#*sneezes* oops i'm a guy now
dizzydispatch · 6 months
A Night in the Life
Day 1
0652. Medical comes in just before shift change, meaning it’s a cluster and a half (sorry, Ms. Carol, the guys were fighting over whose turn it was to deal with you and your angina this time). I should be on my way home, but I've gotta stay late so I don't saddle the morning shift with the burden of a half-finished call.
In the middle of the mess, Officer Areyougoingforaworldrecordintrafficstops? (nice name you got there / thanks, it’s German) has to get one last traffic stop in. Hey, here's an idea. If a medical call is currently being dispatched, instead of making me juggle that and your unnecessary traffic stops-- I don't know, maybe go to it?
0734. Thank you for threatening to pull me over for my broken tail light on my way into work tonight, Officer Hardass. I can’t even tell if you’re kidding or not. Guess I better go to the nearest auto parts store and replace my brake light in the freezing cold. 
0812. Good thing I did it here in the store parking lot before I left, because you guys sold me the wrong bulb. Oh, you don’t have the one I need? Great. Can I get that in writing for Hardass? Also, I was shivering so hard that when I tried to take the ill-fitting one out that I dropped it and it broke. But at least I’ve got the rest of the day to myself. Right?
828. Oops, I forgot that I agreed to tutor my GED student today. Was expecting to have the rest of the day, but hey, it’s for a good cause. I still have all afternoon to sleep and shower. 
1100. Call from my Lieutenant. Did I want today’s eve shift for overtime? I jumped for it. Eves are my favorite shift, after all, and every overtime shift that I put straight towards my student loans brings me 0.01083% closer to financial freedom.
1101. Realized that now I had to be back at the station in four hours, and we’re in the middle of a quiz. Too polite to kick my pupil out mid-quiz, I silently resign myself to not getting a shower today. 
1205. Finally, bed. Two blissful hours of--
1415. GOD that alarm is loud. Gotta get up and haul ass. No time to primp, just throw a bandana on, fresh uniform— aaaaand it’s damp.
Day 2
1500. Freezing My Butt Off Because My Uniform is WET and Dispatch is COLD.
1655. Remembered that as the dispatcher, I’m in charge of the dispatch office, and therefore I control the thermostat. Cranks heat. 
1938. Relentlessly mocked by Lieutenant about keeping Dispatch a sauna.
1941: Retaliated by playing up the cold symptoms related to an ongoing, non-contagious sinus infection, then fake sneezing on said (germaphobic) Lieutenant.
1956: Noise complaint from a guy whose neighbors are watching a movie "so loudly it sounds like World War Four in there." (I'm sorry, did I miss World War Three somehow? Any particular reason we jump right to four?)
2056: I should make some coffee. I sure hope the coffee machine isn't-
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2143. Where’s Officer Goingforarecord when you need him? At least the constant traffic stops would be something to keep me awake. I guess the fact that the sun was out helped me forget that three in the afternoon to a night shift person is like everyone else's three in the morning.
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0000: Is it seriously only midnight?
0400: My favorite officer to chat with has decided to let me talk his ear off. While I’d like to believe I am simply that good company, I also suspect that it’s because my mindless chatter is impossible to sleep through. He looks about as tired as I feel.
0500: After talking pretty much nonstop for an hour, my voice hurts. But if I stop, I’ll lose the momentum and adrenaline of a mostly one-sided conversation about the relative benefits of being a bandana girl. Sure, it’s not exactly a runway-worthy fashion statement, but can you tell how long it’s been since I washed my hair? 
0549: I wonder if this would make an interesting blog entry? Dispatch: A Night in the Life. 
0601: Should I at least format it into essay style? 
0636: Too tired. Transcript will have to suffice.
0639: I swear I know how to spell the word lieutenant, Mrs. Overton, my dearest seventh grade English teacher. I even use the pneumonic you taught us: lie-to-u-about-ten-ants. I’m just so tired, my brain won’t cooperate. (I won’t even tell you how many times it took me to spell pneumonic.)
0646: Wait, why would an officer lie about ants? Do we have ants in the station???
0649: I guess after the mouse that Dave’s mousetrap caught, a few ants shouldn’t be too much concern. 
0651: Almost time to...
0652: You have got to be kidding me, Carol.
