#also I may… make a full ref for this outfit but we’ll see
puddii-ng · 4 months
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unicorn mika 😊🤍 how whimsical
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timetravelingheart · 5 years
Consequences Chapter Ten: A.M. Imagine
This is moreso a filler chapter, so I’m sorry if it’s a little boring. Just trying to establish more relationships throughout. 
Tessa was certain she was about to lose her mind. 
It seemed like the entire contents of her bedroom closet were scattered all over her bedroom floor, the bed, the chair, and the desk. 
What was an appropriate outfit to wear to dinner with your very newly minted boyfriend’s parents? Did such a thing even exist? She was starting to think the answer was no. 
It wasn’t like she hadn’t met her previous boyfriends’ parents before. She had. She didn’t really count meeting her high school boyfriend’s parents because they had lived down the road from her family’s farm ever since Tessa could remember. She met that boyfriend, Alex, when she was 6 years old. 
She met the parents of her first serious college boyfriend completely by accident. They were moving him into his dorm and she was right across the hall from him. Technically that boyfriend, Dylan, met her father that day as well. When she re-met Dylan’s parents as his girlfriend, it was over a weekend trip they made to their university and they took them out for lunch. She remembered being nervous about that, but it felt nothing like the level of nerves she was currently experiencing. 
These were the parents of Auston Matthews, superstar hockey player for one of the richest sports industries in the world. Even though she tried as hard as she could not to think of him as ‘the Auston Matthews,’ she wasn’t an idiot. She knew how the rest of Toronto saw him. She also knew that his parents were likely prepared to snuff her out and see if she was with their millionaire son for the right reasons. 
Tessa knew she shouldn’t have anything to worry about - him being ‘the Auston Matthews’ was actually almost enough of a reason for her to say no to him in the first place. She wasn’t a gold digger and couldn’t imagine ever relying on a man for money or fame or clout. But how could she prove that to his parents?
It felt like those moments when you walked into a store, buy nothing, and still think the alarm will go off at the front door as if you had stolen something. That was a legitimate fear Tessa had regularly. And this was feeling like that same emotion. 
She needed reinforcements. She needed Lydia. 
After calling Lydia in to help her, Tessa was finally ready 30 minutes later. She decided to keep it fairly casual since Auston told her not to dress up. She eventually settled on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and an emerald green fall sweater. It had a high neck and was only a little tight. It felt like a safe outfit and she knew Auston loved when she wore green. Lydia had been a calming presence while helping her get ready, making her laugh and just feel at ease. It was also an opportunity for Tessa to explain her mid-afternoon skating date with Auston when he asked her to be his girlfriend. 
She was now waiting patiently at the restaurant where Auston told her to meet. Originally he had offered to pick her up, but she felt like she needed the drive over to calm her nerves. She was still in her head when the family of three - his sisters still being in Arizona - walked up to her. 
“Tess,” Auston greeted her with a huge smile and a warm hug. She could tell he was excited, and she felt a pang of guilt for how much she had been dreading this moment. He pulled away and sent her a subtle wink, clearly knowing she was feeling a little off. “These are my parents, Ema and Brian.” 
“It’s so nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Matthews,” Tessa reached out her hand for them to shake, but was caught off guard by Ema ignoring the hand and pulling her into a gentle hug. Brian followed suit. 
“Oh, honey,” Ema smiled kindly, “please call us Ema and Brian. We are so excited to finally meet the girl Auston hasn’t stopped talking about for months now.”
“Months?” Tessa turned to look at a sheepish Auston who was conveniently avoiding her gaze. 
“To be honest, if it wasn’t for Mitch talking about you too, I was pretty certain you were just a figment of his imagination,” Brian laughed at his now beet-red son’s expense. 
“Nope, definitely real,” Tessa laughed, already feeling a little more comfortable. “But I can’t vouch for everything he said about me. And I definitely can’t vouch for anything that may come out of Mitch Marner’s mouth.”
Ema and Brian laughed heartily, already liking Tessa’s sense of humour. 
“Let’s eat, shall we?” Brian gestured to the dining area of the restaurant. 
Once they were seated they continued to make small talk about the weather in Toronto and Arizona, and Auston’s upcoming game that they were attending. Eventually their orders arrived and the conversation took a more personal turn. 
“So Tessa,” Brian started, “Auston tells us that you’re doing your Masters?”
