#i feel maybe I should add more to the outfit overall
puddii-ng · 4 months
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unicorn mika 😊🤍 how whimsical
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pairing: witch!wanda x fem!reader
summary: trick or treat? definitely a treat!
warnings: smut!!!, dark!wanda, dubcon!!, anal, overstimulation, edging, grooping, kinda voyeurism, inserting tentacles, over all dark themes! if you find anything else - I’ll add it!
words count: 3.6k
an: to be honest im not really sure what i did here, umm this fic was written with the biggest block ever, so I do apologize, also it wasn’t proofread, so yeah
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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"I´m coming! Just a minute," was heard on the other side of the door as soon as you knocked. Every second bring your body more anxiety, so you try to shake it off by fidgeting with your ring.
After few minutes the door finally opens - and a pretty tall lady, with red hair and aboslutely georgous black dress smiles at you. Your eyes scan her whole look under a second and you look back into her eyes. Her emerald green eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, glisten with a captivating emotion. Her gaze is drawing you in with a mysterious charm. These stunning green eyes seem to reflect the beauty, but also the mystery that comes with the readhead infront of you.
"Trick or treat!" you say as you smile back at her.
"Oh sweetheart," now it´s her turn to look you up and down. Her smile is raplaced by a confusion. "um... and what are you supposed to be?" The redhead tilts her head.
"I- uh a witch." You try to answer with confidence, as you bring your wand up to show her your full fit.
You wouldn´t win an award for the best costume this Halloween, but you tried and everything is homemade, so you should definitely get some bonus points for that. Full black outfit with some spider webs around your torso sounded like a good idea, but maybe it was really hard to tell who are you trying to be.
"Oh- i see now." She nods, but you can see the disappointment in her face. She throws some candy into your bag, but you notice right away that it was only a licorice sweets, which is the worst thing she could give you. "Where is the rest of your group?" She asks as she looks behind you as if she´s waiting for someone else to come.
"Uh... it´s just me. No one wanted to go with me, since they think my outfit sucks." You sigh as you look down, deep down feeling like they might be right.
"Oh no, sweetheart. None of that." She steps closer and her soft fingers touches your chin, lifting it for you to make eye contact with her. "How about I´ll help you with your outfit and at the end of the night you´ll have every candy you ever dreamed off?" Her fingers gently caressing your chin.
"Really?" Your eyes spark with excitement. So much excitement.
"Come on in." The redhead let go of your chin and steps away from the door so you can come inside.
"Thank youuu-" Your eyes met hers again.
"Please call me Wanda." She smiles.
"Thank you, Wanda." You smile back.
As you come inside you can notice that her house is magnificent, everywhere you look you can see architectural details and many ornate decorations, especially on the stairs. It feels kinda like a labyrinth of richly hued tapestries, ornamental vases, and mirrors that capture the light just perfectly. Every corner of the house is a organized, with towering bookshelves that look like a billion dollars worth collection of books, with lots of knowlage in them. The overall ambiance is like a old charm, a sensations of history and elegance. To be honest you wouldn´t be shocked if an 150 old lady lived here, not a beautiful young lady like Wanda.
"Ohh so you like witches too?" You look through her library, reading some of her book titles.
Spells - and everything that comes with them, Spreading your power, Flying around the world: positions, Potions - third edition (extremly addicting)...
Wanda hums as she watches you being interest in her books. "I wrote most of them myself." She says, her voice was still sweet, but you could hear the little harsh tone she added to it, raspy growl with an accent, once subtle and charming, and now pronounced and intense. But you couldn´t put the accent anywhere, maybe somewhere in Europe? East? West? You really didn´t know where to point.
"So you´re an author?" You turn to her.
"You could say that, yeah." Wanda nods.
"That is so cool," you mumbled as something weird and pitch black caught your eye. It was a really dark book, more like a journal that definetly had some history, "what´s that?" you took it from the shelf.
"That is a something like my personal journal." The readhead steps closer to you.
"Oh sorry, I didn´t meant to invade your privacy!" Her hand fall on yours as you wanted to put the book back, where you took it.
"It´s okay, I don´t have any secrets. You can read it." Wanda smiles again.
As you open the book you notice that even her handwriting is so neat and beautiful. It suits her somehow, but as you continue to flip the pages her writing went from tall and pretty to harsh and short. Reading few sentences seem like a good idea, since you had Wanda´s approval. Your face went from smile to confussion real quick. But then it hit you. The woman infront of you you, known as Wanda, is a witch. Despite this revelation, you find yourself not scared but rather intrigued by the truth.
This whole time Wanda was looking at you, waiting for you to speak first.
"So... you´re also a witch?" You try to ease the situations by a joke.
"Also?" She chuckles. "Darling, this poor outfit looks on you more like a trash bag then a costume." Her words hurts. More than you want to admit.
Is my outfit really that shitty?
"Do you want an honest answer, sweetheart?" She steps closer.
Oh so she can read minds now, great.
"I can do more than just read minds." Her accent is very strong by now.
"I- can you not read my mind?" You look at her, noticing she got really close to you.
"Your thoughts are really loud, sweetheart. It´s kinda hard to resist." She almost whispers.
Are they? I can´t think- how do i stop thinking? Oh she´s really close. I don´t mind that. Fuck. (Y/N), not now. I would take her. On a walk, definetly on a walk. No in other way.
Wanda just laughs at your poor tries at calming down your thoughts. "Im glad you´re not afraid of me. That will ease things."
What things? Am I afraid? No. Maybe a little. Who knows? She does.
"Well helping with your new outfit, silly. Which will also help you make more sweets throughout the night."
"Oh! Right!" You nod, immediately following her to her living room, you guess.
You both enter the living room, a space illuminated by the warm, flickering light of few lit candles. Your eyes caught a few wine glasses, each bearing the mark of different shades of lipstick on the enormous wooden table. However, your attention remains fixed on Wanda, who is eager to assist you in making your new Halloween costume.
"Sit over there and I´ll bring some stuff." Wanda smiles and with that she leaves the living room.
You get bored very easily so not even after two minutes you´re on your feet again, glancing around the room. Your eyes are drawn to a paintings adorning the walls. Each canvas is a totally different theme. A dark landscape with rolling hills and a small lake makes you to step into its peaceful scene. Beside it, a bold, abstract burst with vibrant colors, evoking a sense of energy and excitement, which is something you definitely wouldn´t put in a place like this. The figurative portrait of a dark figure seems to watch over the place, which freaks you out a little, since you feel like it´s watching every single one of your steps, even though you can´t really see its face. As you watch these paintings, you don´t even hear Wanda come back.
"I thought I told you to sit over there." Her tone was once again very harsh, which made you feel like a kid that didn´t listen to their mother.
"Sorry, I was just admiring art." You shrug as you sit back, where you were in the first place.
Wanda didn´t say anything, she just started to take things from her bag and list through a book. "Here it is! This will definitely earn you bags full of sweets." She looks at you. "If you´re still in?"
"Yes, of course!" You nod and before you even fully stand up Wanda push you back down with her magic. "Oh wow, that was... so cool." You smile as you notice the red mist flying around.
Wanda smiles at your fascination and comes closer to you. "I need you to close your eyes and trust me, can you do that?" She tilts her head.
"Yes, Wanda. I can do that, if I´ll have a lots of sweets by the end of the night, I will do it!" Your eyes are sparking with bigger excitement than before as you imagine all the chocolate you will eat.
