luck-of-the-drawings · 5 months
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"I think this is the most inhuman; and human, that I've ever felt.." MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN A YEAR. IN FIVE YEARS. A DECADE. imagine how much can happen in a century. just ONE (1). How will you grow? what phases do you find? even in 5 years, you will find patterns.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi the suckening#arthur bennett#HEY SO THE REALLY FUNNY THING THAT THE CHARACTER DID THAT SEEMED RLY SILLY N GOOFY IN THE MOMENT?#LIKE THE WHIPLASH BETWEEN SERIOUS N SILLY ALMOST PISSED YOU OFF? WHAT IF I FOUND A WAY TO MAKE YOU SAD ABOUT IT#this was meant to be a scribble that would be a bigger part of a bigger page.might leave it on that page.#but still. bc o that i nearly posted it onto my wacky side blog.BUT NAYY I SPENT TOO MUCH TIME N ENERGY N YOU GOTTA SEE IT#ARTHUR BENNETT DRIVES ME CRAZY. I FEEL LIKE ITS ODD FOR HIM TO BE SO TECHNOLOGICALLY OUT OF TOUCH#WHERE HAS HE BEEN. HAS HE BEEN IN WAR? IS THAT WHERE MAGNUS CAME FROM? WHERE WAS HE WHEN HE WAS WITH EDWARDS CREW?#ARTHURRR I HAVE QUESTIONS ARTTHUUURR!! HEY CAN I ALSO ASK; WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BECOME#DO YOU THINK HE HAD ANY IDEA HE WOULD VEER CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE MONSTER HE DESPISES. ALL BC HE DESERVES IT. OR WATEVER#HE FASCINATES ME SO MUCH. TO LOOK AT THE STONE COLD STOIC FOOL FROM THE START OF THE SHOW#AND TO FIND OUT THAT HE USED TO BE A BAD BOY.. A DELINQUENT... A LIL PRANKSTER.... MY GODDD THATS ADORABLE#I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE.... BUT I DOUBT THE LAST EPISODE IS GONNA ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS..i love arthur bennett so much....#AS FOR THE ART!! i mostly used the fire alpaca watercolor brush. tbh im not a brush guy. anti aliased default pen tends to be my main game#but LATELY IM SQQQUIRMIN OUT OF AN ARTBLOCK so expirimenting like this is helping#DONT LOOK TOO HARD AT IT!! im still proud tho. colors are fun :3 im also very proud of the backgrounds#I LOVE THE CARTOON THING where the background looks all fancy n painted but the characters are solid colors#what else can i ramble abt. OH YEAH. i looked up the bikes to make sure they were time accurate tehehehe. 1913 to 2012.#almost a century apart!! isnt that neat? ALSO FUUUCK CAN I JUST MAKE A QUICK CONFESSION. DOWN HERE IN MY TAGS.#only the strongest can read my tags anwyay. SO I REALIZED WHY I LOVE ARTHUR SO MUCH. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE#while arthur is a Stoic and Cool vampire w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORs#THERE HAPPENS TO BE A ROBOT FROM A BAND W A TITANIUM ALLOY SPINAL COLLUMN#WHOS A Stoic and Cool ROBOT w a knack for being playful/silly; who alsos been alive fora century thus witnessing HORRORS#the fuckkkiiinnngggnn The Spine from steam powered giraffe. WHATEVER. i cant escape from my heart. i guess.#i think The Spine and Arthur could be friends. Arthur saw the band perform back when they were the Steam Man Band#EDIT: WOOPS I DIDNT REALIZE THIS WOULD END UP IN THE SPG TAG. HI GUYS DIDNT KNOW U WERE STILL ALIVE SORREE 4 THE CROSS CONTAMINATION
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avastrasposts · 3 months
Bona Dea - a Marcus Acacius story
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Complete brain rot, this story has been in my head since last summer, just needed his name and his status. I'm yeeting this out there tonight even though I said I'd post it tomorrow. I'm too excited, I want to share!
8.6k - porn with a smidgen of plot, mentions of slavery and prostitution if someone wants to avoid that. Some Latin (explanations under the cut)
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Thermae - bath house
Caldarium - the hot pool in the bath house
Servi - slave or servant
Leno - pimp
Lupanarium - brothel
Domina - lady
Dominus - lord
Amita - aunt
Stola - a female dress
Meretrix - a high class prostitute
Concubinus - concubine
Carrisime - dear, beloved, a term of endearment
magnus - greatest
Puella - young woman
Futuo - Fuck
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The town had no name, at least not in his mind. Somewhere to the north, where his army was camped for the next few days, a respite for the soldiers before the last march back to Rome. This close to the capital of the empire, there was no need for them to dig in, but he made them do it anyway. Erect the palisade, dig the ditches, Marcus Acacius was proud of the show of Roman military discipline they put on for the peasants in this backwards corner of the empire’s countryside. 
But being this close to Rome meant he and the highest ranking officers could have the luxury of staying in one of the town’s villas. It was nothing compared to the one he resided at in Rome, but for a few nights, it would do. And the local thermae proved adequate, the hot water flowing freely in the caldarium, filling the pool and relaxing his aching muscles. They, he and his officers, had enjoyed a few hours relaxing, taking the opportunity to get properly clean after many weeks' march. Only one last stretch, and then they would all be home. For a while at least, until the emperors decided on a new war, a new part of the empire to conquer and subjugate. 
“I’ll see you later,” he gave a wave to his closest allies, as they exited the bath without him. Acacius was determined to make the most of the hot water and leaned back, stretching out his long legs, flexing his tired muscles. It would be a few more long weeks on horseback before he could do this again. But the next time, it would be at home, and he couldn’t wait to get to it. 
With a groan he sat up and twisted his body, loosening the tight joints of his back before he slowly made his way out of the hot pool and into the cooler parts of the thermae. When he stepped out onto the street again, he felt refreshed, muscles loose and his body clean. He took a long, deep breath. 
“Gallio, go back to the villa, see to it that all is in order for tomorrow's feast,” he said, dismissing his slave without a backwards glance. His servi bowed and hurried off, while Acacius started walking in the opposite direction. He’d seen the tell tale signs of a high class brothel while they rode into town, and he had every intention of finding it and paying for a warm cunt to sink himself into, a good end to the day.  
The sun was sinking behind the town’s wall and the warm December day was starting to cool as he made his way through the narrow streets, following the phallic signs on the walls. The heavy wool of his cloak was welcome now, and he wrapped it around himself. The streets had been crowded before, now they were almost empty, and he found it odd that everyone would step inside so early in the evening. But the door of the brothel was still open and a warm glow came from within as he stepped through the door. 
“Leno!” he called out to the pimp who would run any brothel of this standard, and a man appeared from behind a doorway and regarded him with wide eyes. 
“General, what are you doing here? I have no girls tonight!” the man said, spotting his rank with just a swift glance at his attire. “And I sent home all the males and I was just about to close the doors.” 
Acacius frowned at the man, “Why are you closing up? And where are the girls?” 
“Bona Dea, general,” the leno said, his face apologetic, “All the women of the town are celebrating her tonight.” 
“You gave all the whores the night off just for Bona Dea?” Acacius asked. He knew the festival well of course, it was celebrated all across the peninsula, but the rites and rituals were secret to men, so he only knew that the women of his family would attend the temple and leave the men at home. “Do you not expect any male customers tonight?” 
“General, I apologise, I didn’t give them the night off, they took it, nothing can stop the women of this town from celebrating Bona Dea. And beg your pardon, general, but you should hurry back to your quarters. No man should walk the street after dark on Bona Dea. The women have free rein to do as they wish with any man they find out of doors on this night.” 
“What do you mean, leno? Free rein?” 
Acacius regarded the nervous looking pimp, he was shuffling from foot to foot as he twisted his hands, glancing nervously at the increasingly darker street. 
“Just that, general, free rein. Any man they find, they can do what they want with, rob him, mutilate him, fuck him, or make him fuck someone else, or something. I’ve heard of a man who was made to fuck a goat while the women stood around and laughed, drinking wine, getting drunk and pissing themselves. And no one can do or say anything about it. What happens during Bona Dea, they can’t be punished for, it’s the law.” 
“No law I’ve ever heard of,” Acacius scoffed, “and I’d like to see them try anything with a Roman general.” 
“With all due respect, general, you’re only carrying your pugio, and by law, you can’t harm them, only do as they command. It’s the law of Bona Dea,” the leno glanced at the door again but Acacius just shook his head and turned to leave. 
“They’re only women, I think I can handle myself.” 
“Against a handful, yes. But they roam in packs, twenty, thirty, I’ve heard them pull on the door here and cackle like witches. They can take down even a large man like yourself and then you*ll be at their mercy,” the leno was all but ushering Acacius out onto the street now as he started closing the door. 
“I may enjoy that, my cock was expecting a whore tonight, maybe I’ll have to find one of your runaway girls and make her have her way with me,” Acacius grinned at the nervous looking leno, who just gave him a quick bow, before the door to the brothel closed. 
“Bona Dea….” Acacius chuckled, “a night when women can do as they please? What kind of backwards country hovel is this place?”
He wrapped the cloak around himself again and set out towards the villa, maybe he would find some woman on the way, but he certainly wasn’t about to traipse around this town in search of one. Let them have their festival, he would settle for one of the slave girls at the villa. 
Night had truly fallen now, and the narrow streets were dark, very little light found its way down to where he tried to navigate the uneven surface. The lamp holders were unlit, even the men usually responsible for that seemed to be shying away from their duties on this night. With a curse Accacius tripped and nearly fell as he rounded a corner. The scabbard of his pugio clattered against the rough stones as he caught the edge of the building just in time. He pulled himself up and wiped his hands, stepping closer to the side of the street, putting his hand on the wall for guidance. 
“Futuo,” he hissed, fumbling his way forward in the dark, the only blessing being that this town seemed to be too small for the street gangs that would’ve plagued any street this dark in Rome. 
He came to a sudden stop as a door swung open a little bit further down the street, light spilling out and illuminating the uneven paving. 
“Hey there, keep the door open!” he called to whomever had provided the light, “It’s pitch black out here and I’ve got no torch.” Hurrying his steps now that he could see more of where he was going, he approached the open door. A shadow moved just inside, the shape of a person, and he thought he heard the giggle of a girl. Thinking nothing of it, he stepped into the rectangle of light and was blinded by the shine of a bright oil lamp. Unseen arms wound around his own and he suddenly felt himself pulled, yanked, in through the door, as female laughter erupted around him. Soft hands grabbed his body as he blinked to regain his vision, but before he could see, someone slipped a cloth over his eyes and the world was plunged into darkness again, a tight knot being tied at the back of his head. 
He chuckled, Bona Dea indeed, and decided to play along, feeling female hands pulling him, guiding him, into the house. 
“We found one!” a young woman called in excitement as he felt the air change, and he was led into a room. “A man foolish enough to be out on the streets!” 
The room erupted into delighted, tipsy, laughter. The smell of sweet wine hung heavy in the air and the alcoholic breath of the women nearest him lingered in his nose. 
“Tie him up, don’t let him see us,” came a command from what sounded like an older woman, “and let’s decide what to do with him.” 
Acacius felt himself pushed into the room and his arms were forced behind his back. This was not something he was willing to accept and he shook his broad form, easily discarding whomever was trying to restrain him. 
“Hold!” came the voice of the older woman again, and the woman trying to tie his hands went still behind him. 
“General, you know the rules of this night, you are ours until the sun comes up, you must obey our every order and may not hinder or harm us in any way. That is the law of Bona Dea.” 
Acacius felt equal measure anger and lust rise inside him. He was not a man used to being ordered around, tied up, not in control. But another, more base instinct, was fighting for space inside him, his cock hardening at the idea of being at these women’s mercy if they chose to use him. Not being in control for once, seeing what women would do if he let them use him as he often used the whores at the lupanarium. As long as they didn’t make him fuck a goat, he could see this as enjoyable evening. 
“Apologise, domina,” Acacius said, bowing his head towards the source of the voice, “I will follow the law of Bona Dea.” 
“If that is the case, we will not need to restrain you, general. Leave his hands untied.” 
The last was said to the room and behind him, Acacius heard the woman who had tried to bind his hands together, step back. 
“Bring him to the centre, let us see what kind of specimen the goddess has brought us.” 
Delighted cheers broke out at this, all around him. The room seemed to hold at least ten or so women, and they were clearly excited by the prospect of having a man under their control for the night. 
The woman at his back took hold of his arm and guided him forward, presumably to the spot where he could be seen by all the women. He could hear tittering, giggling whispers as he was left to stand, unseeing, surrounded by them all. 
“Remove his clothes, but be careful. We do not wish to send our general home tomorrow morning with his attire in shambles.” 
A shiver of trepidation, he refused to believe it was fear or nerves, shot through his body, at the words of the unknown woman. The soft shuffling of bare feet on a mosaic floor could be heard as at least two women approached him. Soon deft hands were removing first his cloak and then his belt. Someone knelt and untied his sandals, making him lift his feet as they slipped off. The skin on his abdomen pebbled as his tunic was removed, exposed to the air of the room, even though it was warm. 
The knowledge of unseen eyes on him, as the last of his vestures were removed, was an unsettling feeling. He squared his broad shoulders and straightened his back. If they wanted to see him naked, let them see all of his hardened soldier’s body, he had nothing to hide. What scars and disfigurements he had, he carried with pride as they showed the world what he had done for Rome. 
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You stood at the top of the circle, in front of the Roman general who was now stripped of all his clothes, the blindfold the only piece of cloth on him. The younger girls were pleased with what they saw, appreciative hums and gasps were heard from around the room and you could see their excited faces. 
“He’s a fine one, good catch, Julia!” a younger woman exclaimed and she was joined by the voices of others agreeing. 
You could only give them right, he was a fine specimen. A general in the mould of the likes of the great Caesar, kept fit by his army life, living the same life as his soldiers. Not going soft and weak with age like those who turned to politics and intrigue. The man in front was standing tall, his long arms hanging relaxed by his sides, only a slight twitch in his fingers betraying something of his nerves. The golden skin was decorated by scars, old injuries, but gleamed under the light of the oil lamps. By the looks of it, and by the scent of the thermae, he’d been at the bath house before stumbling down the dark street outside your house. 
“What shall we do with him?” you asked, your voice lower, holding a promise and making the giggling of the other women die down. You took a few steps forward in the now quiet room, standing in front of him, taking in his clean scent and the way his still damp hair curled around his ears. You had to look up to properly regard what you could see of his face, he was a tall man, a proud Roman nose, a strong jaw, a handsome face even though you couldn’t see his eyes. 
“How shall we use him? Hmmm?”  
Bringing your hand up and gently touching his chin, the soft scruff of his beard tickled the tips of your fingers. The man didn’t flinch when you touched him, and it made you smile. He had been prepared for your touch, expecting you to explore his body. With slow movements you traced his jaw, down his thick neck, his wide shoulders and down over his chest. Glancing down, you saw his cock hardening, already rising up from between his thighs. 
“Oh, he likes that!” Julia exclaimed behind you, and the room erupted in giggles as the women closed the circle and shuffled closer to see. 
“How would you like to be used, general?” you mused, unable to keep the smile out of your voice at his obvious excitement, and in response, you saw the corner of his lip quirk up. 
“I am yours for the night, domina,” he replied, bowing his head to you again. 
Biting back a smile, you glanced at Julia who was standing at your shoulder, her eyes shining with elation. 
“Shall we see how much he likes it?” you asked her and she nodded, a giggle bubbling up through her. 
“Touch him, amita, make him hard for us.” 
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The soft hand that had been exploring his chest slipped down and caressed his belly. He could feel fingernails trailing through the hairs on his stomach, sending a shiver of pleasure down to his cock. It filled with blood and he swallowed back a groan as the woman’s fingers traced the outline of it, an easy touch designed to torment him. 
“Let us hear your pleasure, general,” the woman said, her sensuous voice close to his ear now, the warmth of her body radiating over his skin, “I want to hear what sounds you make when you fuck your favourite meretrix.” 
Her filthy words made him groan again, just as her hand closed around his cock, holding it firm in her warm grip. 
“I like hearing your voice, general. I wonder if I can make you beg for release before this night is over? How hard can we make you before we allow you to spill your seed?” 
The words were matched with a slow stroke of his shaft, holding him firmly, twisting as it reached the tip. Her thumb smeared a drop of liquid over his sensitive head and he gritted his teeth, jaw clenching. 
He felt her move, her hand coming up to grip his jaw, firmly, but not with any pain. 
“Don’t hold back, if you hold back, we’ll make you suffer longer. Let us hear you,” the woman said, loud enough for the room to hear, and he heard the other women agree, telling him to be loud, to let them know how much he enjoyed it. 
He gave a short nod, and she gave his cock a firm stroke before letting go. 
“Cornelia, bring me the olive oil, let’s make this easier for him.” 
Another woman moved in the room and he heard the stopper of an amphora being pulled out. A few seconds passed and then her hand returned to his cock, slick and warmer than before, coated in oil. He didn’t hold back his loud groan when she covered him with the liquid. Firm, slow strokes filling his cock with blood, making it pulse and ache in that familiar, pleasurable way. 
Tilting his head back, he panted, cursing under his breath. Whoever this was, she knew how to stroke a man, a slight twist of her wrist as she came to the tip, pulling back his foreskin as she slid her hand down again. 
“Domina….” he groaned, “domina…”
His breathless moan was met by delighted cheers and he felt his neck heat up, self consciousness washed over him and he dropped his head down onto his chest. 
“Now, now, girls,” the woman said, her hand steadily stroking him, keeping him hard and full, “we want him to give us as much pleasure as possible tonight, let’s appreciate the service he’s giving us and make sure he enjoys himself too.” 
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You stepped back from him, just a small step, and let go of his cock. It was a glorious thing, and you even doubted the younger women in the room were experienced enough to appreciate how well endowed he was. He’d filled up rapidly, and now it stood straight out from his tatch of dark curls, thick and weeping, hard as silk covered steel. By comparison, your husband’s member was a pitiful sight, even when erect. 
You took a moment to admire him where he stood, his arms still hanging by his sides, his hands now balled into fists. A red flush had risen on his chest and neck, the beating of his heart was thrumming under his skin, and as you watched, the tip of his tongue came out and licked his lips, a gasp escaping him. 
“Maybe we should give you some small treat too, seeing as you’re giving us your handsome body to play with,” you mused, putting your hand on his firm shoulder. His skin was warm to the touch, and you let your hand slide down along his arm, gently squeezing the hard muscles. You couldn’t resist touching him, he was like a god come to life, maybe even Mars in disguise. 
Taking his hand in yours, you brought it to your own shoulder, using his hand to push the shoulder strap of your stola to the side. The garment was loose, the same simple cloth you all wore on this night, all signs of your social status removed as you celebrated Bona Dea. But it also meant his hand met your skin as he pushed the fabric over your shoulder. The rough fingers were warm and he seemed to hesitate when he felt the stola slip to the side. With a swift movement, you undid the clasp on the other shoulder and let the whole thing fall to the floor, the buckle clattering as it hit the mosaic. You saw him shift his head, hearing the sound and interpreting it correctly. You took hold of his hand again, guiding it to your breast. A smile broke out on your face as you watched his reaction to finding your budding nipple under his palm. His tongue came out again, a quick swipe over his lips, as he inhaled. Letting him feel his way around, you watched him weigh your breast in his hand, thumb gliding over your nipple, making you briefly close your eyes. 
