intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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"If a pig catches both a human influenza A virus and an avian influenza A virus at the same time, it can spark a process known as viral reassortment — a genetic exchange in which flu viruses swap gene segments." "Those swaps can introduce dramatic changes, producing a new virus with certain properties of a non-human strain coupled with the capacity to infect and spread between people." "The death rate in humans may be upwards of 50 per cent, World Health Organization data suggests, though it's possible that milder infections are getting missed, skewing the case fatality ratio. Still, in a population that's never been exposed, the global impacts could be dire." "More human cases could also be happening under the radar among farm workers who've moved to the U.S. from abroad, don't speak English as their first language, and may be hesitant to seek medical help, he added." "So I think there's probably underreporting on both sides," Armstrong said." "If [H5N1] gets into a population where there's constantly animals going in and out … it might not ever leave."
I've been watching this develop for the past several days, and apart from being terrified most people will not take this seriously (I've seen a handful of people already shout conspiracy on social media and it's alarming to see, as always). What I wanted to point out is that pandemics are going to continue to be our 'normal.' I watched a great video on YouTube a while ago (I believe it was by Vice?) that touched base on how this is going to become our new reality because of multiple factors (such as our proximity to animals, and environments/etc). It was when Covid hit and they did a piece debunking some of the misinformation floating on the internet. If I can find it I will post it here because it was informative and relevant to pretty much any world crisis we will see around any virus that spreads among a human population.
This post isn't trying to fear monger anyone, I just hope more people are aware of what is happening because this is important to talk about. There are already cases (of cows getting this bird flu) in the US, and I won't be surprised if there will be instances in more countries around the world. As usual, keep washing your hands/keeping good hygiene practices, masking up (and if you aren't I hope you consider it), and taking precautions if you do happen to visit/work or go near a pig or poultry farm too:
I'll keep track of this here of course, but please stay informed folks. And also FU to any governments who will try to minimize this or try to diminish the severity until it's too late and community spread happens like Covid because their actions are influenced by capitalistic interests.
Update (April 7th, 2024, 9:32pm EST): to anyone wondering where some of the source information originates from -here is a link to the CDC. They are tracking documented avian virus outbreaks in the US and the public can access it here:
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animentality · 7 months
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leilaniac · 3 months
Why? WHY??
U.S. CDC taking comments on potentially limiting COVID vaccine availbility by age or health status. Never mind that the vaccine is crucial to limiting long-term effects that could lead to immunocomprimisation. 🤬🤬🤬
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dillyt · 1 year
Great news for uninsured adults in the USA who want a COVID-19 booster! It now appears that ALL CVS locations are now active participants in the Bridge Access Program. The Bridge Access Program gives out free Covid-19 vaccinations to 18+ adults who otherwise can't afford one, so if you have a CVS near you, please go get one! For others who don't have a CVS near them, please go to vaccines.gov, click on "Find Covid-19 vaccines", fill out which vaccines you prefer (you can mix different vaccines if you have to so i reccomend just marking all of them for the age groups you need), and when the next page loads mark the "Bridge Access Program Participant" option to see only locations that are Bridge Access Program participants. Hopefully, other places that aren't CVS will start participating soon, so just check back every so often to see if there are any updates. The CDC Bridge Access Program website also has more details on what locations will be participating, but only CVS is appearing as an active participant on the vaccines.gov location finder at the moment.
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covid-safer-hotties · 3 months
CDC Recommends Multi-layered Protection Against COVID-19 as it recognises SARS-CoV-2 is a Year-round Threat
Published July 4, 2024
The US Center for Disease Control now recommends immunization, hand hygiene, clean air, isolation, treatment, face masks, social distancing and testing to prevent and protect against COVID-19 and tells the public there is no sign of SARS-CoV-2 becoming a winter virus.
In this update published on 3 July, the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases warns the public that COVID-19 is likely to remain a year-round threat. This new official advice is at odds with the recommendations of some vocal scientists, who, without evidence, still push the line that COVID-19 will simply attenuate or weaken over time to join the many causes of the common cold, only really affects the vulnerable, or that it will become a winter bug.
The CDC’s new position is a welcome recognition of reality and an acknowledgement that those who expected SARS-CoV-2 to settle into a winter virus pattern were wrong. The advice to adopt multi-layered protection is perhaps a tacit admission that COVID-19 is taking more of a toll on public health than many people expected.
In a study recently published in Science, Peluso et al. provide compelling evidence for two potential contributors to Long Covid: persistent SARS-CoV-2 and aberrant T cell activation, both of which can be found for up to two years after acute infection.
A recent review published in Medical Review sets out the spectrum of disease pathology with COVID-19 and Long Covid and gives some clues about why we’re seeing an increase in long-term sickness and in work disability around the world.