"Okay." She helps you lay down on the couch, which feels really soft on your skin and it makes you close your eyes instantly. "Good, just no matter what, I need you to have your eyes closed, I want it to be surprise." Wanda´s whispers trailing right down your spine.
"I love surprises, I will keep my eyes closed, I promie. Pinky promise!" With your closed eyes you held out a pinky. Almost punching her in the face, but she quickly dodge it. Wanda just smiles at your antics and extends her pinky to make a promise with you.
It took you one more shift on the couch to feel fully comfortable. "I´m ready." You mumble to let Wanda know, even though she can read your mind. Right after the magic start to float around once again.
You feel a lot of silly sensations right away, it feels like a tickling, which in fact makes you giggle out loud. "Tickles!" You say between the laughs.
"I know, it will be just a minute, darling." She smirks, knowing that the tickling feeling is just her magic taking your clothes fully off. At the same time Wanda reagulates your body tempeture with her spells, so you don´t feel even the slightest changes.
The ticklings stops and you fully relax on the couch again, taking a deep breath in and out. Nothing is happening for a few minutes, so it´s very tempting to open your eyes and look what´s going on.
Did she left? Um... should I-
"Absolutly not! If you can´t keep your eyes closed I´ll help you with that too, since I believe you can´t do anything on your own." Wanda scoffs and slides a blindfold over your head. Even if you tried opening your eyes now, you would see pitch black.
The spells and magic start to float around again, red mist tangling around your body. Wanda just sits in her fluffy chair on the other side of the living room. Glass with red wine in her hand as she watches you with hunger in her eyes.
As you open your mouth to talk, you let out a moan. You suddenly feel a warm rush of embarrassment wash over you, your cheeks turning a shade of crimson. It's as if a spotlight has been directed on your momentary lapse, and you can sense the weight of her eyes on you. You fumble for words and wish for a way to disappear into the floor, but the awkwardness lingers.
You feel something touching your body, something that is soft, yet very hard. A delightful sensation begins to spread across your entire body, as if invisible hands are gently caressing your skin. It's like a soothing, expertly executed massage, relaxation and comfort. This wave of bliss sweeps through you, releasing tension and stress with every touch, and you surrender to the embrace of calm that envelops you.
What the hell is that?
"What is what, darling?" Wanda asks, you can hear her voice on the other side of the room, so she can´t be the one touching you. "Oh that? It is just measuring spell, for your outfit to fit perfectly, sweetheart."
"O-okay." You kinda whine out. "I thought that-"
"Oh don´t be silly!" She laughs. "Just stay still." She adds with her raspiness again.
You´re staying still as much as you can. The sensations coursing through your body are unraveling the knots of tension that once held you captive. Muscle melting into a state of pure relaxation. Each touch seems to release a sigh of relief from deep within, and you sink further into a state of blissful repose. "I need you to be relaxed, otherwise it´s not going to fit, darling." Wanda adds.
Fit? Fit what?
"All the accessories." Once again she answer your inner question.
Wanda felt like you were ready and like you can and will take whatever she give you as a addiction to your costume.
You can feel something spreading your legs a bit and moving you little of the couch. The warm feeling never leaving your body, it´s the other way around actually, it´s just increasing. It’s weird how come you can feel a touch all around your body, when Wanda is on the other side of the room. You can hear her cutting out some cloth and time to time her soft humming.
"Oh my god-" you yelp as you can feel something wet between your legs.
How come I´m this wet? Did I pee myself? Oh my god! What is going on?
"Everything okay, darling?" Wanda asks as she´s looking at your hips, slowly going up and down. Your pussy is leaking and she didn´t even touch you.
"Yes! All good!" You´re hoping you´re just feeling things, but Wanda would already say something if things wouldn´t be okay. So it is just silly feelings. Oh you know what it is, it´s the little axienty from being blindfolded, now it make sense. You’re just anxious.
Wanda listen to your thoughs as she´s having the time of her life. It´s time for the actual fun to begin. She extends her hands, conjuring four crimson, ethereal tentacles of pure energy. These serpentine tentacles undulate, glowing with the passionate and dangerous red hue, slowly extending toward their target, you. It's a captivating display of Wanda's magical skills, a vivid manifestation of her power.
As each of them lay on you, you can feel a little wetness, that sticks to you right away. It feels... good. Really good. Whatever measuring device this is, you want to feel it in you-
'Your wish is my command' is Wanda´s first thought. One of the tentacles are slowly teasing you on your inner thighs. Moving slowly up and down your leg. "I need to measure your thighs, darling. Just to make sure your costume is the perfect size. Just give me a moment." She say from the other corner of the room, sipping on her wine.
How come I can feel her, when she´s over there?
Your thoughts are quickly swap away as you feel something really hard enter your already drenched pussy. And before you can think things through, you felt absolutely nothing in your head, just pleasure. The world seems to align perfectly with Wanda´s and yours desires, creating a warm and euphoric feeling, gentle you could say. Or moan at the current state your in.
You feel like your in a dream. A very good one may Wanda add.
The enormous thing is going in and out of you like it was nothing. Wanda´s eyes are on you as she watches in awe how you didn´t resist at all. How naive you´ve been the whole time. How come little thing like you survived for such a long time in this cruel and scary world by yourself? It´s a miracle and Wanda already knows she can´t risk your well being any much longer. It is just the right time for someone to take care of you. And she´s doing a really good job at it.
As you think nothing can make you feel better, you feel the same wetness that is going in and out of you, sliding up and down your ass. Subconsciously you move, so your in better position for whatever is coming. And trust Wanda, there is always something coming.
It´s way slower and more gentle. Your mind is waiting only for one thing, a slight push. But Wanda wants to tease you for little bit, she wants your body to beg for it, when your head is too foggy to do so. You don´t feel embarrassed anymore, you don´t care. You need everything that Wanda will give you.
Wanda is still sipping on her wine as she watches you struggle, but she is feeling generous tonight, especially when she found you in this poor state, scared, weak, but mostly alone with no one who would saved you, but that will change, starting tonight at this moment.
She let her magic finally push in. As one tentacle is going in and out your pussy at the speed of light, the other one is sliding out of your ass so slow, that you start to move your hips for more. The third tentacle is slowly making its way to your clit, making you feel overstimulated.
And if Wanda was afraid you´ll be overthinking too much, now she knows you won´t ever think again. The sight of you, ruining her expensive couch with your juices is something she will make you do often. Because this is what you´ve been made to do.
You´re close and your voice is cracking from all the screaming you did tonight, Wanda finally stands up, putting her glass on the table and walks over to you, her hand finally touching you and going up and down your stomach as her red tentacles doing their own job. When her hand touches you, it's like a soothing embrace, that is also very harsh. You can feel the warmth radiating from her touch. In that moment, the outside world fades completly away, leaving you with the sensation of her touch.
She knows your close and she would love to see you fall apart, but she knows she can´t rush things. So after few squeezes of your tits and light pinch to each of your nipples, she stops. Completely. Everything. All of her magic disappearing and she makes a step back.
If you´d had any energy left you would scream, but right now, you´re just shaking on her couch. As the cold sensation envelops you, it's as if a thick dark fog descends upon your mind. The chill seeps into your thoughts, causing confusion and a sense of detachment. This cold, fuzzy feeling blurs your senses and creates an unsettling disconnect from the warmth and clarity you once knew. This is totally different from your fuzzy mind before, because at that time you were in pleasure, but now? You don´t have even that.