“I am,” Tessa nodded, taking a sip of her water. “I have about a year left if everything goes according to plan with my research.”
“So you’re doing that full time and working with Launchpad?” Ema asked. 
“She’s also a TA at school,” Auston added, a hint of pride in his voice. 
“Wow,” Brian was impressed. “So you’re a full-time student, a Project Manager, and a TA? How do you have time for all of that?” 
“Honestly, it can be difficult some weeks, but it’s rarely full-speed in all areas at the same time. My research advisor understands my other commitments, so she works with me to develop realistic deadlines for me to submit my research and work. I think I’ve only had one week or two where I had to mark 50 essays, organize the final details and process paperwork for an event at work, and submit a lit review draft.” 
“Was that the week I went by your office and you looked like you were going to murder me?” Auston asked, laughing at the memory. It felt like they had come so far since he had sent her those flowers. 
“Yep,” Tessa popped the ‘p’ sound and laughed along with Brian and Ema. 
“I can’t say that I blame you,” Ema continued. “That’s a lot for one person to take on. You have to be dedicated and organized for all of that to go smoothly.”
“That’s really impressive,” Brian agreed. Tessa smiled thankfully at them, not certain of what else to add. 
“She’s definitely way too smart for me,” Auston laughed, putting an arm around the back of her chair. “She’s thinking about doing her PhD after her Masters and working at SickKids.”
Tessa felt a swoop in her chest at the pride she could hear in Auston’s voice when he bragged about her accomplishments. 
“SickKids is an incredible place,” Brian started. “Auston and I have a pretty close relationship with some of the staff and kids there.”
“Yes, Auston explained that to me,” Tessa started slowly, knowing that it was a sensitive subject. “I am so sorry that you’ve experienced such a great loss, but it is so admirable that you’ve taken that loss and continuously work to turn it into a gain of sorts for someone else. I’m sure those kids and their families appreciate you so much.”
“My brother was an amazing human being and we just want to continue that legacy,” Brian replied, emotion evident in his voice. “Ema and I are also very sorry for your loss. We know how tough that must have been, and continues to be, on you and your dad.”
Tessa sucked in a breath, unaware that Auston had told his parents not just about her existence, but personal stories that she had shared with him. She let out the breath slowly when Ema reached across the table to capture her hand and give it a squeeze. 
“Thank you,” Tessa responded sincerely. When she felt Auston’s hand on her thigh under the table, she turned to give him a small smile and a wink. She could feel the tension in his body, concerned that maybe he had overstepped. She wasn’t upset though; she had learned over the past couple of months just how close Auston was to his family and she wasn’t ashamed of her loss. 
“So,” Tessa turned back to Brian and Ema, “are we at the point in the conversation where I ask you to share some embarrassing childhood stories of Auston?”
“Thank you so much for dinner tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews,” Tessa reached out to accept their hugs as the four of them stood outside the restaurant. 
“Ema and Brian,” Ema gently scolded, accepting the hug. She knew there had to be something special about this girl based on the way Auston had talked about her over the past couple of months, and she was right. Tessa was perfect for Auston.  “It was so nice to finally meet you.”
“Yes, we look forward to seeing you again. Do you ever go to any of the games?” Brian asked. 
“Rarely,” Tessa shrugged. “I would like to go to more, but my schedule doesn’t always allow for it. And ticket prices are a little out of this grad student’s budget,” she laughed. 
“What makes you think you’d be paying for them?” Auston nudged her teasingly. “I might not be good for much, but I think I could get you into a game or two, Tess.”
“Well, just make sure you put her near us. I promise I’m not one of those crazy moms who scream at the coaches or refs,” Ema laughed. 
“We should get going though or we will be late for our show,” Brian reached out to wrap Auston in a hug. “We’ll see you back at the apartment tonight, kid.”
“Yeah, sounds good. I’m going over to Mitch’s for a bit, so don’t wait up,” Auston responded, leaning down to kiss his mom on the cheek. “See you guys later.”
“Bye Tessa,” Ema waved as they started making their way to their car. 
Once his parents were out of earshot and view, Auston turned to Tessa and pulled her into a tight hug. He tugged gently on her ponytail, tilting her head back so he could finally place a kiss on her lips. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he sighed when he pulled away. 
“Didn’t think your parents would approve of a little PDA?” Tessa teased, accepting his hand as he lead her to her car. 
