zanephillips · 2 days
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MAX CARVER The Leftovers 1.07 "Solace for Tired Feet"
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xxautumnivyxx · 21 hours
Zelda is really out here just saving herself with gains like that to be honest.
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Vincent Price being bitten by Kermit -
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bodhrancomedy · 20 hours
Is it disappointing that this is the highest I expect to achieve in my acting career? Or am I just showing off my anxiety diagnosis?
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yourdailyqueer · 2 days
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Jaxon Valentine
Gender: Non binary (she/they)
Sexuality: Queer
Ethnicity: White - British
Occupation: Actor, musician
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chleem · 1 day
Flashing lights #1
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Series; actor Drew x actress reader
Summary: Drew gets involved in the worst scandal of his career. One way to solve it? Proving to the whole world that he’s the sweetest lover to exist. Who better to help than the one person he can’t stand? You, an A class actress with an alcohol addiction. So, will Drew clear up his reputation, or leave with a bigger mess to clean up?
Genre: fake dating, enemies to lovers(?, slow burn, angst, smut,
Warning: mentions of alcohol, swearing, mentions of k!lling oneself, mentions of rape & sa, mentions of drug usage, smoking & vaping,
⋆.˚ please dont copy my work, if inspired please tag me
⋆.˚ this is entirely fictional, if uncomfortable then don't read
♡⸝⸝ chapter two out soon! index
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Late February 2024
Is that five, or six bottles in front of you? 
Your vision is burry, head feeling twisted, and your limbs feel as if they weight a hundred kilograms each. “Shit,” you curse, your hands reaching over to your bag. 
In attempt to reach it without standing up, you fall, and you laugh. Alcohol was able to make that fall feel painless. Getting up however, felt like the hardest task ever, but you manage, and you rummage through your bag for your pack of cigarettes. 
You find it; but no cigarettes to be found in it. 
“Fuck!” You yell, throwing your empty pack across the trailer. Good thing your makeup staffs gone, and no one to see your about-to-erupt tantrum. Reaching for your phone, you call your manager, Laura, only for it to go straight to voicemail. Wow. What are managers even for? 
Gotta do everything by yourself. You throw your phone onto the couch, and walk out of your trailer. You didn’t care whether anyone saw you; you just cared about getting a smoke. 
The afternoon sun is blinding to you, the effects of alcohol making it even more unbearable. Is there a convenience store around? Fuck, maybe you should just ask the staff for a smoke. 
You keep walking along the other trailers, feeling some eyes on you. Well, usually at a filming set everyone is busy with their own business, but you’re Y/n. You grab attention by simply breathing. Others might love it, but growing up in showbiz, you just wish to get away from it. Even if just for a second, you would love to be an invisible person. 
You keep walking, hoping to spot anyone with a cigarette in their hands. But your legs beg to stop, and you feel extra dizzy when you bump into a hard…wall? Well, it was hard, but soft at the same time. 
Warm hands wrap around your waist just as you’re ready to fall onto the ground. Even your drunken state knows that you should be clinging onto something if you’re about to fall, and in this case, you were holding onto the person’s biceps. 
You look up, feeling as if this person was 200 centimeters. Shit. He’s tall. 
His hat is low, but you could see blue circles staring down at you, and although his face was attractive, his expression was mean. As if wanting to murder you. Well, he probably does, since a stranger fell into him. 
His cologne hits you, and the urge to throw up hits. 
Vomit splatters on his entire shirt, and just like that, you pass out, still in his arms. 
Woah. Even getting up slowly triggers the muscles in your brain. 
You blink a few times, adjusting to the lights in your trailer. What time was it? Did you already finish filming? A million questions enter your head as you look around you, and you notice the five large empty liquor bottles on the table. 
Right. No memory whatsoever. 
A wet towel is on your forehead. Weird, you think, as you throw it to the side. 
But then you hear the trailer’s bathroom door open, and you immediately feel uneasy. Who the fuck could be in here other than you? 
The stranger walks out, and he’s half naked. 
And attractive. 
But he’s half naked! 
You quickly check yourself, and yes, you’re still in your clothes. 
“Who… who the fuck are you?” You say, feeling really unsafe right now. You had no gun, no weapon of any kind, and you were terrified. This stranger was extremely fit and tall, and he was standing just a few feet away from you. 
He’s staring at you with his blue eyes, and honestly, you can’t tell what he’s thinking. Is he gonna kill you? Rape you? 
“You have no idea who I am?”
“Yes, you fucking creep. Get out of my trailer before I yell,” you threaten. 
His eyebrows furrow as if you were in the wrong, and he crosses his arms, leaning against your vanity across from you. Woah. His arms. It looks very delicious-
What. “Seriously. Get the fuck out,” you point over to your trailer door. 
