#but I don’t know what dm could take on that challenge
Aabria saw Emily play an awkward, terribly powerful teenage girl who has a pact with death and a crush on Lou and said “Hold my beer”
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dailyadventureprompts · 8 months
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Dm Tip: Playing the Villain/ Guidelines for "Evil" Campaigns
I've never liked the idea of running an evil game, despite how often I've had people in my inbox asking how I'd go about it. I'm all about that zero-to-hero heroic fantasy not only because I'm a goodie twoshoes IRL but because the narrative-gameplay premise that d&d is built around falls apart if the party is a bunch of killhappy murder hobos. Not only would I get bored narrating such a game and indulging the sort of players who demands the freedom to kill and torture at will (I've had those before and they don't get invited back to my table), but the whole conceit of a party falls through when the obviously villainous player characters face their first real decision point and attempt to kill eachother because cooperation is a thing that goodguys do.
Then I realized I was going about it all wrong.
The problem was I had started out playing d&d with assholes, those "murder and torture" clowns who wanted to play grand-theft-auto in the worlds I'd created and ignore the story in favour of seeing how much unchallenged chaos they could create. They set my expectations for what an evil campaign was, and I spent the rest of my time developing as a dungeonmaster thinking " I Don't want any part of that"
But what would an evil campaign look like for my playgroup of emotionally healthy friends who understand character nuance? What would I need to change about the fundamental conceit of d&d adventures to refocus the game on the badguys while still following a similar enough narrative-gameplay premise to a hero game? How do we make that sort of game relatable? What sort of power/play fantasy can we indulge in without going off the deepend?
TLDR: In an evil campaign your players aren't playing the villains, they're the MINIONS, they're mooks, henchmen, goons, lackeys. They're the disposable underlings of uncaring overseers who have nothing but ill intent towards them and the world at large.
Where as in a hero game the party is given the freedom to challenge and overthrow corrupt systems, in an evil game the party is suck as part of that corrupt system, forced to bend and compromise and sacrifice in order to survive. The fantasy is one of escaping that corrupt system, of biding your time just long enough to find an opening, find the right leverage, then tossing a molitov behind you on the way out.
Fundamentally it's the fantasy of escaping a shitty job by bringing the whole company down and punching your asshole boss in the face for good measure.
Below the cut I'm going to get into more nuance about how to build these kinds of narratives, also feel free to check out my evil party tag for campaigns and adventures that fit with the theme.
Designing a campaign made to be played from the perspective of the badguys requires you to take a different angle on quest and narrative design. It’s not so simple as swapping out the traditionally good team for the traditionally bad team and vis versa, having your party cut through a dungeon filled with against angel worshiping holyfolk in place of demon worshipping cultists etc. 
Instead, the primary villain of the first arc of the campaign should be your party’s boss. Not their direct overseer mind you, more CEO compared to the middle managers your party will be dealing with for the first leg of their journey. We should know a bit about that boss villain’s goals and a few hints at their motivation, enough for the party to understand that their actions are directly contributing to that inevitable doom.
“Gee, everyone knows lord Heldred swore revenge after being banished from the king’s council for dabbling in dark magic. I don’t know WHY he has us searching for these buried ancient tablets, but I bet it’s not good”
Next, you need a manager, someone who’s a part of the evil organization that the party directly interfaces with. The manager should have something over the party, whether it be threats of force, blackmail, economic dependency… anything that keeps the antiheroes on the manager’s leash. Whether you make your manager an obvious asshole or manipulative charmer, its important to maintain this power imbalance:   The party arn’t going to be rewarded when the boss-villain’s plan goes off, the manager is, but the manager’s usefulness to the boss-villain is contingent on the work they’re getting the party to do.  This tension puts us on a collison course to our first big narrative beat: do the party get tired of the manager’s abuse and run away? Do they kill the manager and get the attention of the upper ranks of the villainous organization? Do they work really hard at their jobs despite the obvious warning signs and outlive their usefulness? Do they upstage their manager and end up getting promoted, becoming rivals for the boss-villain’s favor? 
Building this tension up and then seeing how it breaks makes for a great first arc, as it lets your party determine among themselves when enough is enough, and set their goals for what bettering the situation looks like. 
As for designing those adventures, you’ll doubtlessly realize that since the party arn’t playing heroes you’ll need to change how the setup, conflict, and payoff work. They’re still protagonists, we want them to succeed after all, but we want to hammer home that they’re doing bad things without expecting them to jump directly to warcrimes. 
Up to no good: The basic building block of any evil campaign, our party need to do something skullduggerous without alerting the authorities.  This of course is going to be easier said than done, especially when the task spins out of control or proves far more daunting than first expected. The best the party can hope for is to make a distraction and then escape in the chaos, but it will very likely end with them being pursued in some manner (bounties, hunters, vengeful npcs and the like).  Use this setup early in a campaign so you have an external force gunning for your party during the remainder of their adventures. 
Dog eat dog:  It’s sort of cheating to excuse your party’s villainous actions by having them go up against another villain who happens to be worse than they are. The trick is that we’re not going after this secondary group of outlaws because they’re bad, we’re doing it because they’ve either got something the boss wants, or they’re edging in on the boss’s turf.�� This sort of plotline sees the party disrupting or taking advantage of a rival’s operation, then taking over that operation and risking becoming just as villainous as that rival happened to be. This can also be combined with an “Up to no good” plot where both groups of miscreants need to step carefully without alerting an outside threat. 
The lesser evil: This kind of plot sees your party sent out to deal with an antagonistic force that’s a threat not only to the boss’s plans but to everyone in general. In doing so they might end up fighting alongside some heroes, or accidentally doing good in the long run. This not only gives your party a taste of heroism, but gives them something in their back pocket that could be used to challenge the boss-villain in the future.  
The double cross: In order to get what they want, the party need to “play along” with a traditional heroic narrative long enough to get their goal and then ditch. You have them play along specifically so they can get a taste of what life would be like if they weren't bastards, as well as to make friends with the NPCs inevitably going to betray. This is to make it hurt when you have the manager yank the leash and force the party to decide between finishing the job , or risk striking out on their own and playing hero in the short term while having just made a long term enemy. This is sort of plot is best used an adventure or two into the campaign, as the party will have already committed some villainous deeds that one good act can’t blot out. 
Next, lets talk about the sort of scenarios you should be looking to avoid when writing an evil campaign:
Around the time I started playing d&d there was this trend of obtusely binary morality systems in videogames which claimed to offer choice but really only existed to let the player chose between the power fantasy of being traditionally virtuous or the power fantasy of being an edgy rebel. Early examples included:
Do you want to steal food from disaster victims? in Infamous
Do you as a space cop assault a reporter who’s being kind of annoying to you? in Mass Effect
Do you blow up an entire town of innocent people for the lols? in Fallout (no seriously check out hbomberguy’s teardowm on fallout 3’s morality system and how critics at the time ate it up)
I think these games, along with the generational backwash of 90s “edge” and 00s “grit” coloured a lot of people's expectations ( including mine) about what a "villain as protagonist" sort of narrative might look like. They're childish exaggerations, devoid of substance, made even worse by how blithely their narratives treat them.
Burn down an inn full of people is not a good quest objective for an evil party, because it forces the characters to reach cartoonish levels of villainy which dissociates them from their players. Force all the villagers into the inn so we can lock them inside and do our job uninterrupted lets the party be bad, but in a way that the players can see the reason behind it and stay synced up with their characters. The latter option also provides a great setup for when the party's actually monstrous overseer sets the inn on fire to get rid of any witnesses after the job is done. Now the party (and their players) are faced with a moral quandary, will they let themselves be accessories to a massacre or risk incurring their manager's wrath? Rather than jumping face first into cackling cruelty, these sorts of quandaries have them dance along the knife's edge between grim practicality and dangerous uncertainly; It brings the player and character closer together.
Finally, lets talk about ending the villain arc:
I don't think you can play a whole evil campaign. Both because the escalation required is narratively unsustainable, but also because the most interesting aspect of playing badguys is the breaking point. Just like heroes inevitably having doubts about whether or not they're doing the right thing, there's only so long that a group of antiheroes can go along KNOWING they're doing the wrong thing before they put their feet down and say "I'm out". I think you plan a evil campaign up until a specific "there's no coming back from this" storybeat, IE letting the Inn burn... whether or not the party allows it to happen, it's the lowest point the narrative will allow them to reach before they either fight back or allow themselves to be subsumed. If they rebel, you play out the rest of the arc dismantling the machine they helped to build, taking joy in its righteous destruction. If they keep going along, show them what they get for being cogs: inevitably betrayed, sacrificed, or used as canon fodder when the real heroes step in to do their jobs for them.
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
 “why do you always do this to yourself? i don’t fucking get it..” 
please bless us with some angsty vibes 🤭 i am a sucker for a happy ending though, if you decide to choose peace. congrats again on 500!
Thank youu for always supporting my writings, really it means a lot ❤️
Hope you like this one, there's a special "what if" on the happier side on this one
“why do you always do this to yourself? i don’t fucking get it..” 
They'd fallen into a pattern, one Y/N hated and loved in equal measure. They'd bicker, flirt, share stolen moments, then Lewis would crack a joke, a little too personal, a little too revealing about how well he saw through her walls. And just like that, Y/N would panic, holding up her own shield to hide the vulnerability threatening to crack through.
"Beautiful view," she said, voice strained as she stared out the window of Lewis' Monaco apartment, the cityscape a glittering blur underneath them. The silence in the room felt deafening, pressing down on her like a physical weight. He'd ordered dinner, a simple pasta dish that smelled incredible, but neither of them had made it past the first bite.
"Yeah," Lewis muttered from behind her turned back. His breathing too close for comfort. "It is."
She took a deep breath. "You did great out there today." It felt almost a betrayal, this small offering of praise, knowing she'd tear it down soon enough.
"Thanks," he replied reaching for her waist "So did you, with all those interviews." He knew her job with the F1 channel was stressful, the constant travel exhausting, but it was another way she kept him at arm's length.
Y/N forced a laugh. "Just doing my job, keeping the fans happy."
He turned her around, his gaze holding onto hers. "Y/N," he started, his voice low, "why do you always do this to yourself? I don't fucking get it..."
Tears pricked at her eyes. "Do what?" she choked out surprised once again at how easy Lewis could read her.
"This dance," he said, his frustration clear. "We open up, we connect, then you run. Like a damn scared rabbit."
"I'm not scared," she lied, hating the tremor in her voice.
"No?" he challenged, his eyes flickering across her face. "Then why can't you let yourself have this, Y/N? Why can't you let me in?"
The vulnerability in his voice, so raw and unexpected, ripped the carefully constructed wall from around her heart. "Because..." she started, her voice barely a whisper, "because it never works out for me, Lewis."
"So, you just give up before you even try?" The anger in his voice was laced with a deep sadness that mirrored her own.
She looked away, the city lights blurring into a wash of tears. "Maybe because I know it won't work," she countered, her voice cracking with unshed tears. "Maybe because you're a shooting star, Lewis, and I'm just a… caught in your orbit for a couple stolen moments."
He turned her face, his grip surprisingly gentle but his gaze unwavering. “We take things one day at a time if need be. But if you want me to walk away, you're gonna have to be damn clear about it. Because if there's even a chance of this working, I'm not giving up without a fight."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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itsthestutterforme · 5 months
Should We Try Again? 1/2 (toxic!Rafe Cameron x toxic!reader)
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Summary: Rafe tries to accuse you of cheating, and you did some snooping of your own. And when Rafe found out you went through his phone, you were in for it.
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, Topper is a really good friend in this fic, reader is black, dark themes (choking, threats, arguing, name calling, overall just toxic behavior)
If any of these making you uncomfortable, pls don’t read. Take care of yourselves.
You and Rafe had one of your fights again. The yelling match, screaming in each other’s face kind of fight.
The kind of fight where the police gets called because someone heard glass breaking and shouting.
This particular time, he logged into your Instagram and founded close to 50 DMs from guys commenting on your stories where you posted your OOTDs.
You never opened any of the DMs but there were too many to go unnoticed.
“Do you get off on having other guys want you or something? Huh?” He starts as he abruptly forces his way into the bathroom where you were showering.
“What are you talking about, Rafe?” You snark, ringing out the water from your hair.
“What the hell is this?” He rips the shower curtain open.
“Rafe!” You scold, shutting off the water so none leaks onto the floor. He shoves his phone in your face and repeats, “What the hell is this?”
“They’re DMs, Rafe. Why are you talking to me like I did something wrong?”
“Because you did do something wrong by not blocking these sons of bitches. You like the attention, don’t you? You fucking slut.”
“Don’t you dare call me a slut, asshole. It’s DMs. They don’t mean shit!”
You close the shower curtain so you can resume your shower when he ripped it open again.
“Oh it means something when they’re sending dick pics, Y/N! They want to fuck you!”
“It doesn’t matter if they want me because I’m with you, Rafe. Not them.” You tried to reason.
You were already exhausted from work and you really didn’t need this right now.
“You’ve been sending them nudes, haven’t you?” “Are you fucking serious, Rafe?” “Do I look like I’m joking right now?” He says flatly, his nose flaring angrily.
“No, I haven’t sent anybody nudes. I didn’t even know they sent me dick pics because I don’t open them, Rafe.” He gives you a pointed look and you crossed your arms as a challenge.
It was clear you weren’t going to shower in peace so why not add some fuel to this fire.
“You’re such a hypocrite, you know that? Shame on me for having fifty unopened DMs but everything is okay when you have hundreds of opened DMs?” You antagonize, slowly stepping out of the shower with suds still on your body.
You watch as his face fell for a few seconds before it hardens once again.
“You’ve been going through my phone?” He asks. “Of course I have! Because I know you’ve been in my phone, desperate to find secrets to use against me. So I figure why not dig up some secrets of my own.”
“Y/N,” he warns lowly, taking a step towards you.
“What did you find?” He wrote down a few things about the cross.
Like where he’s already looked and potential places where it might be. But he hid those notes behind a passcode in his journal.
There were also a few texts of Ward asking ‘if it was taken care of’. Garret’s body.
There was no way you could figure out the passcode, right?