“Show us how you make your meretrix wet enough for your cock, make me ready for you, concubinus,” you hummed, wondering how this powerful general would react to being addressed as one of the pretty men who were kept by some wealthy ladies. His hand stilled on your breast, holding it firm, and you could swear he was searching for your eyes through the darkness of his blindfold. He licked his lips again, and bent his head. The heat of his mouth closed around your nipple as his tongue lapped over it. A whimper came from you, seeing this man bend to your will, doing as you asked. 
“Does it feel good, amita?” Julia asked in a breathless voice behind you, her tone was laced with need, you could hear the arousal coursing through her veins as she watched the general suck at your breast. 
“He’s certainly talented with his mouth,” you replied, the laughter in your voice replaced by a moan when he tugged gently at your nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure to your core. The man hummed in response, moving his mouth to your other breast as his hand fell to your hip. Caressing it with firm motions, he slipped it down over your soft belly, cupping your cunt with his hand. The breath caught in your throat as he pushed a thick finger between your folds, making you jerk your hips into his hand as he easily pushed into the wet heat that had gathered at the apex of your thighs. 
“Domina….” he muttered against your breast, “you are well and truly wet enough for my cock already. Can I give it to you?” 
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He heard her swallow at his words, her hand coming up and slipping into the hair at the back of his head, the slight sting more pleasurable then he would’ve thought. With a gentle tug she pulled him off her breast, he let her hard pebble slip from his mouth and reluctantly pulled his hands from her cunt when she stepped back from him. 
“Let us all be undressed,” she said to the women in the room, “lay him on the floor and make use of this hard cock that the goddess has blessed us with.” 
“But he can’t come!” one of the women said, her voice a drunken giggle, “We need that cock hard for all of us!”
“You can barely stand, Cassia, too much wine in such a small girl,” another woman called out, and was met by loud laughter and he could hear Cassia laugh with them. 
“More wine while we watch!” she called, “Who shall ride him first?” 
Acacius felt two pairs of hands pull him down, guiding him gently onto soft bedding. As he tipped his head back, someone adjusted his blindfold, making sure he couldn’t see anything but darkness. It was a strange feeling, flat on his back, his cock hard and weeping, hearing the unknown women move around him as their stolas fell to the floor around him. 
“Julia, you caught him, you should have the first ride,” a woman said and the rest joined in, cheering on Julia who was giggling as she knelt beside him. He could feel her hands on his abdomen when she straddled his legs. 
“He’s so big!” she exclaimed and his hips jerked up as her hand closed around his already aching cock, “Much bigger than Appius!”
“Remember, he can’t come,” the older woman chuckled close by, she seemed to be kneeling behind his head, “How should we punish him if he does?” 
There was a murmur among the women as they tossed ideas over his head, someone suggested he’d be made to fuck a goat as soon as he was hard again and he thought he might never get hard if that was the prospect. 
“No, poor goat,” the older woman laughed, “What has it done to deserve that?” 
Acacius silently let a relieved sigh slip out, someone suggested he’d be covered in garum, another thought he should be made to run a gauntlet through the room, that he thought he’d easily manage. 
“Why not let everyone know he was foolish enough to venture out on Bona Dea?” Julia said from her position straddling his thighs. “Take his clothes and let him make his way back to his quarters with this glorious body on display for the whole town? We can send a slave to the encampment with his clothes later on.”
The room erupted in cheers and it was agreed to be the punishment. Acacius gritted his teeth, he could easily imagine the looks of his soldiers, the ribbing he’d get from his officers, if that was to happen. He would have to use every trick in the book to keep himself from coming. Already he felt the familiar tingling in his crotch as the woman called Julia shifted above him. Her hand was firmly wrapped around his cock and when the head met the heat of her cunt, he groaned. Slowly, whimpering at the size of him, she sank down, rocking her hips to take more. 
“Gods, he is so thick,” she panted, her hands flat on his belly as she carefully lifted her hips, letting him slip out before she sank down again. 
Acacius bit down on his lips and hissed out a long breath, “Puella, can I touch you, I want to hold onto your hips, let me fuck you better than your Appius.” 
“You can touch me everywhere, concubinus,” she moaned in response, taking one of his hands in her own and firmly placing it on her breast. He let the other find her hip, gripping on to the soft flesh, he bucked his hips up into her. Her answering cry of pleasure made him bite his tongue, staving off the pressure building in his balls. Squeezing her tits, rolling the hard nipples under his fingers, he continued to fuck up into her, making her bounce on him, he could feel the soft slap of her ass every time she dropped back down. Soon she was moaning loudly, crying out for him and he let his hand slip from her breast, finding the little pearl at the top of her cunt that gave women so much pleasure. With deft fingers he caressed it, his cock twitching as she responded to his touch, whimpering above him. 
“Gods, I’m…” she gasped, her voice giving out as the walls of her cunt gripped his cock, and every muscle in her body froze. She sobbed as she trembled above him, her hand batting away his fingers from her cunt, and he softened the rolls of his hips, fucking her through the waves of her orgasm. 
With a breathless giggle she finally stilled on him, “Sisters, help me up, my legs have no strength,” she laughed and he felt the weight of her lifted from his hips. 
“My turn!” someone called from beside him and the room erupted into laughter. 
“Give him a moment to calm down,” the older woman said with a smile, still close to his head, and he felt her hand on his shoulder as her voice came close to his ear.
“How is your stamina, general?” she asked in a soft voice, the warmth of her breath against his ear even more tortuous than the feeling of Julia’s cunt on his cock. He was hoping she’d fuck him before the night was over, the very thought of how wet she’d been, made him clench his jaw. 
“Still strong enough for these girls, domina, I will save my load for your wet cunt,” he whispered in reply. The tightening of her grip on his shoulder made him smile, he couldn’t see her, but he knew his words had made her press her thighs together at the thought of taking his cock. 
“More wine!” someone called and cups were raised, some wine being spilled onto the floor with sighs and giggles. 
“I might have to offer you my cunt in the end,” his domina, as he was starting to think of her as, whispered back to him, “Most of these girls are too drunk to be of any use.”
“Alba, take your turn,” Julia’s voice called, “And come join me to recover afterwards.” 
The woman named Alba laughed and he felt her legs swing over his hips. She wasted no time closing her hand around his cock, spreading Julia’s arousal even more thoroughly over him. 
“I wonder if he tastes as good as he looks?” she asked and as her mouth closed around the head of him, he groaned loudly, gripping the bedding underneath him and cursed. He could feel his domina’s hands in his hair, caressing his temples, stroking back his damp curls. 
“She’s a tease, that one,” she laughed quietly in his ear, placing a delicate kiss on his forehead. 
He couldn’t responde, only agreeing with a grunt, as Alba’s mouth swallowed him whole, sinking all of him into her throat before she pulled off with a deep breath. Her hand was stroking him up and down in fast motion and he felt helpless against the rising heat in his abdomen, a strangled cry coming from him as he bit his bottom lip hard. 
“Slow down, Alba, you’ll ruin the fun for yourself if you make him come too fast,” his domina said and Alba laughed. 
“I’d better get my fill of him then,” she replied and Acacius felt her adjust herself above him as his cock yet again slipped into a wet cunt. He groaned as she squeezed him, lifting up and coming down over him with a roll of her hips, riding him hard and fast. From across the room he heard some of the women give lazy cheers, clinking cups as they egged their friend on. 
“Ride him until he begs for release, Alba,” one woman called, her voice slurred by the wine they all seemed to be downing fast. 
“I’ll ride him until he makes my body shake,” Alba called back, panting loudly, moaning as he grabbed her hips and slammed his cock hard into her. He was determined to make her come quick, hard, so that he didn’t have to fight against his own aching cock. It was ready to burst, his balls tight between his legs as the unknown woman used him for her pleasure. 
“T-touch me,” she gasped at him, and he slipped his hand around her ample hips, finding the sweet pearl quickly. As his fingers rubbed across it, she cried out, her nails digging into his chest as she drove him in and out of her slick cunt, her walls beginning to convulse around his cock. 
Her speech was incoherent, just mumbled pleas and gasps, her breathing heavy until she cried out. Her thighs gripped his hips tight, slamming down on him and grinding her cunt into his soaked crotch. She whimpered as the orgasm washed over her, Acacius bit his lip, almost drawing blood, as he forced his mind to think of anything but the woman using him for her pleasure. When she collapsed on top of him, the hair on her head tickling his nose, he wrapped his arms around her back and gently caressed damp skin, her heart thumping against his chest. 
In the background he heard a few giggles and tired cheers, but no one rushed up to take Alba’s place. His cock ached deep inside her and he almost wished he’d come, despite the punishment he’d receive.
The other woman, still sitting by his head, shifted behind him, and he heard her stand up. 
“Come, girl, get on your feet, let the poor man breathe,” she said in a soft voice, he could hear her smile. The weight of Alba lifted from his chest and she seemed to stumble to her feet as the woman led her away. He was left on the bedding, his cock still hard and aching, the air of the room quickly cooling it. Reaching up, he grabbed the base tightly, staving off the worst of his impending release, drawing a deep lungful of air to steady himself. 
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You led Alba over to where the rest of the young women had collapsed into piles, drunk on sweet wine and the excitement of the night. None of them were used to the wine of Bona Dea and would have no further enjoyment of the general currently splayed on the bedding across the room. Julia gave you a lazy smile as she made room for Alba next to her, both girls spent and sated. 
With a smile at them, you crossed the mosaic floor again, watching as the man gripped the base of his weeping cock and grimaced. Sinking down on your heels next to him, you gently put your hand on his arm. 
“Come, general, this night isn’t over yet.” 
He sat up and you helped him to his feet, taking his hand and leading him out of the room and further into the building. The darkness of the house fell around the both of you, it was late in the night, but you weren’t tired yet. The striking general, stripped of all his attributes, padded on bare feet behind you, his hand in yours, following blindly and trusting you without question. 
You led him to a room softly lit by oil lamps, and left him standing in the middle while you closed the door. Stepping up behind him you gently untied the blindfold, letting it fall to the floor, and as you moved around him, you saw him blink against the light and then find your face. 
“Domina…?” he asked and you smiled as you saw his deep brown eyes in the golden light. 
“There is no law against the men foolish enough to wander into our celebrations seeing the women they are being tormented by,” you said, answering his unspoken question, “What happens on this night stays between the man and the women.” 
He nodded once and you stepped closer, your bodies pressed together, the hard length of him between you, slick against your flesh. His hands were calloused and rough as they gently grabbed at your hips of their own volition, caressing your skin, warming you. There was no hesitation as you reached up and cupped his cheeks in your hands and moved his soft looking lips to your own. He came willingly, a low rumble in his chest as your tongue met his. For a man who had been achingly hard for the past hour, he moved slowly, measured in the way he tasted you, nipped at your bottom lip and touched your body. 
“Touch me again, make me as wet as your meretrix, general,” you whispered against his lips and you felt the corners of his lips pull up in a smile as his hands pushed you backwards. 
“I want to bury my face between your legs, domina. That’s how I get them wet enough for my cock,” he muttered, watching your face with dark eyes, as you continued to step back for him. 
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, the thought of him giving you pleasure that way made your body tremble and he noticed, a fresh wave of arousal pooling between your legs. 
“I’ve only ever heard tell of some men doing that to women,” you said, the cool metal frame of the bed against your legs, “my husband never did it to me.” 
“I’m sorry, domina, but your husband is a fool. It’s the best way to give pleasure to a woman, to prepare her for a cock like this, and make her enjoyment of the act as great as mine.” 
His warm hands slid down over your hips as he spoke, and now he grabbed them, his strong arms flexing as he picked you up and laid you down on the bed. Settling himself between your thighs, he made you open your legs wide for his broad shoulders. He hooked one arm under your thigh, pushing you open even more, and his eyes made you shiver, as he looked at you with a wicked grin. 
“Take a sturdy hold of the bedding, domina, and let me hear your voice.” 
You pushed yourself up on your elbows and were just about to talk back to him, to ask what skills he thought he possessed. But your question was lost to a moan as he lowered his head and ran the tip of his proud nose along the seam of your swollen slit, following with the flat of his tongue. 
Your head tipped back as you groaned into the room, his tongue finding the sensitive bead hidden among your folds and sending a violent stream of pleasure through your body. Never had a man touched it the way his tongue did, lapping at it, circling with slow steady strokes, making it vibrate as he hummed against your flesh, his own pleasure clearly rising as he feasted between your legs. He seemed to be teaching himself how to draw every debased groan and moan from your throat, coming back to repeat the ones that made you pant and dig your fingers hard into the bedding. 
“Domina…” he mumbled against your cunt, “put your hands in my hair, let me feel how good I’m making you feel.” 
You met his eyes as he lifted his face slightly, his beard and jaw shining with your slick, and it made your insides cramp around nothing. “If this is your first time, let me make it one to remember when you go back to your husband.” 
You nodded, dumbly, moving your hands to his hair, the long curls winding around your fingers as he dipped his head again. He pushed against your leg, spreading you for him, as he drove his tongue as deep inside as he could, the glistening tip of his nose circling your sensitive pearl, making you gasp with every pass. 
The warmth of his hand moved over your leg, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake, and you felt him shift on the bed. His tongue was still lapping greedily at your folds, but now it was joined by two of his thick fingers, teasing at your opening. As he closed his mouth around the apex of your thighs, suckling on that bead, he pushed his fingers inside you. 
“Gods….” you cried, your body arching up under him as it filled you, stretching you out. Between your legs you felt his tongue increase its speed, heat rising as he moved his fingers in and out, copying the motion of a man’s cock but curling, dragging, his thick fingers over places inside you that you’d never knew existed. Pleasure all but exploded in your body as you groaned for more. 
The fingers on his free hand dug into your flesh, holding you down as he moved up onto his knees, pushing you into the bedding with his body. You saw him work his jaw, feasting on your cunt as he drove your pleasure higher, his fingers pushing deep inside, curling and stroking, driving you towards an edge that you were almost afraid to fall over. 
“Dominus,” you wailed, locking eyes with him as he looked up from between your legs, his mouth still licking every drop you fed him. His dark eyes, wild and almost mad with lust, bore into you, and with one more thrust of his fingers, he pushed you over the edge. You could feel his eyes on you as your whole body seized up, ecstasy coursing through every fibre, your throat raw as you sobbed and groaned. His fingers were relentless, stroking you, working your cunt into submission, prolonging every wave of pleasure that radiated from where his mouth sucked at your folds. 
With tired hands you pushed him away when it became too much, your body was shaking, your breathing ragged, and he gently let go of your body, his fingers slipping out. 
“Carissime,” he growled, crawling up over your body, “let me fuck you, let me spill my seed deep inside this tight cunt, and claim you as mine.” 
His skin was damp and hot as he covered you with himself, sinking down on his forearms and placing wet kisses along the side of your neck. The roll of his hips against you made him groan between each kiss, his cock was flushed red and weeping, denied release for so long. His words sent a fresh jolt of arousal through your mind even though your heart was still hammering from what he’d already pulled from you. 
“Carissime,” he repeated, sucking hard on your neck, sure to leave a mark, “Let me fuck you, or suck my cock, just give me release, let me spill myself over your soft tits, I need your body.” 
His pleas wrapped themselves around your head, your limbs grew hot, and the heat between your legs returned. 
“Fuck me,” you whined, grabbing at his shoulders, pulling him down over you as your hips rolled up against his hard length. 
“Tell me how, domina, order me, please Bona Dea. You only have one night to take what you want from me.” 
His breath was scorching against your skin as he moved down and wrapped his lips around your nipple, sucking hard at it, nipping, giving you both pain and pleasure that made you whimper and push him closer to your chest. 
“Fuck me from behind, use me like a meretrix,” you said, it came out more like begging, a desperate plea, “My husband never wants to fuck me like that, and never hard, but I crave it, I want to feel your thick cock for days to remember this night.” 
Acacius muttered as he pushed himself up, leaving your breast tender and shining with his spit. 
“He truly is a fool of a man. To have this tight, wet cunt in his bed every night and not fuck it like it deserves? Were you in my household I’d make sure you’d never go unsatisfied again, keep you in my bed day and night.”  
He’d risen to his full length, standing by the side of the bed, and again you took in the glorious form of this man that Bona Dea had blessed you with. His skin had a sheen of sweat, his curls in disarray, and that cock, hard and flushed, weeping from the tip, ready to sink into your cunt. It made your mouth water and the general noticed. 
“Come here, carissime, on all four and turn that sweet ass to me,” he slapped your ass cheek and grabbed your hips, pulling you back towards him. “I can’t tell you how much I look forward to fucking you as hard and rough as you wish. My cock has been waiting all night on being sunk deep into a cunt as sweet as yours.” 
It made you whimper, the way he talked to you, and on instinct, you curved your back, opening yourself up to him. He growled and squeezed your ass again, spreading you open for him to see where his cock would slide in. The blunt head dragged through your folds as Acacius coated his cock with the juices leaking from your puffy folds. It made him hiss, and with one last shred of self control, he grabbed your hips, and slowly sunk into the wet heat, feeling your walls stretch for him, clenching tightly as you moaned. 
“Gods, carissime,” he groaned, his fingers so tight they were sure to leave marks on your skin, “you have the tightest little cunt I’ve ever felt, your husband is a fool, I might have to order him to divorce you, so that you can come to my villa.” 
With a low grumble, he pulled out almost all the way before he pushed in again, harder this time, and it made you keen under him, your core contracting to hold his cock tight. 
Acanius leaned over your back, his hot skin on yours, and he grabbed your hair, winding his fingers into the previously so well maintained hairstyle. Now the curls spilled through his fingers as he pulled your head back. 
“Mi meretrix,” he hissed, “are you ready? I won’t hold back, I can’t.” 
You could only moan a breathless Yes under the weight of his body, your core contracting and pulsing around the thick length of his cock buried deep inside. His voice was strained and taught, he had no self control left. The hand in your hair tightened its grip, the other took a steady hold of your hip and he pulled out. 
When he slammed back in, you cried out, pleasure shot through your body as the impact caught every sensitive spot inside your slick cunt, but he gave you no respite. He set a brutal pace, grunting and panting behind you like a bull, holding you in place as he slammed his cock into your heat over and over, praising your cunt, your tight heat, your body, your willingness to let him use you like this. 
You could only take it, it was like no fucking you’d ever done, he filled you up, not just your cunt, but your whole body, your mind and every sense left tingling at the onslaught. All that filled your mind was how full you were, how his cock felt as it stretched you open, splitting you down the middle, making you cry out in pleasure and need. The man behind you was relentless, his sweat dripped down on your back, scorching hot drops on your own overheated skin. With a growl like an animal, he wrenched you up, flush against his chest as his arm banded across your breast. The rough pads of his fingers immediately found your aching pebble between your legs and circled it, drawing tight patterns that made you wail and cramp. He changed his angle, fucking up into you with the same unforgiving speed and power, and pulled your head back on to his shoulder, his mouth finding your ear, warm breath and gravelled words spilling from him. 
“Carissime, come for me, choke my cock with that tight little cunt of yours, I’ll dream of you on my march back to Rome. Give me the sweetest memory to think of as I fuck my hand in the night.” 
His cock was spearing you, pushing hard and deep inside, while his fingers found the very core of your pleasure. 
“C-come for me, now, I can’t…I can’t hold myself any more,” he panted, his rhythm stuttering, you could feel his cock twitch inside, he was falling over the same edge as you, his body tensing up, the muscles of his stomach contracting against your back as he groaned loudly in your ear. 