He throws his head back, an annoyed groan escaping him. 
What’s his problem? You think, eyebrows furrowed. Okay. That uneasiness, has transformed into anger. “Fuck- get the fuck out, your weirdo. I’m…you know what, I’m calling the fucking cops.”
You look around for your phone, but see it charging on the vanity beside him. 
“Drew Starkey,” he finally says, and you look at him, confusingly. Never in your life have you ever heard that name. Were you even suppose to remember or know this person? He groans again, not even hiding his annoyance at you. “Wow. You’re such a bitch, you know that?”
The audacity- “you’re in my fucking trailer right now. You’re in the faults here. You can’t come in half naked, and act annoyed at me. You fucking cunt-“
The door to your trailer opens, and you squint at the light coming in. 
It was your manager Laura, and she’s holding a bottle of water, a pack of cigarettes, and a folded t-shirt. 
“Laura! A fucking pervert in my trailer-“
“Here you go, Drew. Again, so sorry,” Laura ignores you, handing the man, who apparently, is called Drew, the clean t-shirt. The name he just told you, it was his name? Why did he act so offended earlier, when he said it? Is he like some kind of, celebrity? Impossible; you've met almost all the top actors in showbiz, you would've known him.
“What the fuck,” you voice out, chuckling to get the anger and confusion out of you. You watch as the stranger puts the shirt on, enjoying the way his muscles flex and relaxes is… kind of arousing. But you pull away, feeling embarrassed and egoistic to admit you’re attracted to this rude stranger. 
Laura comes near you, placing the cigarettes and water on the table and sniffs you. “Yeah, you’re still a bit tipsy,” she comments, before grabbing perfume and mints from your bag and sitting down. “Can you still film?”
“What time is it?” You ask, while grabbing the pack and lighting a cigarette up. You breathe it in, and smoke out, immediately feeling more relaxed and in your element. 
“What time was I suppose to be there?” You giggle, breathing in your cigarette. Oh, it felt so good to smoke. All the energy booster you needed. 
“2:30,” Laura says, sighing. 
“Oh shit,” you laugh, putting the cigarette between your lips. You forcefully spray the perfume on you, knowing the cigarette is probably going to cover the smell anyways. You take another blow of the cigarette, before putting it into Laura’s mouth. She groans angrily at you, and you just chuckle, looking over to the stranger now. He’s not shirtless anymore, and has a hat on. He’s staring at you, with a mean expression now. “What are you still doing here?” You rudely state. 
“Y/n, he’s gonna be here for a long time,” Laura replies instead, and you turn around to her. You look at her with furrowed eyebrows, confused by what she meant. Laura also stares at you with an amused expression. “What, you guys didn't talk?”
You frustratedly throw your arms around and stomp your foot. “What am I supposed to talk about to a half naked guy in my trailer? Laura, use your fucking brain.” 
You turn around and the stranger is now sitting on the couch. You ignore him, turning back to Laura. “Is he my new manager or something? Laura, who the fuck is this?”
“Drew Starkey. You honestly don’t remember him?”
“Am I suppose to?” You reply, reaching for the pack of cigarettes, hoping to bring it with you to set. But ‘Drew’ stops you, his hand, which is surprisingly very warm, wraps around your wrist to stop you. You glare at him, telling him with your eyes to get his hands off you. But he doesn’t. So you verbally express it to him. “Get your fucking hand off me or I’ll chop it off for you.”
“You can’t even walk in a straight line, Y/n.”
Annoyed, you yell, “Get your fucking hand off me."
He does, but he quickly grabs the pack out of your reach, stuffing it into his pocket. Wow. What a jackass. And who is he to care? To take away your stuff? You pray that he gets explosive diarrhea the whole day tomorrow. This asshole deserves it. 
“Whatever,” you say, walking over to the door of your trailer. And he’s right, because you trip over yourself on the way there. You laugh under your breath out of frustration and embarrassment, and turn back around, pointing at ‘Drew’ and looking at Laura. “Get this jackass out my trailer. I don’t care what he is, he better be out of my sight.”
You don’t even bother hearing what her response is, and you leave towards your set. Now, you’re in a worse mood than before. All thanks to the stranger named Drew.
Everyone knew you were a good actor. You’re one of the best. And to make it even more astonishing, you’re only 25 years old. Meaning, your acting could get better. But it’s already the best of the best. Maybe its your pure gift, or maybe because you’ve been doing this since you were 13. Either way, you were a fucking good actor. 
The director specifically appointed you to star in his film, which is about the world coming to an end. Director Ravens was quite famous in showbiz, so who were you to decline? Besides, your co-star was Hugh Jackman, a brilliant actor, who you've also grown to admire while filming. 
