#bio dad au
azulhood · 1 year
I feel like Jazz should have her own Bio-dad Aus Now Bruce is a popular choice for most bio dad AUs, but let's add some variety. Harley Quinn is another popular choice, it kinda fits since they have ties to psychology. But let me give you another choice. Harvey Dent. Let's say Maddie and Harvey met at one of Brucie Wayne's fundraiser events, they hit it off, get a bit tipsy, then boom. Jazz's born. Jazz looks so much like her mum that Maddie doesn't even think that Jazz is not Jack's kid. (She does notice some things about Jazz that she couldn't have gotten from Jack or her, but admitting that would probably ruin her marriage, so she employs blissful ignorance.) Harvey, of course has no idea Jazz exists. Years pass, truths come out (or not), tears are shed, life goes on. Now Jazz is looking at schools, and she finds a good one in Gotham, you know, the home of her bio dad. She decides to reach out to Harvey. So, she talks it over with Jack and Maddie and they agree to let her go. Now you could have Jack and Maddie know that Jazz isn't Jacks kid and approve of her reaching out to Harvey, just them being supportive. Or, you could have them not know anything, and have Jazz do this behind their backs as an attempt to have a semi decent role model in her life. Your choice. But anyway. Here Harvey is, planning something (Next court case or next crime) and then, out of nowhere, a kid shows up on his doorstep saying "Congratulations, it's a girl, where's that child support?" And he's just so confused, like how did she find him (Tucker of course) and where were her parents? Harvey who's very concerned: ehh, you do know I'm a criminal, right? Jazz: My mum and other dad have a portal to hell in the basement, trust me, you're an improvement. Harvey who's even more concerned about this kid: ??????? Or you know, Slade Wilson is also an option.
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littleinkling64 · 1 month
more bio dad/symbiote au things
so like....marie can sense living things and their general heatth as a part of Tikki's power set, leading to strange conversations like:
Marie: Dang I'm so nervous I feel like my heart's going to EXPLODE I swear Clark: Your heart is very healthy, so I'm sure that won't happen. Nice strong beat. Marie: Thanks, yours too. Might want to watch the pie tho, pancreas looks a little iffy from here but that could also be the lighting Clark: Clark: oh so that's what this feels like
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My favorite thing about Tumblr polls is that I can use them to quell my internal debating by putting the majority of my decision-making process on literally anyone else.
I've started a Bio Dad AU that involves a good bit of backstory and a lot of twisty turns that have required me to do a lot of plotting. It's getting really convoluted at this point, and I'm thinking I would really like to make it a No Powers AU as well. But I also feel bad about leaving out the powers (Even though I ADORE reading No Power AUs!)
their* >> tumblr won't let me edit the poll
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irondadfics · 2 years
Hey i was wondering if you knew this fic, it’s a peter parker bio dad with tony. It was during and after endgame (tony survived) but when peter was trying to say good bye on the battle field because they thought tony would die pepper pushed peter out of the way. So the whole story is peter feeling like he doesn’t belong with his family anymore because he feels like the forgot about him while he was blipped? Thank you so much!!
What About Us by for_the_night
If Peter were more coherent watching his father die on the battlefield, that would have been the moment he realised his place in life had changed. If he hadn’t been hyperventilating and inconsolable, listening to Tony’s heartbeat dwindle, he would have realised the implications of Pepper’s actions.
She had pulled him aside. Pushed him away from his dad. She had more of a right to his last moments than Peter, he'd come to realise. Maybe there wasn't a place for him in his father's life anymore.
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peterxwade24 · 1 year
cigaM egnartS
Beacon Hills
Stiles Stilinski, the human best friend of Scott McCall and token human of the McCall-Hale Pack, sat in his bedroom bored out of his mind because true Alpha McCall had forbidden him from attending the most recent pack meeting, despite the fact that he was the reason Erica and Boyd returned to the pack and the fact that he’s the only reason Scott McCall even learned control.
Stiles’ phone lit up and ZZ Top’s “Sharp Dressed Man” poured from his phone’s speakers, which caused Stiles’ face to break out in a smile. He answered the phone, a video call, and waved at his uncle. “Hi, Uncle Phil. What’s up?”
Stiles’ uncle, Phil Coulson, smiled at his nephew. “Hey Mischief.” Stiles watched his uncle relax into his favourite spot on his couch. “Not much just wanted to call and talk to my favourite mischief-maker. Where’s Scott?”
Stiles gasped and clutched his chest. “You wound me, Uncle Phil.” Stiles felt his smile fall and glanced away from his phone momentarily. “Scotty’s got a girlfriend now. Doesn’t really have time to hang out anymore.”
