#anti nesta archeron
stargirlfeyre · 3 months
You ever just randomly remember how Nesta didn’t bother getting anything for Feyre on Solstice, her birthday, but she used Feyre’s money to get Emerie a gift?
But her fans expect us to care that no one got her a Solstice gift that first time?
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unforgivenyunjin · 11 days
Do people who say Azriel would make a better love interest for Nesta forget that he was also pissed at her and not defending her when she gave away the Mask? That he overpacked her bag whilst knowing that she was about to climb a mountain because she hurt Feyre? That his shadows were literally ready to attack her because she hurt Elain?
Y’all really took Azriel’s quiet nature as him being loyal to Nesta and disagreeing with the way she’s treated when in reality he’s contributed to her treatment.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
Nesta: it’s your mates money not yours 🤬🤬
Also nesta: has never worked a day in her life and would do nothing but spend FEYRE’S money
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shesalittlelost · 5 months
Fellas is it my duty to defend my garbage heap of a sister if she, who selfishly leeched off of me for years & now has a mansion because of me, gets called out for telling me to get out of that same house, poking my changed eating habits due to having turned and dismissing my trauma right after I tell her how I was tortured & almost killed?
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shallyne · 1 year
"People who hate Nesta never struggled with their mental health"
Or maybe, think about it, maybe people who hate Nesta dealt with their own Nestas in their life
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i-like-frenchfries · 6 months
I just think it's funny how Nesta being awful to people around her isn't a good enough reason to dislike her according to a lot of Nesta stans.
They mock people for disliking her saying shit like "boohoo Nesta is mean"
She IS mean. Don't pretend that it's not a valid reason to dislike her.
Get a grip, the way some of ya'll defend Nesta's actions and then bully people who dislike her just tells me you like Nesta for the wrong reasons.
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skyefullofdaisies · 7 months
Oh, are we still playing the “sweet wittle princess Nesta got yelled at by the big bad bat king Rhys” game?
Nesta wasn’t the villain there but she absolutely deserved Rhys anger. Ember was also soooo far out of line. Nesta made a call that endangered her loved ones and court. Yes, it worked out but she had no way of knowing that just because she and Az traveled with Bryce for a few days.
Rhys had every right to react the way he did.
Let’s be real here: if it had been Elain everyone would be shitting all over her for doing it. But because it’s “self insert” Nesta now her stans want to act like Rhys is this evil bastard. Honestly Rhys is a helluva lot better than me because I would have dumped Ember off the highest balcony at the House of Wind.
Then again what do I know? Apparently I’m “just a Rhys stan who defends his every action blindly” according to every Nesta stan I come across when they find out I hate her character, lmao 🤷‍♀️
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batboys-cumdumpster · 2 months
“Lady Death” but she’s just a lazy abuser who hasn’t done anything and takes credit for her sister’s kill
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Reminder that none of the Archeron sisters can cook and Elain canonically didn’t start learning until acofas. Saying Elain or Nesta must’ve been cooking as a way to prove that it wasn’t just Feyre doing everything isn’t the gotcha moment some people think it is, because those two can’t cook either. Not to mention they didn’t have money for ingredients and when Feyre did bring in meat that’s all they ate.
Making arguments saying we and Feyre don’t value feminine work just because it’s not discussed by the author who cleaned their ramshackle, half broken cottage, is a fallacy. Not to mention, the Archeron’s were so poor that there wasn’t any room for this so called feminine work to be done. They were so deep in poverty the only thing that genuinely mattered was if they weren’t going to starve to death. Nesta and Elain canonically did nothing to keep the family alive.
Argue about the hypothetical things they may or may not have cleaned but when you find evidence of them actually doing something to support the family’s livelihood, come find me.
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feyresqueen · 3 months
"People acting like Nesta being mean to Feyre is a fucking crime"
the thing is that she wasn't just mean, she was abusive.
"yall don't have sisters and it shows"
what awful sisters must you have to be to normalize all the abuse and trauma nesta inflicted on feyre
because I have sisters (2 younger) I know for a fact that I would never treat my sisters like she do to feyre, those girls are my life and I would never stand and watched them be abuse less abuse them myself, neglect them like nesta did
yall just are shitty sisters, and shitty human being and it shows
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stargirlfeyre · 4 months
If holding Nesta accountable for her actions instead of coddling her and blaming it all on her mental state is misogynistic then call me Eris.
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unforgivenyunjin · 10 days
So Feyre can free all the High Lords and their Courts and be the only reason why Rhys is still able to rule the Night Court yet she’s still called entitled and selfish for painting a cabin.
But Nesta can do a few things to help in the war (the one major thing she did being killing the king of Hybern, which she got help with, that didn’t even stop the war) and that means she entitled to unlimited spending of Feysand’s money?
Feyre can’t paint a cabin but Nesta can blow gold on booze and gambling every night? Careful your bias is showing.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
“Acotar would be shorter if nesta had a gun”
She’d be too lazy to get off her ass and use it
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shesalittlelost · 3 months
It's actually so infuriating to see how blatantly racist the writing for the Illyrians is like the way they're all portrayed as these vile, violent, evil savages whose first thought on seeing a woman is beat or try to assault her. In SF they're tough warriors who train for BR for years and yet they're turned into these stupid and mindlessly evil creatures who throw away any strategy and goals to actually win the Rite in favor of assaulting our fmcs. It's so fucking disgusting when you know that SJM is an Israeli Zionist because it's a direct reflection of how she (like most zionists) view brown men irl and I can't fucking believe that instead of clocking that there are people who not only buy this bs plotline but they are also totally comfortable with using it to turn their fav into the white saviour like wow... Idk if y'all are just incredibly dumb or you just look the other way knowing everything because as long as you can use something to hype your fav up, even a highly racialized storyline such as this written by a loud and proud racist is okay for y'all. I think it's the latter and in that case y'all are hypocritical fucking morons.
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feysandscourt · 1 year
I think it’s very interesting that “Feyre stans” (antis in disguise), defend Nesta and Tamlin’s actions, then use their “love” of Feyre as a manipulation tool against anyone that calls them out on their hypocrisy. You’re not a Feyre stan if you defend Nesta and Tamlin’s abuse of her, and still ship her with her abuser.
And the fact that these people spend majority of their content criticising Feyre’s character for no longer accepting her abusers abuse, than they do for Tamlin and Nesta’s treatment of Feyre, is very telling. And when they’re called out for this, they try and switch the argument and make it all about how horrible Rhys and the IC are…Love, we know you’re not a Feyre stan and we know you love Nesta and Tamlin bc of their treatment of Feyre. You don’t have to hide it anymore 💀
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i-like-frenchfries · 7 months
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