“What are you so scared I would find?” You questioned, purposely being vague. There was no point in being specific, if he was going to connect the dots for you.
His anxiety got the best of him and he wraps a hand around your throat, giving it a warning squeeze.
“Stop being cute and tell me what you saw.” He orders.
There wasn’t a constant pressure so you were able to breathe fairly normal. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t change his mind.
“I only went through your social media and some of your messages. Nothing else.” His hand twitched around your throat when you mentioned messages.
“I just wanted to see if you were texting others girls.” You added, wrapping your hands around his wrist.
“What else?” “Nothing else, I swear.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Y/N.” “I’m not lying to you.” He pulls away from your throat and you instinctively touched your collar bone.
His gaze softens when you stepped away from him. He itched to get close to you and apologize for over reacting, but he still wasn’t sure that you didn’t know about the gold and the bodies.
So his hands remained by his sides, tightening every so often.
“What are you protecting?” You asked cautiously. “Don’t pull that shit again.” He states before storming out of the bathroom and slamming the front door of your house.
That was a few days ago, and you haven’t spoke to each other since. The most interaction you’ve had was him viewing your story. That’s it.
You’ve been going straight home after work, not wanting to interact with anyone unless you had to.
But a small part of you wished you’d come home to Rafe waiting for you on your door step or him come to see you during your break.
But he never did. That was enough for you to come to the conclusion that he stopped caring about you.
He was so worried about protecting something or someone that was willing to choke you out to protect it.
You’ve seen him anxious about a few things but nothing set him off like you did that night.
You were watching one of your comfort movies with your fleece blanket wrapped around you, eating some stir fry you ordered on UberEats when your phone chimed.
Topper: hey you doing okay?
Tossing the phone back on the bed, you used the chopsticks to dip a piece of beef into the speciality sauce before eating it.
Your phone chimed again.
Topper: We were friends before you started dating Rafe, remember? I care about you too.
You: I assume Rafe told you everything?
Topper: Just that you had an argument and you’re on a break
You: Well that’s an oversimplification.
Topper: I’m throwing a party tonight. You should come.
You: I’m not exactly in the mood to get hit on by a bunch of drunk dudes.
Topper: Stick by me and you won’t have that problem.
You: You’re right. Instead, you would have a Rafe sized problem.
Topper: I’m not scared of Rafe.
Topper: Just come by for a few. It makes me feel uneasy that you’re by yourself at home all this time.
Topper: Please.
You: Fine, Topper.
Topper: Great! I’m on my way.
You hated yourself for how quick your eyes locked in on Rafe as soon as he walked into the party wearing a navy blue shirt and a white hat that matched his white cargo shorts.
He dapped up a few guys that greeted him by the front door and looked straight up to where you were sitting next to Topper.
He found you almost immediately with an expressionless face.
Your heart skipped a beat that he looked for you but that feeling of elation left you as quickly as it came.
He didn’t reach out to you for three days. No call. No text. No apology. He was done and now it was your turn to feel the same.
“You two are like magnets,” Topper says from behind you. “Toxic ones,” he eventually adds with a chuckle.
“I knew you were going to say that,” you teased, playfully hitting his shoulder.
Sadness kicked your gut when two girls approached Rafe, one of them ran her hands over his chest as she went to whisper something in his ear.
“I’m going to grab another drink.” You said when you notice Rafe coming up the stairs with the girls.
“I’ll come with you,” you gave him a look. “What? I meant it when I said stick by me. Let’s go.”
He lets you lead the way and you go down the second set of stairs but you stopped abruptly, peering down at your jewelry.
Everything you were wearing was gifted to you by Rafe, even down to the earrings. You still wore the R golden plate necklace and matching anklet. You had his signet ring on your thumb because that was the only finger it could fit.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Topper questions. Rafe was watching the entire interaction from the loveseat you and Topper were just sitting on.
You bent down to take off your anklet and moved to take off your earrings next.
“Can you help me take off the necklace?” You asked, pulling off the ring and placing it with the other jewelry.
“Sure,” he agrees, pushing your passion twists out of the way.
You felt his warm hand brushing against the back of your neck when he unclasped the necklace.
He put the necklace in your outstretched hand. You walked back up the few stairs you crossed and approached Rafe whose eyes were still trained on you.
You let out a shaky breath before taking his warm hand into your own and giving him the jewelry. You were beginning to miss his touch.
Guilt flashed across his face, looking down at his hand. You avoided his gaze and left him without another word, rushing down the stairs and Topper followed after you.
“Well that was dramatic,” one of the girls says, rolling her eyes while her friend eyes the gold carat in Rafe’s hand that easily amounted to 75k.
“Can I have the earrings?” She asked and before Rafe could respond, she reached for them anyway.
Rafe caught her hand in a tight grip and she whimpers at the pressure.
“You’re hurting me,” she groans.
“No one told you to touch what’s hers,” he shoves her to the ground. “Hey! You asshole!” Her friend snaps, standing from the couch and helps her friend to her feet.
He doesn’t spare them another glance as he digs in his pocket for a baggie to do a few lines.
“Y/N,” Topper calls, finally catching up with you in the kitchen. “Are you okay?” He asks you, examining your face for anything he could read.
“You should check on him,” you poured yourself a shot in a small solo cup and knocked it back, barely making a face.
“I’m checking up on you,” “It needed to be done, okay. All of it were just reminders of what I don’t have anymore.” You explain, pouring yourself another shot.
“That was very brave for you to do.” “Then why do I feel like shit?” You huffed after taking another shot and he stops you from pouring another one.
“Because the break up is still fresh, Y/N.” He looks at you like you’re going to fall apart before his very eyes.
His soft eyes examines your face for any micro expression that could give away what you’re thinking.
“Look, Top. I know you’re trying to help and all but if you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to cry.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“I want to enjoy your party. Your birthday is tomorrow. You shouldn’t be spending it watching me cry.”
“That’s not happening. I’m not leaving you.” He shakes his head and you took his hands into yours, much like you did with Rafe.
But Rafe’s hand were warmer.
“It doesn’t make you a bad friend. I’ll find Sarah.” He studied your face once again and you gave him a soft smile.
“Go,” “Alright,” he says, not bothering to hide his disappointment. “I’ll come find you in like ten minutes.”
“Take your time,” he leaves the kitchen and you let out a deep sigh. You shouldn’t be here.
But you didn’t have the heart to ditch Topper on his birthday rager.
You pressed your palms into the cool, granite countertop and bowed your head to release the tension in your neck.
You hadn’t realize someone was in the kitchen with you until you heard footsteps and someone’s low voice. To your surprise, it was Pope standing on the other side of the counter.
“Sorry, were you saying something?” You asked softly, the shot were slowly starting to get to you.
“I said you are too pretty and insanely smart to be treated like an option.”
That was the nicest thing anyone said to you. You haven’t felt valued in a long time.
“Thanks, Pope. That really means a lot.”
His mouth fell open at your words. “You know who I am?”
“Yes I know who you are. Your family makes the best seafood boils in town.” You explained with a chuckle.
“She knows my name,” he said to himself, which he quickly realized you can hear.
“I should haven’t said that out loud,” he admits and you let out a laugh.
“You’re cute,” he scratches the back of his neck to hide how flustered he way. “Um, are you hiding from Rafe in here?”
“Yes, I am.” You admitted, crossing your arms. “Well if you want some company, my friends are by the bonfire outside. If you want to join. O-only if you want to. I’m not trying to force anything or-“
You interrupted his rant to say, “Sure. I’ll go with you.” You took a solo cup and swung by the keg on the way out, offering some to Pope.
“By the way, what makes you think I’m insanely smart?” “I’m a TA for Mr. Patterson. He still uses your test as a grading key.” He explains after taking a swig of your beer.
“Of course he does. I loved his class.” You admitted with a chuckle. “What is this?”
JJ stands from the chair and motions between you and Pope with his ringed pinky.
“I told her she can hang out with us.” “Hey, JJ.” You greet with a small wave.
“‘Sup, sweetheart. Want a hit?” He offered a blunt to you and you graciously accepted.
He had a grin on his face as he watched you take a hit. He expected you to cough or at least have your eyes water from the potency but much to his surprise, you exhaled the puff of smoke slowly without a fuss.
The mix of the weed and the tequila was throwing your head in a spin. “Never pegged you to be a pothead,” “I’m full of surprises, Maybank.”
A drunk Rafe stumbles outside in search for you when he finds you laughing with Pope and JJ.
JJ noticed your shivering whenever there was a breeze and peeled off his jacket, draping it over your shoulders.
Rafe wasn’t even aware what was happening until his vision started to blur.
He was crying.
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 13
Hey, guys do you all remember that period of time when I was working on this story but refused to show you snippets of it on WIP Wednesdays? Yeah, this is that chapter. (I'm pretty sure, anyway. Because this shit was super spoilery.)
We finally get what happened to Steve and why he didn't grow up as Pack. This chapter does get a little dark in its themes so be careful when you read and if you need specifics, DM me and I'll fill you in.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Eddie and Wayne landed in front of their trailer with a deft touch. Eddie still wasn’t over the joy of being able to fucking fly. Like sure when he was younger, Wayne would take him for flights occasionally, but nothing beat banking on a breeze as the wind lifted him higher and higher.
“Your boy’s got a mouth on him,” Wayne said gruffly as he walked up the stairs to their trailer.
Eddie chuckled. “Always had. Even in school.”
Wayne huffed out a laugh. “True enough.”
As soon as they were safe inside, Eddie asked, “Hey, do you remember that couple who took Stevie in when his parents died?”
Wayne frowned. “You mean the Franklins?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
Eddie snapped his fingers. “Yeah, them. Why was Steve placed with them? And not, I don’t know, the pack?”
Wayne went to the kitchen and pulled out a six pack of beers. “That’s a bit of story. Drink up, you’ll need it for this.”
Eddie opened up a can of beer and settled in for story time.
Wayne downed an entire beer and wiped his mouth off with his sleeve.
“Hopper had gotten bad,” Wayne began. “Like real bad.”
“You’ve mentioned that before. That was around the time I came to live with you, right?”
Wayne nodded. “It wasn’t just drinking. It was drugs, too. And not just weed, either. I’m talking the heavy stuff.”
Eddie nodded. He had sold said heavy stuff to Hopper just before he cleaned up with El coming into his life. When Wayne asked him why, Eddie told him that he had no idea what he was doing with it and honestly didn’t care.
Knowing what Eddie did now, he regretted it, but he was so close to being able to afford his Warlock that that was all he cared about at the time.
“Steve’s dad Clint Harrington was getting ready to challenge Hopper for the position of alpha,” Wayne continued. “He knew that he might kill Hopper, but at that point it probably would have been a mercy.”
Eddie nodded solemnly. Maybe if Clint Harrington had lived, lived to be the alpha, the town wouldn’t be experiencing the troubles it was now.
“So what happened?” he asked gravely.
“Allison’s father died out in New York,” Wayne said. “The timing of it was so suspect, Ed. Like, you know I hate conspiracies with every fiber of my being, because there rarely is one. But this smelled rank from the get go.”
“You think whoever had the Harringtons killed,” Eddie said, “you think also popped off Granpappy, too, don’t you?”
Wayne glared at him, but conceded the point. “Whatever happened to the Harringtons was bad, boy. Like their bodies were savaged–”
He stopped and his eyes went wide. “It was exactly like this morning. I couldn’t tell the scent then, just like I couldn’t now.”
Eddie nodded. “As near as I could tell, there wasn’t a scent to be had. Whatever it was who killed the Harringtons and attacked Patrick, didn’t leave behind a scent.”
“There are very few things in this world that leave a scent so minuscule I could barely detect it,” Wayne said.
Eddie nodded. “So what happened with Steve after they died?” He was interested in the other thing, but he was really worried about his boyfriend.
“The old mayor, Larry Kline and I,” Wayne said amused, “made the decision that the pack wasn’t safe for Steve. But despite what Steve thinks the Franklins weren’t human.”
Eddie frowned. “They weren’t?”
“They were Were too,” he said with wary tilt of his head. “Were-bat. We figured that with them being at least Weres would be able to teach him how to shift and how to shift back comfortably.”
“So what went wrong?” Eddie asked, moving closer to Wayne on the sofa. “Because holy hell, pops, if Steve had been human CPS would have been called and fast.”
Wayne drank more of his beer and then rubbed one eye with the other hand. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t. There were no indications that Steve was anything other than a kid who’s parents died and was adjusting to it. Yeah, he wasn’t exactly happy, but we didn’t expect him to be, you know?”
“So what changed?”
Wayne drank the last of his beer and set it on the coffee table. “They were away on a trip and I don’t know if they forgot, didn’t care, or planned it... but Steve wolfed out for the first in his entire life when he was eighteen.”
Weres were supposed to shift for the first time when they hit puberty. Early teens for most of them. But to not shift until you were eighteen was just begging for the Were to go insane.
“Fucking hell, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie groaned. “Whoever this is is playing a long ass game. Jesus Christ. They were hoping he would go crazy, ending the Harrington line for good. So what happened?”
Wayne licked his lips. “Steve ran to me. He was frightened. Terrified out of his mind. Old Mack nearly shot the poor bastard as he came tearing through the trailer park.”
“Jesus H. Christ...” Eddie whispered.
Wayne chuckled. “It wouldn’ve done shit, it was just a regular bullet, it wouldn’ve even slowed him down.”
Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. “So what stayed Mack’s hand then?”
“You’ve seen your boy in wolf form,” Wayne said, “can you imagine how beautiful he looked then? The cream of his under belly blending with the warm brown of his back and face as he tore down the gravel pavement?”
Eddie could imagine it in fact. Steve was gorgeous as a human, but as a werewolf? He was exquisite. It came from his mixed breeding of being born from another born werewolf and his turned wife. Born werewolves tended to be more timber wolf in their appearance. Almost dire wolf-esque. Big, with course fur and fierce. Bitten werewolves tended toward the smaller red wolves. Quick, slender, and cunning as hell.
Steve was a mix of these two breeds and it made him the most beautiful thing on four legs Eddie have ever scene.
“To fire at something so majestic would have been a travesty,” Wayne was saying when Eddie came back from his revery. “So Mack just stood there, rifle in hand as Steve made straight for my door.”