“Mischief. Is something wrong?” Uncle Phil always knew when something was wrong, and sometimes Stiles hated that about his uncle.
“No, not really, I mean, Uncle Phil? Things are getting to be a bit much here. Could I come and stay with you for a while?” Stiles refused to look his Uncle Phil in the face. He couldn’t tell Uncle Phil that things had changed with his dad, that things had taken a turn for the worse and that Dad had started drinking again. He couldn’t tell Uncle Phil that Dad had started taking his anger out on him. He couldn’t-
“Mischief, you don’t have to ask. I will have to arrange some things with… work. But you can come and stay for however long you need. I love you Mischief.”
Marinette stared at her computer screen, hating that her eyes were her mother’s and not her father’s, when her Skype sprung to life. She let a small smile spread across her face before pressing to accept the call.
Marinette’s father’s face appeared on her screen, he was sitting in his dumb blush pink chair in front of his light gray walls in his home office. “Hey, munchkin.”
“Hey, Dad.” Marinette smiled at her dad, knowing that her hair came from him and not her mom. “How’s Entcle Nat?”
Her dad smiled and shook his hand in the universal expression of “so-so”. “Nat’s good, so is the rest of the team and I’ll make sure to let them know you asked about them.”
Marinette felt her eyes tear up before she attempted to subtly wipe them away. She let out a humorless laugh and shook her head, feeling her hair tumble out of her barely held together ponytail. “Hey, Dad?” Marinette was struck by her realization that her mom and Tom, when had he become Tom, had gone from parents to overworked babysitters who didn’t really care about her wellbeing. “I think I need help.”
Marinette's dad, Clint, looked her in the eye and somehow knew. "Munchkin. Do you wanna come and stay with me for a while?"
Marinette waved her hands through the air to indicate that the offer was not necessary. "Dad. I can't just abandon Paris, my friends are here." She frowned and thought about her friends when an alarm blared and her face fell. “Dad. I gotta- I gotta go. I’ll get back to you about this.” Marinette stood up and partially closed her laptop.
Marinette stood up from her desk and took down her hair. She shook out her hair before looking around. “Tikki?” She stretched her arms over her head and smiled. “Tikki. Spots on.”
Marinette was engulfed in a reddish-pink light and when the light dissipated she was standing in her room in what resembled an aerial acrobat’s costume. Her arms, shoulders, upper chest, and most of her upper back were covered in a neutral gray mesh fabric speckled with little red ladybug spots while the bodice of her suit was red with neutral gray ladybug spots. She had a lilac tutu around her waist, neutral gray tights and lilac pointe shoes with red-violet ribbons with black ladybug spots tied up her legs.
Ladybug rolled her shoulders and sprinted out of her bedroom to go fight the Akuma.
New York
Clint walked out of their home office, a frown on his face, and collapsed against Phil’s side. “Okay, so, you know about my daughter. You know how she lives with her mom and her mom’s husband in Paris. I think my daughter is a hero and she needs help.”
Phil nodded. “So we’re going to have both of our kids living with us for a while. Okay.” Phil wrapped an arm around Clint’s shoulders. “Are we ready to tell them about us?”
Clint shrugged. “I don’t know if we’ll ever be ready. But we need to tear the bandaid off eventually.”
Phil smiled and pressed a kiss to Clint’s forehead. “We’ll just have to set up a group call on Skype later.”
Clint pressed a kiss to Phil’s cheek. “So, like, call back in four hours?”
Phil, sitting in Clint’s dumb blush pink desk chair, logged into Clint’s Skype as Clint, sitting in Phil’s black desk chair, logged into his Skype. Phil called Clint and Marinette, while Clint called Stiles.
“Who are you and why are you sitting in my dad’s desk chair?” Marinette answered the call before noticing her dad in a very different chair. “Dad?”
“Hey, munchkin.”
“Uncle Phil?”
“Hey, Stiles.” Phil smiled and waved. “So, kiddo, the man on my account is my boyfriend. His name is Clint Barton.”
“Munchkin, the man on my account is my boyfriend, Phil Coulson.” Clint smiled.
The two teens looked at each other and seemed to be sizing each other up. Marinette had long brown hair done up in a messy bun and gray eyes while Stiles had closely shaved brown hair and whiskey brown eyes. Marinette’s gray eyes caught sight of Stiles’ freckles and moles while Stiles’ whiskey brown eyes traveled over Marinette’s face and saw her freckles.
“Hey, Dad? Are you sure you never had any other kids?”