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 1 year
Suehirogari live commentary (9/21)
matsui's first tone sounds so sensual??
enomoto's got his mic wrapped
akashi got his hood off first (giving the people what they want; sasuga hiroki)
it sounds just like the recorded version, they can't be doing playback are they?
enomoto and date-senpai got an umbrella/parasol
they cut hizen's mic when he shouted in the megaphone
tonbokiri is looking Fierce
daihannya got the last zoom and he kept STARING at someone in the audience rather than the camera? i'd COMBUST
did the back dancer hurt his knee?
oodenta is gonna fall off the truck if he keep leaning further every time
everyone's raincoats are getting steamy by now lol
everyone sounds softer today somehow
lmao the guy in the audience with the tonbokiri towel headband
someone's got their grandpa in the audience
matsui got rid of his raincoat
the fans in the far back blushing, giggling kicking their feet are a MOOD
thank you camera crew for not cutting to the center shot as usual
part of the tent covering akashi's face
legs 💕
tsurumaru was so thirsty he didn't even kanpai lol
monoyoshi's bad posture
seeing hyuuga pull mutsu by the tail and i'm getting flashbacks to musuhaji when he tried breakdancing and ripped it off
hiroki running among the audience and i'm Terrified he's gonna slip on the ground
where's Tonbokiri btw
onimaru did today's amai kotoba
damn that voice is velvet smooth
hasebe AND tomoe getting up and close with the camera
yep that's akashi on the mini stage behind hizen
why have they been robbing us of this footage 😭
lol tomoe stripping hizen then wiggling a finger no to the camera
buzen sneeze kawachii
ummm they've changed the formation for danzen?
now i'm scared
ok so they definitely did something to the mics this time
lol they each got their respective umbrella guy with them
jfc tonbokiri is Intimidating
his sheer PRESENCE
oop onimaru actually did slip on the stairs
akashi patting imanotsurugi 🥹
well he did it together with onimaru (expectations vs reality)
horikawa stealing finger hearts from yasusada
hizen and ookanehira fighting who gets to get up the stairs first like two gradeschoolers lol
akashi trying his best to be in time for the wave
subtle muramasa tribute
a god amongst men
strut that stuff
this is the closest we'll get to seeing tonbokiri after having just a bit too much sake on the engawa in the evening before muramasa gets in the futon with him
hasebe's solo song is nice
i'd like to see him duet with horikawa
dare no mono demonai jinsei my beloved
oh their mic covers are gone now
i could only imagine how fun shin had learning the moves with haru-chan and shotaro 🥺
technical difficulties?
mic covers back on
oodenta straddling that tent pole
akashi perspective waving at koryuu
hachisuka × koryuu?
tonbo soft smile 🥹
did they do a new formation for Can you guess what too?
where's YOUR itadakimasu ookanehira??
they're all fighting for their spots 😂 literal children
they almost broke bashiko
more technical difficulties
mic covers gone
i'm weak for akashi's smirk illuminated by the red lights
shougo hitting those high notes again
pls two fingers only mr kuniyuki
he's worked enough already so nagasone/mutsu on haiku duty
it's a 🙌 chaos world 🙌
hasebe doing horikawa's high note
i wonder why they put ryuugi and spi when their voices don't match well.. then again it's hard to be on the same level as spipi
utsuhige monoyoshi × tonbokiri (looking like your average 2010s yaoi pairing)
sayonara matsui × hyuuga
no lift this time
no lift for urashima or hyuuga either
bless that v-neck
he looks fucking feral
yasusada and hizen's mics didn't pick up their sakebe unfortunately
a treat to see spi's sweaty chest illuminated by the fireworks
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hydrachea · 2 years
Actually I love that the new event just randomly switches your gender here and there for yet to be explained reasons. It took me off-guard the first time but now that I'm more used to it I love seeing the male avatar, yes thank you I look great. They should make this a mechanic more often considering how easy switching between the two options is in the in-game settings.