After a few minutes of you just laying there Wanda takes off your blindfold and you´re back in some clothes, that feels very soft. You blink a few times.
"What´s wrong, darling? You don´t like the new costume I made you?" She shushes you and wipe your falling tears. You look down, touching your new outfit, that honestly looks way better than the one you made yourself. You've got a long, black, flowing dress and a purple cloak with cool silver designs next to you. "I assumed you wouldn´t want a hat, since you didn´t had one earlier. But I made you this..." She gave you a small version of her pitch black journal.
"I- um..." You´re still shaken up from what happened before.
But what even happened before?
"You fell asleep, silly. It was hard to put those on, but look at you now!" Wanda smiles.
I slept?
"You had an intesne dream?" Wanda looks at you with concern and all you could do is just nod.
After a few minutes of complete silence Wanda comes back with a big bag full of sweets.
"Oh my god!" And your little mind is now occupied with sweets. Everything is good now.
"It´s all yours... like I´ve said. Your new outfit will make you bag full of your favorites." Wanda smiles and hands you the bag.
"Oh my god, thank you!" You take it without a beat.
"No, I thank you, darling. You know where to find me if you want more." Wanda winks and you feel this ache between your legs.
"I- uh huh." You nod once again.
As Wanda closed the door behind you, she knew right away, that you will be back soon. She needs you to come back by yourself, if she captured you now, it wouldn’t do a single good. And till that time, her magic will follow you everywhere, to make sure her new thing is safe. And that your mind is always occupied by really important things.
Wanda comes into the living room to clean, she looks at the couch that is still very wet and as she´s in her head a group of people appears behind her.
"How the hell do you always do this, Maximoff?" A tall blonde asks with jealousy in her voice.
"You always have the most naive ones and they literally come to you!" Other lady snarks.
Wanda smiles and turns around. "Well I think that this one will be open for some sharing. Literally." She smirks at her own joke.
Knock knock.
Wanda opens the door and to her surprise it´s you.
"Hai, um... i was thinking- I really like this one chocolate, but i found only one in the bag you gave me so uh, do you have maybe another one? I can trade it for something!" You smile at her.
Wanda is just looking at you with smile on her face. As you came way sooner and she doesn’t know what to say.
"Of course! We have plenty of those here and we will happily trade it with you for something else!" The blonde one almost pushed Wanda out of the way.
"Great! Thanks!" You happily walked back in.
Let´s just say, that after that night you had every sweet you ever wished for. And they had their own.
Oooof this was something. I need to get my writing spirit back, cuz this ain’t it.
Anyways thank you for reading!!!
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0nlyhere4phil · 3 months
Rating All of Dab and Evans New Outfits (except the randomized ones)
Starting with Dabs Everyday:
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Um. No this was not the serve they thought it was. First things first I hate the silver, it makes no sense, Phil doesn't have silver hair. Next THE BOOTS! THE BOOTS ARE FOUL THEY DON'T GO WITH ANYTHING! This look would have been acceptable if it wasn't for those fucking boots. The sweater is good and the pants were fine (should have gone with green though), but those boots ruined it. Overall 5/10. They took my boys drip away.
Next His Formal:
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This had potential to be something good. I don't hate the idea of the outfit, but the way they executed it was horrible. They needed to change the shoes, add some makeup, and some accessories THEN this would have been camp. If the shirt was a white and not pink it would have been nicer. If they had tied in the green or blue into other parts of the outfit it would have been a look, but honestly this might as well be randomized. No thought was put into it in my opinion. Overall a 4/10
Next His Swimwear:
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It's fine. At first I thought it didn't make sense for Dab to be wearing something like this, but actually it makes a lot of sense LOL. So yeah this one is fine. 6/10
Next His Hot Weather:
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What the fuck? At least the colors go together, but other than that it's bad. If they had made the shirt a more fitting one, maybe like a tank top, it would have been good. For the shoes...why did they keep those? They could have just put him in some plane white shoes or slides, but they put him in those. I'll give it to them they do match the color scheme, but other than that it's a flop. Overall this is just a mess 3/10
Next His Cold Weather:
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This is actually fine. The only complaint I have is I wish they made the shoes a black boot, but other than that this works. 9/10
That's it for Dab. I'm sad they took his boho artsy aesthetic away. Moving on to Evan.
Evans Everyday:
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This is great! I love his new hair a lot, I'm glad they stuck to a good color pallet, and I'm glad they let his ankles breathe. Literally the only thing I would have done is choose a shirt without the hand coverings, but that's just a nitpick. For Dan and Phil this was a really good cohesive fit. 10/10
Next His Formal Wear:
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Another serve from Evan Pancakes. The only thing that would have made this perfect was if the pants were darker, but other than that it's still a really good look. 9.5/10
Next His Sleepwear:
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Nothing much to really say other than it's sleepwear. I do like how he has a cohesive color pallet going on. Overall it's cute 7/10
Next His Party Wear:
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This is really cute. I like the top, I love the nails, the pants could have been better but they're not hurting my eyes, and he has accessories! The only thing that irks me is the shoes, I feel like they don't match the rest of the outfit. Other than the shoes though this outfit is quite cute. 8.5/10
Next His Swimwear:
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So, personally I feel like Evan wouldn't wear something like this. I feel like he would be a long trunk with a tank top kind of guy. It's not bad, because it's not much, but it's not good cause it just doesn't match Evan. 3/10
Next His Hot Weather:
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Ummm no. Again I feel like this doesn't match Evans vibe. I like the color blue on him though. Other than that it's kind of a mess. Those flip flops don't match the rest of the fit, and the random glasses confuse me LOL. 2/10
Next His Cold Weather:
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This is really nice. This matches his vibe perfectly. 9/10
That's it for Evan! Honestly they did a really good job on him.
So, that was Dab and Evans new wardrobe, it could have been better it could have been worse. Depending on how this is received and on if I really wanna do it, I'll make one of these for the Howlters.
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tsatsked · 1 month
Lore details I've noticed: Farewell Rayashki event
As always that's mostly Russian/USSR/Slavic stuff and some translations, feel free to add anything. I've also made a post about Silver Knot lore details
Obviosly, spoiler warning
Alenka - a USSR chocolate type produced since 1965, they are quite soft and sweet and still popular among kids and adults
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The playground is quite typical for the time period. The drawings and sunflowers might be Vila’s and kids’ work. It’s not very clear if the graffiti is made by someone inspired by hip-hop culture or is August’s failed attempt at scribbling out his name, judging by “А” and “Г” as 1st and 3rd letters. The only thing I’d add here is more scraped parts recycled into playground constructions
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Ijirak, Kikituk, Qiqirn - creatures from Inuit folklore (as far as I know they are not known in native Siberian folklore). I haven’t found information about Hoituk
The Russian word for “most” means “best” in the phrase “the most “most”” (“самый-самый”)
“It was only by luck that we found the runium. For over 60 years, people here have worked together to make it what it is now” - Vila. If the events happen in 60s-80s (judging by the overall vibe), than the last time reverse was at 1977 and Rayashki started to grow from a village to a town at 1917 or later. It means the town exported runium for all the Soviet years.