Clint nodded. “Yes. I’ve never had any other kids. Stiles’ mom was Phil’s sister.”
The two teens shared a look before smiling. It seemed like they could get used to having the other pair in their lives.
"Hey, Uncle Phil? It's still cool that I come and stay with you, right?" Stiles sounded hesitant, almost as though he was questioning his welcome.
"Oh Mischief. Of course it's okay for you to come stay with Clint and me. We just wanted to introduce you two over Skype before all four of us were living together in the apartment."
"All four of us?" Marinette sounded from across the ocean. "That means we're both going to-" Marinette was cut off by the opening of the trapdoor into her room.
"Hey Marinette, your mother and I need you to watch the bakery while we make a delivery." Tom's gruff voice grated on Clint's ears, hating how the other man treated his daughter.
"Yeah. Sure. I'll be down in a sec." Marinette pulled out her phone and loaded the app before rejoining the call on her phone.
Clint and Phil exchanged a look before steeling their nerves.
"Hey Munchkin? What would you say about coming to live with me full-time?"
“Dad, I couldn’t possibly,” Marinette slowly made her way down her ladder before focusing on the call again, “I’ve got responsibilities here. I’ve got friends.”
“Munchkin, when we were videoing earlier, you didn’t hang up before closing your laptop.” Clint watched his daughter’s face and saw when it finally dawned on her what he meant.
“You can’t- Dad- You, I, Dad!” Marinette looked panicked before it looked like she forced herself to calm down.
“Munchkin, I love you and I support you. I’m Hawkeye and one of my friends is Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. I’m pretty sure we can find a way to get you back to Paris so you can save the day.” Clint smiled at his daughter, who kept looking between him and his boyfriend, before slowly nodding.
“Okay, Dad.”
“Marinette, if needed I can talk to my boss and arrange for you to meet with him and our team to confirm what Tony sets up,” Phil reassured the girl.
“If nothing else, we’d always be able to give you an alibi if you had to leave quickly to go save Paris.”
It didn’t even take them that long, just a few hypothetical questions and S.H.I.E.L.D. had marked both Clint and Phil as “Temporary Family Leave” so they could move their children in and get them settled. When they told their children, they were ecstatic and immediately started packing up what they would need to move several thousand miles away from the only home they’d ever known and all of their friends. Of course, Phil was going to California and Clint was going to Paris to help their children break the news to their guardians.
Clint was oh so happy to go see his baby girl’s mother. They hadn’t exactly split on good terms, with her yelling in his face that he was worthless and didn’t deserve to see their baby, but Clint could be civil when he needed to be.
Phil on the other hand, there was no love lost between him and his brother-in-law. The two had never gotten along when his late sister was alive and the rift only grew when Claudia had died, leaving Mieczysław alone with just his father. Phil had stopped being civil with the man many moons ago, knowing that the man would fight tooth and nail before he let Phil take Mischief away from Beacon Hills.
The pair of lovers spent one last night together before they had to fly out to get their children. They had always known this could happen, they just never thought they would be getting both of their kids in one fell swoop.
Only time would tell how well the family of four would fit together into their new normal. Only time would tell how quickly the two kids would become each other’s whole world. Only time would tell exactly how much trouble the two kids, technically cousins but siblings in bond, would get into as soon as they were in New York City.
@art-is-hard-to-do-sorry @jalaluvsu @dont-mess-with-me
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sayuricorner · 2 years
I’m sorry for asking so many questions, but in reference to my last ask, you said that marinette would trust her brothers with miraculous. I’m now kinda curious on which miraculous each would have?
Don't worry, I don't mind the questions at all, on the contrary, so don't hesitate to send me any questions you had! ^^
As for your questionn normally what miraculous each of Marinette's brothers get is up to whoever who use the AU buuuuuutttt here's my personal take on the matter:
-Donatello: Roaar: Roaar's criteria for an holder is someone who isn't scared to speak up their mind which is Donatello's case, in the au, thanks to therapy and the Dupain-Chengs's care, Donatello is less disrespectful toward authority figures but follow a "respect is earned not given" logic.
-Rikiel: Stompp: Stompp's criteria for an holder is physical strenght, althought Rikiel in appearance seem not very strong, in the AU, thanks to therapy and the Dupain-Chengs's care, Rikiel learned to control his stand and his determination and desire to be an honorable fighter make him way stronger physicaly and mentally than he thought.
-Ungalo: Ziggy: In the AU thanks to therapy and the Dupain-Chengs's care, Ungalo is working on his mental problems and is revealed to be a very passionated boy with a big imagination qualities which fit Ziggy's miraculous.