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juicywritinghoard · 2 years
30 incredibly specific aus
ghost/cryptid hunter and person who will believe any dumb shit for a steady paycheck 
roommate A grabs the baseball bat only to find roommate B eating pickles and macarons in the kitchen at 4 in the morning 
yes I am a vampire sorry no the sleeping upside down hanging off the ceiling thing was just a bit
undeniable chemistry between the two lead actors in the worst hallmark movie ever
verified purchase reviewer on multipack of toy horses that only says THE RED ONES TASTE THE BEST and customer service agent going hello???? enemies to lovers nightmare 
librarian desperate to understand what wild phase the other character is going thru rn
goofing around in ikea and accidentally spending +2 hours in there. where does it end and honestly where is the bathroom 
roped into a d&d game with someone and having a crush on them but only knowing their character name
"So what brings you to the ER today?" well I laughed so hard at my own joke I passed out and hit my head? "oh my god" I know 
made a little offering to an ancient deity for funsies and woke them from a deep slumber. oops
I don't know why you've got a ferret on a leash but at least I've stopped crying on public transportation to watch that lil guy go
the decorative fishtank at this restaurant just broke, my instant reaction was to pick one of the fish up with my bare hands, and now we've made eye contact about it
sorry for swearing a blood feud against you but in my defense you paid for your whole transaction in quarters
I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to honk at you, I sneezed and hit the honker on accident please don't be upset at me
nothing against your choices at all, honestly kind of enthralled, but the fishnets and thigh high boots and pirate blouse seem like a lot for this 8am class 
you make me sick. babe I want to make this work but I'm so allergic to your fur
i can excuse unethical science but I draw the line at skirting lab safety. you cannot be eating rn
doctor doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of uncontrollable super powers
listen it's just a mild case of radiation poisoning you don't have to yell abt it
accidentally saw their coworker's nipple piercings
hang on have you never seen the stars outside of the city? we're going on a road trip immediately
working on the moon is fine but the alien jokes are getting old
pretending to be married for this high stakes heist is kind of distracting not gonna lie
truth serum is stupid and this is never gonna work but the fact you believe it will makes me love you even more. wait. shit
you know I've been waiting for an excuse to come unhinged and I think this might be it actually, so thank you for that
hahaha no worries, it's not my blood
but what's wrong with the lyric, "baby you make me feel like the home depot light fixture aisle" ?? I don't understand 
haha don't roll up your sleeves and tie up your hair our relationship is so platonic rn haha
I would help you move. I would follow you into hell. but you cannot make me come on vacation with your family I will do an actual homicide stop nodding and smiling at me I'm so serious 
hey bud. I didn't mean to reveal that I can read minds but I gotta know what in the actual hell is going on in your head, do you live like this? always??
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Your famous Eddie fic was so great! Can I ask for a a follow up one with him having allergies during an interview?
This got...longer than intended. His allergies are BAD in the fall. Oops. Was I inspired by that one JQ interview where he was basically crying? Absolutely. Enjoy!
The need for allergy meds hadn't crossed his mind when he was packing for Corroded Coffin's three day trip to NYC to get some photos taken and do a few interviews. He's regretting it now, as he walks into Buzzfeed's large building, listening to his bandmates, Zack in tow.
His nose is already itching and stuffy, and his eyes are starting to feel irritated. Half of him wants to ask his friend and bodyguard to run down to the closest place and pick him up some Claritin, but decides it's not worth the hassle.
It's quick work of getting the guys signed in and sat in four chairs, two in front of the other as they wait, cameras pointing at them, lights shining down. Sniffling, Eddie runs his knuckles against his nose, as everyone checks the sound equipment over.
"Dude, you sure you're good?" Jeff asks, eyeing Eddie with a hint of worry.
"Yeah, just allergies," he shrugs off.
The guitarist is semi-good at remembering meds, but it doesn't mean they always work. It's become almost a running joke with the fans of keeping count of Eddie's sneezes.
Gareth snorts, looking at Tim with a smirk.
"Ten dollars he can't get through the interview without sneezing at least six times."
"I'll take it, Eddie's pretty good at controlling himself when he needs to. Remember that one photoshoot with all the flowers?"
"I'll get in on the bet," Jeff laughs, making Eddie narrow his eyes at them, flipping them the bird.
Four minutes later, a girl no older than the lead guitarists own twenty eight years of age is walking out and sitting with them. They all shake her hand and say hello, there's a pause, and then they start shooting.
They talk about their most recent shows- a small six city tour that had them seeing the most fans and turnouts yet. As they joke and tell little anecdotes, Eddie sniffles and tries to focus on the woman; Illiana, and her questions.