“Futuo!” he cried out, and your cunt closed around his cock, your body taught as a bow string under his strong arms as you sobbed into his neck, turning your head to feel more of him as your body convulsed and trembled, the muscles in your legs giving in until it was only his arms around your body that held you up. 
Acacius groaned and cursed as he pumped into you, hot ropes of cum shooting out and filling up the tight cunt that gripped him so hard. His rhythm was faltering, he could hardly move, his eyes were blurry, he held you up as his own legs gave in. With a stumbling step, he pulled you both down onto the bed, falling on your side with his cock still deeply buried in you. He pressed his face into your neck, breathing hard, the build up of the last hour finally being released. His hips jerked, pumping the last of himself into you, and then he stilled. You could feel his arms tight around your chest, his breath against your skin, even his heart beat could be heard in the now quiet room. 
The muscles in your body felt like lead, warm lead flowing out over the bed. How you’d ever move again, you weren’t sure. Your eyes were impossible to open, the general’s body a heavy weight over half of you, he didn’t seem too keen on moving either, his breathing growing slow and steady. You both stayed still in the silence and the afterglow, not wishing to break the spell of Bona Dea. 
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A few hours must’ve passed before he stirred again, the light outside the small window had changed. He lifted his head and looked around the room in confusion for a moment before he remembered where he was. The woman was still underneath him, half covered by his body. He could feel his soft cock still laying between her legs, he hadn’t even pulled out before he fell asleep. With curious eyes he regarded her now in sleep, a woman of his own age, beautiful with the features of someone of noble birth. Gently he trailed a finger across her soft cheek, carefully moving his weight from her. But his movement caused her to stir, blinking awake as he looked at her. 
“General,” she mumbled, sleep still clinging to her features, as she rolled over onto her side to face him. He held himself up over her, cupping her cheek with his hand, slowly caressing every line. 
“Morning approaches, I must go back to my men and explain my absence,” he said, “Domina, you have given me a night I will never forget.” 
“As have you, general,” she smiled in reply, “My cunt is still sticky and I believe I will feel this ache for days.” 
He chuckled at that, swiftly moving his hand down to cup her sex instead. 
“I wish I could stay and give you more nights,” he said, slipping a finger gently between her folds to feel his own seed still leaking out. She gasped as he brushed across her sensitive bud, letting his fingers caress it softly before he pulled away. 
Regretfully he shook his head, “But I’m expected in Rome and my army must march on.” 
“Come back next year, if you can,” she said, “Bona Dea will always welcome you into this house.” 
“If our emperor doesn’t send me away on another campaign, I will do my utmost to come back, carrisime.” 
The endearment fell from his lips with a soft smile and she pulled him down towards him, her lips finding his, tongues meeting again. She was warm, irresistible under his hands, he groaned and felt his cock twitch, somehow growing hard again. 
“Carrisime,” he whispered against her mouth, “I must go, but come find me if you’re in Rome.” 
“What is your name, optimus?” she smiled at him. 
“Marcus Acacius, domina. Come find me, let me taste that sweet cunt again.” 
“I will, Marcus, maybe I will leave my husband at home and come find my magnus concubinus.” 
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Part Two
Tagging the lovely crowd from the preview post!
@angiewatson @i-own-loki @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @lady-bess @nerdieforpedro @legendary-pink-dot @musings-of-a-rose @for-a-longlongtime @oberynslady @chaoticfestninja @joelssapologist @mduluozz @jessthebaker @hellofeyradarling @pascalislove @flyingthroughheaven @criticalarchitecture @brittmb115 @dammit-hoechlin @li-anne @luly0607 @snow3096-blog @rainbowcat164 @suddendownpour @sherala007 @groovy-hippie-chick @grippysockedtoebeans @bonafideslacker @tupelomiss @rhiannon-girl @verge-of-tears-again @truffles-cat @jay-zzle @rav3n-pascal22 @chronically-ghosted @allaboutthebeskar @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 @casa-boiardi
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Bot Buddy being Rodimus's older sister and having a crush on Swerve
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted Romance, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is a near carbon copy of Rodimus.
Key word ‘almost’.
Instead of sporting the red and oranges being her main color on her frame, Buddy has more blue tones with some yellow around.
That is where all similarities end.
Buddy being related to Ultra Magnus makes more sense than her being related to Rodimus.
“Hey Buddy! Watch this!”--Rodimus
Rodimus on the top of a tall shelf.
“Rodimus No!”—Buddy and Magnus
Buddy and Magnus look at each other in surprise.
“… I hate when you two do that.”--Rodimus
“Don’t care, get down here before you break something or hurt yourself.”--Buddy
She was in fact close to him though.
Being a part of the Elite Guard for most of the war can do that.
The other part was stationed around communications and message relay for the Guard or the Wreckers.
That was where she first met Swerve.
It was purely by accident.
Swerve had been given the wrong number and connected her instead.
“Hello? How may I help you?”--Buddy
“You’re not Blurr. Who are you?”--Swerve
“You have the help line for the Wrecker’s and Elite Guard, do you require any assistance?”--Buddy
“Oh, no not really. I thought I had Blurr’s number. You know Blurr?”--Swerve
“Yes, I am familiar with the racer.”--Buddy
“Isn’t he the best! We were going to hatch a plan to build and run a bar when the war ended.”--Swerve
“Really? Blurr agreed to that?”--Buddy
“Absolutely! He even gave me his number, but I must have punched in the wrong digits and contacted you instead. Not that you haven’t been nice and all!”--Swerve
Buddy laughing a little bit.
“Its all right… umm… what is your designation?”--Buddy
“The names Swerve! And who might I be speaking with if you don’t mind?”--Swerve
“I’m Buddy—”--Buddy
“You’re THE Buddy!? Wow! This is just my day! I’ve heard so much about you and your work with the Elite Guard, The Wrecker’s…”--Swerve
Buddy gets a bit more comfortable on her end ready to continue this pleasant conversation with Swerve.
It was a slow day anyways… it felt nice.
That started a slow friendship between the two.
The chats had to happen on scheduled days since Swerve had a habit of talking too much and Buddy didn’t like to stop him.
Buddy refused to talk to Hot Rod about this.
Swerve was her friend.
Finally, someone that hadn’t been friends with Hot Rod before knowing her.
She was going to protect her friend’s identity as long as she could.
But of course, Hot Rod had a feeling his sister was hiding something from him and was going to get to the bottom of it.
Hot Rod dramatically draping his frame on Buddy’s berth.
“Why won’t you tell me!”—Hot Rod
Buddy rolling her optics.
“I’m not telling you squat Roddy.”--Buddy
Hot Rod suddenly sitting up.
“What if its… someone?”—Hot Rod
Buddy frame stiffens a bit.
“It is someone!”—Hot Rod
Hot Rod flopping on her back and starts popping her side annoyingly.
“Who’s the lucky bot who’s got my stuck up of a sister like this?”—Hot Rod
Buddy grabs his digit and slightly bends it backwards.
“Hey! OWW!”-Hot Rod
“Keep it up and I’ll bend more than your digit Hot Rod. Got that?”--Buddy
Buddy lets go of his digit and crosses her arms glaring at him.
“Fine, fine, I wont start talking about your secret—”—Hot Rod
Buddy judo flips her brother to the floor.
Hot Rod was over the moon hearing that there might be someone out there for his stuck-up sis.
Maybe it would help loosen her up.
Primus knows she needs to stop stressing so much.
Buddy just wishes that Hot Rod would drop the subject… but is secretly pleased to hear that he is happy that she found someone she likes.
…then came Rodimus Prime.
Buddy felt their sibling bond significantly weakened thanks to the matrix bonding.
Rodimus didn’t seem to notice but Buddy did.
But she refused to acknowledge it to him.
He was a Prime now, he had other things to worry about than her.
Just pushing through trying to get her work done.
Timeskip to the Lost Light…
Buddy was not aware that Swerve was on the ship until she got wind of the bar.
She walked in and zeroed in on the minibot.
Buddy walking over to the bar where Swerve had his back to her.
“Welcome to Swerve’s you see anything you like?”--Swerve
Buddy smiles a bit.
“Hmm… I don’t know you recommend anything Swerve?”--Buddy
Swerve stops cleaning the glass in his servo and turns around, wide eyed.
Buddy smiles a bit more seeing Swerve’s own face light up.
Swerve reaches over the bar to hug his friend.
Several bots at the bar stop seeing the small bartender hugging one of the most strict bots on bourd.
“… 20 shanix that Buddy tells Swerve off.”--Skids
“Wrong. 50 and she throws him out.”--Whirl
“She wouldn’t do that… right?”--Tailgate
Buddy hugs Swerve back while silent chaos ensues behind them.
So many bots thought that Swerve was going to die that day.
Rodimus had so many com pings within that hour.
He brushes the pings off like a rumor.
Especially when he hears about something potentially happening between Buddy and Swerve.
… That changes when Rodimus starts to notice Buddy hanging out more and more at Swerve’s.
This was the first flag to be raised.
Buddy doesn’t ‘do’ crowded bars.
But he brushes it off as Buddy finally letting loose.
Rodimus is talking with Drift when he notices Buddy at the bar.
“Isn’t it nice seeing Buddy happy?”--Drift
“Hmm? Yeah… but it’s a bit weird seeing her out here.”--Rodimus
Drift raises an optic.
“She doesn’t like big, crowded places, it’s ‘Too loud and too much engex being spilled all over’.”--Rodimus
Drift looking at Buddy happily talking with Swerve at the counter.
“Maybe she’s here for someone?”--Drift
Rodimus downing the rest of his drink laughing at the end.
“Ha! That’ll be the day.”--Rodimus
One time a rather rude bot had come to the bar and demanded to know why he was cut off from the drinks.
All while he was slowly tipping to the side.
Buddy tried to de-escalate the situation.
“Listen, we are all civilized bots here. Lets just get you back to your habsuite or the med bay if—”--Buddy
The bot looks at Buddy and spits in their face.
“Can it! Your nothing more of a has been-washout-guards-bot who is only good for a pretty paperweight!”—Random Bot
Buddy wipes the spit infused engex from her optics, glares at the bot harshly, about to unleash the Pits when she gets interrupted.
Swerve stands on the bar counter gaining some height, his servos shaking at his sides.
“Don’t you EVER talk to her like that! Now. Get. Out. Of. MY! BAR!”—Swerve
Buddy feels her spark skip a pulse looking at the mini bartender.
The bot tries to take a swing at him, but Buddy grabs the fist in her’s.
Buddy’s optics blazing in fury.
“You heard the minibot.”--Buddy
Buddy kicks the bot in the back of the knee and throws the frame across her shoulder.
Marching outside and kicking the bot several feet away from the entrance.
“Get. Out.”—Buddy
“… She gonna be my Amica.”--Whirl
“Whirl, not the time.”--Cyclonus
“Well, I can’t be her Conjunx. Swerve has that covered; this is the next best thing.”--Whirl
“Swerve does not—”--Tailgate
Whirl points at Swerve still standing on the counter with a lovesick smile on his face.
“…Maybe your right.”--Tailgate
“Tailgate, Whirl no.”--Cyclonus
“Hold on Cyclonus, they might have a point.”--Rewind
Cylcnous puts a servo on Chromedome’s shoulder shaking his helm.
Chromedome sighs giving in as Whirl, Tailgate, and Rewind scheming in silence.
Buddy managed to cuff the bot and send him to Magnus.
The bot never came back to Swerve’s.
Swerve has heart shaped optics behind his visor.
You’d have to be blind not to see his clear ‘admiration’ for the former member of the Elite Guard.
But he is convinced that all of this will pass.
It’s not like Buddy would actually have feelings for him.
Meanwhile Buddy has started creating Swerve/Love playlists in secret.
A secret that she is taking with her until she goes offline.
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
i love it when people apply the whole “humans are space orcs” idea to transformer humans.
jack, miko and raf just doing regular, average day things that make the bots both extremely worried and unsettled gives me so much brainrot.
I got you here. I love this kind of lore/reaction ask.
Each of the children have a particular habit that bothers the team more than anything else. Can it be explained? Not really. All humans do the things they do. But for the bots, it is strange and out of sorts all the same.
Miko always carries around a bottle of sparkling water. She adores the stuff. The team, despite knowing it is not what the name implies, are still horrified with her drinking habits. Not to mention, they can't help but wonder where all the liquid goes. She drinks up to three whole bottles of water a day. In her own words "Hydrate or die." That in it of itself is concerning since the team, while well aware that humans need water, do not know how much they need exactly. The team are down right terrified of her ability to down water like a dry sponge. How can such a small fleshy even consume that much? They aren't entirely sure. Not only that, but if she drinks that much, then are Jack and Rafael getting enough? They can't be.
Not only does Miko down water like a bone dry houseplant, she also drinks just about anything else too. The team have seen her chug sodas which contain Primus knows how many strange chemicals and compounds. They've observed her willingly drink things that no other would on bets, including food that has been blended and watered down just because Jack wanted to see if it was possible for her to down hotdog cafeteria milk cheeto apple slurry.
Yes the team are terrified of humans and their ability to put anything inside themselves and walk it off. But more than any other, they fear Miko. Who knows what she's consumed.
All the kids do it, but Jack is the most notable since when he needs to go to the restroom, he makes it loud and clear mainly so that someone knows to keep an eye on Miko. The team are aware that organics have a need to manually handle removing waste since their systems are rather inefficient, however there is a certain level of mysteriousness surrounding the restrooms. The bots don't want to watch or even know HOW the humans get rid of waste, but they do know that THINGS happen in the restroom that seem to either be painful, emotional, refreshing, or aggravating. No one can really be sure what reaction will follow those who enter the space. Sometimes Jack or one of the other kids will go in there seemingly to just be alone.
It is a strange and almost sacred location where strange happenings occur. Miko went in once with bloody clothes and emerged with a fresh set before Ratchet could figure out what was wrong in the first place. Jack went in once and came out an hour later looking like he'd gone to war after he convinced Arcee to let him stop and get takeout the night before. Rafael took his charger and computer in there and hogged the space for a while to get away from the others once. The team does not know what happens in there, but it is mildly concerning since it either repairs or breaks a person.
Bulkhead theorizes that its a pocket dimension like the shadow zone. Ratchet refuses to think about it. Optimus will say nothing about whatever he knows. Arcee and Bee assume its a safe haven or sorts and Wheeljack is almost certain they keep weapons in there. Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen both agree that the restroom is simply a quiet space where a human can deal with personal issues in peace.
No bot is willing to try and confirm anything since humans flip out at any attempts to view the supposedly sacred ground.
Rafael is generally pretty good about flying under the radar most of the time, but he has a habit that has caught the team's attention. Humans have been noted doing what they can to clean themselves on their own. Its rather ineffective to clean one's own venting openings with digits considering the sheer amount of germs involved, but it is not out of the question to do so when a cleaning cloth is not available. Rafael occasionally and quietly trying to clean his nose is not what bothers the team.
No what horrifies them is the goop that he pulls out after his attempt at cleaning. What Ratchet has studied states that the goop is referred to by a number names, but is commonly called snot. Its the natural germ catcher humans have, but it still unsettles the team whenever Rafael quietly blows a few or when one of the others grabs a tissue and makes a rather disgusting sound as they try to clear their airways.
The goop reminds the team of any number of horrible things. But the sheer amount of GROSS within a small amount of the stuff has left the team all gagging whenever they find the stuff around base. Rafael is usually good about being clean, but sometimes he gets lazy and will use his chair to hide his cleaning attempts. Bumblebee has almost purged a few times seeing the marks on the chair from where Rafael may or may not have wiped his fingers.
Is he twelve? Yes. Is he fully mature? No. That much is evident just by looking at his chair.
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apollothesunrat · 3 months
I'm back with more PJO/Riordanverse headcanons! Some of these are also just ways I would have done things after seeing then in new perspectives. This'll probably be a long post so I'll put this all under the cut.
Imma start with the headcanons!
Malcolm and Jake were actually dating for a while but only told everyone after Nico and Will both came out.
Adding on to my Genderfluid Percy headcanon from before, Percabeth are both bi so Annabeth doesn't mind.
Mitchell came around during the Sea of Monsters quest and Lacy came at the same time as Drew due their mortal parents living in the same area since they go to the same school
Clovis has actually been at the camp nearly the same amount of time as Annabeth due to his sleep powers hindering his mortal mothers life, she left on the hill.
Thalia and Grover set up small hidden demigod camps for quests since it's common for monsters to destory your supplies. They are able to do this because they travel a lot.
Percy, and Annabeth often invite Will and Nico over so they can help eachother with eachothers Tartarus experiences.
Percy and Annabeth consider Nico a little brother and let him stay over at anypoint once they have their own home.
Every year Percy has three birthday parties. One at camp courtesy of his fellow campers, one at his home with his closest friends, and his family, and one with his cousins where they go out. Often the one from hosted by Sally and Paul is the only one actually on his birthday. The other two often happen the next day.
After Jason's death Leo and Piper decided to start meeting up at least once durung the school year, to check up on eachother. They are sometimes joined by others.
Percy knows how to cook, on the other hand Annabeth is not the best at cooking.
Clarisse and Percy spar together for fun when either of them need a break from everything else in life.
Clarisse often treats Will like a little brother because of how young he was when he became head medic and how many times he healed her despite her rude words at first.
Magnus and Annabeth have meetups almost every month, occasionally Percy and/or Alex will tag along. Annabeth and Percy have yet to tell Camp.
Percy and Annabeth also often meet up with Carter and Sadie for food. They like to check up on the younger kids. Percaveth had yet to tell Camp about these two as well.
When Sally and Paul want a date amnight and Percy and Annabeth aren't available the rest of the seven or Nico and Will are open to babysitting Estelle so the two can still go out. Everyone loves Estelle.
Now for the changed storylines.
I would have had Percy and Annabth stand up for Nico more during the deabte to go save him from the jar as they have know him since he was ten and it just makes sense.
Caleo but platonic. I've seen many points made by others where it shows Caleo isn't the best and honestly it is a bit strange to resolve Leo's arc by giving him a romantic relationship with an immortal much older than him. So instead of having them date, I'd have them bond over them both having bad luck with relationships and give them a sibling relationship.
I would have Drew be mentioned much earlier, give her a big relationship with Silena. She's always with her sister, looking up to her. She was always kinda of a mean girl but she masks her sorrow about Silena with more hate.
Talk about Jason's missing memories more. He never fully got his back, have him ask Reyna about his life, and Thalia about their mother.
I would make Ares just... Less the way Rick made him. He respects girls in his myths, he supports the Amazons. Yet he abuses his daughter? Have him be a supportive father that just hates other demigods cause they think of him as mindless war disrespect his children.
Similarly I would change Hera. Yes, it makes sense for her to dislike Thalia and maybe other big three children because of the myths. But not any other demigods. She, along with being the goddess of marriage and childbirth, is also the goddess of family and women. So many demigods have horrible families, let her support them discreetly by allowing her cabin to be the cabin for unclaimed campers, or perhaps by leading young demigods to Artemis so she can help them get to camp.
More seafam shit. Percy and Triton bonding, Percy meeting his other godly siblings other than Kym, Amphitrite getting to know Percy and acting like a stepmother, etc, etc. I need more of this.
That's all I have for now! I may post an au ideas post soon. I have many aus, some inspired by fics and some are completely made up of my own dumb thoughts.
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decepti-thots · 2 months
four different headcanons for Whirl!