Our recommendation remains the same, take whatever steps you can to protect you and yours from COVID-19. You can find our advice here, or download the US Center for Disease Control’s easy to follow graphic on multi-layered protection.
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charliejaneanders · 3 months
Politically, governments decided to sell a “we beat the pandemic” narrative to the public after vaccines failed to produce herd immunity as promised. For this reason, political health bodies like the CDC began putting out guidance from the very top encouraging people to accept the “new normal” of unending reinfections. Acceptance of constant reinfections relies heavily on the perception that COVID infections are a truly neutral event for your health- something that no research, and no study, has ever concluded.
COVID infection endangers pregnancies and newborns. Why aren't parents being warned?
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
The Injection Put into People’s Arms Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a SCHEDULED TOXIN Dr. David Martin explains why the COVID shots are actually bioweapons, not vaccines.
• Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna explicitly described mRNA as an experimental gene therapy in their SEC filings.
• Coronavirus fragments were described as “bio-warfare enabling technology” at a 2005 DARPA conference.
• According to 7 CFR Part 331, the spike protein associated with any modification of coronavirus is classified as a biological weapon.
• The injections instruct the human body to manufacture a scheduled toxin (spike protein).
It's all beginning to make sense after 4 years! I developed heart problems after recieving the Pfizer vaccines and my wife developed a rare heart condition after the Moderna vaccines. We were all snookered into believing that big Pharma and our Big Brother government actually had our best interests in heart when in actuality, we were all subjects in a massive worldwide experiment. Very sad days indeed! Big Pharma cannot be trusted!
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feminist-space · 1 year
The CDC says to protect your lungs from ash and dust and other pollutant particulates in the air, you should wear long sleeved shirts.
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Welcome to the first bracket of US Government Agencies! This is being run by the mod of @centers-for-disease-control. Also, I am aware a couple of these technically are not government agencies, but this is just a silly tumblr bracket.
Tag list:
#mx gov speaks: me just talking, feel free to filter this tag if you just want the polls
#actual polls: just the polls minus round 1a because I didn’t implement this until after I posted those polls
#tumblr polls: talking about polls and the polls
#government agencies: talking about the agencies
#brackets: people’s personal brackets and the polls
Below we have the set up for round one:
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Round One A: ENDED ON FEBRUARY 22nd AT 9:30 AM EST
Nasa vs ICE winner: NASA
USPS vs MSHS winner: USPS
DEA vs NARA winner: NARA
DHS vs FDA winner: FDA
USGS vs DOC winner: USGS
Air Force vs USDA winner: USDA
NPS vs Navy winner: NPS
AMTRAK vs DOJ winner: Amtrak
DOL vs DOT winner: DOT
VA vs Coast Guard winner: VA
OSHA vs DOI winner: OSHA
FBI vs CIA winner: FBI
Army vs ED winner: ED
NIH vs IRS winner: NIH
DOE vs BIA winner: DOE
DOS vs CDC winner: CDC
Round One B: ENDS ON FEBRUARY 24th AT 7:00 PM EST
DODEA vs EPA winner: EPA
EEOC vs Smithsonian winner: Smithsonian
GSA vs FAA winner: FAA
The Fed vs NOAA winner: NOAA
DARPA vs FTC winner: FTC
SSA vs FEC winner: SSA
Marines vs CSB winner: CSB
ODWC vs LACounty winner: ODWC
NSF vs Mitre winner: NSF
BLS vs NLRB winner: NLRB
CFPB vs PHS winner: PHS
Census vs Secret Service winner: Census
WPA vs NIST winner: NIST
NPR vs Draft winner: NPR
Round 2 is schedule to be posted at 8 AM EST on February 25th and end at 8AM EST on February 26th
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debbie-sketch · 7 months
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Walking sunshine puppies is hard.
Insta: @debbiebalboa
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sbrown82 · 8 months
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gwydionmisha · 7 months
They are going to kill some kids, aren't they?
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lasseling · 30 days
RFK Jr. Endorses Trump, Delivers Historic Speech for the Ages
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. surprised everyone today with a twist that defied expectations. While the big news was an imminent Trump endorsement, it was Kennedy’s other revelation that arguably had Trump and Kennedy fans even more excited. Let’s take a closer look at what he had to say.
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dosesofcommonsense · 5 months
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Big Pharma AND our “health” organizations are corrupt and need to be disbanded.
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lilithism1848 · 7 months
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truth4ourfreedom · 4 months
"The general director will be given much more discretion to declare a public health emergency & to maintain it without any mechanism that could stop him."
The World Health Organization is about to seize power over your health, explains Swiss attorney @ KruseLawyer
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