-Giorno: Tikki(temporary in arc 4)/Trixx: Althought Giorno's powers and affinity with life made him a good fit for Tikki's miraculous, he is also very intelligent and cunning which fit Trixx's miraculous.
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daminette123 · 2 years
Prompt; Miraculous | Avengers | DC
Marinette is Secretly Dating Roy Queen, When she's sixteen (Six Years of being Ladybug) she notices her class has been getting targeted by Hawkmoth due to the Queen Wasp incident where her temporary heroes were exposed her class is now being a specific target to Akuma's, she calls up Roy and convinces him to arrange a class Field Trip through the Major States.
Roy knows that Oliver has been worried about the PR that came after he regained Queen Industries and suggests that they team up with Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises to do an essay contest where they pick a class that submitted an essay and give them a bunch of Wicked tours and cool events despite the Wicked tours and cool events not being in Marinette Idea he wanted his Ladybug to have the best time of her life during her 'vacation'.
So that night at dinner Roy suggested.
"Hey, Ollie?" He asked from the opposite end of the table," I know you've been worried about the PR since you regained Queen Industries and I was wondering what is we do like... a contest of some sort. Like an Essay one where classes can submit essay anonymously with their contact details on it so that we can decide who's the best essay is and like team up with SI and Wayne Enterprises to sponsor the winning class for a bunch of tours through the city."
Oliver nodded looking thoughtful;" That could work. Roy, I think you're onto something there..."
Dinah was beside Ollie looking really proud of Roy.
Marinette was reluctant at fist but Roy said that they could submit the essay anonymously and Queen Industries staff would select the best one that way Marinette was till working hard to make sure that she got selected and she didn't feel like she was taking someone else's opportunity (And The Author gets less comments about cheating from the Fandom) and she writes up the essay.
During the Whole Trip Oliver has been hounding Roy about getting a Girlfriend because one day he'll be taking over Queen Industries. Roy gets increasingly annoyed about it and Snaps at everyone that he already has a girlfriend and his love life is none of their business. meanwhile Marinette has been repeatedly lied about by Lila who lies about dating Jason Todd and knowing a bunch of celebrities and being in a Love Triangle with 'Theodore' (Tim) Wayne and Dale (Dick) Grayson-Wayne.
The rest of The Trip Roy and Marinette struggle to hide their relationship but manage to succeed until the Wayne Gala when Roy asks Marinette to be his date. Oliver didn't think Roy was coming because the rules of the Gala were if you had a boy/girlfriend you had to bring them as your Plus one. So when Roy walks down the Red Carpet with Marinette on His Oliver is So Shocked that he spits his Drink all Over Ambassador Ross.
Marinette and Her Class Meet a Bunch of Celebrities all of which quickly disprove Lila's lies and Lila and Alya get a bunch of Law Suits. During the Whole Fiasco her eyes had glowed Green and she'd tried to Brainwash everyone into believing her which resulted in Ambassador Ross taking her to The Raft and she was never heard of again. The Class tries to use that as an excuse to make Marinette forgive them but Marinette calmly points out that Chloe, Alix and Adrien had listened to her side of the story despite being under the same effects of Lila's metahuman abilities and when they found out the truth the spell broke.
"Y'know," marinette started not looking up from her phone as she snuggled closer to Roy," It's a real Shame no one tried to warn you of the truth. This all could've been prevented from happening if there was just someone willing to help pointed out the obvious lies. A pity really."
Then she turns her phone so Roy can see the post she's looking at nd he burst out laughing.
It was later discovered that Lila's Abilities only make people believe he lies, it doesn't discourage them from asking for other sides of the story or influence their reaction so that was all on The Class.
Alya gets a talking to about ALWAYS fact checking no matter what personal connections you have to the source by Lois Lane.
Marinette's Parent die and she has to take a DNA test to see if she's got any relatives who'd take her in as it's a necessary procedure even if you know these people are your relatives That's when she finds out she's the Long Lost Daughter of Tony and Pepper. She moves in with them and at 21 she defeats Hawkmoth. It Took 11 Years but she did it and now she has the Moth and Peacock Miraculous safely tucked away. After she repaired the Peacock Miraculous Emile Agreste woke up and rejoined her son and husband.
At 22 she Marries Roy, becoming Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Stark-Queen and at 23 she takes over Stark Industries with Peter Parker at the same time 25-year-old Roy takes of Queen Industries. After she takes over SI with Peter the other permanent Miraculous Holders move in and She, Peter (Spiderman), Mj (Spy; Peter's Fiancé), Ned (Tech Guy), Roy, Chloe and Adrien join The Avengers. She adds a Fashion Branch to SI and The New Avengers attend MIT online together from the tower.