Your character was a girl in her twenties, who had fallen in love with a stranger despite knowing that the world was getting destroyed within a week. A tragic love story, yet it was beautiful. 
This scene, is your solo one. Your character finds out her brother is dead, and cries with feelings of sadness, regret, and happiness. It’s a scene that would be hard to portray, but you do it well. 
Although you were almost three hours late to set, you make up for it with your acting. One take and the director informs you that it's perfect. And no one disagrees, and the complaints about your tardiness disappears, once they rewatch the scene. You must still be tipsy, because you swear you saw some of the staff shed a tear. 
You don’t offer to watch or reshot the scene, since you wanted to be out of here as soon as possible. But director Ravens insists on another one, hoping to get it from another angle. And you do as he pleases, since, well, he’s the director. 
Wow. One of the most important scenes in the movie only took you twenty minutes to film. 
Director Ravens gives you a break before the next scene, and you walk off before he wants to give you compliments. You didn’t need to hear what you already knew. 
But as you walk over to your seat, someone already occupies it. Drew. 
“You’re still here?” You scoff, crossing your arms. 
You want to rip his blue eyes out to get him to stop staring at you. Why does he like to stare at you so much? 
He pulls a random chair close to him, perhaps wanting you to sit. “Wow. So you can remember faces.”
“Yeah, if they’re as ugly as you,” you lie, because, his face is so damn attractive, that you can’t forget it even if you wanted to. You sit down on the chair, looking ahead of you. “I thought I said I want you out of my sight?”
“You can’t decide that,” he replies. “Who are you to order me around?”
“And who are you to sit in my chair? If anything, you should be kissing my ass right now.”
“Why should I?”
“You’re seriously asking me that?” You scoff. “Look around; that’s what everyone else is doing.”
On cue, a staff member hands you a bottle of water, and you take it without saying thanks. 
“And they’re fucking idiots,” Drew says, and you turn to look at him. He’s still staring at you! Crazy. 
“Shut up. As if you didn’t enjoy the show,” you say, referring to your acting just then.
“I did.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust, “good thing you’re not an actor. You’re horrible at lying.”
“I am.”
‘’What? A liar?”
“No; I’m an actor.”
The fuck? Suddenly, a different staff member interrupts the conversation, a girl holding her phone out to the both of you.
“Can I take a selfie with you?” She shyly asks. 
Of course it’s directed to you, so you simply reject her. “Sorry, but-“
“Yeah, sure.”
Your jaw is probably on the floor right now. The girl wasn’t asking you; she was asking Drew. He stands up and takes a selfie with her, and then hugs her goodbye. 
So… he’s famous? No way, because you’ve never heard of him you entire life. Probably a newbie that got famous by luck. 
You look away from him once he sits down, embarrassed to even face him. You just thought he was some staff member that the company had assigned to serve you. But he’s actually an actor? 
“You were saying?” His deep voice interrupts your thoughts, and you feel your ears go red. Holy shit. You need a smoke real bad right now. Fuck that, you need some liquor in you right this instant. 
Director Ravens saves you, yelling that its time for the next scene. So, you hurry and throw the water bottle at Drew, who catches it as though he’s not surprised at all. 
And he smirks, lifting his hat a bit as if to get a better look up at you. “What’s this for?”
Flustered, you walk off without another look back, partly embarrassed and angry. And you busy yourself with getting into the emotions of the character, and soon, Drew is forgotten as if he never existed. 
word count: 2.3k
ִ ࣪𖤐 a/n: so...what's your impression of y/n so far?
hope you enjoyed chapter one, i had a blast writing this...although, chapter four was the funniest one yet. btw, i am not joking when i wrote slow burn in the warnings, so pls be patient! and i setted this story to start in february, to match the time of real life events. other than that, rest are fictional!
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marrziy · 3 days
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depp-1963 · 14 hours
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Johnny Depp attending the 'Modi, Three Days On The Wings Of Madness' during the 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival — September 24, 2024
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zanephillips · 3 days
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LUCIEN LAVISCOUNT This Time Next Year (2024)
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xxautumnivyxx · 2 days
Strange flex but okay.
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Halloween is almost here, bitches!
I've been asked multiple times which Vincent Price movie I recommend.
Here are some of my favorite Vincent films. If you're a horror buff, and even if you're not - these movies are amazing and I highly recommend them!!
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gemistar-888 · 1 day
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War Wanarat
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bodhrancomedy · 2 days
Hmm, I’m still debating whether I have ADHD
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hereallalong · 3 days
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Richard Harrison
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theclassymike · 2 days
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Vince Mattis at the Beacon Hills Forever 3 Con.
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