#that’s all tk report
puddii-ng · 4 months
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unicorn mika 😊🤍 how whimsical
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angelgendered · 5 months
Yknow considering my mum was a self proclaimed socialist feminist who did work with the campaign for nuclear disarmament in the 80s and other related causes, you sure wouldn't guess it now. She loves keir starmer, casual transphobia and denial that trans people face anh issus ever, being vocally racist, especially against black and Asian folks, being pro Israel and devil's advocate when there's a GENOCIDE HAPPENING, she doesn't think disabled people including herself should have lives (my granddad who was in a powered wheelchair most of his life would hate her now I hate to say it but) she thinks black people are reverse racist when they call her out on her yt privilege instead of just yknow listening to what they have to say nd to top it all off she said the other day that the cass report is right, and earlier today said that she was probably going tk vote reform because 'we need to look after our own'
Like babe
You're a populist nationalist tiptoeing dangerously into fascist territory. No wonder none of your friends talk to you anymore
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fitzfunnymoments · 1 year
Okay last week I was getting nothing but p/roship shit recommended to me now I'm getting nothing but terf shit recommended to me what is happening </3
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nhasablogg · 1 month
Could you do a Criminal Minds fic where Morgan rates all of Reids Tk spots? You could maybe do a playful one where he leaves notes on all of his spots as if he's doing a case report or something?
I love your fics! Keep up the good work!
A/N: Switched it up a lil, I hope you like it!
Rossi always found it interesting to see in what ways his teammates tried to preserve their humanity. Garcia chose to see the good in everything, with her colorful clothes and knickknacks. Who was the only one to still cry when it all became too much. Prentiss and her books, her sarcasm, her ability to still find things funny. JJ who at the end of the day went home to her son after trying to make the world better for him. Hotch, who only kept his humanity by making sure the others kept theirs.
And then came Morgan and Reid. The way the two of them never let the other forget, by joking around or showing tough love or allowing the other to lean on them when needed. Sometimes their humanity showed in silly ways, like prank wars or bickering. Today it was something physical, which had Morgan pretending not to smile and Reid whining.
Morgan was, from Rossi’s understanding, rating Reid’s tickle spots. A hand on the kid’s knee, squeezing once, twice, with Reid trying and failing to escape due to being trapped against the window of the jet, the table and Morgan in the way of freedom. “That’s a seven, I think.”
Prentiss hummed from across from them. “I’d say seven point five. Did you hear the way his laughter rose in pitch?”
Morgan nodded enthusiastically. “Noted.” He did in fact jot the rating down in his notebook, alongside the ratings for Reid’s thighs and sides. Rossi had unfortunately missed the end results for them. Had only really been alerted to what they were doing when Reid accidentally kicked the table a moment ago as Morgan had decided to go for his knees.
He’d have to ask for them later, naturally.
“That brings us to belly.” Morgan turned to him, seemingly doing everything in his power not to smirk - Rossi could tell from the twitch to his lips. “I have theories for this one.”
Reid was covering his torso, and yet he still asked: “Which are?”
“Oh, a ten for sure. I’ve heard the way you scream when tickled there.”
“Scream is a little exaggerated.”
“Want me to prove it, pretty boy? Because I will.”
Rossi felt for the kid, as he pressed himself closer to the window, a nervous smile plastered on his face. But he knew Morgan would never do something that crossed a line, and so this had to be okay. Even though it embarrassed him. Even though it showed parts of him that the rest of the team hadn’t properly seen.
“No, no, it’s okay-” Reid started, but Morgan went for it anyway. Worming his hands beneath Reid’s, he started poking and prodding, prompting panicked giggles that the other spots hadn’t produced. From Rossi’s understanding of this experiment, he wasn’t supposed to be tickling the kid for too long (“Can’t have him be all jumpy about spots that aren’t as bad.”), though this spot seemed to have him breaking his own rules. Rossi didn’t blame him. Watching Reid squirm and laugh, a scene so rare in the BAU, was intoxicating.
“That’s an eleven,” Prentiss said when Morgan paused to let Reid breathe. “For sure.”
“Maybe even a twelve. You hear the way he could barely form words?”
“Oh, I certainly did.”
“Here.” Morgan pushed the notepad toward her. “Jot that down, would you? I can feel his ribs calling me. I’m guessing they’re a nine.”
“Agreed.” “I’d say an eight.” Rossi hadn’t meant to get involved, but he’d seen Reid get his ribs patched up in the past and noticed the tensing up, but he’d also seen him get poked there and that had merely made him jerk away. Nowhere near the reaction his belly gave.
Morgan showed his surprise by blinking at him, but turned his attention back to Reid almost immediately. “Guess we’ll find out. Be ready with that pen, hey?”
Rossi leaned back to watch, smiling at Reid when their eyes locked. This was fun. He’d almost forgotten what that was like. He could tell his teammates hadn’t. Could tell this was second nature to them. How Morgan was hands on but Prentiss equally involved from the sidelines. How Reid accepted this form of playful teasing, despite his protests. How JJ and Hotch barely budged while all this was happening. Ease. There was ease on that jet, despite the heaviness of the case they’d just wrapped up.
He was glad for it. Realized he needed it too.
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josendlessmonolouge · 3 months
will handing leo a scientific study that’s like “prevalence of autism among the children of female single nascar mechanics.” And Leo is like “that’s a tiny sample size what kind of study is that?!” Then he takes a second look and realizes of that’s the mist it actually says “prevalence of autism among demigod’s of Hephaestus.” Aka probably how Leo got diagnosed lmao.
like a bunch of seemingly strange tk mortal scientific studies actually being about demigods. An article titled “Is arachnophobia directly proven to have a correlation to high IQ?” Is actually a study by demigod scientists about children of Athena. “skin cancer risks in those who play instruments regularly is lessened by 85%.” Sounds crazy to mortals who can’t see through the mist but if you can it’s an article about children of Apollo.
A study about soldiers reporting seeing woodpeckers before victorious battles is actually about the statistics of when and where mars appears to guide mortals in battle. think about all the possibilities!!!
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chosetherose · 28 days
This is likely old news but I haven’t had much time to check in here the last few days so apologies if it is.
The article only talks about how podcasts can be lucrative but if you’re tuning into my blog here is the angle not being reported: TK was looking for a way to make money as he begins to age out of football so he signed a bearding contract with Taylor that shot him to a level of fame far beyond where he was already. Now he’s signed a $100 million podcast deal and has stupid money beyond his already wild NFL money (even though this podcast money all doesn’t go to him he is getting mega rich from this deal).
Theres so many other factors relevant to this conversation (like what Taylor has gotten out of it and how different this rodeo is compared to her last fauxmance) but the focus of this post is that TK will wear his mastermind checkerboard sweaters etc when he’s told because it keeps the money rolling in.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 months
||Love Like Blood|| Chapter Three: Red, Blood Red.
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Chapter Three: Red, Blood Red
warnings: mentions of abusive parent-daughter relationship, mentions of menstruations, teacher abusing power, some violence, swearing, use of cursed technique, Nanami isn't in this chapter
pairings: Emo!Nanami Kento x Fem!Sorcerer/Carrie White!Reader
summary: the days that follow, you learn that you have a special connection to your power. through reading up on it, you realize maybe your power is very special. Miss Callahan serves up detention like it's nobody's business.
a/n: it could be a while before Nanami shows up again, but I promise the pay off while be amazing!
dividers by: @/benkeibear/@adornedwithlight
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Taglist: @tsukimefuku @kentocalls @erebus-et-eigengrau
@beneathstarryskies. @sparklynightm4re @seireiteihellbutterfly
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The days that followed were very difficult for you. Having to stay home during PE after having been excused from it for a week, it didn’t seem to make things better for you.