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angellyslion · 2 years
BioDad Steve Rogers
Une Marinette de six ans se retrouve devant l'assistante sociale en attendant de voir les résultats de son test d'ADN. Ses parents et ses grands-parents sont morts lors d'un accident de voiture et son oncle vivant en Chine ne veut rien faire avec elle.
La police mène une enquête pour savoir s'il s'agit d'un accident ou si c'est un acte délibérer.Sur sa chaise la fillette balance ses jambes et joue avec son doudou. Se retrouver dans un lieu inconnu et sans ses parents est effrayant pour elle.
« Marinette en lisant tes résultats tu n'es pas lié à la famille Dupain. Ton père biologique habite aux États-Unis. Il s'appelle Steve Rogers. Nous l'avons contacté, il est prêt à t'accueillir si tu acceptes de le rencontrer et de vivre avec lui.
- D'accord, elle murmure.
- Je vais le prévenir. Durant la semaine où vous allez créer des liens tu séjourneras dans un hôtel. Avant de te déposer à l'hôtel, nous allons aller à la boulangerie de tes parents pour que tu puisses récupérer des affaires personnelles.
En quelques minutes, ils atteignent la boulangerie. Marinette monte dans sa chambre récupère quelques affaires notamment ses carnets de dessins et ses stylos ainsi que quelques vêtements et des photographies de sa famille. Elle met le tout dans son sac de cours. Elle redescend sachant au plus profond d'elle qu'elle ne remettra pas les pieds ici et s'il elle devait le faire cela serait dans plusieurs années.
- Pour cette première nuit, je resterai avec toi, reprend l'assistante sociale. Une fois que ton père biologique sera là, je vous laisserai faire connaissance. Dans une semaine, nous nous reverrons et tu décideras si tu veux rester avec ton père biologique ou si tu veux être placée dans un foyer le temps que tu sois adoptée. Tu as compris Marinette ?
- Oui.
- Fais-moi un petit résumé.
- Je dormirai cette nuit à l'hôtel avec vous, demain mon papa que je ne connais pas arrivé. Je resterai avec lui pour quelques jours. Et après ces quelques jours, je choisirai ce que je décide. Soit rester avec ce nouveau papa soit être mit dans un orphelinat.
- Parfait.L'assistante sociale conduit Marinette jusqu'à sa chambre. Elle lui souhaite bonne nuit.
Aux États-Unis, dans la tour des Avengers, tous les membres présents ont entendu la conversation.
- Félicitation Capsicle ! Bienvenue dans le monde de la paternité !
- Tout dépendra de son choix !
- Tout enfant rêverait d'avoir comme père un super-héros ! Elle t'acceptera !
- Je l'espère.
- Je te prépare le jet pour demain.
- Merci Tony !
- Je t'en prie Capsicle !
- Marinette voici ton père, Steve Rogers ! Monsieur Rogers voici votre fille, Marinette  ! Je vais vous laisser entre vous. Je serai à côté au moindre problème.
- Oui madame !
Une semaine plus tard Marinette prend sa décision.
- Alors Marinette que choisie-tu ?
- De vivre avec mon père biologique en Amérique.
- Es-tu sûr de toi ?
- Oui !
- Bien, ton père doit signer quelques papiers et vous serez libre de partir tous les deux
Je ne suis pas fière de cet os, ça fait plusieurs semaines que je suis dessus. Je n'arrive pas l'écrire et surtout je ne sais pas où l'emmener.
