#i had a lot of fun with the carousel unicorn earrings
puddii-ng · 4 months
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unicorn mika 😊🤍 how whimsical
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Day 20: Roller Coaster
Following the war, Hogwarts instated a new policy. Everyone (regardless of their upbringing) who attended the school would be required to take a Muggle Studies Course.
Muggle Studies was not terrible, much to Draco's surprise and relief. In fact, Draco found that he actually rather enjoyed it. Especially the classes on Fridays.
On Fridays the eighth years had no classes except for Muggle Studies in the afternoon and their Professor always took them somewhere fun. They'd been to a pub, a bowling alley, a movie theater (Draco had especially enjoyed that one), a fancy restaurant, a few cafes, art museums and history museums, they went to see parliament, and Big Ben, and even a place called a 'science center'.
Today they were going to a muggle amusement park.
Potter (his assigned partner since he'd been raised by muggles) found him in the crowd once they arrived. "Hey."
"Hey yourself," Draco replied, raising a hand to shade his eyes.
"Where should we start?" Potter asked, nodding to the expanse of oddities in front of them.
"Umm," Draco said, shading his eyes once more to look around, seeing only unfamiliar things.
"Come on," Potter said, apparently making the decision for them. "I think you need some sunglasses first."
(Read more below the cut)
Potter tugged him over to a stand off to the corner where they bickered about which sunglasses suited Draco best before finally agreeing on a pair of wayfarers with pink frames. The other boy's smile and encouragement were enough for Draco to slip them on.
"Very handsome," Potter said and Draco could feel his cheeks heat under the praise. Fortunately, Potter seemed not to notice as he turned to pay for the sunglasses.
After that they wandered around, Potter took him on a carousel, then down a giant slide that they had to climb into burlap sacks for, before dragging him over to the carnival games.
"Here," Potter said, paying the man at a booth and taking six ping pong balls from him. "You just have to sink them in the fish bowls and you win a prize."
"That hardly seems difficult," Draco replied.
The man behind the booth snorted, "Good luck, kid."
"Would you like to go first?" Harry offered.
Draco nodded and squared his shoulders before tossing the first ball. It pinged off multiple bowls before falling to the ground in between. "What?!"
"It's okay," Potter said, "try again. If you get two in, you still win a small prize."
"Right," Draco said, blowing out a breath and focusing. He tossed the ball more gently this time and it bounced once before sinking into one of the bowls. "Hah!" Draco shouted triumphantly.
"Good job," Potter replied, and there was a time when those words would have been tainted and sarcastic, but the two of them were long past that at this point. He knew the other boy was simply genuinely happy for him.
"Alright," Draco said, "Last chance little ball." He nodded once and tossed this one as well, it bounced once, twice, three times, before catching the rim of one of the bowls at an odd angle and flying off.
"Better luck next time," the man said. "You're up specs."
Potter nodded, let out a little huff of breath and tossed them right in a row; one and two sunk straight in, the third bounced once before sinking into a third fish bowl.
Draco's jaw dropped and he looked over to see that the man behind the booth looked equally stunned.
"Plushy unicorn or dragon?" Potter asked him.
"Unicorn or Dragon?" he prompted.
"Dragon," Draco replied without real thought.
Potter nodded, "We'd like the blue dragon, please."
The man grabbed the dragon and handed it over to Potter, "That was well done."
"Thanks," Potter replied before turning and handing the dragon over to Draco. "For you."
"For me?"
Potter nodded and stuffed it into Draco's arms before walking off, "Come on," he called over his shoulder, "Roller coaster next."
It took Draco a moment to catch up with him, "Why did you give this to me?"
The other boy looked over at him and shoved his glasses up on his nose, "Do you not want it?" he asked, reaching for it.
"No," he said, turning away so he couldn't take her, "I want her."
"Alright then."
It wasn't really an answer but he didn't want Potter to take the delightfully soft and fluffy dragon from him so he kept quiet and mulled over the possible reasons. Pansy would say that Potter liked him, too, but Pansy was gay so he didn't trust what she had to say about boys.
Potter led him over to a tall, monstrous metal contraption and Draco watched with a small amount of horror as the muggles riding it were sent speeding off as they screamed bloody murder.
"Are you serious?" he asked.
Potter glanced over, "Yeah, it'll be fun. Like riding a broom," he added soft enough for only Draco to hear.
"Sure if someone else were in control of it!" Draco hissed.
"That's part of the appeal," Potter said as he stepped into line and tugged Draco after him. "Letting go, just flying without the work."
"You're insane."
"We'll see," Potter replied with a shrug and a secret little smile at the corner of his mouth that made his dimple show.
Draco waited, his heart pounding, palms sweating, as he got closer and closer to the front of the line. "Are you sure about this?"
"As sure as I am about anything," Potter replied with a sardonic grin.
They stepped up to the front of the line and the man told him, "You'll need to leave your dragon here."
"Might as well leave your sunglasses, too," Potter said, "wouldn't want those to go flying off," he added with a wink. A wink. And Draco was so off kilter that he did as Potter suggested before he climbed into the seat next to him.
The lap bar was pulled down and secured, "Potter," he started, sure that it wasn't healthy for your heart to beat this fast.
"It's okay," Potter assured. He'd taken his glasses off and folded them over the collar of his shirt.
"Draco," the other boy said, turning to look at him and putting his hand over Draco's. "Seriously. No one has ever died from riding on this roller coaster."
"Are you sure?" Draco asked but it was too late, the roller coaster was already starting to pull them upwards.
"98%," Potter called.
"What?" he asked, trying to make sense of his words over the pounding in his ears and the rush of adrenaline he was experiencing.
"I'm 98% sure no one has ever died on this roller coaster."
It was not really the answer he'd wanted to hear. He opened his mouth to reply but the cart tipped over the top of the first hill and his words turned into a scream, one of his hand's clenching the lap bar, the other crushing Harry's.
He screamed as they were dropped and flipped, as the cart whipped around corners and he was knocked into Harry and Harry into him, all the while his heart racing. And Harry was right, it was a lot like flying but without the predictability.
As the roller coaster glided to a stop, Draco couldn't help but laugh; he felt lighter than air, freer than he could remember feeling in a long time. He turned grinning at Harry, "That was amazing."
"Yeah," Harry replied, giving his hand a little squeeze.
"Oh," Draco said, looking down at where he was still clenching the other boy's hand. "Sorry-"
"I'm not," Harry replied softly, a little shy.
"Please exit the cart, lovebirds," the man running the ride called. "We have other people waiting."
"Right, sorry," Harry apologized and he clambered out before holding out a hand for Draco to take.
Hand in hand, they made their way around to collect the dragon and Draco's sunglasses. "Where to next?" Draco asked, smiling so widely that it made his face hurt.
Harry swung their hands between them as he replied, "As long as it's with you, it doesn't matter."
Day 19: Ice Skating | Day 21: Scars
Thanks so much @gaygirldrarryblog for the prompt! I hope you enjoyed this little ficlet! <3
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
The following WIP is intended for those over the age of 18.
This tale’s characters are anthropomorphized and have hands.  Their feet are hooves, however.  Unicorns have horns and magic.  Pegassi have wings, can fly, sit on clouds and control weather.  Earth Ponies remain skilled builders and farmers.  Alicorns have horns and magic along with their wings.
If you are younger, please do not read past the cut.
Making Fiends and Influencing Ponies
An Anthro Tail of the Mane Six
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
8758 words (story in progress)
© 2019 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 07/10/17
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Chapter 1.  An Unusual Discovery
Rarity sat at the table with Twilight, helping her to sort out several large boxes of books.  Privately, she thought, “This is Twi's idea of heaven.  Lots of musty old books to sort out, catalog, shelve and READ!”
Just then, Twilight reared her head and leaned back!  She let out a burst of pure laughter!  She offered Rarity the book that had set her off!
Rarity's alabaster hand took the book from Twilight's purple one.  As she did so, the dress maker in her couldn't help but notice how the fabric of the Alicorn's blouse stretched so snugly over Twilight's ample bosom, the buttons between her breasts threatening to pop open from the tension.  
