baudelaire]
harry potter [weasley twins][neville longbottom][luna lovegoods]
narnia [Edmund pevensie]
triple frontier [santiago garcia]
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richard alonzo muñoz
@marvel-and-mischief - matching pyjamas
@dapperappleton - imagine being an ymbryne and having your own loop
- imagine taking care of clair and olive
Alma peregrine
@vostokovasmelina - sleeping next to alma lefay perigine would include
@multifandomfix - imagine alma loving it when you paint her and the children
@zafirosreverie - an special case
Enoch O'Connor
@she-writes-with-kisses - quiet
- space jump
@dapperappleton - imagine being able to create death and dating enoch
@clean-bands-dirty-stories - shirtsleeves
@klineinie - blanketed
@imaginefan - story time
@y2fandom - sending him cute things
@frost-queen - no pain
@maeby-bby - you fluster me
@pink-princess-pussy-pop - dating enoch would include
————— ENCANTO ——————
@cloud-9ine - madrigal reacting to being called their full name
@camilosnovia - there's two of them
- Madrigal Adults reacting to child!reader giving them gifts
Camilo madrigal
@sesamestreet47 - camilo w/ a tall s/o
- Camilo with a shy, sweet girlfriend
- friends
@nixthewolf - camilo simping over reader
@radiorenjun - shape-shifting frolics
@madrihoes - camilo nickname
@cloud-9ine - with or without you
@magicalencanto - camilo's s/o having power like pepa
@multificsworld - ___
- Tu Alma Tan Hermosa, Como La Luna
@caramellahoney - future daughter-in-law
- wait no wait-
@luvrcami - camilo headcannon
@k1nd4g4y - camilo being financially and physically spoiled by his s/o
@bumblesimagines - being friends with camilo
@mihlo - camilo with fem s/o who wears glasses
@dos-oroguitas - angelita
- ay mamacita
klaus Baudelaire
@strangerdangerwrites - incompatible
@a-second-hand-sorrow - goodnight
^ - Not a problem
@ssadumba55 - not that easy
violet Baudelaire
@trustsalvatorewriting - dating violet Baudelaire would include
@archivesofthevoid - Pulling their hair while making out
- The boys (+ Percy) stealing a kiss on the way to class hc
@lithiumfae - sexy habits they have (marauders)
weasley twins
@therandomficwriter - The Weasley Twins Having A Crush On You
@lilahisntsadanymore - Slytherin sunshine(fred)
@moonlit-imagines - ___
@therandomficwriter - weasley twins with a non ticklish s/o
neville longbottom
@hogwartseighthyear - crush
@very-unsirius - blurb
luna lovegoods
@iamthemain-character - Falling in Love with Luna Lovegood
@fromforeigntofamiliarity - taming cowardly lions
@sublimecatgalaxy - ___
Edmund pevensie
@pink-princess-pussy-pop - dating edmund would include
@wrenwreads - she's enough
- wardrobe malfunctions
@witchthewriter - being king edmund's wife would include
@pariahsparadise - warm pt.2
@violentdelightsandviolentends - tethered ♡
santiago garcia
@stormkobra-5 - ___♡
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dapperappleton · 1 year
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dapperappleton · 1 year
I want to say that with trans folk now being at risk of the fucking death sentence in Florida....
The time for community is Now. The time to start planning and organizing how to get our rights back is NOW. bring it up at your local LGBT craft events or book club or support group or whatever. Tell your friends. Spread the word. And maybe see which ones will have the safety and resources you'll need should a Lavender Hunt happen in your area.
And on the scarier end of reality....
This is fucking terrifying. Lots of people are at risk. Personally, I'm terrified this rhetoric will spread much like Trumpism did. I'm scared for my gf and I'm fucking scared for myself because we know historically that it isn't just trans folk on HRT or drag performers that they go after.
And you have every right to do whatever you need to protect yourself.
I'm not going to shame folks who quit HRT, who take the rainbows out of their bio, the people who start saying partner instead of revealing a gender, or anyone else taking a few steps towards the safety that the closet provides. WE shouldn't.
I fucking love you. And we'll be okay as long as we're together, okay?
We keep us safe
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dapperappleton · 2 years
How can you dislike kids so much? You were a kid once!
Yeah I know. I hate child me as much as any other child
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dapperappleton · 2 years
Post op-top surgery folks!
I have a question. I'm getting double incision and when I do it depends on how independent I am from week 1 to 2 post-op. I have two dates that I can do. The earlier one would mean that my mom could help me for the surgery and the week after, but not the second week. The later date would mean she could help me for the whole time. If I'm physically able to, I would prefer the earlier one even though it's only a two week difference.
I see people talk about what you need to do for the first week and the mobility and independence people have for that time period, but after one week or after you get drains removed, how independent were you? Could you move around and take care of yourself or did you need help? Any advice would be great!
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dapperappleton · 2 years
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dapperappleton · 2 years
Ok this is gonna be a rant post and it's probably going to be pretty long so just ignore it. I just can't fucking stand this anymore and I don't want to text anyone about it since I feel like it gets annoying and repetitive.