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peacheskoo · 4 months
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No capes/actors AU came to me via a dream and I have since been obsessing over it,,
I have so many ideas over it but my fav is currently that the Jasons are brothers because of the quick switch between seasons/robins and how they couldn’t use the same actor for older Jason so they just asked his older brother to be Red Hood Jason, Little Jason is way younger because they were trying to emphasize how small street kid Jason was
Part 1
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duckysprouts · 7 months
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big brother part 7
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azulhood · 1 year
Jazz's Bio Dad AU
Slade Wilson Edition. So, Maddie and Slade could have met when he was undercover (I'm pretty sure he was a doctor at some point so they could have met at a medical/science cointervention or something) Jazz has noticed somethings about herself that don't add up, her reflexes are a bit too good, she's stronger and faster then the average human, she also has eidetic memory. Just small stuff, you know, nothing like moving faster then the speed of light or having visions of the future. (For now.) She mainly chalks it up to living in a house that doesn't value lab safety, I mean if you ate the Fentons cooking you'd probably get some weird side effects too. She doesn't think much of it. Blah, blah years pass and then they meet. Slade does not find he has another kid by her showing up on his doorstep, oh no, he finds out by finding her attempting to break into a government facility. A government facility he so happens to be guarding. He stops the break in and drops her back home, not before noticing some similarities. Slade does not immediately believe they have any relation, he suspects it though, so he grabs a DNA sample and sends it to his buddy for testing. During this time, he thwarts many a break in attempt, with Jazz getting progressively more feral each time. Test results come in, and congrats! it's a bouncing teenager with issues! Now, we all know that Slade isn't the best parent/person. If his kid was kidnapped, he'd definitely go on a warpath to get them back, but good luck if you want him to come to one of your baseball games. Having a kid pop out of the woodwork is not something new to him, he already has four kids (and yes, I'm counting Respawn) He does a little digging, trying to see why his kid wants to get into the facility, he discovers a younger brother named Danny. Now Slade can't just let his kid walts right on in and rescue her brother, it'd be breaking his contract, but if she so happens to slip by him. Well, he's getting old, it could happen to anybody. And if Jazz finds two new passports and ID's along with a bag of cash on her way out of town? That's just a coincidence.
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littleinkling64 · 8 hours
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please enjoy this first meeting scene that's been living in my head rent-free for the last couple months ;)
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mochinek0 · 8 months
Time to Go
Marinette had known since she was born that she was the only daughter of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. She was also Damian's little sister, by three years.
When the strike on Ra's Al Ghul was taken, Talia quickly hid her away. Marinette knew her family's lives were on the line. She knew Damian would be on the front lines and prayed for his safe return. Although she knew she wasn't her grandfather's favorite, she still mourned his death. Damian seemed to take it especially hard.
Talia had told Marinette and Damian that they would be seperated for the time being. She needed Damian to go with his father to continue his training, while she picked up the pieces of the League.
"What about me, Mother?" Mari questioned.
"You will be on a mission, all of your own." Talia explained, "You're mission is to go undercover. You will act as a daughter of other people. This will keep you safe. Not many know of your existence, but I need to make sure all that wish to harm us, are gone."
"I do not approve of this." Damian snarled.
"I understand." Talia whispered, "I have folders for each of you with detailed instructions. Until you are in your new lodgings, you are not to open them."
Marinette nodded sadly and cried herself to sleep in her big brother's arms. She knew it would be a while before she saw him again. Talia gave them their moment. It hurt her dearly to tear her children apart, but Slade had to pay for his crimes. The League had to be rebuilt and become stronger than ever to give them both their inheritance. With Ra's gone, she would train Marinette to become as deadly as her, when she came of age.
Marinette smiled at the envelope in her hand.
'Another letter from mother. I wonder what my orders are this time.'
The time has come for your father to pick you up. He and Damian will pick you up in three days time. Prepare for his arrival.
Marinette smiled, happily. Lila had been a pain in the ass, as of late. Sabine and Tom took everything her so-called friends said at face value. They would laugh at the implications over dinner. Marinette would tell them all of the lies and how brainless the class truly was. They both knew that if Marinette was really bullying Lila, she could have done far worse. Tom and Sabine had disagreed with Adrien's decleration, but told Mairnette to keep the piece while they reached out to Talia. Only her mother's orders were absolute. If her mother said she could kill her, they wouldn't stand in her way.
"Maman. Papa." Marinette called out.
"So, what did the letter say this time?" Sabine asked.
"Father and Brother will be here in three days time to retrieve me." she answered.
"Well, let's start pulling you out of that horrible school and get ou all packed up." Tom laughed, "I'm sure they will be happy to see you."
'Damian, perhaps. Father; I don't know if he even knows of my existence. Surprise, Father.'
Bruce sighed, "What do you mean you have a sister?"
"It's just as I stated." Damian declared, "Mother has insisted it is safe to retrieve her."
"You've been talking to Talia?" Dick questioned.
"No." the young Wayne heir answered, "She gave us both instructions before we left."
Damian held up the letter.
"There are certain dates for me to open these letters." he explained, "Most of them coincide with our birthdays. Today is Marinette's; she turns fifteen."
"So where is she?" Jason asked.
"Paris, France." Damian stated, "She has been under watchful eyes and was assigned to live as a normal child. No assassin work. Grandfather wasn't too happy that he didn't have two grandsons. Mother taught her self-defense, but she helped out around, mostly as a servant. I was to ignore her if I saw her unless we were alone."