"So Eddie, you've been teasing about a new upcoming album for Corroded Coffin, but do you have anything in the works as a solo artist?"
"Nah, I mean, I've recorded a few things at home that aren't as hardcore and stuff, but Corroded Coffin is where I'm meant to be," he gives Illiana a smile. Jeff snorts, shaking his head.
"The day he does a solo album is the day this band breaks up."
"Loyalty is good," she nods, then looks back to Eddie. "But just know you have a following of fans who'd love to hear something a little more mellow," she laughs, and Eddie chuckles.
"Maybe one day."
"Speaking of having a following, lets talk about you and your boyfriend Steve. You guys seem to be taking over TikTok with your little dance videos and Twitch with all of your streams. Everyone seems to notice just how much happier you are the past couple of years."
Eddie nods, rolling his eyes fondly. It's true that Steve's gained some spotlight now, especially since he's started posting videos of he and Eddie doing silly dances and pranks to each other. It's a stark contrast from him and Jeremy, who wanted nothing to do with the fame, going as far as to make Eddie stay in for days at a time.
He goes to reply, rubbing at his nose again, a tickle winding its way through his sinuses.
"Yeah, yeah, Steve is great, he and Robin; his best friend, kind of roped me into learning one dance, and it ended up becoming a thing, since I can't dance to save my life," Eddie nods, sniffling wetly. He rubs the heel of his hand against his eye quickly.
"From what I've seen, you don't seem to bad!"
"You don't have to be nice, trust us, he sucks," Tim chimes in, making everyone laugh.
"Yeah, as kind as that it, it's absoluhhte b.s," he laughs kindly, scrunching his nose up.
The tickle doesn't recede, and as Gareth talks about his own girlfriend, Eddie turns to his right; where no one else is, and raises the neck of his black and white striped tee over his face, eyes fluttering shut.
"hih-GKtSCHuhew! ah'IKSCHhhEW! S-Sohh-IGKschEW! Sorry," Eddie sniffles and wipes his face before turning to face the woman again, rubbing his eye.
The other bandmates snicker, and Gareth mumbles 'that's three', earning a kick to his foot.
"Bless you! Now I have a few questions sent in from fans," she grabs a few cards from her lap.
It's not their favorite thing, since some fans can be a lot and vaguely intrusive, but since they've been hand picked, the guys know they can't be that awful. Eddie's already struggling against another all consuming tickle. He can feel it throughout his sinuses and nose, even the tip feels irritated. His nostrils twitch and he presses his fist tightly against them, but it doesn't help. He leans away again, brings his shirt back up.
"hh! ah'IKtSHuhEW! ihHTSHhuh!"
The long haired man turns back to apologize but turns quickly again, this time unable to pull his collar up, instead blocking his face with bent elbow.
"hih-IhKGshh'uhEW! iiKSHuhEW! Christ, sorry, my allergies have been shit the past few days," Eddie sniffles, wiping his eyes that have started becoming increasingly more teary and red.
Illiana laughs and brushes it off, continuing on.
"'CoffinCorrupter1784' asks- who in the band is the most likely to ghost everyone else?"
The four look at each other before Tim, Gareth and Eddie all turn to Jeff, who looks scandalized before laughing.
"Yeah, yeah, guess they're right."
Eddie sniffles and rubs the heel of his hand into his right eye, a few allergic tears falling and wetting his cheek as he pokes his tongue out and scrunches his nose.
"'annietheweird' asks: Do you guys pull pranks on each other during practices too? Or just during tours?"
"Oh, we definitely pull pranks whenever we get the chance," Gareth snorts. "We're all pretty g-"
"ihNGXT-tKSCHhh! h'TSHh'uhEW! hah'IHTshhEW! "
"-ood- dude shut up- about being sneaky when it comes to them," the drummer finishes, only faux-annoyed at the other man.
"Usually it's me and Jeff against Gareth and Eddie," Tim explains, nodding along. "We managed to switch their shampoo out for red hair dye a few months ago, but unfortunately it didn't really take well."
"Really? And you guys weren't mad?"
"Nah, it was jus-snf! just fuhn'd a'd ga'bes," Eddie's eyelashes are wet, and he swipes at his face.
"Are you up for a couple more questions?" It's directed at the eldest of the four, who nods, clearing his throat.