Twilight averted a possible clothing malfunction by straightening back up. Her buttons stayed under tension, but were no longer in danger of parting.  Rarity, having big boobs herself, could sympathize with Twilight's problem of poorly fitting clothes.  It was one of the things that led her to designing her own and opening the Carousel Boutique.
Rarity shifted her attention back to the book.  Puzzled at first, she read the title, HOW TO MAKE FIENDS AND INFLUENCE PONIES.  Suddenly she got it!  “This is Iron Will's course, but the printer left the R out of Friend!”
Twilight grinned happily, “Not quite, Rarity!  I have copies of every edition of Iron Will.  This one is anonymous and far older.  Still, I have no section for misprints!  Would you like it?”
“Delighted, my dear.  Oh, by the way, you really should let me design you some leisure outfits.  You are a Friend.  I would not charge anything but fabric cost.”
Frowning, as she got up, Twilight asked, “Why do you think that I need clothes like that?”
Rarity promptly stacked up some books.  “Here, dear.  Just carry these over to that table, will you?”
A quizzical set to her face, the Princess did.  She set the books down.  When she straightened up, all five of the buttons between her breasts were undone, the fabric pulled open wide by her tits relaxing, revealing the soft lavender fur of her cleavage.
She frowned slightly as she commented, “Why did moving that stack of books make my blouse feel so much better?”
Rarity, taking advantage of the familiarity allowed by their friendship, stroked a gentle pearl white finger from Twilight's collar button, all the way down to her ribs, just below the slight sag of her full breasts.
“That is why, darling.  I have the same problem, only worse.”  She reached into Twi's open blouse and cupped her bosom in expert hands.  She pulled her hands back and nodded.  “You have very firm DD breasts, bordering on DDD cup size.  I am an EE myself.”
The stunned Twilight only nodded at first.  Then she offered, “Please, make me whatever you think good.  Ever since I got these wings, finding clothes that fit well has been a nightmare.”
Rarity smiled back, “I do understand, Twilight.”  Giving a sideways smile, she added, “I will sew you things that will make you sparkle!”
After taking her leave of her Princess, Rarity strolled past a music shop. Pinkie Pie was inside, talking to the proprietor, the famous DJ, Vinyl Scratch.
Pinkie noticed Rarity, through the window and charged out!   Rarity was trying to recover from Pinkie's tackle hug.  Pinkie was not making it any easier.  Being shorter than Rarity, Pinkie was holding her about the waist.  Her head was resting on the full bulge of Rarity's bosom! Pinkie's own surprisingly large breasts were pressing softly against Rarity's body a little below Rarity's ribs.
Pinkie was snuggling her face into Rarity's cleavage and murmuring, “Soft.  So soft!”
Freeing one hand from Rarity's waist, Pinkie copped a feel and snickered, “So full and shapely, even without a bra!”
That was too much for Rarity!  She retaliated by reaching down and grabbing both of Pinkie's boobs!  She snorted, “Soft, so soft!  And no bra, either!”
Pinkie looked up from her titty snuggling to retort, “When you have a figure as good as mine, who needs any artifice to look great?”
Rarity lifted on Pinkie's chest while pushing her away some.  She remarked, “I will have to remember this trick for freeing myself from your tackle hugs, Pinkie!”
Pinkie did not even look downcast.  In fact, she was grinning ear to ear.  “I will have to remind you, if you forget!   Being fondled by you is fun!
“I wanted to talk to you, Rarity.  The dancing mares from the Ponies At Night club want to do a special benefit performance to assist the Gryphon Empire after that earthquake and landslides.  I have lined up food and drink donations.  We have music and a venue too.  What we would really like are some spectacular stripper costumes!  Could you help us?”
The appeal was followed by Pinkie's very best “puppy dog” eyes!
Rarity nodded soberly, “Amazing.  Generosity can be found in the strangest ponies and circumstances.  Send the mares around to the Carousel and I will see what I can do for them.”
Pinkie scampered off, her bosom bouncing delightfully.
In deep thought, Rarity wandered on up the street to the Carousel and home.
Fluttershy was waiting for her, sitting on a bench set outside for use in nice weather.
As they went into the shop, Fluttershy stammered, “Um, I – I don't know how to ask this, Rarity. I, um, uh, I mean, I need a swimming suit. A few house robes would be good too.”
Rarity's eyebrows pulled down into a vee as she replied, “Well, nothing much is easier, darling.  All that I need is to know what size you are. You have never come in here for clothing, before.
“I do remember that little disaster, years ago, when I tried to make us all high fashion gowns!”
Fluttershy put a hand to her snout as she giggled.  “I, uh, sorry, do remember that!”
Rarity smiled and picked up a cloth measuring tape.  “Come into my fitting room and let us see what size or sizes you need, Flutters.”
A tiny sound outside caught her ear.  “What was that?”
Fluttershy sort of curled up, whimpering.  “They are following me everywhere! They spy on my swimming!  They even push open my curtains to watch me!  Why won't they leave me alone?”
Rarity, horn gathering magic, dashed outside!  She returned moments later, dragging three earth ponies in her magic.
Fluttershy took one look and said, “That is them!  You caught them, Rarity! What were they doing?”
Grimly, Rarity replied, “Boring a spy hole into my fitting room.”
Soon the Ponyville Police took away the would be peeping toms.
Fluttershy dropped her baggy clothes for Rarity to measure her.  Along with her clothes, she dropped her shyness and stammer.  “That feels so much better, Rarity!  I am glad that you wanted me to take those things off!  I never wear anything around home, unless somepony is visiting!
After Rarity recovered from seeing the nude Fluttershy, she ventured, “You are simply lovely, Fluttershy!  I could not have imagined a pony as short as you are, with tits that big, could ever look so stunningly beautiful!”
She took her tape and began to get a complete set of tailor's measurements from Fluttershy.  Chalk in her mouth, as she began to mark some fabric, Rarity commented, “I don't have anything in the shop that will fit your 52 EE bosom, but don't worry, Flutters.  It will only take me a few minutes to sew these up!”
Fluttershy pointed to a different fabric.  “Would it be too much trouble to use that camouflage pattern?  I really like that!”
Rarity looked up and smiled.  “It won't hide you at all, my dear, but if you want it, it is yours!  I even have a bottom made from that exact fabric!  Just a moment!”
She dashed from the fitting room to the front of her shop and quickly picked out a camouflage pattern bikini bottom.
Rarity explained, “Just bow tie those two strings comfortably around your tail, dear.  Then take that ring on the right side around to your hip.  Now pull the dangling front up between your legs and fasten the right clip to the ring.  Do the same on the left and your bottom is on!”
Fluttershy smiled, “This is really comfortable!  I could wear this anytime!”
Rarity was clearly pleased by the praise.  “Now comes the tricky part, dear. We need to make your top.  Ordinary mares are no trouble at all but ones like, um, us,” she gestured at their boobs, “need proper fitting.”
Soon she was busily sewing, her machine making a rhythmic soft clacking sound as darts were sewed up, edges bound and straps attached.
Rarity held the finished cups up against Fluttershy's breasts.  Pleased, Flutters observed, “These cups really are comfortable to wear.  They fit my boobs!”  
Taking the left cup's upper tie, she flipped it about her neck and did the same for the right one.  She was about to tie them behind her neck when Rarity stopped her.  “Not there, darling.  Take the one from the left and cross your back above your wings.  Fit it through the ring on the lower right cup corner.”
Mystified for a moment, Flutters did.  Rarity secured it with a spring clamp. Fluttershy suddenly got a look of revelation and quickly strung the other strap from the right cup and pulled it around to the lower outside ring of the left cup.  Rarity secured it with another spring clamp.
“This feels great, Rarity!  The straps sort of lift the corners so that the hang of my tits holds the top in place.  They cross above my wings, too.  This is not really too secure, is it?”
“No, dear, it is not.  As it is, if you were to lean back, you would pop right out of the top!  That is why we need these other two long ties.”