Momma had been a little less on edge with you. She seemed to think she could pray it all away. You busied yourself with sewing, drawing and reading. 
These were the little things you were allowed to do that weren’t considered a sin. Momma lets you have some hobbies, but not many. She  claimed that if you were to think too deeply on certain things, that’s when your mind would drift away from the good Lord above.
And so your afternoons were spent inside the cold, frigid house you had come to call your home. Momma had made sure you’d stay home for a week off school. As she had put it, you needed to pray for forgiveness and being at school with all the boys would do you no good. Whatever that meant. 
Still, you enjoyed the time you had at home. With every passing day you spent at home, you would cross it off on the calendar in a dark red marker. It almost became comical to you in a way.
Red…blood red. 
You would laugh every time you even thought about the incident in the locker room. Oh how you had been so clueless then. But you knew now…oh how you knew it now. Monthly menstruations.
They hurt, yes. But it was all natural. Even if momma thought it was because you had been tainted. You found some books at the library that you read up on as much as possible without her finding out.
The other part of your stay at home was to practice that power. The new, yet felt familiar, power. The aura that glows every time you flex that muscle in your mind.
It made your heart race. It makes you sweat and feel cold all at once. You wonder every time you do this if you’ll ever find the origin of this power.
The aura glows a bright, hot pink now. It’s steadier every single time you use this power. It forms almost a hand-like shape. It grips things, moves them, shakes them around.
But it does other things. You begin to wonder what else you could do with your newfound power. You begin to wonder if there are others out there like you as well. It would be an awfully lonely existence if you were the only one.
Some of the books you got from the library tell you about this power that some people have. They talk about the TK gene and you think that maybe you could have it. Telekinesis. 
Telekinesis (or Psychokinesis) is the paranormal ability to move or manipulate objects or people with power of one's mind.
You had read that line over and over and over again. It was almost like your own private mantra. Something almost like a prayer. There was a part of you that wondered if maybe there was something more to this power.
Why did you have a glowing aura? None of the other reports of TK that you read mentioned anything about a colorful aura. Perhaps it could be your own personal touch to your new power.
Whenever you used your mind and you flexed, the aura grew bigger and brighter. And you had even started to notice the way the pink was turning into a deep and rich purple hue.
Maybe as you continued to flex, you would find that different things would come about this power. And then…then you would show them.
You’d show them all.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙   .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
On Monday morning, the girls walk into the gym. The memory of what happened to you in the locker room is all still fresh in their minds. Here they are, dressed in their gym attire.
Miss Callahan walks towards the gaggle of girls. She’s not impressed with them, not one bit. A sharp blow of her whistle gets everyone’s attention.
“Roll call!”
Some of the girls seem to pep up at this. Most of them just stay seated on the bleachers. As Miss Callahan calls their names, they all diligently call out “present”. The gym teacher then marches forward and looks at all of them.
“What a nice bunch of to-be graduates you are,” she says in a snarky way. “Must be nice to know you’ll be going to prom soon too.”
Nobody dares to say a word. They all know where this is going, but they don’t want to push their luck either. It was almost like Miss Callahan could see right into their souls and see how some of them carried guilt about what had happened. Mainly Skye Smith.
“I bet most of you already have your dates thought up and probably have your gowns. Am I right?”
The silence was deafening. Miss Callahan was growing even more impatient with this group. But she’d be able to whip them into shape. She could do that.
“I bet Skye Smith is going with the lucky Toby Robinson. Am I right?” 
Skye looks down, “Y-yes. Yes we are going together.”
“And you, Helen, probably going with your steady man…Reggie?”
It goes a bit back and forth for a bit. Then Miss Callahan’s eyes happen upon Cait Hall. Oh how this young woman thought herself untouchable because of her lawyer father.
“Who’s your lucky guy, Cait?”
Cait rolls her eyes and mumbles, “Beau Noble.”
“What was that? Couldn’t hear ya.”
“Beau Noble!”
Miss Callahan moves away from the group of girls. She would make them pay for what they did to you. The fear in your eyes, the way you seemed to be so deathly afraid of what had happened to you. She couldn’t shake those thoughts from her mind. She dreamt about it, night after night.
“You know, looking at the lot of you, I don’t think any of you realize what a shitty thing you did on Friday! Do any of you stop to think? No, I don’t think you do!”
Cait picks up her purse, trying to storm out. Miss Callahan is quick to stop her. “Don’t you dare. You need to stay put.”
There’s an aggression in her voice that causes Cait to stop and pull back. She sneers and makes her way back to the bleachers, cursing the teacher in her mind.
“I think all of you really need to have a good, long moment of self-reflection. Cause I don’t think any of you truly realize just how terrible you were.”
Even if the words don’t quite register, the punishment to come will definitely make them all nervous. Natasha looks at Cait, and Cait rolls her eyes once more.
“I know what you all think of her! You think she’s ugly. Well guess what! You’re all ugly. I saw it on Friday morning.”
The girls all look down. Except for Cait. Cait, who always has to have the last word, is ready to fight back whatever punishment this bitch of a teacher has in store for any of them.
Miss Callahan pushes the clipboard behind her and looks up at all the girls. She knew exactly how to make them think twice about pulling some shit like this again.
“The office has decided on the appropriate punishment for you young ladies.” Miss Callahan begins. “Now you’re lucky because they decided on something much softer than I had planned.”
Some of the girls seem nervous now. They wonder what Miss Callahan and the office were going to dish out. Skye Smith wishes she could turn back the clock. The guilt is weighing so heavily on her now.
“My idea had been a suspension and refusal of your prom tickets.” There’s almost a playfulness to her tone as she watches them gasp and look shocked. 
“But since the office likes you young ladies so much, they decided it would be best if it was just a week-long detention.”
This seems to put the class of young women into high spirits again. Miss Callahan smirks, placing her hands on her hips. The clipboard in her hands almost looks menacing in its own right now.
“It’s going to be detention with me! And oh do I have so many drills for you to run! So many wrestling mats to be cleaned.”
There’s an air of disappointment and Cait Hall gets up, gripping her purse once more. She looks determined to leave once again.
“Then I’m not gonna come,” Cait says in a defiant tone.
“That’s up to you, Cait. That’s up to any of you, really. Skipping detention garners the punishment of the suspension and refusal of the prom tickets. Do you understand me now?”
The words coming from Miss Callahan frightened most of them. There were a few snickers from Natasha who watched as Cait Hall finally seceded.
“Now that you all understand, get dressed!” Miss Callahan finishes it with a blow of her shrill whistle.
Cait Hall seems to want to stalk off. The rest of the girls begin piling into the locker room. 
“This isn’t over! Not by a long shot!” Cait cries, angry that she’d have to face the music for the issues she caused.
And with that, they all go get changed. 
Skye Smith turns to face the blonde. “Just shut up, Cait.”