"Yeah, sorry," he gives a tight lipped half smile.
"Jeez dude, get yourself together," Jeff teases lightheartedly.
"The fans are going to have a field da-"
"Jesus Munson!"
"ahHGihKTSCH! Ugh, snfSNF! Fugck, okay, mbight ndeed a breagk," Eddie keeps the neck of his short covering half of his face. This last one had been messier than intended, and damn he needs a tissue.
Zack is suddenly there, holding out a tissue box. He snatches a few up and keeps himself turned to blow his nose, everyone around him wincing at how thick it sounds. After another blow, Eddie grabs a new tissue and wipes at his face.
"Welp, at least we get our ten dollars," Gareth smirks at Jeff.
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kimistorm · 3 years
Dancing in the rain [Bang Chan]
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: [Chan x GN! Reader]
Warnings: mentions of thunder, but it's depicted in a more serene view and not scary
Word count: 1.5 k
Requested by: SKZ8BLACKPINK4 on Quotev
Prompts: “Thanks, it's the insomnia."
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Chan blinked awake when he heard the soft closing of the door to your shared room. He tiredly reached a hand towards your side of the bed and came up empty, but still slightly warm. It was one of those miraculous nights where the two of you were able to fall asleep at the same time, but it seemed like you had other plans.
He let out a yawn before sitting up in bed and looking around through nearly-closed eyes as he tried to figure out what was happening. It was still dark, and turning on his phone (through even more squinted eyes) told him it was a little after 4 am. He let out a groan from the fatigue still weighing down on his bones before falling face-first into his pillows. He was sure you’d come back, you were probably just getting water.
His eyes closed fully and he readjusted himself to get more comfortable, but it was no good. His mind was already awake. Felix said he was going to swing by later to drop off some cookies. And he needed to pester Changbin about sending him a sample of the rap he was putting together. What were you doing? He couldn’t hear the sounds of anything awake in the rest of your shared apartment. A cool beat started playing in his head and he tried to commit it to memory to transpose once he woke up. Maybe it was a beat that Han could use, he could imagine Han doing some lyrical rapping to it. Were you okay? It’s been a while. Oh, and is that thunder outside?
A groan of defeat emitted from his throat as he sat up fully and pulled himself out of bed. If he was awake, may as well try and do something productive. The carpeted floor was soft against his feet as he pulled open the door to the bedroom and headed out into the living area. He was going to head into the kitchen to grab a drink, but he noticed the door to the patio open, and that stopped him in his tracks.
He nearly let out a shriek when he saw someone on the balcony, but his brain caught up at the last second and realized it was just you. There was a warm smile on his face as he crossed the living room to see you on the balcony. Aided by the fact you left the door open, he silently slipped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder in a back hug. “Sorry,” you rubbed at his arms that were around your waist, “did I wake you up?”
“It’s okay,” he murmured back in his warm, low voice. “What are you doing out here? It’s like 4 am.”
“As if you can argue against that,” you teased with a smile, “Mr. disastrous sleep schedule.”
He rolled his eyes at your jab, “thanks, it’s the insomnia. But,” he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, “I’m still asking.” There was a flash of light followed by a rolling rumble that made him realize that yes. It was thunder storming outside.
“It’s raining.” He hummed in agreeance and nuzzled his face into your neck, “it’s wonderful.” You took in a deep breath and smiled as you inhaled the wet earth smell. The gentle pittering of the rain interrupted by thunder was all you could hear as down below, there was hardly a car on the street. There was another flash of lightning and you gasped as you saw it fork through the sky before there was a crack of thunder. “I kind of want to dance in it.”
That got Chan to open his eyes fully as he looked at you with concern and shock barely illuminated on his face. “You want to dance in it?” he repeated, not sure that he heard it in his still-waking-up state.
You stuck a hand beyond the balcony to let raindrops cover it and you were pleased to find it cool, but not hard. “It’s not bad. And tomorrow’s Saturday anyway.” Chan himself wasn’t super keen on getting wet in his clothes, especially because it was cold and he was definitely not going to wear swim trunks out there. “Do you want to dance with me?” But he was totally whipped for you. “It’ll be less than five minutes...probably.” He couldn't say no.
“Right now?” he couldn’t help but ask as he glanced down at his outfit to confirm that he was shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants.