⬆️ EDIT: Silver Knot (Windsong's story) confirms it actually happens in 80s-90s
Most of the sighs say “For Better Future”, “Welcome to Rayashki” and “Welcome Zeno’s Military Institute”
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The room in which Windsong stays is Soviet af. There are an old TV with a lens, cool bookshelf and tiles that surprised me. They’re common for public and liminal spaces but not so much for the living ones. Maybe they’re chosen because they endure harsh Artic climate better that wood or linoleum
EDIT: the TV looks like KVN-49 model, produced in 1949—1962
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“It must be Kikituk! But their closest habitat should be Kong Kalrs Land, hundreds of kilometres away”. Kong Karls Land - a group of island of Svalbard archipelago, Norway. As @vingler-mirror point out in their post, Rayashki is likely based on Pyramiden town owned by USSR on the same archipelago
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Природа это числа и черты - “Nature is numbers and lines” Природа это мозаика цветов - “Nature is a mosaic of colours”
“Mutant Kikituk from Olga area! You should be at the Olga Strait, hunting for migrating salmon and whales, not here!” - excuse me OLGA STRAIT!? THE ONE NEAR JAPAN!?
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Poneva/ponyova - an element of Russian (Eastern Slavic?) female clothing worn on top of the main skirt of the dress. I believe there was either a mistranslation in Needles and Loaves message where Raisa said “poneva dress”, either she meant the whole outfit
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Samodiva - Their name is feminine and can be roughly translated as “self-wonder”, but that’s another word for vila the creature from Western and Southern Slavic mythology similar to Eastern Slavic rusalka/mavka
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Other stuff I’ve noticed:
The town seems to have a big arcanist population, if not most of them are arcanists. An arcanist right is applicable to them and all Vila’s known students are arcanists (if the kids are arcanists, their parents and grandparents are arcanists too)
The people of Rayashki seem to come from different places, and it makes sense with Pyramiden's history (EDIT: the workers were mostly from a western region of Ukraine). Pasono’s first name seems to be obscure and I’ve found only a surname mostly known in America. Patrik’s name is more popular name in other countries, and it make me to believe his ancestors might be foreigners. Bogina’s name comes from Southern Slavic languages
Rayashki is very communistic compared to the rest of USSR. Maybe it’s the town’s history, citizens’ temperament, small town’s size, seclusion and big self sufficiency combined. EDIT: the town's athmosphere conctasts with the period of USSR where people start feel more positive about the world around and capitalism with it
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violant-apologia · 1 month
with dual-stat challenges becoming more and more common, FBG have created a standard "exchange rate" between stats: BDR stats are with 10 main stat points each, while advanced stats and NII stats are worth 15.
this prompted the question:
Which equipment has the highest converted stat total?
(stick around, there's a cool spreadsheet for you!)
in other words, which is the most "valuable" based purely on its stats? maybe the ubergoat? perhaps the hellworm transport? (make a guess now! tell me if you were right!)
so i made a spreadsheet. with the item and its stats, it outputs the converted stat total of that item. and to make sure it was accurate when it determined the winner, i should really add
there are exactly 1000 non-boon equipments in the game, by the way. wild coincidence that this was when i made a list of them all
so i did that. i slogged through every item i owned, then every item in the bazaar, then every item on the wiki. i should – should – have them all. (except maybe ones that add no stats, because they don't show up on any of the automatic lists. but really that doesn't matter)
so, without further ado... the item with the highest converted stat total is...............
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all the treasures. that was probably pretty guessable, huh
okay but AFTER them it's... the............
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unquenchable firebird! pulled ahead of the other whitsun creatures by its random single point in neathproofed. after that is a similar case: the aurochs-fur coat, at 71. they both beat the ubergoat and hellworm by a slim margin; those two tie at 70, along with the efficient plenipotentiary.
but you may have noticed some other columns here. what's limited total?
well, since most multi-stat challenges are only two stats at once, i also decided to measure the point value of each item's highest two stats. the winner of THAT category is the hellworm, at 75, with its 6 dreaded and 1 KT/NP. half of the treasures fall in next – all the ones with a single BDR stat at 4, rather than two at 2 each.
you may have noticed some other things on the spreadsheet, too. what are all those tickboxes about?
since i already made a way for each item to care about its highest two stats, why not a way to care about a specific pair of stats? hell, what about any combination of stats?
if you check on the boxes beneath each stat, the sheet will find the specific value of each item considering ONLY those stats. then, by looking at the highest value for this specified total for each outfit slot, the sheet finds the overall specific total. (by default, specific total only checks an item if you have it ticked as "owned". if you tick the ownership override (OO) box, it disregards whether you own items or not.)
THEN the sheet finds the best-in-slot (BiS) items for that combination, and displays whether each item is BiS, not BiS (blank) or not owned. you can filter by the BiS column to find an outfit that maximises those stats!
so, for example, if i wanted to find my best outfit for a persuasive/apoc challenge, i'd simply select thost two stats and filter for BiS:
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and it shows me my best combination, and its converted point gain (243)!
so, that's what i've been doing for the past few days. since the sheet has every item in the game in it, to personalise for your account, you just have to go through and tick all the items you have. here's the link! feel free to make a copy and play around with it yourself!
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chuplayswithfire · 11 months
thinking about ways i would change the pacing of events in season two to give them more room for breathing, while keeping to the same number of episodes that were available, this is probably what i'd have done:
Episode 1: Impossible Birds: add back in the missing cutscene with izzy and ed featuring ed throwing a knife past izzy, with tally marks - use that scene to explain that these tallies represent the number of raids they've gone on since the end of season 1. izzy is complaining about ed's blackbeard routine, ed snipes that he thought izzy wanted them to be pirates, well this is what pirates do. he's taking that record, putting blackbeard back on the map, isn't that what you wanted, iz? izzy acknowledges to himself that this is not what he wanted.
Episode 4: Fun and Games: right off the bat, i think they could have, instead of the crew voting Ed into a banishment that lasts a single day and which the crew are therefore pretty easily swayed on, they put him on probation in ep 4, with black pete suggesting the bell and frenchie and wee john the outfit, and stede pointing out that ed's very injured so it's not like they couldn't overpower him if something goes wrong. ed's annoyed about the whole thing and still half dead and fucked up from the gravy basket, and after hearing the terms, the crew says he has 12 hours to think about it before they're leaving this area. he takes off for shore, grumbling about it, meets the rabbit and then mary. meanwhile, stede and buttons follow to convince him otherwise and so buttons can explain the gravy basket. they still encounter anne and mary, they still do that whole thing, buttons changing is what convinces ed to do the probation, we end the episode with ed wearing the probation outfit and begrudgingly thumbing the bell. expand the scene where the crew are working on izzy's leg, just to have them talking in general a bit - oluwande is talking to jim about zheng, saying he misses her a bit.
Episode 5: Curse of the Seafaring Life: at the start of ep 5, we imply that it's been a few days to a week maybe, and ed is still on probation. he gives his corporate apology as part of his on-going efforts to show penitence and make up for what he's done, and we get a sense that he's been doing grunt work around the ship - repairing sails, fixing things that were damaged and broken - throughout. the crew's responses to the apology are pretty much the same as in the show, with some "it has been nice to have someone else doing all that shit though, right" about how he's been working. their acceptance of the apology is now equal parts because of the work he's done as well as a joke about corporate apologies working. Ed still feels frustrated about being on probation and stede has had more time to say he hasn't really felt like a captain, so he and stede have their captain voice exchange pretty much verbatim from the show. ed and lucius have been more or less avoiding each other all week, adding more nuance to ed living rent-free in lucius' mind, and ed offering to let lucius push him overboard. ed fishing with fang is part of him finally getting to meaningfully connect with another crew member again since the probation started, and is overall less about sitting with himself and more about him sitting in the moment, not just rushing to plan the next move, fishing is a great activity for having to be here, in this moment. the end credits stinger is the scene with zheng, ricky, and auntie.
