bodhrancomedy · 14 hours
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Selfie because why not
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plaguedoctorate · 3 months
idk man. i just think itd be really cool if sign language classes were mandatory throughout primary school. yeah because it would make communication with deaf kids and autistic/nonverbal kids much easier. and those kids would be accessible to the others so they could make friends and have healthy relationships. yeah. and kids would eat that shit up man. like their own little secret language? they love that.
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doghowto · 3 months
Man unintentionally teaches his Corgi sign language! 😊 Follow me for more smart puppers!
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woodnrust · 1 year
Oklahoma School for the Deaf has opened up FREE ASL COURSES for the Fall season this new school year and anybody can join. The courses close on December 31st of this year (2023) so if you've been thinking about learning ASL here is your opportunity to get professional lessons for FREE
If you're interested, here's the link: https://courses.osd.k12.ok.us/collections
This is a GOLDMINE for information because not only do you get free video lessons by professionals that you can do at your own pace, but there's also graded quizzes as well as resources to educate you on the history of Deaf culture as well as sub-communities within, with links to loads of different websites to read up on Deaf-related topics.
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deulalune · 9 months
Bisan brings up an excellent point about disabled Palestinians. Palestinian liberation is a climate, racism all problems. It is everyone’s business.
Video transcription (includes sign language part):
[Text says "People with disabilities in the Bombing"]
Bisan: Hey everyone. Have you ever thought about the people with disabilities in Gaza? I mean those people with disability in the hearing. How can they hear the bombings and just escape? Those who cannot move, those who cannot see the road in front of them, how can they escape? How can they just survive this? Okay, so during the past few days, I've been hearing more and more stories. One of them was on X (Twitter) and a girl was talking about an old woman. She was blind and she was killed during a bombing on the neighbourhood that they're living in. And another friend yesterday --he's deaf-- and he was talking about those people who were killed. Some of his neighbours were killed because they did not hear the soldiers, the Israeli soldiers, warning them. So, yeah. No one is safe in Gaza. You can just see the video of this friend, and I'll be translating his signs.
[Video cuts to a man speaking in sign language.]
Hello everyone. Hope you're doing well. I know people from the deaf community. They were displaced at to Khaleefa school in Jabalia - North of Gaza. They were three - and they were all killed! The Israeli soldiers told them to stop while they were escaping! But they didn't hear, so they shot and killed them! [Man shows his phone with a picture of the three boys in it on the right.
There's arabic text on the left that translates to
"The deaf martyrs, may God have mercy on them,
Lord of Paradise
(translated with Google
Translate) and below the text is a bia
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incognitopolls · 11 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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killjoyous · 5 months
DSMP asl HCs
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AU where Tommy is profoundly deaf and always getting yelled at for being loud, but he claps back with “IM DEAF, SUCK IT UPPP!!!!”
also clarification: Tommy in this au uses ASL but in-universe it’s just generally referred to as ‘sign’ even though I know realistically, it’d probably be BSL. I do not know BSL. 😭 so for my sake he’s using AS Tubbo learned sign language for him, but isn’t fluent yaya. Techno learned his from a book (for tactical reasons because communicating silently and effectively is really useful) but he gets a lot of it wrong. Phil has the same issue of using signed exact English/incorrect motions for signs, but they’re catching up. techno is probably a fucking polyglot so it’s not that big of a problem 😭😭 oh and Ranboo goes nonverbal when overstimulated!! And uses rudimentary sign language to communicate.
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justcatposts · 2 years
Deaf Kitty Enjoying The Vibrations From Guitar Strings 
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kalethemonster · 1 year
what neurotypical abled people cant seem to get into their heads is aids and medication dont stop people from being neurodivergent and/or disabled. hearing aids dont stop deaf or hard of hearing people from being deaf or hard of hearing, it just makes hearing easier mobility aids such as canes or crutches dont stop people with arthritis, chronic pain, or just general mobility issues from having arthritis, chronic pain, or just general mobility issues, it just makes getting around easier
pain medication doesnt stop people with chronic pain stop being in pain (specifically in the long term), it just makes pain management easier
fidget & stim toys and fidget & stim jewelry dont stop people with anxiety from having anxiety, adhd-ers from having fucked up exectutive function, and autistics not being able to automatically regulate emotions and sensory responses, it just makes dealing with them all easier
various adhd medications doesnt make people not have adhd anymore, it just makes it easier to regulate their executive function.
anxiety medication doesnt get rid of anxiety, it just makes it easier to deal with.
white canes and sight specific service animals dont stop blind people and people with sight impairments from being blind or having sight impairments, it just makes living with them easier.