You glanced at him with a bit of a spark in your eye as you nudged him, “after you put on a shirt.” You turned back to the rain wistfully, “it might pass soon.”
He gently tugged you back inside and you looked at him in confusion, “grab your keys.” You grinned at his small confirmation as you hurried to put on one of the light jackets you had left on the couch and your keys from the little box at the door. Chan emerged from your room with a light jacket covering his bare chest and the two of you slipped out of your apartment.
When you got outside, you let out a giggle of delight as you spun around under the downpour. It may have gotten harder, but you didn’t mind. Your sandal-clad feet stepped in several puddles and your joyful shouts seemed out of place in the otherwise silence of the night. You noticed Chan still standing apprehensively under the overhang in front of your apartment complex, “may I have this dance?” you asked as you extended a hand out to him.
His face melted into a smile as he looked at you nearly perfectly illuminated under one of the streetlights. “Can’t leave you hanging, can I?” he asked as he confidently stepped out to take your hand, “that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me.”
You smiled as the two of you did a janky version of the waltz under the falling rain. Your feet were soaked as you breezed through puddles and the sky continued to be punctuated with bursts of lightning and thunder. “Thanks Chan.” You murmured as you leaned into his chest, the two of you swaying in place.
“Anything for you babe.”
It was a gust of wind that caused you to sneeze that finally pulled the two of you back into the safety of the building. Your fingers were cold and clumsy as you shoved the key into the lock to gain access to your apartment and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter once the door shut.
“What?” Chan asked gently as he pulled you into another wet hug.
“Nothing.” You smiled, “just happy.”
Chan felt a smile grow on his face as well, your joy was just infectious like that. “I’m glad you’re happy.” He started pulling the two of you to the bathroom, “but let’s get dried off.”
It wasn’t long until the two of you were in dry, warm clothes and back in bed. You cooed as you ran your hand through his hair, as it got curly from the rain and the somewhat aggressive towel dry. “Felix is coming by later today.” Chan reported as the two of you cuddled and began to drift into sleep.
Luckily for Chan, he was able to fall asleep. Though it felt like only minutes as he was woken up by rapid knocking and his phone vibrating wildly.
“Is that Felix?” you squinted as you stared at his phone. Your room was a lot brighter now that the sun had risen.
“Probably.” Chan groaned as he pulled himself out of bed. “You can go back to bed,” he protested when he noticed you were also crawling out.
“I’ll make breakfast.” You smiled as the two of you emerged from your room to answer the door.
“Took you long enough,” Changbin couldn’t help but bite in annoyance when Chan finally opened the door.
"You're not Felix."
Changbin scoffed, "feeling the welcome."
“Sorry,” Chan replied as he rubbed his face. "I thought Felix was coming over today."
“He is," Changbin agreed, "he was baking enough cookies to feed an army earlier today. Hey (y/n)!” your guest waved his hand as he noticed you in the kitchen making coffee.
“Hey Changbin, how’ve you been?”
“Did the two of you just wake up?” he asked as he looked between the two of you with slight eye bags and general ‘I just woke up’ vibes.
“Yeah.” Chan replied as he searched through the apartment for his laptop.
“Rough night?” Changbin asked with a smirk.
“Seo Changbin!” you shouted and threw a pot holder at him who easily ducked and ran away laughing.
AN: Oops, I did not mean to disappear for over a month. I'm sorry!! Haha but inspiration struck (as usual) in the middle of the night, so apologies if this is a little messy as it's completely unedited (I didn't want to leave you guys hanging ^^;). On another note more related to skz, NOEASY! So excited!! I'm loving Felix's big hat and Chan's been getting way too comfortable with crop tops. Are you sure you're foive sir?? xD
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
The mask mandate has been lifted in my neck of the woods and:
-people have apparently forgotten that you need to actually cover coughs and sneezes and not just hack openly im??????