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024-- do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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silverwings22 · 4 months
Forget-Me-Not Blue, In Red (Commander Fox One-Shot)
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SFW, but injury, Order 66, and angst
This idea hit me out of nowhere, and I don't know if it'll turn into anything bigger like my Tech one-shot did. But have fun with it!
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He’d woken up to the truth a little slower than some of his brothers, but Fox had woken up eventually. The Republic, the war, the Empire, it was all a farce put together to turn the galaxy upside down in someone else’s image. He and his kin had simply been the bullet in a loaded slugthrower, and the order had been a finger on the trigger. 
Order 66. 
He’d been aimless afterwards, watching things shift around him. Smoke belched from the burning Jedi Temple for days, while he and the Coruscant Guard ensured order. There were riots, there were planets resisting… then there were TK troopers and suicide missions as clones were phased out. Squad by squad, legion by legion, until no one was left between him and the chopping block. He’d always thought he’d go first, before the younger brothers. The shinies, the ones he looked after and protected. He’d always taken the first week of any posting when a new delegate requested a clone guard detail, so he could see what they were like. The bad ones got older, hardened brothers who could take it. He’d never let little brothers suffer under someone like Palpatine… that’s why he’d stayed so long. He could have transferred, there was one posting he’d always wanted… but he stayed. He took the abuse, the bruises and scars, the unexplainable gaps in his memory, the injuries that looked like lightning strikes on a planet that didn’t have lightning… 
He’d done it for his brothers. Now, most of them were gone. Some turned up dead, on missions or in the barracks without explanation besides a cold look from an Imperial officer. Others just went missing. There were rumors, whispered between clones, of a place you could go and words you could say. If you went, you didn’t come back. Like tales of fae on Stewjon, the mysterious Other Ones would whisk you to a new place. What it was, no clone had returned to tell. Some were willing to risk it. After a year under the Empire, Fox was willing to risk it. 
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It was a derelict hangar bay in the lower mid levels. The instructions had said come alone, with only what he could carry and to give up the rest. “I’m looking for a ride home.” He said quietly, just enough he hoped someone heard. He hoped someone came, and it wasn’t a trap to weed out the traitors among the clones. His only answer then would be a blaster bolt to the chest for treason-
“You’re in direct violation of Order 66. You are guilty of treason, and will be executed.”
The sound of footsteps made him turn, and he found himself looking at 501st blue paint on the white standard armor. Jaig eyes were on the helmet, covered in tally marks to represent fallen brothers… he knew that armor. His comrade, his friend, his brother. “Rex?”
“Fox.” Rex pulled his helmet off, revealing his blonde buzz cut and a new scar on the right temple. “I was hoping you’d show up one day.”
“The reports said you were dead.” Fox reached for his arm with unsteady hands, clasping Rex tightly. If the captain noticed his hands were shaking, he didn’t comment. 
“It’s better if the Empire thinks that. Come on. You’re safe now, vod.”
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When Rex took him off Coruscant, Fox was whisked to a field hospital. He wasn’t even sure what planet he was going to, Rex apologizing when he told him the secrecy was needed. “There’s a chip in your head, vod. That’s why you carried out the Order. We have to take it out, and make sure you’re okay before you decide what you do with the rest of your life.”
“What have other clones been doing?” Fox asked, sitting blindfolded in a seat of a shuttle beside him. 
“Some decided to keep fighting. There’s a resistance, mostly clones but with some nat-born help. Others have been retiring. They’re exhausted. I can’t blame them… some go to a place a couple friends of mine found, called Pabu. Others have settled on Pantora. Senator Chuchi’s been helping us.”
“I can’t go to Pantora.” Fox said, too fast and he knew it.
“Did something happen, Fox?”
“I did something… during the Order. Something unforgivable.”
Rex patted his brother’s shoulder. “We all have regrets. It wasn’t your fault, it was the control chip in your brain. We’ll get it out soon, and you’ll be free. I promise.”
Fox wanted to call his brother a liar. He’d never be free from what he’d done. He wanted to confess right there, but his jaw locked and his throat closed at the memory of the night the Republic fell. “C-can I tell you?” He finally managed to rasp. “You should know… who you’re saving. What I’ve done.”
“You’re my brother, Fox. That’s all that matters.” Rex said it kindly, but Fox didn’t feel like he deserved any of it. “But I’m listening.”
Fox nodded, fists clenched in his lap. With the blindfold on, he could imagine every word he spoke as he stuttered out the story. The worst thing he’d ever done, the reason he had to get out of the Empire.
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Kandri Chitose had been Senator Riyo Chuchi’s personal assistant, a golden-eyed beauty who always wore her rose-pink hair in a set of twin buns held with golden pins. He’d met her when Chuchi requested a clone detail for her, and Fox had arrived for his customary week-long observation. 
Most delegates, even the nice ones, didn’t address the clones at first. Most were nervous being around military personnel, and didn’t know how to break the ice. Some were intimidated. Many just didn’t view the clones as people, and acted accordingly. 
She’d offered him a cup of caf before he was fully in her office. “Good morning!” She’d been balanced precariously on a stool, set in a rolling desk chair, trying to reach the bag of caf on top of her office shelf. “Hold on a moment, I’ll make us both a cup if you’d like. My menace of a brother came to visit and he put my caf all the way up here! Do you like caf? I have tea if you’d prefer.”
“Do you need help, ma’am?” He could only watch her on the tippy toe of one foot, blue calf disappearing under her red dress. Her favorite color, he’d find out eventually. 
“I think I’ve- aha! Got it.” She clambered down with a smile. The gold tattoos on her face formed a bar over her nose and triangles on her chin and cheekbones. “Now then. I’m Kandri. What’s your name, and please don’t tell me a CT number. I get mixed up with numbers, but I’m good with names.” 
“Commander Fox, ma’am.” 
She held out a hand to shake, and her nails were painted red. He’d remember that polish forever. “It’s nice to meet you, Commander. Caf or tea?”
“Caf is fine, but you don’t have to go to the trouble-”
“It’s not trouble. There’s creamers in the fridge by my desk, pick whichever you like.” She headed to the caf maker and got it going with deft fingers. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever put creamer in caf.” He frowned, but took his helmet off so he could at least enjoy the offering she was so insistent on giving him.
She wrinkled her nose. “To each his own. If you ever change your mind, it’s right there. Here’s the sugar. Now, I know they didn’t tie up a Commander like you to babysit little me, so you must have stuff you need to get done. Can you do it here, or should we go to your office after caf? I can work anywhere. Riyo just has me drafting her speeches today.”
By the end of the week, Fox almost didn’t leave the posting. She made him caf every morning, and let him get work done. When there was time, she asked him about himself and his brothers. And he’d tried every creamer in her fridge.
He assigned her a shiny, because he knew she’d be good to his little brother. She’d given him her comm frequency and told him he had an open invitation to have caf in her office, and to call her if he ever needed anything.
Fox infamously didn’t like people. He liked Kandri after that. 
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He didn’t intend to call her. He felt bad as he dialed the frequency, but it was 0300 and he had no one else to call for help. She hadn’t asked any questions, just showed up at the senate building in a red peacoat over her white nightgown, feet in a pair of ballet flats. He was on the bottom of the stairs with a broken foot and gash over his eye. Kandri had pulled his weight, armor and all, onto her narrow shoulders and helped him to her office so she could take a look at him. She’d cleaned his cut and put a bacta patch on it, then tried to argue with him that he needed to go to the hospital. 