Rarity took a long thin strap from the side ring on the right cup that the left shoulder strap was clipped to.  She drew it around the yellow mare to the ring on the left side of Flutter's bottom.  She did the same for the other strap, so that they crossed behind Fluttershy's back, well below her wing roots.
“Now, dear, do you see that chart?  I made it for mares like us.  Do each of the stretches, bends and twists there.  Do the wing exercises too. I need to be sure that all of the straps are exactly right before I do the final setting of the snaps that will hold it securely together.”
It took only a few more fittings to have Fluttershy out the door, carrying packages with two more swimsuits, several beach wraps and a few house robes.  She was proudly wearing her new lightweight camouflage patterned beach jacket with matching wraparound skirt over her camo bikini.
Rarity was closing up the Carousel and thinking back over her unusual day.  How strange.  First, she had the nerve to stroke Princess Twilight Sparkle's soft lavender fur right between her spectacular Royal breasts and then fondle her while she was getting a “feel” for the Royal bra cup size.  Stranger, Twi had not objected in the least.
Second, was the cheerfully uninhibited hug by Pinkie Pie.  Just thinking of it brought back the unusual and very pleasant feeling of Pinkie's head resting on her boobs while feeling Pinkie's full tits snuggling tightly to her body.
Then there was Fluttershy.  Yet another of the Mane Six, who had proved, upon shedding the baggy dress and sweater that she always wore, to be utterly spectacular in her beauty.  Along with the saggy clothes, Flutters had shed her shyness and stuttering, too.  
Being an accomplished dress maker, Rarity was acutely aware of what a difference properly fitted and designed clothes made for nearly any pony, female or even male.  Musing on how truly pleasant it had been to hold and even fondle the bosoms of those lovely mares that she had known for so long, she wondered what A.J.'s boobs or Rainbow Dash's boobs would feel like in her hands.
Remembering how surprised she had been at the rush of pleasure when Pinkie had copped a feel of her own boob, Rarity wondered what it would be like to have the other five stroke or feel her alabaster bosom.  Would they all feel as good as Pinkie's hand did?
Chapter 2.  Not a Misprint?
She was putting away her handbag when she found the book that Twilight had given her.  Giggling again at the misspelled title, she opened the small old volume.
Settled into her favorite easy chair, Rarity began to read.  After perusing the first chapter, she turned back to the cover.  In a bemused voice, she muttered, “What do you know?  It is not a misprint after all. This thing really is about raising spirits.  I wonder if there are any of these “fiends” that can relate to Friendship?”
After reading a little more, Rarity glanced about her workroom in the back. She moved a pony dress form out of the way.  Taking some of her tailor's chalk, she carefully laid out a moderately large circle.
Following directions from the book, she added lines and designs.  That was followed by “words of protection in an ancient tongue.”  They looked like gibberish to Rarity.
Muttering to herself, “When you are doing the first cut from somepony else's pattern, follow it exactly.  Only change it after you understand it!”
She chalked in the last of the characters. She took six candles out of her emergency supplies and set them inside the circle as the book explained.
She stepped into the circle and lit the first candle.  Wide eyed, she watched the remaining candles light themselves!  With far greater confidence, Rarity began to intone the summoning incantation.
As she ended with, “Appear before me, Mighty Being of the Nether Darkness!” a dark cloud arose all about the pentacle that was protecting Rarity.
Facing her were a pair of glowing, cat-like eyes floating in the smoke.  A fanged maw appeared as the apparition stated in a flat tone, “You have called.  I am here.  What are your orders?”
Rarity thought carefully before offering, “Truthfully, I did not expect this to work at all.  I disliked the arrogance of the summoning incantation but it was the only one that I had to use.  
“First, are you really comfortable in that smokey form?  The book says that I can command you to take a form more pleasant to my eyes.  Since I called you, I would prefer a guest / host relationship, if that is practical.  If you would accommodate me in that matter, I would appreciate it, but I will leave the change up to you.”
The demon beyond the pentacle paused.  “You offer me courtesy but I sense beneath it a will of adamant.  Do you know what sort of demon you have summoned?”
Rarity nodded, “I believe so.  You are a sex demon.  I am not certain whether you are an Incubus or a Succubus.  The book was not too clear on that.”
The being chuckled, “I am both.  Incubus is a male form and Succubus is a female form.  I will accommodate you.  Would you prefer me as male or female?”
Rarity smiled as she replied, “Please be female.  It is more difficult to have a serious conversation with a male.  All that most of them want to do is stare at my tits and fuck.”
The smoke condensed.  The eyes became blue pony eyes.  A beautiful white unicorn stood nude before Rarity.  She had large breasts and a purple mane and tail.  She even had Rarity's three sapphire cutie mark.
Rarity clapped her hands as she chortled, “Excellent!  Well played!  You will find some dresses in that closet by the sewing machine.  Since they are mine, they should fit you perfectly.”
The demon Rarity did not bother with a bra.  She slipped into a simple light backless sun dress with a short hem.  It showed her legs to perfection, just as it did Rarity's when she wore it.
She sat comfortably near the pentacle and invited, “You know how to dismiss me if you need to.  You don't need the pentacle for that.  Because you have extended courtesy to me, I promise to do no thing to bring you harm if you come out of it.”
Nodding, Rarity simply stepped free of the pentacle on her floor.  “I do have some questions for you, dear.  How exact a copy is that body?  I mean, will it need regular food?  Can it experience sexual pleasure?
“Other than the body, you are a sexual demon.  What do you require?  I would like to be a good host for you, while you are here.”
The Succubus Rarity's jaw dropped.  “You are serious?  I mean, I know that you are.  It is simply that in all the thousands of years since the first ponies learned to call us up, you are the very first one to concern him or herself with the wants and needs of one of my kind.
“Yes, this body, being precisely copied from yours, needs the same sort of food as you do.  I, the being animating this body, need the sort of emotional energy that comes from sexual activity.  If I can get it in any reasonable amount, I do not need to take enough from anypony to cause any harm.”
Rarity nodded slowly.  “I suspected as much from the fact that you could be sent to rape or to serve the wants and needs of other ponies.  In particular, you could be sent to fool some pony into sex in such a way that the sorcerer could benefit through blackmail or other means.
“I noticed one other thing.  You harvest the sexual energy of others. Have you ever come yourself?  Does some of your sexual activity, I don't know how to phrase this, TASTE better, or satisfy your needs better than others?”
The demon Rarity shook her head, “No, a climax was never required of any of us.  Some even told us that we could not have one due to being from an inferior plane.
“As for the second part of your question; yes, there is often a great difference in the quality of what we feed on.  We do not know why.”
Rarity quietly got up.  Stepping over to the seated demon, she gave the copy of herself a gentle hug.  “I believe that I may know what causes those differences.  It is likely that it is the level of emotional connection between the one that you have been sent to and the one that they believe you to be.
“For far too many, sex is only play, sometimes serious, sometimes not.  For others, where there is a closeness or friendship, it means far more and is an expression of deep emotion.  For lovers, it is like friendship only even more so.”
She pulled the succubus closer, gently stroking her bare back.  The demon smiled in a silly way as she leaned into Rarity's soft stroking.  
Looking up into Rarity's eyes, she muttered, “Usually, the seduction goes the other way.”  Then she leaned her head on Rarity's breast and allowed herself to be led to the bed.
Chapter 3.  Cum Again?
As they lay upon the covers, Rarity whispered, “My heart went out to you when I heard that you, a sex demon, had never been given or allowed a climax of your own.  We will remedy that first.  Then, you may bring me in your own turn.  After that, we can continue to share either orgasms or closeness as you see fit.”
Conversation ended in a gentle kiss, followed rapidly by a deeper and more passionate one.  Rarity began to stroke her copy, taking her time to explore the demon's self and her responses.  She kiss-nibbled her way around her face, paying special attention to her double's ears and the sensitive space behind them.
The demon beside her drew a breath that shuddered, “What is this, Rarity?  I have never felt like this before.”