Episode 6: Calypso's Birthday: finally, now on ep 6, probation has ended, we indicate that it's been a few weeks, someone mentions off-handedly that lucius and pete have been having a lot of all day marathon sex ever since they became engaged. when they head off to get party supplies, someone mentions maybe they should fetch them, and they all decide to leave the lovebirds to it. because of the added scene to episode 1, we've heard of ned low, and realize aw shit ed planted a seed of trouble back when he decided to go after that record. no other changes. meanwhile in town, olu sees signs of zheng's presence and that she's been here and laments a little about missing her, and wondering if maybe that's a good thing, if she's still pissed at him for what happened.
Episode 7: proceeds as happened in the show, that little bit strengthened by the passage of time, and also olu having actually been talking about zheng.
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littlestpetgoth · 4 months
Also... Any tips for when designing characters? 🐁
thank you for ur super sweet previous ask thing.. aaauuhhmm when it comes to designing characters, it depends on the kinds of characters you are making. i think one thing that can apply to any sort of character design is to try and find inspiration from several different elements; color palettes, outfits, aesthetic boards, previous characters, real people, etc. It's good to have several sources of inspiration, that way you can pick and choose elements that you like and you're more likely to come up with something unique. it's near impossible to make something entirely unique, more likely than not when you create something there is something else that already exists that is similar to it and that's ok.
for more specific tips, i recommend drawing small (i always draw small anyways, but this is especially helpful when you're creating a lot of adjustments) and fiddling with the design until you get something interesting. don't worry about any details just yet, just get an overall vibe/shape down that you feel ok with.
next, flat colors~ i try to keep every color separate in a way that i can easily adjust and change colors as i work. if you're stuck between several options, duplicate your lines and color with the alternative choices. you can compare the colors side by side and deduce from there.
after you get somewhere with the colors that you like, now it's time to add details. adding details from the beginning can be very overwhelming, but when you're adding them in after you have your base down i find it's more flexible(?) if that makes any sense. create a new layer, new folder even, and start playing with what kinds of details you would like to add to give your character more depth. think about what the character maybe symbolizes, important aspects in their life, anything you can think of to give them some visual personality. keep in mind your limits, if you enjoy drawing super detailed characters then feel free to add a ton of detail. if you're someone who is easily overwhelmed by that then you should keep it simple, you can still create an impactful character design without adding a ton. often times when i create a detailed character i seldom draw it, it's more of a trophy piece. most often i draw my simpler designs over and over, often simplifying them further. if i want to draw my detailed characters again i'll most likely simplify them as well lol.
if you're having a hard time creating a design, come back to it later. sometimes coming back to a concept with a fresh mind can really do wonders. here's an example of a character i was really struggling to design, excluding the numerous doodles i did trying to get their style right lol;
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i had a really hard time figuring out the shapes and finding a color palette that i enjoyed, it took me several days but north ended up being one of my favorite ocs as of late.
uhh tldr: draw inspiration from several sources, start simple and add detail as you go. trial and error..
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sweetshelluvaau · 9 months
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Finally, I finished him!
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So here he is, the King of Lust himself, Asmodeus! I wanted to take a break from the main cast plus hyperfixation came into play so if I didn't draw Ozzie my brain would have exploded so here we are. I'm putting this under read more because there's a lot of ranting before I get to the notes on the redesign plus pictures to address my points:
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To be honest: I don't mind Ozzie's design/outfit in the show. It isn't horrible by any means and there was a time where I could say I even liked it. But when Oops dropped and seeing him without the suit happened, disappointment sunk in.
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Are you telling me this man, is a beefcake under that compression suit? The embodiment of lust is jacked and his outfit doesn't show that!?
Seriously Viv, where's the beef?
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And while I did say that I did at one time like his design, I never found it really 'sexy' (his voice on the other hand...) and after seeing his beautiful chest all I can do is cry about it.
Also: what is it with Viviziepop and top hats? It's if half of her male cast wears them. It'd make sense for some characters, notability sinners who died in their era that they were popular but it makes no sense for other characters. In this case, I just think Ozzie looks better without one.
Ahem, yeah okay, right, soooo notes:
I noticed one of his earlier looks before the final design he had a longer, thicker and fluffier neck and kinda sad they didn't keep that being it worked with the rooster motif he's suppose to have. I decided to incorporate it back into my design just because I can. Plus, ya know it's fluffy:
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I also decided to give him bird feet/chicken legs and make him a bit thicker thighs because excuse me he's part rooster have you seen the meat on those things?!
Because my obsession with his chest, I decided that the outfits should show it off more because, um...chest. Also: FLUFF. idk why I just really wanted to make him fluffy.
The outfit on the right was the one I drew first but I felt it was lacking the regal feel I wanted to go with being he is one of the Deadly Sins and I wanted to show that (along with his chest and fluff but shh). I decided to keep it as a secondary, causal outfit on days off when all you want to just lay on the couch and chill/cuddle with your boyfriend. (likely gonna get rid of the neckless being I mostly just added it because I thought it was funny. If you know, you know.)
After going back at it a second time I decided to go for a burlesque style (Not sure if I nailed it or not) considering his club sorta had that theme going for it and while I'm more than likely going to revisit and change a few things later on, I overall love how the outfit came out.
And of course, a crown. I may get rid of the fire/flaming top in later drawings but I thought it was cool at the time.
I may still revisit the design to maybe add a bit more bull, goat and possible dragon to his design outside of the heads but I think I may save that for when I cerate his full demon form where I'll have those features stand out more. Likely won't have him have his tiny form in my au, no matter how cute it is.
not really a design note persay but kinda want to mention it because it bothers me: I drew/inked and colored both of these at different times which is why the anatomy and coloring is so different from each other. I'm still playing around with clip studio paint tho I think the shading style on the right is the one I'm gonna go with for now on.
As for character/lore notes: I really don't like how it feels as if Ozzie (along with some other characters) was defanged in season two plus how they made him, a deadly sin, not feeling all too threating. Granted, Ozzie being nice isn't the problem (being nice doesn't necessarily mean you're a good person plus I do like that the sins do have some virtues like believing in consent being ya know, complexity and what not suppose to be full on evil) and I even have him being one of the nicer Sins in my AU but still can have his dickish moments and hell, he and Fizz are gonna drag your corpse with the amount of roasting they're dishing you about your sex life because god they were so much fun when both them had more bite. Please bring back my chaotic asshole jester gremlin and his rooster boyfriend tag teaming about how much you suck in bed and just being a general nuisances to society plzthx. (plus ya know, Fizz is a Jester his job is roasting people. Not to say he can't have some kindhearted moments. His friendship with Blitzo gives me life and I love the moment with the deaf kid even if you have to question why a kid is doing at a 18+ event to begin with but that's a whole other can of worms.)
While I'm not going with the circus theme that Viv claims she's going for with each Deadly Sin being based off a circus act (which is a fun idea in theory tbh if that idea expanded on outside of a poorly done aesthetic), I kind of like the idea of a magician motif for Ozzie due to his use of fire plus one of his infernal correspondences happens to be illusions, which we kinda saw him do in Ozzie's. I thought it was a cool touch, regardless if that was intentional or not.