Headcanon A:  realistic
so when you actually put together whirl's full pre-war backstory the fact he joined the autobots is definitely. interesting! he had more reason to hate the decepticons than the autobots, of course, but like, barely. (there's definitely an alternate universe where whirl was a neutral bounty hunter or something, i'm just saying.) my headcanon has always been that whirl joined despite everything because when optimus specifically invited him to, whirl recognised that he could play off optimus' guilt towards his own responsibility for a lot of the shit that happened wrt whirl he failed to adequately intervene in. and then he did that, lmao. whirl got away with a lot for a long time, and even taking into consideration he was a wrecker with the immunity to consequences that implies, i think the idea that things- problems- kept quietly going away because (for reasons almost nobody else can fathom) optimus keeps making them go away is interesting. and whirl joining up like 'well, let's see how far i can run with this', only to somehow run with it all the way to the end of the war, which he didn't expect.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
realistically i do not think whirl honestly thought enough about tailgate at all early on for this to be correct. but in my heart i believe very strongly that whirl knew that tailgate was lying about who he was from the second he opened his mouth, told nobody, and relentlessly trolled tailgate by putting him on the spot for shits and giggles. it's just too funny for me to let go of even as i acknowledge whirl and tailgate barely interact early on. just making this little mech's life a constant hell with his pointed questions and not-quite-nitpicking.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
i think it actually really fucks with whirl that springer woke up! whirl is very quick to emphasise that his attempt to kill springer was out of a belief that he was never going to recover and that refusing to turn off the life support was wrong (and knowing post-wrequiem springer probably survived because he has a unique spark...), and i honestly don't see any reason to disbelieve him. whirl's a violent asshole, but the specific series of events doesn't make much sense if he isn't telling the truth. so when he finds out springer did in fact wake up, i think that's a rare thing where it kind of throws him for a loop. probably going overboard to say he feels guilty, but i do think buried under a lot of 'what do i care i'm a killing machine' bravado, the fact he made such a miscalculation would bother him. (it's one thing to callously murder someone on purpose. it's another to nearly do so by accident because your judgement is, apparently, impaired.) good luck getting that one out of him, though.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
a very long time ago, minimus on a pre-war cybertron comissioned a custom timepiece from him. minimus has absolutely no memory of this being a pre-empurata whirl and will never connect the dots. whirl, on the other hand, found it very funny when the magnus armour stuff came out. he's made at least one oblique reference to minimus' pre-war life that really startled him because what the fuck why does whirl know that.
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arceespinkgun · 27 days
Honestly with IDW, even though I think a lot of the ideas and even some plot points were cool, the way it treated certain characters felt weird to me.
Perceptor was character I liked a lot in his Sunbow cartoon version, especially the episode with him, Brawn, and Bumblebee. He’s not a complex character or deep, none of the g1 characters really were, but I thought he had a lot of potential in his dynamic with Brawn and how he’s basically the opposite of Shockwave - someone who sticks to being a scientist in war, but becomes a pacifist instead of a morality-less monster. I think there’s a lot of ways he could have been expanded on.
Then… IDW happened, and now his most popular version feels like a spit in the face to the old Perceptor.
I get what they were going for, “war is hell and changes people”, but they way the comic does this seems like it’s showing that Perceptor “came to his senses” after what happened rather than he was very traumatized. I know the comic this happens in is from the wrecker’s perspective, but it feels less like a tragedy and more of an excuse to write him as a different character - especially since his old personality is basically gone from then on. It’s a bit frustrating how it feels like a writer went “old Percy is lame and nice, now he’s cool and an asshole!”
Sorry lol, I’m scared to make my own post since IDW is pretty popular and I don’t like making people feel bad for liking a character.
Just a quick note: I'm a little confused by the mention of Perceptor being a pacifist. There are actually a decent number of Autobots who've been portrayed as pacifists, but I don't think Perceptor ever has been? He just is rarely on the battlefield since he's focused on science, that's why Brawn was bullying him at first. Or do you mean you'd like for Perceptor to be one?
You know, I don't really think you should be scared to post takes like these. The post I made where I said I felt MTMTE/LL Getaway should really be treated with more nuance and that he was done incredibly dirty was one that sat in my drafts for ages because I thought people would be furious and disgusted if I said it (I've seen intense reactions to the character, mostly because he's a self-described groomer). But then I posted it and a bunch of people agreed with me and nobody seemed to be mad? With another post about IDW I made, I've seen people vague about me... but that's all. Nothing bad happened. I think the narrative about this continuity is finally shifting away from the "THESE ARE LITERALLY THE BEST-WRITTEN TRANSFORMERS THINGS EVER" take that I used to see all the time.
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I didn't like this version of Perceptor as a cold sniper either, but I think I'm more bothered by the fact that like, Nick Roche and JRo wrote him basically reprogramming Kup to make him Prowl's slave...?! What was that? What would Perceptor's friend Blaster think of that given his own trauma in IDW? And then later, JRo had Perceptor be in MTMTE/LL, but then had him be one of the mutineers, who all got disrespected and barely explored in the narrative, and eventually JRo had him get with Brainstorm as a couple at the end after having barely interacted with him in a positive way whatsoever. Huh?
I definitely prefer cute Perceptor as he was in G1 and one of my biggest fandom pet peeves is how so many fans seem to think IDW is definitive somehow in terms of its lore and how characters were written when many times its takes were really bad! You know who I think has it maybe the worst ever? Ultra Magnus. He was literally written to be a different person LMAO
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halothenthehorns · 28 days
Alex started shouting reading in delight, and only continued in that way, "and we all know Chiron's family throws the best parties!"
Annabeth was a third worried about Oceanus, a third worried about Percy, and a third worried about her eardrums as she gently tapered, "but Chiron's throwing the party. Perhaps he has something planned more mellow, with hot chocolate and Dean Martin."
"Odd time for a party if so," Magnus offered in peace.
Thalia was mildly impressed Alex couldn't get a hint off Annabeth about even rainbow afros in the near future. She really had her shit together.
Alex frowned at Annabeth killing her vibe but nodded and continued reading a touch more in the normal hearing range.
Midtown was a war zone. We flew over little skirmishes everywhere. A giant was ripping up trees in Bryant Park while dryads pelted him with nuts. Outside the Waldorf Astoria, a bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin was whacking a hellhound with a rolled-up newspaper. A trio of Hephaestus campers fought a squad of dracaenae in the middle of Rockefeller Center.
Those who had never been to New York just heard landmarks and monsters being smashed together like wrong puzzle pieces. They understood the gravity of what they were hearing, simply because of the look on Percy's face. As if every new crack he'd traveled over was a new vindication he sought.
I was tempted to stop and help, but I could tell from the smoke and noise that the real action had moved farther south. Our defenses were collapsing. The enemy was closing in on the Empire State Building.
The sense of gravitas in Alex's voice always did sound like she should have all attention around the campfire. Even those who were in the know had a way of listening in and left breathless at what was going to happen.
We did a quick sweep of the surrounding area. The Hunters had set up a defensive line on 37th, just three blocks north of Olympus. To the east on Park Avenue, Jake Mason and some other Hephaestus campers were leading an army of statues against the enemy. To the west, the Demeter cabin and Grover's nature spirits had turned Sixth Avenue into a jungle that was hampering a squadron of Kronos's demigods. The south was clear for now, but the flanks of the enemy army were swinging around. A few more minutes and we'd be totally surrounded.
"We have to land where they need us most," I muttered.
That's everywhere, boss.
"We've only just started this one and the horse already gets the gold star," Jason looked pretty proud of Blackjack earning that.
Percy nodded seriously. "Right, so, our options include splitting the island in half and hoping Kronos takes the part that doesn't have the Empire State Building-"
"Pass," Annabeth rolled her eyes.
"Or shutting the hell up, Jason, to see what we do about it," Percy concluded.
"I'm sort of leaning towards the first option though," Thalia said honestly, "like honestly, I'd just kind of like to see you try."
"You're all hopeless," Nico said in true bafflement how they'd survived this night.
"We're all heroes," Percy reminded with pride, "hopeful, hero, hhhh-" he stammered on another H word.
"Hobgoblins," Alex offered.
"Humanitarians," Magnus grinned.
"Honorable, hopeful, heroes," Jason offered, immediately getting back on Percy's good side as he gestured to him with a nod of thanks.
Alex huffed and called them all a bunch of hobgoblins before she continued.
I spotted a familiar silver owl banner in the southeast corner of the fight, 33rd at the Park Avenue tunnel. Annabeth and two of her siblings were holding back a Hyperborean giant.
"There!" I told Blackjack. He plunged toward the battle.
"No offense to Annabeth in the slightest," Will couldn't help but say through only slightly gritted teeth, "but that's really who you thought needed the most help?"
"No," Percy dismissed at once her injured shoulder had any play in this thought...even if he wouldn't deny it either. "I came to ask her like I would Chiron on top of that hill where forces needed me most."
I leaped off his back and landed on the giant's head. When the giant looked up, I slid off his face, shield-bashing his nose on the way down.
"RAWWWR!' The giant staggered backward, blue blood trickling from his nostrils.
"Does it taste like an Icee?" Alex grinned.
"I didn't lick it!" Percy yelped in disgust.
"Your loss," she shrugged.
I hit the pavement running. The Hyperborean breathed a cloud of white mist, and the temperature dropped. The spot where I'd landed was now coated with ice, and I was covered in frost like a sugar donut.
Alex laughed in delight that further sweets just reinforced her idea of these guys showing up in the next imagining she had of visiting Canada in a complete Willy Wonka mayhem.
"Hey, ugly!" Annabeth yelled. I hoped she was talking to the giant, not me.
"Both?" Magnus smirked.
"No Magnus," Annabeth chuckled, "I meant the giant."
"I don't know, the two looked pretty similar right then, that's not a great defense," Thalia smirked.
"You weren't there, shut it zappy," Percy huffed.
"I don't need to be there to know how you look covered in donut powder, I've witnessed that mess," she chuckled.
Blue Boy bellowed and turned toward her, exposing the unprotected back of his legs. I charged and stabbed him behind the knee.
"Just as planned," Annabeth told Will.
"You planned on Percy descending from above to stab that thing while you distracted him?" He asked in disbelief.
"He's very handy that way," Annabeth shrugged. "I wouldn't have even been surprised to see him tame that pig."
Will couldn't even be mad if they were joking. The two did work best together.
"WAAAAH!" The Hyperborean buckled. I waited for him to turn, but he froze. I mean he literally turned to solid ice. From the point where I'd stabbed him, cracks appeared in his body. They got larger and wider until the giant crumbled in a mountain of blue shards.*
"Why was that somehow more disturbing than turning to dust?" Magnus asked.
"More visually destructive," Alex said with relish.
"They won't turn to dust and vanish as fast," Nico agreed.
Magnus's frown grew as he realized they were right and decided to set aside for now why that did deeply bother him about all these monsters.
"Thanks." Annabeth winced, trying to catch her breath. "The pig?"
"Pork chops," I said.
"Good." She flexed her shoulder. Obviously, the wound was still bothering her, but she saw my expression and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, Percy. Come on! We've got plenty of enemies left."
She was right.
"Mmmmm," Annabeth closed her eyes and savored that.
"About the enemies, you only get to enjoy that half as much for not being fine in the shoulder," Percy huffed.
"Mm," Annabeth mocked, trying to sound just as savoring with a serious face.
The result caused them all to snicker like idiots.
The next hour was a blur. I fought like I'd never fought before—wading into legions of dracaenae, taking out dozens of telkhines with every strike, destroying empousai and knocking out enemy demigods. No matter how many I defeated, more took their place.
Percy had been fighting for his life since page one of this mess.
This felt like more. Heavier. Nine times out of ten Percy was outside of Camp facing down these threats, but this time Camp had come to defend his home, and it didn't feel like there was an end goal in sight this time of running them all out. Even if they won this day. More would always take their place.
Annabeth and I raced from block to block, trying to shore up our defenses. Too many of our friends lay wounded in the streets. Too many were missing.
Will fidgeted with the beads of his camp necklace. He officially had more than Micheal at the end of last summer. The assortment of colors always stood out on his neck when he looked in the mirror, like flashes of eyes he'd never see again.
As the night wore on and the moon got higher, we were backed up foot by foot until we were only a block from the Empire State Building in any direction. At one point Grover was next to me, bonking snake women over the head with his cudgel. Then he disappeared in the crowd, and it was Thalia at my side, driving the monsters back with the power of her magic shield. Mrs. O'Leary bounded out of nowhere, picked up a Laistrygonian giant in her mouth, and flung him into the air like a Frisbee.
Annabeth used her invisibility cap to sneak behind the enemy lines. Whenever a monster disintegrated for no apparent reason with a surprised look on his face, I knew Annabeth had been there.
But it still wasn't enough.
Jason felt as if he were being held captive by his own mind. The sounds and smells flashing by to fast to get a real grasp on, the emotions that kept peaking and rolling back out of him while he sat in a green bean bag at the bottom of the ocean. He knew every flick of the wrist Percy had made, but everything felt a step off from truly connecting he felt a little madness creeping in what the heck his old life really was until he forced himself to focus on Alex reading with her whole self, Percy's manic grin, Thalia lounged out in her seat still fiddling with her bracelet. This was real, at least. These weren't moments a god could take away from him again. He wouldn't let it happen.
"Hold your lines!" Katie Gardner shouted, somewhere off to my left.
The problem was there were too few of us to hold anything. The entrance to Olympus was twenty feet behind me. A ring of brave demigods, Hunters, and nature spirits guarded the doors.
Alex's voice shook rarely, but it did now as she realized this was Rachel's drawing, again. Just popping up in Percy's near future. And she was on her way there...somehow. She kept it together well and barreled through the moment, still reading with a thrill in her voice for the idea of being in that action, but Magnus saw it.
I slashed and hacked, destroying everything m my path, but even I was getting tired, and I couldn't be everywhere at once.
Behind the enemy troops, a few blocks to the east, a bright light began to shine. I thought it was the sunrise. Then I realized Kronos was riding toward us on a golden chariot. A dozen Laistrygonian giants bore torches before him. Two Hyperboreans carried his black-and-purple banners. The Titan lord looked fresh and rested, his powers at full strength. He was taking his time advancing, letting me wear myself down.
Alex felt the internal urge to puff up and hiss. To transform into a chimera and use all three heads to deal with this. To throw a slushie with some human teeth in all their faces. This entrapment down here really was starting to affect even her creativity when that's all that came to mind before she just audibly grumbled for a moment before moving on.
Annabeth appeared next to me. "We have to fall back to the doorway. Hold it at all costs!"
She was right. I was about to order a retreat when I heard the hunting horn.
It cut through the noise of the battle like a fire alarm. A chorus of horns answered from all around us, echoing off the buildings of Manhattan.
I glanced at Thalia, but she just frowned.
"Not the Hunters," she assured me. "We're all here."
Alex threw Annabeth a look of fond excitement. She'd known all along the party ponies were coming but had tried to tamper her expectations they weren't going to until the end of the chapter and perhaps only a handful of them would be there with more paintballs.
This, sounded like fun.
"No international league heading in?" Jason asked her, knowing the real answer, still imagining girls in kilts and bows showing up for his own amusement.
"Not unless I was finally unbanned from Saskatchewan," Thalia shrugged. "Long story," she promised at the many confused faces.
"Then who?"
The horns got louder. I couldn't tell where they were coming from because of the echo, but it sounded like an entire army was approaching.
Alex grinned. She read giddy, with such mayhem and delight it would have been infectious to Ethan or possibly even Kronos himself to get hyped about his own demise coming. Annabeth, at least, got a moment to smile and imagine Luke with that old challenging smile on his face to hear of an enemy being thwarted.
I was afraid it might be more enemies, but Kronos's forces looked as confused as we were. Giants lowered their clubs. Dracaenae hissed. Even Kronos's honor guard looked uneasy.
Then, to our left, a hundred monsters cried out at once. Kronos's entire northern flank surged forward.
I thought we were doomed, but they didn't attack. They ran straight past us and crashed into their southern allies.
Percy was already blinking like he was trying to get the dust out of his eyes. The monsters had already started to blur together by that time. The slightly different shades of their skin and the little details they each had in their armor had faded to nothing in his mind but where next to swing his sword. Seeing them run right past him, flee and then explode on their allies' own weapons, coating the streets in glittering sand that was dispersed moments later as more took their place amid those horns really messed with him and put in perspective while an entire army just watched in terror really had made him feel small for just that moment.
A new blast of horns shattered the night. The air shimmered. In a blur of movement, an entire cavalry appeared as if dropping out of light speed.
"Yeah, baby!" a voice wailed. "PARTY!"
A shower of arrows arced over our heads and slammed into the enemy, vaporizing hundreds of demons. But these weren't regular arrows. They made whizzy sounds as they flew, like WHEEEEEE! Some had pinwheels attached to them. Others had boxing gloves rather than points.
"Centaurs!" Annabeth yelled.
"So, I think the Party Ponies have arrived," Will said conversationally.
"And they're going to smash everything in their sight charged on the power of awesome!" Alex yelled like a child high on soda and cursed knowledge. They were already resigned to pissing off the ocean titan and letting her have her fun.
The Party Pony army exploded into our midst in a riot of colors: tie-dyed shirts, rainbow Afro wigs, oversize sunglasses, and war-painted faces. Some had slogans scrawled across their flanks like HORSEZ PWN or KRONOS SUX.
"That's going to be my license plate one day," Alex declared, reading each new thing as if a treasure trove of a lifetime. Maybe Loki Sux instead.
Hundreds of them filled the entire block. My brain couldn't process everything I saw, but I knew if I were the enemy, I'd be running.
"I'm so disappointed in your brain," Jason groaned. He wanted every messy detail of this just as bad.
"I am too," Percy nodded. He knew his friends loved this kind of stuff and really was sorry he couldn't give them better visuals. Stupid brain.
"Percy!" Chiron shouted across the sea of wild centaurs.
"Chiron and Percy, parting the sea of wild centaurs and creatures to get to each other," Thalia gave a mock sniff. "It's such an amazing story of mentor and mentee-"
"I'm going to turn you into a manatee," Percy scowled.
He was dressed in armor from the waist up, his bow in his hand, and he was grinning in satisfaction.
"I half imagined him showing up to this in his tweed jacket," Nico admitted.
"He's worn that once guys, while pretending to be a real teacher at my school," Percy chuckled.
"What do you mean a real teacher?" Annabeth looked at him in disappointment. "He's literally the trainer of all hero's seaweed brain."
"Like, grading papers, and Paul- no, but- boring, no," Percy groaned that wasn't right either and waved at Alex to just get back to the fun stuff.
"Sorry we're late!"
"DUDE!" Another centaur yelled. "Talk later. WASTE MONSTERS NOW!"
"That centaur knows how to live," Alex nodded in agreement.
"We haven't slayed one monster in here," Percy agreed in mild disappointment. "Guys, do we talk to much?!"
"Yes," they all agreed, not that it was going to stop a single one of them.
He locked and loaded a double-barrel paint gun and blasted an enemy hellhound bright pink. The paint must've been mixed with Celestial bronze dust or something, because as soon as it splattered the hellhound, the monster yelped and dissolved into a pink-and-black puddle.
Alex's laugh was subdued at best, even for that badass moment though. She couldn't recklessly laugh at that harm done anymore without picturing Mrs. O'Leary crossing her paws over her nose in Percy's apartment. Even Magnus couldn't have a vindictive laugh over this happening to a monster dog with that look on her face.
"PARTY PONIES.'" a centaur yelled. "SOUTH FLORIDA!"
"As opposed to North Florida?" Jason asked blankly.