Eddie frowned. “Where was I? I don’t remember this.”
“You and your friends had gone to Indy for some concert or another,” Wayne said. “I don’t rightly recall.”
Eddie’s frown got deeper, he’d only gone to one concert with his friends in Indy because one of the ‘85 Hellfire Club members had gotten tickets for graduation and had taken all of them.
“Is that why you weren’t home when I got back into Hawkins?” he asked. “You were dealing with Steve?”
Wayne nodded and popped open another bottle of beer. He held one up to Eddie, but he shook his head. Eddie held up his still mostly full can. Wayne licked his lips.
“You’ll want to drink more of that,” he muttered.
Eddie did as he was told and it took the edge off of his anxiety but settled sour in his stomach.
“After I got Steve sedated,” Wayne said, “and yes it was fucked up I even had to in the first place, I went a paid the Franklins a visit.”
“That sounds ominous,” Eddie said flatly.
Wayne grinned. “They tried to tell me that they were frightened of Steve. That as a wolf he was much bigger than they were as bats. That all it would take was one snap of his giant jaw and they would be but a morsel to the boy.”
Eddie blinked at his uncle in confusion. “What now? His first change would have been a literal puppy. He wouldn’t have even been able toddle after them, let alone get within biting distance.”
Wayne huffed. “Right in one, boy. And if they had been teaching him from his first change on, he wouldn’t have thought of them as prey at all. Not even on moon nights.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“And then they tried to attack me,” Wayne continued.
“They did what?” Eddie squawked.
“They probably would have succeeded, too,” he said, “but apparently Steve is a hard wolf to keep down and followed me like a lost puppy. When he saw Dick Franklin raise a fucking yew stake to stab me in the back, Steve leapt on him.”
“Where the fuck did they get a yew stake?”
Wayne just shook his head. “The hell if I know, kid. But in comes this wolf and just snatches the damn thing out of Dick’s hand. He runs off with it Ella Franklin hot on his heels in bat form. Bats are fast and she catches up quickly. The problem is that in or out of bat form she knows she no match for Steve, so she tries to blind him by going for his eyes.”
Eddie’s hand covered his mouth as he listened to him go on about this horrible night.
“But despite what a lot of people think,” Wayne continued, “your boy ain’t dumb. He keeps his head down and makes right for the Creel House. He tosses the thrall on duty the stake and suddenly a werebat is face to face with Tammy Thompson, now holding a yew stake as Steve just continues running past the Coven.”
Eddie blinked. “I didn’t realize that Tammy’s family were thralls.”
“Just like the Perkins, Buckleys, and Hagans are hereditary keepers,” Wayne said with a nod, “the Thompsons, Carmichaels, and Bensons have always been hereditary thralls.”
Eddie was starting to think that he really should have paid closer attention to the hierarchies in school, they were a lot more important than he knew.
“Anywho,” Wayne said with a shake of his head. “Ella flies back to their house to find me beating the hell out of Dick. She manages to distract me long enough for Dick to get on his feet, but now it’s two against one and they’re still strong in their human forms, but wicked fast. I was able to take out Dick, the coward that he was, but Ella was proving to be too fast. She was going to get away.”
Eddie drank the rest of his beer and popped open another one. He leaned forward so that he was on the edge of the sofa, and his knee began to shake.
Wayne put his hand his knee to settle it, but Eddie stared at him wild eyed.
“I don’t have to finish if this bothering, Ed,” he said warmly. “I can give you the Cliffnotes.”
Eddie shook his head. “What happened next?”
“Just as she took flight, the thing they had always feared happened,” he said softly. “Steve’s jaws came down on her with a sickening crunch. Dick started spewing all sorts of curse words and things I didn’t understand. Something about how werewolves were a plague among the Weres and that they had to be exterminated and how if Steve hadn’t had my protection they would have drowned the bastard in the bathtub.”
“What. The. Fuck?” Eddie asked, can crumpling in his fist as it tightened on it.
“It didn’t mean anything until the events going on now,” Wayne said with a heavy sigh. He crumpled his can one handed and stared at the twisted mass. “But I think whoever it is who is trying to tear this community apart is getting desperate. They’re starting to make mistakes. And I think one day soon, this is all going to blow up in our faces.”
Eddie gulped, but nodded.
Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
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bihansthot · 1 year
Name: Mid-Autumn Festival 1,000 Follower Spectacular!
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Bi-Han x afab!Reader
Word Count: 4,000
Summary: You and your husband Bi-Han enjoy a nice family dinner at Madam Bo’s for the Mid-Autumn Festival and later enjoy some alone time with one another, experimenting in ways you never have.
Author’s notes: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival lovelies! Have I got a treat for you and it involves mooncakes but that’s not all! Y’all wanted Bi-Han getting a prostate massage and fuck if I didn’t deliver it! This is kind of a mash up of things I wanted to write, one being festival stuff, the other being a celebration of hitting over 1.000 followers here on tumblr! It’s so wild to me that a blog that just rambles about Bi-Han and writes about him has so much love but here we are! This story has some dirty talk and possessive Bi-Han in it but also has some soft moments, its a good mix of fun and filth and hopefully y’all enjoy it! If you do please don’t be shy with the likes, comments, reblogs, DMs etc. Let me know you liked it please! Enjoy lovelies!
You giggle and shove Bi-Han’s heavy body off of yours, “Polar Bear, stop, we’re in public,” your words are slightly slurred as you find yourself pleasantly buzzed. You look around the expansive tea house and despite the size everything seems warm and homey, you’re always happy when you’re out with Bi-Han at Madam Bo’s.
“Come on qīn, it’s the Mid Autumn Festival it is all about the love between Chang’e and Hou Yi, you shouldn’t be stingy with the affection,” Bi-Han laughed and you could tell by the blush high on his cheeks that the cryomancer was drunk, or at least tipsy, Bi-Han could hold his liquor quite well and you didn’t think you’ve ever actually seen him drunk.
“Brother, why don’t you have some more to eat, that’s what the Mid-Autumn Festival is really about, sharing food with your family,” Kuai Liang chimes in pushing a delectable-looking bowl of steamed crabs toward Bi-Han. “Father always used to talk about the importance of spending time together as a family.”
“Fuck Father, I’m glad he’s dead,” Bi-Han slurs before reaching for a steamed pork bun instead as he bit into the light, fluffy bun.
“Polar Bear, please not tonight, tonight is about family, don’t upset your brother’s please,” you urge, your face clouding with worry.
“Tch, sorry qīn, you’re right tonight it about celebrating family and being together,” he grumbles reluctantly and motions for you to pour him another cup of baijiu.
You’re hesitant to pour another cup for him, but you don’t want to deal with his complaining and posturing if you don’t so despite your better judgment you pour the liquor into his cup. You reach for some of Madam Bo’s delicious har gao and happily eat the plump, juicy shrimp dumpling leaving the crabs for your husband and brothers-in-law to share.
“It was a good idea coming down to Madam Bo’s for Mid-Autumn Festival this year, none of us have to clean up afterwards,” Tomas laughs and takes one of the crabs for himself. “I know I appreciate it! Do you know how much work it is cooking and cleaning up for the three of you?” You laugh and take a sip of oolong tea, trying to pace yourself on drinking, you’re well aware you can’t hold your liquor quite as well as Bi-Han can, well not baijiu at any rate.
“Who cleans up qin? Huh?” Bi-Han raises his eyebrow at you and you have the decency to look sheepish knowing full well the cryomancer always did the cleanup when you did the cooking.
“I, uh well,” you shove some roast duck in Bi-Han’s mouth to silence the cryomancer’s protests. “Tomas, how are things lately, I feel like I haven’t see you or Kuai Liang in ages,” you switch the topic.
“Things have been challenging but very rewarding, work with the Shirai Ryu are going well and we’ve even managed to find a promising new initiative, his name is Hanzo,” Tomas answers with ease in between sips of his own glass of baijiu.
You were so pleased the brothers had managed to work out their differences after Fire God Liu Kang and intervened and the two of you had talked some sense into Bi-Han. Kuai Liang and Tomas had still kept their Shirai Ryu to be the guardians and protectors of Earthrealm whereas Bi-Han kept his Lin Kuei and they were granted more of a prominent role in the tournament and guiding Earthrealm. It had been harder to convince Sektor that his army of drones were no longer necessary, but thankfully Bi-Han had seen sense and had commanded Sektor to stand down. There was still definitely tension between the brothers, but you were content that you were all in a good enough place that you all could come together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival as a family. The festival was a foreign concept to you when you first arrived in Fengjian, but you had fallen in love with the holiday when Bi-Han told you the story of Chag’e and Hou Yi, their beautiful, tragic love story made you weep, but despite the sorrow you loved the idea of being able to celebrate their love. “Hanzo huh? Well that’s good, I’m glad to hear things are going well, but I will admit things are lonely without all of you.”
“Earthrealm needs the Shirai Ryu, its a sacrifice we all have to make,” Kuai Liang interjected before you could get too involved in clan politics.
“Yes, of course, I understand,” you reply, sneaking another dumpling and a sip of tea, the table was laden with so much food there was no way the four of you would be able to finish, you regret not inviting Sektor and Cyrax, but thought it was better they weren’t there as there was still bad blood between the two clans.
“Who’s ready for Moon Cakes?” Madam Bo suddenly interrupts, placing a heaping plate of assorted pastries on the table.
“Moon cakes!” You squeal with excitement and suddenly you somehow feel hungry again, you had never had the pastry before you started dating Bi-Han, but after trying them you were hooked on them, the custard-filled ones were your favorite. As if she were a psychic Madam Bo pops a mini custard-filled one in your mouth and you can’t help moaning with delight as the flaky pastry gives way to the luxurious custard inside.
“Madam Bo, you spoil us,” Tomas smiles at the elderly patroness as she smiles at your happy reaction to the confection.
“Nonsense Smoke, it’s Mid-Autumn Festival! Everyone gets moon cakes! I can’t have my customers unsatisfied on such an auspicious day,” Madam Bo chirps happily.
“Thank you Madam Bo,” you manage after finishing your miniature moon cake, a look of satisfaction plastered to your face.
“The one with the black dot is the sesame one Bi-Han,” Madam Bo laughs before slipping him the bill and heading off to tend to her other customers.
Bi-Han doesn’t hesitate grabbing one of the ones with the black dots, sesame moon cakes you know are his favorite and he acts like a little kid when he gets one, to the point that you’re surprised he doesn’t ask you the make the confection year round. He finishes off his moon cake before draining his umpteenth cup of baijiu, he counts out his bills carefully before adding some extra for Madam Bo, despite tipping not being customary in China, it was a holiday after all and Madam Bo deserved it for her warmth and hospitality. “Shall we?” he asks standing up and swaying on his feet slightly.
The four of you make your way back to the Lin Kuei Temple as you bid good night to your brothers-in-law and giggle drunkenly toddling after Bi-Han.
You flop on your shared bed as Bi-Han struggles with getting his belt off, he finally works his way through all the layers of his belt and lets it fall on the stone floor. You watch him wrestle with the rest of his complex uniform, in no state to be able to help him with the various layers and complex knots holding his layers off. After several long minutes, Bi-Han seems to finally work his way out of his excessively complicated robes as he flops on the bed next to you. “I’m proud of you Polar Bear, I know letting your brothers leave and create their own clan isn’t easy for you, but you did a very good job acting very civilized tonight.”
“I don’t want to talk about them, show me your tiddies,” he smirks at you reaching for the hem of your qipao you had worn at his insistence.
You laugh at his immature behavior, “help me unzip it then,” you whisper running your hand along his smooth cheek.
“Fine, fine,” he agrees, giving you a slightly petulant pout as if to say, how can’t you just become instantly naked, as he tugs the zipper down and carefully helps you out of the garment.
You’re pleased that even in his inebriated state Bi-Han had the common sense to remember this was your favorite qipao, one based off of one of his mother’s, and he was gentle with it. You lay next to him in just your lingerie, one of your favorite sets, dark blue and lacy, it was equal parts delicate and sexy, it also fit perfectly, there was no overflow or pinching and the underwear hid your imperfect little belly.
“Fuck your tits are huge,” He laughs drunkenly burying his cold face in between your ample chest making pleased little noises as he rubs his face back and forth.
“Polar Bear,” you giggle as you tug his hair loose from his tie, his ebony locks spilling down his well-muscled back, you stroke his silken locks as your husband continues to amuse himself with your breasts.
“I love your tits so much, they’re so soft and so jiggly, they’re like big ol’ flans,” he chuckles as he reaches around to undo the clasp of your bra to be able to manhandle them with ease.
You let out a soft sigh of pleasure as his cold, calloused hands squeeze and grope your sensitive breasts. “I want to play with you tonight, please?” You pull Bi-Han’s head up to look him in his beautiful chocolate eyes as you give him your best pleading look.
He sucks in a low breath and reluctantly rolls off of you to give you free rein of his body, “what did you have in mind qin?”
“There’s something I want to try, keep an open mind Polar Bear, its supposed to feel really good for you, I promise,” you bite your lower lip, sucking it into your mouth as your eyes roam over his flawless body.
“What?” He asks sitting up on his elbows, trying to fight off the pleasant floaty feeling the baijiu has given him.
“I’m not going to tell you, you just have to trust me, you know I’d never do anything to hurt you, but it might be kind of weird,” you explain running your warm hand along his aching, cold cock.
He leans back with a pleased groan as he lets you stroke his cock with slow, gentle strokes, “fine, but it better feel good,” he mumbles, bucking his hips up slightly.
“Where’s the lube,” you ask pressing a kiss to his cold cheek.
“Lube? What the fuck do you need lube for?” Bi-Han bristles immediately at the mention of the lubricant.
“I need it to jack you off, you said you’d keep an open mind Polar Bear,” you frown at him as you straddle his narrow hips.
The cryomancer grunts unhappily as he relents, “its in the draw in the bedside table,” he tells you as he squirms under you trying to get some friction for his neglected cock.