Rarity kiss-nibbled down the neck of the succubus before answering, “Your body is beginning to feel the excitement of sex to come.  We call this foreplay.  We need not hurry.  Let these feelings build up and enhance what is to come.”
Rarity slid her arm under the being's head to snuggle her close and then slid the sundress's shoulder strap down the demon's arm, exposing that lovely full, soft breast, so exactly like her own.  She guided the other's arm free of the dress.  She was just beginning to fondle the delicate fur of the other's bosom when the demon reached around her, embracing her in a tender grip.  She guided Rarity's mouth to her bosom, where Rarity both kissed and licked the soft alabaster fur before suckling her copy's nipple deeply into her mouth.  
“Rarity, this feels so good,” she panted.  “I thought that your lips and tongue working the fur of my tit was wonderful but this, this sucking on my nipple is like nothing that I have ever had before.”
The spirit/Rarity paused, smiling serenely as she experienced the things that she had been made to do but never before been allowed to enjoy. Holding Rarity's suckling lips to her nipple, she asked quietly, “Rarity, my Mistress, would you like me to have milk in these breasts for you?  I can do it easily.”
Smiling, Rarity looked up from the breast so like her own.  “It would be lovely, Dear, if you had milk for me.  Not really fair, though.  I have none for you.”
The succubus Rarity returned a somewhat goofy, happy look as she explained, “I can do nothing to you without your permission, Dear. If you will allow it, giving your tits milk will be no harder than doing mine.”
Giggling, Rarity suggested, “Do it then, to us both.  I think that I would love to nurse you as much as I want to nurse from you.” Conversation ended with Rarity's firm sucking of the inviting nipple in her mouth.
Milk spurted across her tongue, warm and sweet!  Rarity applied herself eagerly to task of sucking all of the milk from her demon/luster/lover!  As she did, she felt an unfamiliar but welcome fullness in her own breasts.
While suckling, like a big, eager baby, at her copy's breast, Rarity stroked her fur, down along her spine.  She lifted up the skirts of the sundress, exposing her counterpart to the waist.  Rarity fondled her waist and around to her mound.  She played with the insides of her thighs.
Rarity gently opened her slit, fingers expertly fondling the delicate clitoris and the soft flesh around it.
Her succubus lover shuddered all over!  Letting out a mixed wail/moan of ecstasy, she clenched Rarity hard to her and buck/struggled in rapture!
Rarity snickered as she noticed that her succubus/lover's breasts apparently had some milk left!  As she spasmed in orgasm, it leaked from her nipples into the fur of her heaving breasts.
Holding her close, Rarity happily licked up all of the milk that spilled in tiny driblets from those light blue nipples, into the alabaster fur of her double's amazing breasts.
Soft hands lifted her head up.  Soft lips kissed hers.
Glowing blue eyes stared into hers.  “Rarity, is that what an orgasm is like for one of you?  It was amazing,  the real me that is in this body is in bliss.  If this was all that I could have, it would be enough for a very long time.  Ages, literally.
“Conversely, I could have as many more orgasms as this body can have.  I would be utterly fulfilled.  This is far better than anything that I have ever been allowed.”
Rarity responded sadly, “That was but one orgasm, my dear fiend.  I know that it was your first and wish that it was not so.  Still, I am glad that it was I that shared it with you.
“Now, Sweet One, it is your turn to give me an orgasm.  Use what you have learned from me on me and enjoy my coming as well as your own.”
Rarity surrendered herself to the truly expert ministrations of her double's soft hands and lips.  She was amazed at how good it felt to feed her, the pleasure of her nipples being drawn firmly into the demon's mouth, her milk being given freely to her lover.
The gentle but insistent fingers on and around her clitoris along with all the rest, caused her tension to build and build.  Soon she could not and did not want to hold back.  She came, violently, eagerly, clenching her double tight to her as she spasmed in ecstasy.
As she recovered, she was totally surprised to find her demon lover nearly passed out on the bed beside her.  The succubus weakly laid an arm across her and muttered, “First, you brought me here and treated me as a guest.  Then, you brought me to the first real climax that I have ever had.  Beyond that, you shared YOUR orgasm with me.  I wish that this could go on forever.”
Rarity cuddled the embodied spirit to her and whispered back, “Watch out what you wish for.  You might get it.”
Chapter 4.  Invitation
Sitting up, the demon gave Rarity a gentle but confused look.  “What do you mean, Rarity?  How could that happen?”
Rarity got out of the bed and took an easy chair.  Her magic set a tea pot on the stove to heat.  Cups, saucers, spoons, a sugar bowl and creamer landed on a serving tray.  In a few moments, she went to her kitchen brought out the tray personally and served her double a cup of warm tea.  Taking one herself, she sat back and took a leisurely sip.  
Smiling at her guest, she replied, “Let me give you a little background first. It will help you to understand my situation.  I love my shop and making clients happy with well designed clothes of all sorts.  As much as I care about such things, I have nopony who cares enough to want to work with me, doing what I love.  My sister Sweetie Belle has no interest in sharing my shop now that she is grown enough to be out on her own.  She has found good work with Bon Bon making candies.
“If you would be willing to stay here and help me to make and sell clothes that make ponies happy, I would be delighted to have you here with me.  Unless I misunderstand you and have read Making Fiends wrongly, the real reason for sending you back where you came from is to get rid of evidence that you were called up and used for evil purposes by pony sorcerers who were themselves evil.  I want you to stay as my friend and partner, not as a slave or servant.”
The not Rarity lay in the bed facing her, a blanket draped casually but artistically to both show off and conceal, her head supported by her right arm.  She copied Rarity by taking her cup and sipping a little tea before she replied quietly, “You do know, sweet Rarity, that I can truly see your mind and heart?”
Rarity nodded.  “To be what you are and do what you do, I assumed so.  The book was not at all clear on that point.”
The succubus Rarity stretched enticingly as she explained, “The problem is simple.  You summoned me.  That did make a slave of me, in a very real sense.  I have to do as you command.  There is no way around that.”
Rarity pondered the statement carefully.  “I see the issue.  Can you be my friend and companion happily, staying here of your own free will? Able to return to your own realm at any time if you so desire? Can you be free of any restraint except for direct orders?  Particularly, if I express a wish for ill on some pony, will you check carefully to be sure that I actually mean it before doing anything?  In that same vein, should I say something about you or to you that might hurt you or separate us, again, check carefully about my real intent before doing anything?”
The demon smiled widely as she studied the true mistress before her.  “I do see exactly what you mean and what you want from me.  Sweet friend, I shall indeed serve you on the terms that you wish of me.
“To avoid problems with my stay, I shall make a few alterations to my appearance.”
Staying the same size, the demon mare got a bit yellower, more of a cream color rather than Rarity's white.  Her mane and tail both turned to a light blue but kept Rarity's unusual styling.  Her cutie mark shifted from Rarity's three sapphires to an opened book with a spool of thread and needle on it.
At Rarity's eyebrow raised in question, she interpreted, “An open book for learning, Dear.  And a needle and thread for sewing.  Learning to sew.”
Smiling widely, she added, “I will leave my name to you.  As a favor for the great degree of freedom that you have given me, I will allow you to summon me by it if you are in need.  Just call for me by the name that you give to me.”
Rarity smiled quietly as she thought carefully.  Nodding in calm satisfaction, she told her demon friend, “Then let us name you Kin, short for Kindred Spirit.  Since this is not your true name, let no other summon you by it, unless it is at need to assist me.  Is that satisfactory?”
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Kin, drawing is also a Work In Progress.
The spirit unicorn nodded, a smile of delight on her face.  “It will be my joy to be your Kin, and yes, I am aware of the pun.”  She paused and gave Rarity a searching look.  “For others, I must have a background.  I see that your family was originally from Vannerport. The town that was lost to that flood.  I can be your long lost cousin Kin, who only just found out that she has any living relative.”
Rarity nodded quietly.  “Yes, that could work.  What we will do though, is go to Princess Twilight tomorrow when we deliver her some leisure clothes that I have promised her.  We will tell her the truth of our situation and use the story if she approves of it.