Also, apparently it's canon that Fizzarolli is his first romantic relationship and idk that kinda bothers me. Asmodeus is over thousand years old and in biblical lore he's been in a few relationship (plus what happened in the Book of Tobit with Sarah). Why not play around with that? In my AU, he's been in at least two (Lilith and Mammon respectfully, and I'll talk about that at a later time) before but they were all failed relationships, which soured his view on love for a long time until he fell for Fizz. I also headcanon Ozzie being/use to being a bit of a hopeless romantic, as much as he tries to hide it (poorly).
Hey, I drew some half decent hands for once.
Anyways, yeah, here's my version of Ozzie. Next up with be either Stolas (which is less of an rewrite and more of a damn overhaul because holy shit I really had enough of this guy in canon) or perhaps Beelzebub being I got some ideas for her too.
Made with Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop CS6 for final touches. Okay to reblog, Feedback is encourage.
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try02line · 5 months
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Alright- i finally came around and made a lil fanart of the Wittebane brothers with the design of @angstyhikka in her clean page AU! I absolutely ADORE their and and will surely try make some other fanart as soon as I have some free time.
Now, smol disclaimer and apology, I did take this as an opportunity to experiment a bit with a new brush- the thing is, her artstyle is SO dynamic and visually interesting to look at, and it sort of inspired me a lot and made me want to try something new! I should have probably made some study and surely more practice rather than jumping right into this- but oh well, it is what it is-
Although the final result is a bit odd in some points, I do consider myself overall satisfied with the result. In particular with their faces and eyes! I think they look SO pretty, i would suggest you all to zoom on them bcs the texture really makes them- idk, it makes me feel as if they have a soul? If that makes sense?
I also made a version without lineart- i personally prefer it with my classic lineart as I feel it makes everything more cohesive and considering I am not an expert in doing sharp/soft edges to define forms, it helps a lot, but let me know what you think!
I also did struggle a bit with Caleb, I don’t think I usually draw … oldish people? Mature people? Something I definitely have to work on- ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, i think Philip looks adorable and his hair flows in a very nice way!
Here at the end I will also add a quick version I made with my usual flat colors just for comparison!
Not sure if I will continue experimenting with this particular brush, but It was very interesting and I really hope you can enjoy the result!
(Also not sure if is intentional, but I find it fascinating how their color palettes are inverted? Maybe is a me thing, but I always associate Philip with red due his childhood outfit and Caleb with blue due his jacket, so see them switched is very cute! But maybe that is just me-)
ANYWAY hope you all have a lovely day!!!!!!!! 🦊
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batcastlesociety · 1 month
ranting about and rating simon's outfits, based on (presumed) functionality and overall appearances. under the cut because i WILL talk a lot.
editing this afterward, i think i'll just make this into parts lmao,,, right now, this is about simon's CV1 version specifically!! :D
be warned; i am in no way a professional with armour or anatomy or whatever so i might get terms incorrect... (-vv-;)
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starting off strong with CV1 simon, also known as conan with bleached hair. i love him.
now, considering this is simon belmont, there's a lot of leather in this design!! leather shorts(?!), his chestplate definitely has some sort of leather on it too (same goes for his pauldron. either that or some sort of general thick cloth, based on the way it's sewn? i'm not too sure...), and his belt + loincloth is, of course, also leather. i'm not sure what the purpose of those flowy leather straps on his hip is (is it just for decoration?) but it does definitely add some flair.
leather is good!! it provides both protection and durability. considering simon uses a long-ranged weapon, i think it's pretty useful to wear something more flexible, like leather! he does also have a few metal accents on his outfit as well, such as his arm bracers, but i've heard they might hinder his movement as well, so i have mixed opinions on those. maybe leather gloves instead?
he also has a few metal accents on his belt / loincloth as well, which i'm sure is pretty heavy (0_0) but also adds more flair. it also adds some semblance of convenient groin protection, and it looks nice!! :3 his boots also have fur in them, so at least they're comfortable and warm, i suppose. they also look interesting. not much else to say about that, though...
i'm not sure what the purpose of his circlet (headband? tiara?? i've seen all those terms used for it, haha) is. i mean, clearly it should provide some sort of head protection, but i feel like a helmet would just be more functional.
also, i'm sure that this is a silly idea, considering it might hinder simon's movement as well, but i'm sure some sort of knee pads or poleyns would help for added leg protection, i guess?? considering there are arteries that run through the legs how simon tends to fight creatures that literally want his blood, i'm sure that even though it may not be extremely necessary, i just think that some sort of wraps or straps on his legs and knees would help. his legs are very vulnerable here!
he doesn’t seem like the type of man to enjoy wearing pants (considering almost all of his designs depict him in shorts, haha), so maybe an alternative, such as padding or gauze wraps??, would help do the job.
anyway, as for functionality, i give CV1 simon's armour an 8 or 9/10. definitely does the job, but i still feel like there's a bit of room for improvement.
as for design, i really like this! it's a classic (hehehgeh get it. classic? classicvania? ehsvehhege), it has a lot of interesting elements, a natural, simple-yet-interesting colour scheme, and it just ties a lot into simon's whole "barbarian" schtick, which is also very memorable. 10/10.
tldr; functionality: 8/10. design and appearance: 10/10.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
For the Actor AU, how did they feel abt the canon heroes' outfits? If they could, how would they have modified them?
Marinette: Basic as fuck! It looks like I’m wearing footie pajamas! If I were in charge of my costume, I’d give myself a full-on punk look because Ladybug’s are some badass motherfuckers. Oh, and boots that have soles equipped with a shock-absorbing cushion, and a heel that contains a reinforced spring to soften the shock whenever I land. And… Maybe a backpack shaped like ladybug wings to hold my Lucky Charms and anything I need to collect for my plan.
Adrien: Less leather! That stuff shrinks, and a full leather bodysuit is not comfortable. Also, because of the cat holders’ powers, it would be cool if heroes had some sort of medical supplies on them just in case, like stored in a utility belt. And I’m with Mari, those boots sound badass. What else?… Oh, definitely add some more color instead of just basic black.
Alya: Well, the Fox doesn’t seem like a combative hero due to the powers. I see Rena Rouge as a distraction, really, so her outfit wouldn’t be one of those “ready for battle” types. Here’s what I’m thinking, one of those noir-film type outfits. The hat covers my face a bit to give me an air of mystery, and the outfit would look almost casual that no villain would suspect me.
Nino: I mean… Carapace’s look is cool. It’s alright. I’m liking the goggles, but… I’d prefer if he had armor. He’s the fucking turtle hero! He should be ready to take any blow that a villain sends his way!
Rose: Where to begin? Look, you all know me; I love pink more than the next guy, but… Sometimes too much is too much. The Pig Miraculous strikes me as… More farmhand than ballerina. Yee, I know, the heroes come with a tambourine, but come on! While I do love the skirt, I’d trade it in for overalls, either shorts or a skirt. Oh, and add some black in there, too. Daizzi has a black circle around his eye, let him be represented!
Juleka: Studded jacket. That is all.
Luka: Oh, honey, either give me a hood so I can look like a cobra or get the fuck away from me with that outfit.
Myléne: The mouse strikes me as more of the elegant type, I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the pastel pink mixed with the grey, but I see Polymouse wearing skirts over Pigella. But, that’s just my opinion.