“Got it,” you grin triumphantly as you pull the tube from the drawer and make your way back to Bi-Han’s dripping cock, it's so pretty you lick your lips, huge, dripping, and heavy against his perfectly cut abs. “Mmm Polar Bear your cock looks delicious right now, I’m a little jealous of my hand,” you sigh almost wistfully as you squeeze some of the lubricant in your hand as you grasp his big cock and give it a gentle tug.
“You can suck it instead,” the cryomancer grins at you as he lifts himself back up on his elbows to watch you.
“Maybe I will,” you muse sticking your tongue out playfully as you fist him gently, not applying much pressure yet, just teasing the cryomancer, loving the feeling of his thick, veiny cold cock in your hand. You lay with your head on his rock-hard abs as you can’t help but let your tongue dart out and gather the pearly fluid leaking out of Bi-Han’s cock, it’s cold but not bitter, salty but not unpleasant, musky and masculine and perfectly him.
“Mmm qin, that feels nice,” the cryomancer practically purrs in his drunken state, something you absolutely loved was how Bi-Han didn’t seem to care about how vocal he was when he had been drinking.
Your hand works along his cock, stroking him with a firm grasp as you twist your hand in a circle when you reach his soft, velveteen head, “Bi-Han,” you whine his name as you look up at his pretty flushed face, his hair hanging loose around his face as he bites his lip with pleasure, it was the perfect picture a sight no one but you were privy to see. Your hand moves faster now, pulling another groan from the cryomancer as you jack him off, you seize your chance while he’s focused on the feeling of your hand gliding over his dick, you switch hands so your lubricated hand is no longer stroking the cryomancer, who hisses at the added drag your other hand offered. You take a deep breath and swallow audibly as you carefully nudge his legs further apart and there it is, the little pucker that you have your sights set on. Slowly, carefully you trace the outside of the hole with your slicked-up finger and before Bi-Han can react or stop you, you slowly sink the finger inside.
“Wha-what the fuck!? What are you doing qin?!” He starts, body going rigid, his ass clamping around you instinctually.
You ignore him though and fish around inside him for that little bundle of nerves that you know in spite of himself is going to make Bi-Han feel good, and you find it as you stroke it with a come hither motion.
“Huh, wha, why hnnnggghhh,” the cryomancer can’t hold back the pleased noise as you stroke his prostate, “fucking stop this is weird,” he starts to sit up.
Your hot mouth drops over his cock, swallowing him down as best as you can in a practiced motion, your finger wiggling further in his tight hole.
“Ah, fuck qin, that, that feels kind of good, do… do it again,” he pants and squeezes his eyes shut as he relaxes against the bed enjoying the feeling of your warmth encompassing his cold cock.
The noises he makes are like heaven to you as your mouth works his cock over, your tongue laving every inch of it as you suck it further into your throat. Slowly you work a second finger into the tight ring of muscle as you massage the cryomancer’s prostate, your fingers dancing across the fleshy nub.
“Ta ma de,” he groans deeply in his native tongue as he subconsciously grinds his perfect ass against your fingers, the baijiu loosening his inhibitions enough to enjoy this very rare role reversal.
You pull away from his delicious cock to echo his sentiment, “fuck,” you take in his flushed, blissed-out expression as you thrust your fingers in and out slowly, applying steady even pressure to the small organ inside the cryomancer.
Bi-Han lets out a low moan as your fingers speed up, his body starting to tremble with his impending release, “shit qin, that feels really good, keep going, please,” he practically bites his own tongue to stop himself from begging like a little bitch in heat.
Your tongue massages the underside of his shaft as your fingers keep moving in and out of the cryomancer’s tightness, you never actually thought you’d get this far, you thought maybe you’d get one finger in before he wigged out and stormed off for the night but actually getting to finger fuck your husband made your brain short circuit. You shift and rub your thighs together trying to alleviate some of the mounting pressure, seeing Bi-Han look so fucked out had you nearly cumming from the sounds he made alone. Your stomach feels tight as arousal pools in it and you don’t know how much longer you can keep yourself from making the cryomancer fuck you, you want to see him cum though, you want to taste his cold, viscous fluid filling your mouth, so you don’t stop, you can’t stop, you ignore your own desires and focus solely on his. You bob your head along his cock, forcing as much inside as possible, it burns as it stretches your throat, but the little shout Bi-Han makes is worth the discomfort. Your finger twist and screw in and out of the cryomancer’s tight confines, each press and thrust of your fingers massaging his prostate more and more.
“Qin, I’m gonna,” he gasps and lets out a choked-off cry as he tries to warn you, but you get the message, your fingers double their efforts as you pound into his prostate and you pull back until only the tip of his huge cock is left in your mouth. With a loud growling shout of pleasure, Bi-Han is cumming in your mouth.
You moan as the icy liquid splashes against your tongue the saltiness coating your mouth with the thick liquid. Your tongue swishes the cold fluid around as you swallow frantically trying not to spill a drop of the cryomancer’s cum, you can’t help it though, Bi-Han cums so much more than a mouthful as some of his release flows down your chin.
Bi-Han just moans with satisfaction as his release keeps seeping from your hot mouth, his hips still as do your fingers, “fuck me, what was that?”
“A prostate massage,” you answer, pulling off his cock with an audible pop as you swallow down more of the cryomancer’s essence. You wipe your chin off and make a show of licking your finger clean watching Bi-Han’s lust-darkened eyes, you raise an eyebrow as you look down at his still-hard cock. “Someone’s not done apparently,” you comment gesturing to his huge dick.
“Well of course not, my girl hasn’t cum yet, I still have a job to do,” he growls before pouncing on you and pinning you down. The cryomancer all but rips your soaked panties off as he rubs the velvety head of his cock against your dripping walls.
“Fuck Bi-Han, please, I need to cum so bad, seeing you like that has me so turned on, you were so hot,” you babble as his dick slowly opens you up as his cock sinks into your tight pussy. You cry out loudly at the feeling of the cryomancer rearranging your insides to make room for his massive cock, it feels so good, the stretch and slight burn as he buries his cock inside you.
“Mmm fuck qin, you were made just for me weren’t you? You’re always so pretty and so wet for me, such a good little slut,” he growls possessively as he holds himself inside you balls deep letting you get used to his huge cock.
“Ahhh, Bi-Han please,” you whimper as he starts to move, the pressure in your stomach teetering on unbearable, you knew your little pregame session sucking his cock and finger fucking the cryomancer had turned you on, but you didn’t realize how much it had turned you on. One thrust from the cryomancer and you were practically seeing stars, you shout and throw your arms around him tangling your fingers in his loose hair.
“Hold on tight qin, I don’t feel like taking things slow tonight,” the cryomancer shoots you a smirk and all you can do is moan in response.
You cry out his name over and over as he begins to piston in and out of your tight, wet hole, everything feels too much all at once but perfect all at the same time. Each stroke of his cock drives deeper and deeper into your welcoming pussy as the fat head of his cock assaults your sweet spot. You’re dizzy and lightheaded within minutes and it had nothing to do with the alcohol you consumed, it was all from the cryomancer’s actions, the way his cock moved in and out of your body, the way his weight bore down on you, the way he claimed you as his own.
“Such a good little slut, whining and whimpering so prettily for me, you just love getting stuffed with my big cock don’t you? It’s what you were made for, taking my cock and only my cock, no one else gets to touch you qin, you’re mine,” the cryomancer growls, possession dripping from his words as his grip moves from your hips to press the undersides of your thighs towards your stomach.
“Only you Bi-Han, I’m only yours,” you cry out as the pressure becomes unbearable and heat pools in your stomach despite your body being chilled from the inside out. You cling to the cryomancer, trying to ground yourself but only wind up pulling his hair causing Bi-Han to let out a low, warning growl.
“Only I get to touch you, only I get to fuck you and only I get to paint that pretty little pussy white with my cum, but you’re such a little slut you love every minute of it don’t you,” Bi-Han continues, his words edging you closer and closer to your peak as his cock rams into your cervix over and over causing your entire body to tremble and shake in his grasp.
“Only you Bi-Han, oh fuck only you!” You cry out as your toes curl and the pressure bursts, you cry out his name shrilly as your head thrashes back and forth as your tongue lolls to the side as you cum hard around Bi-Han’s perfect cock. Stars burst before your eyes and pleasure floods your body as you shutter and heave below Bi-Han’s flawless, thrusting body.
Bi-Han groans deeply as he presses your thighs almost flush to your stomach, plowing in and out of your body with little regard for how oversensitive you were in this state, he was only concerned with his own orgasm. He keeps fucking you hard, pounding your cervix open with each thrust as he chases his high, loving the way you cry and tremble for him, “what a good little slut, such a good girl for me, I’ve going to fill you up with my cum now,” he grunts out in between gritted teeth as his hips start to falter and lose their rhythm. “Oh fuck, that’s it, that’s my good slut,” he lets out a low bellow as he stills inside you.
You cry and shake as the cryomancer’s final onslaught brings you to your peak once more, hot fat tears drip down your cheeks as he pushes you past reason. The sensation of Bi-Han’s cold viscous cum painting your walls white does you in, with a weak little sob of his name, you’re tumbling over the edge hurtling towards darkness as your orgasm consumes you.
Neither of you move for a while, you couldn’t even if you wanted as you’re trapped under the weight of the cryomancer as you finally regain consciousness. You whimper softly, unable to find your voice yet as you shiver with cold brought on by the cryomancer being buried deep inside you still.
Reluctantly the cryomancer finally rolls off you to the side of the bed, “fuck qin, that was, well that was something else alright.”
“That was so good,” you whisper, barely able to form coherent thoughts yet, “your cock is too good, I still feel drunk, but I don’t think it’s the liquor anymore,” you giggle softly as you grab one of the fur comforters from the bottom of the bed and roll up in it before slotting yourself next to Bi-Han, laying your head against his rock hard pecs.
“We should, uh maybe try that again sometime,” Bi-Han admits, his cheeks colored with a rosy shade of pink as he looks away not wanting to make eye contact.
“Anytime you want Polar Bear, anytime you want,” you agree and smile before slipping into a very deep and very restful sleep.
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simmishccfinds · 20 days
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This is my application for @dreambot 's dating show! I had so much fun with this and got a little carried away with the backstory, so there’s a TLDR at the end! If you decide to use him for your show, please dm me and I will provide a download link :) 
He comes with all 8 outfits! You are welcome to change his clothing, but I prefer you don’t change his skin details because he looks scary without them lol. His backstory is under the cut!
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For some reason, Nathan Darling is magnetic. It could be his confidence (some may say arrogance) that attracts people to him, or perhaps it’s his sense of humor—Nathan can effortlessly make anyone laugh. But, realistically, it’s probably his appearance that captivates people. He has a very friendly, "puppy dog" look to him. One thing is clear: it’s not because of his intelligence.
Nathan spent his entire life dreaming of playing for the SBL (Sims Baseball League), just like his father, whose picture hangs in the SBL Hall of Fame. His childhood was stolen by endless hours of practice, and once he was home, his dad would give him pitching lessons in the backyard. Their weekends were spent in the batting cages together. Although his friends constantly teased him for practicing so much, Nathan’s hard work paid off and he signed a contract with the Del Sol Diamonds shortly after graduation. 
Naturally, the news that legend Johnathon Darling’s son would be playing for the SBL generated a lot of excitement and he quickly gained a fan base. Nathan had fans from all demographics. The older baseball fans admired his father’s legacy, while younger fans were impressed by his incredible skill as a rookie. He also attracted a large female following, especially on Simtok, although many of them weren’t interested in baseball if you know what I mean…
Nathan Darling was beloved by the public, earning him the nickname “Del Sol’s Darling”. He was set to have a long and prosperous career, but there was a problem: Nathan Darling is not the man everyone made him out to be. In reality, Nathan isn’t a good guy at all. He’s selfish, narcissistic, manipulative, and would do just about anything for attention. He tried to keep up the “Simmerican sweetheart” persona, but it wasn’t long before the mask started to slip. Nathan didn’t make it past the first season before a major scandal got him banned from the SBL and ended his career for good.
I thought it would be fun to leave the scandal up to your interpretation! I imagine he did something illegal like DUI, sports gambling, steroids, etc. He’s also a huge misogynist so I wouldn’t be surprised if it had something to do with that. If you’d like to use him for your challenge I’m releasing full creative control, so I don’t mind if the scandal is something crazy. Let your imagination run wild! Whatever it is I think it would be very controversial, he would still have some die-hard fans saying that he should have stayed on the team, but I imagine that the general public has turned on him. It all depends on what you choose as his scandal and how “cancellable” it is on "SimTok" lol. 
After dedicating his entire life to the SBL, Nathan Darling feels entirely lost. He lacks skills outside of baseball, and his ego won’t allow him to take a “regular job,” especially since he is so recognizable. Now he’s completely stuck in the past, trying to relive the (brief) glory days. He still wears the team colors every day!! Yikes!! 
Nathan is desperately scrambling to hold onto the small bit of relevancy he has left. He’s trying every possible thing that could make him famous: acting, comedy, podcasting, but none of it is working. If he doesn’t figure something out, he’ll soon be doing live SimTok gift battles like Jason Nash.
Recently Nathan received an email inviting him to join a reality TV dating show. He was thrilled about the opportunity, but learning that celebrities would be participating made him even more excited. This is finally his chance to get back into the spotlight! The show will surely be a hit, and he thrives off of attention. Who knows, he may even get a big celebrity to fall in love with him! That would definitely keep him relevant.
Can Nathan Darling keep up his sweetheart facade and win back the public’s affection? Or will his true colors be revealed for the entire world to see? 
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TLDR: Nathan Darling was a beloved baseball player whom everyone thought was a huge sweetheart. Turns out, he’s just a huge piece of sh*t. After being banned from the Sims Baseball League, he will do anything to remain relevant. This dating show seems like the perfect opportunity! Will he maintain the sweetheart facade, or will he finally reveal his true colors to the world? 
This was so much fun!! Thank you to DreamBot for the inspiration :D
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How would the date for the plus size reader Erik bullied go? Would she be impressed by Erik? Would Erik prove how much he has changed?
Sitting within a restaurant alone, a candle flickering in the center of the table, Y/N stared across at the one person she didn’t think she would ever be on a date with. Erik Stevens. If someone were to have told you back in high school that almost twenty years later you would be on a date with Erik Stevens you would have laughed.