“I’m sure they wouldn’t care, but it’s weird,” Auston shuddered as Tessa laughed. “Want to go to Mitch’s with me?”
“Sure,” Tessa handed her car keys over to him. “You drive. What’s going on over there?”
“Nothing big,” Auston took the keys and opened the passenger door for her before climbing in on the driver’s side. “I think he’s just having a few of the guys and their partners over. Thanks for tonight, by the way.”
“What do you mean?”
“I know I just sprung that on you. I think my mom thought you’d been my girlfriend for a while now, so I couldn’t say no when she asked to meet you.”
“Let’s just say that I’m not the best with surprises, so while this was nice, please don’t pull that kind of thing again,” Tessa laughed, remembering the current state of her bedroom floor because of her stress. “But thank you for wanting me to meet them.”
“They absolutely loved you, I could tell,” he beamed, reaching over to pick up her hand and bring it to his lips for a kiss. “But I’m not surprised. You’re an easy person to lo- to like,” he caught himself before the word left his mouth again. It was much too soon for that. Right? 
Tessa ignored the slip, thinking he probably didn’t mean to say it. 
“So what did your parents mean when they said that they’ve heard a lot about me from Mitch?” she asked, changing the subject. Auston simply groaned, causing her to laugh. His best friend would definitely get him in trouble someday. 
“So T,” Mitch wrapped an arm around Tessa’s shoulders and pulled her closer to him as they sat on his couch, “can I call you T?”
Tessa looked at him questionably, mostly just for her own amusement to watch him wait, and finally nodded wordlessly.
“Great, so T,” Mitch leaned in as if he were about to tell her something important, “now that you’re official with my boy, I think we have a few things we need to discuss.”
“Oh really?”
“Mhm, best friend duties and all that.”
“Oh, and all that. Okay Mitch, hit me,” Tessa folded her hands in her lap and sat up straighter, pretending to be super serious.
“Now, since Lydia gave Auston her whole ‘if you hurt my best friend I’ll hurt you speech, I feel like-”
“Wait, hold up,” Tessa held up a hand to stop him. “When did she do that?”
“Eons ago,” Mitch waved her away. “As I was saying, I feel like I-”
“What did she say?”
Mitch sighed audibly. He really wanted to make his speech.
“You’re so stubborn sometimes, T,” Mitch rolled his eyes, still keeping up his serious facade, but Tessa could see the mirth that lurked behind his eyes. “She basically told him if he hurt you, she didn’t care how amazing his thighs were, she’d hunt him down and make him hurt just as much, only physically instead of emotionally.”
Tessa let out a bark of laughter. What?
“Anyway,” Mitch continued dramatically, “I just wanted to say that I feel like I should say something similar, but while I have nothing against your thighs, I don’t think I can say the exact same thing. So, all I’ll say is, please don’t hurt my best friend. He really likes you and I’ve never seen him like this before.”
“That ended a lot sweeter than I had expected,” Tessa nodded, impressed. “I respect your best friend responsibilities, and I will tell you I have no intention of hurting him. I don’t know if you can tell, but I really like him too.”
“Oh, I can tell!” Mitch laughed, giving her a squeeze. “I love you two together. But now you have to be my best friend too.”
“I didn’t realize that was part of the deal. I may have to rethink this whole relationship thing,” Tessa started to pull away from him, laughter in her eyes.
“Yep! You’re stuck with me. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” he grinned his shit-eating grin at her.
“Mitchy!” William called from the other side of the living room. “It’s your turn!” 
“Call of Duty calls, T,” Mitch leaned forward and placed a smacking kiss on her cheek. “Oh, and if I haven’t said it already, thanks for making my best friend so happy,” he winked at her as he took his place on the other couch. 
As he left, Stephanie walked over and took his spot. 
“Please tell me he wasn’t giving you his ‘if you hurt my best friend’ spiel,” Stephanie rolled her eyes, handing Tessa a glass of water. 
“You know him well,” Tessa laughed. She really liked Steph. Any time they hung out in a group, she was always really friendly, but had enough sass that Tessa never felt like she was just being nice because she was with Auston. She actually treated her the way she treated their other friends. 
“He thinks he’s a lot tougher than he is but I deep down he’s so happy that Auston has found someone like you,” Steph replied sincerely. Tessa’s eyes traveled across the room after feeling eyes on her. She caught Auston’s gaze across the room as he pretended to pay attention to the video games the other guys were playing. He sent a wink in her direction before turning back to the TV. “I’ve never seen him like this before.”