"Bet the Flordia Georgia line is an epic meet-up spot?" Percy shrugged.
Somewhere across the battlefield, a twangy voice yelled back, "HEART OF TEXAS CHAPTER!"
Will pressed his hand to his heart and started humming something. Nico just thought what a lovable dork he was no matter the song.
"HAWAII OWNS YOUR FACES!" a third one shouted.
It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
Annabeth tried hard to hitch up a mock sob, but it came out to much as a laugh to be anything more than adorable to Percy.
The entire Titan army turned and fled, pushed back by a flood of paintballs, arrows, swords, and NERF baseball bats. The centaurs trampled everything in their path.
"Run, wild horses, run!" Will said with a static kind of energy that got the others just as hyped as Alex could. He'd been running around trying to ensure the sick and injured had gotten inside first, he'd been snatching up supplies so fast the Stolls would have been proud, he'd been having to deal with his own chaos and really hadn't even been aware these guys showed up until one tapped him on the shoulder and offered help. He was pretty sure it was one from Colorado and had still instantly said yes without question.
"Stop running, you fools!" Kronos yelled. "Stand and ACKK!"
Alex really drew that noise out too, making it sound wet and painful, leaving no one in doubt Kronos had not managed to finish saying the word attack.
That last part was because a panicked Hyperborean giant stumbled backward and sat on top of him.
The lord of time disappeared under a giant blue butt.
Through an effort Hercules would never bother with, Percy refused to let himself laugh at that like most everyone else did as Annabeth bit her lip. He was pretty sure that should earn him a free pass for laughing at something inappropriate in the future. Jason might even laminate it for him.
We pushed them for several blocks until Chiron yelled, "HOLD! On your promise, HOLD!"
It wasn't easy, but eventually the order got relayed up and down the ranks of centaurs, and they started to pull back, letting the enemy flee.
Thalia's face was flushed with joy, still panting just a bit from her laughter at Luke's stupid face vanishing under an icy ass like he wholly deserved, the ghost of adrenaline she hadn't properly felt in days still pumping through her. Once this high had worn off she'd been so exhausted she'd nearly fallen asleep climbing some stairs!
"Chiron's smart," Annabeth said, wiping the sweat off her face. "If we pursue, we'll get too spread out. We need to regroup."
"I mean, yeah, but," Alex gestured to the book and the chaos being taken away.
"I'll personally sign you up for the next scavenger hunt at Camp, nothing gets more chaotic than that," Annabeth promised.
"Deal," Alex shrugged without further ado.
"But the enemy—"
"They're not defeated," she agreed. "But the dawn is coming. At least we've bought some time."
I didn't like pulling back, but I knew she was right.
"How to sum up them dating," Will and Nico said at once before they both busted out laughing. Annabeth and Percy exchanged unamused looks at this somehow continuing long past the point it was funny, but as constantly proven, they knew when to pick their battles.
I watched as the last of the telkhines scuttled toward the East River. Then reluctantly I turned and headed back toward the Empire State Building.
We set up a two-block perimeter, with a command tent at the Empire State Building. Chiron informed us that the Party Ponies had sent chapters from almost every state in the Union: forty from California, two from Rhode Island,
"Rhode Island slacking," Alex sniffed. "It's right next door!"
"They're, congressional appointments, of centaurs," Magnus said in fascination. "Like, they sent some by population? Is there a centaur president?"
"Ah, no," Annabeth shook her head with a smile. "Don't overthink it cuz."
"Right," he chuckled, imagining that would be Chiron anyways and he already knew what a hectic leader that guy was.
thirty from Illinois . . . Roughly five hundred total had answered his call, but even with that many, we couldn't defend more than a few blocks.
"Just topple over one unoccupied building, that's all I'm asking for," Alex crossed her fingers hopefully. "Brick launcher grenade gun!"
"They could too," Jason said with mingled dread and delight for that idea.
"Dude," said a centaur named Larry. His T-shirt identified him as BIG CHIEF UBER GUY, NEW MEXICO CHAPTER.
"Are all the Hells Angels just secretly centaurs? Is there a centaur gang?" Percy asked.
"The only turf war they'd have is best licorice supply runs, I think we're safe from that," Annabeth shrugged.
"That was more fun than our last convention in Vegas!"
"Yeah," said Owen from South Dakota. He wore a black leather jacket and an old WWII army helmet. "We totally wasted them!"
Chiron patted Owen on the back. "You did well, my friends, but don't get careless. Kronos should never be underestimated. Now why don't you visit the diner on West 33rd and get some breakfast? I hear the Delaware chapter found a stash of root beer."
"Root beer!" They almost trampled each other as they galloped off.
"I got it," Thalia snapped her fingers, "they argue over which brand is better and that's why they all have to live separately!"
"How many brands of root beer are there?" Percy asked blankly.
"3,192," Alex said without hesitation.
There was a long pause before nobody decided to ask how serious that answer was.
Chiron smiled. Annabeth gave him a big hug, and Mrs. O'Leary licked his face.
"Ack," he grumbled. "Enough of that, dog. Yes, I'm glad to see you too."
"Chiron, thanks," I said. "Talk about saving the day."
He shrugged.
Nico smacked the side of his head. "I finally figured out where you got it from!"
"Yeah Nico, after the second time you've saved the world, it is kind of not a big deal," Percy shrugged.
Nico wouldn't know. He'd only kind of helped once.
"I'm sorry it took so long. Centaurs travel fast, as you know. We can bend distance as we ride. Even so, getting all the centaurs together was no easy task. The Party Ponies are not exactly organized."
"Noooo, say it ain't so!" Magnus chuckled.
"I mean, they're about as organized as Percy's camp, aka being held together by an awesome speech and the thrill of surprise attacks," Alex nodded. "I think it works."
Percy kind of wanted to be offended, but like, she wasn't wrong.
Percy kind of wanted to be offended, but like, she wasn't wrong.
"And a sense of family, loyalty, duty?" Annabeth prompted with a frown.
"Don't forget the duct tape," Thalia chuckled as Will hid his wince. Maybe Annabeth wouldn't admit they'd been fighting family amidst those monsters, but he didn't forget.
"How'd you get through the magic defenses around the city?" Annabeth asked.
"They slowed us down a bit," Chiron admitted, "but I think they're intended mostly to keep mortals out. Kronos doesn't want puny humans getting in the way of his great victory."
"So maybe other reinforcements can get through," I said hopefully.
"What other reinforcements are there?" Jason asked critically. He didn't mean to sound so sharp, but he did all the same. There was an electric storm still simmering in his brain that felt like it was zapping every part of him from the inside if he tried to concentrate on any blurry idea to long and it was giving him a serious headache.
Chiron stroked his beard. "Perhaps, though time is short. As soon as Kronos regroups, he will attack again. Without the element of surprise on our side . . ."
I understood what he meant. Kronos wasn't beaten. Not by a long shot. I half hoped Kronos had been squashed under that Hyperborean giant's butt, but I knew better. He'd be back, tonight at the latest.
"Well there goes my master plan," Alex sighed. "All those years of practice training that guy to squash things with his ass, wasted."
"Have no fears Alex, you'll move onto your next passion project soon," Magnus said with complete confidence.
"Yeah," she agreed with a longing sigh all the same.
"And Typhon?" I asked.
Chiron's face darkened. "The gods are tiring. Dionysus was incapacitated yesterday. Typhon smashed his chariot, and the wine god went down somewhere in the Appalachians.
Nico spluttered on a painful sounding laugh. "Even Chiron calls him the wine dude?"
"The wine god," Will corrected in a posh voice. "And I'm sure Mr. D's threatened to turn him into a table a few times for it."
No one has seen him since. Hephaestus is out of action as well. He was thrown from the battle so hard he created a new lake in West Virginia.
"I really hope some mortal thinks that's an asteroid bringing the dinosaurs back," Percy laughed.
"Percy, no," but Annabeth stopped with a sigh and let him have his fun.
He will heal, but not soon enough to help. The others still fight. They've managed to slow Typhon's approach. But the monster can not be stopped. He will arrive in New York by this time tomorrow. Once he and Kronos combine forces—"
That's all they'd been hearing of this problem from the start, and it somehow just got worse every time they heard it. Even if, beyond all hope, Percy had somehow stopped Kronos with one stupid decision, how the heck had that been stopped?!
"Then what chance do we have?" I said. "We can't hold out another day."
"We'll have to," Thalia said. "I'll see about setting some new traps around the perimeter."
She looked exhausted. Her jacket was smeared in grime and monster dust, but she managed to get to her feet and stagger off.
Annabeth had watched her go with such a tight pain in her throat she wondered if she'd accidentally swallowed some monster dust. Thalia hadn't even glanced back at her. She'd gone off to do her next task with the stoic, stiff shoulders of Luke watching them fall asleep and promising to get more firewood.
"I will help her," Chiron decided. "I should make sure my brethren don't go too overboard with the root beer."
"No such thing as too much fun," Alex huffed.
"I'd believe you'd find it even before the Party Ponies," Annabeth agreed.
I thought "too overboard" pretty much summed up the Party Ponies, but Chiron cantered off, leaving Annabeth and me alone.
"That was strategic," Annabeth huffed how unsubtle he was. She owed him a good nerf arrow.
"I know right, he just got there and he's already running off again," Percy huffed with a frown what on earth he meant by it. He would have thought Chiron would want to stay and chat for more of an update.
She cleaned the monster slime off her knife. I'd seen her do that hundreds of times, but I'd never thought about why she cared so much about the blade.
"Not really something I ever would have questioned," Alex shrugged. "I notice you never clean your blade Percy. Just because it's magic doesn't mean it might not like a good polish every once in a while."
Percy rubbed awkwardly at his nose and had nothing to say to that.
Jason suddenly felt the strong smell of polish in his nose and had an odd deja vu moment of being in an armory doing just this and smiled. He turned eagerly to Nico and asked, "how do you polish your sword?"
Nico grinned and started talking about more deadly rivers that could probably do worse to you than wipe your memory or kill you, like put gravel in your shoes or something worse, but Percy was distracted from listening by still watching Annabeth until someone shut the pair up.
She'd spent the entire time fiddling nervously with her hair, a long lost look in her eyes. He finally let the impulse win and traced the side of her neck with a question in his eyes. What the hell had she been through while he'd been away?
Annabeth caught his fingers and smiled but shook her head. Not now. That was okay. He'd wait as long as she needed.
"At least your mom is okay," I offered.
"If you call fighting Typhon okay." She locked eyes with me. "Percy, even with the centaurs' help, I'm starting to think—"
"I know." I had a bad feeling this might be our last chance to talk, and I felt like there were a million things I hadn't told her.
Athena, her stoic, absent mother, was far from her highest concern, Annabeth shook her head. Though of course her brain had been able to process plenty of concern all around. Chiron darting in and out and around everyone while sparing her a smile first had been that way since she'd arrived. Her dad was on the other side of the country, safe away from the monsters, from her.
It had been Percy she'd wanted, and him who had stayed right there.
"Listen, there were some . . . some visions Hestia showed me."
"You mean about Luke?"
Maybe it was just a safe guess, but I got the feeling Annabeth knew what I'd been holding back.
"I always just assume Annabeth can read your mind and has just been politely not informing you," Magnus nodded.
"That's not polite," Percy frowned.
"Um, or possible," Annabeth gave them a strange look.
"Right, that too," Percy waved off.
Maybe she'd been having dreams of her own.
"She's been having dreams about your dreams?" Will asked excitedly. "Dreamception?"
"This is somebody's nightmare around here," Nico rolled his eyes.
"Yeah," I said. "You and Thalia and Luke. The first time you met. And the time you met Hermes."
Annabeth slipped her knife back into its sheath. "Luke promised he'd never let me get hurt. He said ... he said we'd be a new family, and it would turn out better than his."
"Which, isn't going well," Magnus said in the kindest, most respectful voice anyone could make that sound.
"Right on the money," Annabeth nodded slowly as she leaned back into Percy's side, fingers still linked together. She really didn't know what she'd do without him in all this.
Her eyes reminded me of that seven-year-old girl's in the alley—angry, scared, desperate for a friend.
Thalia bit back a miserable sigh at how much she'd failed her too. Never on purpose, but enough that she wasn't in this moment and felt every hammer swing she deserved for it in the heart.
Annabeth sighed and gave her a good hard nudge with her foot. She wasn't going to let Thalia keep blaming herself for all that happened since then. There was enough to go around.
"That I can't face Luke," she said miserably.
"Hey, look how well you know me though," Thalia said with a genuine smile.
"Yes, your faith in me is everything," Annabeth said with a sad, sarcastic smile.
Thalia tipped her head and looked back at the book with the unsettling feeling this was about to get worse.
I nodded. "But there's something else you should know. Ethan Nakamura seemed to think Luke was still alive inside his body, maybe even fighting Kronos for control."
Annabeth tried to hide it, but I could almost see her mind working on the possibilities, maybe starting to hope.
Thalia let out a puff of breath and looked into her miserable eyes. "I'm not happy to be right you know."
"Well that's always good to know," Annabeth nodded as the two watched each other for a few moments before looking away.
"I didn't want to tell you," I admitted.
"But you did," Annabeth said in relief, just for him. He kissed her temple and couldn't think of anything else to say, but it was more than enough for her.
She looked up at the Empire State Building. "Percy, for so much of my life, I felt like everything was changing, all the time. I didn't have anyone I could rely on."
I nodded. That was something most demigods could understand.
'Most, but not him,' Will shook his head. He'd wondered a lot during this if Percy really knew how good he had it, the best of both worlds in his parents, all three of them.
"I ran away when I was seven," she said. "Then with Luke and Thalia, I thought I'd found a family, but it fell apart almost immediately. What I'm saying . . . I hate it when people let me down, when things are temporary. I think that's why I want to be an architect."
"To build something permanent," I said. "A monument to last a thousand years."
She held my eyes. "I guess that sounds like my fatal flaw again."
Most everyone around Camp knew that that was 'her thing.' Her go to if someone had a project, her specialty. Someone who was even paying attention could probably even piece together that was her fatal flaw.
Percy was still the only one she ever talked about this with. The one who made her feel like she could tell him anything and he'd never judge her for it. He'd shared his mortal spot with her. How could she ever be afraid to share anything with him?
Years ago in the Sea of Monsters, Annabeth had told me her biggest flaw was pride—thinking she could fix anything. I'd even seen a glimpse of her deepest desire, shown to her by the Sirens' magic.
Annabeth had imagined her mother and father together, standing in front of a newly rebuilt Manhattan, designed by Annabeth. And Luke had been there too—good again, welcoming her home.
"I guess I understand how you feel," I said.
"Liar," Annabeth chuckled.
"Yeah," Percy agreed. He knew he'd never understand every part of her, but he did try.
"But Thalia's right. Luke has already betrayed you so many times. He was evil even before Kronos. I don't want him to hurt you anymore."
Annabeth pursed her lips. I could tell she was trying not to get mad.
"And that was going so well," Jason said in surprise. She hadn't even pulled her knife back out.
"Yeah, first time for everything," Percy agreed in surprise.
"And you'll understand if I keep hoping there's a chance you're wrong."
I looked away. I felt like I'd done my best, but that didn't make me feel any better.
Annabeth struggled to swallow as his hand held hers tight enough to never let go. Gods this somehow kept feeling worse the longer they were dragged over each letter.
Across the street, the Apollo campers had set up a field hospital to tend the wounded—dozens of campers and almost as many Hunters. I was watching the medics work, and thinking about our slim chances for holding Mount Olympus. . . .
And suddenly: I wasn't there anymore.
I was standing in a long dingy bar with black walls, neon signs, and a bunch of partying adults. A banner across the bar read HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOBBY EARL. Country music played on the speakers.
"Friends in Low Places?" Magnus nodded without surprise. It was barely even a shock to his system Percy had just been yanked out of his own head to deal with another gods mess.
"Does any other country song exist?" Percy chuckled.
Will opened his mouth with a pained look at the pair before closing it slowly, knowing that rant would fall on deaf ears.
Big guys in jeans and work shirts crowded the bar. Waitresses carried trays of drinks and shouted at each other. It was pretty much exactly the kind of place my mom would never let me go.
"In public?" Thalia said in understanding.
"Places where alcohol and those outfits are in one room," Percy huffed. "Mostly the alcohol!"
"We need to get him drunk one of these days, just to see if it'll finally be the thing to piss of Sally," Thalia rolled her eyes.
Somebody was clearly in a terrible mood. "Pass," Percy said at once. The stench reminded him of Gabe without even bothering to indulge the other stupid part of that.
I was stuck in the very back of the room, next to the bathrooms (which didn't smell so great) and a couple of antique arcade games.
"Oh good, you're here," said the man at the Pac-Man machine. "I'll have a Diet Coke."
He was a pudgy guy in a leopard-skin Hawaiian shirt, purple shorts, red running shoes, and black socks, which didn't exactly make him blend in with the crowd. His nose was bright red. A bandage was wrapped around his curly black hair like he was recovering from a concussion.
"So he blended right in like a sore thumb," Nico said, blinking spastically at the setting.
"Accurate," Percy nodded.
I blinked. "Mr. D?"
He sighed, not taking his eyes from the game. "Really, Peter Johnson, how long will it take for you to recognize me on sight?"
"About the same time as when he gets his halo," Alex rolled her eyes.
"About as long as it'll take for you to figure out my name," I muttered.
"Oh, so much never!" Magnus laughed, clasping his hands together in mock praise.
"An infinite amount of never, that's the answer to some riddle out there," Percy laughed along.
"Where are we?"
"Why, Bobby Earl's birthday party," Dionysus said. "Somewhere in lovely rural America."
"It's not a very lost Lestragonian is it?" Nico asked, vividly remembering their names had a similar ring.
"Don't stereotype Nico, lots of normal people have names like Earl, and they're just your everyday pieces of crap," Will rolled his eyes hard. If they were going to make jokes about the South he might as well get his digs in with another classic country song coming to mind.
"I thought Typhon swatted you out of the sky. They said you crash-landed."
"Yes, but Chiron never said where," Jason agreed. "Why wouldn't he land in a bar? Makes sense to me. Bars have wine."
"They're not magnetically drawn to their domain when they crash land," Annabeth sighed.
"Yeah, but I bet you anything if Hepahsuts had drawn me in for a one-on-one, I'd find myself in a very tiny tool shed with him throwing saws around and complaining about their dullness matching mine," Percy sighed.
"Your concern is touching. I did crash-land. Very painfully. In fact, part of me is still buried under a hundred feet of rubble in an abandoned coal mine.
"Huh," Percy and Jason said together with interest they'd been wrong.
Annabeth just smiled and rolled her eyes at these idiots.
It will be several more hours before I have enough strength to mend. But in the meantime, part of my consciousness is here."
"At a bar, playing Pac-Man."
"You sound a tad jealous," Alex chuckled.
"Eh, I prefer Street Fighter eating my quarters," Percy shrugged. There was a retro arcade not far from one of his favorite movie places he didn't get to visit enough, but his high score was still in the top ten.
"Party time," Dionysus said. "Surely you've heard of it. Wherever there is a party, my presence is invoked.
Percy yelped and covered his ears at the idea of such a future pain in his ass. "I take it all back! Alex and anyone else is forbidden from ever throwing me a party!"
"Awww, come on Perce, I promise to keep him in the back with an arcade machine," Alex looked like a kicked puppy.
Percy's heart instantly crumbled. "Yeah, well, fine, but nobody had better involve singing."
"Deal," she instantly agreed. She winked at Will though when he looked away, who instantly grinned back.