This man who turned out to be a Doctor in Engineering and a man who has it all and could have any other woman, asked you out on a date after sliding in your DMs. At first, you thought it was yet another one of his corny ass jokes. You were convinced he hadn’t changed since then. Still hanging with most of the hooligans that aided in your torment.
drerikstevens: hey, Y/N. Long time no see. I hope all is well with you. Just wanted to say how beautiful you look and I was wondering if I could take you out sometime? Catch up? My treat ❤️
Is it the fact that you’ve gained confidence and became a plus size super model? You genuinely wanted to know. Erik isn’t the first to slide in your DMs to flirt from high school. Hell, even a couple of his friends have tried and FAILED. You didn’t forget. So what? Now that you’re all older things are different?
Erik never called you degrading names because of your weight but he did tease you about other things. Your braces, your glasses, your backpack, your acne covered face. It all still hurt. He was attractive back then and even more attractive now. How nice, he secluded a private dinner with the master chef to prepare the meal exclusively for the both of you. He gave you a bouquet of red roses and acted like such a gentleman.
“How’s everything?” Erik questioned you, taking a slow sip of his wine with his onyx eyes unblinking on you.
“Delicious,” you flip your bohemian knotless braids from your shoulder, poking your chest out more even though it was useless because who wouldn’t noticed the copious amount of cleavage on display?
“The first of many dates I hope,” Erik smirked at you with a single dimple.
“Hm…” you inspect your French tips with a pucker of your full glossy lips.
“What?” Erik tilted his head at you.
“You gotta prove to me that you deserve to wine and dine me, Erik.” Y/N said.
Erik chuckled, “Fair enough.”
“I’m not easily impressed. Especially when my suitor was my rival in high school.”
Erik squinted his eyes at you. You challenged him with a look of your own, a look with sultry eyes and a teasing smile.
“That was in the past, baby girl. I was young and dumb. I’ve apologized about that but…I know it’ll take some time.”
You giggle into your glass of red wine. He did apologize to you, but that wasn’t enough.
“What else do I have to do, Y/N?” Erik pleaded.
Y/N couldn’t believe it. Erik Stevens was begging her to let him in. This was priceless. She will remember this moment for the rest of her life. She loved seeing men beg.
“Spoil me like the goddess I am and then maybe I’ll consider giving you a chance.” Y/N said.
“You deserve to be spoiled. I’d spend my last on you.”
We’ll see about that, Stevens.
“Words don’t mean nothing when my hand is empty.” Y/N replied.
Erik smirked at you and then licked his lips. His eyes fell to your cleavage with a bite of his lip. You were enjoying the way he looked at you, but there was no way you were going to give in that easily.
“What made you slide in my DMs, Erik?”
“Because I wanted to take you out…Honestly, I would have done it sooner but…I figured you would diss me.”
“And rightfully so,” You giggle, “You made my life a living hell in high school.”
“I know, I know,” He exhaled with a shake of his head, “you ain’t deserve that, ma.”
Erik reached across and took your hand in his. He peppered kisses with his soft lips that sent shivers down your spine but you didn’t show it. He kissed up your wrist with his eyes on you and you held his gaze.
“Please give me a chance. I’m not the same dude from high school. I’ve changed, and I wanna prove that to you.”
You couldn’t deny that you loved his enthusiasm.
“I’ll let you prove it. But it better be worth my time.”
You couldn’t wait to take advantage of this. Your inner dom was screaming for a turn and you were going to give in to her. No longer were you that shy, naive, insecure girl. You were confident, sexy, and a siren.
“Yes, ma’am.” Erik said.
“I mean that I want you on your knees begging for my forgiveness, Erik.”
He gawked at you. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard from your mouth. Clearly, your nothing like you were back then. If he backed down you were convinced this was a waste.
“Anything for you, beautiful. Anything.”
You inwardly cheered.
“Oh, really?” You lick your lips.
“I’m dead ass.” Erik replied.
Erik stood up from his seat, fixing his shirt that fit his body in all the right places. He walked over to you and with his eyes never leaving yours he got down on his knees and took your hand in his. You watched him with amusement and turn to face him, your short skirt showing off your generous thighs.
“Y/N, I know I was nothing but a fucking bully to you back then. I was stupid, childish, relentless…Uncaring of your feelings…I’m sorry for being a headache to you. I’m sorry for picking on you the way I did. I know that it won’t change the past, but I’m hoping that I can prove to you that I’ve changed. You just don’t understand how bad I want you, baby girl. So bad. Please…”
You were wetter than ever. Words couldn’t describe how turned on you are seeing him on his knees before you.
“…I forgive you, Erik. But you’re not completely off the hook, handsome.”
Erik smiled up at you with deep dimples and you giggled. He stood and gripped your left thigh in the process. His sturdy hand made your pussy quiver. Erik returned to his seat and you both finished your dinner. He treated you like a queen from that restaurant to his car and even slipped you some cash. This was going to be fun.
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wonik1ss · 11 months
My Gamer Girl — Hanni
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pairing : non-idol!hanni x reader
song rec : boombox - laura marano
summary : hanni doesn’t seem to like you until she plays a game with you
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“Are you fucking joshing me right now Hanni Pham”
“If you don’t take that whole sentence back I’m canceling this live”
“She’s literally the angel of twitch how could you not like her?”
“I never said I didn’t like her! You’re gonna get me cancelled Minji!”
Right now Hanni Pham otherwise known as DannyPhantom was streaming with her bff Minji. They were playing a nice and slow Minecraft building challenge when someone in Hanni’s chat asked about Minji’s opinions on Y/n otherwise known as ‘Angelfacedbaby’.
Hanni scoffed and stupidly Minji asked why and Hanni answered. ‘Nothing she’s just a little to perky for me’.
“To late I already see the comments coming”
y/n’sbbygirl : I know your not talking
minjieatmeplease : oooo girl.. you best be jokin
phammyhanni : I think I’ve been… stabbed…
“Ok guys stop being dramatic!”
“For all Y/n stan’s I’ll end my stream here”. Just as Hanni was about to try to stop Minji she was gone. Hanni sighed and turned to her camera.
“Guess that’s the end of todays stream by phantoms…!”. As Hanni shut off her stream she sighed. What was the hype with this Y/n girl. She saw a few clips of her playing and she saw nothing interesting. She really was just was another faceless twitch streamer.
Later… As Hanni was scrolling through tiktok she got an insta message. Without reading it she tapped it and her eyes went wide.
angledfacesbaby : Hi! A lot of my fans have been asking us to collab. I totally understand if you don’t want to but I think it would be fun! Please dm me back if you think so too ^^
dannyphantom : Hi! That sounds great! Do you have a date in mind?
As Hanni turned off her phone she threw her head back. How did she go from basically trash talking the girl; to meeting her next saturday at six to play bed wars?
Hanni scanned her set up one more time before she started her stream and did her intro.
“Afternoon Phantoms! today we have a special guest!”
“Hi I’m Y/n!”
Oh fuck.. Why did you sound like a fucking angel. Hanni shook her head and cracked her knuckles trying to shake away the thought.
“Didn’t know we were going to war..”. You joked Hanni’s eyes went wide.
“I heard you crack your knuckles”
“Your watching my stream?”
“Yup! I like you headset!”. Hanni started to blush. As you went on to talk to your fans Hanni opened up your stream. She.. was.. fucked. Hanni would never say this out loud but you looked ethereal. You had clear glasses on just like Hanni, your smile was faint but gorgeous, and your lips were too.. Did you always have your face cam on?
Hanni blinked twice before she looked at her screen to see the game was starting.
“Good luck!”
“You too!”
As the game went on it was safe to say Hanni was a simp for you. Hanni wasn’t just playing bad she was fucking horrid. In the first ten minutes you destroyed her bed and she just smiled? Anytime Minji even dared to say she was; going to Hanni’s island she would get shot with arrows. But you were an expectation?
Your laughs were like a drug to Hanni. She just wanted more, so she just played dumb. Her chat could tell seeing as they were flaming her from the start.
beatdeeznuts : oh mah gad she down bad
hanniator : STAND UP HANNI PHAM!
minjiscreams : I TOLD YOU BITCH
Hanni rolled her eyes at Minji’s comment; and as soon as she looked up the game was over and you had won. Hanni was shocked but smiling.
“Another round?”
“Nah I don’t wanna embarrass your infront of your fans again..”.Hanni bit her lip and smiled at her screen you taking over most of it. You both did your outro’s and then you FaceTimed Hanni.
“I hope your opinion of me changed”
“I saw your live.. I hope you like me now”
“Oh I definitely do”. You tilted your head at the girl as you giggled. The thing was Hanni wasn’t joking, she wanted to be your gamer girl. Your one and only gamer girl.
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stuckinapril · 11 months
hey how do i deal with the crippling loneliness that makes me go on tinder to try and talk to people and dm people in my classes to try and make a friend <3 help
Wanting friends is nothing to be ashamed of!! Don’t be too hard on yourself for trying to build friendships. This is coming from someone who used to be a cripplingly shy teenager in hs. I had maybe two people I could actually call friends / felt comfortable hanging out with. Then one day I woke up & realized that my shyness wasn’t inherent shyness but rather just insecurity and reluctance to put myself in the uncomfortable scenario of approaching people. So I challenged myself w going up to people and initiating things, and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t, and now I have multiple friend groups and any periods of solitude are a choice. It gets better. I promise.
Whether your case is similar to mine or you’re just introverted by nature, you will find people who complement you in the ways you want. It all starts w just accepting that putting yourself out there may come w rejection, and it may come w a little bit of resistance, and that these negative feelings at the beginning are completely okay and natural. I had like no stamina back when I was breaking out of my shell. I was literally exhausted after hanging out w someone like once a week. Now I look back and laugh bc I’m such a different person. You are absolutely not doomed to loneliness.
My biggest. Biiiiggest piece of advice is not to operate from a place of lack. Not having something does not mean lacking it. It just means you don’t have it right now. If you do approach friendship as if starved for it, you’ll tolerate the most toxic people just for the sake of not being alone. Absolutely not worth it. This is where you need to start working on your self-esteem via self-esteem building things (hobbies, skills, taking care of yourself etc etc) so that you become not only someone who’s confident they do not need to cling to anyone for validation and fulfillment, but also someone who enjoys being alone. That’s an important skill to foster even if you’re the most extroverted social butterfly out there. No good can come from finding other people’s company more valuable than your own.
As for practical advice—I cannot recommend school clubs more, whether you’re in uni or hs. They host socials and are the breeding ground for making friendships, bc you already know you share at least one interest in common w the people there. And if you want to make friends in classes: compliment someone on their outfit. Ask someone about the homework you just got assigned. Literally whatever you can think of as a talking piece. If they’re not receptive, oh well. It’s on to the next. Literally none of these interactions will matter in 5 years, so you might as well put your social skills to practice now rather than when you’re starting a career and it’s a much harder minefield to navigate. Now is the time for mistakes and missteps and embarrassments and also for some fun !! Do not take yourself too seriously and just enjoy the process of finding out what works. If I could do it, you can too <3
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philosophersystem · 6 days
A post trying to make people that suffer from delusions realize they have delusions. by Sayuri, Madara and Mono
So far this is blogpost untested but it aligns with actual used therapeutic strategies. It is also the same approach I used when trying to convince my brother that he has paranoia. I hope this will work for some. If you tried to use this post, please give me feedback in the comments or via DM. I hope it'll be positive feedback in the way that it worked. Though if it doesn't work, I'll work on it based on feedback and science and perfect it :) Edits:
V2 = Expanded the explanation of it and reworded it. V3 = Covered the most common 9 delusion types according to scientific literature and explained the delusions aka "Thinking Patterns" in a less triggering way
Important note: This won't work if the person suffering from delusions doesn't trust you. You need to build trust first.
No guarantee that this will work since it's untested.
Its the third version so far!
Understanding What Your Mind Might Be Telling You
It’s important to acknowledge something right from the start—whatever you’re feeling, you’re not alone. Whether it’s a sense of being watched, the feeling that something extraordinary is happening around you, or a belief that others are out to get you, these experiences can be deeply overwhelming. It’s not easy to live with these thoughts, and it’s understandable to feel anxious, stressed, or even isolated because of them.
Many people have gone through similar things, and that’s why we’re here. Let’s explore some ideas together, with care and understanding. We’re not jumping to conclusions, and we’re not labeling anything—just taking a gentle walk through what might be happening.
Different Types of Thinking Patterns
Before we go any further, it’s helpful to know that people can experience many different kinds of thinking patterns. You might relate to one of these, or a combination, and that’s okay. Here are some of the most common types:
Persecutory Thinking Patterns Sometimes, it can feel like others are paying too much attention to you, maybe even watching or monitoring you. You might have the sense that people are trying to harm you or plot against you in some way. These thoughts can be very stressful, and many people experience this kind of thinking, especially when they’re feeling anxious or vulnerable. How common? Quite common, especially when people feel unsafe or are going through challenging situations.
Grandiose Thinking Patterns Have you ever felt like you have unique abilities, talents, or that you’re meant for something extraordinary? Maybe there’s a belief that you hold a special status or role that others might not fully understand. It’s natural to feel this way sometimes, especially during moments of emotional highs or intense focus on your sense of purpose. How common? This type of thinking is also common and tends to happen more when someone’s mood is elevated or they’re feeling especially confident or excited.
Thinking Patterns of Personal Significance Sometimes, you might notice that everyday events or things happening around you seem to be connected to you in a special way, almost like they hold a personal message or meaning for you. These patterns often come up when we’re feeling hyper-aware of our surroundings and searching for signs or meaning in what’s happening. How common? It’s quite frequent to experience these thoughts when we feel more sensitive to what’s happening around us or when we’re trying to find meaning in our experiences.
Somatic Thinking Patterns You may feel like something is not quite right with your body, like there’s a serious health issue that others don’t seem to notice. It could be sensations or discomfort that feel very real, even when tests or doctors suggest everything is okay. These thoughts can arise when you’re particularly focused on your body or health. How common? This type of thinking occurs moderately often, especially for those who are concerned about their health or bodily sensations.