-they also spit like a lot when they talk now;;;
-a lot of my newer coworkers ain't as cute as I thought they were and I feel a little less intimidated by them lol
-i realized that i have become completely reliant on my masks to mask in public and no longer have control over my facial expressions while daydreaming oop
-ive decided that eating my droplets and seeing my face journeys is a privilege few can enjoy (and I still dont feel like eating stranger spit) and so yeah idk about you guys but I'm wearing a mask like 5ever 😷💕
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solarcitymelodies · 4 years
More ventriloquism stuff out of context (ish) because ... I like to confuse people. Yeah ❤️
- wrong mouth oops
- wrong voice oops
- ventriloquized the wrong person
- sorry I don't know why I just said your line shit now I gotta restart
- why did you just say that I was gonna say that
- "can you stop making me stutter"
- *forgets to move the puppet*
- *forgets to pay attention to your lips*
- *forgets to do both of those things*
- *stares longingly at the state of kentucky*
- where did I put my zip ties oh no oh god
- I am so sorry but if you want to talk to me I'm gonna have to take your head off first
- "that wasn't funny but I'm being forced to laugh because you think you're just hilarious and I hate you for it"
- "stop yawning I'm trying to talk"
- *sneezes* "okay wow rude interrupting me like that"
- hey do you know-- wait obviously you don't how do I keep forgetting you're not a real person
- we can't sing duets :((
- I will literally make you stop talking don't test me
- so before I let you in my room I have to ask are you afraid of dolls
- are you afraid of clowns by any chance? Just wondering for ... Research purposes.......
- no guys seriously be gentle with him he's an antique-- or you could throw him down the stairs
- so tell me. Is your child destructive in any way
- I want to ask if this kid has something sticky on their hands but I'd feel rude and awkward asking
- it's very cute that they're trying to do it right but this is the worst ventriloquism I've ever seen
- oh my god they are literally five stop being so nitpicky
- but they aren't even using the proper techniques and I can tell
- they are FIVE YEARS OF AGE
- please don't throw the doll please don't throw the doll please don't throw the doll
- seeing the Chaos Child at family gatherings and immediately going to hide all your stuff
- a lot of people's reactions to it play out a lot like this vine:
- *talks to self in public just to flex on everyone even though they literally can't tell you're doing anything*
- haha they have no idea I'm saying things 😎
- should I freak out this child who does not understand things? No. I want to freak out the child. But I won't.
- *walks into an antique store and hopes for the quite nearly impossible*
- I should go to an estate sale !! wait no People will be there
- *stares at self in the mirror* ah no that was so bad *immediately puts mirror down*
- I am choosing not to be aware of what my mouth is doing today 🥰🥰
- you are a four year old and I am afraid of you
- guys stop making fun of him :(( he can't change his facial expression :((
- *checks worldvents* ah another tragedy occured and I am completely apathetic
- everyone shut up about termites
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yonch · 6 years
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wow he actually doesnt have orange hair :) oops first and foremost!! the design for unity is by @legendoflovely​ who has!! very good art!!! very cool!! i tried to imitate their style!!! but please check them out
ok and im gonna do more headcanons because :( yurei said my last ones were bad under the cut
link in general.. selective mutism and insomnia. dont like being locked up . Also they are all autistic because fuck you i’m autistic fuck whoever made that callout three years ago for a 15 year old. all the links are autistic because i said so and im allowed to say whatever the fuck i want and theyre all trans some of them are also poc because i said so. maybe all of them are evne the white passing ones theyre mixed becuaseu i said so
he chunky
he’s just a funny little dude i think. i think he has a great sense of humor
he has LIGHTNING SCARS from FIGHTING DEMISE.. and also lanayru because i was bad at fighting teknolbolings
he has asthma and narcolepsy
he likes how zelda smells (she smells like mist and clean linen)
he doesn’t like small, dark places (it reminds him of something he doesn’t know)
small(est) and angri(est)
probably has rabies because he is A Loony.. He is Insane... He is Mad!!! 
he’s a blacksmith and takes over for his grandpappy after his adventure
doesnt like heights very much
doesnt shower very often and his hair feels like coarse ass dog hair
is scared of cats because he almost got Killed by one when he was Tiny
really doesnt like the goddesses?? he’s got a shit load of trauma dude
the scar on his nose is from tripping on a rock and slamming his face into another one
got his eye mangled in a fight with some bandits :/
doesn’t like the sound of clocks ticking
but that doesn’t stop him from having a Spot On internal clock
can’t stop seeing red eyes and blue lights
very good with kids and animals!!!
he’s socially anxious and his favorite way to stim is by petting his goats 
color blind! specifically red green color blind
likes being scritched behind his ear and will thump his leg really hard on the ground (he starts doing this after he Transforms into Dog)
has a nice singing voice
he has sharp teeth!!!