He feigned embarrassment and told her he’d fallen down the stairs. Kandri had put her hands on her hips and stared him down, her hair out of its buns and falling in gentle waves down almost to her waist. He’d never thought about how pretty she was until then, in her pajamas with no makeup, golden eyes bright with worry. He eventually did let her take him in her skycar to the garrison medbay across the city sector, where she’d sat with him until a clone medic set and put his foot in a boot. Then she’d driven him to the barracks, taken one look at how many stairs he’d have to manage, and shook her head. “You can sleep on my couch, Fox. Call Thire and tell him you’ll be out until you’re better.”
“I can’t let everything pile up on him, Lady Chitose-” 
“Then I’ll pick up your datapad tomorrow and you can call it light duty. But you need to rest, or your foot won’t heal right. And please… just call me Kandri?”
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After his foot healed, he made time to see her more often. She always had a cup of caf and a smile for him. Sometimes she picked up lunch for herself and Senator Chuchi and “got an extra” that always coincided with something he’d mentioned wanting to try or liking before. He watched her, bit by bit, moderate herself for him. 
If he mentioned that a certain phrase reminded him of the senator that threw a full cup of hot caf across the room at him or a brother, that phrase disappeared from her vocabulary. If he mentioned a delegate who mistreated clones, she stepped between them and her shiny guard the next time they met in the hall. Fox noticed, if he didn’t see it live he’d find out on security holo review later. Bit by bit, she showed him she was safe. She was kind. She could be trusted. 
Eventually, he started letting her visit his office after hours, when he was catching up on things and no one else was there. She sat in the chair by his desk, moving it closer day by day… until one day she was sitting on the desk corner itself. His helmet was sitting beside her, and her hand rested lightly on it. 
“How’d you get that scar across the bridge of your nose?” Her voice had been so quiet, so fretful and hesitant. Like she was afraid she’d scare him off.
He paused, stylus in hand, and looked at her. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I see how many other ones you have. Your hands, your arms under your blacks, your chest… when you stayed at my apartment, I could see there were so many…”
“I’m a soldier, Kandri. Scars are a part of the job.”
Her pink eyebrows furrowed, red painted lips parting as she fixed her eyes on him. “Fox. I know you didn’t fall down the stairs that night.” 
Fox stiffened. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes you do.” She slowly leaned a little closer. “I see you. The first one to step between your brothers and danger. The last one to back down. You didn’t even flinch when that Zillo creature attacked this building, but you twitch when we pass certain senators in the hall. You look around when you hear the Chancellor’s voice. And you’re a clone commander, the most graceful and battle-ready people in the galaxy. You didn’t fall. Someone pushed you. Tell me who.”
“I can’t do that.” He shook his head, unable to tear his eyes away from hers. 
“But they hurt you.”
“I’m a soldier. A clone. We’re meant to be expendable.”
“That’s not fair, Fox.” Kandri kept leaning in, though her hand on his helmet tightened its grip. “It’s not right. You don’t deserve it.”
“Lots of people think so.” He swallowed hard. He had an idea of what she was going to say next, and he wanted to hear it just as much as he didn’t. Once the words came out of her mouth, he’d never forget them. They’d mean too much to him.
“I would never hurt you.” Kandri whispered. “But I know you can’t believe that. Too many people have already let you down.” 
He’d never been more seen than that moment, in the light of those golden eyes. There was no formality or procedure to hide behind. He’d already let her in too close, he couldn’t close the door again. “I want to believe you.” He admitted. 
“Would you let me try to prove it?” 
The galaxy had moved much too fast when he nodded. “... how?”
“Like this.” She’d kissed him, so soft and sweet and unlike anything he’d known since the day he came out of the growth tube. She pulled back after a moment, checking his expression for hesitation or distaste. When she found none, her cheeks flushed indigo and she slowly reached up to cup his face in both her hands. He closed his eyes when her thumbs stroked under them, tracing his scar and temples, where his black hair had started to gray far too early even for a man with accelerating aging. “I would never hurt you.” She said softly. “I’ll keep telling you until you believe me.” 
He was one of millions of men, made to die indistinguishably as numbers on a strategy board. He’d accepted it in his exhausted way, told himself he’d do what he could for as long as he could to keep the vod’ikase safe. But for a moment, under Kandri’s soft blue hands, he felt like he might actually matter. He didn’t quite believe, but he wanted to.
Her second kiss was on his forehead. He adored her after that.
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Stolen kisses during caf time turned to sneaking out of the barracks into her apartment, or either of their offices. Riyo Chuchi wasn’t stupid, she knew there was more than a friendship and simply let Kandri off the hook early some days. If her skycar was still at the senate building when the Senator left… she didn’t say anything. 
Fox knew he was in love with her when she had to go back to Pantora for a month with Chuchi. She’d kissed him goodbye in an alcove behind the barracks, promising she’d be back soon. He’d missed her every single day, and thought about comming twice an hour at least. Only the reality that they both were working stopped him… but he found himself thinking about her constantly. Every petty jab from a senator who viewed him as barely more than a droid was easier to take when he imagined her rolling her eyes and whispering what an asshole she thought they were. Even the innate dread he felt whenever he was in Palpatine’s office eased slightly if he distracted himself with the thought she was coming back soon. 
The Chancellor had noticed. Fox should have realized that was odd. There was no outward sign, no change in behavior, he’d been sure of it. But Palpatine had looked suspicious, like he’d both anticipated Fox’s discomfort and felt slighted by its absence. He’d been worse than ever after that, but Fox ignored it. It didn’t matter. The job, the Republic, wasn’t his entire life anymore. It was just an assignment, something to get through so he could go back to where he wanted to be. Kandri waited on the other side of whatever shitty day he was having, with open arms. 
When she’d sent him a message that she was back, he’d asked Thorn to cover for him for the first time in his life. His brother had been delighted, grinning like a moron. “Please tell me you have a date. And please tell me it’s that cute Pantoran girl with the buns.”
“That’s classified.” Fox had left his helmet in his office, he was in such a rush. He never forgot equipment, and failed to give a fuck when he realized what he’d done. He’d get it again when he went back to work. All that mattered was getting to her apartment. 
Kandri had met him at the door, in a red sweater over her day dress, and threw her arms around his neck. “I missed you so much.” She’d whispered, snuggling into his chest. “It’s good to be home.” He’d understood then, that Pantora wasn’t her home anymore. He was, like she was his. He’d spent the whole night in her arms, lighter than he’d felt since he was a cadet. She was almost asleep on his chest when he kissed her rosebud pink hair and murmured. “I believe you.” 
Kandri had smiled, looking up at him in the dimness of her bedroom, the city lights from the window casting dynamic shadows across her face as she smiled at him. Her fingers trailed over the bridge of his nose. “I love you too.” 
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“Execute Order 66.” 
When the Order went out, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. His head was in a vice, his thoughts muddled and discoordinate. He’d walked out of his office with other members of the Coruscant Guard, up to Palpatine’s office. The window had been broken. There were dead Jedi, traitors. The 501st was marching on the Temple, and he was to catch any who escaped them. 
All Jedi had to die. 
It had been a blur. His boots on the ground, orders given, the sound of breathing in his helmet, and then he’d turned down into an alleyway. 