“Now, dear Kin, let us make a light dinner and retire for the night.  We have a busy morning before us.”
After companionably washing and drying the dinner dishes, the two retired to Rarity's bed.  They cuddled and played some kissy-games before dropping off to sleep.
Rarity awoke in the night to an unaccustomed tightness, a feeling of almost pressure in her breasts.  Exploring fingers found a bit of wetness in the fur around her nipples.  Gently touching Kin's breasts revealed that she was also leaking some.
Wondering if it was a proper thing to do at all, Rarity began to lick up the milk that was almost trickling from Kin's bosom.  In moments, she had her answer.  Kin simply gripped her mane in one hand and her head in the other as she turned some to present her nipple for suckling. Rarity applied herself eagerly to the task of nursing Kin's tits dry of milk.
In return, she took Kin's mane and guided her lips to her own leaking nipples. She sighed in both relief and excitement as she felt Kin drawing her nipple deeply into her mouth as she sucked.  She reveled in the pleasure as her milk let down, feeding her dear lover.
Kin, sensing Rarity's desire, thrust a thigh between Rarity's legs and began to scrub the fur of her leg on Rarity's clit.  Eyes sparkling with lust, Rarity placed a hand so that Kin's eager stimulation of her clit also rubbed Kin's clit against her clever fingers.  It only took a few minutes for them both to orgasm at the same time.
By the morning, Rarity, grinning, pointed to Kin's now filled to leaking tits.  Kin, with a happily goofy expression touched Rarity's boobs that were equally leaking a little.  They stretched out, overhanging the ends of Rarity's bed, so that Rarity could suckle Kin at the same time that Kin suckled Rarity.
With no word of asking, they both entered Rarity's shower and began to wash each other off with soft cloths, soap and shampoo.  It promptly led to another session of kissing, cuddles and breast to breast hugs under the warm water of the shower.
They dried each other off with towels that Rarity warmed with her unicorn magic. Wrapping a big fluffy towel about her waist and leaving her bosom bare, Kin informed Rarity, “I peeked into your mind, dear one and our breakfast awaits.  We have hot soft biscuits with honey, tea is ready and big peach filled pastries are warm in the oven.  Last night you served me.  This morning, let me serve you.”
Rarity, while reveling in the luxurious breakfast, could not easily keep her eyes off of Kin.  While she did indeed admire her trim body and lovely bosom, she actually spent more time looking her demon lover directly in the eyes.  Kin returned the favor.  
With a sigh, as she gathered the breakfast dishes, Kin asked quietly, “Whatever did I do to deserve a true mistress so wonderful as you, Rarity?  Nobody summoned from my realm has ever been so, so, befriended.  Given such unconditional caring.  Such actual sharing.”
Rarity overheard and replied in a voice just as soft, “When called, you proved yourself worthy of more than mere trust.  You have been both honorable and caring.  It has been my honor to have you for a friend.
“Speaking of which, I did not have any of this breakfast in my pantry except for the tea and the honey.  Where did it come from?”
Kin finished putting away the dishes and stepped behind Rarity.  She reached down and felt up her alabaster bosom as she gave a sly grin and replied, “Advantage of having a creature of deep magic as both friend and lover.  
“Whatever you want or need, that you shall have.  A nice meal?  A bolt of rare fabric?  Special threads?  Gems for your work?  It is all yours.  You gave to me freely and generously.  That goodness is now returning to you.”
“I see. Now, our work day is about to begin, so we need to get properly dressed and clean up the work room.”
Chapter 5.  Kin Free
Concerned, Kin replied, “Um, Rarity, you know that I literally can't touch that pentacle.  Besides being protection for the summoner, it has, um, claws in me.  It is part of what makes me a slave to you.”
Rarity nodded.  “Yes, the book was pretty clear on that.  Don't worry your lovely blue maned head about it.  Just pick out your clothes and get dressed.  Yes, undergarments too.  Some customers will notice.”
Kin slid into her chosen dress and turned her back to Rarity.  “Button me up, please.  I don't know how you can manage buttons up the back! Still, this is a really cute dress!”
Chuckling, Rarity buttoned Kin's dress.
She handed Kin a broom.  “Now, dear Kin, go as close to the pentacle as you can and stay comfortable.”
Kin got close to the circle.  Worried, she hunched her shoulders and stared at Rarity.  In a small voice she whimpered, “What now?”
Rarity directed, “Hold the handle firmly, Kin.  Put the besom, that is the brush end, down next to the line.  There, that is good.  Now, snap the besom forward on the floor, across the line!”
With a whine of pain, Kin drove the broom over the line!  There was a flare of something like light that cast no shadows!  The broom clattered to the floor!  Kin collapsed, hands gripping at her heart!
Rarity leaped to her friend's side and cradled her close to her bosom.  Kin looked up at Rarity and managed a smile.  “I did it!  I broke a pentacle!  It really hurt to do it but your order made it possible. The pain is going away now.  Please keep holding me, dear.”
“I will hold you as long as I need to,” Rarity vowed.
Kin reached up and pulled Rarity's lips to hers.  The kiss that followed was long and passionate.  Kin finally released Rarity and spoke her wonder, “I am free.  Really free.  Besides protecting you, sweet friend, it was forcing me to be a slave to you.  I am free.”
Concern in her voice, Rarity requested, “Will you be going away now?”
Pulling her close and kissing her again, Kin replied, “No, dear idiot.  You already gave me the freedom to go.  All that holds me here is my promise to you and one other thing.  I have figured out what love is. I love you, dearest one.  My heart is what holds me now.  It does not hurt me like that pentacle's spell did.  Let's get rid of the last of that pernicious thing.”
Together, they swept and scrubbed the workroom floor and put the candles back in the emergency cupboard.  They repositioned the dress form and dragged the cutting table back to its proper spot.  No trace remained of the working that brought Kin to Equestria's plane of existence.
The two of them soon had the workroom back in perfect order.  Rarity went to the dress form that now dominated the center of the room.  Beckoning Kin to join her, Rarity began to explain how to adjust the many parts of the form.  She removed the form's bosom and replaced it with another taken from a drawer.
Kin observed, “You have quite a few of these breast forms, don't you?”
Rarity chuckled, “Yes, I had them specially made.  You and I are not the only well endowed ponies in Equestria!  This set should be just about perfect for Princess Twilight.  Now we just need to set these wings to the back here.”  She took a cloth measure tape and began checking her adjustments.  Nodding to herself, she muttered, “Not bad.  Just need to lift the bosom plates a little and pull in the waist about three centimeters.”
Kin followed her instructions.  Rarity smiled at her, “Perfect, dear. Now we sit at the drawing board and sketch up fashions to fit the manikin.  Our goal with these is to make clothes that are easily donned for leisure wear and such activities as climbing library ladders.”
As she expertly sketched blouse after blouse, Rarity shared her knowledge of not only fashion design but also the conventions and stylization used in making the drawings.  Kin followed Rarity's instructions avidly.
In a timid voice, she asked, “Rarity, could I try drawing one?”
Rarity's answer was simply to slide off the drawing stool and offer Kin her pencil.  At first, Kin was drawing slowly and with care.  As the proportions of the work under her hands took shape, her drawing gained confidence and speed.  Rarity, watching from over Kin's shoulder was impressed.
“Remember, Kin, she will be wearing one of those bras that I drew first.  I like the deep vee neckline, but not quite so deep.  Whether she crouches or reaches, the bra should not show.”
Deep into her sketch work, Kin nodded and used a rubber to erase and redraw the neckline.
Rarity stopped her.  “For a fashion drawing, this is done.  Don't overwork it.  It is a guide, not a portrait.
“Now, I will show you how to turn this drawing into the pattern pieces that we need.  We will use them to layout the garment parts for the best use of the fabric and guide our cutting.”
With Rarity instructing, Kin started fitting the paper parts to the dress form. Soon she unpinned them and neatly organized the parts into a file.
She began to make the pattern parts for one of Rarity's designs.  Rarity watched, occasionally offering advice or instructions, as her apt pupil swiftly created the next piece.