For context, my parents are divorced and I live with each parent exactly half the time. A few months ago my mom moved into her partner's house and got married. My brother and I of course came with. My stepdad has three kids, two daughters and a son. I have never really gotten along with his kids, not for anything bad, it's just that we have very different personalities and interests and also we basically had only seen each other less than ten times in the couple of years our parents had been dating before they got married. To give you an idea of what we're like compared to them, before we first met they asked their dad what sports my brother and I played because all of them played two or three sports. He said we didn't play any sports and their immediate reaction was "oh so they're nerds." Which isn't wrong but like, why. Honestly I found it funny. (We weren't there we heard the story from my stepdad.)
Now that we live in the same house part of the time, I really really fucking hate it. I, an autistic person who doesn't like change, had to leave the house that I have lived in for as long as I remember with virtually no warning. I don't know the area we live in at all and nothing is familiar and now all of a sudden I'm living with four other people I barely know. My mom let me do virtually whatever I want with my room, and I actually like it way more than my old room. That's basically the only reason I'm even remotely comfortable here.
I would like to preface this by saying it takes a lot to make me hate someone or make me mad. The reason I'm saying this is so you know how big of a deal this is to me. I specifically pride myself on being super reasonable and level headed. I can deal with being annoyed and if it doesn't affect me then I don't care. And if it does, most of the time I still don't care. However, I have been getting more and more upset about this practically since I moved here. The bathroom I'm supposed to share with my brother and three stepsiblings has one small vanity with very little counter space, plus a shower, four towel hooks, a cabinet, and some drawers. This is simplified but my stepsiblings are supposed to be here the same times as us except we come here a day earlier. The oldest of them, my stepsister, is basically never here. She spends maybe one night a month here and other than that just a few hours a day. However, my two stepsisters use more space than me, my brother, and stepbrother. In fact, they have seven bottles of shampoo and conditioner between the two of them, plus maybe six more in a different bathroom that they don't even fucking use. All of them are in the shower, they're not extras in a cabinet or closet or anything. The middle kid leaves her skincare and makeup products covering no less than 90% of the counter even when not in use. Her dad asked asked her to put it away when she doesn't need it but she has made zero effort to change. I couldn't put my stuff anywhere because she uses so much fucking space and leaves her fucking two hairbrushes on the side of the tub with her fucking shampoo bottles that don't fit in the shower because there's no room by her countless other ones and I constantly trip over stuff trying to get into the shower. There are always towels on the floor and someone for some fucking reason puts one towel over three hooks regardless of if there are towels already on them. I actually ended up just moving my towel in my room because I'm a germaphobe and don't want peoples towels touching mine or mine getting knocked to the floor. I ended up moving my stuff out of that bathroom and into a different one because I had no room for my stuff. The other thing was there's always a gross mess of soap, toothpaste, and makeup on the counter and in the sink. Just globs of it. I honestly think someone must be putting half their toothpaste in the sink each time they go to brush their teeth. And no one. Not a single one of them. Ever fucking cleans anything up. They leave socks all over the house (which on its own I can get over but not with everything else), they leave dishes everywhere, they don't put anything away. And as an organised germaphobe, it fucking sucks. I actually get genuinely angry every time I walk I to that bathroom. The only time I use it now is to shower and fill up my water, but even then it still makes me unbelievably angry. They expect people to just deal with whatever is most convenient to them. Do whatever you want with your own space, but don't fuck up the common areas that five people have to share. They just let my mom and their dad clean up stuff constantly. My mom doesn't want to reprimand them or anything since they're not her kids but they don't listen to their dad either. They're straight up manipulative jerks to him. The son calls him fat and insults him if he does something he doesn't like. The middle kid never listens to him and yells at him for asking her to spend time with everyone (which honestly I get but she's so rude about it). The oldest one is so fucking unbelievably rude. She doesn't listen to a thing he says. She had him pay for her expensive club volleyball membership under a few conditions and has literally not followed a single one of them. And they're all really basic stuff like not curse, follow the schedule of when she's supposed to be here, be a responsible person, etc and she hasn't done any of them. Plus she talks about how much she hates volleyball now and wants to skip practice all the time.
I really hope one day they realise how awful they have been to their own dad. Not only that but maybe they'll realise how they're rude to everyone else by leaving messes everywhere. They'll be some really annoying roommates one day and maybe then they'll wake up. They better get some type of payback later.
I keep imagining the day I snap and just fucking go berserk and yell at them about how they need to learn to clean their shit up. It puts me in such a bad mood. I always end up angry and grumpy for awhile. They also don't turn off the lights which I thought would be easy to change so I thought about leaving a post it note by the switch saying "how to turn off the lights: step 1 turn it off step 2 that's literally it" but my mom would have gotten upset because she doesn't want me to be rude so I just left a note saying "please turn off the light it wastes electricity." Since then (midday today) it has been left on four times. I decided I'm gonna add more and more post it's until something happens. I told my mom that and she said not to because it won't do anything other than cause a rift. A rift in what? I don't ever talk to them nor do I care what they think at this point. They're the assholes, so why should I care if they get mad at me for calling them out on not turning lights off or leaving shit everywhere. I get why she wants me to try to be nice but at this point I'm so fucking done with it that I don't care. I'm going to college next fall it's not like I have to live with them for years or actually be friends with them or anything.
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