Two kids, barely more than ten or twelve, were clinging to each other. They were dressed in brown robes, with beaded braids by their ears. Next to them were a pair of Pantoran adults, a male and a female. They were comforting the padawans, clearly trying to help them. When he turned the corner, the woman stiffened at the sound of his boots. Before she even turned around, Fox had recognized her red dress. “Kandri.”
“Fox.” Kandri’s eyes were wide, but she looked relieved to see him. “What’s going on? These padawans said the Temple was attacked! We were out walking-” She took a step towards him, but froze when his blaster lifted. 
Run, Kandri. Run. Take the padawans, take the other Pantoran. Run. Memory begged her, but she hadn’t. She’d pushed the other Pantoran and children behind her. “Lofi… take them and go.”
Lofi. Her brother, the one who hid her caf. She talked about him, he was a disability advocate and teacher at the fiber arts college at Coruscant University. He was blind. She was so proud of him. They were twins. Fox remembered all the facts but he couldn’t lower the blaster. 
“You’re in direct violation of Order 66. You are guilty of treason, and will be executed.” His own voice had said, dull and uninflected, like he was complaining about the pre-programed weather and not pointing a blaster at her. 
Kandri’s eyes watered up with tears. “Fox… please.”
“You are a traitor to the Empire.” There hadn’t even been an Empire yet, but he’d said it like it had existed for decades. 
The tears spilled over, tracking down her cheeks. There were freckles across her nose, darker blue and barely visible in the dim alley light. A constellation all his own, or it had been. “I love you.” She whispered, because of course she had. What else could she have said, in the moment before he pulled the trigger? Before the blaster bolt struck her dead in the chest and she collapsed backwards, head slamming into the pavement. Sprawled on her back, one bun coming loose and dipping pink hair into a puddle, knees tucked together and one foot bare where the blast had knocked her right out of her shoe. 
He’d ripped his helmet off and vomited immediately, tears in his eyes. 
He’d shot her. He’d killed her.
He wished she had run. He’d never have seen her again, and she’d have thought he was a child-hunting monster for the rest of her life but she would have been alive. Instead, she was dead in an alleyway. And Fox should have called it in, but he couldn’t make himself get any closer to the corpse of the woman who’d only this morning had been alive and sneaking him a breakfast pastry from a Senatorial banquet just because she knew he liked cinnamon. 
Fox had left her there, because he couldn’t make himself look at what he’d done.
When he finished the story, Rex just let him squeeze his hand. “I’m sorry, vod. I’m so sorry.”
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After the chip was removed and he recovered, Fox didn’t know what to do with himself. He refused Pantora, he was hesitant about Pabu… so he decided to join Rex’s fight. Senator Chuchi was helping Rex, and it was a fight worthy of going to battle again. It was something he could imagine being proud of eventually, if he could ever be proud of anything he ever did again. 
No matter how much his vode assured him that the chip had forced his hand, he still remembered he’d been the one to pull the trigger. He’d hunted those padawans. He’d declared Kandri Chitose a traitor. He’d killed her for the very thing he’d fallen in love with, her willingness to stand between someone and what hurt them. She’d been willing to save someone. She’d saved him, and those padawans, and her brother. 
He couldn’t save her from himself.
“The base here is staffed with mostly clones, but there’s a couple civilian volunteers. Trace and Rafa Martez own the hangar you came to, you’ll see them. There’s a couple mechanics, one really smart and obnoxious droid technician, and a cleaner.” Rex explained, walking Fox in. “Don’t eat anything Howser says he cooked. Don’t stand near Gregor if he says he’s got an idea…. Anything else he should know, Vik?”
The bearded clone beside him, with gray eyes and a tired expression born of a place Fox had only heard whispered about, “Tantiss”, nodded. “Be nice to Kitty. Every clone in here will punch you if you make her cry.”
“Kitty?” Fox frowned. 
“She’s the cleaner. A couple of the guys who defected like you did found her barely alive on their way out. She had a sucking chest wound, but they had some spare bacta and managed to save her. She doesn’t talk, we’re not sure if she can’t or just won’t. But she makes little noises like a tooka, so we started calling her Kitty and she seems to like it.” Vik explained. “She looks after everyone, especially the new guys who just got out of the Empire. She likes to bring people food.” 
Fox nodded. “She sounds nice.”
Rex smiled. “I keep trying to get her to leave base, to see if we can find out who she is. She doesn’t seem to remember anything… but if anyone so much as mentions it, she hides. I found her in a walk in freezer once.”
“She didn’t get sick?” Fox frowned. 
Vik shook his head. “Pantorans can take the cold better than us.”
Fox winced, but nodded. 
“Here she comes. Someone must have told her we had a new arrival.” Rex nodded. 
Sure enough, coming from the back of the base was a Pantoran girl with pink hair tied into a messy braid. She was wearing what looked like clone blacks bottoms and an undershirt, with a gray poncho tucked into her belt, and too-big boots, while very proudly carrying a tray of fruit. Vik smiled as she got close enough to make out the details of her face. “Hey, Miss Kitty.”
Kitty made a definitively tooka-like purr-myrr sound and held up the tray towards him. 
Rex nodded. “She’ll get upset if you don’t at least eat a little.” He whispered to Fox. “She keeps this place spotless, and we give her little odd jobs outside of that to keep her happy.” 
Fox nodded, turning back towards her as Kitty walked up with her tray. Just as her boots stopped, inches from his own, he dropped his helmet to the floor.
There was a constellation of freckles across her nose, sitting under liquid gold eyes that looked back at him with a guileless smile. She wore no makeup, no gold pins in her hair, but Fox’s mouth went dry at the sight of a ragged blaster-burn scar peeking just out of the top of her shirt. Her braid, pulled over her shoulder, was tied with a tattered ribbon in a bright, cheerful red. She held up the tray again, squeaking at him curiously with tone instead of words. 
“Th-thank you.” Fox whispered, taking a piece of melioruun. Kitty kept squeaking until Rex and Vik took a piece, then trotted off after Howser in the distance. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Vik frowned.
“You don’t need to take her off base to know who she is.” Fox whispered, the fruit dripping juice down his gloves when he unconsciously squeezed it. 
“You know her?” Rex glanced over at Kitty again. He’d been trying to figure out what to do with a girl who could barely seem to look after herself, but who was determined to try to look after the clones fighting for their lives against the Empire.
“I’m the reason she can’t talk, or remember.” Fox swallowed hard. “It’s her.”
“Her?” Rex frowned.
“The one I told you about… Her name is Kandri Chitose.”