Ivan: Honestly, I’m fine with the canon design for Minotaurox. Yeah, he’s got pockets and padding, I-I like it. And if you show me a better design, I’ll happily take a look at it.
Marc: … I think all of the effort went into making Rooster Bold’s costume. He’s got rooster hair, the little tallons on the back of his boots, and a fucking tailcoat! He and Mayura are the only ones to have tailcoats! I’m not complaining, though. I… I actually like it, but it is a nightmare putting on and taking off that wig.
Nathaniel: Well, I can say I sort of know how some of the girls feel, because that suit was tight as hell! You could see my hip dip! Also, I would’ve liked to have a different hairstyle and maybe some color, because I am the only male redhead around for miles. Oh, and climbing boots becuase, I’m a goat, duh.
Alix: … Do I need to say it? Okay, give me some active wear! I’m traveling through a shit ton of different timelines! I need someone sporty and active when I’m on the go. Also, I’ll need a backpack like Marinette.
Kim: Not hearing any complaints from me! I liked Roi Singe, but being Scarlet Beetle is way cooler!
Max: The glasses can easily come off. What I need is a high collar or a bandana that can cover the lower half of my face in case my glasses become askew or someone is able to place my identity because all I have on my face are some stupid glasses! God, I’m so glad I’m doing this new show now.
Chloé: Oh, I just want wings.
Zoé: Same.
Sabrina: Can mine just not look like my clothes, please?! I’ll take whatever, just not that!
Kagami: I would prefer if I had some form of armor and not a spandex bodysuit. It would need to be lightweight but also durable to allow me to travel faster, of course.
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marukrawler · 11 months
Yeah there would need to be some reshuffling. I think many suggested Barry as Pyros as it would need minimal design alterations. Though it feels... a little boring ... you know. Ace can work as Aquos if we add Lancelot theme (lol) to his bakugan evolutions. We can even play with arthurian themes. Yes, it makes Mira his Arthur and we can pull so much from this. It doesn't matter that the original may not have been that deep. Doesn't matter.
it would mean no Marucho but! I think him having screentime in Gundalions was a right call because his Ren dynamics were good. So he is still represented. Mira must stay subterra for gus parallel purposes (and salt mines). Speaking of Gus, gus as bastard theory is good so maybe it would have worked as canon.
continuation of this ask and this ask.
couldn't help myself so i drew my version of pyrus!baron and aquos!ace ashjdjsksk
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some notes:
pyrus for baron works surprisingly well with his energetic attitude and canon catchphrase 「激熱!」 gekiatsu! → "let's fire this up!"
added some tails to his headband. i was gonna replace the lightning bolt with flames but i can't draw flames so 😭pyrus symbol it is rip
his overall fit is pretty nice so i didn't want to change anything. although i didn't draw the rest of him, i can imagine swapping his pants and boots for dan's since dan won't be in the resistance in this au lol
ace was lucky enough to get some of shun's gender ambiguous swag. the gloves and exposed shoulders are an obvious reference to shun's resistance fit. kept the big sleeves bc that's ace's thing™️but he will have to fight hatsune miku for the trademark tho.
the rings in his hair are actually a reference to elyon from w.i.t.c.h. for no other reason other than i thought it'd look cool. but it also works because marucho's resistance outfit has a lot of circles on it.
could be nice if there was some lady of the lake stuff sprinkled into ace's ability cards especially after percival evolves into knight percival but alas, i know nothing about the legend of king arthur so im leaving this up to you guys lmao.
and yeah, i totally agree with you. marucho is really not needed for the first half of nv so i don't mind swapping him out for runo or alice. mira of course should stay because she started the resistance and she needs to be the driving force behind the whole bakugan liberation movement. the spectra/gus and mira/ace parallels would be even more pronounced with ace acting as mira's lancelot 🫣
as for the gus theory asjhdjksask i don't mind if it's there in a possible s2 rewrite or not. i feel like that kinda plot twist would need a reason to be there so i'll think about what it could mean for gus' character arc to be zenoheld's bastard child because it would change a lot.
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revlischarm · 2 years
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Guys help my brain has decided to suck and I’ve been over analyzing my designs for Morro and I lowkey hate them
Uhhhh art rant under the cut because I don’t really have anyone else to talk to about this so I guess I’m just speaking into the void and asking it for advice and no, I’m not doing this because I want notes or attention or whatever I’m genuinely agonizing over these designs.
The bandages feel almost out of place? Maybe they’re too bright? I like the rope in Morro’s first design, it feels like a good nod to his canon outfit, but the color I picked for the pants has been nagging me, as has the shoes. Where would Morro even get those ninja shoes. He’s barefoot in the show and I can’t imagine they’re easy to come by normally. Maybe boots? Those are easier to obtain and would fit Morro’s style—though I’m not sure how practical they are for everyday wear. Too clunky? I’m not sure.
The scar I feel should be brighter or more noticeable? It’s hard to make out with the colors and style of LMK—maybe darker instead?? Or fucking green? Like Cole’s scar from the Rift?????
I could replace the bandages with gloves maybe or just make them less…well less lines. Wider strips, too.
Uhhhh as for the Season 3 outfit I. Hate the scarf. And when I say hate I mean it’s so fucking hard for me to draw it every single time and I’m not sure how well it actually goes with the outfit?? I know in the show the color choices and outfits and everything have these subtle meanings and such to them but I wasn’t really sure how to incorporate that with Morro so I just went brrrrrr pretty colors. The combination of red and teal is one of my favorite pairings. You have no idea how much I lamented over trying to give Morro some red eyeliner too before giving up because it was too hard to add in style-wise.
The shoes I like, the choice of sandals feels like a good one because they were doing a lot of desert stuff for a while and idk it gives him more of a summery vibe. Overall I like the pants and shoes. It’s. It’s definitely just the scarf I’m taking issue with I realize, but I have no idea what else I could add to his shoulders. I want him to have something that flows maybe? Idk I just wanted to cover his neck I guess or give him some extra thing for the outfit. Plus he sorta matches Macaque a little bit. And the color was to pair with the red on the pants, since it felt out of place just having that one splash of red.
Idk like I said I just feel unsure about the whole design and if I’m going to be drawing more edits and art for the au I want to have a design I’m actually happy with please help
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elvenbeard · 1 year
3 hours into update 2.0.0....
I love it xD But also, I'm a little bit overwhelmed, but UUUURGGGHHH there are some real gems in there already 😩
So, I didn't start a new playthrough for time reasons and went right in with my post-ending save. There was some initial fuckery with my wardrobe outfits that seems fixed now though after unequipping everything and remaking the outfits xD Custom tattoo and scar mods work just fine though and I might test these next few days what other mods do :D I'm really happy about the tattoos though at least :3
Some Bugs
Also, someone desperately needs to send the NCPD some funds cause....
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That vehicle doesn't look like it should be allowed in traffic (this happened twice, and I was cackling xDD honestly just a really funny little bug that's probably gonna get fixed somewhere down the line xD)
But yes... Man the new skills and perks and cyberware and EVERYTHING is so fucking cool, but also so fucking overwhelming when you're already level 42+ and have everything at your disposal all at once xD But I was so excited to see all the different new Kiroshi options and how cyberware is tied to skills like... damn. And the strongest quickhacks really need a fuckton of RAM... as they should. And I still need a fuckton of practise in terms of using them, but I'm really excited to get the hang of it all somewhere down the line :D
They didn't forget about the LIs!!!