Tessa shrugged, not sure what to say. Everyone kept telling her that, and even though it was meant to be comforting, sometimes it did make those initial doubts she had resurface. She tried to push them back down though. He asked her to be his girlfriend and she met his parents - he was obviously serious about this and them and her. 
“Anyway,” Steph broke Tessa out of her thoughts, “how would you feel about hanging out with me tomorrow? We could go for mani pedis or to a yoga class or something together?” 
“I’d really like that.”
“Perfect! I finally have someone who I can make fun of Mitch and Auston,” Steph lifted her glass to cheers Tessa. “Welcome to the family, Tessa!”
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threshasketch · 6 years
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Hey, thank you for checking out my art commission post! 
Commissions and Patreon and Ko-Fi are my only source of income right now, and every dollar helps me pay the rent, keep the lights and internet on, and (very important!) keep coffee pot full. ♥
First, a very important announcement:
Commission prices and guidelines have been revised as of 2/6/2020. All previous versions of my art commission guidelines are outdated, and will not be honored*.
*I want to make the changes here as fairly as possible, so anybody who contacted me about a commission before 2/6/2020 will still get the old prices for that commission, even if I haven’t responded to you yet. All commissions I am contacted about on or after this date will adhere to the new guidelines and pricing.
Why The Changes?
It’s become an annual thing for me to review and update my art commission guidelines, because after a year I can see that some items never get ordered and some prices are too low for the amount of time I’m spending working on them.
The prices haven’t changed much this year, and anything that has gone up, it’s because I’ve been doing commissions that involved those things and took me much longer than I thought they would. Price changes are not done to gouge anybody, but to try and be fair to myself for how hard I’m working.
As ever, I’m so grateful to everyone who has ever helped support me and my work – sincerely, thank you! ♥
Without further ado, onward, to the art!
Commission Guidelines
Child characters
Ship art (poly ships welcome!)
Specific poses by request
Pics with multiple characters
Characters from shows/comics/anime/manga/etc
Characters in outfits you send me a ref of (armor, a toga, fashionista ensemble, pink panties, you name it – talk to me)
Tasteful nudity (think pin-up style, coyly placed vases, that kind of thing)
Giant/tiny art
Different body types (I LOVE drawing different body types)
Backgrounds (not too complicated please)
Wings, horns, other non-human traits (♥)
Underage characters in romantic/sexual situations
Furries (nothing against these, I’m just not great at drawing them)
Mecha (see above)
Explicit sex/kink stuff (sorry…I’m sure there are others who will draw this for you out there)
Graphic violence
Anti-something art/hate
RPF, aka Real Person Fiction (same thought as explicit stuff)
Closely copying or editing somebody else’s artwork for you
Drawing Styles
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Coloring Styles
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Pricing Info:
First pick a drawing style:
Chibi line art: $20
Non-chibi line art: $30 (complicated poses/details may be more)
Then add a coloring/shading style:
Flat grays: $10
Flat colors: $15
Gray shading: $20
Color shading: $25
Digital painting: $40 (may be more depending on how realistic/complicated)
Add any extras:
Additional character: $10 per chibi character, $15 per non-chibi character, $25 per digital painting character
Simple background: $10
Detailed background: $20
Add ‘em up and you have your price! If you want a dot chibi couple pic with flat colors, for example, you’re looking at about $45. A non-chibi couple line art? Also $45.
Specialty Projects
Tattoo design: Standard commission prices for characters, style, etc, additional $50 for extra time and care making super high res, smooth line artwork in a one-of-a-kind custom design for you. I have designed several tattoos already. ♥ Tell me the planned tattoo location and I’ll shape the art to fit and display nicely. 
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(Tattoo belongs to @vibraniumarm​ , photo and ink work by Diaz Tattoo.)
Fanfic illustrations/covers: Minimum $50 per piece (Will vary based on number of characters/details, art and coloring style desired, etc. I’m an experienced big bang artist. Please check out my Supernatural Bang Master Post for 2018 for examples of fic covers I have done with links to the full art master posts below each cover.)
More examples from my own fics:
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Commission Conditions
Commissions provided in digital form only. I post commissioned art on my art blog and on Twitter with the name of who commissioned it – if you don’t want to be tagged by name or need to hold off the posting (say, for surprise birthday present art), please let me know. High-res file copies of commissioned art are provided on request, no extra charge. Payment is required before I begin to work.