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dearweirdme · 3 months
• JK being obsessed with JM is an assumption made by jkkrs — the same assumption is used by all other ships JK is involved in
• Jikook did not drink together before Hobi’s enlistment ceremony — that was a manipulated translation by a jkkr who used “language barriers” as an excuse for non-Koreans not understanding what they were talking about, meanwhile other native Korean speakers corrected them multiple times
• JK apparently wasn’t even playing “Letter” on the guitar, as it has now been pointed out by other anons lol
• JK being excited and “giddy” about a project that he is a part of?? No way. He must in be love 🤪
• The uncanniness of JK going live when JM leaves the country is a shipper mindset, because as a tkkr, I can tell you that there’s also a pattern for JK’s lives whenever Tae had a schedule/was busy — I’m sure other shippers have similar theories as well lmao and that’s just confirmation bias
• I think I have an idea of why JK didn’t go to JM’s shows and it’s most likely because he wasn’t even fully aware of JM’s schedule — idk I’m making an educated guess based on JK not even knowing when JM was out of the country or not knowing that his promotions were over (JK said this himself, mind you)
• “Maybe he’s too distracting for Jimin” BFFR ANON they’re in the same band 😭
• JK did not actually know all the words to JM’s songs and what jkkrs like to claim is JK being “mesmerized by JM” while watching his MVs, is JK reading the lyrics (iirc, he literally mentions that he wants to look up the lyrics for that part or something like that)
• JK also consumed every single thing the other members put out too (pls he’s so aware of when they release things) — but fun note (because I’m a tkkr) JK watched Vibe with Tae and was ✨giddy✨ over remembering how Tae misheard the lyrics — also despite not doing a live to show that he was watching Tae’s content, JK was really up to date with any and all things Tae-related (this is corroborated by the multiple times he mentioned having seen the content, or by references he made that came specifically from something that Tae was a part of)
• “It was way more than any other member of BTS” and you’re talking about the interactions they had during a WV live 😭
• Do jkkrs actually listen to anything that jikook say? Because even during Face promotions and when he was busy preparing the album, JM mentioned that he’d been seeing Sope the most often — Hobi and Yoongi also made comments about how often they’d see Jimin, so whyyyyy weren’t jikook seeing each other? Let me guess, they’re too distracting to each other? 😂
• “Pretty involved application process” and it’s just filling out paperwork to choose the buddy program as an enlistment option — it’s wild how jkkrs are suddenly experts on how the SK military works
• Jikook do have a history of working together, so that’s definitely a possibility, but as other people have since pointed out, Yoongi also picked up boxing, and he actually showed up with bruised and swollen knuckles around the same time as Jimin — omg yoonminkook boxing buddies lessgoooo
• Neither of them tell us when they are hanging out, but you know what they do tell us? That they haven’t seen each other in a while, that they don’t know what the other is up to, that they don’t know where the other is. So where do we go from here 🙃 also, the same logic can be applied to literally any other ship, including TK 😭 (we KNOW they’ve hung out more than they’ve mentioned)
• I’m curious what jkkrs think about JK being a cook in the military tbh, because as it’s been reported (by multiple sources, not just bitter JJKs as jkkrs like to claim) JK doesn’t actually sleep in the same area as the rest of the soldiers, but is with a smaller group of cooks since they have differing schedules from the other soldiers — yes, they are still in the same unit
• The irony of saying that Kayla’s blog is cherry picked and that you watch original content and “know the context” whilst typing out this monstrosity of an ask is wild
• If you believe all of that about jikook, what about all of the similar but arguably more compelling things about taekook? I’m almost certain that I can take any “jikook moment” and find a comparable moment between TK or any other ship for that matter because nothing jikook do is exclusive to them
Apologies, I’m sure this is choppy because I was trying to address as much as possible but yikes 😭
Hi @thv-jk97 !
An excellent picking apart of an insane take!
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kwyw · 10 months
So according to the interview:
- TK can't shut up about Taylor, even though she "hates" him flapping his mouth about their relationship. (I see some seeds being down.)
- Travis sells himself hard as a sweet, sensitive guy, but even his friends don't know the real him, and Taylor is still trying to figure it out. (I smell an escape strategy.)
- Scott Swift arranged all of this. Like we suspected.
- Travis was a celebrity in Kansas City and a complete nobody outside it, before the promance. Slice it any way you want - Taylor made him famous, is the message here. (Can we say C-L-O-U-T C-H-A-S-E-R? All together now, come on, kids! Spelling is fun!)
- Travis lacks direction and has no idea what to do when his football career expires. He's just throwing whatever at the wall to see what sticks. He needs money. He thinks about money a lot, while driving around town in his half a million dollar customized car. It's not at all obnoxious.
- Travis has no problem telling Taylor's security guards to step down so he can take charge and feel like the man . . . but he can't assert himself against a friend who talked smack about him on a podcast, or argue his worth to the employers who underpay him.
- He doesn't seem to understand Taylor's popularity, thinking a Hollywood reporter will need the concept of the Eras Tour explained to him. Huh? That's not being "a Swiftie" - that's proving how little attention he pays to her as an artist. It comes across like he only knows the most basic, surface level things about her career. 1989 was a smash hit, the Eras Tour is huge right now, Taylor is known for her emotionally-resonant break-up songs. Maybe his team wrote him out a little primer. Taylor 101.
- I did enjoy the comedy of Blank Space being his favorite song though. Someone somewhere is having fun with all of this.
- Everyone who falls into this man's orbit is struck by a sudden desire to write fanfiction about his relationship with Taylor Swift. It's uncanny. She's probably at his home right now! Tapping her toes impatiently while a home cooked apple pie cools on the window sill! Sure, Jan.
- Stalking Taylor's jet has gone mainstream, apparently. Major publications are just openly admitting they track it to guess where she is. So respectful. Let's just put this in a magazine for millions of readers and normalize it. Why the heck not? What could go wrong? No wonder she cut the wings off the damn jet five years ago
- Travis may be the most cornball of all Taylor's beards. "Wish on a star and you might manifest dating Taylor Swift into being!" I need someone to drag Karlie to the nearest observatory and get her wishing, stat 😂
The main takeaway: this was hilarious, and sure was illuminating 🤭
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not-goldy · 10 months
Right now there are some tkk left confused. Some left after Paris, some have been barely hanging on. Even saw some saying what Tae did with JK with the face time shirtless screenshot, actually mad them angry because now they feel Tae is gaslighting them or trolling them, esp since its all but confirmed he was in fact dating Jennie for 2 years. Coming to terms with things isn't easy or instant. It takes time. You don't have to switch from Tk to Jikook and accept Jikook is real now. What you can do is set yourself on your own path, away from the major big TK accounts still gaslighting you and making hella money off you. You say, well they aren't leaving and staying for a reason, maybe they do know things about TK. OR maybe its more like, why would they leave, even if Taekook is not real, cause you give them clout, money, attention and exposure. They ain't leaving when you do that, but you can.