But then this:
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When I read this in the patch notes, I was so fucking excited xD Hell yeah, a good reason to go to the apartment apart from sorting through my inventory xD Some more Johnny interactions!
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I was always a bit sad that Johnny had no comments whatsoever on V's relationship with Kerry, when he did with some of the other LIs, so this already made my evening xDD and one of the big perks of jumping in with my post-ending save to already get to see and hear this now :DDD Not gonna spoil what he says but... yes XDD It fits, I figured. And I hope the other LIs get something similar because it's glorious xD
Vehicles and Radio
In regards to vehicle handling... I can definitely feel a difference with my go-to bike! Like, it still has its weaknesses, but also feels a lot more stable in other regards, less flimsy and "heavier" like they described it in the patch notes. I love it a lot. I didn't try vehicle combat yet, although I did get randomly attacked in the badlands by some NPCs once, which was very fun XD I almost had a heart-attack, but it did feel like something that could happen. Sadly didn't manage to get my revenge in time, but next time!!
I like the new radio stations, but didn't hear every song yet... but also, and I think some others already said that, they don't really add much new in terms of sound and genres. Nothing that isn't already there in some shape or form. But still nice to have something new to add to the rotation.
And as I was driving around, I randomly stumbled right into Dogtown :DDD well, not quite but, damn, that was an impressive moment:
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The faction of the guards was labelled as "Test" though xDD Close but, not quite... Figure that's also a little bug though.
Overall... I fucking love how they integrated it into Pacifica o.o It's insanely impressive, huge and rundown and maaaaaan.... I cannot wait to explore behind the walls!!
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Also, random little thing... I feel like the clouds looked nicer? But that could be me not paying much attention/ rain being rare-ish in Night City.
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Not Dogtown but North Oak, obviously. But... idk o.o The light shining through like that looked so fucking cool and realistic, but I really dont know if maybe this wasn't already part of the Pathtracing update and I just never noticed it like this before XD
And lastly... I discovered whose nooks they added to the Columbarium. Right in the feels.
Cannot wait to discover more little details as I go but URGH yeah. The tiny little Kerry convo already made it worth it for me XDD And Viktor <3 And the Autofixer shop is so cool! And aaahhh I cannot wait to see what's gonna come with PL :333
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shrimpmandan · 4 months
Honestly, looking over staff's response to the situation, I would say the clarifications are overall good/better. Especially in regards to scarring, like, yeah, I get not wanting to have stuff implying child abuse when that's already against TOS.
Though I have to ask, wouldn't the "no fetish wear" thing also apply to adult dragons? Like, as far as I'm aware you can't have an adult dragon in a BDSM harness or thigh-high stockings either. But even then, saying "fetish clothing" is just really vague when you consider that things like suits and masks (both apparel items in-game) are very much fetishes for some people. Maybe it's just for anything that is without a doubt 99% associated with kink, like harnesses? I'unno. It seems a little redundant when sexual/suggestive content is already heavily restricted on FR by virtue of it being a kid-friendly site. I don't wanna lean too heavy into the "but what about [other apparel item]" argument either because their content rules are restrictive as-is. It's one of those things where I get why the ruling exists (FR just isn't the place for explicit/graphic content; it is a 13+ site), but the wording of "fetish clothing" is still really vague. Though I can respect that they outlined what specific clothing they would deem to be toeing the line otherwise.
Like, it's not about "protecting the fictional dragon children". It's about monitoring the content accessible by the real kids playing the site. You can't sexualize the adult dragons (see: Baldwin GILF fiasco), so why would the hatchlings be literally any different? I do feel like there should be more of a "case by case" basis to these things, though. Baby in full lingerie? Nuh-uh. That wouldn't even be allowed on an adult dragon. Baby in an Alice in Wonderland-styled outfit? Should be fine. It would depend on how it's framed-- though simultaneously this would just add even more subjective bias to skincent rules as opposed to blanket consistency, which people were mad about before. There's just no way to do it that would make everyone happy methinks.
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vampire-superstar · 1 year
WELCOME BACK TO "I rate things because it's fun!"
Today we are rating full forms (?) Of characters but I have to be practical-ish
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First off we have
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Honestly, I can only say good things about him, this is by far my favorite design, however. I feel like they could've given him either a loincloth or harem pants, not both (I might be wrong and that's one piece) I still feel like it doesn't fit. It looks Arabian prince inspired (once more correct me if Im wrong), but the fur collar isn't add anything to the outfit. I feel like if they just accentuated his gold collar more it would have the same effect of fullness :]
Overall: 8.5/10
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For some reason his png is huge so points off but even then, I want to draw attention to those sticks on his head. The bat bones? Kinda lacking. I feel like instead they should've just been tattered but other than that he's pretty cool. Tail might have to be fixed though
Overall: 9.5/10
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First off when doing a quick glance compared to every other character, his demon form is the most traditional and simple. Because of this, I'm a little disappointed that the outfit didn't have much pop, you know? As the avatar of pride, you'd think you'd want his outfit to draw your eye but no ;( Instead of the flowy waistcoat maybe an actual peacock fan and more feather in his design. A problem you can't really fix but I feel like instead of to impress, he'd display the fan and open his wings to full size to look bigger and intimate
Overall: A disappointing 6/10
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Much like Luci, his design looks more traditional and unlike him, his outfit makes up for it. However, my ONLY complaint is the orientation. It's good but not spread properly. All the detail seems to be drawn to the chest so maybe remove the jacket and do a full harness? Or do a full jacket with a harness peeking underneath. Also solid pants and combat boots to match
Overall: 9/10
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For some reason all the pngs are different sizes idk how to fix it BUT not too many critiques on this. Just remove the jacket and go full turtleneck and suspenders. Or go full oversized hoodie. As usual, the pants are atrocious but they all are so no points off
Overall: Our first 10/10
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A ten followed by an immediate -20. It's tacky and overpopulated like they added stuff and forgot they already had something there. It's atrocious and Asmo would never stand for this. The top should be without that collar (what's solomares obsession with non-practical ugly collars) and move the scorpion to his upper arm or turn it into a corset design. Scrap the quilt design and more evenly space the roses. Make the pant legs both black but add small chains and harnesses to get the same effect. Heels.
Overall: 🤢/10
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This is atrocious for someone born from Luci. Putting aside my previous bias, it's an ok outfit. The top could slay but the pants drown it out. Bigass Gucci belt buckle also gots to go. Keep the boa because it's kinda cute. The tail looks like it pinches, no thanks. Keep that
Overall: 7/10
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Not many complaints though it looks very similar to Mammon and Satan. Maybe not all three belts, just the one white one and the black one
Overall: 9.5/10
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I'm speechless. All of it looks like another opportunity that was wasted. Buckles, no, he's highwatering those pants, I know his ankles ashy. Why are your pants spotted? Why is there a random horseshoe?? Also please just erase the other eye, it looks like a ghost eye. WHY ARE HIS SLEEVES CUT OUT.
OVERALL: -100/10
I don't have the room for the angels but I'm giving Simeon a 9/10 and Luke an 8/10 just because I feel like there's more they could've done for an angel form than just white clothes. Wings at least.
Overall the Design Score for demon forms is: 67% kinda average, not much past good. Still decent though. Levi, Dia and Tan carried. Next up, everyday outfits! But like next week
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