#i wish those were real
puddii-ng · 4 months
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unicorn mika 😊🤍 how whimsical
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martyryo · 7 months
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Need to draw them being stupid at least once a month
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sydneighsays · 1 year
I was peer pressured into drawing this
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jestroer · 9 months
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blorbos that live in my head every day
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hollow-dweller · 1 year
i think it's time for fandom to accept that some AUs are simply A Bad Idea. your lilo and stitch au with two white dudes is a bad idea. your portrait of a lady on fire au with men is a bad idea. your encanto au with a white family is a bad idea. culture and gender and race *matter* in many source texts, and erasing or appropriating that in order to see your two favourite white guys hug is, you guessed it, a bad fucking idea.
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
"Nie Mingjue would still have died young even if Jin Guangyao hadn't killed him" Not as in "So it's fine to kill him because people who won't live for much longer have obviously already forfeit their lives" (what) But as in "If you don't get that Nie Mingjue has had an inevitable young and violent death hanging over him since he was a young teenager and has embraced it you can't fully understand his character"
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charmre · 3 months
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Salt in my lungs, Holding my breath Making peace with my inevitable death I guess I did alright considering Tried to be a halfway decent friend Wound up a bad comedian An honest fool with more bad habits Than you can count
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lilithknoxville · 3 days
HE’S HERE!!!!!
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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You know I love these different Waffle Cookies that the creators made that one time, and how they each interpreted the waffle differently
The first one makes the waffle more like a shield or something? This one isn’t entirely clear, but it led to summoner/cleric
The second one seems to interpret the waffle as like a straw hat, and thus a bug catcher
The third one I’m told they made the connection between the waffle and chainmail, which led to them being some sort of monster tamer? I don’t know
And then this fourth one, the waffle got interpreted like a knit pattern, and so the Cookie’s a knitter
I love how each of these make a connection between the ingredient and something else, and then from there they can make a whole character from it
God I wish that were me. And also that I didn’t overthink things so much
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yki-dolls · 1 year
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Donnie stop making fun of your brother he's just very gay
Pixel art Commissions
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wa3jetisbestpony · 2 months
revstar fans we need to put on the best talent show this towns ever seen and save ReLive!!
#revue starlight#NOT TAKING THE NEWS WELL AT ALL. MY GIRLS THEYRE TAKING MY GIRLS AWAY FROM ME!#like its been a part of my daily routine for like a year and half now... im not gonna know what to do with myself#i really cant stand all the people being like HAHA EAT SHIT AND DIE GACHA GAME#like i will not defend the gacha aspect. i wish it it did not have to be a gacha. i acknowledge gacha games as a concept suck#but like relive wasnt some souless cash grab gacha game#the writers clearly had real passion for what they were doing. they had stories to share with us in the revue starlight universe#and sadly the way things are shitty gacha game was how they were able to make it possible#and truly it had such amazing stories. like. theres no media quite like rev star. a complete cast of female characters#all of them complex and flawed and getting to have big messy feelings!! and fighting eachother with magic swords about those feelings!!#all the different relationships between them love and rivalry and friendships and sisterhoods all complicated and fleshed out#LIKE IT JUST MEANT MUCH TO HAVE THE STEADY STREAM OF COMPELLING STORIES ENTIRY FOCUSED ON GIRLS#and now its going to be gone. i know theres still all the other revstar medoa and hope they keep doing stuff with the francise#i hope we see the frontier and rinmeikan girls again someday. they honestly had the most moments that made my jaw drop#onward to the next stage#right?#anyways do you get it talent show lol cause theyre stage performers
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epicfirestormer · 1 month
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Guess who's playing Steamworld Heist 2 and isn't being normal about it
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some-pers0n · 4 months
TDG is so funny cause most of the time it's Snowfall going "Grrrgrrr I HATE outsiders and I can't believe I have to have these STUPID VISIONS all the time so I can learn to have empathy!! Why did my mom even think I'd be a good queen of this STUPID kingdom anyways!?" and then you get to the Jerboa chapters where suddenly you're being told the story of a young child learning her personality and memories had been altered and wiped countless times as she's seen as little more than cheap amusement for her abusive egotistical mother
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after-the-end-times · 1 month
Javi and Kate's trauma manifest so differently that it's no wonder Javi gets angry after their failed tornado scan