I retain the copyright to my work. Under no conditions are you to sell it, print it to sell, repost it without credit to me as the artist, or claim it as your own work.
Revisions will be done within reason if you aren’t absolutely happy with the work (but that’s what I’m aiming for on the first try. ♥) If in doubt, please message me and we’ll work it out!
Payment Info
All prices are in US dollars, and I accept payments through PayPal. All I need is your PayPal email address, and I’ll send you an invoice of what commission item(s) we discussed, the price, the date and other important information in minutes. Once the invoice arrives, you can use PayPal to pay it in a few clicks. 
I switched to invoices because it helps me track my earnings/tax info, as well as being a proof of a commission agreement between us. It protects everybody involved. ♥
How to Contact Me:
If you’re interested in an art commission, you can contact me any of these ways:
Send me an email at [email protected] with the subject line “Threshasketch Art Commission”
Toss me a Tumblr ask / messenger message
Send me a direct message on my Twitter
I’m usually around and will get back to you as quick as I can. Actual art-making turnaround time is pretty speedy, but really depends on whether the commission is complicated or simple. 
I usually have a queue of commissions lined up, and I work on them in the order they were paid for. Please expect several weeks at the minimum for me to reach your place in the queue and create your art. Let me know if you have a specific time frame you need me to work within, and I’ll be sure I can meet that requirement before taking the commission on!
Think This Post Is Long Enough? Cripes.
If you’d just like to support my work and don’t have a specific art request in mind (fhdsfkdhdsk), you could buy me a Ko-Fi as a tip or become a Patron on Patreon as a monthly type of thing. (If you’re already a Patron, bless you and I love you to pieces!)
Congrats, you made it to the bottom of the post! Thank you for your interest in my art, hope the rest of your day is awesome! ♥♥♥
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princetrolls · 5 years
Sprite doodoo Q & A
Order form is here! biggest sprite change is lack of the outline now namely just due to uHHHH I dont want to deal with the clean up that was involved previously! It was a nice touch but due to layering and the amounts of them it made hair n such extra hard. I’ve also had a shift in tool favouritism for what feels extra natural to me. So snazzy fresh look Sorry to mobile users here’s a read more for everyone else
-Price will stay relatively the same. I still pour a good amount of time into these and like to stay in communication when making sprites. so the base 55$ will stay. (also paypal fees do eat some of that x( ) -Yes they have a nude/undies layer. always have and always will since it’s easier for multiple outfits/situating stuff uwu ( generally plain black undies unless I’m given direction/they’re my own sprites)
-They end up at 700 x 800 size wise
-Sprite packs are saved as PSDs and sent through google drive for ease of access. They are able to be opened in SAI, Clip studio or, Photoshop. If you have none of these programs we can have a work around! You may not get ALL the expression combinations due to............uh well 5 brows 6 eyes and 5 mouths make kIND OF A LOT plus blush and tears but I promise we’ll get you all the base ones that’ll cover a lot of ground! via a saved PNG pack. -Ordering will shift slightly I’ll make a form to keep track easier so it’ll hang out in email largely now (you may still request discord if you have a large order so we can communicate faster! But do know I will unadd once everythings done. I get antsy sorry/like to keep stuff tidy.) this is just so i can invoice now as well. -I won’t have a batch limit for now! I work from home atm. Queue still designates who goes when but you can request to see the queue lineup anytime from the form spreadsheet to see where you fall. If I happen to get a part-time job comms may close off but I would announce that well before hand. -As always payment is upfront. We can discuss half and half if you’d really need! Which would be half paid upfront then I will complete up to the sketch approval phase and after that rest of payment is due to continue.
-More info you can give me the better. Have a pose in mind? Sure thing! Only have photos of the outfits? That’s fine! Are they an anon? Will keep in mind and ask if you want a colored Iris layer or anything! 0: Let me know in advance if you plan to request extra arms/ears as it means the base will be affected and they are extra. -Doesn’t have to be fantrolls etiher! I’ll gladly do monsters/furries/humans
-Can’t afford/Don’t want a talksprite? That’s fine! My Ko-fi is here or we can discuss bust comms ref sheets or custom adopts uvu Feel free to ask! Full body color comms no BG start at 50$ for reference with +20$ for extra chars.
- order form link again
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