Bruce rubbed his head.
"I have already prepared another room, Sir." Alfred smiled.
"Please, don't let there be two of him." Tim pleaded as Bruce stood up and walked out of the cave to pack.
Marinette handed over her ledger of Lila Rossi to Bruce.
"The school needs to choose their staff more carefully." she spoke, "Tom and Sabine have tried stepping in with the Principal, but I bellieve the Board needs to know what is going on under their noses.
Bruce looked at it and quickly read through it.
"I agree." he snarled, "I'll be taking it with me to the board. I need to legally sign you out of that school, anyways."
Marinette turned to her brother and hugged him.
"I missed you." she whispered.
Damian said nothing, but held her close.
Tom and Sabine stood by as they watch the girl they help raise, reunite with her family. Marinette let go and realized they were holding something.
"We have a copy of all of the recipes we've made over the years." Sabine declared, "Both in the bakery and just for the house."
"Family eyes only." Tom smiled.
"Thank you." Marinette replied, taking it and holding it close to her chest.
"I will make sure it is handed over to our grandfather and he will keep it locked up and safe." Damian declared.
Tom and Sabine smiled.
"I need to take my stuff back to the school." Mari spoke up.
"Go." Damian replied, "Father should return soon. I will tell him where you are and we will meet you there. I will put your belongings in the car so we can leave immediately."
Marinette walked into class and handed her class books over to Ms. Bustier.
"Marinette, why-" Caline began to question.
"I resign as class president." Mari announced.
"What?" Caline whispered in shock.
"Marinette?" Adrien called out, "Are you okay?"
"Is this why you haven't been in school?" Alya asked.
Caline laughed awkwardly, "Marinette, I'm sure-"
"I will be leaving this school, as of today." she announced, leaving the class stunned.
"Oh, Marinette!" Lila called out, standing up, "Did I do something? I only wanted to be friends!"
"Yeah!" shouted Kim, "What the hell?"
"I'll be moving in with my birth father and older brother." Marinette stated, "Mother says it is time for me to go with them."
"Sabine kicked you out?" Adrien questioned, confused.
"Sabine and Tom are my guardians, not my parents." Mari declared, "My birth father listened to me. I have always had a keen eye for detail, as many of you know from asking me to design for them."
"Are you till going on about 'Lila stealing from you'?" Alya asked, "We know it was you who stole!"
Lila paled and sat back down in her seat.
Marinette looked at Lila and smiled, "Why do you think Ms. Bustier doesn't want me to stop being class president? It's because I make detailed plans for all the school trips, fundraisers, plan the fire drills, and escape routes. I even know where everything in this school is, including the security cameras. I have kept a record of every lie you said sice you got here, where and when. My father turned the evidence over to the Board of Governers."
Lila's jaw dropped.
"If the cameras aren't working, then they'll just go after that gullible man. Pretty sure embezzlement won't keep him in position." Mari shrugged.
"Huh?" asked Nino.
"How many times do you think the mayor pays him to look the other way when Chloe's being a bitch?" Marinette declared.
"Excuse me!" Chloe shouted.
"Maybe Lila can lend you her hearing aids." Marinette retorted.
"This is why you're a bully." Alix glared at her.
Marinette simply smiled.
Bruce and Damian walked in. Chloe smoothed her clothes and fluffed her hair, quickly. She stood up and smiled.
"I'm-" She spoke.
"Your voice is like nails on a chalk board." Damian commanded, "Be silent."
Chloe closed her mouth and sat down in embarassment, leaving everyone speechless.
Marinette giggled, "You always did know how to make an entrance, Big Brother."
Chloe's jaw dropped.
'She's a Wayne!'
Marinette turned and smiled at Chloe, "Goodbye, Daddy's Little Princess." before turning back to her family, "Father, I am ready to return home."
"Very well." Bruce spoke.
All three of them left the class without another word. There was a lot they had to discuss. As far as Bruce knew, Marinette had no idea about him being Batman and Damian being Robin. She had grown up with some semblance of a normal life and he wanted to keep it that way.
The class looked at the door confused.
"Chloe?" whispered Sabrina.
"Shit!" Chloe screamed, slamming her fists onto the desk.
"Chloe, are you okay?" asked Kim.
"No!" she yelled back, "Do I look okay? So you know-You don't know who they are? Of course you Pea Brains, don't! That was Bruce and Damian Wayne. Which makes.....Baker Girl is one of the richest people in the world."
Lila sat in her seat, enraged.
"What?" questioned Alya.