The 5 big tk accounts who always end up on report accounts and you know who they are. Start with reporting these accounts and help them get taken down. Or better yet, take a stand against them and speak your peace to them. You earned the right. Do you honestly, deep down really think Jikook did this because there were no other choices? Come on. Don't do that to yourself. You've been corrected by Karmy who actually speak Jk's language on what he wanted to do and the reality is, it wouldn't have been where Tae is. And Tats didn't prevent him for being with Tae, cause Tae could have scarified and did this with Jk and went with him and you know this. This isn't a case of Jk will transfer to be with Tae after 5 weeks. You also know that is not gonna happen, it would defeat the whole point of what Jk did enlisting through buddy system. I am speaking to you like a rational adult. Like a human. Don't let these accounts who have gaslit you and made money off you, continue to lead you down a path of thinking Taekook are real and dating and Jimin and Hybe are villains keeping them apart and after military Tk are gonna come out and announce they are married with 2 adopted children. (TBH, you should have reported that grumpy tkk woman the day she said this, cause you know that is not sane. Its actually defamation, slander and mental illness) that you went alone with. You know Jk is a capable adult. You wanna say, well he liked a taekook tiktok. And honey he is the creator of GCF Tokyo, the biggest Jikook edit with a queer love song. He might have liked a TK tiktok edit, like he did a Jinkook edit, but he went with Jimin to Japan for 5 days right before enlisting. Sorry, to me that holds more significance. Saying Tae showed them shirtless was sending a message. They were also in sperate houses, talking and Vmin also said they video call shirtless, so there's that. Not to mention Jikook were standing next to each other on their private vacation with arm around their naked torso, in Jk's bday post pic from Jimin. The word T O G E T H E R, not separate houses. Don't do this to yourself and do the compare game, it won't work out for you. Do yourself a favor and Take what Jikook did with this enlistment as a reminder, to never let anyone else tell you what to feel or think, cause Taekook lives is telling you Jikook are not close, but Jikook are showing you different. Think for yourself. Or, wait around and keep holding on and let the fall be so bad, you will never recover from it. That is a scary thought to live with. If you think Paris was a bad fall, you wait for Jikook out of the Military. This was your warning shot from jikook. Your way as an out for good. Their way of telling you nothing will ever stop them from prioritizing each other and best believe they gonna show you when they get out. I would listen to them, if it were me and not someone gaslighting me to make money off me. Choice is yours.
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wyvchard · 8 days
A Few Things to Mend
After a disagreement during a mission, Agent Phoenix goes to Reginald's office to report some damage. He was more than willing to help repair it.
Content Warnings: Reginald's field days are mentioned (descriptions of blood and violence and survivor's guilt)
A knock on the door interrupted Reginald's thoughts, causing him to turn towards its source. His agent came to him with slight remorse, steps heavy with something.
"... Look, I... I'm sorry about last mission." Agent Phoenix started, eyes averting his like a child who wanted to come clean. "I knew I could make that jump but I didn't stop to consider how you'd feel."
"It looked risky. Well, riskier than usual. As much as I know you're more than capable of miracles, I can't help but worry. What if you get hurt to the point you can't bounce back from it?"
Phoenix looked slightly pained, flinching at his words as their shoulders fell. "I wasn't hurt but..." Their grimace made him frown. "I just wanted to tell you about something. It's not bad, I promise but I just want you to know."
It took everything Reginald had in order to not sigh in relief. "It's just a tear, Agent. I'm not going to be mad about that."
"I ruined your coat. I know you liked it."
"Do you really think I would worry about that? If anything, I'm glad it helped protect you in a way." He gave them a smile while he opened one of the drawers to pull out a sewing kit. "Besides, I know how to mend a tear or two."
He watched as his agent used their TK to grab the sewing kit and thread the needle with practiced ease. "You seem used to that, Agent. Did you mend clothes as well?"
"It was highly recommended in the agency handbooks that we know how to. It can help in a pinch."
"Indeed it can." He felt the thin metal between his fingers as they handed it over. "It saved a life in my days as a field agent."
Phoenix watched as Reginald started mending the tear as some semblance of reminiscence coated his face.
"We were on a mission in the Pacific. My partner got shot and it was rough. We made it out safely but they were looking for us. If I didn't know how to patch up the damage, we would've been exposed and I wouldn't be here right now." He chuckled as he saw the tear getting smaller under his care. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that maybe no one will know what happened to us."
He refused to look at their face; their silence was more than enough to tell him they could possibly tell him that wasn't okay.
"...Probably dumped in a field somewhere." They murmured as they gently held out a hand to touch him.
"I feel glad I'm mending a coat this time, not sewing an injury shut. I... wasn't able to stop it... The bleeding was too severe and the cut was too deep. My handler told me I did my best. I sometimes wonder if I did enough for them."
"You did enough. I know you. You usually go above and beyond. You did what you could. I'm sure they know that as well."
Seconds passed and a snip cut the tension in the air as he handed the coat back to them.
"So, how did it look?"
"It doesn't look like it was torn at all. A handler told me that Dr. P would've done a good job mending this but this is better than I thought." They gave him a smile as they wore the coat again.
He laughed at the comment. "Roxana would be caught in the threads before she can mend anything. It seems like the con is still going." The smile on his face felt more grounded than usual. "Well, back then, Roxana struggled to make her stitches even whenever she accidentally tore her clothes because of the way she tinkered with things. I would even say she was hopeless. I wanted to practice my stitches in private so I usually mend her clothes. They all seemed to think she was the one mending my clothes."
"How did you not get caught?"
"How about you find out as practice?"
They sighed, looking at him with indignation.
"Don't give me that look, Agent. Take this as your reprimand. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about hiding in plain sight."
"...I stole your house keys last week and you didn't even notice."
"You... what?"
Happy Handler Week, Everyone! Please enjoy this short moment.
Tag List: @phoenix-and-found-family @the-one-and-only-043 @ghostlystarwanderer @jellyfishgummy @agentpheoness (Thanks for telling me this exists. /gen) @tillywunderwing
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qedart · 1 year
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Time Warp AU - #12
I got this little scene stuck in my head and had to get it out before moving on to anything with a bit more plot. Just the boys actually behaving like normal teenagers for once (well, perhaps with a dash more danger than most teens go for) and pestering Ice for permission to get motorcycle licences (they assume Mav’s a shoe-in. They are mistaken. He’s by far the more hesitant of the two of them). 
It’s an opportunity for both Ice and Tom to flex their negotiation muscles. By the end of talks they’ve got a written agreement (signed by all parties and witnessed by an utterly bemused Cyclone) outlining that: 
Thomas Lev Kazansky (II) (hereinafter referred to as TK) and Pete Michael Mitchell (II) (hereinafter referred to as PM) will receive permission and blessing to get motorcycle permits/licences under the condition that: 
California Relevant state road rules will be abided by. 
Permit limitations will be followed until PM and TK are eligible for licence upgrade
Protective gear (read: helmet, gloves, jacket, boots as a minimum) to be worn at all times (Addition: Cpt Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (I) will provide a good example by wearing a helmet and gloves at a bare minimum going forward). 
Motorcycles will be roadworthy upon purchase. (Note: PM’s confidence in his abilities to make them so will not suffice.)
Motorcycles will be appropriately maintained (with quarterly check-ups conducted by Cpt Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (I) for the first 12 months or until satisfied with PM and TK’s skillset to carry on solo). 
Before first solo ride/s - PM and TK are to accompany Cpt Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (I)  and Admiral Thomas ‘Iceman’ Kazansky on no less than six group rides to build up seat time and skillset in various conditions. 
Any accidents, minor or major, that occur will be reported to Cpt Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (I)  and Admiral Thomas ‘Iceman’ Kazansky  (note: i: Cpt Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (I)  and Admiral Thomas ‘Iceman’ Kazansky  acknowledge that accidents happen and are often a part of learning and promise not to overreact in the case of an honest mistake. ii: PM and TK agree that further instruction will be provided and accepted with minimal protest to avoid future accidents). 
It goes on for about 5 pages. (If the fighter-pilot thing doesn’t work out, Tom’s got a very bright future in law and/or politics it would seem). 
In other news, waaaay more research into California road law went into the background of this comic than was really necessary. (I would have had my bike soooooo many years earlier if I was born american 😭)
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nashdoesstuff · 6 months
here’s my other superhero for the au by @thelunarsystemwrites! [2/2]
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Meet Time Kid, a young superhero who loves to help people.