designed!! by !! @legendoflovely​
he’s never lonely!! always has friends
happier After his adventure than before
spirit of the hero said its my turn on the brain cell (he has one)
likes flowers a lot and has nice memories of picking them with zelda
likes warm drinks
is so adhd you wont Even believe
yawns and sneezes.. like kitty
H U G E big brother energy
he likes watching birds with his family 
pirate life is the life for me (but no stealing bc thats bad :( )
he’s hydrophobic and can’t swim for long before having a panic attack
he grew up with trains!! so he knows a lot about them and he likes to info dump about them a lot
not having like. Specific Instructions makes him panic a little (catch me projecting)
he lives with grandma aryll and grandpa niko!! (they arent married!!!!!)
his eyes are hazel...
one of his ears... is crooked
he chipped his tooth by running away from bees and slamming into a train (this is based off something i did in game)
has the most scars
apple farmer!! smells like appel all the time
the pink hair is from his mom!! 
ptsd and depression 
still wishes that koholint was real
nonbinary  and masc aligned :)
has a lot of weird scars? look like paint splatters but you can’t rub them off
goes undercover in hytopia with the pseudonym of Finch! (his partners are jay and robin)
stops his apprenticeship to the blacksmith, considers beekeeping, eventually becomes a fashion icon
can’t stop trying to walk into walls
easily guilt tripped
heterochromia!! iridium!!
eats raw meat (doesn’t get a stomachache)
he has.. big bro vibe
his hat was a gift from his sister 
completely mute!
self taught in swordplay
doesn’t like bright flashing lights
what if fuck ing what if he what if he just what if he just ate rocks what if he jus tstraight up ate rocks
still has spotty memory (he never gains back any other memories)
doesn’t remember things unless he touches them
has chronic pain 
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frogsandfries · 6 years
It's too early to say,
But sinus infection or cold, I'm sick.
And I'm miserable.
And I'm exhausted.
And now I have more than half a press full of coffee that I did want to drink but now I'm just too tired and I'm supposed to do this writing thing for my journal and I was going to start adding a daily not-potter sketchbook page to my journal and
It's okay. I'm going to lay down, and I'm going to accept that I don't feel well and I can choose to make it up or let it go, and I can choose when I feel better.
Ugh oh, I wanted to mention, for my personal notes, I came in this morning and there was a pancake on the stove (a little later my dad mentioned white goo in the toilet; that woman puts liquidy foods in the toilet, damned if I know why). I figured that woman knew she was still cooking her pancake even though she was across the room from it, and I figured she was up to something.
Go figure.
My dad points out that the pancake is still cooking, and instead of like, oh oops, that was silly of me........ of course it was me. It was my fault. I sabotaged her fuckforesaken pancake. Duh.
And then she dropped her fork in the toilet and needed my dad to fish it out.............
I figured she was up to something.
Well then she went on a rant about suing the place she worked for like four days. Before she worked there, she was going to sue the place she didn't return to after her sinus infection.
Yeah......cuz threatening litigation against someone's company really makes them want to let you work there. So please, please, do it. Go sue a business for a job.
😒 I'm just...... too tired for this........... I blew my nose every other time I inhaled last night. Everything made me sneeze. My throat is so raw, if I tried to give a bj, the guy would get my blood on him. The flecks of blood in my tissues reminded me of the one time basically the whole lining of my sinuses was expelled, and that was a sinus infection......
Last thing, so last night I was pondering about doing more with the journal, using it in ways that would keep me productive.
I like the daily quotes, and I like the even-day recipes. I'm also interested in starting to closely track my spending - I'm thinking something like copying the receipt by hand so I really have to look at it and all my purchases from week to week are recorded for my own perpetuity, so I can look back on the week or look back through the years and chastise myself for being stupid and wasteful and self-sabotaging. Or I can start performing now to give a good performance to me in the future....
Then it occurred to me yesterday that if I'm going to sit with this notebook, I can copy out a couple paragraphs a day from all the jumbled up drafts and notes on my phone.
Reflecting on that, it occurred to me: why not take this to the next level and include the thumbnails for not-potter?
Well of course, I got back and all I wanted was food and sleep.
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