Rarity paused their work long enough to give Kin a quiet hug.  “You are doing marvelously, Kin.  Next, let's make up the patterns for those three bras.”  Almost too conscious of the breasts pressing into her own, Rarity broke the hug, giving Kin a soft smile.  “We may have time to go further with THAT when we have finished our work here.  I hope so.”
Kin nodded and agreed, “Me too.  Did you know that just cuddling you is almost as good as making love is?  I don't know how to say it other than that it is delicious.”
While they were starting to work on the bras, Rarity snickered, “I wonder if I am turning into one of your kind, Kin.  It has the same effect on me. I adore cuddling you, too.”
Kin paused, looking deeply into Rarity's eyes.  “No, Sweet Love, you are in no way turning into one of my kind.  We are simply matched near perfectly in mutual respect, love and lust.”
By noon, the two of them had flown through Princess Twilight's work.  They paused only long enough for a little affectionate petting while drinking each other's tits dry before carefully packing the garments and setting out for the Crystal Palace.
Chapter 6.  Royal Fitting
There was a new guard standing gate duty.  Looking down his nose at “two mere commoners” he stated self-importantly, “The Princess has cleared this whole afternoon for an important visit.  A matter of State, I presume.  You must return during the posted time set aside for Commoner's Court.”
Just then, Twilight entered the main hallway from the library and called out, “Rarity!  There you are!  I was afraid that I missed you, somehow! Pinkie was supposed to show up this morning.  Something about setting up a benefit party for the Gryphon Empire disaster but she failed to come.  That is just not like her.”
Kin pointed a finger casually at the guard.  “Your Highness, you might ask him about Pinkie missing her appointment.  He just turned us away.  He seems to think that you can have tailor fittings done during Commoner's Court, whatever that may be.”
The guard interrupted rudely, “So you just got some clothes for her?  Leave the packages here for security check and I will give her whatever passes security at the end of my shift!  Hand it over!”  He was pointing to his small guardhouse and making menacing gestures with his ceremonial spear.
Princess Twilight watched him for only a moment before demanding, “Guard Bramblethorn!  What do you think that you are doing?  Did you turn away Pinkie Pie earlier today?”
He turned on her, still making menacing motions with the spear!  Suddenly he realized who he was facing!  He wilted to an abased lump of off yellow pony.  He muttered, “Don't know, really.  Just some sort of short pink mare that tried to waltz in like she owned the place. Can't allow just anypony to take up your royal time.”
Stern of voice, Twilight snapped, “Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash ALL have total access to the Crystal Palace!  That is WRITTEN STANDING ORDERS, posted right there in your guardhouse!
“Report to Guard Captain Rainbow Dash at once!  You are to be removed from my Royal Guard and placed in a cell until I can hear your case in Commoner's Court.”
Rainbow Dash appeared almost like magic.  She was still adjusting the strap of her chanfron helmet.  She secured the spear and quietly asked, “Will you come quietly, Bramblethorn, or do I need to use force?”
As Bramblethorn was being led away in one direction, Rarity and Twilight set out into the palace.  Kin followed.
They passed the library and went on to the Princess' private quarters.  Rarity asked, “What will become of Bramblethorn?”
While she shut the door, Twilight replied thoughtfully, “I do not know yet. I am still too upset at how he treated my friends and I.  He is certainly not fit to guard the Palace of Friendship.”
Kin's eyebrows shot up and her lips pursed!  Surprised, she offered, “Palace of FRIENDSHIP?  No, I really don't think that he qualifies.”
Rarity began to unpack the Carousel Botique boxes while introducing, “Princess Twilight Sparkle, I would like to introduce you to my new assistant Kindred Spirit.  She is called Kin for short.  
“She came here last evening and has helped me to make these garments for you. She designed two of the blouses and one of the bras and sewed them up under my supervision.  She does excellent work.”
Twilight, shrugging out of her ill fitting blouse, observed, “Kin came last night?  How?  I have the Royal Road Police traveler reports and she is not mentioned.  I personally was on the railroad platform to greet the Gryphon Ambassador.  Kin did not come by rail either.  No balloons fly at night so, how did she get here?”
“That, my dear, is what we need to discuss.  Do you remember the book that you gave me, yesterday?”
“You mean the misprint, Making Fiends?” she replied with a chuckle.
“Yes, Twi.  That one.  It is NOT a misprint.  It is a gramarye, a book of spells.  I know that you are an expert on dating old documents. Here, look at the book simply as a document to be dated and tell me what you find.”
The now topless Twilight took the book and sat where there was good light and opened the book to several random places, carefully examining, the paper, the language and the type.  She cautiously looked over the antique style roped binding and the covers.
Looking up, she pronounced, “It would be very difficult indeed for this to be a counterfeit. The paper is an old lotus root paper made by a process that has been obsolete for over 1500 years.  The type face is hand cut from hard maple type blocks, if the grain impressions are right. This form of binding was replaced during the Nightmare Wars.”  She shook her head in wonder.  “This all places it somewhere during the Celestian Regency.  You know, the first 250 years after the last Nightmare War.”
Rarity nodded.  “That is what I figured too, based on the language.  Old Middle Equestrian is not that easy to read.
“I was curious, so I tried to summon a succubus.  I was even more surprised when the spell worked.”
Kin put in, “She was no more surprised than I was.  She greeted me with courtesy and even apologized for the form of the summons, explaining that she had no other model.”
Kin was assisting Twilight with one of the bras while she told the Princess of the time since she was summoned.  She left out nothing.  Rarity, though embarrassed by some of the intimate details, did not interrupt.
Wearing nothing above her waist but the bra, Twilight excused herself. Returning, she smiled, “You designed this bra and sewed it, Kin? It is the most comfortable one I have ever worn!  Thank you.
“Now, about the practical details of your Vannerport flood origin story, I contacted Princess Luna, in Canterlot.  You were seated in coach #3 of the Late Night Flier and arrived at 11:35 PM.  Rarity picked you up.  That put you at the far end of the platform from the Ambassador and myself.  
“Rainbow Dash will deliver your punched ticket stub and a snack cart receipt. You should keep them sort of crumpled in the bottom of your purse to find if you should need proof that you got here by rail.”
Raising an eyebrow, Kin asked, “Do you always trust strangers this much?”
“No, I don't.  I am the Princess of Friendship but I do check things out.  I contacted Pinkie Pie first.  Her Pinkie sense is literally never wrong.  She said that you deserved a party but she would have to wait a bit for you to fit into the community better before throwing it. She would never do that for anypony who was a danger to us.  
“Then I contacted Princess Luna and she did what she calls a Bridge of Dream to you.  She and Pinkie agreed.  With that assurance, she set her operatives to getting the necessary papers to back up your story and provide the sale of your ticket on the Flier.  Because the Ambassador was on board, there is even a Royal Railroad Police witness who will remember you.”
Rarity had Twi going through the many stretches and twists of her fitting chart while the Princess explained the situation to Kin.
Kin impulsively hugged Rarity and gave her a kiss.  “Thank you for being so wise, my very dear love.  This Princess is exactly the sort of Royalty that deserves everything that her followers can give.”
Twilight, panting some, was watching them.  Her wings were raised stiffly in lust.  “Kin, if you use your, um, talent for seduction, can you limit it to physical sensations?  Do you have to share minds to do it?”
Kin, still holding Rarity close, replied, “That is easy to do.  If you wish me to use my talents without seeing your mind and its secrets, that is what I will do.
“If I may suggest it, try each of the other two bras and then all of the blouses.  The last blouse and the bra can be taken off as part of our play.  That will satisfy the honor of the Carousel Boutique and, if we do it right, make you even hornier.”
Twilight actually wrinkled her brow and started to look sad.  “As much as I want what you just offered, I don't want to come between the two of you.”
Nuzzling Twi on the neck and up behind one sensitive ear, Kin reassured, “Never fear that.  You will come between us, I guarantee it.  You will be the alicorn middle of a mare sandwich until you do come!  I have shared Rarity's mind and heart.  She wants this too.  It is lust and friendship mixed.  Her heart is mine and mine is hers.”