"They have more money than mine and Adrikins' family combined." she scoffed, "Her father could buy Daddy's hotel like it was nothing!"
"But-" whispered Mylene.
"Marinette is a Wayne." Chloe stated, "The Waynes own an international business and have their hands in everything. They are old money. Bruce Wayne practically owns a whole city and just doesn't wanna be mayor."
"What about her brother?" asked Alix.
"He's known for being violent and lashing out. He hates the press." she remarked, "One thing about him on social media and he hunts you down and sues you."
"That's illegal." Alya claimed.
"Sorry. Would you prefer to be thrown in jail or settle for a million dollars to delete what you have?" the heiress questioned, "The Wayne family is known for the high IQ and attention to detail, which means....we're all screwed."
The class learned that everything Marinette had said was true. Lila's lies were all exposed. She was expelled and taken to a juvenile detention center, ontop of being sued by various people. Principal Damocles had been fired, as he had zero authority to expell anyone. Their teacher, Caline Bustier, was fired for not doing her job. She never informed the nurse about Lila's illnesses or disabilities, so there was never any confirmation that any of those were true. She also never sent Lila any homework during her 'travels' and so she was far behind the class in her studies.
Chloe believed she was suffering the most. Adrien was no longer in school with her. The people that let her do what she wanted was removed from the school and she was being forced to sell clothes out of her closet because her mother was upset by how much she 'embarassed them' in front of the Waynes.
'Stupid Marinette! This is all her fault! If she had just acted rich, like me, everything would be the same as it always was.'
The class was in disarray. Not only had Ms. Bustier let Lila slide on so many things, she was behind on their lessons as well. They now had mandatory after school tutoring and study sessions. Adrien Agreste had been pulled out of the class due to his high marks. He was also at the level they all should have been at.
"Dude, how did you pass?" Nino asked, "We all listened to Miss Bustier! You're higher than anyone, including Max!"
"Well, I was homeschooled and Natalie was a tough teacher compared to Miss Bustier. Also, I wanted to be at the same grade level as Chloe. I sorta knew mostly everything, already." Adrien admitted, "I actually could have skipped a few grades if I wanted to."
Nino was surprised, "Would you be willing to tutor us?"
"I wish I could but the board made me take a test and Father demanded I answer every question I knew correctly." Adrien sighed, "I'll be going to high school and if I continue the way I am now, I'm set to graduate in two years."
They realized it would never be the same. Everyone else still had four or five years until they graduated. 
Bruce thought that another child would tip the balance of the manor, but he was wrong. It felt like all they had been missing, was her. She adjusted perfectly to the chaos. His sons insisted that Marinette learn self-defense, at the very least. She refused to walk in their footsteps and become Robin or any other sort of vigilante. It hadn't taken long for Marinette to be announced as Bruce Wayne's daughter and Damian's long lost biological sister. Marinette had taken Gotham by storm as Gotham's Angel and was designing under a new alias: Serpentine. She was taking the fashion world by storm.
Everyone loved having Marinette around, but Damian Al-Ghul Wayne knew better. Marinette was as deceiving as their mother. She looked innocent in everything she did, but her mind was a war zone. Their grandfather never appreciated her mind, but he had gotten some of his best stealth mission ideas after talking with her. He could see her slithering into every crack in their new home. She was flexible like Grayson, loved motorcycles like Todd, talked business with Father and Drake. She even won over Alfred, Brown and Cain with her cooking and baking skills.
Damian watched as Marinette smiled at her computer. The look at the screen, the smile; it was his mother's smile. He could see Gabriel stocks were plummeting after their reunion in Paris. Style Queen was barely hovering above water. For Marinette, it was never about becoming Robin. It was about ruling the world and she was going do it through fashion.
Damian would never tell anyone, but he was scared of his little sister and he would take it to his grave. The smile that would lead anyone to death: The Arabian Helen of Troy.
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irondadfics · 1 year
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where after either Ultron or the Chitauri (the avengers are living at the tower) Peter, who is a baby, is sent to Tony via mail because he's the bio-dad. I remember Mary worked at Oscorp and took Peter to work and is bitten so she ships him to Tony because he's now sticky and eats a lot. I think she tries to take him back later for research purposes and Tony looses it. I remember the Anvenger help him take care of him. Thanks for what you do
You’ve got mail by for_the_night
When a suspicious parcel arrives at the tower, the last thing Happy expected was to find a baby inside. And not just any baby - Tony Stark’s son, but there’s something not quite right with him. First off - he’s sticky as hell.
i believe its this one!!
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autismdurst · 23 days
Happy father's day Fred Durst
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