Suspicious Thinking Patterns (Jealous Thinking) Have you ever found yourself feeling suspicious that someone close to you, like a partner, might be hiding something or not being completely truthful? These thoughts can come from a place of worry or fear of losing trust in someone, even when there may not be any clear signs of dishonesty. How common? This happens occasionally and often surfaces when people feel insecure or uncertain about their relationships.
Thinking Patterns Around Control (Thought Insertion/Broadcasting) It might sometimes feel like your thoughts aren’t entirely your own, or that someone else is influencing your actions. Perhaps there’s a sense that your thoughts are being broadcast or shared with others without your consent. These experiences can feel unsettling, especially when you’re under stress or feeling disconnected from yourself. How common? These kinds of thoughts can be moderately common, especially during times of high stress or when someone feels out of control.
Romantic Connection Thinking Patterns (Erotomanic) You might feel a deep connection with someone, maybe someone you admire or look up to, and believe that they feel the same way about you. It’s possible to feel that this person is reaching out to you in subtle ways, even when there hasn’t been direct communication. This often happens when we’re longing for connection or feel emotionally linked to someone. How common? This type of thinking is less frequent but can happen when feelings of admiration or connection are especially strong.
Existential or Disconnected Thinking Patterns (Nihilistic) There might be times when life feels strange or unreal, or when you feel disconnected from yourself or the world around you. It may feel like you, or even the world, don’t truly exist, or that something fundamental has changed in a way that’s hard to explain. How common? These thoughts are less common, but they do occur, especially when someone is feeling deeply disconnected or going through difficult emotional periods.
Spiritual or Religious Thinking Patterns Have you ever felt like you have a special connection to a higher power or that you’ve been chosen for a divine mission? These kinds of thoughts often come from a deep place of faith or spiritual searching and can bring a sense of purpose or importance, especially during times of self-reflection or stress. How common? This thinking pattern is seen fairly often, especially for those who have strong spiritual or religious beliefs.
Sometimes, Our Minds Connect Dots That Aren’t Really Connected
What if these feelings are your brain’s way of trying to protect you from something? It’s possible that stress, anxiety, or a deep emotional experience might be amplifying your thoughts, making things seem more connected than they really are.
Have you ever noticed that your mind sometimes connects things—like seeing someone glance your way, or hearing a random comment—and it starts to feel like those things are all part of a bigger picture? It’s completely natural for our minds to try to make sense of things when we’re under pressure or when we’re feeling on edge. Our brains are wired to look for patterns, even when there may not be one.
Could There Be Other Explanations?
It can be tough to think this way when everything feels so real, but what if there are other explanations? Have you ever noticed that sometimes things aren’t as connected as they seem in the moment?
For example, a car following the same route as you might just be heading in the same direction, or a person staring at you could simply be lost in thought. These things don’t always mean what we think they do, but our minds can sometimes make these connections, especially when we’re feeling stressed or anxious.
You’re Not Alone—These Feelings Are More Common Than You Think
It might surprise you to know that a lot of people experience thoughts like this at different points in their lives. Under stress, anxiety, or even after major life changes, many people start to notice things that feel connected in ways they weren’t before. It’s actually quite common, and you’re definitely not alone in feeling this way.
There are stories of people who felt like something extraordinary was happening in their lives—whether it was a sense of being watched, or a belief that they had special powers—but with time, they learned that these thoughts were being influenced by things like stress, anxiety, or other emotions. These individuals often found peace through talking to a professional, learning to manage their emotions, and slowly understanding that their minds were working in overdrive.
There’s Always a Way Forward—Let’s Take It One Step at a Time
Here’s the good news: there are ways to feel better. You don’t have to deal with these feelings on your own, and you certainly don’t have to go through this without support. There’s always a way forward.
You might find it helpful to talk to someone about what’s going on. A professional could help you work through these feelings in a way that feels safe and comfortable. Maybe they can help you explore other explanations for the things you’ve been noticing. This isn’t about forcing any answers—it’s about finding relief and clarity, one step at a time.
You Deserve Peace—And Here’s a Little More to Know
I’m not here to tell you what’s happening in your mind, because only you know how real these experiences feel. But I want to reassure you that whatever you’re going through, you deserve to find peace. If there’s even a small chance that talking to someone or exploring other explanations could help, then that’s a step worth considering.
You’ve been reading about different thinking patterns—those moments when our minds connect things in ways that might not be fully accurate. And here’s something that might surprise you: in mental health, these types of thinking patterns are actually known as delusions.
I know that word can sound a little intense, but it’s really just a way of describing how our minds can sometimes create strong beliefs or ideas that don’t match up with reality. And the good news? Delusions, or thinking patterns like these, are something that many people experience, and they’re something that can be worked on and managed with the right support.
There are also medications that help with delusions that you could try out for a few weeks to months. If you're unsure that you're suffering from delusions, it could never hurt to go to a psychiatrist and try that experiment!
You don't have to try them out forever, just for a few weeks to months.
You’re doing great just by being open to thinking about these things. Take your time, and remember that you’re not alone in this. There’s hope, and there’s always a way to feel better.
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Friends Who Became Family (Barca x Reader)
In support of Sara Bjork, my take on the other side of this. Loved writing this. This is quite different from the other ones I write. I started writing this with a specific player in mind as the partner but you can choose whoever you want or read it like this! Wrote in the style of a tribune. TW: IVF, pregnancy loss, pregnancy, depression 3.3k words
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Playing football.
Having a baby.
Two things many women dream about all over the world and it is widely accepted if they don’t want to do one or either of those things.
But what if you want to do both? What if you reach the top of your game in football and decide that you want to have a baby? What then? Why should we have to sacrifice one to have the other?
But for that to happen people need to stand up and fight for our rights. People like my wife.
We’ve been together for seven years now. We met doing the one thing we both love: playing football. It’s cringy to say but it definitely was love at first sight, at least for me. I caught the eye of an opposition in an international friendly and the rest is history. A DM later than week, followed by months of messaging, millions of miles between us got us to this point.
Just over a year after we decided to make the move together, to join Wolfsburg. Neither of us could speak any German, we didn’t know anyone but with two suitcases and each other we made the move.
After four years together, three living together, it felt like we were ready for the next step. We both wanted to be mothers but we were both aware it wasn’t as simple as that. So we started looking for a donor and IVF. She was going to carry the baby and take a break from football. A decision made by the both of us.
At that point it was almost a near formality for both of us that we would sign a contract renewal but when two of the biggest clubs in the world come calling for you it is hard to refuse.
That meant moving to Barcelona, a new country. All in the middle of a pandemic. All whilst trying to start our family.
We knew this wasn’t going to be simple so when the opportunity came to start the transfers we couldn’t say no.
Our first transfer failed.
I’ve dreamt of this life since I was a young girl but those few months felt like a nightmare. I played football three times a week but had no energy to get out of bed. I celebrated every goal scored but I cried myself to sleep every night. I met the fans after every game but couldn’t truly be thankful for anything anymore.
Looking back I should have spoken to someone about this but I used football as my escape. My head was free. For those 90 minutes I could focus my anger and disappointment on something else.
Football was my rock.
Three failed transfers later we were losing hope. The small string of hope we were both clinging to was fraying and wouldn’t hold on for much longer. We’d got used to the faint two pink lines on the test, almost waiting for them to fade slowly over the days.
Then they didn’t. They stuck. For weeks we were almost in denial, always wondering when it would all come crashing down around us.
We kept it a secret as you will have guessed, both of us playing until my partner had to stop.
My wife has well documented her journey into motherhood, challenging the rights of mothers to FIFA and ensuring they are cared for throughout their pregnancy and motherhood.
Just under a year ago we welcomed our daughter into the world. It’s true when they say in that one moment everything changes. Football, has and always will be my biggest passion, but suddenly I had this whole other meaning to life.
But this isn’t so much about my journey through motherhood. I’m not sure if it’s visible but whenever she and my wife are in the crowd I can play with such freedom, knowing my three greatest loves are in one place.
This is a letter to my family.
My wife….
You’re the most loving, caring, fearless, amazing woman I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky to have had the pleasure of being your partner in life.
Most people would describe us as quite cautious, well thought out players. That couldn’t have been more different to the day I made you my wife.
December 31st 2019
You were both so excited at the prospect of starting to try for a baby, spending the Christmas season in your native country and celebrating with both of your families present.
“I love you.” Your girlfriend whispered in your ear as you led in bed on the final morning of the year. “So much.”
“I love you too.”
“Enough to marry me?”
“If I find a registrar will you marry me? Tonight?”
“That’s crazy, we can’t do that.”
“Why not? I love you, you love me. Who cares how many people are there? Who cares if we don’t have some fancy reception and a massive cake? All I need is you and I, our family, some friends and a takeaway for tea.”
“What will we wear?”
“We’ll go shopping, we’ve got time. Think about it, tonight we can watch the fireworks go off as wives. So will you do it? Will you marry me?”
“Go on then.”
That night you got married, underneath the stars in your childhood home. Everything absolutely perfect.
I’ve always admired you on the pitch, you exude confidence in everything you do. You’re a heartless defender but I’ve seen the heart of gold you’ve got inside of you.
On the pitch you’re determined in everything you do. There was a point in trying where I wasn’t sure if we could continue trying without breaking our own hearts in the process. But you showed your determination and love for our daughter with every injection, every setback and throughout your pregnancy.
I’ll never be able to thank you enough for everything you sacrificed for us and I hope you know that every time I go onto that pitch I do it for you.
The biggest compliment I can give you is that before I always wondered what I would do when I could no longer play football. How would I fill that void that has been there my whole life? But it couldn’t be easier when I know I’ve got a lifetime with you by my side.
My most precious memory is lifting the Champions League trophy with you and only you know the reason why.
May 2021
The atmosphere in Gothenburg was a strange one. The eerie quietness of the small crowd a stark contrast to the elation among you and your teammates.
The trophy was slowly being passed around, you as always happy to let the other have the limelight before you do.
“Y/N get over here.” Caro shouted. “It’s your turn.”
“Stop hiding at the back.” Mapi added.
“Alright, alright.”
“Let the love birds have a photo.” Alexia chimed in but stopped to pull the both of you in for a hug. “ No-one deserves it more than you two. Now go and do the cringy couples’ photos.”
“Very funny.” They rightfully teased you though, the two of you getting your photos with the trophy.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this wide in months.” She whispered, a reference to your third failed transfer just three months before.
“It’s been hard. Really hard.” You didn’t want to ruin this moment with the tears gathering in your eyes. “But we’re here and I’ve got you. You’ve got me.”
“Maybe we’ve got a good luck charm today.”
“Up there?”
“Down here.” It took you a moment to work out what she was talking about, her hand gently placing your own on her stomach hidden behind the trophy which you fumbled in your hands. “Mapi, take the trophy.”
The trophy went away and you could finally wrap your arms around her. Slightly picking her up off the ground to move over to the side. “Are you serious?”
“I had it done 4 weeks ago, the lines are still there. 6 weeks gone.”
“I-“ You thought you were ready for this moment, you’d been waiting for it for so long but hearing those words filled you with so many emotions. You never wanted this moment to end though as you both just stayed in each other’s arms, chaos ensuing all around you but it felt like you were the only two people in the world. “Thank you.”
“No thank you.”
But I’ve never been as proud of you these past two years. We can appreciate that though it should be normal, we are lucky that we were supported by Barcelona. That didn’t stop you going further, taking it higher up and making sure players across the world are secure financially, emotionally and physically. You’ve changed the sport forever.
I’ve wrote this for you but I hope I show you every day how much you mean to me. I could fill pages and pages just talking about you.  
I love you always X
To my daughter….
I’d use this letter to tell you how much I love you but I hope you know that already.
I have no idea when you’ll read this letter, three years from now, ten years from now or twenty years from now but I’d like to say some things that will never change.
After saying all that I hope you know how much we love you. I hope you know that every day I look up to the stars and think about how lucky I am that I have you.
I hope you know that I’ll support you in whatever you want to do in life, whether that’s being a footballer or being a hairdresser. Though I do hope you won’t get bored of being in a football stadium.
April 2022
This felt like the biggest moment of your life so far. A Champions League semi-final leg in Camp Nou against your old club Wolfsburg but it wasn’t just the 90,000 plus fans that were in attendance. Somewhere in a box in the high heavens was a month-old little girl who just happened to share your name.
You’d debated whether to bring her but you simply couldn’t resist the opportunity. She would probably sleep the whole match but just to know she was here was enough.
The 5-1 win topped it all off, the celebrations jubilant as you all interacted with the fans, this was everything you’d worked for and more.
“Y/N! Y/N!” You could hear the fans chanting your name, merely supposing they wanted you to celebrate with them you carried on jumping but two arms wrapped around your shoulders.
“Someone’s come to see you.” Alexia whispered, your head immediately turning to find your wife and a little bundle in her arms. Ear defenders visible over her fluffy baby suit. “Go and enjoy this moment together.”
You didn’t hesitate, jogging over to your biggest loves, pulling one into your arms to your chest and pressing a kiss to the other’s lips. You couldn’t help but admire the tiny Barcelona shirt with your name on the back as she stayed asleep. “How did she like it?”
“It think she’s a fan already, she woke up for a feed and then stayed awake. I think it was the lights but we’ll say it was the football.”
“She’s a culer already.” Irene greeted you both before gently stroking the baby’s head. “Once again, she is gorgeous.”
“Must be the genetics.”
“Go and take her to celebrate.” Your wife insisted.
“You come too.” She haggled and came over but stayed towards the back with some injured players as you took her closer to where the team were. She must have felt the movement as eyes suddenly peered up at you but to your surprise the crying was kept at bay. “Hello, have you come to see mama play?” She simply gurgled back at you before settling against your chest. “You’ve got to get used to this baby.”
“Look who we have here?” Patri came over, carefully kissing the top of her head. “Feel amazing?”
“Feels incredible, the first of many.”
I hope you know that I do everything for you. I do everything so I can come home to your smiley face and watch you grow up.
I hope you know I’m always here for you always. In tough times and good times I’m by your side as your mama and your best friend in one.