Twilight smiled as she panted and gave Kin a hug.  “Let's get on with it then.”
Rarity grinned as she retorted, “Oh, we will get it on!”
There followed actual careful fitting, test stretches, twists, and caresses sneaked in.  Twilight's wings were almost uncontrollably stiff and raised!
As the last bra was removed from her body with much fondling, Twilight felt Kin's expert cream colored fingers massaging the delicate feathers of her wings.  They were being gently fluffed and smoothed in the most sensual way possible.  Kin's body was pressed against hers from behind, between her wings.
Rarity was fondling her breasts from the front side with her right hand.  She carefully used the fingers of her left in Twilight's slit.  Twi grabbed Rarity close, stroking her sides and back.  Kin was both fondling her wings and nuzzling her neck.  Twi twisted her head to get Kin's lips and soft breath in the exciting place behind her ear!
The Princess of Friendship came almost volcanically! She bucked and heaved in the height of her passion!  As she settled down, Rarity shifted position, interposing her pale blue nipple into Twilight's lips.
The surprised Princess discovered Rarity's milk and began to suckle both gently and eagerly.  In only a little, the serenely smiling Rarity changed breasts and let her friend and Princess nurse contentedly.
After a while of utterly contented afterglow, Twilight snickered gently, “I can see now that I am going to have to greatly expand my wardrobe!  I never dreamed that a clothes fitting could be so much fun.”
She broke off the encounter and started to dress herself, choosing a bra and top designed and sewed by Kin.  She turned to Rarity as she was fastening the last buttons, “Never fear, Rarity, I will be making a practice of wearing your designs, too.  Kin is new to Equestria and Ponyville.  Kin, I want you to KNOW that you are both welcome and accepted.”
They were interrupted by a discrete knock at the door.
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An Evening of Moonlit Skies
((My entry for Pony Prom 2017, in collaboration with Indigo Skies!))
"Wow, if I thought this place was pretentious before..."
Tank Buster glanced around as he stepped out of the train and onto the platform. The entire city of Canterlot seemed to be more than a little excited to be hosting the prom if the decorations here at the station were anything to go by, but it all struck him as just a bit excessive. His gaze turned to his outfit as he spent a moment fiddling with his bow tie.
"Hey, Tank!"
As a voice called his name, Tank looked up to see a familiar tall pegasus waving at him through the crowd: one Indigo Skies, not only his date but the pony who had convinced him to come in the first place. She seemed to hesitate despite looking excited to see him - was she worried about stepping on her outfit, perhaps? - so he trotted over to meet her.
"Hey, Skies. I - "
Tank stopped halfway through his greeting as he got a proper look at her dress. Despite its simple design, it fit Skies perfectly, giving her the appearance of a finely crafted porcelain doll. "...Wow, you look great!"
Skies' cheeks lit up."T-Thank you... I was worried it wouldn't look right on me," she admitted, turning her attention to Tank's vest and tie. "You look great too! The color works well with your coat."
Tank glanced down at his outfit once again. "You think so? I don't usually wear quite this much blue..." Not sure what else to say, he simply shrugged. "We should probably get moving in any case. The gardens ought to be open by the time we get there."
Skies nodded, taking her position beside her date and smiling warmly. "I'm ready when you are."
Tank's cheeks turned subtly red as a thought struck him. After a moment of awkward hesitation, he slowly lifted a foreleg and held it out, offering it to Skies... who took it happily, placing her own foreleg over his as they began their walk toward the castle.
A few moments passed before either of them spoke, the silence finally broken by Skies. "This should be fun, you think?"
"It'll certainly be interesting, at the very least. I was never all that keen on formal gatherings like this, but... well, let's just say I've been trying a lot of new things recently." Tank rolled his eyes at his own statement before turning back to Skies. "Though sometimes it helps to get a nudge in the right direction," he added with a smirk; their presence at the prom had been more or less her idea, after all.
Skies giggled, meeting Tank's gaze. "Trying new things is better than regretting not trying them at all! At least, that's what I tell my kiddos to get them to try something out of their comfort zone once in a while."
Tank nodded assent. "You don't know what you might be missing if you never try it, right? I mean, I'd draw the line at anything obviously dangerous, but you know."
"Well, of course. They know to ask me, Auntie, or Grandmare about that sort of thing first." Skies sighed. "Then again, you know how kids are; they'll charge headlong into things if they get excited enough..."
Tank shrugged. "I dunno, I think there's something to be said for being bold sometimes. You know..." He paused before continuing, as though for dramatic effect. "...like marching into a dark, timberwolf-infested forest to go picking magic flowers?"
Skies gave Tank a puzzled look. "What do you mean by that?"
Tank quirked an eyebrow. He wasn't sure whether she was being coy, or had somehow already forgotten the incident that had brought them together to begin with... but he quickly shrugged and decided it wasn't important. "Never mind, I guess. In any case, do you know anyone else who's going to be there?"
"Oh, hmm..." Skies searched through her memory for a moment. "I think my ex is going to be here. The last time I spoke to her, she said she'd be wearing something that would 'drop jaws,'" she explained with a shrug.
"Is that so?" Tank quirked an eyebrow, sounding largely unimpressed. "I guess we'll see, then."
"She's really pretty, and she knows how to work all kinds of ponies... in all sorts of ways..." Skies' cheeks turned red again, prompting her to quickly shake her head to clear the thoughts from it and put on a sheepish smile. "Um, anyway! I heard the garden is home to all kinds of plants and animals!"
Tank had to stifle a chuckle at the abrupt change of topic. "Huh, that sounds cool. I doubt we'll get to see much in the way of animals while the prom's going on, though; they probably won't like the noise too much."
Skies' ears folded back. "Oh, that's true..."
Before long, the two found themselves passing by numerous well-dressed unicorns, Canterlot locals presumably going about what business remained before the prom was set to begin.
Skies lowered her head a bit and whispered to Tank. "Looks like the snooty ponies are gonna be really judge-y this evening."
"Ugh, tell me something I don't know." Tank rolled his eyes, making no effort to lower his voice as he shot an annoyed glare at a nearby unicorn looking down his nose at them. "The ponies around here are so stuck-up, I'm surprised the weight of their collective egos hasn't collapsed the mountain by now."
Try as she might to resist, Skies burst out laughing, the sudden noise startling several ponies nearby. Grinning a highly satisfied grin at her amusement, Tank glanced at the unicorn again to find his expression changed to one of great indignation. This was enough to push him over the edge, finally joining in the boisterous laughter. The startled ponies pointed their muzzles in the air and marched off, muttering words like 'uncivilized' under their breath as they went. Tank and Skies paused a moment, grinning at one another as they caught their breath before heading off toward the castle garden once more.
As soon as they'd passed through the ivy-covered gate to the royal garden, Tank glanced curiously around at the festivities. A fancy-looking band played a classical piece from atop a short stage behind a fairly large dance floor at one end, while the other featured long tables covered in enough food to satisfy a small army. Smaller paths led deeper into the gardens from beyond the main area.
"Well, I know what I wanna do first," he declared with a grin.
"Hmm, let me guess..." Skies' gaze swept across the garden, taking in all the finely dressed ponies before she continued. "You wanna eat and then dive deep into the garden to see what might be lurking there, right?"
Tank rubbed his neck with a free hoof. "Am I really that predictable...?"
"Nah, we just think alike is all~" Skies giggled and began tugging Tank toward the buffet. "C'mon, let's grab some food before the good stuff is all gone!"
Tank trotted alongside Skies over to the buffet tables. All the food looked exquisite, making it difficult for him to decide where to start, but he soon settled on gently plucking a small sandwich from a nearby plate and lifting it to eye level for a closer look. "Is that... cucumber and watermelon? That's... unorthodox. Well, nothing ventured..." He took a hearty bite, eyebrows raising as he chewed. "Huh, that's better than I was expecting."
Skies slowly traveled the length of the table, equally plagued by indecision. Distracted as she was, she hadn't noticed the well-dressed unicorn sampling a glass of juice near the far end until she'd already bumped into him.