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His civilian identity is Sans [REDACTED], a 7th grade student that admires all superheroes and who is fortunate enough to be one. He’s quite the celebrity at his middle school for it.
Sans [REDACTED] was raised a normal kid, but there was one thing that always stood with him, and that was the superheroes in the city. He saw them, flying high, protecting civilians, defeating the bad guys, and he knew that one day, he wanted to be one.
His dad, Gaster, is a scientist. He continuously begged him to make him some sort of superpower, but his pleas didn’t work, as his father insisted it was far too risky. Obviously, being a child, he didn’t take no for an answer. So, he snuck into his dad’s lab, dabbling with his equipment and previous projects. He stumbled across an older experiment, a blue serum on the inside of a fridge labeled in a language he couldn’t understand. He activated the serum with his magic, causing a reaction that broke the glass vial it was contained in and the contents mixing with his own magic. At first, it hurt, burning the inside of his bones, but after a few hours, the stinging sensation went away, and he found a new power— time manipulation.
He hadn’t heard of a real superhero with the ability to manipulate time before, so he was overjoyed when he accidentally made a paper airplane stop in mid air during class. He practiced his magic until he decided it would be safe enough to use in a real situation.
One day, when getting groceries with his dad, he noticed an attack. A supervillain attack, in real time. He didn’t recognize the villain, but he knew he had to help. He dropped the bag he was holding and quickly teleported into the scene, despite his father’s demands for him to stop.
After what seemed like an exhausting fight, he triumphed, though with a few cracked bones. The next thing he knew, he was swarmed with reporters and journalists, shocked that someone of his age defeated an adult villain. He gleamed with pride, incredibly excited until his father dragged him from the crowd, furious. He had a very long lecture for his son, and grounded him for a month. It took him a while to acknowledge Sans’ clear ambition for heroism, but when he did, he told him to be careful, and gave him the opportunity to try it out again.
With his father’s blessing, Sans became Time Kid, one of the youngest heroes in the city.
ATK 20 DEF 30 HP 100
+ agility and speed + extremely smart— can use intel on the battlefield + time manipulation— can stop a moment in time for a certain amount of time. He can also fling time disks at people shaped like clocks, which sort of work like bones. + fusion— can fuse with other skeletons at will to help on the battlefield, as long as they consent. - low health - can only use his powers for a certain period of time before he gets tired - can get uncontrollably hyperactive, which is not good for stealthy situations. - fusion can only work when his magic level is full - he’s still developing, so magic may not work as intended at times
- Some students at his school call him Time Kid or TK, even though his name is technically Sans. He’s in no position to complain, though. - TK is 4’6. - TK’s pronouns are he / him. - TK has ADHD! This works both for and against him in the battlefield. - He really wants to be apart of a superhero team. - He can be quite the annoyance to enemies, especially considering he defeats a lot of them. - His best friend is a kid named Frisk at their school. They’re super cool, and helped him make decisions for his superhero job!
and that’s about it! thanks for reading if you got this far <3
tk!sans is originally by @/perfectshadow06 utmv superhero au by @/thelunarsystemwrites this variation of the character is by me ^w^
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foreverrandomwritings · 5 months
Season 2 Episode 3: Hold the Line.
Buck being asleep and drooling on the window. 10/10
Buck then staring at Marjan, because he recognizes her not because he’s a creep. Hen and Eddie telling him to stop. TK telling Marjan he’s staring and her looking at him.
Hen:Buck, seriously. Don’t make me report you to HR🙄
Buck is so jealous of Eddie and Hen😂😂😂
Hen and Eddie:🤨🤨
Eddie and Judd bonding over being from Texas🤗🥰
Eddie: Oh no a female Buck👁️👄👁️
Mateo: LA huh?
Buck: Yes
Mateo: I have a cousin Marvin there, we look alike maybe you know him.
Buck: LA is big don’t know him. (But Athena does lol, I love the way they explained this though. Also really want an episode where Marvin and Buck cross paths.)
Buck, TK and Mateo all bullshitting.
Buck: My dick is bigger than yours.
TK: No mine is bigger than yours.
Mateo: I’m just happy to be here.
Eddie follows Marjan.
Mark and two feet away: Really dude? Oh a kid.
Eddie: Doing the whole single dad thing.
Uhm I’m sorry, Buck is Christopher’s other dad so go fuck yourself.
Judd when any animal that isn’t a bull is involved:😬😬
Paul: Keep him talking.
Judd punches said kid in the face. 😵‍💫🥊
Mateo bringing superhero’s into like any conversation he can is adorable and I love him.
Random guy: No one else is risking their lives tonight.
Buck, Eddie, TK, Marjan, Judd, Paul and Mateo: LOL.
Owen hallucinating: 😳
Hen: 🤨
Buck: My captain is not my dad but he is. Let’s go steal a fire truck.
TK: Absofuckinglutely 🫡
Hen: Captain Strand, I think you’re kinda crazy.
Owen: Yes.
TK: We shouldn’t both get fired for this.
Buck: Well my friend is there too and I’m pretty sure she’d do the same for me.
Buck: pauses and contemplates.
Buck: No she totally would???
Buck: I cannot bring back my fire engine all fucked. My dad not dad would kill me.
Buck and TK thinking they are gonna be on their own.
Marjan, Mateo, Judd, Paul and Eddie: You two dumbasses we’re going with you.
Judd and Eddie: GO TEXAS
Eddie: Hey Marjan let’s get a pic together to make Buck jealous. Also please follow Buck on insta.
Mateo: Please look out for my cousin Marvin.
Buck: Lol I will.
Buck unaware of his LGBTQ status: We should grab dinner if you are ever in LA.
TK with his gaydar on: Just so you know I have a boyfriend.
Buck: Wtf do you mean?😅
Hen: What happens in the mineshaft stays in the mineshaft.
Owen: 🫡
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liminalmemories21 · 11 months
Through the Looking Glass - Part 3
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The Knave of Hearts . . . brought back the tarts
It starts so innocuously that it’s hard to pinpoint, even in hindsight.  But he thinks that maybe it was his father’s birthday, sitting on the porch waiting to digest lunch before they embark on cake.  TK is sketching a line of Steinlen style cats to march along the walls of Marisol’s bedroom.  She clutches the piece of paper when he hands it to her and runs off to show her mom.  Carlos can hear her inside, gabbling to his cousin Lorena that, “Tio TK promised he’d paint them for me if you say it’s okay.  Please please please say it’s okay Mama.”
He gives TK an amused look.  “You know that if you do it for Marisol all the kids will want you to paint their bedrooms too.”
TK grins lazily.  “Gonna report me to the FBI for forging a Steinlen?”
His father snorts.  “Careful, mijo, if you take TK in for painting on Marisol’s walls you will definitely lose your position as favorite tio.”
TK kicks at his feet.  “Looks like I’m safe for another day, then.”
His father laughs at the two of them.  “That reminds me actually, a friend of yours stopped by to visit me the other day."  TK freezes in reaching for his ice tea, and Carlos’s father arches an eyebrow.  "Tulson.  Agent Tulson stopped by my office.  Who did you think I meant?”
If you're looking to catch up:
Knave 1 - The Knave of Hearts, he stole the tarts
Knave 2 - The Knave of Hearts . . . he said he'd steal no more
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