Because of this, I can exist in many different places at once. The only problem was finding a party. I don't know if you're aware how serious things are outside your safe little bubble of New York—"
"Safe little bubble?"
"Come on Percy, you'd know this was a trap if he wasn't delusional on all that partying," Thalia shook her head at him.
"Yeah, yeah, one thing is normal in this crazy world," Percy huffed.
"—but believe me, the mortals out here in the heartland are panicking. Typhon has terrified them. Very few are throwing parties. Apparently Bobby Earl and his friends, bless them, are a little slow. They haven't yet figured out that the world is ending."
"Don't know what he's on about, sounds like the perfect time to throw a party," Alex chuckled.
"Yeah, that tracks," Jason nodded without surprise.
"So . . . I'm not really here?"
Magnus couldn't even be upset and surprised that Percy had legitimately thought he'd just been yanked off the street like that. Considering where he'd woken up without memories. It really wasn't that far-fetched.
"No. In a moment I'll send you back to your normal insignificant life, and it will be as if nothing had happened."
"Yes please," Percy sighed. He might even be grateful for a memory wipe!
...unless Dionysus had gone to far. That actually seemed likely.
"And why did you bring me here?"
Dionysus snorted. "Oh, I didn't want you particularly. Any of you silly heroes would do. That Annie girl—"
"The point is," he said, "I pulled you into party time to deliver a warning. We are in danger."
There was another long, awkward pause where even Alex looked disconcerted because she hadn't caused it this time.
"As opposed to?" Percy finally asked into the silence.
"Um, Norwegia? Do they have anything bad going on right now?" Nico finally answered.
"To hell if I know!" Percy threw his hands up, long overdone with these gods making no sense and expecting him to keep up.
"Gee," I said. "Never would've figured that out. Thanks."
"Can't say he never helped guide you," Will chuckled.
"Yes I can," Percy huffed.
"It would just be a lie?" Will tried in vain.
"No Will, I know full well when I'm lying," Percy smirked.
He glared at me and momentarily forgot his game. Pac-Man got eaten by the red ghost dude.
"Erre es korakas, Blinky!" Dionysus cursed. "I will have your soul!"
"Appropriate reaction to be honest," Jason nodded.
"Competitive streak, locked and loaded," Percy pointed at him accusingly.
"I, well maybe, I don't know," Jason frowned before he shrugged and decided against arguing the point. He had a strange feeling he'd once strangled someone with a controller, but he wasn't sure if it was a monster or not and that was kind of bothersome.
"Was nobody going to translate that awesome Greek cuss so I know what I'm saying when I use it?" Alex pouted.
"He said go to the crows too," Nico offered with the same helpful smile as the first time.
"Oh, I see, now I know where she got it from," Alex grinned at Annabeth, who didn't bother to look embarrassed as she shrugged.
"Um, he's a video game character," I said.
"That's no excuse! And you're ruining my game, Jorgenson!"
"No, no, Percy Jorgenson should very much be discussed more. What's his life like?" Magnus chuckled.
"Going to Giants games, living his best life I assume," Percy sighed.
Now listen, the situation is graver than you imagine. If Olympus falls, not only will the gods fade, but everything that is connected to our legacy will also begin to unravel. The very fabric of your puny little civilization—"
The game played a song and Mr. D progressed to level 254.
"Ha!" he shouted. "Take that, you pixelated fiends!"
"Um, fabric of civilization," I prompted.
"And Pac-Man is a part of that, gosh Percy, let the man prioritize his way," Jason grinned.
"I'll set Blinky on you, don't test me," Percy promised.
"Yes, yes. Your entire society will dissolve. Perhaps not right away, but mark my words, the chaos of the Titans will mean the end of Western civilization. Art, law, wine tastings, music, video games, silk shirts, black velvet paintings—all the things that make life worth living will disappear!"
"This is not news," Thalia frowned as she looked from the book to Percy. "He didn't really think you were tempted by Prometheus did he?"
Percy shivered, something tight lodged in his throat. He couldn't breathe for several moments as his head swam, that stupid jar leaping to mind strapped into the backseat of a car-
Annabeth put her arm around his shoulders. She held him close as he leaned into her for the stability he desperately needed right now as his head swam without the rest of him.
She ran her fingers gently through his hair until his breathing labored into something more even and Alex kept going without question.
"So why aren't the gods rushing back to help us?" I said. "We should combine forces at Olympus. Forget Typhon."
He snapped his fingers impatiently. "You forgot my Diet Coke."
"Gods, you're annoying." I got the attention of a waitress and ordered the stupid soda. I put it on Bobby Earl's tab.
"Is that illegal?" Magnus frowned. "It feels like that should be illegal."
"I honestly don't think anyone here knows," Will admitted. None of them were exactly law-abiding citizens on the regular.
"Fair enough," he nodded.
Mr. D took a good long drink. His eyes never left the video game. "The truth is, Pierre—"
"Posey," Thalia offered with a smirk at Percy, who groaned in dismay. He just knew she'd find a way to tell his dad he'd once accidentally called him that.
"Nah, got to give him one thing, he's never called Percy a Polly," Alex said in delight. "I was thinking Peitro though, or Picholo."
"I'm so glad I wasn't named after an instrument," Percy frowned and knew he owed his mother yet another thanks in his life.
"—the other gods would never admit this, but we actually need you mortals to rescue Olympus. You see, we are manifestations of your culture. If you don't care enough to save Olympus yourselves—"
"Like Pan," I said, "depending on the satyrs to save the Wild."
"Yes, quite. I will deny I ever said this, of course, but the gods need heroes. They always have. Otherwise we would not keep you annoying little brats around."
"I feel so wanted. Thanks."
"You really should," Annabeth was blinking at him like a new riddle to solve. "I don't think he's ever said that out loud. You must have done something during the battle to really get his attention Percy." Short of creating an ocean of Diet Coke, she couldn't think what he'd done to earn this audience.
Percy realized he hadn't yet mentioned the bit where Dionysus had pulled him aside and basically told him he'd cured Chirs and he was sad his son was dead. It was one of those things he was used to the others all knowing. He'd kind of become Mr. D's fall guy for the entire camp after that he supposed. The good and the bad.
"Use the training I have given you at camp."
"What training?"
"You know. All those hero techniques and . . . No!" Mr. D slapped the game console. "Na pari i eychi! The last level!"
"And that means?" Alex asked eagerly, this time looking around at Nico expectantly.
Nico grinned in a way that already made Will blush before he said, "that one's something more in line with what Will would call Hera."
"Ah, fantastic update, thank you," she chuckled while Will sighed without much regret that was never going to die.
He looked at me, and purple fire flickered in his eyes. "As I recall, I once predicted you would turn out to be as selfish as all the other human heroes. Well, here is your chance to prove me wrong."
"Yeah, making you proud is real high on my list."
"Like, right up there with getting kissed by an empousa," Thalia said in a really good simpering act.
Percy high fived her in agreement and Annabeth really kept telling herself she should move so they'd stop doing that across her face.
"You must save Olympus, Pedro!
"Remind me to send Pedro a thank you gift," Percy rolled his eyes.
"Sounds like you might have to learn some Spanish, personally I'd just take credit for it," Jason shrugged.
Leave Typhon to the Olympians and save our own seats of power. It must be done!"
"Great. Nice little chat. Now, if you don't mind, my friends will be wondering—"
"There is more," Mr. D warned.
"Oh thank gods," Magnus clutched at his shirt over his heart. "This just wasn't dire enough yet!"
Alex patted his shoulder and knew in that moment he'd love a good theater camp.
"Kronos has not yet attained full power. The body of the mortal was only a temporary measure."
Annabeth licked her suddenly dry lips as her eyes darted around like she expected to find an angry mob with pitchforks appearing out of nowhere. It made no rational explanation, she kept trying to scold herself, but that did no good. She half expected them all to laugh at her, to throw in her face they'd known all along that Luke was just a pawn, a means to an end, and he'd deserved this.
None did, and she started feeling dizzy with her own relief until Percy put his arm around her in turn until she caught her breath and her eyes stopped burning so bad. Gods she missed Luke so much.
"We kind of guessed that."
"And did you also guess that within a day at most, Kronos will burn away that mortal body and take on the true form of a Titan king?"
"And that would mean . . ."
Dionysus inserted another quarter. "You know about the true forms of the gods."
"Yeah. You can't look at them without burning up."
"Kronos would be ten times more powerful. His very presence would incinerate you. And once he achieves this, he will empower the other Titans. They are weak now, compared to what they will soon become, unless you can stop them. The world will fall, the gods will die, and I will never achieve a perfect score on this stupid machine."
Alex read all of that without to much surprise. It really was a constant case of, 'how could this get any worse?' and then she got her answer and just moved on. It had kind of been the track record of her whole life anyways.
Nobody was really up for arguing the point with her. It's not like it was new information anymore than, 'Percy needed to save the world or we'd all be dead.'
Maybe I should've been terrified, but honestly, I was already about as scared as I could get.
Jason mock rummaged around in his pockets. "Hang on, I have a meter I need to check for that."
"Where haven't I threatened to shove that yet?" Percy tapped his chin, before he snapped his fingers. "Ah, into your belly button!"
Jason theatrically covered his stomach with a horrified expression and the two idiots chuckled for a moment while Thalia and Annabeth exchanged bemused looks.
"Can I go now?" I asked.
"One last thing. My son Pollux. Is he alive?"
Alex really hated herself for the emotion that gripped her voice. That her mind flashed to her father for just a second, then Loki, before she slammed her fist into an already destroyed washing machine in her mind that made something fall out with a clunk to scatter those stupid images away. She knew what she was telling herself, it wasn't denial, it was just anger it wouldn't go away.
I blinked. "Yeah, last I saw him."
"I would very much appreciate it if you could keep him that way. I lost his brother Castor last year—"
"I remember." I stared at him, trying to wrap my mind around the idea that Dionysus could be a caring father. I wondered how many other Olympians were thinking about their demigod children right now.
Will caught Percy's eye and held it to let him know he wasn't alone. That he'd really felt that, been thinking it too. He'd wondered how useless his prayers were while sending them to his dad. The fact that Mr. D even bothered to pull one camper aside to check in, in his own way, really made him believe for a moment that even if he hadn't gotten an answer, his prayers had been heard.
Or that Pollux hadn't been making any.
And he wasn't sure which it was.
"I'll do my best."
Magnus heard that as, when he went to visit his cousin there, he should expect to see a pudgy blonde kid chilling at a cabin alone. The one with grapevines all over it probably. Percy's best wasn't always the solution to everyone coming out alive, but it was as close as he'd ever expect.
"Your best," Dionysus muttered. "Well, isn't that reassuring. Go now. You have some nasty surprises to deal with, and I must defeat Blinky!"
"Nasty surprises?"
He waved his hand, and the bar disappeared.
"Would the gods stop doing at least that," Percy heard it in his own voice, tried to reign in the reverberating power that could easily topple the room they were in, but man was it heard. "If they know something helpful, next time start with that!"
It took every bit of his concentration not to form his hands into fists and draw Riptide and figure out how to go back to his subconscious or whatever and at least break that stupid machine!
"I don't think their brains are exactly linear like ours Percy," Annabeth reminded patiently.
"Then I'm going to start the conversation by setting three alarms so they think they're running out of time and actually tell me this stuff while the first two to go off! The third one's because I'm positive I'll actually want them to stop talking by then," Percy sighed.
"Good plan. Hope it works out for you," Annabeth sighed right with him at whatever god he decided to test this theory on.
I was back on Fifth Avenue. Annabeth hadn't moved. She didn't give any sign that I'd been gone or anything.
She caught me staring and frowned. "What?"
"Um . . . nothing, I guess."
"That really was nothing to you too," Magnus sighed. Just another day in the life of Percy Jackson, being dragged across the country only in his head to have a conversation with the wine dude who also wasn't really there!
"I know the important things in my life," Percy grinned.
I gazed down the avenue, wondering what Mr. D had meant by nasty surprises. How much worse could it get?
Magnus felt the urge to cover his eyes and whimper pre-monster arrival. Just to get it out of the way now.
My eyes rested on a beat-up blue car. The hood was badly dented, like somebody had tried to hammer out some huge craters. My skin tingled. Why did that car look so familiar? Then I realized it was a Prius.
Paul's Prius.
With every new descriptor Alex's voice had gotten a little quieter, a little more shaken. This wasn't her spooky, telling ghost stories over a fire voice where she tried to make herself sound scared to up the mood. She was legitimately upset at realizing Percy's parents could be hurt much more than some dents in the hood of a car, and Percy was as touched as he suddenly was panicked. It was a very strange feeling that stole his spurt of action but left him feeling sick with the need to do something.
I bolted down the street.
"Percy!" Annabeth called. "Where are you going?"
Paul was passed out in the driver's seat. My mom was snoring beside him. My mind felt like mush.
The fact that she was asleep was of interest to note to those not in the know, but not enough to do more than exchange surprised looks.
Rachel was on her way there, and she'd be asleep for whatever message she wanted to deliver. That was yet another disaster on the horizon while he was processing this one with his face an entire mask of pain.
How had I not seen them before? They'd been sitting here in traffic for over a day, the battle raging around them, and I hadn't even noticed.
"We don't come with built in radars Percy," Annabeth gently reminded as they held each other's hands so tight. "I've tested."
Percy gave her a shaky smile, his mind a complete mess he expected to collapse any second. They'd possibly have to start this all over again and build himself back from the ground up. But she kept smiling back and didn't let go, so that was okay.
"They . . . they must've seen those blue lights in the sky." I rattled the doors but they were locked. "I need to get them out."
"Percy," Annabeth said gently.
"I can't leave them here!" I sounded a little crazy. I pounded on the windshield. "I have to move them. I have to—"
"Percy, just . . . just hold on." Annabeth waved to Chiron, who was talking to some centaurs down the block. "We can push the car to a side street, all right? They're going to be fine."
My hands trembled. After all I'd been through over the last few days, I felt so stupid and weak, but the sight of my parents made me want to break down.
Percy had been scared plenty of times over the course of this, but it was usually coupled in with adrenaline and determination and anger. The kind of grit that made him defeat the next monster, gave him the strength to know that even if he hadn't saved everyone from his past at least he'd never forget them again and try not to make the same mistakes.
This is how Kronos could have defeated him all along, he could feel it in his bones. Yet mortals were beneath his notice, and so she'd sat by untouched but always there at the heart of all this.
Chiron galloped over. "What's . . . Oh dear. I see."
"They were coming to find me," I said. "My mom must've sensed something was wrong."
"Most likely," Chiron said. "But, Percy, they will be fine. The best thing we can do for them is stay focused on our job."
Then I noticed something in the backseat of the Prius, and my heart skipped a beat. Seat-belted behind my mother was a black-and-white Greek jar about three feet tall. Its lid was wrapped in a leather harness.
Percy glowered at the book in the kind of way that made Alex confident he wanted to throw the book in her hands out of the ocean and possibly her along with it if she held on to tight. She ignored it best she could and relied on Annabeth and Thalia to remind him why that was a bad idea. She'd actually never done something like that before, but hey, first time for everything.
"No way," I muttered.
Annabeth pressed her hand to the window. "That's impossible! I thought you left that at the Plaza."
"Locked in a vault," I agreed.
"How do you put something in a vault wrong Thalia?" Jason decided not to let that moment pass without a tease.
"When Percy's involved," she said with a straight face. "It was his magic item and he set me up to fail."
"I'm sure you deserve it for something," but Percy was so jittery he couldn't think straight, couldn't think up one instance over the past where she'd messed with him. All his mind could latch onto was his mom, dropping him off at another new school with another hopeful smile, the songs she'd hum while she was baking, the dark circles under her eyes and the sense of joy radiating off of her for a good night's work. Gods he'd be lost without her.
Chiron saw the jar and his eyes widened. "That isn't— "
"Pandora's jar." I told him about my meeting with Prometheus.
"I thought it was a pithos?" Jason felt the strain in the room and strived to do what Percy did best, give a little levity to it. "You told him about Prometheus giving you Pandora's Pithos Percy, remember how pithy that sounded?"
Maybe word play wasn't everyone's cup of tea in amusement, but he at least got a few smiles and eye rolls for his attempt, which made all the world to him to feel like he hadn't failed.
"Then the jar is yours," Chiron said grimly. "It will follow you and tempt you to open it, no matter where you leave it. It will appear when you are weakest."
"Forever?" Magnus frowned. "Like you have a new Riptide? Man, talk about something in serious need of a regift."
Percy had the brief thought that he should give it to Rachel. She'd probably paint over it and make it look more fun and tempting to open, but she'd also been dealing with hopeless situations with much more style than he'd ever have so she just seemed the obvious choice.
He got a pained spike to his brain for the thought and his eyes flickered to Annabeth with guilt instantly so he decided not to voice any of that.
Like now, I thought. Looking at my helpless parents.
I imagined Prometheus smiling, so anxious to help out us poor mortals. Give up Hope, and I will know that you are surrendering. I promise Kronos will be lenient.
Anger surged through me. I drew Riptide and cut through the driver's side window like it was made of plastic wrap.
Alex grinned at all the mayhem Percy's sword could cause he didn't indulge in nearly enough. "Did it have that smooth feeling like when scissors glide through wrapping paper?"
"Yeah, actually," Percy's smile was a tad diabolical and Annabeth swallowed in horror how many cars were going to be broken into when those two teamed up.
"We'll put the car in neutral," I said. "Push them out of the way. And take that stupid jar to Olympus."
Chiron nodded. "A good plan. But, Percy . . ."
Whatever he was going to say, he faltered. A mechanical drumbeat grew loud in the distance—the chop-chop-chop of a helicopter.
Rachel's insane deal to go to a finishing school all so she could have a chat with Percy hadn't been mentioned in a few hours, what with the constant battles and deaths and centaurs appearing, but boy did they not get a choice now but to think of all the problems, implications, and disasters that were about to happen!
On a normal Monday morning in New York, this would've been no big deal, but after two days of silence, a mortal helicopter was the oddest thing I'd ever heard.
He'd felt it in his chest, the reverberating machine that disrupted his world overtaking the rest. The ground hadn't actually been shaking, but he'd been so loopy from seeing his parents he wouldn't have been surprised to see drinks shaking and windows rattling like the arrival of that machine had smashed them back together.
A few blocks east, the monster army shouted and jeered as the helicopter came into view. It was a civilian model painted dark red, with a bright green "DE" logo on the side. The words under the logo were too small to read, but I knew what they said: DARE ENTERPRISES.
"Did you, ever get a ride in that Percy?" Will's voice was choppy as he strived for his usual cheerful voice but knew it sounded fake. Gods that helicopter crash had been terrifying. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to sit through another action movie with an explosion again without shivering at the heat and noise.
My throat closed up. I looked at Annabeth and could tell she recognized the logo too. Her face was as red as the helicopter.
Trouble and danger afoot, Nico didn't even roll his eyes in surprised annoyance this time because of course Percy looked to her first.
"What is she doing here?" Annabeth demanded. "How did she get through the barrier?"
"You're asking me?" Percy looked so wounded and confused as he sat deep in his seat.
"I'm asking her as soon as I can," her scowl was more light and playful than anything, but Percy felt like he was in trouble for some reason.
"Who?" Chiron looked confused. "What mortal would be insane enough—"
"Rachel Elizabeth Dare," Thalia answered with pride.
"Yeah, not something I'd brag about right now," but Jason couldn't help begrudgingly sounding the same. She really was something, charging into the unknown for her friend. It was as admirable as someone could be.