"Oops! I'm so sorry!"
The unicorn turned to face Skies, the juice glass held aloft in his magic entirely unharmed. "No worries at all, my dear! No harm, no foul, as it were." He took a sip from the glass, his monocle-clad eye quickly scanning her up and down. "Say, if I might ask... by any chance, was your dress designed by a Miss Rarity?"
It was then that Tank caught up to the two, quirking an eyebrow at the stallion's inquiry. "Actually, yeah. We got it from Carousel Boutique in Ponyville. How'd you guess?"
"Why, I'd recognize her impeccable work anywhere!" the unicorn boasted. "She has the most exquisite style, her dresses simultaneously standing out in their own right and enhancing a pony's natural beauty... and you do wear it very well, my dear." He took another gentle sip of juice. "But do forgive my interruption! I should be off; ponies to meet and sights to see, after all!" With that, he nodded and wandered off in the direction of a small crowd now giving Skies and Tank quizzical looks.
Tank's brow furrowed. "Well, that was... a better reception than we got on the way through town, at least."
"I - I suppose so..." Skies' ears folded back and her cheeks turned red as she began fidgeting uncomfortably.
Tank tilted his head, his expression softening. "Uh... you alright over there, hon?"
"I'm fine..." Skies' face had regained its usual color, though the smile she now wore looked... strained. "Um, I saw some chocolate-covered strawberries over at the other end that looked good."
Tank hesitated for a moment. Though he hadn't known her for very long yet, he had already figured out just how bad Skies was at masking her feelings... but prying into the matter sounded like a less than stellar idea even if there hadn't been a crowd nearby. Whatever was bothering her, it seemed best all around to leave it be for now and let her decide to open up on her own.
"Ooh, that sounds good," he finally decided. "Where'd you see that?"
Skies wiped her eye with a foreleg before pointing it at the far end of the tables, her smile now looking much more sincere. "Over by the fruit bouquet and chocolate fountains."
Tank's eyes widened as he followed along. "Wait, chocolate fountains? How did I miss that? Please tell me they have marshmallows too."
"You probably missed them because they're not all chocolate!" With a giggle, Skies came to a stop in front of a series of fountains, each one's contents a different color and flanked by platters covered in various fruits and confections.
Tank walked slowly along the row of fountains. "Chocolate, strawberry, caramel..." He stopped to sniff at one containing a thick yellow syrup. "Is that... banana?" Plucking a wooden skewer from the table, he speared a marshmallow from a nearby bowl and coated it in the yellow syrup before moving the skewer to his hooves to eat his treat. "...Yef."
"See? Not just chocolate!" Skies deftly grasped a skewer of her own with her wing and used it to dip a strawberry under the flow of chocolate. Satisfied with its hefty coating, she popped it into her mouth and chewed happily, oblivious to the chocolate it had left on her lips.
"Well this is redundant," Tank declared, staring at his strawberry-coated strawberry before chowing down. "But delicious~" He glanced over at Skies, noticing the mess around her mouth. "Hey, uh. You got a little right here," he warned, pointing his hoof at his own muzzle.
"Oh, dear... you're always such a mess, aren't you?"
A tall, stunning gray unicorn clad in a beautiful glittering gown approached Skies, stopping only once their faces were scant inches apart. She glanced over at Tank for barely a moment, only long enough to give him a devious smirk before turning back toward the pegasus before her. "Let me get that for you, sweetie..." Before Skies could react, she found the mare's lips pressed against hers.
Skies hesitated for a moment before finally pulling back and shielding her mouth with her foreleg. "Winter Snowfrost! Stop being weird in front of my date!"
Tank stared at the strange mare blankly. "That... certainly was a thing that just happened." Still facing the unicorn, he glanced over at Skies. "I'm getting the sneaking suspicion we just found your ex."
Winter directed her smirk at Tank once again. "Of course it did, darling. Who wouldn't want to smooch such a beautiful bird? Ah, but I miss when we used to - "
"WINTER!" Skies snarled, her wings flared reflexively. "I know you like teasing, but will you please not bring up our past in front of a bunch of strangers?!"
Tank's eyes went wide as dinner plates. He'd never seen Skies this genuinely angry before; this situation needed de-escalating, now. Straightening up, he stepped forward and stood beside her, looking Winter square in the eye. "Alright, I've seen enough. If you're only here to cause trouble, I think you need to step off."
"Oh, my Skies... I do believe you've found yourself a good one." With a glow of her horn, Winter floated a napkin over to Skies. "I'll talk to you later, my dear; you know where to find me. Do let me know if he gives you any trouble," she added, giving Tank one last glare before turning up her nose and trotting off to mingle.
"Wow, I couldn't possibly imagine why you two broke up." Tank rolled his eyes before turning back to Skies. "I see what you meant before though... You okay?"
Skies finished wiping the chocolate from her face and tossed the napkin in a nearby trash can. After several seconds of silence, she finally spoke up. "Can we go for a walk?"
Tank nodded. "Sure."
The two made for one of the paths that led deeper into the garden, stopping only once they were out of earshot of any other ponies.
"I'm sorry about her." Skies glanced over her shoulder at the path behind them as she spoke, as though expecting the unicorn to appear behind her once again. "She tends to get extra flirty with me whenever she sees me with somepony else. She means well... I think... but she gets carried away really easily."
"If you say so." Tank took a seat beside a rose bush. "Sorry if I got too aggressive back there."
"It's fine... I was pretty guilty of that too." Skies sat down beside Tank, her eyes fixed on the flowers. "The roses are really pretty in the moonlight..."
Tank craned his neck, looking skyward. "Yeah. I love these bright moonlit nights; everything is familiar and different at the same time... It almost feels like walking through a dream, you know?"
"A dream you never want to end," Skies added.
"Well, maybe." Tank looked over at Skies. "But if good things lasted forever, then they wouldn't mean anything anymore, would they? Being rare and fleeting is part of what makes them special."
For a moment, Skies' only response was to continue staring at the roses. "Um... Tank?"
Tank tilted his head. "Hm?"
Skies turned away, ears flattening against her head. "I'm sorry for... asking you to ask me to prom."
Tank spent a moment staring incredulously at her before responding. "...Uh. Why?"
Skies took a deep breath. "I dunno, I just... feel like I forced you to bring me is all."
Tank put a hoof on Skies' shoulder and smiled softly. "Hon, trust me - if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be. You have nothing to apologize for." He retracted his hoof and used it to rub his neck instead, his smile fading. "I'm... sorry if this is because I haven't been a very good date. Like I said before, I don't usually do this sort of thing very often."
"Aw... you're a fine date." Skies lowered her head, resting it gently on Tank's shoulder. "You're more fun than most of the dates I've had before. I don't think I'd have even enjoyed being here tonight if not for you."
Tank rested his head atop Skies'. "I guess we're just being a couple of worrywarts then, huh?"
Skies smiled. "Hehe... I guess we are."
A sudden camera flash startled both ponies, soon followed by the head and shoulders of a strange-looking earth pony wearing pink-tinted sunglasses popping out of a nearby bush. "Zat is perfect!" she declared before leaping from her hiding place and galloping down the path, out of sight in a blink.
"What the - ?!" Tank straightened up reflexively, eyes darting this way and that before fixing on the path down which the clandestine photographer had retreated. "Wh... Did I consent to that?"
"Oh, I think that was Photo Finish... She's probably just taking pictures of outfits she likes." Skies stretched a little as she sat up, idly scratching her ear. "I wouldn't worry about it. She might not even publish it, since we're common folk and all."
"...Hmm. I'm wondering if I should've read the fine print on my ticket a little more closely..." Tank shrugged. "Oh well, it's not a big deal. Probably."
Skies' smile finally returned in full. "Wanna stay here, or walk around some more?"
Tank stood up. "Why don't we check out the rest of the garden while we're here? I don't imagine we'll get the chance to see it again anytime soon."
"Okay. Let's go then!" Hopping up on all fours, Skies led the way as she and Tank delved deeper into the royal garden.
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