After their last tornado, Kate squashed everything down and ran away to somewhere "safe". A different career path in a city with an almost zero chance of a tornados
She never really confronted or dealt with any of her ptsd and thought she had everything under control. That is, until she went back to the south and confronted a tornado again
And, of course, she ended up freezing and having a panic attack. With a tornado right there and the wind and dirt blowing up everywhere she, once again, ran away. This time taking Javi with her
And, while Kate had spent years running away from the past and pushing it all down and becoming a shell of herself,
Javi spent those years changing himself entirely. He went into the military and created a tech that would help study tornados. That way he'd never again experience feeling completely useless and helpless standing miles away while his friends all died
He transformed himself from the sleepy stoner guy who hung back collecting data in the van to the one taking the lead and driving straight in front of every tornado he sees
So, of course, when one trauma response (confront the thing that hurt you) was confronted head on with the other's (run away from the thing that hurt you) Javi got angry and Kate closed off
It's a natural, human reaction that Javi would feel like Kate's letting him down and that Kate feels like she's let him down
Sadly, neither's emotional reaction is right or wrong. They both just have so much unresolved trauma
And yes, it's from the same situation, but they experienced it so differently they don't see where the other's not understanding the problem now
They just don't know how to communicate and connect with each other anymore post trauma, so they're at an impasse for moving forward
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problemswithbooks · 2 months
BNHA Ch. 429
So, I guess Toga is dead, and people are losing it.
I get why people liked her--she was actually queer, being pan/bisexual. She was representation for them and that's rare in shonen manga. But here's the thing--she was bad representation at best and insulting at worst. Nor do I think she was made queer because Hori really wanted to represent a queer girl. Himiko was always the author's poorly hidden fetish--she just was. She liked girls as much as boys because Hori wanted to draw a girl touching sexually on another girl. You can see this in how he draws her and Ochako in solo pics together.
I mean, people seem to understand this when it comes to Momo and her outfit being overly sexual or that both Himiko and Hagakure's Quirks either leave them naked or they have to be naked to use them. These are excuses to draw girls in a sexual manner. Himiko being into other girls is the same thing and that's the kindest interpretation.
Given how Himiko acts and her Quirk being heavily coded sexual desire, and therefore her use of it against someone unwilling being sexual assault, it could just being playing into harmful stereotypes of predatory gays.
As a queer person myself I just found Toga insulting. She was designed to be overly sexual and give the male author a female character that he could draw being suggestive with his other female characters. When he did flesh out her character, her backstory was eventually the trope/fear of straight people, that gay people will be so overcome with their lust that they end up sexually assaulting them.
In the end Ochako accepts this part of Toga and says she'll giver her blood forever, but as much as a lot of readers took that that as some deep lesbian confession, for me it really fell flat. Hori never really gave any of the main kids time to actually learn about their villain or show how that changed their minds toward them. Shoto only works because Touya is his brother (even though he admits he barely remembers him). But Ochako goes from not thinking of Toga at all pre-first war, to one thought about her during her speech, to suddenly caring about her so much she--given how Toga's quirk is coded, is willing to essentially fulfill Toga's kink for the rest of their lives.
It's weird and it comes out of nowhere. It's made even stranger because Toga doesn't actually change or show remorse for anything she did, which included personally hunting and murdering people before she joined the LOV. None of the death and destruction she is also partially responsible for is brought up either, something that Ochako was rightfully upset about during the first war when less people and property had been destroyed. Ochako just accepts everything about her suddenly and her past serious crimes are forgotten so they can cuddle and cry.
Am I shocked Toga died--a little. I didn't think Hori would have the guts to kill off a young girl character, especially one that he clearly got a lot of joy drawing in sexy poses. But at the same time, once he killed off Shigaraki and ended Touya's story with his slow death, I'm not surprised he went the same route with Toga.
This isn't Naruto--Hori isn't really kind to characters that do something wrong, especially if they don't try and change. Enji, Bakugo, Hawks, and Aoyama all sort of got punished for what they did. Enji is the worst off, being permanently crippled, missing an arm and burned everywhere. Bakugo's hand is damaged, his heart weaker, plus he feels bad that Izuku lost his Quirk so they can't compete the same way he wanted them to. Aoyama, despite doing way less wrong and even helping his class during the forest raid, still leaves school because he doesn't feel he earned being there yet. Hawks lost his Quirk and even though him running the HPSC could be seen as good for him, Hawks always wanted a break, but now he has one of the most time consuming and stressful jobs out there.