I hope you strive for your own happiness and never settle for anything less. I hope you’re as caring and fearless as your mama is. I hope I make you proud.
I hope you know you’re perfect in every way. Never stop being you.
Love mama x
To my teammates….
Strangers who became friends who became family.
I’ve been in many teams before, I’ve played with lots of people but they’ve always stayed as friends. You’ve become my family.
We moved to Barcelona not knowing anyone and you took us in, taught us the language and supported us in every way possible.
I know you saw the dark moments. I know I tried to hide away and I’m so thankful you didn’t let me. I wish I could single all of you out and tell you how great you are but I’m sure I’ve told you all how much I appreciate you so I’ll single some of you out.
Jana, my little Jana. This last year has shown me what an absolute talent you are, not because of your talent on the field but for your perseverance off it. Us defenders stick together and it’s fair to say you’re like a little sister to me. I hope you know how much I appreciate every joke you tell, every smile you give because without knowing it you lifted my mood on some very tough days.
Patri. I think it was four months into knowing me that you found me that night. I’ll never be able to put into words how thankful I was for you but I hope you know that I am. You’re a superstar in every way.
December 2020
You’d officially hit rock bottom. It felt like you couldn’t do anything right. You strive for perfection and tonight you were definitely not that.
The sky was pitch black, the flood lights the only light illuminating you. The stands were empty, the only noise coming from your boots hitting the ball. Over and over.
The silly thing was you’d won the match, a last gasp winner sealing the 3 points but the initial equaliser was your fault in your head. You’d let her get the better of you 1v1 and allowed her to put the cross in for a tap in. All you.
So that’s why you were here, repeating that drill over and over again. Punishing yourself with every minute that ticked by.
“Need some company.” You didn’t need to look to know it was Patri, simply ignoring her and carrying on. “You can ignore me all you want, I’m not leaving without you.”
“Go home.”
“You know I can’t do that, but I’ll be over there when you’re ready.”
Twenty minutes had passed and you could see she was still there and even though she was wrapped up in a coat you couldn’t let her freeze any longer. Saying that you still only sat down next to her, neither of you speaking just watching the stars. “We’re trying for a baby.” You whispered, not getting any response from her. “The second one failed this morning.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.” There was nothing more to say as you felt her head to come to rest on your shoulder.
“I’m always here you know, morning and night. If you need someone to speak to.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you speaking to anyone about this? You can’t just stay out here all night punishing yourself for a mistake we can all make.”
“I just feel like I keep letting everyone down.”
“You’re not. Look at me.” Gently grabbing your face her eyes met your own. “We all made mistakes out there tonight, I let the ball run through to your player then Mapi didn’t react in the middle. It happens, there’s no use punishing yourself now. Speak to someone, someone who can help. Anyone, a professional, one of us, your family. Someone you can rant and cry to until you can’t anymore.”
“I’ll try.”
I never told you this but I kept that promise that night, all because of you.
Irene, thank you for the late-night phone calls. You understand me like no-one else, Like you have a sixth sense of when I’m stuck in my own mind. You’ve been my biggest teacher on and off the field and you’ve helped me be the person I am today.
Mapi, my best friend. I remember our first meeting, I can now firmly joke that you’d got out of the wrong side of the bed that morning. You barely said hello to me before tackling me to the ground and whipping a free kick over my head in training. But that’s what makes you amazing. It’s hard to look back at that now and not smile knowing how close we are now after you apologised on a night out where we both stayed in the corner. A symbol of our friendship.
The day we came home from the hospital it was you who left meals at our doorstep, with a little care package for the three of us. It was you who fought your way to the front of the crowd to get the first hold. You’re right: looks are deceiving.
Alexia, my captain. You’re the biggest role model for me. I hope my daughter is as smart, courageous, passionate and caring as you are. I hope we put a smile on your face when you needed it just like you did for us.
The birth was coming closer, the both of you completely on edge about when it was going to happen. You were needed for the Champions League games but you also had a pregnant wife at home.
On a random Saturday you got a call from Alexia that the team were having a get together, your regular restaurant had an availability and they made some last-minute plans.
This wasn’t exactly what you needed right now, the stress of preparing the house for the baby was stressful but you were glad to get out of the house.
What you wasn’t expecting though was to open the doors of the restaurant to be met with all your teammates and both your mums and sisters. The room covered in pink and a massive baby sign at the back.
“Oh my…. What are you doing here?” You shouted, pulling your family into her a group hug.
“We’re here to celebrate of course. Your lovely teammates have been planning this for a while”
After you welcomed them you went over to your teammates, individually thanking them all. “Who organised this?”
“We all helped but this was Alexia’s idea, she also wanted to invite your family.” Ana admitted.
When you came to Alexia you gave her the biggest hug of all, tears in both your eyes. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do this.”
“If being captain doesn’t allow you to do this sort of stuff then there’s no point. That baby needs to get used to us anyway so may as well start whilst it’s in the womb.”
I can’t wait for all the seasons to come x
And to all of you out there. All of us have times when it can seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, when all hope is lost. Just remember the light never goes away, it’s only hidden from view. It will come back.
Y/N x
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skipppppy · 1 year
Anyway I’m bored and Carmen Sandiego renaissance is on the brain. What are these characters like when they aren’t focused on the main plot?? Non VILE/ACME/Caper related dialogue seems so few and far between.. I wish we got to see their lives outside work. So I made some headcanons abt it
Player was her first exposure to the outside world so she probably holds a lot of his nerdy interests close to her heart. She’s not the best at video games but plays them regardless. She especially enjoys sci-fi horror movies from the 80s that go big on practical effects
Finding random trivia about different countries is genuinely one of her favourite hobbies. The little info segments she does are not part of the edutainment show. She is genuinely just like that. This woman is a trove of fun facts please let her unleash them upon you
In the same vein she LOVES quizzes. After missions she will drag Team Red to any bar doing a trivia night in her vicinity and will wipe the floor with everyone there. Fear her
Enjoys people watching. It’s why she’s so good at charming strangers despite her socially stunted upbringing. She’ll sit alone in a busy train station for hours and watch everyone pass her by
Look. We know this kid is a nerd. It’s canon. But which niche of nerdiness does he fall into exactly?
Despite being an avid gamer he isn’t very competitive about it. He prefers single player rpgs, especially ones with active modding scenes. He doesn’t even know what vanilla Skyrim looks like he probably wasn’t even born yet when it released
He will, however, duo queue with Carmen on unranked Overwatch. They are both terrible at it and think it’s the funniest shit
Enjoys sitting back and watching a good speedrun. Will have a video of someone doing a stupid BOTW challenge in the background while he hacks security cameras and such
Runs a DnD campaign for Team Red which they’re all crazy invested in. Shadowsan is the only one who doesn’t care for it but he keeps rolling nat 20’s on the dumbest shit and derailing the campaign and he finds everyone’s reactions too entertaining to stop. They have a rivalry only a DM and a stupidly lucky rogue could have
We already know he’s kind of a meathead that enjoys sports and cars and cheesy action movies but I also think he has a lot of softer hobbies that he keeps to himself bc he knows they won’t take him seriously
He’s a secret crocheter. He’ll mend the team’s clothes when they rip but that’s the extent of their knowledge. He’ll sit for hours by himself and knit while listening to music. Sometimes Shadowsan will find a new pair of socks in his bag. When Carmen got sick once she woke up with a handmade blanket draped over her. Ivy has her suspicions but doesn’t wanna intrude
He loves animals. He never really brings it up because no one ever asks. He always checks out local zoos and aquariums if he has the chance. Grew up watching Steve Irwin-esque nature shows and still does to this day
His love of eating is less out of greed and more his own form of cultural appreciation. Idk what happened to his and Ivy’s parents but for reasons he can’t explain their cooking is one of the few things he hasn’t forgotten, so he has a lot of sentimental food-based memories. And experiencing other countries cuisine connects him with that
PERIOD DRAMAS. They don’t have to be good they just have to be steamy. She enjoys the hot women in pretty dresses. She and Carmen watch Bridgerton together and laugh about how historically inaccurate it is
She LOVES renfaires and similar high fantasy roleplaying communities. Someone please buy this woman a suit of armour
As an engineering prodigy AND fantasy buff she has a massive interest in Blacksmithing and Swords. That’s her designated lesbian hobby. She’s been trying to politely worm her way into a conversation with Shadowsan about the blade he returned to his brother for months now but isn’t sure if it’s too personal of a topic for him so she’s nervous
Her sweet tooth encompasses more than just chocolate. She’s secretly grateful to Zack since he takes most of the flack for being a glutton. She makes note of any bakeries they pass by on capers so she can come back later in secret and go ham on the pastries
I think his interest in Samurai history starts and ends with his love for Hideo. He’ll happily discuss it and he’s studied it passionately, but out of a sense of respect and duty to do right by the brother he betrayed
He will NEVER, EVER admit it to anyone but he genuinely misses the adrenaline rush from committing petty crimes. He was a criminal for over 20 years. Lifestyles are hard to shake and change isn’t linear. He’d never succumb to impulse but he’s just kinda bored
He microdoses on the urge by pranking people. Everyone always blames Zack so he never gets caught. He also enjoys sneaking up on people and making them jump. He’ll always insist it’s unintentional. It isn’t
He’ll read and meditate and train to keep himself centred but he’s still a rowdy young punk at heart. Team Red is the first taste of freedom he’s had after a lifetime of VILE faculty monitoring him. The first thing he bought for himself after settling in at the San Diego HQ was a motorbike. The second was a new tattoo. The third was a potentially lethal amount of whiskey that he drank in one sitting
We know she has a passion for history outside her work in Law Enforcement so she definitely goes to all kinds of museums in her free time. She’s the kind of person who enjoys learning just for the sake of learning (she and Carmen have that in common)
Outside of that she’s surprisingly good at karaoke? She gets stage fright but really likes singing and will go all out if you hype her up. Her taste in music is the exact opposite of her appearance and personality. Lots and lots of death metal
An aficionado for different types of tea. She keeps like 10 flavours in her house at all times. She especially likes floral ones that taste light and sweet. She hates iced tea with a passion though
Goes to botanical gardens whenever the weather is warm and the season is right. She likes the history of the old manor houses but she also loves admiring the landscaping and the blooming flowers. She could sit on a bench surrounded by local flora and fauna for hours
Chase is an entirely different person when he’s off the clock. The unhinged high-energy maniac who froths at the mouth about La Femme Rouge goes dormant once he gets home. Especially after he got stranded on VILE island. That really gave him some introspection about work/life balance
The biggest, softest, sappiest hopeless romantic you will ever meet in your life. Passion is just part of his nature and he gets his heart broken A LOT. It’s why he throws himself into his work
He’s a really good chef. Like REALLY good. Before he was a cop he did a few summers as a line cook in his teen years and he retained most of the knowledge. His pantry is STACKED and he tries out recipes he picked up from his ACME travels in his free time. He’s a tad snobby about it because he’s French but you will not complain about the stuff he feeds you
Old movie enjoyer. His favourites are film noirs, cheesy romances, creepy eastern european animation and german expressionism. He has a fervent hatred of Marvel
Also one of those insane people who get up at 5am to do cardio. One morning before a mission he met Agent Zari with barely a glisten of sweat on his forehead and sadly informed her that he only got to run 15k and he wished he had time to do more. That was the first time she ever knew fear
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kanmom51 · 1 year
I have things to say
I’ve been thinking for some time now to put this out, but now seems to be a most appropriate time if ever.
Blogging on Tumblr is not a profession, it’s a hobby.
Blogging is about wanting to share your passion with others and enjoying the little community that is built around that shared passion.
No money to be made here folks, well not by me nor any of the blogs I follow or am in touch with.
It’s time consuming and can most definitely be emotionally challenging.
I, for one, when I joined Tumblr late 2020, was unaware of the little community I would discover here.  We gather here in this little space we have created, each to themselves, but also through interaction, together, and created this little bubble where we can share our thought and feelings and respect and support each other.
We don’t do this for money, nor fame, nor even appreciation.
But, and I can only speak for myself here, I am no spokesperson for anyone else, I do expect civility and respect and even kindness at the very least.  Even when disagreeing. 
Words are powerful things.
How you put those words to action is also so important.
You may not think you are disrespecting another or saying something hurtful. Perhaps, because you are saying it from your heart, or because you think that if you aren’t using derogative words, you think what you are saying isn’t hurting, disrespecting or even making another person feel uncomfortable or intimidated.
I don’t expect people to mince words.  But I do expect them to be thoughtful of others as they would others be thoughtful of them.
Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
I most definitely understand that when you have passionate feelings about an issue you can get carried away.  I most definitely have at times.  But, I try my best.  And if I am out of line and it’s brought to my attention, I will take responsibility for my actions.  I am not infallible.  I am human.
We are all human.
Owning up to your mistakes is key.  Being able to admit you are in the wrong is key.  Being willing to listen to other’s opinions is key.  Sometimes, who knows, you might even be convinced.  I was.
We cannot grow as human beings and be better people, if we are not open to listen and hear other opinions than our own. 
I’ve said this in the past, I came from a more conservative background.  My life beliefs now as an adult have changed immensely from what they were even in my 20s.  And they are still changing, I can tell you that!  But, if I wasn’t open to hearing others, weighing their words, without being dismissive, I would have never become the person that I am today. 
I am sharing this with you, probably unnecessarily, because I feel that the world would be a much better place, this space of ours will be a much better place, if only we could be open to listening to others without dismissing them.  This, I will say once again, being within the limits of respect and civility towards each other, and towards the people we are actually writing about.
You all know JK and JM are my faves, no secret there.
What is it that young intelligent man had to say about what people should have?
Three words that are really not that hard to follow.
And in order to be clear and not too vague: 
Hating, calling names, disrespect as a whole (these are thing I’ve seen happen and will not accept: mocking one’s gender, looks, weight, colour of skin, religion, ethnicity etc.) and aggressive behavior/writing is unacceptable.
Criticism, calling out perceived bad or problematic behavior is, on the other hand, acceptable.  