trauma and emotional support specific service animals dont stop people from having trauma and emotional issues, it just makes dealing with them easier
anti-depressants dont stop people with clinical depression from being depressed, they just make it easier to deal with by stabilizing mood.
immune suppressants dont stop people with any autoimmune condition(s) (such as crohn's, psoriasis or psoratic arthritis, rhumitiod arthritis, myasthenia gravis, fibromyalgia, ect.) being affected in any way affected by their autoimmune condition(s), they just make living with the condition(s) easier.
medication and aids arent magic. they dont make the disabled and/or neurodiverse person not disabled and/or not neurodiverse, they dont entirely cancel out the thing they are used/pescribed for, they just make it easier to exist in a world where whats considered "normal" or "independant" or "a regular human being" doesnt automatically include them.
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macleod · 8 months
No one really talks about it, but one of my favorite episodes of Star Trek, not just TNG, but in general is "Loud as a Whisper". A deaf diplomatic mediator, known for his never failing approach to peacefully resolve tensions between any group of people, nation, or planets, can only communicate through his "chorus", a set of three people who follow him and are uniquely able to communicate his emotions and thoughts based on their particular tuned nature to different aspects of his emotions.
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The episode goes on to where his chorus, that has been with him all his life, and all their ancestors lineage, is killed, and he is without a way to speak. The tension of the episode is that he must mediate a peaceful resolution to a multi-generational lasting war between two people on a planet that is going to lead to their joint extinction unless he does something to convince them to save themselves and become peaceful with one another.
The original script called for a special device to communicate with his chorus, instead of being telepathically linked, that translated his thoughts, and when that breaks he forces himself to learn to speak overnight. The actor, an actor who is deaf himself, didn't like that plot as it would give people the illusion that deaf people can "just learn" which is very, very wrong.
I said ‘no, I can’t do that.’ Because, remember my upbringing, and all these children who go through all these struggles trying to learn to speak and only very few deaf people can learn to speak clearly. It’s very rare. I just didn’t want to give people the false idea that children can learn to speak easily overnight. It’s just not true. I couldn’t be a part of that.
They liked his idea better, and they made one of the best examples of deaf representation I've ever seen. I won't ruin the end by writing on the conclusion of communicating, but it's a fantastic ending.
This episode holds a special place in my heart, as my mother was born deaf, and while she did have surgery early in life that allowed her to hear out of one ear and thus the ability to talk, it's still not as equal in performance to the average person. This is a fantastic episode, and really exudes a lot of what makes Star Trek so great.
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bodhrancomedy · 15 hours
I don’t know if 2000s is accurate, but the 1970s certainly was.
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violetstarr24 · 1 year
Haven't seen any posts for you guys, so... happy disability pride month to Deaf/HoH folks. Happy disability pride month to those with hearing aids or cochlear implants, and those without them. Happy disability pride month to those who use a sign language as their primary language, and those who don't know any sign language at all. Happy disability pride month to those with equal hearing loss in both ears, and to those with uneven hearing loss or hearing loss that only effects one ear. Happy disability pride month to those who were born with their hearing loss, and happy disability pride month to those who acquired their hearing loss over their lifetime. And lastly—happy disability pride month to my besties with SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss). Stay strong <3
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a-common-wybie · 8 months
i appreciate you
people with Deaf accent
people with speech impediments
people who are semi speaking
people who are non speaking
people who are unable to be understood
people who use AAC
people who need help to speak
people who are selectively mute
people who need surgeries for speech
people who use signed language
people who communicate through sounds
people with electrolarynx
disabled people with speech problems or accents as a result of their disability
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cosmiccripple · 6 months
guys i am begging you not to censor your captions. i want to know what's being said in its entirety not your censored versions. D/deaf people, HoH people, and people with auditory processing issues deserve the same fucking access that others do.
oh and while i'm at it can you caption your entire video, not just certain moments it's really fucking annoying.
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 9 months
What are resources for doing things that usually require verbal phone calls for nonverbal/deaf/HOH/etc ppl?
Cus I regularly run into problems where I have like, phone calls for making appointments with doctors, or I have to call my bank to fix something regarding my card or account, and I'm forced to ask for help from a family member where they speak for me, or have to pretend to BE me (which is it's own problem!!! That can be very legally sketchy!!!) In order to get things done, and I want to become more independent in being able to do those things myself in the future...
So... What are ways you can work with/around things where you would typically need to speak over a phone to accomplish? I know there has to be SOME way, I just... Have no idea what.
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