Suddenly the helicopter pitched forward.
"The Morpheus enchantment!" Chiron said. "The foolish mortal pilot is asleep."
I watched in horror as the helicopter careened sideways, falling toward a row of office buildings.
Even if it didn't crash, the gods of the air would probably swat it out of the sky for coming near the Empire State Building.
I was too paralyzed to move, but Annabeth whistled and Guido the pegasus swooped out of nowhere.
You rang for a handsome horse? he asked.
"Come on, Percy," Annabeth growled. "We have to save your friend."
"Well don't sound so happy about it Annabeth," Alex said with a strained smile she still tried hard to make casual. "You should be used to this by now!"
"It was Rachel's turn for this, wasn't it," Magnus groaned as he watched Percy get up to take the book. "Gods, is there a ticking clock on this? Are you guys going to have to rescue me by association?"
"Possibly," Percy said sheepishly.
Annabeth waited patiently until he got back beside her before swatting him on the back of the head with a very calculated scowl for trying to scare her cousin.
To her surprise though as Percy flipped to the next chapter as if nothing had happened, Magnus just sighed as if he were already resigned to it. He obviously knew Rachel was fine and they had rescued her. He really was taking this much better than she ever would have dreamed.
*This was legitimately one of the stand-out kills for me from my first reading of the series and I tried to analyze why upon this reread and I think I've narrowed it down to this reason. Instead of dust like every other monster, it's imagining the pain and anger frozen on the monster's face as he collapses to blue shards that stayed there until they melted long after the fight was over. Something about deviating away from the usual formula I guess?
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
Hello! Have you watch Avatar : The Last Airbender? If you have, how would DreadWing, Megatron and Optimus react that their s/o or crush is an Avatar and can control all elements? I find the contrast is fascinating because them being all robotic science and s/o is master of raw organic power. Imagine s/o use the Avatar State to protect them from an enemy and the bots where like 👀🧍🏻‍♀️humans can do thattt??!!!
I have seen it, though it's been a while. Absolutely great show though, now I kinda wanna watch it again. I picked crush, so maybe they don't know the reader super well yet and the powers come as a surprise. I didn’t do Megatron because I’m super tired and just wanted to post something, since I feel like it’s been forever since my last post. I also apologize if this is nonsense, I'm running on very little sleep today
~Optimus Prime~
•The avatar has always had some kind of conflict to solve, and after you met the bots, you strongly felt that maybe the war between autobots and decepticons was the conflict you could help solve
•You’re a bit of a government secret as well, and since it’s easier to keep an eye on people when they’re in the same place, you kind of ended up bunking with the autobots
•You train every day, but in secret, because you’ve been told to not reveal your powers to anyone unless lives are at stake
•So you figured the giant alien robots didn’t need to know either
•You took a liking to Optimus, feeling a sort of kinship with him because you felt like he carried a burden similar to yours, you’re the avatar and he’s a Prime
•He of course doesn't know about your status or your powers, but he does see you seem to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders
•When you and Optimus get ambushed one day when you’re coming back from town after running some errands you have to defend yourself and him
•You go into the avatar state, because you feel like your life is in danger and you also don’t want Optimus to get hurt either
•Afterwards, when the vehicons are beaten back and you come out of the avatar state, you’d pretty low on energy and just ask Optimus to take you back to the base so you can rest
•He of course asks you about what just happened, but only after a while when you don’t bring it up on your own
•Optimus honestly thought it was quite magnificent, the raw power and energy he felt coming of you was a bit terrifying to be honest
•He had never seen anything like it before, and when you talked about it, he felt like his processor got overloaded with information, because you just started talking and didn’t stop
•It’s such a relief to get to talk about it with someone, especially with someone who understands the responsibility you have
•Optimus also gets to talk about his responsibilities as a Prime, and it’s honestly so freeing for him
•You bond over your shared problems and responsibilities, and talk for hours and hours
•After you saved Dreadwing from Ultra Magnus, and came out the avatar state, Dreadwing is just looking at you like “What in the name of Primus was that?”
•You have to explain yourself, and Dreadwing is very interested in learning more about you and your powers
•He decides right there and then that if he wants to keep you safe from Megatron, your abilities can never be made known
•You tell him you escaped from a government holding facility before you met the cons, and at first you’d stayed with them because it made you feel like the army wouldn’t come anywhere near them and wouldn’t try to recapture you
•Dreadwing was of course interested in why you were in a holding facility in the first place, but he refrained from asking, since you didn’t really seem like you wanted to talk about it
•He was more interested in your powers anyway, like what exactly could you do?
•Dreadwing is mostly interested in these things because he wants to ascertain how well you’d be able to protect yourself if you needed to
•Of course he had seen you could handle yourself quite well, but that was against only one opponent
•Dreadwing promise he would not reveal your secret to anyone, but he also made you promise you would never use it in the presence of the other decepticons, unless it was a life or death situation for you
•He doesn’t much care for the other decepticons, and showing any of them your powers would no doubt lead to them trying to exploit you, especially Megatron and Starscream
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moodymisty · 1 year
Long time listener, first time caller (so to speak XD) and I’m absolutely ADORING the Primarch content so why not officially throw my hat into the prompt-making ring??? My brain worm of the day is something in the same vein (haha blood puns) of Sanguinius’ where there gets to be a private more relaxed moment. Prying our dear Primarch away from his work for just a few precious minutes, maybe longer if it can be managed, to calm tf down for a bit. These guys are overworked to hell, they could all use some TLC let’s be so fr rn. I couldn’t nail down exactly who to pick but I did narrow it down to a top three, Dorn, Rob, and Magnus. Those three I think are the ones most likely to literally pass out at their desks (impressive given their demigod status but I’m sure they’d fuckin manage to somehow XD). Idk if there’s much to really be done with this idea I’m just in my “let these guys be human for 4 seconds plz” feelings again 😭
As always love your writing, Misty! Have fun, no rush, no pressure ❤️❤️❤️
(P.S. Plz tell your cutie chaos birb all us readers say “hi!!!!” XD)
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: So you sent this in and then I just kinda blacked out and when I came to I had this in my drafts. Enjoy.
This post has been approved and sponsored by the Imperial Fists.
Summary: Dorn takes a moment of respite during a particularly frigid night on Inwit.
Relationships: Rogal Dorn/Fem!Reader (no pronouns are used tho it's just the vibe if you know what I mean)
Warnings: General 40kness so mentions of war death etc, Dorn being pretty emotionally stoic, Me worldbuilding too much
Word Count: 1567
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Inwit is cold.
Dorn had told you this as the Eternal Crusader moved to finishing mooring on the frozen planet, and you'd nodded in understanding. You lack the convenience of sealed Astartes armor, the cushion of air heated thanks to their unusually hot body temperature.
You knew already that Dorn's homeworld was an ice planet, so you didn't quite understand why he was telling you again.
What Dorn seemed to not specify however, was just how cold.
Your bed is covered in four different pelts, and you're still freezing. You have a blanket just for your feet, and they still feel like they're going to fall right off. At least during the day, you had an outer layer of clothing made of thick fabrics, in a design and shape more than likely traditional to Inwit. You assume Dorn had it requisitioned for you, but he mentioned nothing of it other than sparing a glance in your direction when he first saw you in it.
But now that outer layer lays on the trunk at the foot of the bed, and you're seriously considering attempting to sleep in it.
You know it's snowing outside, it always is, the fresh white layer of snow reflecting the light of the moon and illuminating more than what could be seen on a warmer planet at night. You can see more snowflakes fluttering downward, hitting the icy window. Your teeth feel like they are going to clatter right out of your mouth.
Inwit is cold.
And because of it you haven't been able to sleep, merely lay in bed trying to distract yourself enough to maybe drift off.
It would be better if Dorn was here; His body runs so hot you probably would've been able to leech the heat right from him and perhaps get a few moments of rest.
But Dorn is still tirelessly planning, as rarely does the man ever indulge in rest. He'll often times take on the the extra work to let you, one of the few silent ways to tell you he cares about you. Now is one of those times you so desperately wished he wouldn't do that and just join you before you actually froze to death.
Giving in you lean upward and kick your feet outward, sliding off the massive bed and hauling one of the smaller pelts with you. Your hands pull it tight over your shoulders, while slipping on your shoes. Without them just putting your feet on the floor felt like they were stepping on a solid block of ice.
You know Dorn is still at work in the messy workshop he uses as his personal room. If he won't come to you, then you'll come to him.
It's less cold now that you're on your feet and your blood is pumping, leaving the private quarters and walking into the hall. It's late, so it's largely empty apart from the occasional serf at work. You quickly pass by and keep walking until you find the door down at the far end of the hall. One of many in this maze of a building. You'd call it less so a palace, and more so a fortress.
You open the door and gently close it behind you, looking through the dim lighting across the room. You can see Dorn's outline as he sits planted at that massive desk. He's leaning against his hand, elbow seated firmly against the top of the desk. His hand doesn't even seem to be writing, and for a moment, you almost think he's asleep until he turns to you.
"What are you doing here?" You tug the pelt tighter around your shoulders and try to stifle a shiver.
"I couldn't sleep. Shivering too much." Dorn's face is just as stoic as always, though it softens just the tiniest at you admittance of discomfort.
"You will get used to it soon enough." You sincerely hope you do, because you're not sure how long you'd be able to stand this if you weren't.
Rubbing your hands together you swear you can see your breath, even in a room being warmed by a large but waning fire. Keeping fires blazing nonstop is considered wasteful by many natives of Inwit, given the scarcity of materials. It may be easier now given the ability to import, but Inwit being a Ice World will always remain. Life will never be truly easy. Not even close.
Trying to hold back a shiver you walk closer to him, watching his eyes glance to you for a moment. He's paying attention to what you're doing, even as you slip underneath his arm. You twist and turn until you sit across his thighs, leaning back against his arm as you look over his desk.
There's blueprints on them; Rough ones, scattered with various small notes and adjustments for a future draft.
"What are these for?" You don't really expect an answer, but Dorn does actually surprise you with one.
"Another wing for the Imperial Palace." You hum, looking over the mess of lines as your legs drape over his own. They only make basic sense to you, learning by sight in situations much like this.
His free hand lowers off the desk to cup the side of your thigh instead of leaning his jaw on it, keeping you from sliding off of his lap. It also holds your pelt blanket closer to you, keeping you trapped in a small pocket of warm air. Thankfully he isn't wearing his armor, so you can actually feel the heat of his body against you.
"You should go back to bed." You press harder against his chest as if worried he'll remove you as he continues to plot out rough measurements and structural supports.
"You aren't there." Dorn draws a singular line from one drafted spire to another, writing something along it.
"I don't need to be." You purse your lips.
Dorn has always been like this. He speaks with such indifference one would think that he doesn't feel anything; You wouldn't blame them for thinking it. You know he does, and quite deeply, but he's been harshly trained over so many years to barricade it so deep within himself that it will never seep out.
Dorn wants you to rely on him, not depend on him. He's formed and molded his legion under the same idea; That you should rely closely on your allies as they're pivotal to your survival, but you should be able to stand just as strong on your own. You shouldn't need him to sleep till morn.
At least, that's what Dorn wants to want. Sometimes he finds himself doubting. You aren't an Astartes; He brought you into a world of demi-gods and giants expecting you to hold your own, but he'll always desire to protect you from it all. You provide him with a tiny shard of glass that reflects back the humanity they're fighting for. That him and his sons had resigned to never being able to see. Sometimes he wants nothing more than to indulge in more moments like this.
Your head lays against his chest, and you divulge in the warmth after spending so long near freezing.
These blueprints span the entire desk and even curl off the edge at one end, with various notes drawn over them. There's so many redraws and revisions that it's hard to tell whats what, you don't even know how he reads them. But you still watch him anyways with hooded eyes.
"Dorn..." He knows what you're going to ask, as his hand stays firm and unyielding on the side of your leg so you don't slide.
"When I am done."
You had come here with the hope to bring him back with you, but now you find yourself trapped here with him; His personal vox making noise from the corner of the desk.
He silently hands you the device, and you begin reading them out while he continues to work.
"Requisition orders got approval, news that the Faithful Servant has been waylaid by a severe technical malfunction," You yawn. "Alexis Polux wishes to speak with you."
You remember that name. He's an extremely competent and surprisingly humble Astartes, from Inwit the same as Dorn. He's apparently recently been made Captain, judging by the honorific attached to his name. You remember speaking to him once. He deserves the title.
"And... Something about the Night Lords. They," You yawn again. "One of their ships drifted towards a battle barge a bit too close for comfort." Dorn doesn't find that surprising. The sons of Konrad enjoy those sorts of intimidation tactics, trying to goad fights and spread unease through even their supposed allies.
Dorn holds on your words waiting for you to continue as his pen slides over the parchment, until he finally looks away from his blueprints for the first time since you entered the room.
You're asleep. Your head is leaning against his chest, and mouth just lightly parted as you breathe. You had completely failed in your attempt to get him away from his work, not that it had a high chance of working to begin with. Dorn watches for a moment before he finally sits down his pen and takes the vox from your loose hands, setting the device back down when he'd taken it from. That same hand returns to you and fixes the pelt you'd brought here, keeping it from falling to the floor.
Picking up his pen again Dorn sighs- and continues to work.
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crying-fantasies · 7 months
This is a life... (4)
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4: By you | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
There is no outside light around the room, and he is proud to say it is due to the blocked windows than an electric failure on this part of the city, much has happened since the Lost Light returned to Cybertron, they didn't last long out there without energon, and while Prowl isn't even remotely content by how lenient the council have been with the poor decision making of Rodimus Prime (why did they even reinstituted him in the first place?), Ultra Magnus (a new traitor of the Tyrest's accord) and Megatron (the survivors of the functionist universe all swear they would burn their own sparks if anyone even touched their savior) he can say it was still an advantage for him, he couldn't tear open the starship like he wanted but at least he could replicate it's engines.
And it was worth it, no more fluctuations in the electric flow, no more lose of energy, no more blackouts.
No more cold habsuits where you needed to curl like a ball to retain warmth, now you sleep peacefully with no worries of waking up in the middle of the night to fetch a heated blanket, he prefers this a lot, but he is still worried to some degree, numbers never lie, his statistics on what is gained and what is lost are in constant change due to the surrounding even if war has supposedly ended.
Prowl still believes it was a bad idea to give a whole batch of humans to Rodimus of all bots, his predictions and test proved it would end badly at one point or another, frag, he even had in his results that Rodimus would end up being tangled with some of the very same humans, but nothing could have predicted he would sire a sparkling with a human.
Rodimus, of all bots, was entrusted with the most little, delicate and soft sparkling in the history of Cybertron, no minibot or mechanimal protoform could compare, it was a miracle the newspark wasn't vivisected to try to understand how it even existed, in other times it would've been the first course of action, he could even hear Sentinel's voice booming in echoes inside his helm, demanding answers over such atrocity but the former primer was no more and the council was way too lenient, nevertheless it would work out since the humans were now more interested than ever to try to evade extinction, cybertronians could give them space travels and now even carry on their DNA, it was tempting enough.
The benefits of keeping it alive outweighed the ones ripping it open so Prowl didn't object, in fact, he took advantage of it.
Prowl could see it, the benefits coming from a new found objective of repopulation from both sides, he could feel it, with his own goal now completed, he has finally given you what you wanted, and it was recharging above your rising and falling chest, recent forged bright blue optics looking at him in a way you referred like looking dead in the eyes, without fear.
It had be maddening, worry was pouring from him when your feet was way too near the hotspot and he was ready to take you back home, but such excited organic pedes only got nearer to the hot metal, eager and smiling at him, calling his designation and saying he better hurry up while others looked at him with barely covered incredulity and even hard conflict, you seemed oblivious to it and he was grateful for a moment, it didn't last long since as soon as you had it he wanted to get rid of it, as you were crying over your burned hands but refusing to let go of the life that came to you almost at the nanoclick, even when the new spark started to pulsate and almost gave an electric pulse hard enough to knock you out, he also touched it, and while he wasn't opposed to the idea from the beginning he couldn't do much more when you embraced the new spark against your soft body, chanting and calling it your child between tears and mucus tainting your relived smile.
You were happy, and so was he.
And it was starting to be unnerving how such innocent optics so similar to his were looking with such intensity, almost demanding questions of it's existence, or why it was in the middle of you both, or why he even had such assumptions on the processor when this thing was as self conscious as any new spark.
Still, it was silent, and he was grateful once again, only having a pair of little bits soon to be door wings in the back and little servos that clinged to your night clothes, snuggling comfortably over where your human fuel pump was doing it's work, not even once looking to any other place, both looking intensely to one another before it does a face of anguish.
Your pitiful cry snaps him of the questions of why the protoform did such a face, he remains calm, knowing it's the lasting pain on your hands, give life, in your own words about your world, always brings physical pain for the mother, and while you try to say your pain isn't as great as the ones human mother's have to endure during and after the birth he is fast to remind you how your heart almost gave up.
So near to dead, just for this thing.
So much pain, for this protoform that doesn't even really have an ounce of your blood, only a mimicking resemblance of your organic signature.
He wants to ask if it was really worth it when he has to tend your bleeding wounds once again, but Prowl knows better, you'll smile and say that Chainbreaker is worth enough, if not for everything while you rock him with your free arm and chant some organic song.
Prowl wants to ask you if it would be worth to have him alone again, a sparkling in hand while mourning you if things didn't go as he planned, your heart failure was a possibility, what he didn't have in his plans was how you denied to have the new spark away, making all the more difficult the work of the medic staff already in waiting that he had prepared.
So he just puts medicine on your wounds, as it is his job, while you almost fall asleep since such pain will leave your body for the next hours or so, the sparkling once again recharging against you, strangely bitting on his left servo even while recharging, Prowl would never get used to how you two move in deep sleep since cybertronians don't tend to even flinch, Chainbreaker purrs, doing grabbing servos at him, and he tries to understand what this thing wants.
"Your hand", in other circumstances he could've corrected your speech, he didn't have hands, he had servos, put it didn't matter as he just did as asked and gave you what was asked, he could've feel the familiar sensation of your hand, of your skin, but his sensors only perceive the sensation of your medical protection as you put him near the sparkling, little servo grabbing to his own with as much force as it could and doing a strange kind of smile.
The sparkling looked too much like him, even the smile, but it made you laugh, as tiny and silent as it could be to not interrupt the youngest rest.
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meekmedea · 12 days
hiii it’s me again sorry I’m being so annoying but max and Hector breakup AU has been rattling around my brain…..do u think their relationship was already strained pre-hunger games? for some reason I hc that part of what made the rebellion turn into civil war was the brutality with which the districts very reasonable demands (senatorial representation) was met…also like. how heartbroken must Hector be bc it must feel like he never really knew max? did Hector know max had it in him to be a tyrant? Okbyeeee xx
Honestly yeah, I see it being strained even before Clemensia and Felix are born. But the two are just too stubborn to admit it. They probably kept making excuses for one another. Like "Oh, his brother just died, he's grieving. Even if it's not in a healthy way."
It's sort of one of those things, where you and your friend take different paths as you grow up. And sometimes those paths clash with one another. I can see Hector advocating for more support in the Districts, especially after his near death. (I hc him as having taken that trip and got super sick but they were able to get the medication to him on time)
Unfortunately, Max doesn't quite agree with the advocating. So Hector probably starts funding things with his own wealth. And that's probably just the start of things changing between them.
The 'casual' run-ins in the park by the time Clemensia and Felix are toddlers are probably Max's attempts to hold onto a fraying friendship.