So, if this is what characters who actively did good things and even changed and fought to be better get, what would characters who never changed and never did anything positive for anyone but their friends/themselves get?
Before the last Arc started, when so many people said the LoV were 100% going to be redeemed I had doubts and always thought it wouldn't make sense with how the story presented redemption or treated other non-LoV villains in the past. That if the main LoV did get some happy ending where they were bffs with the main cast it would clash with how other characters had been treated.
That doesn't mean that I think how Shigaraki, Toga, and Touya ended up in the manga was well done. I think their endings fit far better then a last minute redemption would have, but at the same time you can feel how rushed everything has been since the end of the first war arc. Hori was done with this story months if not years ago, yet he was contractually obligated to finish it. Because of that I think he left out as much as possible. As much as I think he's written some pretty obsessive stuff, particularly towards women, I can't really fully blame him cutting corners or the story being shit at the end.
We know Manga authors, particularly those that work with Jump are treated like shit. That they suffer incredibly long hours at times not even getting to go home for days. We've gotten messages for Hori saying he's sick quite a few times. On top of that, weekly story telling is not a great way to tell a cohesive narrative. Ideas probably change week to week or at least month to month and you can't go back and change the last chapter no matter how much you need or want to. Then you remember he also gave a lot of ideas to the people who made the movies, which would also change his plans for how he wanted the main story to go.
The story is bad--it has been for a while, but I think a lot of people put their hopes on their favorite characters getting a happy ending, even when there were signs that probably wasn't going to be the case. I know how much it sucks when a character you love gets a shitty ending (Stain was my fav, but he got an absolute dogshit ending) but at least, knowing what I know about the industry I can't really blame Hori the way I see some other people doing. Criticize it, sure, but saying Hori hates his readers or is horrible writer isn't true. BNHA was popular for a reason--he's great with characters and the beginning of the story had some great pacing. We'll never know, but I wouldn't be surprised if BNHA could have been amazing if Hori had been treated better and the story hadn't needed a chapter every week.
If anything BNHA has taught me how much a story suffers when authors/artists are treated like crap and forced to work past burnout.
#bnha 429#bnha spoilers#bnha critical#bnha#idk i just feel bad for the guy#i think he's sexist as shit#but no one deserves to work under such bad conditions#and frankly idk how any weekly story turns out any good#especially when its gone on for so many years#like when you think about it the chapters aren't even real full chapters#they're like half or even a quarter of a chapter that you'd find in a book or monthly manga#of course you're your going to have an incoherent story when you write like that#I mean the only other thing written like that are some fanfictions#and those authors can and often do go back and edit things#heck I've seen some that go on hiatus with the specific purpose of overhauling the entire backlog of chapters to make it a better overall#and I think part of why BNHA is perhaps worse then other weekly shonen is because he had a lot he wanted to say#on top of trying to find things that kept him invested in a story he clearly was tired of writing#I mean Lady Nagnat is great example#he watched a movie and thought the female assassin character was cool and it got him excited to draw/write#so he shoehorned in this character that was really only there because she made the story more fun for him to write and draw for a while#like American comics aren't great either when it comes to consistency or coherent plots sometimes#but I do wonder if BNHA might have been better if Hori could have left a story bible and basic outlines of what his plans were#and then someone else could have worked on it instead#because he really didn't seem very into by the end of the first war arc#like I think he wished that had been the end#but it wasn't and he was really tired and burned out#and probably already working on fumes
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
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Here's a Suselle Pride Month pic! This actually started out as something I did as a spite reaction to the hate this ship gets and it's still getting it because people don't know how to look at characters as any sort of 2-dimensional except me (jk I've seen a lot more folks thankfully) SO IT'S STILL SPITE LOL. It was only when I realized that June was coming when I lined it at the tail-end of April that I held onto this and slowly worked over it in the month of May. So it wasn't originally for now. Funny that tbh.
This was also me fucking around and finding out with Sai 2's scatter brushes now at my disposal :D I love the sorta blatant Fire and Ice thing with them still. I won't lie in the slightest it was greatly inspired by Lynxgriffin's piece of them. Other than that I draw everything from scratch and my hands were screaming for a while (If tumblr isn't still fucky with links I'd do that but until then aaaaa..)
Art: Mine
Do not steal/crop/edit/etc. Do not tag as kin/me ty! Suselle haters DNI :U
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