**Just a thought:  If the person you want to call out is within this community, try reaching out to them via DM’s before you post it in public.  At times this could be perceived as shaming them and the road from there is definitely downhill.  DM’s are a great space to speak openly, privately, without being held to public judgement.  Once again, it’s about putting yourself in their shoes.**
This is where the respectful discussion comes into place.  Because there will be those who feel differently than yourself, and that’s fine, that’s ok.  We need to know how to listen, think it over and sometimes accept the other’s opinion or sometimes not, but at the very least weigh it through and not dismiss them, nor their arguments off hand.   
I am far from perfect and I know that I at times have sinned.  If someone out there is reading these lines and thinking they were wronged by me, I do apologize.  Could have been a bad day, could have been a bad mood, could have been too many annoying anons, could have been just me being an idiot.  Like I said, I am far from perfect.  Human, just like JK and JM and Tae and Hobi and Suga and RM and Jin are.  HUMAN (psst… you see where I’m going there right?  I’ll leave the math up to you this time).
Yah – it doesn’t mean you haters that show up in my blog once in a while.  You deserved every word of it.
I know I’m babbling here, but I guess I need to get all of this off my chest.
So, where was I?
Ah, yes, our community. 
Like I said, it’s built on our little individual personal spaces.  This is supposed to be a place where we find a form of joy or contentment, because otherwise, why did we start it all? 
And as such, we each have the right to curate our space, build it to our own liking, share what we feel the need to share. 
If we want anons on and have the time and patience to answer the onslaught of asks that land in our inbox then great (I can tell you that having my anons on for less than 24 hours leaves me with hundreds of asks in my inbox, including some very nasty shit, as people love to hide behind the screen of anonymity). If we feel that it’s just too much for us and we would rather spend the little spare time that we have doing our blogging on creating content, then so be it. 
If we decide to follow blogs we think might be interesting to us or unfollow blogs we feel bring us no pleasure or even cause us displeasure, so be it.  I can tell you that I too unfollow blogs, I am sure each and every one of us does. 
Personal space, personal decision.
Going to a blogger and calling them out for writing a post about a and not b, well dah, it’s their blog.  You feel you need something to be written about b, go write it yourself in your own space. 
Calling out a blogger for something they wrote, if you feel is problematic, not in their DMs, but publicly, is A-OK, as long as you are ready for a clap back as to why they or others feel that it is ok and are ready to have that discussion about why maybe, you yourself are wrong.  Saying what you think or believe in is grand, but you need to accept the fact that others may think/feel differently than you and will tell you so.  Be ready to have a respectful discussion.   
Your blog, your beliefs.  100%. 
Be respectful towards others beliefs too.  Agree to disagree but don’t belittle them or call them names.  I can tell you that nothing boils my blood (well almost nothing) more the loose use of the term delulu among ourselves.  This is a term that is used widely to describe each and every one of us Jikook supporters, because we are considered out of our minds to believe that JM and JK may be queer and in a romantic relationship with each other.  So turning this on another Jikook blogger is just not right in my opinion.  It absolutely infuriates me as to how easily it’s thrown at others here, within our Jikook community. 
I’m not sure that I’ve said everything I wanted to.  You know, I’m not getting any younger, have been writing so much that by now I think I might have forgotten some points I wanted to make.  But what can you do?  C’est la vie.
I will end by saying that I, for one, consider myself as a JM/JK (Jikook is so much easier to type out) supporter.  I believe these two, beautiful both in and out, young men are a long-term couple.  I am not a shipper and do not hold shares in the shipping company.  If one day they turn around and tell us “hey fuckers, fooled you, it was all fanservice and we ain’t no couple”, or if it turns out that they are no longer together (because let’s be real here for a second, that first scenario is never happening), then so be it.  All I want is for them to be happy (not that I don’t want the others to be happy, but I have a very special place in my heart for those two. Maybe because JK reminds me of myself, maybe because they remind me of my daughters, idk the psychological reasons for it, it just is what it is).
I also love ALL of the other members.  Be it not the same level as JM and JK (like I said, special place in heart), nor same way as each other.  Each and every one of them is different, special in their own way and I love them for it, differently and specially. 
All 7 are loved.  None are beyond reproach. 
Loving someone, in my books, is also being able to call them out when you think they are misbehaving or doing wrong.
I did/do that with my daughters and I will continue to do that here.   And that includes you guys too.
And one more thing:
Tumblr media
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for reading my content.
Thank you for reaching this far and reading this long winded post.
Thank you for all the love and appreciation you give me.
Love y’all.
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gx-gameon · 4 months
How do you think jadens family would react to finding out jaden went supreme King? 👀
Or would he even tell them after they've been revived?
Oo im very excited to hear your thoughts on this!
I’m still deciding cannon for this part of the story. I don’t know what I want to do yet.
But the emotions don’t change.
The Supreme King is a dark version of Jaden. But not in the way Yami Yugi or Yami Bakura are. There is no separate soul. It’s closer to Yami Marik where it is the darkness of his own soul. But it’s also a twisted version of his past life.
The Supreme King has complete control over the gentle darkness, something Jaden has never had. He’s struggled with his powers since they started to unlock and has never fully learned how to wield them even with the help he’s getting in this au from Atem. The Supreme King not only has control over his powers but experience and finesse in using them.
He’s dangerous. He doesn’t care who he hurts as long as he accomplishes his goal. He’s ruthless but he’s not hunting duelist either. He only duels himself when necessary (Jim challenged him and he lets Axel go no problem when he runs.) he’s the opposite of Jaden who is loud and joyful and always looking to duel.
It’s their son/nephew’s voice, deeper and more authoritarian but still his voice. But his mannerisms and personality is gone.
Whether they face the Supreme King head on or head about it after the fact (there’s no way Jaden can hide this from them. He might try but with how big of a digit there is in Jaden character between the start of season 3 and the start of season 4 they know something’s up. Not to mention the sudden mastery Jaden has over the Gentle Darkness. If they were sacrificed or not there of the Supreme King, Jaden tries to hide it but eventually breaks down sobbing from the guilt and trauma and the instinctual desire of wanting to feel safe again. So the DM cast will always find out) their responses are the same.
They all feel a mixture of anger and sadness but how they respond is very different.
is horrified for his son. This is going to destroy Jaden once they have him back.
And while he’s furious with what the supreme king is doing/done he’s more focused on getting Jaden back/helping Jaden heal.
He’s angry at the situation, heartbroken his boy is going through this, a furious at the injustice being suffered by the spirits the Supreme King is attacking.
His little boy is in there somewhere and he’s getting him back. And then they will fix all of this.
He’s a fixer. He has to be. He’s the pharaoh he saves the world, protects his people, he’s solves their problems.
Having to face the Supreme King is very reminiscent of Yami Marik and he’s hoping they can destroy the darkness in Jaden’s heart.
But Jaden IS the Gentle Darkness. This is a part of him. As twisted and perverse as it is and as manipulated as Yubel could make it. It’s still a part of Jaden.
He can’t purify the darkness but they can get rid of this extreme version of it.
But the only way he knows how to do that is by winning, and winning here will kill his opponent.
Can he guarantee that beating Jaden will only kill the Supreme King and not Jaden himself…. Is he willing to take that risk?
If he finds out afterwards and doesn’t have to deal with the dilemma of possibly killing Jaden then he’s a lot better.
Who is going to understand Jaden better than the spirit who learned that Shadow games are bad from hanging out with Yugi as a memoryless spirit and then later betrayed his dearest friend by playing the seal of Oricalcos.
No one understands season 4 Jaden quite like Atem. The two do a lot of bonding after the fact as Jaden tries to come to terms with what he did as the Supreme King. Yes he wasn’t in the driver’s seat but he still blames himself.
if he is there to deal with the Supreme King then he’s treating this just like he did Mai with the Oricalcos.
More like his second duel where his is trying to win but he could never pull the trigger on Jaden. He could never beat Jaden if it meant losing Jaden.
If any members of the DM cast are lost to the Supreme King it’s Joey. Trying desperately to get Jaden back but unwilling to hurt the kid. The Supreme King has no reservations about hurting Joey.
If they don’t face his and find out afterwards…
Joey has been under mind control before. It’s not the same but he almost killed Yugi. He doesn’t totally understand what Jaden is feeling but he’s going to be there for him.
If Seto Kaiba had to face the Supreme King it would be a duel for the ages. He never holds back. If the only way to free Jaden is to beat him then Seto will.
But that would cause a lot of fighting between him and Joey, Atem, and Yugi. (The rest of the group to) if they can’t guarantee Jaden’s safety. If beating the Supreme King could kill Jaden no one wants Seto going after him.
Honestly I’ll probably not have Seto Duel him because as I’ve said before I still want that moment to go to Axel.
But Seto and Yugi would have some tension over how to handle the situation. It’s the most strain they’ve probably had in their marriage (the debate is to kill their kid or not it’s going to be a stressful time)
But if Seto only finds out afterwards….
He holds a grudge against Yubel.
Jaden blames himself but the boy wasn’t in the driver’s seat and was pushed to the limit and manipulated by Yubel. Jaden made mistakes and bad decisions but Seto can’t look at his son and see a monster. Not when the boy is having anxiety attacks over what happened.
So he places the blame squarely on Yubel. He can’t do so for forever. Hating Yubel is hating a part of Jaden now and he could never hate Jaden.
But it takes some time before Seto accepts Yubel.
He does his best to help and support Jaden. He knows Atem, and as much as he hates to admit it, Joey are the best options to talk Jaden down right now.
He throws himself into finding ways to keep the family safe and to prevent something like this.
But you can’t protect someone from everything.
Téa and Tristian.
Both are upset and angry.
If they are in the Dark world Tristian defiantly physically beats one of the Supreme King’s generals
Téa refuses to give up on Jaden and works to rally the others (Dm cast and remaining Gx cast to help)
Tristan probably has a hard talk with Axel about what happened and how they can move forward.
If they find out after….
Téa is always supportive and she remembers the Oricalcos and how lost the Pharaoh was at that time. She see a lot of that in Jaden. She tries to be there for him.
Tristian is as supportive as can be. He was also once possessed by an enemy and almost killed his friends (a theme in yugioh apparently)
Definitely takes the kid to a rage room and tells him to let it out.
Again nothing here is set in stone. I need to rewatch season 3 and make some decisions. But I have a lot of ideas
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miradelletarot · 4 months
Writing prompt - it’s been six months since Gale and Tav’s wedding. He surprises her with a super romantic vacation for their honeymoon.
I hope this is to your liking, dearest Anon. I...may or may not have spent the last couple days researching different places (and asking my DM friends for suggestions for a romantic getaway lol). Notes: SFW, GN (I went with a gn, reader-insert to try and challenge my writing a bit. I hope that's ok!) Anything is possible when your husband is a wizard who can teleport you anywhere, and please don't be angy if I messed up any tenses, grammar or anything else. No beta.
I wanted to focus on the actual "surprise" aspect of the prompt where Gale presents his gift to Tav. I had originally started writing out an idea for him to be like "hey, let's go out babe i wanna show you something cool!" and then teleports them to the dream destination, but my brain went way too far in the weeds with lore and accuracy that the story was getting lost. So, hopefully, this little nugget is satisfactory. Thank you so much for the ask! This was a fun one for my D&D loving brain ^^ (drabble below the cut! all sfw) <3
Gale was always one to shower you with affection. It didn’t matter if it was in the form of kisses, hugs, a home cooked meal, or something more. The more he could do for you, the more he could worship you, the better. There was never a time when he didn't want to give you more.
“My love,” he purrs warmly as he greets you on the terrace, “I have something exciting to share with you, and I think you’re going to love it.” The way his face beams brighter than the evening sun fills you with intense adoration. You wouldn’t want to go a single day without seeing that gorgeous smile of his.
You set your book down on the small side table next to your coffee, and take his hand in yours. “Well now, my darling husband, what tales will you regale me with today?” You smile, assuming he has yet another piece of history or magic to share with you that he’s discovered in his vast collection of books. “No tales, dearest. I have requested some time away from Blackstaff.” Your eyes widen, and concern fills your gaze.
“Darling, I’m confused. I thought you loved teaching? Is something wrong?” “No, no. Nothing’s wrong.” He flashed a rueful smile realizing that in trying to build up your anticipation, he only made you worry. “I have noticed that between my teaching, and seemingly endless research, I haven’t made as much time for you as I should.” His face fell as he lowered his gaze to your intertwined hands, and gave your hands a gentle squeeze. “I promised you I would balance my time with you, and…well…needless to say I have done an abysmal job at giving you the attention you deserve.” Gale cupped your cheek in his hand. “Will you let me make it up to you, dearest?” You smile, shaking your head slightly at how absurd he was. “Love, you don’t owe me anything. I know how important your research is…and you have never left me wanting. I promise." You lean in and give him a small kiss on his forehead, and he melts into your delicate touch. “Now…what’s this about taking time away from Blackstaff?” “Ah! Of course!” He straightens up, his gaze bright once again. “You. Me. Three tendays of blissful relaxation in a most beautiful, and mysterious locale.” With your curiosity piqued, you can hardly contain the excitement in your eyes. “Really?? Where?” “Myth Drannor. A picturesque, elven city with a rich history and a mild climate, nestled within the forest of Cormanthyr. There’s plenty to do if you wish to explore, but if not, then the serenity in which we will find ourselves surrounded by will no doubt allow us the relaxation you deserve. Regardless, I want to share it all with you. It’s the honeymoon you deserve after our harrowing adventure.” “Oh, Gale!” You throw your arms around him and squeeze him tight, showering him with kisses all over his face…when you dared to release your hold on him at least. “But, darling…that’s so much time away. Are you sure? You wanted nothing more than to be back home.”
His gaze softened as he pulled you close, nuzzling your cheek. “Home,” he whispered, “is wherever you are, my love.” Your eyes sparkled, and your heart felt like it could burst. The lengths this man would go to for you were immeasurable, and you wondered how in Toril you got so lucky. "Now," he roused you from your wayward thoughts of adoration, "the sooner we pack for our little getaway, the sooner we can leave." He gave you that lazy smirk and smoldering gaze that makes you swoon. "I don't want to waste a single moment, my love." "Well...perhaps you'll join me for one last Waterdhavian sunset before we go?" "Whatever you desire, dearest." He smiles as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"My time is yours."
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