Post Breakup - I do see them being weirdly protective(?) of one another, in that:
Max isn't taking any suggestions to off Hector from anyone. Not even from Volumnia. Because I don't see Hector being very quiet about his opinions of the games. Much less any of his other decisions.
Hector was very offended by the suggestion to kill off Max. The one who suggested it ends up dead.
Random thought that came to mind - sometimes I make the trio call each other's parents "Uncle/Auntie" despite not being actually related. Now what if we put the same idea onto the parents' generation? So the adults have possibly grown up knowing Hector as 'Uncle Hector' and Max as 'Uncle Magnus'. Or just as 'Uncle'.
It definitely gets super awkward post-dark days.
Max probably has a bit of a crisis the first time the first time Endymion says 'Mr. President' to address him. Granted the man probably does call him this in public settings, but post breakup, the title hits a bit differently.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
This came to me while ask were closed, but now they are open :)
Okay, okay, I know this is a stretch, but hear me out. Let's say Buddy is a young maximal (I'm thinking leopard) who somehow escaped their universe and ended up on lost light. How would the lost light crew react? (I think this buddy would be an ankle biter for funsies)
Back into Beast wars! Lets go!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Maximal getting sent to the Lost Light
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy has a leopard alt mode.
They are Cheetor’s Amica
Buddy had been with the Maximals since the very beginning.
From busting Predacon behind or busting their own helm into a tree in one of Cheetor’s pranks.
Being Cheetor’s Amica can do that to you.
This evening seemed to be going as normally as it could.
Maximal’s vs Predacons.
Good vs bad.
The battle was going to the Maximal’s favor.
Buddy had just finished off Inferno when they saw something in the distance.
Tarantulas aiming a weird looking gun at their Amica.
Buddy sprinted in their leopard mode to Cheetor.
Cheetor turns as Tarantulas fired the weapon.
He froze in his place.
Buddy leaped in front of Cheetor taking the hit.
A blinding light surrounded them and vanished into thin air.
Cheetor looks in horror at the spot where his Amica was.
The rest of the fighting had stopped when they saw the light.
“Interesting… it wasn’t supposed to do that.”--Tarantulas
Cheetor turns in anger to the Predacon
“WHAT DID YOU DO!”--Cheetor
Transforming into his beast mode Cheetor is ready to maw the Predacon.
Optimus Primal holds him back as he thrashes around.
“Maximal’s fall back!”--Optimus
“Fall back?! No! Buddy needs us! Buddy needs me! We can’t just—”--Cheetor
“Cheetor right now we need to make it back to the base alive. We can worry about Buddy when we are safe.”--Optimus
“Buddy’s not safe!”--Cheetor
“If Buddy is dead do you want to make their act in vain?!”--Dinobot
Cheetor tenses up in Primal’s arms letting him be carried to the base.
Buddy’s helm is pounding and feels someone picking them up by the scruff of their neck.
Rodimus is just confused.
One minute he was walking away from one of Magnus’s boring meetings when this fur ball hit him in the helm.
He wants answers.
Buddy is quick to realize that they are at a huge height disadvantage of this potential enemy and decides to do the next best thing.
They bite his servo.
Buddy gets dropped to the floor and gets ready to book it when Rodimus grabs their tail.
“Hey! Let go of me!”--Buddy
“You bit me!”--Rodimus
“I don’t know who you are!”--Buddy
“So, you just bite bots you don’t know?”--Rodimus
“Pretty much!”--Buddy
Rodimus pointing to his chassis.
“I’m an Autobot. I’m one of the good guys.”--Rodimus
Buddy immediately stops struggling and looks at him curiously.
“You an Autobot? Haven’t heard anyone saw they were an Autobot in a few decades.”--Buddy
“Decades? What do you mean?”--Rodimus
“I mean that its only Maximals and Predacons now. Only those who survived the Great War still go by Autobot and Decepticon…”--Buddy
Buddy looks around and starts thinking.
“…I think I’m far from home…”--Buddy
Rodimus looks with a bit of sympathy to the smaller bot who was starting to come to terms with the fact they were in a place nowhere near their home.
They looked concerned and a bit frightened.
“Listen, I’m one of the Co-captains of this ship. I think I know a couple of mechs who can help.”--Rodimus
Rodimus extends his servo.
“What do you say? Friends?”--Rodimus
Buddy looks at him and his servo.
They shake his servo and begin to follow him to the lab.
“What’s your name anyway?”--Rodimus
“I’m Buddy.”--Buddy
“Buddy? Sounds more of an Earth name.”--Rodimus
“I get that a lot. And you?”--Buddy
“Rodimus Prime.”--Rodimus
Buddy stops in wide optic.
“YOU’RE Rodimus Prime?! Really!”--Buddy
Rodimus puffs his chassis a bit.
“Yes I am—”--Rodimus
“Oh Primus! I just bit my Amica’s ancestor!”--Buddy
“Your What?!”--Rodimus
There is a lot of explanation to do with Brainstorm, Perceptor and Nautica when Rodimus walks in with a smaller, much furrier bot by his side.
Brainstorm is just buzzing hearing about a new dimension.
Buddy just wants to get back home to their Amica.
Good news was that whatever gun Tarantulas shot them with was temporary. They would go back home as soon as the effects wore off.
The bad news was there was no way in predicting how long they were going to stay in this dimension.
For now, Buddy becomes an honorary crew member until they go back home.
Rodimus sets up a meeting and greet in Swerve’s for Buddy to meet the crew.
It was almost cute seeing Buddy freak out seeing some of the bots from the stories back home.
Buddy looks over at Drift with wide optic.
“Is that who I think it is?”--Buddy
Swerve looking at Ratchet who is talking to Drift and Rodimus.
“Who Drift? Yeah, that’s him—Buddy?”--Swerve
Buddy speed walks to Drift in their beast mode and happily hops to the bar top and sits in front of him and Ratchet.
Buddy just stares at both with wide adoring optics.
Drift raises an optic.
Buddy starts purring.
“That’s new…”--Rodimus
“They’re just purring, that not new.”--Ravage
“How do you know that Ravage?”--Drift
“That’s an off-topic question.”—Ravage
Buddy wasn’t going to tell them about that yet.
Speaking of Ravage, Buddy and him got along surprisingly well all things considered.
Buddy and Megatron… that one was a bit more complicated.
 Buddy staring at the giant grey mech in front of them.
Megatron was getting uncomfortable.
“Do you need something?”--Megatron
Buddy keeps on staring.
“…At least your not a purple dinosaur.”--Buddy
“A what?”--Megatron
“A WHAT!?”—Whirl
A few more days pass and Buddy starts feeling all tingly.
They had a feeling that they were going to get sent home now.
Buddy raced all around the ship telling their goodbyes to their friends.
“Goodbye everyone! Thank you for everything!”--Buddy
“No problem, Buddy! Let us know next time you’re in our dimension again! Maybe we can go meteor surfing!”--Rodimus
“Rodimus that is a terrible idea.”--Ratchet
“Great grandpa Ratchet’s right.”--Buddy
Meanwhile in Beast wars…
Buddy pops into existence in the base landing on Rattrap.
“Rattrap its me! Stop screaming!”--Buddy
Buddy gets off Rattrap and helps him up.
Rattrap blinks several times before whacking Buddy with a wrench.
“You deserve so much more than that kid! Do you have any idea how long we were looking for you? And so, what? For you to just pop into existence!?”--Rattrap
Buddy rubs their helm a bit.
“I guess?”--Buddy
Rattrap sighs before giving them a quick side hug.
“Its… its good to have you back Buddy. Now go find your Amica. He’s been acting all crazy since you pulled that stunt.”--Rattrap
“Yeah I—”--Buddy
Rapid pede steps start getting closer.
“…Do you think I can out run him?”--Buddy
“With the messed up weeks he’s had, not likely.”--Rattrap
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
Hi! Longtime lurker here, I adore your writing and all the oneshots you publish. Do you have any cute headcanons about Optimus and Elita’s relationship (for instance, how they met, deciding to become Conjuxed, and other miscellaneous stuff)?
That I do! I love them very much your honor, so let me specify based on continuity. For now, lets stick to G1. I've had longer to think about them.
Orion and Ariel met in a barfight. Orion decked someone for making nasty comments about Ariel and she in turn decked Orion thinking he was the one being gross.
They made up afterwards with a drink and proceeded to dance the night away, promptly exchanging communication lines.
Once Orion figured out where Ariel worked and after they had been talking for a while, he marched across Iacon in order to sign on at her depot.
Dion thought he was nuts but came along because he enjoyed the drama.
Orion made it a point to be a gentlemech even while working at the docks. He would carry anything heavier than a cat for Ariel's and would go out of his way to get her energon for her so she didn't have to stand in line for rations.
They began courting after Orion got into yet another fist fight in Ariel's defense. He got his face busted in, and while Ariel helped him get patched up, Orion blurted out that he couldn't just let other mechs touch her.
Ariel took that personally and proceeded to become just as devoted as Orion. This earned the duo many gags and amusing reactions from their fellows who referred to them as the "lovebirds".
Ariel and Orion never actually managed to be Conjunxed as dock workers. That came later when they met under the light of Luna 1 before the Exodus late into the war. Optimus brought Elita-One the last crystal rose he could find and asked her to be his Conjunx right there.
She agreed and they spent a mere three cycles together before having to go their separate ways. But Elita wore a simple pendant with contained a petal of that single rose. Optimus for his part carried the piece of Elita's antennae that had been torn off in combat.
During the war, when they were able, Optimus and Elita would call each other by their old names and dance under the stars, singing wild songs from the docks while playing music that didn't match the mood in the slightest.
When the war ended, Elita wept for Optimus during his many moments of death. But after each miraculous return, they would always reaffirm their oaths to each other. Usually with a few soft touches.
Post war, Elita and Optimus are the most sappy couple to have ever become a thing. They are constantly calling each other nicknames like "honey", "Sweetspark", "pooch" (that one is elita's and only for when she's feeling mischievous), "My forever", and Optimus's favorite, "My rose." (For obvious reasons).
They openly wear very obvious marks of their conjunxing now that they aren't being attacked left, right, and center. Elita keeps her pendant but also loves to have a little engraving of Optimus's pet name for her on her neck guard. Slightly scandalous, but she enjoys it, especially because Optimus has "pooch" written on his inner thigh where only she and the very observant can see.
They are also very good at being quiet about their activities as a couple. But when they feel like shooing mecha away, they love to get sappy and gross everyone out of the room.
They are also notoriously dramatic when the situation isn't serious. Put them in a war room and neither will so much as smile. But give them a minor issue, and they can and will make fun of those who are enduring some slight embarrassment.
Whenever Optimus takes on a new apprentice (adopts a child-), Elita has been known to mother them relentlessly in her own way. Some get beat around in training, others get homemade goodies. Others still may end up getting actually adopted.
Rodimus still has no idea that technically he's Optimus and Elita's on paper. Only Kup and Ultra Magnus know. Both think its hilarious and have no intention of telling poor Rodimus anytime soon.
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i've been thinking of writing a stardew valley au of the magnus archives with martin as the farmer and jon as some misanthrope researcher living maybe on a flat above the library instead of gunther (perhaps he's researching the strange monsters that appear in the mines and you don't see nearly anywhere else in the world...)
if i were to write it, i think it would be fun to replace canon sdv characters with tma characters, wouldn't it? maybe sasha as maru, perhaps renting a room in the house in the mountains from robin (assuming i don't change her for, say, gertrude? eric and gerry could be there as well. perhaps the house is gertrude's but eric is her assistant– or her son and gerry her actual grandson– and has taken over some of the manual work with her aging, and gerry as sebastian?)
perhaps helen and michael could be there instead of emily and haley? trevor and daisy (julia is in a band now. good for her.) could run the adventurer's guild and daisy could be in shane's place (see: recovering from addiction/unhealthy habits as a parallel to the hunt) perhaps she'd be physically disabled in some way, that would be an explanation as to why the mines are not purged from monsters overnight (can you tell i love daisy)?? basira could be in marnie's place and helping daisy recover while she recovers herself? :)
tim and danny as sam and vincent, with danny as an older vincent but younger than canon danny, perhaps?? waiting for their father or mother or both to return from the war with the gotoro empire? (maybe he had always lived there, moved to a bigger city for a while and returned when the war started. maybe he, sasha and jon are working for the same long-term monster researching project. wouldn't it be nice if martin just came bumbling around one day and drastically started indirectly improving their research productivity with his sdv farmer endeavors?? the four of them engaging in shenanigans?? think about it.)
georgie could be kind of like sandy/visit from time to time from the city, make it a jon heart event first and then a melanie one. melanie could be an aggressive version of leah ("youtuber lives in charming yet spooky town in a cabin in the woods, has a successful channel and a podcast girlfriend. good for her.")
there would be different heart events suiting more the canon characters (maybe sasha's 8-heart could be her venting about how she moved to pelican town because someone tried to kill her and steal her identity, tim's about how a circus kidnapped his little brother as a kid like in that one statement, etc. and i'm vibrating like i'll break glass jusr by thinking of what to do with jon.)
at some point jon is sent by elias to the "my ex-husband took the furniture" quest and martin tags along for the fun of it.
i don't know what to do with harvey because he's my husband and i love him and i don't want him gone but i'll think about it. after all, i'm still missing caroline, pierre and abigail (although they could pretty well be mikaele salesa running the store with annabelle working and living there.) perhaps naomi herne should suit the harvey role?? she's peaceful enough to not make me angry for not getting to have my dearest harvey right there. she'd be a doctor, obviously, and perhaps michael could work with her as a part-time nurse? she's waiting for her husband to return from the war (evan herne was sent to the army by his family for abandoning the lukas jojamart family business and marrying naomi, but he'll come back, fear not.)
diego molina and agnes montague as pam and penny doesn't sound bad, and i'm seriously considering having elias be both lewis and the wizard. for the fun of it? perhaps everyone but jon (and later martin) wonders who the wizard is- he calls himself the wizard j. magnus because he's a pretentious bastard. (jon has been set in a position where if he reveals this he gets turned into a plant or something) and he's also the mayor of the town (his legal name is very much elias bouchard.) also, instead of the affair with marnie he has an affair with morris the jojamart guy (peter lukas.)
george, evelyn and alex could be replaced by julia and trevor– they could be softer, less hunt but still recovering from the same thing as daisy– and julia could have a petty feud with jon because, before she knew she was a lesbian, she fancied gerry and gerry used jon as an escape tactic. nothing came of it between gerry and jon but the incident stayed and it was very funny to everyone else.
jude perry could fit clint (and keep on her incel pining over agnes, have a petty feud with jon, because she burned his hand "accidentally" and also because jon is very good at creating petty feuds with people. martin and i both love that man), and krobus and the dwarf could stay like that, etc. and perhaps jas could be daisy's goddaughter that she's struggling to raise (it could be an event, her realising that she needs to pull herself together and stop letting basira raise her alone, just paying half the bills won't cut it– maybe they weren't even together before this and a year or two after her starting the path towards recovery they get together??)
perhaps for willy we could put oliver banks and mike crew there?? local lightning-scarred man is entranced by the vastness of the sea (+his goth not-yet-partner). local hot goth fisherman is so done with everything and just wants peace with the dead quiet of the sea (he rants about death to martin as a heart event, fight me). they should also be a little bit older, to balance the age range of people in town and also because yes.
also jojamart. i think it shoudl stay jojamart because i need someone to make a jmart pun somewhere.
if i should set elias as the wizard/lewis, peter lukas as morris jojamart, who could simon fairchild be?gus, maybe? god knows he's funny enough to be the owner of a saloon. it's funny to imagine his banter with helen while working busy nights there (helen i love you why does the fandom only care about michael.)
i don't know who else i could switch off but if anyone has any ideas both the comment section and my ask box are open :)
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theoceanoasis · 2 months
Rodimus hiding his sparkling bump on the lost light
He felt tears fall when he saw the test come back positive. He didn't know what to do and found himself panicking as he sat on the floor of his room.
He trusted his crew with his life but he wasn't an idiot no matter what people believed. He knew prejudice ran deep and if people found out he was a tank carrier... He shivered memories from his childhood flashing before his mind.
He was more than aware of the consequences of anyone found out he was a tank carrier, which is why he'd always been so careful.
He leaned his head against the wall remembering that night. The Lost Light had just landed and everyone had gone their separate ways enjoying their shore leave on Cybertron.
He'd gone to a local bar where he'd run into Soundwave. The two had talked reminiscing about what could have been if it wasn't for the war.
One moment they'd been looking at each other and then they were kissing. Soundwave brought him back to his apartment and they spent the night together making love.
In the morning they'd cuddled together and talked. The two of them trading comm numbers so they could stay in touch. When he left Soundwave's apartment it felt like the beginning of something new. He didn't realize how new.
He put a hand on his belly knowing he needed to tell him. He was one of the few people who knew his secret and could help him.
With shaking fingers he called Soundwave and by the end of it he sighed in relief. Soundwave was coming for him and he was going to help him. He wasn't going to go through this alone.
For now he needed to focus on hiding his sparked belly until he got there. Remembering Brainstorms old experiments in storage, he went to take a look. Hoping there was something that could help hide his growing belly.
He thought about telling Drift but fear gave him pause. Even though he was his best friend and he trusted him with his life he didn't know if he could trust him with this.
He didn't feel comfortable telling Ratchet and he didn't want to put Drift in an uncomfortable position, where he has to keep a secret from Ratchet. Which is why it was best if he didn't say anything. He'd already caused Drift enough problems as is. Je didn't need to bother him with this as well.
Looking through the abandoned tech he found something made by Perceptor that was perfect.
For the next few weeks until the Lost Light landed on another planet he kept mostly to himself. He did his job as co captain mostly hiding behind a desk. Even though he had Perceptor's tech he was still worried about something going wrong and his secret being revealed.
Drift kept asking to hang out and he kept having to find excuses especially when it came to sparring. He was scared of his little one getting hurt and didn't want to risk it.
He knew his friend was getting suspicious especially when he turned down doing something reckless.
Megatron and Ultra Magnus had also given him suspicious looks. Whenever he went into the office and actually got work done they'd give him an odd look.
He could feel the pressure gaining and he couldn't wait to see Soundwave soon. He missed him and he was always horny because his body craved transfluid for his sparkling.
He couldn't wait to see him again. He just needed to keep it together until then.
When they finally landed he sighed in relief. Joining the rest of his crew he made sure the device was placed on his belly hiding his growing bump from view.
Even though he'd woken up sick this morning he felt a lot better especially because Soundwave was here. He'd gotten a text the day before telling him that he'd arrived and was waiting for him.
While the Lost Light refueled he joined the others in exploring the busy marketplace.
Drift asked if he wanted to hang out with him and Ratchet which he quickly refused. He could see Ratchet frowning at him when Drift gave him a sad look. Which he forced himself to ignore coming up with an excuse.
Walking through the busy streets he made his way to the cafe where Soundwave was waiting for him.
Soundwave gave him some food which he mentioned craving and he found himself crying in relief and happiness that he was there. Soundwave hugged him and pulled him into an alleyway. Eating his food he gave him a curious look.
"Now what are we going to do?"
"I'm going to keep you safe."
He gave him a confused look.
"I'm sorry Hot Rod."
He felt something prick his neck and then his vision became blurry. Soundwave grabbed him before he could fall and he saw black spots enter his vision as he realized Soundwave gave him a sedative.
"I'll take care of you but first I need to get you somewhere safe."
That was the last thing he heard before falling unconscious.
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